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What are you scared of /b/? Phobias, fears, and the irrationality

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What are you scared of /b/? Phobias, fears, and the irrationality of it all.

I have bathophobia and I have absolutely no idea why. First and only time I went on a boat.

>be me about 11
>going on vacation with family, mom, dad, and older brother to Florida
>planning on boating out to Florida Keys
>superhyped, never been on a boat before, sounds awesome
>get there first day, just peruse gift shops and sleep well for tomorrows hell ride
>drive down not 30 mins from hotel to the harbor
>get suited up in floaty shit and explained all the safety precautions
>all that shit outta the way, time for the main event
>get on the boat, little speedboat for 12, and since i'm the yougest i get shown around the cabin by the captain
>spend a good thirty minutes getting shown all the do-dads and whirly-widgets of the boat, step outta the cabin, the salty breeze, and warm air feel incredible
>get over to sit next to my parents, can barely see the shore we came from
>sit next to them then decide to peer over into the water
>dark, all consuming blackness
>nothing but water and depth, no visible reefs, rocks, or fish
>eyes widen, recoil in terror, cant breathe
>freak right the fuck out and have a panic attack right there, get an oxygen tank and mask hooked to my face, completely inconsolable
>we had to drive back and go to the hospital and get a shot to calm me down

I haven't been on a boat since.
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what is bathophobia? I feel you op, i get anxious in big open areas
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tl; dr

OP is a giant pussy and should kill himself.
oh god stop

it's a fear of wide open spaces, I have no fear of the ocean or water likeThalassophobia but if i look under the water, into the open depths I can't stand it. It's hard to play Skyrim or Far Cry 3 swimming because if I look down into deeper water, I physically recoil and cringe.
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>It's hard to play Skyrim or Far Cry 3 swimming

It goes that far? So you can't see movies like Jaws or Deep Blue Sea, Waterworld?

I have a fear for spiders but in video games I have no problems with them (movies are different though)
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I just can't look at deep open areas, plants like this bother me a bit too, but it more so bothers me with ocean and water stuff. Its all murky and unclear whats inside of it.
yeah, this shit right here. and i don't know why. i can swim in a pool, its just murky water bothers me.
>deep open areas

how about space? If you gaze up at night? (deeper and more open is hard to find)
murky water bothers me because I'm not sure what's in it. the same goes with anything that's dark really, except maybe a known area at night, because I can assume it's safe even if i can't see shit; but like a dark cave? fuck that, no idea what's in there.
He will spread his glow until the GREAT DIVIDE
no space and the sky is fine. i love to look up at stars at night.

kek the top two rows bother me the most, fuck that. The polar bear and alligator on the far right second row. ive been spelunking, but with a lot of light and 3 other people
Did you forget an image? What rows are you talking about?
Dude I am terrified of the ocean. When I play the Witcher and there's loot floating in deep open water. I take a deep breath and do it for the loot. Not to mention it's so fucking realistic
but just think about drifting off in space with no way to navigate through just looking at the dark abyss that is space. it scares me thinking about it.
this one, sorry >>671464120

I havent played Witcher but I have honestly considered how deep the water looks and if i can handle it. i mean i cant look up pictures of someone looking down in the water but i can kinda infer how much i would shit my pants.
This. I'm afraid of stuff I cannot see in water. That includes freshwater fish and plants.
Yep. Go out on the ocean in a boat small enough you can reach the water. Look down. If you're not a little freaked out, I don't know what the fuck you're even doing.

Think about that shit. There could be things so big down there that they can swallow our boat goddamn whole and we wouldn't know it until someone got video of a motherfucking boat getting eaten by the Malasian Boat-Eating Waterspider or some shit.

I still go out on the ocean, I adore the water, but if you're not a little bit intimidated on a small boat that can't see shore I question your judgement.
Just letting you know there's a certain mission that you have to dive super deep if you want to.
i had a recurring nightmare for a while when i was getting my drivers license. i would just drive out from my house and somehow take so many wrong turns i wouldn't know where the fuck i was and i would not have my cell phone so i couldnt call for help or directions. it was the exact same dream each time.

