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European here. This whole Trump thing was pretty funny, but

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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European here.

This whole Trump thing was pretty funny, but I kinda thought ameriguns would end the joke nearer the primaries, but I guess not.

So I gotta ask, is this actually for real ameriguns? I don't hate america, I dont really harbour any dislike for your people.... but this guy... I mean... are people really actually going to make this ape president?

Surely you must realize what this would do to your already damaged reputation. merigun politics are already kind of a running joke, but this is too much... do you now want to be respected on the world stage?

Whether or not I support Trump is a moot point, as I would never take advice from a continent that spread its legs for a million-strong horde of Muslims to run in screaming and rape it to death.

Fix your own shit before you start worrying about us. Protect your women. Then I'll listen to your unsolicited advice.
Euro here too.

I think it's safe to say after the re-election of W. Bush that the majority of Americans is indeed retarded.

We worry because its your "world police" mentality that made all of this happen.

If you were smarter, you would be able to see it.
>I don't hate america, I dont really harbour any dislike for your people
Amerifag here. It's perfectly acceptable to hate Amerifats who vote for Trump. They're knuckledraggers. Nobody likes them. Don't feel bad about it, OP.
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"i like to dress up as wolvy (my 3rd fav x man)
not everybody thinks that its cool, but i finally met a girl who thinks im a 10/10 would bang like bam in my wolverine suit.
she'd come over sometimes while her boyfriend was away after school.

once the door would close she'd almost instantly get naked. most times she'd put on her favorite song and start sucking. then she would cry. her tears and makeup would drip down her face onto my dick. its surprising how cold tears are. eventually i finally asked her what was wrong. in between licks she told me that her favorite song was also her bfs favorite song. so even though she loved hearing it and it totally got her pussy wet, it also made her think about the fact that she was cheating on her boyfriend. i dont think i ever came harder down somebodies throat then right after she told me that. she was beautiful. we dont hang out anymore. wanna get lunch?

this was the song:
WTF? ameriguns? are you retarded or something?
that would be re-election of Obama.
aren't you late for prayer infidel?
says the bernfag.
sure. cringeworthy.
>found the Trump supporter
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Says the guy who has niggers not only killing people en masse, but running the fucking country.
Swissbro here.

I'd vote for Trump. He's always been a Democrat, but has enough balls to get conservative for what matters. He's the most moderate guy in the Republican party and he's the most conservative guy compared to the Democrats.

He's the only one that cannot be bought, which is really all that matters in US politics. Everyone else has already sold his agenda for sponsors amongst lobbyists. That's why every news outlet is out to get Trump, that's why you think you hate him.

Look at CNN's headlines about Trump: it's a daily onslaught of propaganda.

All corporations risk big if Trump wins, which is exactly why you should vote for him.

Stop being a fucking arrogant Eurocunt.

Switzerland out.
>Everyone else has already sold his agenda
And if he wins, he will auction everything.
The criticism will continue because medias are mainly left-faggots
Vote for trump = erase all niggers
>the most moderate guy in the Republican party
nice one dude
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murricans are to dumb to realise that the whole flood of immigrants started about the same time as they started to "liberate" shitholes from their dictators, with no dictator in controll, people are seeking their chanse to move to a country where they can get shitloads of bennefits and a get out of jail card for raping blond women.

Europe actually had a deal with Gadaffi, the nignogs didnt get over the sea when he was in charge or atleast not nearly as many,
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And before you cunts decided to "liberate" afghanistan and Iraq, we had nearly no afghan or iraqui rapefugees here.
Keep it down dude, we don't want what happened when Bin Laden died to happen again, now do we.
Euro here
I would vote Trump and so would do a lot of euros who are not fucking cucks like you.
I hope you enjoy your ''gutmensch'' feelings
Zieg heil /b/ro
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>Dem strings
Who's pulling them, I wonder.
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Chill down Ahmed.
>Zieg heil /b/ro
retard spotted that believes everything the media says
when foreigners tell us what's good for us and don't want us to elect someone - we'll just vote him in to show you you're not running a damn thing. The last time they listened to others Obama was elected - one of the most feckless Presidents we've ever had and sad to say the first one elected who does not love his country.
you sure showed me.

what media would that be?

that guy as been in the public eye for decades, are you so blind that you can't see what is and isn't a fabrication.
You're just pissed the EU sucks and the US cucks (you).

Prepare your anus, salad eater.
>US cucks
I'd rate your welfare retardation/10
better than Hillary
>what media would that be?
CNN/FOX etc.
You are the kind of guy that thinks that if Trump had put all his money that he inherited into the sp500 stocks, he would have been richer. Because that is what the media said XDDD
Btw you sure showed me by implying that I'm a nazi.
>oh I do not agree with his political views
>He is such a nazi, right guise XDDD
Typical leftist behaviour
at least u understand niggers are a problem.
4chan is getting raided by shills trying to dissuade people from voting for the god emperor

based anon confirmed
>Surely you must realize what this would do to your already damaged reputation.
We've completely quit pretending that we care what the rest of the world thinks of us.

