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Even after all the killings you guys still support gun sales

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 307
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Even after all the killings you guys still support gun sales in America?? Wtf if wrong with you guys
We need our guns
let them get as many guns as they want man
there is no better way to kill those amerifats without warfare and jetfuel
It's about what 15 people on 320 million people? Seriously are you dumb?
The second amendment is bullshit until I can legally own weaponized plutonium, anthrax, and deliriants.
Lets say you 100% ban guns, how would you get all guns from the people? That won't cause major issues.
You already can. You just have to justify why you need those things and if its valid you will be allowed to have them.
Well eventually some of those guns fall into the hands of niggers who primarily use them to shoot other niggers.when you look at it that way its not such a bad trade what with the occassional mass shooting.
I can't just tell them why, they could hardly understand the logic behind "self-defense." I mean, they're in league with the wrong type of aliens.

Tell me, what kind of laws would you put in place to stop shootings 100%? We already have background checks and 7 day minimum wait on our guns. Shit still happens though.
Who do you need to defend yourself from with anthrax?
Nice try, Muslim, but we will be ready for you when the time comes.
The species name doesn't translate to english, much less any human tongue, well.
It only nullifies their psychic amplitude, rather than killing them-- they're a type of neural parasite.
Not anyone's fault that first duck couldn't get laid other guy just didn't like batman I don't know about the others
waiting for you europoors to invade based on the DOT coordinates on all the street signs. yeh, you blue helmeted fuck have a suprise waiting for you.
Gr8 b8 m8

Seriously the fact that me owning a gun makes Obama cry like a little bitch is reason enough.
nice try, Uncle Sam.
fuckhead just watch stralia
they had the biggest mass shooting i know of
and the next day they were like "hmm that was fucked up lets all agree to ban the guns"
and they did
they wildlife that is seriously fucked up wich might confirm a right to defend yourself with a weapon
and now the americunts cant just admit that it´s probably better to change the second amendment they´re all sittin around like babies who instantly begin to cry when someone take the toys they´re chewing on
my white friend just shot a nigger in his house at night and i am now forever on the gunboat
The deaths of a few random people shouldn't mean everyone loses their rights.
look out momma theres a white boat coming down the river
Still didnt answer my question. But everyone dosnt agree in usa. No way to disarm usa peacefully.
yeah you sound like a loon so you wouldnt get approved for anything.
Once you give up a right you will never get it back
The death metal scene
thats the parasites talking.
you can also swallow bleach to get rid of them. actually it won't kill them, just make sure your stupid ass doesn't spread em.
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Shut up faggot
That's disgusting, typing an accent or whatever the fuck you just did. Ugh.
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>Iveco stralis


yeah, this. don't like it? gtfo
nice airsoft gun
>pink shoe laces

Consider to suicide yourself with that rifle
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A few thousand rounds.
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The day the real civilians loose right to bear arms is the day the U.S falls.

"If you come for mine, bring yours"
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Just say what you mean, op..
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What the gay is airsoft?

Why do you want to take guns away from people who haven't broken the law?
ah the sand creek massacre
so they dont break it you fucking nigger
Gun control =/= nobody could get a firearm

Jesus christ what a tiny dick sindrome have americans
They have to compensate for their lack of foreskin.
More americans die every year from cheeseburgers than from guns.
Also pretty sure that killings did not start after the invention of the gun. Remove every gun in the world with a magic wish and someone will still find a way to kill someone tomorrow.
you are insane and a danger to civilized society
and you go on /b/
ITT: ignorant envious foreigners
0/10 bait
i still haven't see a good to reason to keep your guns itt
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That's about what will happen in the states, and privet states will start, the u.s will break into peace where the government is weakest. (The further away from a major city, the better.) Ovisly if you have money, you can do what you want. It's the rightfull gun owning American that will prevail.

"People Are Dumb, The Person Is Smart)
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niggers walk free
>crime where the only survivable outcome is you shooting someone doesn't exist.
idiot, you clearly have never been around guns...

