chubby thread
> pic related
Jesus she's hot, I wish she'd show her cunt.
That's episode and sauceless.
> perfect pussy design, pic with another epic design.
She doesn't look fat it just looks like she has a tiny head
Look for a thread on /gif/ titled "her name is Sarah and she loves bbc" for more vids
i fucking hate this chick. i dont get why you guys keep posting her. is that the joke or something? i dont get /b anymore.
I heard she likes barbecue too.
Why, she looks perfect. Ready to be spoiled and loved !
Nah, fried chicken and watermelon kek
we have that magazine at work (it's a store)
one old guy was flipping through the pages taking photos of the girls with his phone
another women brought it to the counter and complained about us selling "pornography"
You mean, guys with same color of tires ?
lol, that whale got beached.
Check out the thread on /gif/
Every chubby thread there's always some retard who posts a fat chick
oh my. moar please
your opinion on whats fat or chubby
this is chubby to me
sexy lil cock sucker
can you please not spam this thread with all the same pics please
who is she?
Sexy as fuck
Am I the only one who gets a huge fucking boner every time I see this Special K commercial?
>chubby thread
chubby thread no fat thread
more of this
Mydixadiamond nice tits
She has one of those "fuck me" faces. Have any more?
Good lord don't stop anon!
Please, just stop.
>no tits
>no ass
>no hips
It's the perfect storm of losing the genetic lottery by a landslide.
Only got the one anybody else have more
Love her tits
yeah they're awesome
not interested
bro most of them shits get me diamond evry single time. just like this one
any tits?
She got mad chesticles you got moar
last call for moar
My girl. Interest?
Holy fuck I could cum to this.
It annoys me how women assume that just because you only see twiggy girls with A-cups in advertisements, magazines, TV etc, that it's the most sexually attractive and desirable body type out there.
What they fail to realize is that the main reason media companies use skinny and flat models is because if they put a big fat pair of tits or ass in a body wash commercial every guy would get a boner and start fapping to it.
It's kind of funny how the shape of a woman's body, regardless of dress, determines if something is "porn" or not, in the public eye. Like, a swimsuit ad that features a bony, boyish woman in a string bikini? Completely tasteful, perhaps even artistic... But a swimsuit ad that features a curvy woman with big tits and wide hips in a string bikini? Dirty porn masturbation fantasy that has no place in magazines or television where children could be watching.
Poast em
Please more
Chubby/curvy ex. thoughts?
I can't see her ass but front is a def 9/10
of course, good anon. this is her too
Lots of interest right here
She is so fucking fine
Vag & bhole plz
id sniff that garlic knot
I'll take, "my head is to small for my body" for 300 Alex.
I must know who she is
I don't have THAT chubby, but here.
Absolute pinnacle of tiers! Her body is insane!
Please tell me someone has a sauce?
I could never figure out if that was a disgusting fat man or a hideous fat woman. I'm into fatties, big ones at that but that so far deviated from humanity I can't make heads or tails of it.
Sauce? Might know this girl
Must be more
Droopy McCool has really let himself go.
her feet look like uncircumcised cocks
Please tell me what defining factors there are that might identify this girl
She has got the cutest face
no joke that's my sister in law. more!
Prove it or GTFO
You mean normal cocks?
no joke. would love to stick my dick in it
Thats a nice ass
god i know
>>implying there's a difference
Love to see all you got :-)
Who is this?
Would facefuck/10
Nice eyes
that's a fatty
Oh ya
Holy shit, that was intense
Face kinda busted
moar of her..any fully nude or her getting pounded
nice.. i like what i more
Got to be more like that
moar of her..
Any more of her?
Damn shez hot..dump all you got
so fucking hot
looks like a gr8 fuck
i am a fan..
looks like shez a gr8 fuck
She looks like she would be fun to touch and squeeze.
Any of her standing fully nude??
more fuck pics
Can't get enough of her.
love more
Fucking fat bitch probably chased a seal onto the beach. Push her ass back into the ocean.
Well, we know who the base of the pyramid is ...
How in the hell is she that fat after playing volleyball? Usually women in volleyball are the best looking athletes out there, just next to runners.
Man, she must eat like a hog.
Probably stress eating from being around sexier girls
Here's the upper limit of what can be called chubby
any fucking vids
not that i have. sorry
damnn..anyway shez a if u got anything more
Ayy lmao
Keep it up. Any of hitting it from behind
Any with her pussy spread?
thats just obscene. this is a chubby thread, not a fucking fat thread, you pig
eden moore
More please!
Still want more
Don't give up
why is she so ugly
Super hot, more please!
Got anymore? Believe it or not she looks familiar.
Don't have more
Anon from earlier today here, you've got me convinced she's as hot as the other girl lol
No problem, thanks anyway. Good pics though.
what other girl? i think i know who you mean but i wanna be sure haha
Got any webms or photos of girls taking it in the ass? Love me some curvy ladies getting it up the back.
This goddess
Any more showing her breasts?
what BMI is considered chubby?
>tfw BMI is 22
>"normal BMI" but feel chubby as fuck
this one is definitely hotter
I don't know man, both are pretty fucking hot. The other one reminds me of someone lol