A spooky thread to read in the dark
just watch this .gif
This has potential but i have nothing to contribute with
bumpin for OP
Phew! I wonder what is it about, but feel too scary to try... May I ask you what is it about?
It looks so friendly.
skinwalker tales are always pretty good
It's not so bad..
Why did they put that in a kid's book?
There isn't a night I don't have flashbacks...
https://youtu.be/mw_HKzo9Ync. Pic unrelated. This vid freaks me out
just try it, it isnt that bad
>watch the eyes
Looks like my sister
It makes the watcher commit suicide. No joke dude. Stare at the eyes for 30+ seconds and find out. I ain't clickin that shit
Fake asf
i r8 10/wut
I also enjoy them. Too bad it's all just rp
I jumped waaay more than I should have
>Too bad it's all just rp
skinwalker detected, get the fuck back in the woods
thats a gif u nigger
holy shit anon
the eyes move, it's really not so rough
>you can handle it, you're a big boy
I shouldn't have jumped.
That was fucking cheap and you know it.
Lmao me too anon, me too.
I couldn't follow that.
Could someone pls explain?
I don't want too be specific here for those who haven't seen it...does anyone have the gif of the phone screen that's guaranteed to make you jump. Heeby jeebys style?
Oh, you're not so sca
You can't be Candleajack we buried y
the scariest thing are his baby blue fuckboi crocs. I hope they both die at the hands of their friend on the roof of their prius.
this is actually decent, i dig
oh fug
I shouldn't go on here at night...
Those crocs tho
Any more greentexts?
Phew! Thanks for the spoiler! Well it isn't bad...
either same fag, guy that made the shitty vid, or two retards.
no part of this is even remotely scary.
they run for no reason, and then.. why would the girl from ringu, while wanting to kill them, lay on the top of there car; which, mind you, would have been harder, and taken longer, than just attacking them.
lol fucking ni
the way that shit runs
I didn't see it
Why is everyone such a faggot about gifs that have existed since the early 2000s?
anyone got the youtube link to this? It was like a 4 min BBC vid I think...
I'm stoned, so it was interesting
Do you know where this is from?
Does anybody have that Bobby Kotick comic strip?
It appeared once and i haven't seen it since and i didnt get to finish reading it
ah.. well, good on ya from there, but.. that's the only way I'll give it to ya.
Like mommy or mother. Something like that
Mama (it's a movie)
(your address here)
Found this pic on wg, reminds me of a nightmare I had.
Is this from a movie?
Mama, the monster is played by some super skinny spanish actor
I'd fuck it.
come on more pasta fuck gifs
Ah, finally found it after searching for so long. Thanks a lot, anons!
any good, or is it dumb?
damn that girl's teeth are fucked
where the scary alien stories at?
It's kinda good, got some spoopy moments. I recomend it.
You should check out Orphan. I liked it. Plus it's got the same weirdly hot chick from The Departed.
I legitimately laughed.
>where the scary alien stories at?
This is from the movie called quarantine. I remember because i watched it when i was like 15 and it wasn't scary at all.
Thanks! I'll try to watch both of them tonight. If it gets too late then I'll watch it tomorrow night.
It was a one and done for me but it was worth the watch.
You're a fucking pussy
The Truest of all horror, Read this comic!
This is canc
Do I win anything?
I don't see it
only if you eat out my ass, nigger
Aint it past your bed time little boy
She's even hotter in the (movie I can't remember) with Paul Walker. She's got the whole hot mom thing going in it.
This is /b/, we are conditioned to not kill ourselves
I wouldn't worry about it
You have been warned
I actually jumped. fuck you.
>Music stops
>crazy eyes
>beloved cartoon
Gee...haven't read this before...
theres a guy on the roof ? i dont get it
Does anyone have any more screamers ?
i fucking love it, it plays on that feeling when something looks like something else, or whatever, fucking nice, and her reaction to it was subtle enough, and she just looks normal, not 23 blonde bitch
My spoopiest SW tale
I'm 44 years old.
i dont get it. plz explain?
There are two sides to every story. Remember, skinwalkers are people too.