The sad irony is that you've been raised believing your opinion on America matters. And our liberals, in their never ending competition to be more tolerant than one another, openly endorsed this fantasy.

The mask has been removed, OP. And you should stop laughing at the face that's behind it and start considering the implications that we've taken it off.
OP, fuck USA. if they elect Trump, it will be their downfall. they might think that they can decide the worlds political topics, but once Trump is president, all other countries won't deal with USA anymore as they used to. most partnerships won't work any longer and the US american economy will have a big crises. they might have the idea of having more wars with other countries in order to boost the economy, but there will be no western state following trump into a war. it's their downfall, but they are too selfish to think that other countries will stop negociating with them once Trump is a president
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Because as an American I fear intelligence and am a nostalgic fool who doesn't seek progression, and furthermore the retards way outnumber the intellectuals.
Jokes on you, i'm not American and i don't watch tv.

If his political values are "gather all of [insert religion/nationality] in confinement centers he is indeed a nazi.
trump has no experience in politics. how is he supposed to lead a country?
OP Trump really is garnering a lot of attention here, enough to be the Republican nominee.

Why is this so surprising to you? Were you too young to remember the Bush Years?

This country is full of fucking right-wing dipshits.
You don't need that anymore. Just surround yourself with advisers. And lawyers.
>in confinement centers he is indeed a nazi.
Where did you get this from ''eurobro''?
This is ofc false and I hope you know this
2/10 b8
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I thought it was a joke too, but his supporters don't seem to be in on it. It's actually getting scary now. /pol/ is so excited they're actually leaving their basements now. Pic related.
Fuck you Europe. Go worry about your own countries.
does it even matter who is elected?
the corporations run america
*murica national anthem starts playing*
>everyone places hand on heart
>crying and screaming/singing like fucking retards
>Throw cowboyhats in air at end of anthem
>"n'ah luv merica, n'ah luv jebus"
This could not be more accurate.
>I don't speak english well enough to know that I'm using the word "cuck" incorrectly.
>Advisers and lawyers (from companies), which will follow only their interests and give a fuck about the folk.

as an european anon I don't follow that much what is happening in USA. but at least sanders seems to care more about the people that others do.
Sadly, this is true. God help you if you stay seated.
>it's their downfall, but they are too selfish to think that other countries will stop negociating with them once Trump is a president
This is both sad and pathetic.

You *actually* think that the US has the most to lose out of this.
Did you ever realize that our nation is far more self sufficient than yours?
I don't think your government is prepared for the consequences of mocking the leading presidential candidate of the most powerful nation in history.

Why did you never stop and realize that what Trump has accomplished this far alone proves he already is more powerful and influential than any leaders of your nation?
It's one thing to poke sleeping giants, but it's already awake.
>Eurofag firmly establishes, once again, why America has quit listening to the opininons of eurocucks.
>being this clueless
He's pretty nuetral on social issues and honestly isn't the most conservative
Kek. We elected Obama and you think we care what the world thinks of is? The only reason that clown got elected was white guilt. Worst President in over a century. I'm not a Trump supporter but even he would be an improvement to the embarrassment we have in office now.
>Cruz 2016
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pic related
>I know trump is an extremist because my friends posted memes and image macros on facebook. That proves it.
Sanders is truly a unique candidate
the elections are a farce, a distraction
>"cuck" incorrectly
then tell me how you should use it and why that was wrongly used.
protip: you can't
Toppled by Shillary under the direction of Obama. Damn anon, do you live under a rock?
>do you
Sanders is all emotion, zero accomplishment.

Convincing people that the sun should shine will not cause the clouds to disperse.
if you're using "cuck at all"
lel supporting cruz
confirmed 12 year old
>30 years in politics
>zero accomplishment
pick one
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the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.
>donald trump will make anime real
top kek. USA is full of useless people. and you guys are sure that you don't want imigrants working for a shitty loan for you? do you think that those betas will do the work?
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>but I kinda thought ameriguns would end the joke nearer the primaries
don't forget that this is just one party in Ameriguh

that which can't win elections, so we're safe
No it's both. Really.
you couldnt be any more wrong.
Pick both.