That itself is against the law. People are innocent before being proved guilty in America.
>guy gets a gun illegally
So wow. Much oper8tor
>i still haven't see a good to reason to keep your guns itt

Maybe keep them for faggot foreigners that cant speak english.
Fuck you commie, I'm American and I'm not fat, how does it feel to have your government decide for you that you're not capable of the safe use of a firearm? I detest violence and I wish nobody had guns, but I dont want some nanny state government telling me I cant own one. I like liberty.
Work 40 hrs a week at a normal job. Got a girlfriend. Never even been pulled over by the police.
Look at him! Going to the range like all the other responsible gun owners and shooting at paper targets.
What a madman!
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Daily reminder retarded liberals want to ban the bottom rifle for superfluous and cosmetic features but not the top rifle because "its way less deadly" despite being the exact same rifle
well fuck idk im canadian idgaf about that you nigger faggot i just started the thread fuck your guns bitch.
The first two people Elliot Rodger killed was with a knife. Guess we should ban those too?
>I haven't seen a good reason

Its my right
I also have the right to protect my life and my property
I have the right to defend myself
the police aren't obligated to save me
the police are over 10 minutes away
no one has the right to threaten my life
Well idk about you but I rather not have people walking around with deadly assault knives.
operators gonna operate.

I can't make sense of this protolanguage you're attempting here.

You should read more books.
daily reminder that you have a higher chance of dying of food poisoning than being involved in a mass shooting by over 6 fold
He's a horrible person. Worse than any serial killer or child molester. Andrei Chikatilo would be appalled by this guy.
Nice block
>a lawful person is worse than a criminal
Blaming the tool for what the man does is like looking in the radio for the announcer.
Mother of fuck....we need to ban food too
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>>671760080 think that post was serious?
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oh, it's one of THOSE threads
Yup, especially this poisonous assault food
you can't tell today

You literally can't tell
Fair enough but I was being sarcastic.
I was being sarcastic. I also said knives.
nice rudeness. because someone disagrees with you, that doesn't make them retards
Their killing and raping our children. Why hasn't America done anything about this? Maybe if they'd stop talking about race they'd be able to fix the real issues in America.
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Get on my level.
if you leave the guns your goberment will fuck you without baseline... that's why you have to keep your guns load to protect your rights... see what happenned in Argentina, Venezuela, and other countries where the gobernants decided to kill people to have totally control... think two times until you make a choice...
when someone says something retarded and they think they know what they're talking about when they obviously don't, they are RETARDED
Source? Or did you just pull that out of your ass?

Though so.
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>asks anon to substantiate his claim
>claims victory in the very same post

you need to learn to control your emotions. it'll help you make rational arguments and not come off as so foolish. good luck

>about 3000

>about 322
States and cities with strict gun laws have the most gun crime, and most mass shootings happen in places that are gun free zones. Liberals will never talk about that because it defeats their argument, but it's fact. Where would you rather mug someone, in Arizona where they probably have a concealed carry permit, or NYC where their self defence is scarf and some non-prescription glasses.

If you don't like freedom, leave. Simple as that.
>banning guns based on made up reasons, all of which are cosmetic
>not absolutely retarded
nah you're stupid

Oh look at that. It took the guy 3 fucking minutes. You couldn't even wait to see if they guy was going to form a rebuttal before prancing off like you won the argument.
daily reminder michael bloomberg donated more money to anti-gun advertisement in one year than the entire NRA got in donations in one year
Don't need a permit in AZ to CC anymore.
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checked and pic related
Probably all them killins' I reckon.

Say, fag, how are your new sand nigger house guests treating you?
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>firing a warning shot
>at a person
thats not a warning shot
Not anymore. California has a few bills that, if passed, ban both.
Really? That's awesome. Funny thing is I'm actually Canadian, and I see how cucked my country is and just really don't want that to happen to the US. On the plus side, if there's ever a war over guns I America, I'm confident the people that own guns will win.
wow what a bunch of fucking commies
What a fucking cuck.
You can still get one which looks nice, or if you wanna travel to another state where permits are required. But you can CC all day long without a permit and it's 100% legal.
Fuck California. It's full of degenerates and Mexicans anyway.
I don't get amerifats, and in fact I don't get this whole conversation.

You people claim that you want to make use of your rights? Well, just because you have the right to own a gun doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have a gun. Where's the logic in that? You too have the right to go to dildopolis, buy a huge dragon dildo or whatever these huge fuckers are called and shove it up your faggot ass, so why not do that? Because it's retarded and gay (well unless you're a chick or actually gay then it's ok I guess).