I think its the sense of being lost and having no direction that scares me.
I feel like there's cameras in my apartment sometimes.

I wave alot when I'm really buggin out.

I remember on my honeymoon having problems at the room for a day thinking about how it was probably bugged.needless to say the wife wasn't happy

no, no more boats for me. i'm done with that shit.
The Witcher is the best solo game I've every played. I wholeheartedly recommend it. There's very little involving the water and what attacks you underwater is always clearly visible and usually not in deep water. You can use Infinity (3rd party program) to turn on hacks and just speed through the watery parts with your eyes closed without having to worry about dying, however I don't even though I share this fear. I'm afraid of many things in games because I'm a total pussy, especially including cave/dungeon exploration, which is why I quit playing Skyrim, but if there's any game worth getting over your fears for, it's The Witcher 3.
that kind of thinking scares me to.
>God damn supersperm gettin in muh water supply again!
imagine playing stranded deep.
Also to add, I've sunk nearly 100 hours into the Witcher and haven't gotten around to doing any mission involving diving super deep in open water like another anon was talking about. There was one part where I had to five down into a cave NEXT TO open water for the Griffin school Witcher gear but that didn't even bother me.
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Here ya go.
most disappointing game ever
i passed out in a bus once, woke up waaay past my stop with an almost dead cellphone. was winter, too.

i shudder to imagine what would have happened if my phone really had been dead.
i probably will play it at some point. the most ive ever freaked out was when an alligator grabbed me in Far Cry 3. I dropped the controller and screamed like a sissy bitch. if it isnt too bad, i'll play it.
It's too early in development to really judge imo. I think they're killing off the potential fanbase by releasing it too early as an early access game. It had potential but will probably never be really popular now.
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fuckin nope

>pic related

why is it always the fucking japs that find shit like this
Nothing intense ever happens in the Witcher. There's cool shit but nothing like any kind of jumpscare or anything like the far cry series that will make you jump.
Either you use a Steam controller like a pleb or play a console like a pleb.
wtf is that!? is this from a game or a real camera?
That's no game, anon...
I think it's called a Big Fin Squid. It's very real.
Wew lad
Alien abduction.
the background is edited. the actual jellyfish is not.
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I can't touch paper without cringing up and tilting my head. Really fucking weird had it since high school, I get weird looks, I tell them I'm cracking my neck but i just can't touch paper. It feels like I'm scratching my fingernails on a chalkboard. Anybody else have this? Newspaper is the worst
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The squiddy thing is real. The monster in the back is shooped.
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Stuff flying near my head. Insects, small birds etc. I'll take a tarantula on my hand than a bee.

I have pretty good reflexes as well. One time I smacked a small bird out of the air by mistake because it flew right by head. Shit like that has happened a few times to me. I thin I'm more impressed than embarrassed at this point.
I have an irrational fear of spiders, i would scream like a bitch if i see one. Pictures don't freak me out just when there right next to me.
>when i was at my friends house
>we were playing gmod
>feel something going sonic up my leg
>look down
>fuck wolf spider on crack
>slap my leg like i was jacking like no tomorrow
>scream like a pussy
>never go to his house again
i am a console pleb, sorry to disappoint.
Only plebs judge other plebs, you pleb.
I knew a guy at my university who worked on the Perdido and said they've seen tons of crazy shit on the AUV feed. Problem is that he said nobody has the time to sift through and edit the video to post it.
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This is the real image and it still bugs the fuck outta me.
didn't even see the monster...fml
I refuse to play that fucking game as much as much as I want to.
I get that feeling when i hear scraping of ice. Never heard of paper doing that though.
Malasian. Boat-Eating. Fucking. Waterspider.
Bruh that's just a big finned squid
It's a squid
Grow a pair
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I also hate Crane flies
>pic related
they look like mosquito on steroids
>one night im on my bed
>window open because summer and don't have fan
>on my phone looking at facebook
>this fukken nigger jumps on my screen
>fucken drop phone of my face
>ran out of room screaming
>cried myself to sleep on couch
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I have opisafaggotphobia
Terrified of bugs. Big and small.
>be me
>its midnight doing heists on gta
>see colossal beetle flying around my head
>shit myself
>try not to fail heist
>standing out of my seat shitting myself
>get too scared and run away
>get someone to move bug
>still finish heist in time
Fuck these filthy cunts
I have
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your pic nailed it for me. my fear is girls in bikinis swimming over holes in the sea. not one of those, only all at once.
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ur mums divide
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Same here. I have an Argonian (can breathe underwater) and I have a hard time exploring the ocean. I'm just glad there aren't any deep sea monsters in that game.

