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Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win JUST because he's

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 302
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Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win JUST because he's the benevolent protagonist fighting the evil establishment. The next 4-8 years of your country are at stake, nothing should be more important. Get out there and FIGHT.

Real Change cannot happen unless you fight for it. Sitting on the side lines is not fucking enough. Get the heck out there and FIGHT relentlessly until everyone has had the name BERNIE SANDERS drilled into their heads. Get off your ass and take the long arduous journey into the big wide world. I'm from the UK, so I'm mostly unaffected by who becomes president, but most of you aren't. If I was an American you'd be damn sure I'd be out there spreading Bernie's message to as many people as I possibly could and would gladly give up all my free time for a better future for everyone.
Youth voter turnout in both Nevada and South Carolina was awful. What. The. Fuck. We're Bernie's best demographic, 80 freaking percent, but somehow an embarrassingly small portion of us turned up when it actually MATTERED. Sitting in front of your PC donating and occasionally phonebanking ISN'T ENOUGH.
Sorry for my harsh tone, but everyone needs to start seeing the bigger picture. BERNIE IS LOSING, ONLY YOU CAN MAKE HIM WIN. INDIVIDUALLY WE ARE WEAK BUT TOGETHER THERE IS NOTHING WE CANNOT DO.
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Bernie Sanders isn't as shit as Hillary, but he's still pretty shit.

Don't worry, though, there will still be a place for you in God-king Trump's eternal empire.
This is now a TRUMP THREAD

Bernie cant even win the democratic nomination
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Bernie you fool, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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Remember OP-Cuck, you...
Im not on the sidelines.

Im voting

Bernie is going to lose the DNC primary because the democrats have "superdelegates" to weed out populist candidates, and Hillary is calling in every chit, favor and dirty deed to win because this is pretty much her last chance.
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OP why are you preaching to a thread of faggots too young to vote?
But why are Bernsteins so upset? This is actually what Bernie had in mind with socialism. Other ppl taking credit 4 his work.
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Have you tried google OP?
now I know bernie is getting desperate...he owns reddit but he's still trying to get more supporters on /b/ of all places...
bad b8 faggot
baaad b8
Superdelegates should be illegal
especially with what's at stake

And I live in Singapore. What Singapore has right now is the future of literally every first world country.

I'm hoping for Trump Bernie 2016, but that's a hella pipe dream.
>Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win
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But the retards at the Democratic National Convention believe otherwise, and this is how you libtards choose your nominee
crying already.
Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win.
Its the truth man. So its only ok when he gets the credit?
It actually isn't.
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Check these you massive cuck
Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win.
>oh this weak b8 again
If the Republicans broker their convention to deny Trump, I could maybe see a Trump-Sanders independent ticket... but a capitalist billionaire and a socialist running together is like a sitcom waiting to happen.
Yeah he is. And that possibility still makes you shit your pants.
It's OK that you're such a massive faggot
Trump is going to lose his shit when the Republicans pick Cruz anyway.
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>?Real Change cannot happen unless you fight for it. Sitting on the side lines is not fucking enough. Get the heck out there and FIGHT relentlessly

You're right OP!

The DNC can do whatever the hell the want, it's their party.

Superdelegates will be relevant as long as people keep voting for the major parties.
>spending Daddy's inheritance
pick one
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Socialism isn't just "caring about social issues"

Socialism didn't build the most powerful nation on earth.

Socialism isn't the way to a better life for anyone other than the ruling class of politicians.

Bernie Sanders doesn't give two shits about you, or your liberal bullshit friends, just like Hillary and Obama.

"Change" isn't always for the better you mindless robots.

You're being manipulated by people that are only slightly smarter than you by class envy and the very materialism that they claim to refute.

Grow the fuck up.

voters aren't happy with it
and if Clinton wins the nom you're going to see a lot of Democrats sit it out or vote 3rd party
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Bernie won't win and everyone knows why
But Im not voting Sanders
> I'm from the UK,

2016 and still has a fucking monarch who is allowing you (white English) to become a minority in the country that your ancestors built. We have had and given away more freedom than you'll ever know.

Yeah, we'll take you really serious. If you think Sanders is so great, why don't you take him and make him king of your pathetic ass "kingdom".
Who is even running in the 3rd party?
Lololol lololol oh can't stop laughing hard enough. Tell me more about a candidate who's only bullet against sanders has already been used by the candidate themself.

Focus and use the HUGE amount of information the media is suppressing from the public to rally people against that megacunt. I would rather have somebody honestly tell me they're going to fuck the country wide open than that whore
we don't want you faggot
south carolina is a hellhole of politics.. the people there are stupid it doesn't even count
The GOP is scared to death that Trump would run as an independent and split their ticket, like what Perot did to them in '92 and '96.
Hillary seems too stubbornly confident to worry about Bernie running as an independent and doing the same to her.
I guess they gave it up. Usually by now you'd hear about the Green or Libertarian candidate.
They're too big of a joke to be taken seriously.
I'm a Bernie supporter, and I don't think he's going to win. There's a caucus in my state in two days, but I'm not going because I have to work. There are probably millions like me.
Uh.. it kind of did you fucking mongoloid. We just prefer not to call it that since the whole communist thing
Like the faggots who didn't vote in the primary
Nice response. You've changed my mind!
Does bernie pay you to make these threads or what?
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B E R N I E 2 0 1 6
Whos "we"?