I may be stupid... I don't get it
Jumped, 11/10
The mom was the one getting rid of the bodies. Hence the fact she remained in the well and did not disappear. Took me a minute to figure it out
Friggin 6 legged rape centaur is the stupidest pasta ive read.
jumped waaaaaaay more than i should have
I haven't seen a creepy pasta thread Ina long time
>pls post all you got /b/ros
christ that's weird
Andres Muschietti, 2013
pretty good
They actually used a person with a disorder hooked to cables to create it. Amazing.
On youtube somewhere.
Mama was pretty decent until the tacked-on bullshit ending and backstory. Should have left her a mystery.
you really are savant aren´t you?
They should be fucked, she lived in the wilderness half her childhood
Fuckin fagg
This is the fucking thing I imagine when seeing this.
is that a mask?
I want that if it is.
Forgot the link
this is one of the saddest
two groups camping.
group A meets the monster and nopes.jpg out of there to motel
they forget to tell group b, group b later calls and tells them to stop pranking them but in reality it is monster.
group A tells group b to GFTO because monster
That's a real dude, he has some weird lanky disorder, obviously he can't move that fast but all the crawling scenes and shit are legit, except the hair floating
awesome. thanks
well,genius, I didn't watch the movie, so how would i know? also, if that's true, they wouldn't be that bad, since she wouldn't have sugar. terrible teeth at young ages are modern things.
the eyes move very subtly
much better in text than comic
Burn it all
good read if anyone has the time
too spoopy.
Anytime friendo
no shit sherlock
i had the pole already out :^(
Do people still fall for this shit. I stared into it for a minute and i dont want to kill myself.
Its the doll from fucking annabelle with eyes that move.
A picture wont make you commit suicide you retarded fuckhead.
Do people still fall for this shit. I stared into it for a minute and i dont want to kill myself.
Its the doll from fucking annabelle with eyes that move.
A picture wont make you commit suicide you retarded fuckhead.>>671255086
Joke's on you: I already want to commit suicide.
Why'd you put me in your reply silly?
If they hadn't stopped, the bus would have been safely passed when the boulders fell.
I hope not dude. It's the back story to it or of some painting. Anon was too spooked to look at it and thought I'd throw in a little fear. Quit getting all fucking literal and ass hurt over it, it's a goddamn spook thread. More fear the better. Remove stump from ass, take some midol, go eat some ice cream and enjoy the thread.
Nah bruh.. aint like that.
Shit sorry, i was looking at different posts while typing it. 'Twas but an accident.
Thats the shit that causes anxiety attacks, not fear.
the simple fact you stared at it for a minute after already knowing everything there is to know about it implys you didn't know and wanted to test it?
Btw it's not the Annabelle doll
Glad we cleared that up. The greatest mystery of the universe was solved! Painting that causes anxiety and not fear!
i dont get 8. what's wrong there?
how is this a riddle?
Ayy lmao
If the burglar killed the rest of his family, why didn't he kill the narrator too?
Jump scare/10
Good stories
He was naked, remember? No one wants to kill a naked guy.
What about 13?
More more more
In Britbongistan, they count the ground floor as 0, not 1.
4/10 at best
do it fagot
I think she got new parents. Probably black, which is why she regrets it.
Cant find it either
calista flockhart is doing lesbian porn now? who knew?
I want to kill myself even without looking at the picture
heard this was pretty good. Anon reviews?
Shits gone mang
What? It look...AAHAHHHAHA
i dont get this one, what am i missing?
>rape centaur
hey b how do i turn money into more money
please explain for mac fags
Ben Affleck is gay!
I really like how they mirrored her face in the poster to make her seem off-putting
Look closely, its hard to make out
Bumping for green text stories and all things spook
All of my fuck
I would never be afraid of that thing. It has like no balance just nudge it over
K guys all our of scary spaghetti here.
what's with all these incompl
I got some good kush for you peeps but it's more wtf then scary. Also if there is more like this pls post on here :) enjoy the story.
thanks bro
Always found this sort of things... creepy/funny
yeah those crocs are terrifying
lol, shes a crazy russian midget the whole time.
>the monster is played by some super skinny spanish actor
Nope; the monster is not-so-good CGI. A man with Marfan syndrome was used for motion tests, but not for the actual film
yeah those books were fucked