Fucking whales around Skellige in The Witcher 3 freaked me out too. Fuck that shit.
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stupid nigger
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Holy shit so that's what it's called. I have the same thing but it's pretty extreme. I had a friend who owned this 3D Jaws poster and even looking at it bothered me to the point where when I'd visit he'd take it down for me.

pic very fucking related
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>click image
>quickly downsize
This. The only thing that scared the fuck out of me was the caretaker (hearts of stone dlc)
>experience something new
>natural response to the unknown is fear
>parents feed into the fear instead of trying to counter it
no big mystery
Duuuuuuude , do napkins also trigger it??
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death. constantly worrying about any danger because, to be honest, i dont ever want to die. not even of old age
i thought i was the only one

i feeling in my bowels that tells me to go back on land and never return.

the abyss

>fear of height, real life or games, similar to the ocean
>arachnids mostly the bigones, since you can see their joints

but then i remember, we have dominion over all of it, and that helps sooth my phobia
Holy fuck man

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I don't really know if this is a fear but i don't like seeing cuts, injuries, basically open wounds at all. it makes me squeamish because when i see things like these, i imagine it happening to me.
I actually haven't even played through the DLC stuff yet because I'm too stupid to figure out how... Any tips to cure my stupidity or am I doomed forever? Also would you mind telling me how or do I have to confess my stupidity to Google too?
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you got dominion over a goddamn whale if it decides to hit your boat. fuck that, i dont have control over the water, i hate the idea of being stranded in theocean like some hangin onto the wreckage kinda shit. id rather drown right there, fuck that nigga, fuck that.
i have a cringe-y story about this if anyone wants to hear?

I don't know whats it called but I have a fear of losing my own blood.
Things with long appendages like spiders and niggers
I do the same if I run my finger down paper I get the same feeling as when I hear styrofoam rubbed together, I have to use gloves or something if I'm reading more than a few pages
The worrying will give ya a heart attack. kek

But, yeah, I hear ya. Who knows what's on the other side? I sure as hell don't want to take a gamble.
This bald guy Is terrifying
Napkins and tp are fine. Paper towel is bad sometimes
I've heard Navy men are told to intentionally breathe in a deep breath while underwater to instantly kill themselves if their boat is sunk with no chance of rescue. I would definitely try this if I was in a scenario like you described. Ain't gonna live no Life of Pi shit drifting around in the ocean.
wow, I didn't know people could be this big of pussies. You can't even just look up a picture? What the fuck m8 it's just a picture
Ive got a fear of unknown water. Its odd though, you would think the Ocean would bother me but it doesn't. My issue is with lakes or ponds and swimming in them. When they are murky and hard to see through. Its mainly a fear of not knowing what is in the water or how deep it is. If I don't know the lake or what have you I WILL NOT go under water. Fuck if I'm getting impaled underwater by a old metal rod or some shit.
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My greatest fear?

You gotta be level 31 to play it.
Fuuuuuuuuck you're such a bitch I can't believe this
Hehe for me all shits around skellige can go fuck themselves. No way im getting off my tiny ass boat to check out underwater...
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What did you say about me?
Syringes. Maybe its because I broke my arm and split my chin open (seperate events) when I was young.
I spooked myself getting this picture.
I don't need to sleep tonight.
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so which image is worse op, this one?
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or this one?
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i got a lost a few times going too far on a bus when i was in high school, i slept on buses a lot

i just kept jumping on random buses going generally the right direction until i found one that said it went to my destination. it helped that there were a lot of bus stations where a hundred buses all stop.
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Like many arachnophobia, especially these fuckers down in Florida.