Its just you. Singular.
take a sick day
I truly wonder what would happen should both Trump and Sanders split into Independents. A 4-way race.
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>mfw people still think a failure of a senator who plans to give away free stuff can win the election
Jill Stein.

A nobody of nobody's
it's over retard. Trump won. he has a better chance of beating Bernie than Hillary but no matter how you spin it Trump is going to be the next president
Well, there's usually a Libertarian candidate, a Reform party candidate, and in some states the "Constitution Party" manages to catch a few. Hell, there's an American Communist party still kicking around on some ballots.
Two responses so far. Nothing but name calling. You're so reasonable.
Supporters of trump are literally retarded. and Racist. FACT


kill yourself
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Yeah guess what... the Cuba they have a cure for lung cancer that they give to the citizens for free... but now Jewmerica pharmaceutical companies want a "piece" of that action .. guess what they means... they gonna put this fucking guy in charge of it and sell it for 10,000$ a pill.
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>I'm from the UK, so I'm mostly unaffected
>I'm from the UK
>I'm from the UK
>I'm from the UK

You see why your argument is invalid you faggot? Who cares who Uhmurka votes for, they're all fat retarded faggots anyways. And you... You faggots aren't even allowed to use steak knives. Don't get me started on you fucking euryoopoors.
Fucking liberal UK fag. Get out of here
Wake me up
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Bernie Sanders is a puppet, like many others.

However, his purpose is not to win. The only reason he's being allowed to run is so that he can act as a political siphon. He's meant to soak up support from well-meaning Democrats that have become disillusioned with the blatant criminal, Hillary Clinton; and who might otherwise switch parties or support someone truly genuine.

Bernie Sanders is anti-2nd Amendment, and has openly stated that tax rates as high as 90% "wouldn't be going too far".

Make no mistake; Donald Trump (as flawed as he may be) is the only genuine candidate, and the only hope we have in 2016. He is a real threat to Hillary Clinton (the planned puppet replacement for Obama) being handed the Presidency. That is the ONLY reason he's being constantly demonized in the controlled media.

Do your research and you'll find that I speak the truth...
> I would rather have somebody honestly tell me they're going to fuck the country wide open than that whore
I will happily vote for Trump if Shillary wins the nomination.
AMEN brutha
Get the heck out there and FIGHT relentlessly until everyone has had the name BERNIE SANDERS drilled into their heads

You people are so goddamned annoying. Get some self awareness you political jehovas witness.

First, read this.

Second, those superdelegates do bow to popular opinion, lest your Second Amendment rights kick in and you and literally every other lay Democrat supporter go murder them all.

Third, IT'S ONLY 4 PRIMARIES. The race has only begun. This is normal.

I literally heard the same thing in 2007.

Obama might have done more good as a senator. Maybe if Berne gets his ass kicked in the "legit" arena he'll get to do more good than poor Obama did before the assholes killed his humanity.

Electing Bernie for president is a good way to neuter him. Don't do that to the guy.
Fighting is wrong. So is violence. You need to stop triggering these microaggressions against your own party.
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Sorry free college delusional leeching faggots, you're all FUCKED.
A nation-wide $15 per hour minimum wage is going to kick the economy in the nuts. It sounds good to anyone making less than $15, but only because you don't realize you're going to get a layoff not a raise.

People who make *close* to $15 are going to get a small raise. People who make $15 or more are going to demand higher pay because now the total rookies make the same amount they've been raised to over several years. Business owners aren't going to be able to jack everyone's pay and still stay afloat so a shit-ton of entry-level (read: less than $15/hr) people are going to get laid off to compensate for the raises the business owners have to give everyone else. Otherwise a shit-ton of small businesses are going to go bankrupt. A lot still will, because they won't be able to employ enough people to meet their responsibilities and still have a profit margin. Huge corporations will be able to survive the transition period where they take a cut in profits and wait for the costs of goods and services (from which their profits come) creep up to meet the available cash flow of the new minimum-wage, but small businesses are going to drop like flies.
>Real Change cannot happen unless you fight for it.

Weren't around in 2008, were you kid? That particular line of bullshit is maxed out. Fuck off.
We survived Obama , we can survive anything...

It's like being a vegan butcher.
don't make stupid posts like that and expect others to take you seriously
You know there are some 18 year old first-time voters who are somehow chosen to be superdelegates? It boggles the mind.
And this ain't my first rodeo, I've been voting since 1992.

He would if it came down to a Mexican standoff kingmaker.

That is, if his voters ransomed the general election from hillary.

Unfortunately, a Mexican Kingmaker can only be noticed retrospectively.
and by electing the guy who says he gonna make the US shit anyways as it is you feel more save? You seem to not going out of your confy zone here. Your def. one of those cliche ignorant USfags
no actually it's thinking adults
enjoy your kids table Trumptard
>>In a Bernie Sanders thread.
>>Don't make stupid posts.

See the humor in that? Huh? Do ya?
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>Thinking your votes make a difference
Getting rid of and curing a disease are two completely different thing. We have a "cure" for cancer, it's called chemotherapy and radiation, but it comes with all these nasty side effects
>Kids these days are fucking stupid.
>That particular line of bullshit is maxed out
It will still work. Everyone is still doing the "the voice of the american people will FINALLY be heard!" line even though it's been a democracy for a couple of centuries already. People like being told that they're contributing to something greater, often times just telling them that is all you have to do to motivate them to do what you want.
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America WILL be made great again.
good i want this moron to lose.
That would be great, a four way election in November. Trump/Cruz/Sanders/Clinton, oh the chaos that would cause

If that is true, then well...