Being a politician for 30 years IS a total lack of accomplishment, and the surest sign that someone is completely divorced from reality.
You couldn't be more in denial.
Putin likes him.
>asking Americans about world stage

No it's actually one
Sanders has more experience than any of the candidates on the Republican side, and only Hillary's SOS gig is above that
Not the US's fault that Europeans are bleeding hearts that cannot say "No."
The Saudis, Iranians, Pakistanis, etc. all told the refugees to fuck off. The Europeans (Particularly the Germans) let them in with open arms and demonized anyone who spoke out against it.
This is not America's fault and we are trying to elect a leader who will ensure it doesn't become our problem.
thank you, glad you agree with me
>circus scene
>zero accomplishment.
He's been working small miracles in local & federal government since the '80's.
Sorry faggot but I'm not going to google Sanders' decades of accomplishments from working in the public sector.

Thanks for proving why voters are so uniformed in this country.
Listen, we have plenty of useless people here. Remember, if Trump is winning 40-50% in the primaries, that's 40-50% of 50% of the country. His voters are not representative of us, though they are a significant stupid minority. We're doing our best to put an end to this nonsense.
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>"small miracles"
Oh fucking christ, is THIS the terminology you fags are using now?
Deaf ears

anons would rather hear how some 4 time bankrupt "businessman" makes money off his father's inheritance
Not sure if bait or plain redneck
>most powerful nation in history
that's what I am saying with selfish. you guys still think that you are the most powerful nation in the world. that's history. and claiming that donald trump is succesful, you should pay attention and check is latest projects which failed.
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>you agree with me
Then why aren't you posting in /pol/ with the rest of your kind?
It's like Germany and Sweden are competing for the Cuckold Capital of the world. When did European men become so neutered??
Yes, every time someone's pocket gets picked, a miracle has occurred.
Actually faggot, you're welcome to list Sanders' most significant failures from 30 years in politics. I'm guessing you can't.
Being a politician is not, and will never be "an accomplishment".

Get over it.
trolled hard
Go back to feudalism eurocuck faggot. You can't say shit.
For real it was never a joke for me

will somebody please read what noam is saying, i think he has a point...
>Hillary wouldn't crush him in the general

I think Trump is far and away the best of the three, realistically potential candidates. But he won't beat Hillary in November; way too many butthurt Democrats to let that happen.
Could care less what the world thinks about us thats the problem these days. I just want to make america great agian
You really don´t think that Trump takes multi-million super-PAC´s from lobbyists? Surely you can´t be that naive
>ur a nazi XDDD
sad to see that's the only thing you can come up with.
You know that Trump is pro israel right?
You probably don't even know what a nazi is
you are right, dude. it makes me only angry when I see how people support such idiot like trump. but yeah, not all US americans are stupid. i really hope you will elect someone who is for the folks interest and helps improving the society, because it is that what USA needs. and not more hate and racism.
he'll eat Hilary up in debates tho. thats where this all falls apart for the democrats
Actually the fact that Sanders has been elected time and again says otherwise. You're just a cynic who's going to either stay home or vote Republican. Which is pretty much the same thing.
>you guys still think that you are the most powerful nation in the world.
Because what we think is congruent with reality.
> you should pay attention and check is latest projects which failed.
Oh no, one of hundreds of businesses failed. Surely this one invalidates the rest.
First post best post
That which accomplishes nothing cannot fail, friend.
How would Trump "eat up Hillary?" She can handle personal attacks.

Nothing Trump says is of substance otherwise and Clinton is going to mop the floor with him.
Trust me, she's been waiting for the day.
the fact that there isn't other viable options is in and of itself the problem with this so called democracy
He may have the rhetoric advantage, but there's no way that will give him the win. All of the Republicans who hate his guts simply won't show up to vote, but EVERY freaking Democrat who is terrified of Trump being the president (when Obama was an utter failure) will show up to make sure he doesn't win.
Lol, poor bern victims. Cucked so hard by fucking Clinton.
You've got an unhealthy attitude towards muslims and women
So you don't actually have any tangible examples that would either tarnish or discredit Sanders' 30 year history in public service.

I'm shocked. Shocked.
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Trumpfags are Nazis
>He's pro-israel!
Sanders is a jew.

You guys are ridiculously inconsistent.
Why? He actually gives a shit about his reputation.
>Actually the fact that Sanders has been elected time and again says otherwise.
Politicians matter because politicians matter.