These bastards get fucking huge and they are not shy about making webs anywhere they please. I have reoccurring nightmares of getting surrounding by these garden spiders and many others, all dangling in midair by invisible webs, not moving but just every fucking direction my head turns. I got these when one time I nearly walked into one's web and I didn't see it spooking the ever living shit out of me. I know what it's like to be traumatized.
this one seems easyer to avoid if yout a good swimer
this on could be avoided if your a good climber
but i suck at both and think the ocean one is worse
i'm not op but just answering.
Go on
Im afraid of fat chicks cause one fucked up my foot when she fell on me back in elementary. My foot to this day gets painful spasms whenever i assert on it too much
I have 2 real fears.

My #1 fear is losing my job, becoming broke, and ending up homeless. I don't think I could handle it. Well I KNOW I couldn't handle it. I'm pretty sure I would end up killing myself so I wouldn't end up living that way. I've been laid off before and it once took 6 months to find a decent non-min wage paying job. Luckily my father took me in, which I hated but had to so I didn't end up living on the streets.

Which leads to fear #2, getting old and being alone. I know at some point in my life, I'm going to get to the point where I can just no longer take care of myself without assistance. My parents won't be around forever, and I really doubt my sisters would ever take me in. (We're not on the best of terms.) Then again they're older then me, so they're going to need the extra help first.
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Sup /b/. I herd u talkin shit.

Similar thing for me: hard balls like MnMs or pebbles rubbing together. When I squeeze them together so they grind against each other, its a bad feeling. Not scary but uncompfortable. I dont eat MnMs much because of it
Arachnophobe and I die from thoughts of human internal anatomy(not other animals though), surgery, and the like.
can anyone see the giant teeth around it in the cliff face?
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As a kid (3-4) i used to play on the shore, and when the wave came in and out the sand would stay solid where my body was but liquid-ish all around it, like with that super fluid effect (starch and water) and shift as if trying to draw me into the water.

I couldnt move out of fear of the sand turning into quicksand and sucking me in.

It was like balancing on a skateboard that would suck me into the ocean if i fell.

I believe this is what started my phobia of the ocean, at least contributed.

then again, maybe the ocean was trying to get back at me.

I remember being told that the ocean got mad if you threw sand at it, and i remember i'd grab a hadfull of sand and throw it and the ocean.

the wave would come back with more force than the times before, and i would kinda taunt it by throwing more sand at it.

afterwards is when the previously mentioned stuff started happening. i really loved the waters.

damn, Oceanus, i was only a child!!
It's not a fear but I always wonder what's at the very bottom of the ocean within its dark depths
You can fuck right off mate I never even once dared traverse to that level. Bragging rights aren't worth it
as an europoor it blows my mind that having family you are scared of becoming homeless if you lose your job. What is wrong with staying with your family?

number 2, get long term care insurance. Not so expensive when you are young
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da fug is dis?
Which ever one it is for being completely alone forever. I'm talking literally no interaction with any living thing.
spiders mate.
I've been bitten 3 times by a huntsman
We are american from the land of broken homes. Generally don't have the greatest relationships with family you wouldn't understand
difference between men and boys

boys quit
Am level 67 on New Game+ (playthrough 2) mode. How pls
That im going to wake up one day and realize im old and alone and have nothing to look forward to is death, unremembered.
for me personally, it's A really weird version of trypanophobia.

Sewing needles? I'm good, but the second you get a syringe near me, i get realllly tense, heart rate goes up, have to look away.

Getting injections n shit sucks.

That said, I've overcome it to the point that I try and give blood whenever I can, I think it helps me.
That im going to wake up one night and see something looming over me that isnt human. Im fucking 30 and this scares the shit out of me.
I have a fear of driving cars. Ever since I got ran off the road by a semi while merging into a freeway, I've had an irrational fear of driving and it had crippled a lot of my social and work life but somehow I've managed to make it work. Not being to just get in your car and drive is the worst thing but I can't help it.
>be me
>at hospital because grandmas a fat fuck
>my 2 aunts and father was there
>watching a doctor show
>see really gross injuries
>talk about how they make us wheezy
>homeless man is brought in because he cant stop masterbaiting
>this is on show not in the hospital
>really awkward
>aunt asks me if i know what he is doing
>i shyly say yes
>ask me if i ever done it
>say no(really think i'm gonna say yes bitch)
>dad is surprised
>talk about birds and bees with both aunts ther
>here that my cousin has hair growing from aunt
>wtf i don't want to hear this shit
>as me and dad walk to car tell me i should master bait
>shit just got real.jpg
>tells me to do it by rubbing my dick but not to rip it off
>tell him i don't want to hear it
>tells me about female anatomy and shit
>hated ride home
>mfw i'm 23 and dads is telling me about birds and bees