That's amazing AND terrifying at the same time.

I'll admit I have very little knowledge of how superdelegates work, seeing as I am not American.
Bernie Sanders is a puppet...

Why do you think Trump is being demonized? Because he's a threat to Hillary Clinton being handed the Presidency.

Wake up.
if he didnt want to let in mexicans and imagrants and if he didnt want to take guns away i might vote for him. he wants good things. oh yea and if he didnt want to drive millions of jobs to mexico and china too. and if he wasnt all about race bating. and oh yea if he couldnt get pushed around by 2 black ladies on stage so easy. and if he didnt want to strip down the military when we need it most. and if he also didnt want to to spend so much money that he can double the national debt in 10 years. besides all that he wants good things. and has good intentions.

i wish Republicans were ok with scrambling babies and abortions and i wish they were OK with admitting that there is some kind of climate change happening and to stop or slow pollution. and also not be so all about going to war. im voting for trump but he does have to tone it down some. i hate shria and muslims that believe in it are fucked and thats most of them. mexicans also steel USA jobs so do H1B workers frm all over like india and china and europe.

i went to school for economics and was an economics teacher in econ 101 and econ 202 for 2 years. and sanders plan is a mess and will drive jobs away and spend far more than it will be able to take in.
I actually thing that all the sanders supporters show how uneducated the USA is. free college is possible. just legalize weed across the board and that could pay for 2 years of community college for everyone. but thats not the plan for that.

thats my opinion
Bernie isn't going to win the primary because of super delegates who have already made up their mind in favor of Hillary. Now, things might get really interesting if we get a Hillary-Bernie-Trump-Cruz 4 way
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>Bernie was my career plan
Well said
that's not a cure you dumb fuck
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all hail the emperor!
>bernie "prep the bull" sanders
Fuck yeah mate
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I don't know what your political affiliation is, but I can assure you that we definitely are in agreement there. It'd be a battle royale.
That's my point, there is no magic pill that cures cancer. There are treatments that can cause cancer to go into remission. But there's no perscription you can pick up at your local drug store to make that giant lump on your prostate disappear
There's a thing called bankrupsy
>Bankrupt from student loans
Go and try that, come back and tell me how that works out for you
Read the fine print, declaring bankruptcy doesn't absolve you from student loans. They're designed specifically to disallow that, or else everyone would go to college forever, declare when they graduate, and THEN start building their credit.
If you want him to win you should be more inclusive.
Actually there is, but it's still under testing.
There's a drug that blocks cancer cells' ability to pass themselves off as normal tissue, causing your immune system to attack them and clear them out like it should. Officially they can't call it a "cure" until everyone who's in testing stays cancer-free for 15 years, but it's worked on everyone so far.
You can't default on student loans m8, otherwise everyone would just do it and then they'd start building credit back up
Bankruptcy will not dispel federal student loan debt. Educate yourselves before you support liberalism and empower liberals.
>being relevant in national politics

pick one
What, you mean the pill that works on certain types of lung, skin, and kidney cancers. That are only a few years into testing. Yeah, sure, come back when you have something that actually works
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>Bernie Sanders is anti-2nd Amendment
I know that, I didn't think I had to put a "/s" after my post like this was reddit or something
>durr i kin posted another stupid pickshur
cool story bro
>sanders plan is a mess and will drive jobs away and spend far more than it will be able to take i
as has happened every time the wage was raised since the dawn of time, hu..?

It basically returns the nominal tax rate to where it was ~40-50 years ago. You know, when our economy was booming and the middle class was growing.
the horror
And the effective tax rate was much lower because of extensive tax shelters. Which no longer exist.

End result, Bernie's plan tanks the economy. See Venezuala and Chavez/Maduro.
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lol bullshit? Do some fucking research before you just make a baseless assertion.


"Bernie has voted in favor of a nationwide ban on assault weapons, a nationwide ban on high-capacity magazines of over ten rounds, and nationwide expanded background checks that address unsafe loopholes."

Wake up.
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Can you imagine? What kind of monster would want to keep Social Security solvent for at least another half a century?
yes when you tax corporations more they move elsewhere. why make 500 million in the USA when you can make 600 million by relocation to china or mexico. explain why a corporation will stay and make less. in many situations its actually against the law to not make the most profit for shareholders. but explain. i know both sides and how both arguments work
If tax shelters no longer exist, how did Apple pay literally zero dollars in taxes last year?
>you mean the pill that works
>come back when you have something that actually works
Well I guess you'd know better than Popular Science or some dumb medical journals.
I bow to your superior wistom.
nuff said
also sanders plans to stop banking speculation. this will make it way harder to get loans for things. speculation allows banks and lenders to loan money easier. without speculation there is less loans which means less people buying homes and cars and products and services. this hurts the economy also. and hurts it bad. like i said i taught econ for 2 years before i move to a better field. this is easy stuff. when its trump vs sanders sanders plan will get ripped apart
So what? With rights you have responsibilities, and bottom line no one is taking away your right to own a gun. Regulations don't make somebody "anti-2nd Amendment."