Why are you so easily impressed by sophistry?
Are you that easily impressed?
>viable opinions
don't grow on trees
you only have yourself to blame for wishing 3rd parties did
we have the Democrats and the best thing you could do in the meantime is support them.
So what no one asked for your opinion.
>More self sufficient than an entire continent
Anon, America might be a big thing, but you don't have to lie about it.
>Implying this entire thread isn't Americans getting up in arms about obvious bait
he's going to unhinge that bitch on national tv. thats whats going to happen. he's going to make her fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE on live tv. guaranteed if they debate as the candidates.
Well people that come from regressive cultures should get integrated to a better point of view of the world or be thrown into ze gas chamber
Because he's already proven he can. Even Obama spinelessly limped around immigration issues. Trump has called it front and center and pointed a direct plan of sensible action.
Sharia us all the reason to dislike Muslims that we could possibly need.
one of hundred. yeah sure, faggot

keep receiving the chinese money in order to boost your economy and live your lifestyle but pretending that's due to the powerful nation you have.
I am not impressed by your political cynicism, actually
and you're a good reason why the social conservatives have a stranglehold on this country right now
He speaks for the trash and the ignorant who want to keep America, America, or what they think it should be. We're screwed European friends. We are so screwed. .
Because Fuck You, Europe. That's why.

We've seen what socialist policies lead to by looking at you.

You're weak. You're useless.

Aside from a few spots, you're just tourist destinations. Europe doesn't matter anymore and no one wants to be like you.

You will slowly fade into fucking nothing as even shitskin countries surpass yours.
>thinking I hate jews
I'm jewish so that would be kind of weird
I don't browse /pol/, I browse /int/
you really are pathetic
I'm trying to give you a hint about politics and how it operates.

Being a politician is not an accomplishment.
So pointing out that Sanders has won more than just a few elections is a "fallacious argument" now?

I don't get it either. My family consists of die hard republicans, and they're not supporting him. Instead, they've buried their heads in the sand and have stopped watching the news.
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that is such a shit way of thinking you fucking faggott
>Sanders is all emotion, zero accomplishment.
Let's test this hypothesis, shall we?

Bernie Sanders has managed to
> give democratic socialist ides a voice in Congress for over 30 years
"Marketplace of ideas", even conservatives likes that, amirite?
> make democratic socialism cool again
> in Murica
> and not among a tiny minority of eggheads, but actually a majority of young people (certainly a YUGE majority of young Democrats)
> out-fundraise Hillary "that'll be $200K for that speech" Clinton
demonstrating that the people CAN defeat big money
> push the Overton window DRAMATICALLY to the left
Even if he isn't elected (or even nominated), this will have a lasting impact.
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>"So what..."

at least you acknowledge it :)
how's being 12 in 8th grade in mommy's basement?
I find it funny that this probably isn't bait.

He did reality tv, his reputation is below shit.
>More self sufficient than an entire continent
This US *is* an entire continent.

Have you forgetten that we own canada?
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>So I gotta ask, is this actually for real ameriguns?
Trump is a false-flag candidate.
It's really the only way Hillary can win.
Just look at the primaries.
Do you REALLY think a hundred-year-old Jew is the best the democratic party could do?

Hillary is a back-room-deal lock.
The dems and repubs are both putting up unwinnable candidates.
After Hillary wins, John Boehner gets to take the anal virginity of all house Democrats, and the blood of Harry Reid's grandchildren to use as a sacrifice to Satan.
Congratulations, you're supporting the same guy that the NeoNazis are. You really are pathetic.
That's a persona. His name is a brand. I'm talking about his actual reputation.

Have you ever actually met a muslim?
USA, most powerful nation in the world. yeah, well, no!

"The U.S. debt to China is $1.246 trillion, as of December 2015." source:

and you guys think that it wont get worse with Trump? you must be lunatics
So once again, you have no glaring examples of failures Sanders is responsible in 30 years of public service.

I'd just like to make it clear I've asked you several times to cite some.

And again, I could give a fuck about your cynical worldview. You are the problem with this society, not the solution. Let's keep going in circles.
Yeah reality's a bitch isn't it
your moms basement is nice. she makes a mean flapjack faggot, you should be more grateful
You can blame the naysayer for why the clouds didn't part despite your best efforts. But that won't mean the sun is going to shine after you silence him.
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>all corporations risk big if Trump wins

Stopped reading
The way primary season works is voters from each political party vote for their standard-bearer to represent the party in the General Election in November, during which all voters across the country vote for their preferred candidate.

We're still at the primary stage where, for the Republican Party, Mr. Trump holds the frontrunner status and is the top candidate to represent his party for the fall election.

Having said that, we're barely 1/3rd of the way through the process. During July/August we'll know, for sure, who the General Election candidates will be.

Everything else is just speculation.
Everything you just said is just your opinion hate to tell ya but most of the usa don't think that way. As you can see with trumps lead with the popular vote
real clever faggot parroting my words back at me
it's almost as if you Drumpf tards can't even formulate OC
and ex-criminals have voted for Obama, that doens't mean anything. Holy shit you are stupid af tbqh
Believe me, the sun comes out every time he (you) doesn't post,
Quite a few, and they are generally exceptionally nice and humble people. But, most of those I have met DO support Sharia Law and the numerous Middle Eastern states that employ it.
keep receiving the chinese money in order to boost your economy and live your lifestyle but pretending that's due to the powerful nation you have.
I will because it's a fact that we control far more untapped resources than we've bothered exploiting than you have on your whole continent.

