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faggot is a bad word, please stop using it :3

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 228
Thread images: 150
faggot is a bad word, please stop using it :3
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OP gets it
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I am an unhealthy person
And a newfaggot.
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first for love and brotherhood
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K, but you should stop being a faggot so we stop using it.
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Oh good, a faggoty thread specifically for the avatar fags and the social justice twat.
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Few posts off there lad
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It's faggots like you that give undertale a bad name
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I'm not a newfaggot I have been here this whole year
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seems like there's a lot of hate in your heart, friend
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>Implying that isn't what every gfur thread is
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Nah, but watching them get all defensive when you call them out for what they really are is funny.

It's only the ones where you show up. What's that tell you?
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>nigga thats straight
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>Hasn't been here all summer
Calm down, oldfag.
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>implying /b/ hasn't been a festering cesspool of cancer for years now
That I'm clearly the best poster
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I tried vagina once, I didn't enjoy it. Just saying that dirty vag is well known to smell like fish.
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Troll or not, OP is still a faggot
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>>implying /b/ hasn't been a festering cesspool of cancer for years now

Well there's something we can agree on at least.

>That I'm clearly the best poster

It's the only possible answer I can see.
so are you guys only in it for the porn or what
or are you delusional psychopaths like the frontrunners of your fandom

umm i mean
>*nuzzles*wuf wuf*likcs ur cok*
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That specific picture is ambiguous. If you care that the character is a girl in the artist's canon you are a dunce.
it really isn't
most threads are pretty enjoyable and do have plenty of conversation as well as porn being posted
then they get derailed into shitposting threads like these, where I'm pretty sure there's hardly any people posting that are actually gay
maybe slightly bisexual at most
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Also these threads have been a combination of fur and avatarfaggotry for years, literally as long as I can remember.
See above
Good, now we're completely on the same level
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You know what I hate? When these fucking pornfags shit up my avatar thread.
Sometimes you just gotta have fun with it. The way I see it there's two gfurs: one for porn, and one for shitposting. Personally I love both of them
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oddly enough it only happens to gfur threads
i hardly see any of the other fur threads turn into much shitposting at all
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>maybe slightly bisexual at most
Bitch I'm 64% gay, it's mathematically proven!

>Also these threads have been a combination of fur and avatarfaggotry for years, literally as long as I can remember.
Doesn't make it any less retarded.

>See above
Threads still run better, have better conversations, and better pictures when you faggots aren't here.

>Good, now we're completely on the same level
Well thank god for that
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I fucking hate artist some times.
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Because they're so fucking boring and slow. Also dani has become stale and boring so no one bothers to fuck with him anymore. At least I don't
Yes because doing shitty sex roleplay is such a better conversationg
>Better pictures
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Does this include me?
why this nigga hair look like a goddamn waffle
leggo my eggo nigga your hair done absorbed a whole box of them shits
nigga lookin fruity as fuck too
call him a blueberry waffle
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>He actually typed all that shit
glorious greek literature ITT
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Depends. Are you an entitled cunt?
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>Yes because doing shitty sex roleplay is such a better conversationg
Holy shit you actually DO believe you improve these threads, don't you? It's not a joke, is it? You *actually* think we're better off with you here.
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spam it
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but I am a faggot
Can you stop pretending you're an old fag or some shit? You're a new fag, you watch Steven Universe
Go back to Tumblr and cry for attention.
>kill your self
You can end it all you know.
You don't have to continuously come to /b/
You can stay in your shitty little furry board with all the other sexually confused faggots.
Stay in your shitty fucking 1 bedroom apartment in Wisconsin and suck on your dog's dick for the next 4 years until you finally decide you can get over trying to be unique. Cause little hint
>no one is unique
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It's a doily I imagine.
fake and gay
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go to bed
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5 star post
Too bad I can't understand Greek
No, I just think the fact you think it's better without is hilarious. It's 100% shit either way, but one way is more fun than the other, at least for me.
honestly i hardly see people roleplay at all, normally just idle conversation only with porn
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why this nigga hair look like my mixtape
fire with some bulletholes true gangsta shit
nigga look like goku took a bath with a curling iron
the fuck you tearin your clothes off for pussy ass nigga them ladybugs aint gon a hurt u weak af lookin ass nigga
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Faggot is an awesome word.
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Depends, mostly not
Pretty sure this is the first post in this thread not by OP.
Tell me now, you muses that inhabit mansions on olympus; who was he who first encountered agamemnon? whether of the trojans themselves or their allies renowned, it was ipehendamus, son of iphenor great and mighty who was nurtured in Thrace, rich of soil and many sheep. Kises his mother's father reared him while he was but a little child, then when he came to the measure of his glorious youth the father of Theano, fair of face, offered him his own daughter but from there he went from his bridal chamber to the summons of the Acheans. and 12 beaked ships followed after him. He himself came by himself to Illios, there it was he encountered Agamemnon, son of Atreus when they had come in on set, against eachother, Atrius's son...missed, his spear turned aside.

but ipehendamus smote him on the girdle, below the corslet and himself pressed on, trusting to his heavy hand but pierced not the gleaming girdle but for long ere, the point struck on the silver, it was bent like lead.