>I like liberty
>In theory I do have the right to posess a gun
>Fuck! I have to buy a gun, because I have the right to do so

>fucking autistic fatasses, get over yourselves and stop finding excuses for being gun loving, violence supporting warheads that get off while fireing a few rounds
a warning shot isn't aimed at a person you numbskull, he's being arrested because the law in Florida says warning shots are not allowed, he shot the wall. In fact, if he had attempted to shoot the man, he would have gone scot free.

''at a man'' as in, the warning shot was meant to warn him.
I'm really liking the sound of Arizona, god damn. True freedom in 2016 is hard to come by.

>Well, just because you have the right to own a gun doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have a gun.

>you have the right to own a gun
>but doesn't mean you have to have a gun
you're right, I have the right to free speech, doesn't mean I have to say anything
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We don't buy guns because we need them, we buy guns because they're fucking fun. Fuck off commie eurotrash.
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not sure if supporting my argument or trying to be against it
but it really does.
I'm saying your argument is retarded because rights are not exclusionary. I will always have the right to own a gun but it doesn't mean I'm required to have one.
Not all of us, fuck guns
You must have gotten shit grades in writing class.
have you ever held a gun, more or less, even shot one?
If a shooting occurs, the shooter is either killed or put in jail, and then we don't have to worry about that person anymore. I don't see what the problem is.

why is it that you immediately assume I#m a communist? tbh I don't give a shit about politics, I even missed the last election because I wanted to sleep in (was some sort of a "minor election" though, nothing too important)

Paintball is fun too, I tried it once, you can shoot all you want, but no one will ever get seriously hurt (unless you fuck up badly).
All I#m saying is that I don't get your urgent need to posses firearms, which were originally designed to kill people, and to kill only.

It's just fucking retarded
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>I will always have the right to own a gun
thats what he is trying to say
Problem is they happen in gun free zones

where criminals don't care and law abiding citizens are disarmed
english is not my native language, and I don't give a shit about spelling when I'm on fucking /b/.

get over it, grammar nazi
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Here's the reason you don't understand what's going on: No one is fucking debating that position.
are you trolling, or actually retarded?
You were basically just repeating what I said
Exactly. We need to lift the ban on guns to allow people to defend themselves in schools and stuff. I guarantee the most anti-gun liberal would be pro gun if a guy came into their workplace and started shooting shit up. Nobody is gonna be hiding under a desk hearing coworkers die, waiting for their own death and thinking "thank god nobody here is allowed to have a gun"
I have, own a .44 inherited it learned to shoot it because texas.

There is nothing special about them, it is a physical absolute. There is no half measures with guns just absolutes. No one should trust the population we have with that power.

Go ahead and spout your fucking NRA reteric, and call me less than a man. I've been in this thread before and I can't help but give people thier (you)
"what a tiny dick sindrome have americans"

And they say we're stupid
if law abiding citizens are going to be packing heat to stop criminals anywhere anytime they need to pass mandatory gun proficiency and safety training (with regular retesting) and register all their weapons (which can't be fired by somebody whose biometrics aren't a match). sound fair?
I mean your whole sentence structure is shit. Take pride in something.
>You have the right to bear arms
nice appeal to emotion

you can't think of one reason why I shouldn't be allowed to own a gun
You misspelled "drug".
No you fuckwad, because he wouldn't have a gun. If gun laws were enforced, or stricter this would be a non issue. You cunts sound like your sister wife pushed this gun out of her deformed pussy and called you dad.
>No one should trust the population we have with that power.
Same thing with voting amirite?
...I can smell the virginity from here.
But how would the shooter be able to own a gun if they are banned? Sure it'd be illegal, but you're only thinking about this from one side.
>lets limit the ability of the citizen to defend themselves with arbitrary and made up shit
>meanwhile some criminal gets his regardless of the law, illegally

no its not fair at all. You're making hoops and hurdles that won't prevent anything but lawful people from getting their guns

we already have the NICS check which checks for all sorts of criminality and stuff, criminals rarely get their guns legally
>No you fuckwad, because he wouldn't have a gun.
>criminals wouldn't get their guns either!
what is all the school shootings, the san beradino shooting. All in gun free zones
ok I'm gonna repeat that for you and I'll put fullstops between words (periods for you ameridumbs):

English. Is. Not. My. Native. Language.
ALSO THIS IS /B/, who gives a shit about sentence structure on the internet? I sure don't and I won't be starting to now, because I upset some random dude on the internet
because illegal importers and guns being sold like they're candy without registration, checks or anything that are all against the law