Either way, you really need to come to terms with how small and effete your nation really is instead of spouting "MUH CHINA".
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reddit shills gtfo
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>thinking a debt to china matters
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>implying Trump supporters are known for being well educated.
I don't think you understand how the U.S.-china debt system works, It's long term debt payment, where we pay back older debts while getting new debts. Most countries are "indebted" to other countries this way.
He should do like a Persona and shoot himself in the head 2bch.
Who the fuck is going to be the actual nominee? Rubio? Cruz? They aren't even polling.
Unless the RNC is going to play a dirty trick, Trump is it. Quit pretending.
Note gonna change my vote because some retard group endorses him. Thats supid

They are all in jail.
Fuck, this is solid
>muh anecdotes
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No. It's just that it's circular.

Is hillary a failed politician for losing against obama? No. She's still employed and afluent.

The grounds for being a "failed politician" are so low that few people achieve it.
will you promise to move to canada too with the rest of the niggers?
Trumps winning faggot
They understand the economy better than the average Sanders supporter; that's for sure.
46% of all the highly educated people that voted in Nevada voted for Trump.
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Why is that a picture of Mitch McConnell???
Next I tried Google Image Search for "john boehner satan" and almost all I got was plain John Boehner, go figure.
Why? He seems pretty chill.
why are you faggots calling him Trump? His name is DRUMPF!!

Yeah, those 170 economists who support Sanders plan don't know shit. How many support ANY part of Trump's plan?
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Dont listen to the media, if we have a nig nog problem we end up shooting them.

Cant out flim flam the zim zam my son
Yeah like we would listen to what some british dude said......
Cruz has a very reasonable chance at being the nominee if the convention is contested, which, barring a landslide victory on March 15 for Mr. Trump looks increasingly likely.
The bullshit is starting to drip from your mouth. Might want to clean that off.
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>I think it's safe to say after the re-election of W. Bush that the majority of Americans is indeed retarded.
those were troubled times. the peak of the post-9/11 ultra-patriotism was around 2004. it was easy for the bush regime to take advantage of that and get the election.
>> and not among a tiny minority of eggheads, but actually a majority of young people (certainly a YUGE majority of young Democrats)
Free college in the US is pure sophistry and appeals only to millenials.

It a terrible idea considering our systems' near total lack of drive towards profitable careers, There is a need for education reform, and I promise its not just "make it free".
I can dump the list if you like.
lmao dudeeee he has a funny name lmaoooo xDDDDD this totally negates all his excellent policies and experience! we did it reddit!
You really have zero understanding of how debt works on a national scale, do you?

>Underrated post
Re election of Obama*

Using retarded memes make you look less professional
Trump hasn't revealed a "plan" he'll quite possibly the first candidate to not break all of his campaign promises once he's elected because he's made none other than "making america great again"
>No solution
Here's a solution:

Get politicians out of politics.
It's actually fact. Without doing your work for you.
And this is why i am gonna vote for him and my fam
>Whether or not I support Trump is a moot point, as I would never take advice from a continent that spread its legs for a million-strong horde of Muslims to run in screaming and rape it to death.
>Fix your own shit before you start worrying about us. Protect your women. Then I'll listen to your unsolicited advice.

this beautiful comment is why I come to /b/. Top. Fucking. Quality.
Go ahead, then ask yourself if you have checked the backgrounds of these "economists" to see if they have previous biases or are indeed professionals. Is there sources on the list or is it just names?
you are a retard if you think America isn't the most powerful county in the world.
>following politics.

This election is pure garbage. A real sign of the times. People have absolutely lost all morals and logic.

The only answer is to reset the government. That won't happen. It is game over, friends.
They're not going to "contest" anything. None of the other candidates will have enough electoral votes to do it.
I went on his site and looked at his proposals, they may as well have been written in crayon. Other politicians have in depth proposals that go on for pages and pages, his included the phrase "we're going to unleash the power of American ingenuity". It was laughable.
I'd rather keep politicians in place with their various faults then the vigilante justice you want running this country
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>There is a need for education reform, and I promise its not just "make it free".
What we REALLY need is to bring back labor unions.
Back when 1 in 3 American was in a labor union, the average high school grad could support a family of 5-6 on ONE INCOME.
Bring back those days, and you won't have every parent in America desperately trying to but their offspring a better future through a (potentially) worthless, yet ridiculously expensive, degree.

Some people think the death penalty and gun ownership is just as barbaric as sharia law in america... Just saying, it's all relative
>Other politicians have in depth proposals that go on for pages and pages
no they don't
>desperately trying to *BUY* their offspring a better future
If none of the candidates reach the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination before the convention, the delegates (those are not bound) are free to choose whichever candidate they like.