The fuck is scary about being homeless? You got nothing to lose. You can travel the fucking planet see all you wanna see. Sure it takes longer cause you gotta walk but you don't have to be anywhere on time so it doesn't matter. If I were to become homeless id travel the world on foot or stolen bike. Id travel to the South of europe to spain/Portugal or maybe east to Berlin, work for shelter chilling with the hobo's wich are mostly unbelievably nice people and do whatever the fuck I want. Sure it can be harsh sometimes with the winter cold and all but you'd have more freedom than anyone on the entire planet who has a job.
No one gives a shit about the squid. Wtf is in the background??
sleeping outdoors feels terrible when not on intentional.
I'm also terrified of water and shit in water. Most games in water freak me right the fuck out. The Witcher, on the other hand. I had no problems diving into the water in Skellige (where the deep water is). It helps that you 1-shot everything in the water with your crossbow and the only things in the water are Drowners and Sirens, which aren't scary.
This, or something slowly begins to rise at the side or end of the bed that isn't either. I have to have my cat with me when I got to bed because it's said demons or evil things hate cats for them being associated with powerful deities for example in Egyptian culture.
i told this story really shitty.
i rushed because i didn't know if this was gonna 404 i could do better
>i was not 23 btw


Fucking kek, your dad was a bit late for the party then.
Not knowing where you next meal, shit, sleep is going to take place and if you can physically handle the rigors of an urban jungle are real fears and logical fears.
Claustrophobia. Specifically crawling in any small space i may get stuck.
Being in an enclosed space that can allow me to move comfortably is ok. Those cave explorers who cram themselves into gaps only a few inches wide make me ill. Or scuba diving in underwater caves that are super tight?
Fuck. That.
Where do you gossip, the psych ward?
I was homeless at 16-17. Not fun at all. First of all your lonely as fuck. Second you have to watch your back 24/7 from police or whoever. Gauranteed to get robbed. Third your worrying about how you can eat or where you can sleep. Fourth you feel like shit the whole time for being a failure. I can go on and on I don't know what the fuck your talking about

I'm talking more like when I get older, like after my parents pass on. I've unfortunately have lost several decent jobs due to issues beyond my control. Branch suddenly closed down because we weren't making a large enough profit, down sizing, upper management let go of people to get cheaper workers. I try to save when I can because of this. You just never know when crap will happen, and you'll need that emergency money. Of course no steady source of income, and you can't pay your rent, and you lose your home.

As for family, my sisters are really just half sisters. Same mom, different dad. We get a long okay, but we have had our differences in the past, and they are holding grudges about it. Whether or not they'll be stubborn enough to keep these grudges when it comes down to it, only time will tell. Long term health care is nice, but if I'm 60 or 70 or older, and all alone, then what's it even matter. Stuck in some assistant care facility all alone, and with nothing to even look forward to. That's a living hell for me. Honestly, this fear has actually motivated me to go out and find a GF. I have 30 creeping up a lot sooner then I would prefer. I know I'm still young as things go, but I think about how both of my sisters were married by 30, and even my parents had by by 30. Here I am, a year and half shy of 30 and barely proud of what I've done with my life. I have no one but myself to blame for it though.

You don't even have to though. Here in the netherlands shelter costs 3,50 a night if tour homeless. You should be able to easily get that with a cv it of beging dring the day. If you're not a druggie it's doable not saying it's easy but its double.
On sweatshirts, if you try to fix the laces when one side is longer than the other and pull on it, the squeaking sound it gives off kills me
topkek are u guys me?
That's the problem with 4chan anymore, mods seem to randomly prune as they feel, and ban for some pretty dumb reasons. At one point an internet acquaintance showed me a screen capbwhere he got banned from posting from work on his phone lmao
this I swear to god I was in a thread for not even 5 minutes, it was new, and the damned thing gets deleted.

