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degeneracy continued

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 177
Thread images: 151
degeneracy continued
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Also gay furry hook-up thread, I guess
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idk id assume if you spend all day looking at porn you end up getting desensitized
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Don't remind me.
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At this age? I find that highly unlikely.
Annoyed by the anons or saddened that you don't have a qt bf, Kaybe?
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Who even wants a qt bf, anyway?
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Desensitized to porn? Lunacy. Porn is great. I hang out in these threads when I'm not jerking off. It's awesome.
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I do.
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thats just what I read somewhere.
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nah it makes my sex drive higher
Only the gays, it seems
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i really want a qt....
I do ;_;

I think you can become desensitized to it in a sexual context, if you rely on it solely to get yourself off. But I can't see being desensitized to it in general. It's still porn, still fucking, still great.
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Thank you for answering my non-rhetorical question.

I don't buy into that stuff. It's all in that weird "porn gives you ED" camp.



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How you doin'?
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i think it was something about a porn camera-man getting desensitized with all the sex he was watching everyday. It wasnt any of those no fap theories or anything
I've been called qt.
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At least you know now.
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Aww yiss. Shower sex FTW.

Yeah well, them feels and whatnot.
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my last boyfriend would get off sitting on my lap as we played in these threads
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Wow you must be gay or something, then
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hey sexy
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indeed. Lets get soapy and slap our cheeky sausages together
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i bet you are ;-)
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That sucks for him. I would hate to be desensitized to sex. Maybe it's because he was watching it, not having it.

Well fuck me that's hot.

68% gay. It's mathematically proven.

I'm down bby
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pls no
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I'll keep that in mind as I pursue my career as a porn cameraman.
I'm not gonna lie that one line was all I had
lathering aplenty with lots of neck and ear nibbling too
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It's disappointing to not be able to be someone's qt. Instead of using my butt for anything fun I just sit on it all day wasting time.
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AH! Forgot porn!
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you can find something else to do. like let me play with your butt

such a waste. butts need loving 24/7
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That sounds accurate. I think my professor mentioned that in his lecture on how gay you are
Mister NC man?
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Oh god yes please~ <3

What class? Was it being dumb class? Because that's what you are! Dumb!
its afternoon you cheeky minstrel

also hi
I'm alright with that. Can I play with your butt some time too, or is this a one-way butt street?

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Just Take It Off.jpg
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Just do something with it, then. Show it the tender care it deserves and it might send you on your new quest to find the hunk at the end of the journey.

Or not.

This is my first day off in weeks, and of course I get super sick the day before so now I have to just stay in bed and try to get well. No butt-stuff for me I guess.
Pleasue dude, stop with this faggot comics, it makes me vomit.
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we'll need a bath/shower combo so we can snuggle in the bath too
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that depends on how much i like you but for now one way
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nah its one of my favorite so i'm going to share. bet someone likes it
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Sounds great. I have an awesome oversized tub. Ooh, then we can go hang out at my apartment's hot tub. Stare in the sky and watch the stars while the snow falls on our face. Y'know, gay shit!
Cheeky i can be :P
I am that someone
Measure theory, where we measured the varying categories of homoeroticism of many anons, yourself included

Oh good, I heard it's good to accept a position with upward mobility

And for the record I like your comic

You having a nice morning so far?
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damn sounds awesome. We're definitely getting married. Fuck this online shit I'm moving there now. What state?
I like it
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i knew it!
hey now careful. Its a Sunday, no cheekiness on a sunday
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Charizard Showing Off His Jihad.jpg
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Also hey, it's been a while since I've posted in one of these threads.
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oh you will have a lot of upward mobility....
Its okay. Could be better. Got drunk watching the fight last night
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Colorado. Grab my email and cyber fuck me bb

Y-you measured other fags faggyness? I-I feel s-so betrayed...*sniff*
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Self Jihad.jpg
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on it like a car bonnet hot stuff
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Aww yiss.
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got a burner email babe?
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I look forward to providing good customer service

And I can certainly whip up an email real quick

At least you had a good time last night. What fight was it?

Hey, it's just business. You'll always be a special fag to me
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sent you a quick email
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So much "love" in the air today.
Makes me happy to see it.
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eager to serve is the best thing. you may get a nice big promotion
he shouldnt be smoking in a barn full of hay
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I always love these comic pages of Mu. His cock is mouth watering I tell you.
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its a lovely day to get lucky
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Ignore Him He's A Broncos Fan.jpg
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>Hey, it's just business. You'll always be a special fag to me
Alright I guess I can put up with that.