In this scenario, Cruz (or even possibly Kasich) could potentially wind up the nominee if enough delegates defect to their camps during the convention.

For more on this:
This, BUT...

You also need to force corporations to bring work back from overseas to American employees. They'd take a hit on their profit margin but you'd basically solve all of the economic problems in this country with one stroke.
>Free college … appeals only to millenials.
and anyone who is or is liekly to become a parent or grandparent of a college student.

>It a terrible idea considering our systems' near total lack of drive towards profitable careers,
Europeans get a lot of liberal arts degrees, too. And still free college works for them.

(Yes, not all European countries offer free college educations, but many do. None are as crazy expensive as we are.)
such as?


All the muslims you met? or all the muslims in the world?
fuck you Arab scum, you think the Jews wanted tens of thousands of Muslfucks coming to Europe to murder Jews like they did in France?

The great part about antisemitism is it not only defies logic but seems to exist outside of the realm of logic. World War 1 starts, as result of Russia encouraging Serb nationalism, combined with resistance by Germany and egged on by miscalculations by Britain and France? Blame Jews, who suffered in the war! Terrible punishment of Germany by the victorious allies? Blame German Jews, who suffered like everyone else there! World War 2 started by Hitler, with millions of Jews gassed and starved to death, handed over willingly by their neighbors in every country- guess what you do-- blame Jews! Did you know in Poland there was actually a pogrom a year AFTER the war was over? Poles blamed Jews for the war and killed several when they attacked an apartment building many Jews lived in.
It's relative to a point. Putting to death a man who is rightfully convicted of a homicide is completely different than slaughtering a woman for being raped.

If you try to argue that those are the same then you must not be of sound mind, or are trying to rustle my jimmies.
Lol, I love that this failed just like the Tuck Frump and Deport Racism memes did.
Dear OP.

I know it must hurt that we don't wanna cuck and elect a Merkel.

Sorry OP we don't care.
You do realize thise "pages and pages" are 80% lies. Why vote for a candidate that you know can't or won't do half of what he said. Thats why i will vote for trump because he has promised nothing mor the a few things
The image macro you just posted that generalizes a whole bunch of people with no proof behind it. You know any image that shows you have no sense of intelligence beyond what you've heard on 4chan.

Here's the PDF of the letter. The universities they come from include Harvard, Cornell, Berkeley, London College, etc. There's even an ex Goldman sachs employee on there. Unless Harvard isn't vetting their professors, I'd say they're more qualified than you to speak on the subject of economics and endorse somebody's plan. inb4 "they're only endorsing his plan to breakup the big banks", yes, I already know that.
>God help you if you stay seated
To eurofags: ^ this is not even a sarcastic joke.
>The only answer is to reset the government.
And do you know how the government is "reset"?

Here's a thought: how about by elections?
I hate all the candidates
>Thats why i will vote for trump because he has promised nothing mor the a few things

all of which are easily refutable as stupid reasons to support him
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Option 1. A socialist kike
Option 2. A scandelous feminazi
Option 3. A narcissistic ass clown

This election is the worst I've seen so far. This is a total fucking joke. Its really comical but super depressing at the same time.
O i am sorry i don't need a book full of lie to vote for someone.
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pretty much this
Too bad this doesn't really matter because a handful of economists isn't all of them. With the staggering amount of economists around there could be many who are apposed to Bernie's plans or are for someone else's.
Funny how Option 3 is the only true statement
I'm not that anon, and I don't need either.
Just saying Trump's proposals are a bunch of shit.
Faggot, none of those links are to any political candidate's website.
>I don't care that your guy has economists backing him and mine doesn't
Why ask for the info if you aren't even going to look into it?

I am trying to rustle your jimmies a bit. You're right, they are relative to a point. But where do you draw the line? Different cultures draw the line at different points, I'm not saying for a moment either is "correct". I just think don't agree 'eye for an eye'. I just think people should treat each other with the best human characteristics of empathy, compassion and love at all times.

This is also why I think Trump is a massive fanny, wi shite fir brainzzzz
Well i have to apologize your reply was the most mature one i have read in weeks. Lets agree to disagree
Give me an example of one you think is shit, and reasons why.
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European here.

I see no reason for anyone not to support Trump. He's the only non-left candidate with any chances of winning, he might hate on Islam and immigration, but both of those are currently a bad thing, and he is the only one with any financial understanding. He also knows how to play crowds, so its not surprising that people like him.