I live near Los Angeles now. You see homeless people EVERY FUCKING WHERE! Sleeping on the streets in any spot possible. Reak of a smell that just make you want to throw up. Never knowing where or when they are going to eat neck. Sure some of them got some legit problems that lead to this. Most stay on the street because the shelters are even worse. Like what the other person mention. They have nothing to lose and give zero fucks. That makes them even more scary. I just could not live like that.
here is the better version
>i was 13 at the time
>not 23
>after homeless jerkin session
>aunt askes me if i know what he is doing
>i say yes
>asks me if ive done it
>say no
>my other aunt ask me if i know how
>i say no
>i did know how, i did it that morning before we left to hospital
>aunt talks about how her son got pubes
>said she gave him the talk
>my dad said that she should give me the talk since she already has
>she said no because i'm not her kid
>FML why are you guys debating on telling me how to jack-off
>conversation got weird
>i was silent until we left
>dad asked me on the way to the car if i really never jerked it before
>tell him i've never jerked
>tells me to do it in the shower sometime
>tell him i will not do that
>talked to me about other stuff sexual
how did you stop being homeless?
Very good shit. I had a similar let's-sir+down-and-talk-about-masturbation experience with my two best friends who asked me at my house when I was in 6th grade and then convinced me I was not too young. I then tried it but got friction burned because I did it dry while wearing jeans while trying to be silent while my little brother and my mom (my little brother was a pussy that was afraid to sleep alone and my parents wouldn't let me sleep in the spare bedroom in the basement so I had to share a room) were asleep like 2 ft away on a bed that made plastic-rubbing-together sounds every time I moved because my parents decided that since my little brother liked to piss himself in his sleep that I must also so they put a piss pad under our sheets. Never been caught but had some risky faps, and will graduate high school and move out in a few months.

tl;dr, I was told to try jerking off. I did in a sketchy situation and burned muh dick.
Heard it from my English 2 teacher two years ago.

Well I think shit depends on how you handle it. Sure if you're in detroit and homeless and are gonna stay there you will have a shit life. That's why I say i'd go and travel the more you get out from rural area's the safer you'll be with a better chance of finding food (farms you can steal from sheds you can sleep in.)
People outside of the city mostly are far nicer too so chances are higher that you'll be able to work for shelter or at least for food. But yeah being homeless in the big city is fucked up I know that.
I hear you. You seen the movie The Descent? That fucked me the fuck up
this one messed me up watching the movie as a kid. I still cringe at things related to things happening to eyes.

similar fear to OP's except it's being next to or near huge boats at sea that fuck with me.
also have some really stupid GAD fears:
*driving on the highway - stay to the right at all times
*driving in a middle or GASP! left lane makes me feel insecure, similar to feeling vulnerable on both sides
*can't do left lane on a 3-lane highway
B-but at least I got over agoraphobia. mostly
It seriously sucks, especially when you find a good conversation in one and it just 404s immediately. So frustrating
I worked 50 hours a week while I was homeless I had money just couldn't get a place cuz underage. Got a place a week after 18th birthday. 20 now starting a business next month should be making 200k/yr
After watching final destination when I was like 13, I have feared these things ever since.
Drowning is top 3 most painful ways to die
I already decided how I would kill myself if I became homeless. I would go into some CVS or such, head over to the medicine area, and down as much aspirin or such as possible. It would suck for the store, but being homeless at that point I would have zero fucks to give.
holy fuck, impressed as fuck. Did not realize that underage homelessness was a thing.

Don't you just need to go to a police station and take a piss in front of a cop to get room and board till you are 18?
i'm still in high school and i have a noisy bed.
i almost get cough a lot of times, just today i almost got cough by my mom
whenever shed leave i just go back to it, she came in multiple time for different shit, took me 2 hours to finally cum because my dick is soft by the time she leaves.
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I got this weird fear of becoming immortal.
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Op should play subnautica

Don't sweat it,OP. Go out on a boat again.

