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Loli bread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 276
Thread images: 151
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Loli bread
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Once you go flat you never go back
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Not quite, it depends on the mood.
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But now is loli time. Loli stank time
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more of her?
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we want vid !
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no you´re fucking not
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Loli Webm Thread:
Random Loli Thread:
Loli Wonder Woman [Image Collection]:
The Last of Us - Ellie [Image Collection]:
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I want to have sex with Mari.
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Did she fart?
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Guys, guys, you're still on last month's script. The new flood is wallpapers, landscapes, and panoramas..
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Everything is going as planned
Sorry, no idea.
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http://www pixiv net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=55506497
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mfw no computer waifu
but... the filename.
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>The thread 'I have a small penis'

I enjoy the fact you guys are too fat and awkward. You will never breed and you grossly disappoint your male family elders. Your dad wishes he could kill you, at 25 you ought to be financially, stable and beginning life. But their you are, encrusted in your own cum and fat to the point of euthanasia.
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>this is the most consistent thing in my life right now

That fucking feel when.
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I'm gonna guess English isn't your first language.
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This is now a dubs thread
More rin
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Im having sex with Mari.
all hail the king
Apparently not.
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Seeing as how I'm a far better person than my father ever was, I couldn't give two shits about whether he wants to kill me or not. And yeah I make $20/hr and pay all my own bills. I know it's not a lot but I definitely don't rely on anyone but myself. 28, btw.
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You failed. And rerolling will just highlight your failure. Leave this place in shame, Singles Boy, and never return.
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Your right. So far I lived in AUS NZ UK and South America.

I might project but i have seen some of the world and I have never being a fat shut in that jerks it to child porn.

Enjoy disappointing your parents.
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Any links where you DON'T have to make an account to view it?
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moar faries pls
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Please tell us more about your amazing life anon

You ought to be killed. You jerk your little dick to naked kids.

Your just a shit person that deserves to be killed.
What you gonna do about it fagit , call me names through 4chan kek
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Would you like it better if they go out and hurt real children instead of looking at imaginary ones?
woah man...
More shinobu
For someone who's been around, you don't seem too open minded. You're assuming why people are here, what they're doing here, and what they do when they aren't here. That's a lot of assumptions.

I hate to break it to you, but there are a lot of sick bastards who look and act like normal people. There are consumers of child porn that have no interest in real children. And, relevant to our current context, there are lolicons who only like 1 aspect of the images. For some it's youth, for others it's the art, for me it's the clothing.

I guess my point is, who the fuck are you to judge everyone? I mean, other than a small minded prick.

Do you think people who kill other people in video games should be murdered? If your answer is yes, you're an idiot and a psychopath. If your answer is no, you're a hypocrite. Take your pick.
Once you go anime you instantly become gay
it's just one page.
the description says:
> Here's a part of a little story I'm working on. But will I ever find the time to finish it...? Lately, I'm getting too caught up in watching the US republican debates, I keep forgetting the time and end up sleeping till noon. It's a hard life...

I have had an amazing life and I am only 27. But you know what there is little to tell. Well bar I have never being a fat shut in. Sure some of you guys can't help it, but if your in this thread with a cock in hand, your a dirty child rapist who must be shot. Twice if anyone can help it, your just so fat and greasy.

If your in this thread and your have a cock in hand, your disappointing your parents.
No u
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Just look up a name and password on There's almost always a working one for pixiv.
yep, i love faeries too
fuck yeah lolibowling
>projecting this much
Damn u must be a fat disgusting bastard
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Loli Double Penetration.jpg
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Moemoe Hiyake - Loli (Flash):
Yuki00 - Loli (Flash):
Himawari - Loli (Flash):
Mio And Galileo - Loli (Flash):
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do not sexualize the Narus
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South America off the beaten track taught me humanity. The cities told me I can have a teenager for peanuts.

But that's waaaayyyyyyy different, why? You guys fantasize about fucking little kids. You say you would never, ever touch a little kid, ever or ever and ever... but you would, sad truth is your too fat to molest, parents see your just a creepy fat guy, your nicety's are seen through.

So here you are jiggling the fat over child rape fantasy's.

You are a dangerous and dumb human being. You sound like the kind of person who would bomb a Planned Parenthood that doesn't even give abortions. And again, I don't care what my parents think because they're terrible people. Would you give a shit if Charles Manson looked down on you for jaywalking?
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For the Emperaaaaaaaaaar
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Actually, that one page is the whole thing. The artist is new and has very very few artworks.
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This is all true, good job anon.
Oh look, borderline pedophilia
Living in Guatemala taught me humanity too. We have more in common than you might think (though, I was there building schools for children).

And here's your problem, I don't fantasize about fucking kids. I fap to loli. Do you even understand how that's possible?