Cancer doesn't care where you smoke!
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mu is nice but marty is the one that makes my cock a diamond
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time of year innit
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Anyone on the west coast?
hey guys c:

Yay otters :3

>implying getting desnsitized to porn is a bad thing
Am I supposed to be appalled by it whenever i'm not doing something with my dick?

all i see is pollen
my lungs are hating life
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>Furry porn is the worse thing ever created

How the fuck is anyone suppose to live up to these incredibly high and sexy standards of fuckable?
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The View.jpg
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That was my first thought of him, too.

Is it? I haven't been outside yet.

Y'all enjoy bulky dom guys or thin sub guys? I've just been going for the former so far.
McGregor vs Nate Diaz.
Exscuse my spelling
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Here ya go
[email protected]

Glad you're understanding. I mean wouldn't you do the same if you were in my shoes?

PNW reporting for duty
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I have an old siterip of hardblush. I cant find a recent one. I'd like to know if there are new marty comics
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You don't. You keep it on your computer and fap to it when life disappoints you time and time again. Hide your shame and cut that empty feeling out of your body as a tumor in 20 years.

>Y'all enjoy bulky dom guys or thin sub guys? I've just been going for the former so far.
Eh, a mix is good. Threads usually get dominated by one or the other.
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find a partner that enjoys fur boys as much as you

looking forward to it
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Bulge Jihad.png
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thin subs are the yummiest
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Looks like it was a good fight, from what I'm reading. You enjoy it?
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I'm saying you can't achieve these wonderful aesthetics in any lifetime. I've only seen a handful of traps that was remotely close to anything I've seen in a gfur thread.
Well my interests are in cock, so more drooling over that fat dong for me then.
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That's porn in general dude.
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Not The Minority Stick.png
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I usually just go with one or the other depending on my mood. For some reason when get into situations with people smaller than me I get dominant, but whenever there's someone large than me I instantly go sub mode.
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sounds like you both need a good thick cock to play with
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>I might have a problem.
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Visualizing The Booty.png
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I'd say furry porn definitely goes a step farther, though. Not only does it increase obviously unobtainable elements–fur, tails, 100% blemish free skin and a sculpted body–it also captures the perfect moments of lust and pleasure, since it's just a single image
*include, not increase
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it is a good problem to have
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The fight was good. But couldnt find any bars that would show it. Couldnt socalize in the area that im new in. :/
I very much would kill for one, but being a slut in my mind doesn't equal being a slut in real life. It's hard to get a boyfriend so I can have unlimited guilt free access to his cock.
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>I usually just go with one or the other depending on my mood.
Yeah I feel ya. Sometimes I feel like holding a little femmy guy, other times it's a stocky dude I want~

I have so many problems.

I'm not disagreeing, it just sounds like any other anime/hentai porn *shrugs*
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Butt I feel uncomfortable with being a sub. I'm 6'1 at 195 pounds.
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you need a good man to bring that slut out in you...a slut that want it any time and any where
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'What The Fuck Is This'.jpg
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Ah, that's a shame. So you're now? Where'd you move to and from?

I suppose that's true. Think we're on the same page
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trye but sub is a state of mind. you may be bigger than some but i bet you can pull it off
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Medeival Sergal Bending Over.jpg
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Bound Orc.png
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In SoCal from Texas
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Serving 73.jpg
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Its a weird thing for me. I want to be a little fuck toy bent over and completely destroyed on my cute little outfits.
>But I'm a big guy and it's weird for me.
Oh cool. Well at least you're moving to a pretty populated place; you shouldn't have too many problems meeting new people for long. Mind if I ask why you headed west?
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email sent

have you ever tried
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Croc Fun.jpg
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It might actually be easier for you in that case- usually the stereotypical dom types are kind of hunky and from what I hear bears don't really like twinks for some reason.

I wish I was a bear, then, I could take care of the twinks.
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iktf bro I'm the same
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Bara Rope Bondage.jpg
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I was looking for information on some apps or dating sites I could use. I've been in a "gay" relationship before and it was immensely satisfying, I was the top. I just don't really know where to start.
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The finding the good man part is the difficult portion of that statement.
The bringing out my inner slut isn't as hard. I just want to give that inner slut to someone who I love.
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I don't like bears :T
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i found my last bf on fetlife. total trap,cumslut,put, fur fag. miss him dearly
Had to relocate with my fam. Work related. Had to quit my job and my college on short notice.
>tfw you are little and small and have worn cute little outfits just like that and get railed
Damn iktf. I really want to be pinned down, feel the big, warm, comforting feel of the body of the guy fucking me–really get dominated, put someone else in control. But I feel too big for that kind of thing
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aww poor thing. where you at?
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The struggle. You got that dominating personality too right?
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i am a bear and i like you
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Now I'm jelly. I've never been in an actual relationship before, every time the other guy just moved way too fast and instantly went into full "we're now boyfriends and soul partners" mode.