You think rights are absolute, that 's your problem.
jesus faggot you sure can talk shit
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>i taught econ for 2 years before i move to a better field. this is easy stuff
right, so easy you haven't bothered to prove any of it
And the bailouts when they speculate on bad bets? Who pays for those again?
This. Even in an election year where beating the Republicans is like shooting fish in a barrel, the Democrats manage to shoot themselves in the foot instead with that aggravating superdelegate crap.

lol so now you admit he's anti-2nd Amendment, but are saying it's a good thing. Typical mental-gymnastics of a drone of the system.
Do not vote for Bernie, this is the final stand of true freedom in America, if Bernie wins- all those wars are for nothing. He's gonna strip our rights.
>whailes of a desperate butthurt socialist, even IF you were able to persuade all of /b/ to vote for bernie it would not be enough, HITLERy will get the democratic nomination and trump will win ,its not what i want but its what i see is going to happen

Also, you think rights = government-granted privileges. That's your problem.

I live in Australia, a country that has no gun rights (and very little in the way of other rights, too). I've seen what happens when the gun grabbers are allowed to get their way.

The agenda to disarm the people is not just confined to America. It is GLOBAL.
first we had obama the first black president
now we we will have trump the first meme president. all praise the god-king
>I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message
I admit you don't know how to read. You should do the same.
You know you can ask for time off to vote right?
i dont have to prove anything.

the effect of people having less access to easy credit will have the worst effect. example less home loand means less homes being built and sold so less construction jobs and tougher real estate markets and less landscapers and so on. so thats less money moving and being spent. money not moving it one of the worst things that can happen,
God that image makes me angry.
I just want to punch that black with glasses right in the face. Just full force right in the nose.
No I don't. Every right we enjoy is subject to judicial review upon petition from the people. That's how we've gotten the Supreme Court case which guarantees individual gun rights.
But why am I even wasting my breath talking to someone who doesn't even live here?
Then drop the point. And don't make any more statements like that unless you plan on delivering.
You sound so fucking insane
If you don't intend to prove your assertions, maybe you should reconsider making so many of them.
Yes you do shithead. You made the claims, your claims got challenged.
Show your work.
it's copypasta
point and laugh
Its economics fuck head
They're trolls anon.
That's exactly how they want you to feel.
Bernie did good.
Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win.

You admitted that he's voted for bans on "assault weapons" (the gun-grabber code term for all semi-autos), bans on "high capacity magazines" (standard capacity magazines), and universal background checks (banning all private sales).

You admitted all this. You admitted he's anti-2nd Amendment. Where did I make a mistake in my reading?

Dude, it's OK to admit you're anti-gun. Just be open about it. We can just agree to disagree.
Do you often internet?
faggot you're practically shitting your pants because you know he still has a chance
Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win.

The truth usually does.
Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win.
Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win.
I'm not anti-gun, though.

Just pointing out you're wrong to insist that regulations against assault weapons means you're anti-2nd Amendment or that it's keeping you from buying a gun.

Your logic sucks. No wonder gun rights people have such a bad rap. You're like fundies, only it's guns instead of crosses.
Another thread stumped, good work gentlemen.
I like the premise of having him as a president but he will not win due to the electoral college

oh look at the cute spamming faggot
yeah pat yourself on the ass samefag
>says bullshit on sanders spending more and driving away jobs
Tell me when he enforces more regulations on a company and ,that national 15$ minimum wage is gonna make small mom &pop stores close and the big business will cut employees OR move to another cheeper country sometimes both will occur
the point is just to show that im not an average basement dweller. im educated in this. snaders plan doesnt account for any job loss by corporations moving or corporations laying off or small mom and pos shops going from say 3 employees to 2 because of min wage hikes. his plans dont factor or even consider the negative effects like they wont happen at all. than sanders supporters cant even understand that a corporation will move to another country to make more money. they think that corporations will just stay and make less and be happy about it. it doesnt work like that. people need to be more educated about the economic effects and the cause and effects. they just like that he says hes gonna give all kinds of good stuff but dont understand the effects of his plans to try to make it happen
Actually Sanders has earned support from across the political spectrum, from both left and right.
They appreciate his honesty and being sick of Establishment politics. And he's not a raving asshole like Trump.
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I've been around a while, yeah.
Tell me when you've actually got evidence and not your worthless opinion Teach.
I can rant and rave about a bunch of shit, too.

And if it's so obvious you're right, then you should have absolutely no trouble posting two links from a respectable source backing up your obvious contention.

Still waiting btw.
Would you agree that returning the marginal tax rate to where it was under, oh let's say Ronald Reagan's administration, wouldn't destroy the economy?
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I'm not against all regulations, just the ones that violate the 2nd-Amendment; and moreover, the fundamental right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Making the assertion that I'm insane just tells me that you have no clue about who actually runs this planet or where we're headed.
Toilet paper (from the bathroom)
Hangers (taken off the clothes)
A cardboard display rack
Some price tags
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Banning assault rifles and background checks do not violate the 2nd Amendment.

Neither keep you from your right to have a gun. How many times do you need to be told this?
A lot, it looks like.

Sanders is not anti-gun. He is in favor of sensible gun regulation like most rational people.
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Roasting in Trump bread.
A Sanders presidential reign that panders to blacks like the BLM people would be a nightmare. The atmosphere with blacks, feminists, sjw, and other white hating groups would run amok.