then wide ruling agamemnon caught the spear with his hand and drew it towards him furiously like a lion, smote his neck with the sword and unstrung his limbs

So even there he fell and slept a sleep of bronze most piteously, far from his wedded wife, helping the folk of the city, far from his bride of whom he had known no joy. and much had he given for her. Many cows and sheep did he promise her, and had herds unspeakable

Thus Agamemnon took his harness and went into the throng of the acheans
You watched too much lindybeige my friend
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genewilder.jpg, faggot
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Then no.
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ok, I'm cool with you hating on him for whatever. But if you are going to do it, do it right. Oldfag and newfag aren't determined by what you do, they are determined by how long you have posted on 4chan. You just failed at greentexting, I mean if you are going to call someone out as a newfag you should probably greentext correctly.
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>No, I just think the fact you think it's better without is hilarious. It's 100% shit either way, but one way is more fun than the other, at least for me.
So you actually do just hang around in here to shit up the threads, there's no purpose, no end goal. You don't join in on the conversations, you derail them. You don't post the pictures, you detract from them. You actually have no purpose. Jesus Christ, I need to lie down, I'm fucking depressed that people can still live like that.

I mean, fuck, I can respect a dedicated troll. I could pity someone that's deluded. I don't know what the fuck to make of you.

Good night everyone. Hope you find something good in your life, damn.
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that doesn't sound like going to bed
Faggot FaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggotFaggot
Go back to tumblr faggot
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im drunk leave me alone
I can do what I want
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nigga youre posting gay animals on an anonymous imageboard
who the fuck you think you is smdh tbh fam
why do you bother with the newfags though?
they never change.
A word is a only as bad as it is meant to be, which usually plays into its reception. So quit being a faggot about the word, and it'll stop meaning what you think it does.
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Damn, I wish I was drunk
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You're really being thrown into a tizzy, aren't you?
ale is based
Because I'm bored and probably horribly depressed, which is why I end back up here. Every time.
stop being a moron
except for that IPA ales
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I just had a big meal and am too full to drink anything
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figured it was that or easily amused.
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Oh yeah, that too. I am easily amused as well, but that's just an added bonus.
btw does this guy have a name? I'm too lazy to reinstall NS
goatfag the VI
also that show is shit
What about "faggot" makes it a bad word?

it is currently (つ˘⌣˘)つー・.。.・’`’・
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I wish it weren't true.
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Don't we all?
haha yea pretty hot guys you know haha but seriously, you know what they say about women. "You're worth as how tight your pussy is"
haha truth man you know hahah
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this thread would be better if it was a shota thread
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get out AM
pedophilia is strictly disallowed
you misspelled worse
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>trying this hard to whiteknight on 4Chan
>Not having a name

Speaking of, does anyone still have the "Many faces of Wat" image, I miss that shit
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also nope

you so clever, fam
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This fucking guy.png
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This thread is almost as cancerous as that "Ideal GF" thread from yesterday.

>Pic realted
>taking the bait
people complain about marty's lips when this thing exists
that is double standards
that image is almost as cancerous as using tomorrow.
yotsuba b master race
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But...Providing Respect In Diverse Environments is a good thing
It's not a double standard if we find both to be disgusting
in defense of prejudice
I'm not the one who screencapped that.
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ilu am
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I pride myself in my cleverness...get it? Pride! I'm so funny!
No one said that wasn't gross too.
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>200x10+16 anos
>Not being forgettable
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well it is illegal in most places
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>Implying I'm not forgettable either way
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the poor pixels, they will never know the innocence they lost
I wasnt talking to you
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it is better than the alternative, surely.
Hey...I'm only half a faggot
you know I am right

pride is all about the butts
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it would be better if you'd lewd the goat
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i will do no such thing.
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it's really inevitable
accept your fate
and once again you get my respect
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What if I did it for you?
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i would feel deep regret and leave the thread.
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you'll feel it deep, alright
You are a special kind of retarded

you wound me
But that would hurt my feelings
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you are hurting my feelings instead.
faggot :3
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This thread is fucking CRINGE
I guess you could say the feeling is mutual
you know butts heal all wounds
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are you going to cry as well?
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If you cry I'll cry
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my dick is weeping for you
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Anyway night everyone.
Night night, panty lover
no it isn't
>t.flaming faggot
>on /b/
>not expecting cringe
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y tho
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im gonna kill that booty, son
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I prefer the term "Homogay"
Too many nonlewd butt pictures
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>been here 2 months
>"I'm not a newfag"
Sure jan
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ITT: Samefagging to the nth degree
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Yeah, stop it you homos.
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im crying
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Do u need a smooch?

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im all outta machoke
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kiss the gote.png
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i'll murr you in your dreams
nice limit losers

Agree with OP, lets start using the word Gaylord instead.

OP is a fucking Gaylord!
I want to know what Asriel's butt smells like.

>>672299352 >>672298673

Hey, not-actual-Pride. I don't type like that.


You're a cute Asriel AF that needs to answer my questions.

I want to have sex with Mari.
>I want to know what Asriel's butt smells like.

it smells like how a butt smells
Hey butt sniff anon.
Oh my God do I have to do it
Thread replies: 228
Thread images: 150

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