Also he is not favoured by the Tumblr gendertard LGBTQAA+ otherkin community, which is a massive plus in my books.
>Swissbro here
Opinion discarded mountain nigger. Literally the lowest of the european races.
The links came from Bernie's website, jackass. He went to the experts to put together his proposals.
You know, americans love guns? To the point where it's probably the first word that comes to mind about america?
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you're intolerant thats ignorant
it's just a prank bro

also that "image macro" is from an SNL sketch that aired right after the 2004 election. maybe you were too young to stay up that late when it aired?
And I agree with you, particularly on how we should treat one another. But we can't tolerate violent scumbags; real life isn't like Hollywood where the good guy can win by being sweet and compassionate. We have to flirt with our darker side of morality to provide a safe environment for law-abiding citizens.
1. The Wall. Stupid. Won't work. And Mexico sure isn't going to pay for it.

2. Income tax/corporate tax: the revenue shortfalls alone will cause serious social upheaval when social programs are cancelled and businesses don't hire, even with a 15% corporate tax.
3. 2nd Amendment: fearmongering, waste of resources. The Supreme Court has upheld the personal right to bear arms, and background checks and closing gun show loopholes are not un-Constitutional.

Not real impressed, anon.
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Great percentage of them are in jail

Other mudslimes of the world aren't because they live in their own shitty country and under sharia law that allow them to get their frustration out by beating their wifes up

In every civilisated countrys they are seen like wild animals

>do you no[t] want to be respected on the world stage

The people who are voting for Trump do not give a FUCK about the rest of the world. They are positive we are the best already, and couldn't care less about what Europeans think.
Providing sources is one thing. But no politicians website should be an eyesore to get through.

It's basically an advertisement.
Campaigning is all about selling yourself, faggot. Even drumpf knows that.
Trump shows off lots of signs of an alpha male. Weak, scared people who want someone to protect them eat that shit up. Expect him to be the republican nomine
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We're not only going to make America great again. We are going to make the world great again. Get in and let's do this!

I'm glad we can agree but:

>Violent scumbags
>good guy
>darker side of morality

These are all relative terms. If you want to demonstrate compassion, you've got to understand the motivations of the people you label as such. I don't believe Doland Drumpf does this, that's why I can't support him.
but you have a small penis
like Trump
The wall works for Israel

Literally every candidate is pro income/corporate tax. It's nothing new. Not a valid reason.

Good luck defending yourself with a blunt butterknife once the 2nd Amendment gets repealed.
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Anime fucking sucks – ALL OF IT.

It’s drawn like shit – stupid big eyes, stupid little noses and mouths.

Why the fuck do the backgrounds always go flying past while they’re just standing still? Why do their mouths and eyes always twitch? The fuck is that?

The lip syncing is shit – even if they were speaking Japanese it would be shit lip syncing because their mouths are drawn with two positions, open or closed. Mouths are much more complex than that.

All the story lines are shit – ALL OF THEM

>INB4 some dumb weaboos say, “no, you need to see blah blah blah, it’s good!”
No, no it’s not.

Weaboos are fucking forever alone virgin faggots.
Trump's current status in the Republican primaries is the best example of when the meme goes too far.

>implying the people's votes have any power

google electoral college.

trump will not be president.

Not sure if you're pulling my leg on this one. Could be bait.
If not, you really need to broaden your horizon's and read more, buddy.
Purge yourself
You sound like a fucking nigger. "But muh diuhk is soo. Big." Shut the fuck up and get in the bus faggot. You want that socialist nut bag to ruin this country?
>implying Israel=the US
>implying Palestineans=Mexicans
>not addressing 15% argument
>not addressing massive shortfalls in revenue
>2nd Amendment will get repealed
shitty arguments faggot
Actually if Sanders got in you might have the chance to take a free class in social studies so you could learn the proper definitions of related words
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>pointed a direct plan of sensible action
>build a big fuck off wall funded by the other side
>sensible action
I'll purge my balls all over you and your mom's faces. And then you will swap cum with your mom while I fuck your sister
Trump is an asshole
>Trump shows off lots of signs of an alpha male.

>huge inferiority complex about his tiny fingers and dick
>scared of Megyn Kelly
>apparently scared of women in general
(why else does he feel he need to make these crude jokes all the time)
>really thin-skinned to any criticism
>constantly toots his own horn
Drumpf is the opposite of alpha
Why is /b/ full of so many pathetic whiney liberals lately? Good old /b/ was never like this, the political views of this board have completely changed. What happened? Did 4chan's increasing popularity open the floodgates to shitty reddit tier sheep? You people are cancer
You seem like some I'd beat up.
Other websites got shut down, the traffic immigrated here. This isn't your hugbox faggot. Never was.
>The wall works for Israel

if we had a quarter of the terrorist attacks Israel has been having (despite the wall), we'd blown up the world already.
I took social studies backnowledge in the day. Before the liberals turned it into socialist studies. Have you ever stopped to appreciate how all of the great achievements have been a result of capitalistic societies. What great shit has ever come from a socialist society. Other than communism and fascism?
There are worse thing then niggers that both of you faggots should be worried about. When the shit goes down, it will be niggers that will be willing to stand with your asses for when those suicide bombers come running at you in groups.
This. Anon thinks that turning your country into a frightened police state "works."
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/pol/ is your safespace. /b/ is not. Now fuck off, faggot.