>banning all semi-autos and all private sales does not violate the 2nd Amendment

Look it up yourself worthless faggot ,if you dont believe me then you obviously dont understand the very basic of economics. Why the fuck would a billion dollar company keep paying expensive taxes when they can move to a shitty 3rd world country at half the costs? business men understand one thing and thats money they wont give a single shit if some average Joe looses his job because it won't affect him
> i think the corporate tax increases are the major problem. i dont think personal income tax and individual taxes are the big deal. personal taxes. im not sure what they were at under reagan but the USA has the highest corporate Tax rates in the world. the USA still seems to do alright but so many jobs get relocated. we dont want to just stop that but we want to reverse it. bring steel industry back to the usa and bring auto manufacturing back from mexico. honda actually produces way higher percent of cars in the USA than GM . Most care in the USA are made in mexico. some are still in the USA but most are in mexico. lowering corpoorate taxes will make the rich richer but it will cause a uge increase in GDP and in jobs and even in tax income. there will be less tax income per corporation but more businesses to tax and also more workers that are working tax paying jobs. those people will also now be spending more and helping the economy.
I'm done with you faggot. I am not anti-gun, and I am in favor of sensible regulation, and you keep responding with the same kind of irrational replies fundies do.
Also look up his plan to fund his policies yes for the most part he has it covered except he will not be reducing our huge debt with this plan but instead has the means to pay for his programs and even then we will spend at least 2 trillion more as well.
They can't be pleased. That's why Obama stopped appealing to them. He didn't kowtow to them so now tons of blacks hate Obama.
Done in one.
>look it up
actually no, you back it up with a couple of links as you were asked to do.

Otherwise cool story bro
>I am not anti-gun, and I am in favor of sensible regulation,

One of the oldest lies in American politics.

>sensible regulation
Code for eviscerating gun rights.
Obama has done next to nothing for blacks. I'm OK with that.
>not sure what they were under Reagan
Wow, glad I didn't take that econ class.
Companies moved offshore anyway, even with low tax rates. It's called "greed," look it up.
you're both nuts. Maybe we do need mental health evaluations to qualify for gun ownership.
>ID to vote? Makes sense
>ID to buy a gun? Muh freedumbs!
Duh i know that but this will push even more away
All you gun paranoid faggots must be the reason I can never find any .22 LR ammo. Fuckers
and let me guess, you don't have to post any proof of that either, you just KNOW because you've got all kinds of cool stories.

toppest of zozzes teach
you couldn't prove water's wet faggot
Yeah, that is kind of a pain in the ass for those of us that actually shoot it.

Completely different thing. Voting is an activity that inherently hinges on a person's identity. Gun ownership is inherently the opposite.

Take your propaganda elsewhere.
You must be black to say that. Nearly all black people even those that are well educated think in a unrealistic way that the president has this almost godlike power to just make changes with a snap of his fingers.
I did volunteer job once to get people to vote and nearly every black person was like "It really don't matter they don't do nothing fo' me." as if the president's work has to be on a personal level or line their pockets with money. When you list all the things Obama has done in his term it's something and it's benefited everyone. I can't imagine living in this world with such a small view of the grand scheme of life like those people did.
Im not you're fucking mommy ,you have balls somewhere in those fat folds so do it yourself. And judging how you have nothing else to input im guessing you have nothing to say while still believing im wrong.

See, now he uncloaks his intentions. Typical.
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why don't you just become a martyr and get it over with?
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>completely different
>both are American rights
Pick one.
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We didn't say Bernie isn't well intended. All we say is that he is a fool.
thanks. to me most economics stuff is very easy to understand. cause and effects and supply and demand. i cant understand that people want reasons on why corporations would move to make more money. its common sense. make more there than they will here. increased taxes mean less profits which means lower stock prices which means upset stockholders. this can cause selling off too which only makes it worse. than they lay off workers or move to keep profits up and keep stock prices up and keep stock holders happy. they lay people off and relocate overseas and than more people lose jobs and dont have tax paying jobs and than they depend more on gov handouts. than the corporations moved dont pay anything to the USA anymore in taxes. so its huge income loss for the gov. than the GDP drops and thats really bad. too how dont people understand easy stuff like this

>>671430864 i dont use outside sources too much. mostly IRS info to get all the tax info which is easy to find and than just using economic concepts and understanding of cause and effect and knowing examples from the past and than using all that together to form my own breakdowns of what will happen. like through history higher corporate taxes have always lead to Lower GDP. so than just use knowledge to know what lower GDP causes. use your brain to figure stuff out or yourself. if you know how economics works it makes it alot easier. i understand all the points that are infavor of sanders as well but in my opinion the bad way way out weighs the good.
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Young people don't vote, and old fucks don't win.
Game was over before it began.
do you really have a folder full of creepy pro-gun propganda?
Dude socialism made those fuckers into master engineers. That's what bernie wants to give us free college for.
I am using my brain. You are spouting laughable right-wing tinged economic assertions. And what's more, you're all over the place.
Focus on one thing.
Bernie is a really nice guy. But Trump was born a winner. So Trump 2016
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MAGA, faggot.
I'm white and voted for Obama twice. I'm glad he didn't kiss the blacks asses through his presidency.
>. i understand all the points that are infavor of sanders as well but in my opinion the bad way way out weighs the good.
the problem is you've yet to explain this even once.

You want it to be this way. We get that. But when asked to show your work, you have a fit.
Yeah, if being born on third base thinking you hit a triple makes you a winner.
Oh look the adorable neo-Marxist cuck
Trump supporters should do everything in their power to spread Bernie's message. If he wins the primaries, it'll be a landslide win for Trump (like 65% to 35%). The only one that has a chance against Trump is Hillary. And she would still be the underdog in that fight.
>ramblings of a butthurt faggot
did some faggot learn a new word over at stormfag today?
be more specific what part

How can you drones even support bernie? HOW CAN PEOPLE ACTUALLY BE THIS STUPID
They want hand outs. Even the black people who claim to be hardworkers and shit want free shit and perks. When Obama didn't deliver on this they turned on him. This is the same reason they won't turn out to vote they want promises to even show up.
Also it's not just blacks who have a fucked up idea about the presidency, even white crackers think the presidency is a monarchy. I have friends and relatives that call it "The Chair" like it's a fucking throne.
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They aren't "American" rights. America is merely one of the only countries that still has vestiges of liberty remaining.