Don't use apps or anything, those are mostly just used for shitty hookups.
Fuck you.

>I'm full of jelly
Ah I see, one of those situations. Well hopefully you'll be able to find a job and/or school soon enough
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Can we just be friends?
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sure hun, got a email?
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It wasn't often, but I'm not going to lie it was amazing. You should hate.
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Drunk Jihad.png
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Its a burden and a curse.

Its a weird story actually, my ex gf introduced me to my trap bf.
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nah a switch/sub but I'm a "manly man"

>not liking bears

>Tried to play with like, 5 inch dildo
>Used a shitload of lube
>Relaxed like fuck, spreading
>Get it all the way in after 10 mins of probing and toying with myself
>Kinda burns, feels good though
>Wake up next day, asshole hurts

Idk how you people do regular dicks, or anything above 5 inches. Fuck man.
So nothing positive about it?
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getting it day after day, plus cum has a healing factor to it like aloe
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You should gradually work your way up to such sizes.
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I think I have soft features for a big guy but I can't help but to put on a tough guy front all the time.
>Not saying I aint a tough guy
But people always say I look reaal angry all the time and very intimidating.

And all that hair is fukken gross. Nice people tho.

Like, what? I thought 5 inches would be a fairly decent starting zone. Although it doesn't help that the toy is pretty solid for the most part, so it doesn't have a sponge kinda feel like a real penis does.
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You weren't relaxed enough. Use more lube.

You have two sphincters. You can, via muscle control, relax the outer one, but the inner one takes time and practice. Lay on your back when you do it as well, better position than riding or doggy.
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Bear On The Scent.jpg
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I'll be honest, I've never had a sore butt the day after, no matter how hard I go on myself. I actually kind of wish that I could get to the point of having a limp, because I'm stupid and want something to remember the good night by.

That must have been an awkward moment.
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yeah I get that too. I'm hostile apparently. also idk I like hairy guys. I'm very versatile. Smooth femboys or hairy manly men I can serve both
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Oh no no, the 3 months we spent together was absolutely terrific. The sex was awesome and the drugs was just icing. He's the reason I failed college tho plus he was mentally unstable so that wasn't cool. Didn't find out till the end of the 3 months.
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Well, I has a job getting info on me now. But have yet to meet other furs in my area. Thinking about putting together a meet
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i'm sorry babe. it was over a year for me. he wouldnt move in with me after that time. was kind of a mamas boy
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Don't Hunt Dragons.jpg
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Well it's fun to be irresponsible sometimes. At least you had a nice 3 months of banging and hedonism

Good show on the job. Were I not a 24 hour drive up north, I'd meet up with ya; you seem like a cool guy
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Well I'm very straight forward in relationships with women and she knew I was interested in guys, wasn't a problem while we was together but she wanted someone else and I let her go. Later she introduced me to that little fuck boy I use to own.
thats nothing
>buy first toy
>bullet vibe
>finally get privacy
>using it
>meh nothing special even at full power
>apply spiked sheath to it
>try again
>still meh
>remove it
>cant get the smell of poop off it
>throw it away
>get inflatable vibrating plug
>too big
>throw it away cause dont get privacy to stretch out properly over time
>throw away recently bought plug cause its too small
>buy realistic dildo
>finally get chance to use it
>stuck to board on floor
>apply condom
>start riding it
>mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhang on this is really good
>feels great
>wait wat?
>feels weird
>lose control of bowels
>poop everywhere
>run to toilet
>clean everything
>throw away dildo next day

The sore butt didn't feel that good. I wasn't even being rough. I was taking it really slow, and trying to go with the grain instead of against it.

I was going slow as hell, the toy isn't even as thick as me. And I thought I was small. Like. Fuck, I couldn't imagine taking myself in my ass.

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Thanks dude. I gotta say I am shocked that there are no metal-heads in my area. I think im the only person with metal shirts and drives around blasting metal music xD
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Heh heh, I've been there.
poop's the eternal enemy of doing butt stuff
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Oh cool, you like metal too? You just keep getting better and better in my book. I'm sure there's others lurking around there; out of so many people there's gotta be a few. Not to mention how many metal bands have come out of socal
never had that problem with either one of my bf's or the girl i was engaged to
yup! I didnt get the privacy to clean myself out cause there were people in the lounge but I had privacy in my room.

Also forgot to point out, when I used the bullet vibe, a kind anon suggested unscrewing the shower head and poking the shower hose in my butt as a makeshift enema. I did that and it went in okay but removing it hurt like hell cause of the way they cut the metal.

Also I want that fruity blonde bugger in the phone call
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