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New bread

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Thread replies: 165
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New bread
I toast this bread. happily.
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Thread theme
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was thinking more of the latency, it's crazy

the glitches weren't video encoding/decoding glitches, they were weird texture ones that only happened during split screen, not when there was only one view

i guess i'll find out if it's fixed tomorrow
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Well it's a home network

Maybe it also has some syncing features

Obv. you've tried w/ single display and just dual display w/out the Link to eliminate the card just having issues w/ dual display period? Maybe it's overheating
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i've not had a chance to test it up here as i only have one input (keyboard/mouse) here. will give it another go on the link tomorrow

i thought it was overheating at first too but i checked the temps at the time and it was fine
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a beauty in a thread
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>PC and TV at separate floors
That'll make diagnostics hard, can't you bring the TV upstairs fur a moment and hook it up and see if your card can dual display just fine?
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That's a Sir Gal tho
yeah i'll just detach the huge thing from the wall and drag it up 2 sets of stairs :P

the distance thing is why i use the link

if it's still glitching out tomorrow then i'll just disconnect some game controllers and run it up here, but as i use split screen infrequently i'm not in a huge rush
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You'll appreacite the excerise

You could prolly've gotten a damnlong HDMI cable fur tenth of the cost of the box

Card isn't overclocked either? Somehow doesn't feel like just drivers issue even if it's a lisux
uhhhhh I ejaculated
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maybe, the link can be used with a bunch of different machines that it's been paired to though, and it's handling input as well as display :p

Not overclocked, it's possible that it's just a shitty bug in the game (app!) and not a driver problem anyway
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>passing on all your keystrokes to Gabenâ„¢

Mayhaps, was under the impression you had that problems w/ many diff apps/games tho
mmm botnet
it does make me nervous, so i tend not to run Steam most of the time

nope, only noticed on one game
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yo yo
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On my way back from the kitchen managed to knock my LCD clock off of a desk and the display broke ;_;
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awww fuck
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I'm loving the butts, will make awesome phone backgrounds.

i've been tempted to use the bios wake-on-alarm functionality + a cron task to make my pc into an offensively loud/annoying alarm clock
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just gonna go ahead, and, erm, crop out everything but that mare
I need a break.
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Yeah, all I want is the mare.
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On the topic, MS makes a wireless mouse/keyb combo that uses AES encrypted communication w/ the transreceiver. I know because I got my parents one

>why'd you run steam period

Also, well there's hope then. Unless it happens of all games you play only that one has been one so far that uses a special filter which your card has issues w/
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Anybody have anymore submissive pics?
If I see any young men without kids or girlfriends in the theater -- I'll know who the furries are.
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I figured as much
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Renders numbers garbled now 3:

Maybe I'll try to open her up later and see if there's a poor connection and doesn't need soldering

>RIP 2010-2016 $7 chinese RGB LED backlit LED clock

Phone needs to take over alarm clock job now ;_;
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that's pretty cool, i remember years ago seeing a device that someone made to sniff unencrypted wireless keyboards and shit. was creepy, but totally expected - with all the cheap sdr kit you can get these days it must be easier than ever. encryption shouldn't even be optional on such things

i run it because some gaymes
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That's a cool idea, especially if you have a chassis speaker?
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Good luck with that. I just use my watch.
i use my phone for my alarm at the moment, crazy annoying and incredibly loud beeper makes me fly out of bed, which was the intended effect

a soldering iron is a good tool to have in the house, though aren't LCD screens usually connected to a board by those conductive rubber strips anyway? maybe something like that has been knocked out of place...
unfortunately i don't, would have to blu-tac over the LED on the speakers to stop the light.

my work pc has a chassis speaker. i remember once being in a meeting room and seeing some of the guys fucking with my machine, so i ssh'd into it with my laptop and started playing fart sounds as loud as it could over and over

was funny. then they connected some headphones to it to mute the speaker, which of course made me disable automute and continue the farts
Notified the Feds, just in case
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lol wut
>i remember years ago seeing a device that someone made to sniff unencrypted wireless keyboards and shit
Never thought this could've been a thing. Nice 3:

>what is torrent
>what is ISOs
Mine doesn't do sounds
I don't have one because I can't even solder :P
I've never seen how LCDs connect, no idea. Prolly knot a ribbon cable like I'm hoping

>connected some headphones to it to mute the speaker
Thought you couldn't do that w/ a chassis speaker

I waste all my money on torrents
not sure if it was just the behaviour of whatever sound driver it was, but it had a toggleable option for automute, and the chassis speaker just shows up as a regular audio device
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Thread images: 151

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