The problem is not people being able to own guns. It's a cultural thing. Canadians have more gun per capita than americans, but far less gun violence.
What does make a difference is the way people think about guns. In normal first world coutries people own guns, but know they are useful but dangerous tools and are not all causal and exicted about them.
Americans have a gun fetish. They love guns. They are sexually attracted to guns. They think guns are so important they need to be mentioned in the constitution. They think everyone should be able to not only own a gun for protection but also parade around town with it in plain view, as if an inbred redneck flashing a weapon is not something normal people see as scary.

tl;dr banning guns would change nothing. you need to change american culture, and that's a lot harder.
You're right, criminals who want to shoot up a place are going to draw the line at owning a banned weapon. No you fucking retard, criminals are criminals, they aren't going to care if guns are illegal, they are wanting to kill. If they are willing to murder, they are willing to use banned weapons.

And no, you can't remove all guns. It's not possible
It's okay. We're still makin' 'em faster than we're takin' em. Anyways, there's a hundred things about the corporatism in the U.S. that kills people slowly, on the inside out, over a duration of decades. Those things take priority.

Will your gun laws give people a reason to live? Because personally I don't much see the difference between killing a person, and stripping them of their freedom.

*casual (not causal)
I don't know you, I do know that 1/3 of this country has mental health issues and that 1/8th of that population is mentally unfit. Those are the people that do this shit.

Dude I honestly don't give a fuck about your guns mental heath is something this fucking country refuses to talk about.

The reason I want guns gone is because a looming strong arm of gun manufactures on and over the government to allow them to continue with virtually no regulation.

For fucks sake we have a documented loop hole in federal cases known by the government. It is shit like this that makes me yell this is why we can't have nice things.
Thing thing is weapons, and especially guns, keep the balance of power between the haves and the have nots. The Samurai fought to keep guns out of the hands of the common folk because they didn't want to lose their power over them. If you ban the guns then the weak are at the mercy of the strong.
>implying the government ever implied it's purpose was to take care of the savages who populated these lands before civilization caught on.
I don't get it, the anon I was responding to seems like they're debating that people are under the impression that because they have the right to own guns that its somehow mandatory for people to own a gun.

All this anon you directed me to is arguing that people shouldn't have their ability to choose whether or not to own a fire arm completely discarded and have the choice made by a greater power.
>I don't know you, I do know that 1/3 of this country has mental health issues
citation needed
>1/8th is mentally unfit
citation needed

there are 140m+ lawful gun owners that didn't use their guns for crime today
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Muh firearms!
My world history teacher said something like this.
>Have three teachers
>Properly trained with handguns
>School has handgun locked in cabinet
>Three teachers and SRO has the key to it
>During each teachers period off they patrol hallway with handgun with them
>When there shift is gone they check out with SRO and give handgun to teacher whose shift is next
That way there is two armed people on the camus at a time and a higher chance of taking out the school shooter.
There are already over 300 million guns in America. The government can't remove them all, even if they are illegal, they will exist and even worse, will only exist in the hands of criminals.
>2 of those were false flags

thats why we need our guns.
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There it is that is the one I was waiting for.
Totes man
Solid point exhibit A the majority of the 1st world countries with gun bans, the near non existence of violent gun crimes in them
Same as above
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Is that a scope off Amazon?
I've got the same one if it is.
what do you do once the government has all the guns, then decides to start being a dick. leading to a tyrannical government that has to answer to Noone but the people who give them money. The constitution turns to a joke and we the people get fucked like dogs. No thank you.

-A proud patriot and gun owner
>the weak are at the mercy of the strong

What the actual shit is that even supposed to mean? Don't you realise how fucking stupid you sound?

Like banning guns would cause some sort of uprise of all the oppressed and poor people (ie "the weak")

fucking retard, an hero yourself pls
>Solid point exhibit A the majority of the 1st world countries with gun bans, the near non existence of violent gun crimes in them
and their crime rates didn't change at all
Nothing. If you don't like it come from your socialist europoor shit hole and take it from me.
There is 140m women with strapons that did not butt fuck a dude today.
See how silly you sound?

Is thus an actual debate? also beyond that burden of proof is on you.
>But how would the shooter be able to own a gun if they are banned? Sure it'd be illegal, but you're only thinking about this from one side.