My first time in an airplane I was near panic the whole time and the sounds of (what I now know were) flaps and landing gear freaked me out.

Now, 10 years later, I have a pilot's license and just got an unlimited low level waiver that will allow me to fly low level aerobatics in 2 airshows this summer.

Don't base your life on initial fears of new experiences.
I'm not even scared of those but watching this my legs felt very weak wtf
Looks like an eye
Hate needles with a passion. Seeing a video of getting stabbed with a fucking needle makes me physically cringe. I don't get flu shots cause I'm a giant pussy.

>why am I afraid of something that helps me
>trolled by troll image
>aspirin suicide
good choice! a slow painfull death after swallowing dozens of tablets
I tried that but they said I have to go home so they forced my mom to let me in and My school was sending my mom tickets like every week for truency. So she let me back in for a bit. She had a countdown on the kitchen whiteboard until the day it was my 18th birthday. She called my jobs and got me fired from one of my jobs. I decided to just leave again, if I went to the police again they would just make me stay with her. So no there wasn't much I could do. My high school knew my situation and basically handed me my diploma without enough credits just to give me more time to work. Went from the worst grades in the school to the most succesful. I should be a millionare within 3 years. I'm going back in there to talk to the kids actually
I also have a fear of being scared. my mom would make me watch scary movies when i was a kid, made me scared of the dark. silent hill was the movie that scared me the most as a kid, had nightmares about it all the time(one time it was a sexual dream with the little girl at the end of the movie...weird). she also took me haunted housing as a kid. don't like going to them now, don't like playing scary games, movies don't bother me that much though.. i guess its when i'm personally put in the situation like my dreams.
i dont get this
Every thread where OP turns out to be a complete idiot and suddenly "runs out of time" gets deleted. This is the same for any thread where anons start agreeing, or doing something productive. A pattern emerges where any thread butthurting a useless poster...tumblarinas, shills, children, is removed. The logical conclusion is that there IS no moderation but any thread with enough reports disappears. (Ever notice in real life when you piss a dweeb off their first move is to nark?). So many people stopped saying /b/ was shit and just left...maybe its because shit is at the wheel.
That feeling you get in your stomach when you are falling, i fucking dread that feeling
I know exactly how that goes. My mom will come in and grab laundry (because she won't let me use the fucking washing machine so I don't have to do my laundry but I also don't get to have clean clothes all that often either) and then say something to me and then linger in the door staring at me and then leave it cracked "so air can flow", then come back in two or three minutes later to add some unimportant shit when it's obvious she just wants me to never fap so she waits until she's suspicious of me doing it to walk in and do this shit. My dad is actually convinced I'm somehow running up the AC bill by always having my door closed but I only keep it closed because I prefer 80 degrees (F) and my family prefers 68 degrees in the house, and keeping the door closed keeps the AC from coming in because the air vent in my room is broken. So literally everyone in my family refuses to allow my door to remain closed and I spend all day wrapped up in two layers of clothes plus blankets.
ive got trypophobia which is a fear of unnatural holes.
im also afraid of deep water and things like dark rooms. it gets so bad I sleep with a blanket over my head so something separates me from the empty space.
I also have a fear of intruders and loud noises, but maybe I just have anxiety or something
also surgery

You should play Subnautica
I imagine it wouldn't be so bad if it was instant, as I was told is possible.
You dick
Pretty much this, i was homeless to at age of 20 to 22 and again 24 to 26.

Drinkin was pretty much only way to make life deacent. Funny thing was that i havent alcohol problem before ive got homeless.

Now thinkin buying a boat so id have allways some place to crash cos these fucking housing problems messing my head

I enjoy it and it still creeps me out when I end up at a cliff looking into the black....
the black of his dick?
this was a good thread, goodnight /b/
So if you float on water facing the sky and you imagine that you are floating in the ocean, do you start to freak out?
No doubt, its a great game, but still a dick move lol
I'm more scared of what's under the water. But even if there was no sharks or anything the ocean could be scary. Well I definitely get sweaty hands around heights, but that's natural I think to not wanna be where you can fall. Bad thing is if I ever have to hold on for my life or fall to my death those sweaty palms won't do me any favors
I understand looking into deep water. One of the more rational fears, like skydiving. The door opens, you hook your legs over, look down on 20,000 feet of empty air. Different, but the same.