Seeing as how you cringingly compare Communism to policies more reminiscent of the New Deal, my point stands. You are an ignorant retard made dangerous by your right to vote.
>Anon thinks that turning your country into a frightened police state "works"

Yeah because building a wall at the border is going to do that? Really? There are plenty of successful countries that have some form of protection at their borders, right now anyone can walk in. A country is not a country without borders.
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Here here!
Prove how easy it is. Go to Mexico and then walk north across that border without papers.
you know what? Fuck you. You've never met a REAL fucking muslim. I've met an ex muslim. His family was actually from the middle east. He was brutally beaten at a young age, sisters were raped. In your protected little suburb, you don't know true Islam. Go to the middle east, see the theocracies that impose dress codes upon women and stone the gays to death. Liberals now support the most intolerant religion on the planet, the 'minority' that is Islam, the 2nd biggest religion in the world.
Elect Trump the "monkey"? We already elected a monkey last time.
I know right.. and mark my words. In a few short years those mudslime wreckugees are going to really fuck shit up in eurocuckland. And they are gonna come whining to america to help. And I hope the fuck president trump reminds thwm of all the shit they gave us about not taking those shitskin neanderthals when he tells them to go fuck themselves.
You are the fucking retard. Thw new deal in NO way transferred ownership of production to the government. Jesus fuck!! Do you just lap up what your teachers pour into your face. LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS.
I used to have a muslim girlfriend. Shit was cash.
Actually that was my point. What Sanders is proposing is nothing like the crap anons are fearmongering over.
Thousands do it every day. Also plenty of drug trafficking.
And then along came Drumpf
I used to fuck your mom 5 times a day on a rug facing Mecca
Good. Then you should be able to do it with no problem.
not that anon but I did it
they waved me through because I'm white though
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I've already read enough of the Quran and it made me understand why these mudslimes are that hateful about everything.
They aren't allowed of doing anything except praying allah and killing the infidels.

I don't have to read more of it, just look at all the mudslimes countrys, they are all corrupted and full of hate. Low IQ and stupid allah texts are the reason why
The hero we need
Britfag here, I don't care about that shit. I just think we should recolonize America
You sound like you suffer from penis envy.
Thanks for taking one for the team. She's an unfortunate looking woman.
>full of hate
and for you it's Low IQ, Fox, /pol/ and Stormfront.
I'd vote for him if I could have a single night of pleasure with Ivanka
>we should recolonize America
with chavs?
Reminds me of the screenshots of paypal accounts with huge balances.
Yup. This.
Islam has a problem. I have read lots of middle eastern literature, some from women/gays...I understand modern liberals like to deny reality, but Islam has a legitimate problem, it is denying basic natural rights to its citizens, crushed by the weight of this ancient belief system preventing them from standing up and blossoming into the modern age. The truth is, anon, if the middle east didn't have oil, it would be like Africa. If you want to be so empathetic, reserve your empathy for those who were born under sharia law with no choice, who do not acknowledge their true beliefs/feelings for fear of death. We have courts. We have judges. If what you're saying was unanimously believed in the western world, we'd be gone. Sorry for the ad hominem, but I personally believe that you lack vehemence/belief/spine too much to be taken seriously in discussions such as these.
>implying a few butthurt faggots are an army
My old man did the same before 9/11. We need to get a swarthy looking Drumpfag to grow a mustache and then try it. Not at a border crossing either, across the desert like a true border hopper.
Blond is for males.
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Ha, those scum, no way. Personally I'd have them all exterminated
Naw, chavs would totally fit in the American South
you have no idea
I'm not going to convince you and i don't want to. keep your poisonous ideas to yourself mate
you underestimate how many conservatives with a like-mindedness of trump. Ignore the online presence of Libtards, they may seem many but when it comes to the polls you can see they are beta underage banned faggots
Don't think so, pretty soon your country'll be called Britanistan, don't want sharia law in the last safehaven of freedom, and I know it's not perfect, but it's our little slice of home. Also it's not filled with rapists and we don't persecute people for speaking up about being raped because the perpetrators were minorities.

I like Donald Trump
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you really have a filthy muslim rape fetish
greentext one of your fantasies
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You got me...
Are you high?
It's Paul Ryan now not Boner
nice meme
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>be me
>nuke Mecca
>jizz in my pants

It's a mollusc
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