But how would the pothead be able to own weed if they are banned? Sure it'd be illegal, but you're only thinking about this from one side.
America was never intended to be safe, or nice the American experiment is freedom. If you don't have the stomach for it move to France.
Tasco 3-9*50
yea and the spiral of gun owning and fear of violence is spinning down even further.

brilliant teacher you have there
Look up non gun crime in Britain compared to America. Dipshit.
What are you saying, I don't get it do you agree with me, or are you restating to try to say it different?

Sorry just for clarification.

The NSA exists and spies on everyone. And a swat team raiding your house in the middle of the night is something you can't stop, no matter how much firepower you own.

Your government already has enough power to fuck with you regardless of your assault rifles. They just don't really need to fuck you in blantantly obvious ways, they already are dicks and you're powerless to stop them.
Woah woah woah.
The cop killer on the left was a GOOD guy.

Does anyone not remember what happened? He was trying to fight the corrupt LAPD and killed a cop, then they sent out a statewide manhunt for him. The cops even shot up some civilians and got away with it. They went through a lot to kill him. Eventually they cornered him in a barn and burned it up instead of arresting him.

It's sad that cops are nothing but a gang.
The point is, you take away people's means of self defense, then the criminals or the government can just walk all over them. It's a really simple concept. The availability of guns evens out the playing field. For example, I can't defend myself against Chuck Liddel with my bare hands, but with a gun I have a chance.
Look up falisfied bullshit?

Look up gun related crime in Chicago alone for this year you inbred shit.
yea because you think that 1/3rd of that population is mentally handicapped and another 8th is mentally unfit what ever the fuck that means

Point is, there are over 100 million more lawful gun owners than there are unlawful criminals using guns

why are you trying to punish the majority for the sins of the few?
He's disagreeing. Yes they have no gun crime, but all other types of crime rose because the fear of being shot for being a criminal dropped.
I figured you'd be more interested in the bolt action shotgun.
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>tfw I own a bunch of guns
>and virgins on /b/ can't do anything about it but spew impotent buttmad at me
>but our overall crime rate didn't change at all

this means the gun bans didn't actually do anything to fix a crime problem, you just banned a tool out of many tools and nothing happened

So, gungrabbing liberals... which is it? A native insurgency and hostile population is impossible to control (Iraq) or resistance is futile?

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We don't trust you as far as we can fucking throw you.
Small world.
Nice choice on glass.
The national discussion is now over as we no longer want to talk about it and will kill your stupid assess if you try to take them.
Chicago has stricter gun laws than most places in the US. Why doesn't Arizona have more gun crime than Chicago? Arizona has almost no gun laws and they are fine. I'd love to hear your explanation for why Arizona isn't a gun crime infested shithole.
What country do you live in, mate?
140m women own strapons and didn't butt fuck a dude today.

Same argument, why do you need your gun in case some dude comes at you, or to prevent it. Because the majority of people who own a gun would not be able to react if a person comes at them.

Just wondering if this was preventative, or reactionary?
What the fuck leads you to believe that is is falsified? Are you choosing to dismiss valid arguments because you can't admit that you are wrong? I think you are.
Arizona has a violent related drug crime the majority of which involves fire arms.

Labeling is fun?
Because if ANYONE in those places were packing, the idiots opening fire would be shot.
Less people got shot
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
No its not the same argument at all, thats a strawman you keep forcing and it doesn't make sense

you're demonizing over 140 million lawful americans for the crimes of a few

there are a few thousand gun crimes a year and somehow you want to strip the rights of these (and all) americans because of them?
the same number of people get killed regardless of the weapon
Violent crimes have been on the decline for decades. News coverage of violent crimes has been steadily rising for decades, however. There's not more crime, just more coverage of it.

Anyone who thinks guns are still the problem needs to turn off the news and do some real research. News these days is mostly just sensationalism to cash in on ad revenue and red news brings in the viewers.
Are you? I've asked you to do the same.

And when the majority of that shit is falsified I hold it to be false.

Iraq is a country invaded by a foreign superpower. They literally see foreign soldiers in their cities, they know they are being fucked by the US government.

Americans cannot rebel because they are being fucked by their OWN government, in covert, smart ways that are not obvious to everyone, and might even be approved by some people depending on their political opinion. You can't really organize a resistance against your own goverment, most people will look at you like your a tinfoil-hat crazy...
first of all the anon you were reposting to and the anon who linked you are the same anon, me.

secondly, the reason why i linked you and that anon who's arguing that "people shouldn't have their ability to choose whether or not to own a fire arm completely discarded and have the choice made by a greater power" is exactly what I meant with my first post.