Let me reiterate...

The inherent point of voting is so that *you* go on record to choose your preferred candidate. This means showing I.D., to prove that *you* are who you say you are. Otherwise anyone could vote in your place.

The entire point of having the right to keep and bear arms is primarily about having the ability to defend yourself from tyrannical government (less about street crime and hunting). Therefore, common sense would say that the government can't have the ability to know you own a gun.

Is that really so hard to understand?
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We all know who the real cuck is here.
>implying we don't have enough engineers as it is. You know what we need? More fucking farmers that's what we need more than engineers, they grow our food and Bernie is doing nothing about that. If every single person gets free college then every one will have a degree which makes everyone equally worthless. That's the problem with equality, you can't just give shit away.
Any of it.

Explain first of all what Sanders' plan is and what problems you have with it.
Part 1 of what im gonn say. i already wrote this out somewhere else so im gonna just copy paste what i wrote elsewhere. to save time

what he plans on doing to pay for his 2 trillion in additional spending per year is... 1) is cutting down on the 600 billion in yearly military spending which wont even put a dent in his 2 trillion in additional spending per year. 2) is he says he will save 5 trillion by using a single payer healthcare system which 0 (Zero) countries have ever switched to and saved money and he still hasnt really explained exactly how this will actually save money he just says it will. For example Canada does this and they are trying to have health care reform because its too expensive to be sustainable for them. 3) is raise taxes on the rich and on big business. he expects companies to stick around for higher tax rates when they are getting taxed huge amounts. he thinks a company that is currently making 1 billion per year in the USA will be happy to get taxed more and make 900 million per year here and stay in the USA when they could go to China or Mexico and make 950 million or 1 billion again. also taxing the top 1% of people in the USA at crazy high rates still wont barely put a dent in the 2 trillion in additional spending. Also every single know example of higher tax rates for countries shows a correlation with Lower GDP. which is really bad, and i think people dont realize how much 2 trillion dollars of increased spending is. the USA deficit is 500 billion per year so him increasing spending by 2 trillion per year will more than quadruple the deficit to almost 2.5 trillion. Even if they cut 100% of all military spending (which isnt possible) that would bring it to 2 trillion. and if they than taxed the income of the top 1% in the USA by 100% (which isnt possible) thats about another 600 billion so that would only bring the deficit to 1.4 trillion.
We went the first 200 years or so without showing an ID to vote. I think we'll be fine in the future. If it really bothers you, we could do that purple ink thing we did in Iraq after the war.
Don't be mad cause you didn't get small loan of 1 million dollars
Not gonna lie, that's actually pretty good shooping on Carson there.
part 2
Than he hopes the single payer healthcare that hasnt financially worked in any country in the world Ever (and he still hasnt explained how it would save money besides just saying it will save money through lower medical inflation costs and interest and other stuff that he never put numbers on) can save 900 billion per year, (even though every single country that has switched to single payer healthcare has had increased costs and he says it will save about 500 billion per year) just to get us to the original deficit. not one of his ways of paying for his increased spending will work let alone even adding all three together using the most unrealistic extremes of cutting 100% of military spending and taxing 100% of the income of the top 1% so they make 0 dollars and hoping that single payer healthcare will work here when it has failed many times and it will save almost twice what he claims it will save. also he doesnt factor all the military jobs lost by cutting military spending and doesnt factor in that any business at all will move to avoid taxes. he totally ignores huge things that most people dont think about. he also doesnt think about all the jobs that will be lost by companies that will lose profits when they get taxed more so they lay off workers to raise profits again and keep stock prices up and make share holders happy even though he is causing more job loss. he will cause way more job loss than he will ever come close to creating
Bernie is not the answer.
More farmers? Nigger, are you retarded? We produce more food with fewer people than at any point in history.
part 3

and dont get me wrong i want everything that sanders wants, every one actually wants what he wants. free healthcare and free college and foodstamps for everyone that needs them and cell phones for everyone that needs them and even send billions over seas to help refugees and all that stuff. and i want the top 1% and the millionaires to pay out their asses but none of that free stuff is actually free and it all costs way way way too much to actually provide. its not realistic. and its not realistic to think that millionaires will want to work for less than 40% of their earnings. and people making over 10 million will pay 77% of their income toward taxes. thats crazy talk. the top 1% of earners already pays 38% of the total federal tax income. the bottom 50% of earners
I heard the media will now start to pour cold water on Trump by investigating his business dealings with the mafia/organized crime. Its going to get interesting.
I hope guessing isnt in ur line of work because id get a more accurate prediction from a dry crusty worn out turd from a abandoned apartment complex than you.
No dude come on.