Understanding humanity is useless if you're blind to it.
>never touch
Too late for that young pussy is the best
what would you say if i was a fitbro that happens to be a an otaku loliphile?
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You're stuck on the fat thing which seems suspicious. I'm actually fit as fuck. I don't understand why you're so sure all lolicons are fat. Oh right, because you base your life on cliches because you're too fucking stupid to think for yourself. How you managed to survive all around the world with such a mindset is beyond me.
no u
More ?
If you don't like loli you are free to go fuck yourself. Loli on /b/ is not against the rules otherwise mods would delete the threads. Cry more moralfags.
Yes what about it
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Then again Charles Manson never sat there jiggling the fat to fantasy's about raping little girls. But you have, he might have. But you defiantly have, your sat there right now smelling of cum, sweat and failed lives.
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Nice one
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Stay for a while, enjoy the pictures. Soon, you wlll see one you want to save. Then you will have a folder. Do you understand? It's too late for us, but it's not too late for you. Leave while you still can.
Taylor Rain - Cum Drippers #3
dont you dare hurt lolis
Lolis enjoy it secretly they just won't admit it
We don't care. Fuck off and do something useful if it offends you so. Shitposting in loli threads won't achieve anything. But feel free to waste your time asshole.
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Too late man.

I'll focus on you guys because you have broke the mold.

Your '/fit/' you ought to be able to get girls your own age, why break down like this? Whats wrong with you?

This fucking fat thing again. How dense are you? Like, I'm not insisting that you have brown hair, you brown hair having fuck. Hows that brown hair, fucking chocolate pated bitch? Brown hair brown hair brown hair. Don't have brown hair? I don't care you have brown hair. Everyone who hates lolis has brown hair. Fuck off, ya dumb dumb.
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Wrists to ankles 3.png
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There was this one webm file I forgot to save. It was a split scene involving a 3d cgi loli (on the older side) getting buttfucked. It ended showing her ass gaped.
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Much love<3
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New hotness > old and busted

I got you angry. I put you off. Has your dick gone limp? Seeing pictures of family in your head?

Good. Non of this is normal.
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You really are a dumb fuck that's just full of assumptions. Do you not understand the concept that people are varied? Not every jock is an asshole, not every geek is smart, etc etc. For someone so traveled you really are dense as fuck.
who the fuck draws this shit?
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I have brown hair. But I am not fat, I am a faller. . I dismantle and climb trees. But I am not fat, I don't think of raping kids and I am not fat.

You are though, you reek of stale cum, sweat and failure. It doesn't have to be this way. Give it up, shower a lot, then come to college. Get a trade and a life.
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Cool, post someting
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I'll post nothing
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That's cool too I guess, don't care that much
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Naww! I get a hardon thinking how much it upsets your 'paw fwagile lickle mind'.
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I'm not angry, I'm worried for you. You say you don't like these things, but you came here anyway. This is the first step. If you stay here long enough, you will become like us. Some part of you wants to see these pictures, because you are still here. If you wish to be free of this, hide these threads.

I say this, but it is a slim hope, because you are still here. So I welcome you, future brother. Enjoy the show.
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Guys add me on steam
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Non of this upsets me anon, its just fat people doing fat stuff. Just gets me there are able bodied white guys, indoors wasting their lives jerking it to child abuse.
The underage children you crave would be utterly terrified of you.
Your hideous visage coming at them in the dark would be like a waking nightmare for them.
This is what your life has become.
You’re masturbating to drawings of little kids that were done by overweight neckbeards that smell of sweat, cheese, and failure.
What do you think the people closest to you would do if they found out what you are?
Imagine the shame and embarrassment.
What would your mother say?
Things are only going to get worse from here.
Even the most hardened, twisted criminals loathe pedophiles.
You will never be accepted into society.
You will never have a place.
You will always be alone.
You will always be hated.
If you hang yourself now, you can make the pain go away.
You can die knowing that you sacrificed yourself in order to make the world a better place. A place where one less sick, ugly, greasy, weak-armed, creepy, child-craving, clammy, pale, unloved, mentally ill man-child no longer masturbates to images of small children.
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This isn't Twitter.
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Stale pasta
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I actually find a lot of loli-like girls
that are over 18 at my age(20). So it's not like
I'm fapping to children. Though, I am put off
heavily by toddlercon.

If I posted a picture of my hot body next to my wife masturbating to loli, would it break your brain? Because you're so sure of who and what I am that it seems like your life depends on the assumption.
Same. I like petite girls
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>Non of this upsets me
>Just gets me

You're upset. You're very upset.
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I usually avoid these threads, you have being here since &T and so have I. But in those years I grew up. Recently I watched a groundie get domed by and errant branch. Not my tree, not my fault. But he was younger than me but older than you guys. You guys so far have done nothing with life. Your just passing it by.

If my comments force one of you to change and just not be fat. I'll call it done.
This is child abuse
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Also me. There are plenty of 18-20 year old girls at my school who are 5'0" or under and thin and I crush hard on them
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<3 back at you :3

I'm not retarded. I know that molesting children hurts them. I know real life is not like fiction. I know a hot loli is never going to ask me to teach them sex and all that jazz. I do not and never would touch a child. If you honestly don't see the glaring difference between jerking it to drawn little girls and actually molesting a child, you need to re-evaluate your thought processes.
right that's why you're on 4chan
to help others
Fuck off pedo
In other words, you are not a lolicon at all.