Maybe I didn't express myself clearly enogh, I'd like to apologise for that (I mean seriously, no sarcasm and stuff).

Her's what I was trying to tell you:

You claimed that "no one is fucking debating that position" by which you referred to my argument that people own guns bc they have the right to, I assume.
So I linked you to a guy who literally claimed that he posseses a gun because he can do so.
Just read his post.
"I detest violence and I wish nobody had guns, [...] I like liberty." which is his reason why he posseses a gun, while detesting violence and whishing that no one would own a gun.

Logic? hello? are you there?
I remember reading that there was an area years ago that had high gun ownership and low... I want to say robberies, but I can't find the picture. Anyone else know the one I'm talking about?
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Again, what makes you think it is falsified? Do you have an actual reason or are you just being stupid?
Welcome to the FBI watch list
Same answer as above 140m women own strapons and didn't butt fuck a dude today.
Strawman claim all you want, you seem to be mad you gun child.
Yeah and? My statement still stands, Arizona doesn't have as much gun crime as Chicago, despite the fact they have way more relaxed laws on guns. Your argument makes no sense, because stricter laws don't lead to less deaths. Unless you want a blanket gun ban, in which case you are anti Constitution and should just leave the US
Oh OP... You see.. there is too many people on this planet. Just too many to FUCKING give a damn.
obama is crying because he knows the government killed those kids.
7 day minimum ? Where the fuck is that ? So in your logic though if you can't stop every bank robbery let's just make it legal , no point making a law if it doesn't stop all crime
No its not stop fucking saying that because its no where near the same thing.

That is literally the definition of a strawman

you want to ban guns because some few criminals got theirs illegally then. So you aren't solving a problem you're literally harping over a non-issue and how everyone should pay for it by giving up their rights
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I just bought a bushmaster ar-15 in 45mins at academy. Where the fuck is it a week at?
Right? I remember seeing picture here of the UK's "bin a knife" program and I vaguly remember that it was getting to the point that you needed permits for kitchen knives.

Also, there was some stupid law along the lines of "You can't keep a bat next to your door because that is then considered a weapon".

Though, my stories come from /b/, so not sure just how trustworthy those posts were.
Look at statistics, hammers kill twice as many people as guns per year, the media just doesn't give a rats ass about hammer murders. What we really need is hammer control.

And yes, people can rebel agains their own government. But they need a REASON to do so. America is a democracy and most people are rich enough that they have more to lose than to gain by rebelling. So they let the government fuck them cause, hey, they are using so much lube it's actually pretty enjoyable.
Eh... it's not exactly superfluous. We both know that mentally unstable fuckwits would always choose the bottom gun because they are getting it for image. Because they're insecure, mentally unstable fuckwits.
So fucking close.......
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This whole thread
Ok I guess I kinda see your point here, but I have to disagree here, anon.

By taking away guns you don't take away people's means of self defense. And I don't mean knives now, there's a lot more to defend your self, like martial arts. Yes I know, that takes a lot of affort and training and stuff, but to be honest, amerifats could use the exercise if you ask me.

The availability of guns doesn't even anything. How do you think people rob a bank? with a fucking stick in their hand? There would be a lot less crime and a lot less people killed by firearms, if there were no firearms. Now that is a really simple concept.
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10 times more people died of food poisoning than rifles
mentally unstable people aren't allowed to own guns

the NICS checks for that
Yeah but its not like they wouldn't settle for the bottom gun if the top one was banned.
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shit bait OP
lol like thats anything new...