You can't SUMMARIZE your point in a couple of sentences?
He's the president we need, not the one we deserve. We deserve Trump.
Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win JUST because he's the benevolent protagonist fighting the evil establishment. The next 4-8 years of your country are at stake, nothing should be more important. Stay home and MASTURBATE.
Real Change cannot happen unless you masturbate for it. Sitting on the side lines and masturbating is not fucking enough. Get the heck out there and MASTURBATE relentlessly until everyone has had the your dick drilled into their heads. Get off your ass and take the long arduous masturbate into the big wide world. I'm from the UK, so I'm mostly unaffected by who becomes king, but most of you aren't. If I was an American you'd be damn sure I'd be out there spreading my dick to as many people as I possibly could and would gladly give up all my free time for a better future for everyone.
>Youth voter turnout in both Nevada and South Carolina was awful. What. The. Fuck. We're masturbating demographic, 80 freaking cum buckets, but somehow an embarrassingly small portion of us turned up when it actually masturbated. Sitting in front of your PC donating and occasionally masturbating ISN'T ENOUGH.
>Sorry for my harsh tone, but everyone needs to start seeing the bigger dick pictures. IM CUMING, ONLY YOU CAN MAKE ME CUM HARDER. INDIVIDUALLY WE ARE WEAK BUT TOGETHER THERE IS NOTHING WE CANNOT FUCK.
>it all costs way way way too much to actually provide.
see, no.

You've been heavily criticized for making these bare assertions, and when pressed for a source, you balk. Every fucking time.
part 3 continued
only pays 3% of the total federal tax income. i want all of what he says along with every other american. but i cant see any way thats its even close to possible. not even in the area of possible or affordable.

als on education if the gov is paying for something the costs shoot through the roof because institution know that when the gov pays they can charge almost anything so college costs will go through the roof. (potentially) and in my opinion even though they will have better negotiation powers it wont matter so much
It's the law they give you time to vote in both national and local elections.
UKuck telling us who to vote for when he ruined his own country with his retarded right to vite
I hope you weren't hoping for an Academy Award for that vapid post faggot
Wasn't there a website that listed all the positive shit Obama did in his first term?
I wonder if was updated with his second.
>part 3 continued
for god's sake stop it

summarize your fucking points
we're not here to read a book
you're hopelessly autistic anon
implying black bush (and white bush before) didn't ruin america
Its astonishingly painful to watch you open your fat gourd and see you devalue yourself as a human being you do it without even trying
protip: in a discussion you argue the merits of the proposal
arguing cost is a weak argument

somehow we managed to piss away 6 trillion dollars away in Iraq
the money's there
it's called "taxation"
Didn't we get that with Obama already?
part 4
summerising doesnt get the point across well. i like examples and numbers and history combined with knowledge of how stuff works

under the golden rule the optimal tax rate is Zero. pretty far from what sanders wants so i have no idea how you can argue that point. Over spending on military is high (i think mostly due to Budget Maximization which is what needs addressed to fix military spending properly) but even huge cuts to the 600 billion in military spending for 2015 would barely put a dent or scratch in sanders 2 trillion in added spending. also give examples of the pork barrel projects that you are talking about? also examples of what lobbyist influences you are talking about (every politician faces lobbying influences even sanders, he participates in log rolling which is a from of lobbying just like every other politician). as far as i have ever seen sanders wants to increase corporate taxes so i dont know why you are talking about tax cuts. but on that subject raising corporate taxes just pushes corporations over seas and to mexico to avoid those increased tax rates. this costs the USA jobs and also costs tons of lost income from tax paying workers as well as huge losses from tax paying corporations that leave or ones that just simply start up elsewhere and never even give the USA a chance. also increased tax rates has a direct coloration with a decreasing GDP. that cant be debated at all and everyone can agree that shrinking GDP is bad. I agree that improved wages is a good thing. i think the min wage should be around maybe just maybe $10. this really helps perpetuate inflation though. what people should be more worried about is slowing inflation so the dollar is worth more and deflation would be the answer but deflation (long term deflation) is impossible in most peoples eyes including mine

Then he will lose even harder haha
Hail to the god emperor trump.
You're still trying too hard Tarantino
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Itsa me! Mario!
What he's saying makes perfect sense. He actually used his brain to come up with an accurate projection. You're all upset that he can't cite something...? Are you even alive? You're a fucking moron who just reads shit and believes it and puts NO real work or thought to it.
Let's not pretend like Donald Trump doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's tricking the least educated among us to vote for him based on their fear of brown people.
>part 4
are you even reading the posts replying to your other parts?
you have a massive ego faggot
Thank you, gotta keep those redditors in check.
part 4 continued

improved wages would get people paying more in taxes and they would pay more in taxes and more people would be removed from food stamps. i agree with all of that. but after losing gov benefits they arent much better of but i agree that at least they are now paying more for themselves. however. increased wages will lead to directly to a decrease in employment. a small mom and pop shop might be able to afford 3 workers at min wage but not that it goes up they can only afford 2 workers so someone loses their job and now they go on food stamps and get even more gov assistance and dont pay taxes at all. and in corporations that are large increased wages means decreased profits and drops in stock prices making stockholder very upset. that will cause job loss in an effort to bring profits back up so they can increase stock prices. I read about a McDonalds in Phoenix Arizona that is gonna rebuild and fire every employee (besides managers) to avoid the increased costs of wage increases. People will order on touch screens like sheetz gas stations and than pay like self pays at walmart. Huge job loss potential because of increased wages. Dont forget Mcdonalds is a top 5 employer in the USA with around a half million employees. wage increases could really kill jobs there, than Burger King and Wendy's and Taco bell and others will follow. all to save money and increase profits and increase stock prices to make owners or stock holders happy. Most of sanders stuff can be easily debunked
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I'm now voting Trump. Just to spite you.
I'm so pumped.
Actually, no all I saw were bare assertions from a right-wing economic perspective, which even if he did manage to back up with a link would be just biased bullshit.
You sure seem upset, though. Afraid Sanders might win or something?
You do realize we're running out of farmers right?
>anybody who doesn't agree with me is from reddit hurr durr.
What's the matter faggot? People fucking up your safe space?
Meant for>>671420089
That's a bizarre characterization. He made a living doing social work for the poor? That's your criticism. Wow.