How old are you? Because that might actually explain the super ignorant world view.
>Non of this upsets me
and yet you are still here complaining so it obviously does.
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The fitbros up there show that there are people here who are not fat. Does that mean you will leave now because your mission is accomplished? You only wanted one, but you have found two.
>done nothing with your lives
Oh look, more assumptions.

I'm sure a number of us have done more than you.

We don't want your pity, and I'm getting tired of thinking you might understand, despite apparently trying.
Younger girls are better but that's illegal obviously
>litterally responding to shitposters

>responding to a copypasta

>watching Kill Bill Vol. 2
>see this picture
>look up and see Beatrix gouge out the bitches eye

Good timing.
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Three I been lurking
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Cool, that's a good movie.
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oh lordy here we go

I'm a plumber with some electrical and carpentry knowledge. Does that count as a trade for you or were you expecting me to be on the dole?
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Sue me I'm bored.
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I know it's a tangent but why the fuck is 4chan advertising that dumb bitch Kaceytron?
>The thread 'I have a small penis'

>tfw my dick is bigger than average

i wonder these "lolicons/weeaboos/pedos have small dicks" assumptions come from

Doubt it. I have had the luxury of felling old growth in different countries. My trade is in demand and so am I.

So what, your former 11B? Seen the world and killed the locals to prove it right? Good on you.
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It's tradition at this point. I honestly get bummed when it doesn't happen.
>i wonder these "lolicons/weeaboos/pedos have small dicks" assumptions come from

Your dicks tiny because your fat.
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>I dismantle and climb trees
I build and research artificial neural networks. No wonder you never reply to me. Aside from the traveling bit, we're not too alike after all.
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I think
don't stop now
Shut up newfag. sit back and enjoy the closest thing to p00n you'll ever get

So you cut trees down. Did you ever consider the moral repercussions of that? Not me, but some people think you are killing the planet. People need the planet, soooo if you kill the planet, you kill everyone. How do you feel about that, murderer?
>tfw also not fat

>be me
>AP classes in highschool
>played football in highschool
>graduated uni at age of 20 (running start, graduted hs with an AA)
>currently make 70k a year
>have gf
>have 8 inch dick
>enjoy loli

wat do

You are aware that body fat content has virtually no bearing on dick size and vice versa, right?
uh, no, this is me: >>671413285
Thanks for replying this time.

I travel to help people. I come from a family of philanthropists. Why would you assume I was in the military?
Dear gods, learn to fucking type. That was just sloppy.

Thats really far out, but why are you here. You must know better.
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Out of stuff ;(
That's not loli. It was on tumblr.

You will never know which ones I'm talking about but the fact that you haven't responded to a single one of my posts tells me I'm making pretty damn good points. Thanks for the confidence boost, chief.
this "loli"?

Biggest carbon sink on the planet is the oceans. Though feel free to be completely carbon neutral and give up all your electronics. All of them. Too much carbon.
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No worries, just keep collecting :3
>know better
You're the one pretending to know people, so that's ironic to me. I'm here because I've been on 4chan for 10 years and have a clothing fetish. Lolis have often cute clothes, so people post non nude stuff that really turns me on.

I'm also a speaker for the under dog whenever possible. As far as I know, these people have done nothing wrong and you don't know them. You're the one who needs to learn a lesson in my opinion. There a lot more that you have wrong than just assuming we're fat.
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this kind of "loli"?

Post about it in a loli thread because you're insecure still.
You were kinda late.

Dude, I don't think he assumes we're fat. I think he believes it. Like, if he could physically see me and see that I'm not fat, it would shake his world view.

You guys are the smart ones right? Here I am wading into whats right and wrong about why child abuse is wrong, but your all anon, no one sticks out.

Well here I am. I am the Arborist. Who are you? Make it plain.

Just when the going is good you run away.

I'm the guy who's a philanthropist, builds artificial neural networks, enjoys clothed lolis, and savors debate. You can call me Seff. I'll be in the next thread.
Last Saturday I fucked a 5'3" girl. Total loli build. Cute nose too. Dance team, so tight ass. Perky, little nips on tiny mound tits. Moaner. Smelt like flowers. I'll never forget her.

>>671412732 is me and some other ones that have nothing to do with me as a person. Here's the thing: this is not child abuse. Have you ever watched a movie? Do you get upset when people get shot in a movie? No? Because it's not real. No one is actually getting hurt. That's how fiction and life work. The ONLY argument you could possibly have is that the fake stuff might encourage the real stuff. But that's a dangerous assumption to make because then we couldn't have any fiction because it might encourage all kinds of things. Now, specifically, what part of this are you not understanding. Thanks in advance for the reply.
fuck i had a stash of pics i wanted to share, too bad
I guess not but I still save pictures that show up in loli threads
ok, but what i have is not anime, it's real girls and some are just kids, is that ok?

>This guy.

Way to prove the old dude right.
Neural networks are pretty cool man. Are you doing your PhD. Aspiring ML researcher here.
fuck off
Yeah, on a concept called EANN.
I'm using recent developments in recurrent network back propagation from google for policy development, and I'm integrating the network with an AI in a virtual world, attempting to giving something akin to the limbic system in most animals.

You know much about ANNs?
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