so close...
anyways. yeah, you haven't gotten around much have you?
Well fuck I see where you are coming from now but I don't really see it as something worth complaining about but this is /b/ and I guess that's something I should come to expect on this site.
French horn kek
kek... ok.
Fuck your life. everyone of age own guns. the dumb and irrational will be killed slowly. leaving the level headed in the end.
The NICS background check does check for mental incarcerations and mental hospitalizations and any record of mental instability
Well when 80 percent of people really do think they are much scarier there's a point you have to say why do I need this, I mean if they are the same gun essentially just get the wood stocked one.
Then go to Australia, we don't want you here.
my rights do not warrant needs.
What the non North Americans don't realise is the reason that right exists is to protect the people from that exact disarm mentality. The second someone says you can't have a gun is when you need a gun. The issue of homicide or violence isn't a issue of firearms. Its a societal issue, stemming from a multitude of things (feelings of helpless, anger, poverty, societal pressure, peer pressure, e.c.t). most of these mass killings are done by self perceived outcasts. Whereas the bulk is in low poverty areas... There are your real problems
No, they dont, trust me. I had to ask to be on the banned list after doing some crazy shit that landed me in a psych hospital a few times.
>> proofs in the pudding
>the mentally ill pick this gun over all others!
>Therefore the bottom gun needs to be banned
Ouch, that's some mighty cognitive dissonance.
Stupid is what stupid does.
>No, they dont, trust me.
No I'm not just trusting you, the NICS does actually check for that.
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Suck ittt euroofaggotttssss
I'm not claiming that banning guns would rid the world of guns, oh no sir, that's two completely different things. It would just drop the gun owning rate in general, and incidents like 5 year olds taking daddy's guns to school shooting classmates in the head would probably happen a little less often.
Like DC and Chicago?
I'm just bumping this b8 thread to help it die.

Keep it classy /b /
First world doesn't mean developed nation just like third world doesn't mean poor
Even after all the gun control, you still ban T-shirt cannons in Australia?? Wtf if wrong with you guys
>first world doesn't mean developed nation

>The term "First World" refers to so called developed, capitalist...

yea actually it does
why is the stupidity of a whole nation not worth complaining about? Do you really believe the people that claim bullshit like that are a minority? I have to admit I don't know the first thing about murrica and I'm kinda proud of the fact, but I'll bet all I have that there are more people out there claiming "muh rights, muh guns" than people who actually think about why they need a gun before buying one.
warning shots arent allowed? come on man.
you've defiled that glock... shame on you.
It's just a laser, and it's pretty accurate too.
No they don't how would they check if someone had one and in Ohio at least there's no check, only thing required is a 5 minute call to see if you're a felon, and that youre 21 and you can leave the store with a handgun and ammo, 18 for a long gun. Not responsible enough to drink but mah guns
So, you're saying that in Florida it's better off to light someone up than fire warning shots? LOL that makes a lot of sense.
Warning shots could kill little suzy down the street, retard
yea actually because britain's homicide rate actually went up after their gun ban

same with austrailia

>yea guys we got rid of the guns!
>even though theres more victims of crime and more people are dying because of crime!
>but at least we got rid of the deadly guns!
Good, she's fucking annoying.
yea, like there is absolutely no difference between throwing a rock and a granade, same amount of people will be killed.

retarded fucker
Even after all these terrorist attacks you still support Muslims in America??
knives, cars, dogs and alcohol kill people everyday too and they aren't banned. The problem is you ban guns then you either end up with illegal guns being used or people switch to bombs which are worse. You want to kill someone it's pretty easy to do not having a gun wont stop em
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No one will separate me from my raifu!!
Poo in the loo
>get killed by a knife
>what fucking ever
>get killed by a gun
>Wtf if wrong with you guys
the constitution
The logic behind it is that if you aim at your target, then you are less likely to hit a bystander/innocent person. The law is there to protect the people around you.
Ex.: You shoot your gun in the air outside your house. There is a chance that, when the bullet comes back down, it will hit somebody around you.
nothing wrong with the constitution
Is that a James Bond Walther?
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nobody has one of these? post it!
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would you feel better if they were pushed out of windows?
what exactly is your point?
I was just trying to prove the anon wrong who claimed that the same amount of people will be killed regardless of what weapon is being used, which is just bullshit. the weapon does make a difference, like I said, a granade will kill more people than a fucking rock.
Your rifle is freedom group garbage
The biggest problem is the people wanting to get rid of guns don't want them completely gone they just want to make it so only the bodyguards of the rich and elite can have them. They don't want to ban all guns they just want to ban the people they don't like from owning them
What he was saying was "1 gun can kill 10 people, whereas 1 knife will kill less". But what the faggot didn't think about was the mass amount of people that will commit crimes b/c they feel that their odds of living have improved.
not implying there is. just saying the constitution is why we have a "gun problem"
>what exactly is your point?
it doesn't matter how your murder was perpetrated but somehow thinking that a murder with a gun is worse than a murder by a strangling its fucking stupid and erroneous