Meanwhile Trump has been bailed out countless times by taxpayers. You have literally been paying for his mansions with your taxes.
part 5

Wait till he beats Hillary and than pros start to debunk his plans and rip his plan apart. his only suggestion for job growth is through rebuilding infrastructure. which is good and i would like to see happen and it needs done and yes it will add jobs but nobody can realistically think that will add enough jobs to make up for the job losses caused by his plans. he should also try to add jobs in renewable energy but i haven heard anything about that. but thats big costs too but could offer long term savings and it could also cause price competition with other forms of energy and lower prices of other forms of energy. but thats a hard one to work in because its a huge investment all at once for small profits over long periods of time, but profits are still profits.

im just being very detailed in my stuff. this thread is gonna 404 but just read all my stuff and learn something.
>being this autistic
Citation needed. I haven't noticed any food shortages lately. Mechanization has allowed most of the work force to focus on other shit.
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Im not even trying, im sorry if words make ur head hurt plenty but deal with it faggot
Prove that it won't cost as much as he says. These billionaires and millionaires will end up leaving the country, and they'll take their companies to some other country because the American government is running them broke.
No thanks
part 5 or 6
"Speculative Banking"
Here is an answer to one phase of his plan, reduction and destruction of the financial industry.
Banks rely on capital to make money. Generally, they use deposits to loan out and for doing so they reward the depositor with an interest rate and charge an interest rate on the borrower.
Right now, interest rates are at just above zero and thus there are very few depositors, they can grow their money elsewhere.
However banks still need capital so they can loan out, so they come up with fees and other devices, some good, some bad.
Now, let's keep in mind that one force is responsible more than any other for the middle class to achieve the American, the ability to borrow money, get a mortgage, buy a car, get a credit card,start a business all relies on credit.

When Bernie says he will curb "Speculative Banking" he in short is saying he will stop the banks from gaining capital. When a banks dosent have that capital, it has reduced lending power...the domino effect stops at the middle class...without the access to easy credit, they won't spend money in stores, they can't get that new family car and they can't get that new home.
When they can't get those things, the economy starts to stop providing them, AKA layoff those people providing those services.
And then that domino effect starts.
So let's just face the fact that you don't know the difference between socialism and democratic socialism. Even though you're on the biggest database of information that has ever existed. Go die.
He won't beat Hillary.
Dunning-Krueger much?
>prove a negative
how's 8th grade?
>Implying voting and encouraging others to vote is "fighting"

Get a gun and kill a corrupt government official. That's how you fucking fight, pansy ass socialist.

All you're doing is begging some old limp-dicked politician to take more of your money and magically solve all of the nation's problems.

Only blood and revenge will save America now.
You realize that Trump is going to do the exact same thing, right? He has said he will jack up taxes on corps to distribute products here if they don't manufacture here, that will also drive corporations out.
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Part 10
Wake the hell up. Bernie is not going to win JUST because he's the benevolent protagonist fighting the evil establishment. The next 4-8 years of your country are at stake, nothing should be more important. Stay home and MASTURBATE.
Real Change cannot happen unless you masturbate for it. Sitting on the side lines and masturbating is not fucking enough. Get the heck out there and MASTURBATE relentlessly until everyone has had the your dick drilled into their heads. Get off your ass and take the long arduous masturbate into the big wide world. I'm from the UK, so I'm mostly unaffected by who becomes king, but most of you aren't. If I was an American you'd be damn sure I'd be out there spreading my dick to as many people as I possibly could and would gladly give up all my free time for a better future for everyone.
Youth voter turnout in both Nevada and South Carolina was awful. What. The. Fuck. We're the masturbating demographic, 80 freaking cum buckets, but somehow an embarrassingly small portion of us turned up when it actually masturbated. Sitting in front of your PC donating and occasionally masturbating ISN'T ENOUGH.
Sorry for my harsh tone, but everyone needs to start seeing the bigger dick pictures. IM CUMING, ONLY YOU CAN MAKE ME CUM HARDER. INDIVIDUALLY WE ARE WEAK BUT TOGETHER THERE IS NOTHING WE CANNOT FUCK.
If they're broke, then they aren't m/billionaires, now are they?
No, it's not.
I don't want America changed, I want it fixed.

My question is, if liberals love Socialism so much, why don't they move to Europe instead of changing my way of life?
There is no fucking difference im tired of people saying that i know bernie only says that because he wants Americans to not fear the "red menace" i know its not communism but they go hand in hand and most ameritards dont know the difference
nobody cares faggot
The word "democratic" is just there to make it sound pretty. Socialism is socialism. The ideas that he has have been implemented in other counties and they have failed. Every other socialist has always been "for the people" and their ideas ended up failing.
you are just too autistic to understand it. people asked for sources and example so i just broke it down with example and actual number and SHOWED MY WORK. which you asked for. but now its to much and too hard to understand your an idiot and too autistic to understand it when its broken down so welll
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