What am I honestly scared of? Death, pain, failure. Being alone. The usual.
I remember an episode of dirty jobs when he was working as a bridge maintenance worker. He had to crawl inside the structure and it looked cramped and tight as fuck, i swear someone of my size would get stuck in there
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How bad was it before you were born?
Student pilot here, lol. Felt that same fear from takeoff to landing the first few flights, mostly the sheer amount of input you have to deal with. Are you in it for the job, or just the experience?
fuck thats a good bait and ill atke it
Ever see a brown prionid?
They freak me the fuck out. I have (and still) considered persuing entomology as a career, but these fuckers just scare the shit out of me.
>playing vidya at the foot of bed
>hear loud bug bouncing off walls, assume it's mothra
>keep playing, keep hearing the noise get louder and less moth-like
>lands on my head, absent mindedly grab and throw it onto bed
>hear crazed clicking and flapping and shit
>scariest flying beetle type thing I've ever seen
>literal jaws
>start to cry
>sleep in my mom's bed (she wasn't home)
>capture it in mason jar
>make boyfriend throw it outside
>sleep in living room for the rest of the week in fear of the insects revenge

I've never heard of those things until that happened. Shut was fucked up, yo.

>pic related
when I hear airplanes or helicopters flying above my house. I think they're going to crash on my house and I will die a firey death
Black hole?
ayy lmao
The air vent in your room is broken. You realize they aren't that expensive? I mean, I know your family is being unreasonable. If they won't pay for it, it doesn't cost much to replace, though. Measure it, go to your local home improvement store, and replace it. Could resolve a lot of hostility.

Also, refuse to be walked on. Taking responsibility sucks but is easy. As long as you're taking it from someone else, they can't complain about the corresponding rights you're gaining. That's how it works.
I'm afraid of blood extractions, with those big, thick syringes they use to pierce through arteries, but not afraight of vaccines or shit
>mfw syringes nowadays are super small and barely hurt
Other than that, I used to be afr8 of planes until I got inside one and kinda learned to not thing about bad shit that could happen so I don't get a panic attack lel
>these bastards get huge

Can't say the same about your thumbnail, kiddo
Regular paper is fine. Napkins and styrofoam rubbing make me wanna kill myself.
Well done anon, I see a fighter in you with a real future. Keep on!
>that fucking nightmare of falling with great speed
Got a paralyzing (how ironic) fear
>enclosed spaces
>underwater structures, mostly man-made but natural as well

Also sperglord so I'm generally afraid of everything.
I hate watching ice melt. I hate looking at flowers in a vase. I have a garden, and pulling weeds gets to me. Death bothers me. Pain bothers me. A lot of life seems to be bound up in those things, and I don't understand it.
IRL, I've jumped out of a plane a few times. Never had that particular nightmare since. Falling UP, though? I've had that one every now and again.
you have every reason to be scared
I get really sentimental about that kind of thing too, anon. Even inanimate objects. I sometimes feel regret for the hair that gets snipped off during a trim.

I'm scared of Gamma-ray Bursts and Brain Aneurysms.

Fuck my life.
Why the fuck would you do that
The only things I'm scared of are Mexican cartels and being hacked to death oh and I have trypophobiathat can make me go insane
Dolls, growing old, and dying alone.
I have Cadadastrophobia it's the fear of falling up. I have a hard time looking at tall buildings next to me or the morning sky withot falling to my knees cringing
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>correcting grammar on /b/
Fuck outta here faggot

>the kraken behind the squid

Almost as if you unintentionally overreact to the instinctive realization of the hurt caused by falling down from such a tall structure. Most people need to look down, first.
Mfw your the only fag in thread
On /b/. Dies alone
I love that game, but it gives me the fucking creeps. especially when you dive outside of the map and it just continues down into nothingness for thousands of meters but the creepy sounds are still playing in your headphones
Tell me who you are anon
Something to do with the earths electromagnetic field?
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