>"1 gun can kill 10 people, whereas 1 knife will kill less"
except thats not true at all because britain's homicide rate didn't drop at all after their 1996 handgun ban, it went up and violent crime doubled as a whole. The crime rate didn't go down at all
I probably would've been killed near Temple University a couple years ago if I wasn't carrying. You can try defending your family with a baseball bat when someone breaks in your house with a gun if you want. It's nobody's place to tell me how to defend myself. It's common sense you shouldn't be allowed to have a fucking bazooka or anthrax like some of the retards in this thread are saying but I'll bet most of the people saying they need to outlaw guns grew up in cozy suburban neighborhoods where you get all your news from the mainstream media and never saw someone get their face caved in for walking through the wrong color neighborhood.
I know I'm sorry ;_;
A genuine West German PPK/S
Right, but say grenades and mines are legalized. How many people will rob a house if they think that crazy motherfucker has laced his yard with land mines? My guess is not many.

But then, say you take away the mines and grenades. How many people start looting because the yards are mine free?
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whooo! me too, I always enjoy the idiots that just spew their gun hate on these threads. They always think they are actually making a convincing argument.
>except thats not true at all because britain's homicide rate didn't drop at all

Keep reading my post. I agree with you.
but grenades and mines are legal in the US
woops sorry :(
Sure it doesn't matter how a murder is being committed, murder stays murder, true.

The only thing is that guns are designed and built for one single purpose: to kill. Or at least that's the original idea, whereas hands are not designed for killing (because you said strangling), neither are most knives or rocks or anything else you could kill somebody with. If you really have the desire to kill somebody you will be able to do so, no matter if you have a gun or not, the difference is that guns make it far easier to kill. With a knive/your hands or anything else whith what you could strangle people you have the problem of distance. You can't stab someone from afar, but you can sure shoot him in the back from a few metres distance.
1 good reason for not allowing guns.
If it's legal for you to own one, then it's legal for everybody. Including every retard who never passed an IQ test, assholes who don't take care of them properly (if at all) and their children take them, niggers.
People die because everybody is allowed to have a gun.
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is obama a killer?
No guns didn't save paris
when I point my gun at you, how will you stop me from killing you?
No they aren't.
Yeah, he kills people with drones. I say we ban drones too now that we're at it.
Hands are actually designed for fighting
>The only thing is that guns are designed and built for one single purpose: to kill.
erroneous because they're designed to fire a projectile, what you do with it is your business. This is why people kill people and guns don't kill people.

What you're still forgetting is the homicide rate DIDN'T drop which means your guns lethality is completely non-existent. If the homicide rate did drop, you're be right, but it didn't, so you're not
By pulling out another gun and killing you first?
I don't think that's the point here. I mean first of all the problem lies within the people who want to loot houses. I mean who does that shit anyway?
Secondly, take away mines and granades and you end up at the current situation. You don't start looting b/c the yard is mine free, you start looting b/c you're fucked up in the head or poor and struggling to survive or what ever poor excuse people come up to justify the crimes they commited.
but you only have a knife?
Eww, steel cased.
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I like guns they help with the overpopulation. Let them keep their gun
No problem, mate. We all make mistakes.
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It's a right to own a gun in the U.S., not a privilege. Ban guns and you will still be able to buy guns, just like drugs are illegal and you can buy all you want. The killings that were so overplayed in the media were all staged false flag events. This is well documented. Did you notice there has not been any recently? The next election is a much bigger event and basically the whole guns kill people argument has not worked. It has grossly failed! Just look at monthly guns sales!!! Bring it on dumb fucks and see what>>671753432
It's a right to own a gun in the U.S., not a privilege. Ban guns and you will still be able to buy guns, just like drugs are illegal and you can buy all you want. The killings that were so overplayed in the media were all staged false flag events. This is well documented. Did you notice there has not been any recently? The next election is a much bigger event and basically the whole guns kill people argument has not worked. It has grossly failed! Just look at monthly guns sales!!! All time record highs. Bring it on dumb fucks and see what happens!!!
>bringing up complicated, opinion-based topics that nobody has all the answers to have a completely informed opinion about on 4Chan
I don't think you thought this through.
well that's exactly my point. There is no way for me to stop it, which means that it's pretty easy for you to kill someone with a gun, and that is the problem.
What if you had your own gun?
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