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Waifu claiming thread: The Original The rules are very simple:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 179
Thread images: 151
File: Tenryuu 125.jpg (700 KB, 1317x2266) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 125.jpg
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Waifu claiming thread: The Original

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>only 1 claim/Anon
>Most important: Have fun!

Tenryuu claimed. The most beautiful and stubborn waifu here.
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Claimed! She's all mine!
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Let's see. I don't know how much further he can take this.
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Hey buddy, stop impersonating.
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
OP's rules should include: don't impersonate or something of the sorts
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Love this girl. Claimed.
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I'm gonna go play some vidya, see you all in an hour or two.
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Ruby claimed
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Keep up the act, it's not fooling anyone. Hah.
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Forever claiming Stocking
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Claimed before someone does!
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Please don't tell me you're going to do the exact same thing... That's just really poor. And lazy. And boring.

I was wrong. You're a Ibukifag. At least, you are in spirit.
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Nice taste
Miho claimed
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What's the point of impersonating
Why is this even a thing
>claiming Ruri
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You really are a no-life. You're putting forth so much effort just to get a rise outta me, and it's despicable. Fuck you.
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Once again, stop impersonating me. Please go back to your YLYL threads and post banana pictures.
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dragon digimons waifus... are the best waifus
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What the hell is happening?
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Same fag?
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I don't know. It was sort of fun to begin with but now it's clear that he can't take anywhere else. No creativity. No accuracy. No theatrics. No excitement.

This requires much more effort to be a decent job. Unfortunately for the crowd, he doesn't want to do a decent job.

Filename is wrong.

>source material sprite at 374
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Can't argue with quads
There is someone impersonating Mikan-anon, it's quite interesting. I might get some popcorn
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april oneil
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I find myself excessively attracted to unstable women who are clingey and possessive, probably because I had a lot of bad experiences with my mother when I was younger and I need the validation of not worrying about whether or not somebody still needs me. I feel a necessity for there to be an extremely deep connection for a partner and for constant reassurances of their affection and clingey women tend to do that. I always imagine a fantasy world where we're devoted to one another and I help her with her issues and she becomes a better person. This rarely happens in real life and she would probably be emotionally manipulative and difficult to deal with. I think it's probably low self esteem as well which makes me feel this way. While I acknowledge all of this, it doesn't change how I feel.
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I'd weigh in on this impersonation endeavour but I'm really not sure how to tackle it. What's the gain here?

Thanks, she's popular though. Gotta be quick.

Hey rubyanon!
How are you doing?
Honestly, it is pretty entertaining. Hopefully it's sorted out
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Just some idiots who think they're comical and can make me angry.
Doing pretty good! Just playing some vidya games for a bit. You?
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That's generous, considering he can only manage from a image basis only.

I'm quite certain. If it is more than one person then that's the only way this gets interesting again.

Not saved.
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These fools are just trying to get a rise out of me. They're ruined my fun, thus adding on my depression. I didn't want to have to go into detail, but the reason I can't attend the RP party, is I am suffering from crippling depression. I have considered suicide many times and almost gone through with it. These guys are adding on to my problems, and I wish they'd stop.
>what is inspect element
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I'm alright thanks. Currently alternating between the thread and disgaea 3. What are you playing?
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Because you know, inspect element isn't a thing. Fucking moron.
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>I wish they'd stop
I actually wish you would, now. You're at your limit, it is over. You've done what you can. It's time to say goodbye. Let all of us remember the keks over the tired cringe.

>Source material at 142
wew lad
Cities Skylines and Rocket League are my jam atm. Also been playing some CS: Source for nostalgia
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Please stop pretending to be me, why don't you just claim your own waifu and hang out with us? My depression demands it.
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Whoops. Forgot pic
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claiming best grill
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I'm drunk af
Please judge the shit outta me
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The filename is wrong again. I keep pointing this out because I don't understand why they're wrong.
you're a sad cunt
Cities Skylines is a pretty god tier game. Got a little bored with RL though personally. Haven't played CS in ages damn.
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This is clearly not what OP had in mind
I'll just lurk until whoever is impersonating decides it's time to let go
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I hope they knock it off soon, I'm starting to relapse because of their shenanigans.
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Cities 2016-02-04 18-50-33-98.png
2 MB, 1920x1080
I've gotten pretty good with my cities so far. Finally completed a walled island city last week.
>Pic Related.
Why am I sad anon?
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>Please judge the shit outta me
Well, you are drunk. That's not good for your liver. Bad anon. Bad.
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Still a whole bunch of Mikans lurking. Gonna claim just because I don't want my hand getting claimed.

Do what you want man, whatever makes you happy.
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>implying I care for my health
Oh damn that's pretty nice. I'd send screenshots but I'm on disgaea right now. It's a game I've put a lot of time into though.
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Are you even trying to impersonate me at this point or are you just trying to look like an oaf?
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Smoking 11.jpg
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I know a lot of word for this situation, but i think it's better to not speak them out. And if you're the Anon i think you are....
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Are there reall so many people here that claim your hand?
I mean, I could post my hand too, but it wont be as famous as your hand
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Oh yeah, your waifu.
Well, that's a pony right there.
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b mine 4ever!
What anon do you think I am?
Also, wat words? I can handle every insult, I'm drunk
>not having it uncensored
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Just making sure.
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This is just good Hinata porn, I never bothered to name them.
Meant for. >>671218668
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Filename is wrong but I actually don't have this one. But that's due to where I'm mining my images from, I'll move onto other places when this one is dry.

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3 MB, 2031x2952
All good anon. How is disgaea? I've been thinking of getting it for some time

afaik un4tunately there is no uncensored version of this animu - sry
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2 MB, 1936x2592
Yeah, I guess that's fair. I'm still around, just waiting for things to calm down. Just wanted to claim while I was waiting.
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It's better for them to be unspoken. But you remind me of that Anon which came one day, talked about his tulpa, posted Vinyl pictures and was overall a pretty chilled guy....a rare exeption from this cancerous neckbeard tip m'lady MLP community.

Is that a eyepatch?
this one's very nice too, sir.
could be her older sister
Actually very good. I have no complaints so far. Never been a big fan of RPG's but a friend let me borrow a copy and I'm hooked.
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Suddenly I'm curious: Do you also have that peeking .png I made? You must know the one, surely.
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eye 5.jpg
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retina-kunt here
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Oh shit
I'm that anon
There was also a Rainbow Dash fag in this thread, right?
Anyways, you have any questions?
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y don't u utilize that hand and go f yourself? this is my turf now. #retinakun4life
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Really terrible excuse, I'd think that because I'm stressed out right now that you'd stop impersonating me. Pathetic.
>tfw this was the hand of the Vinyl-Tulpafag :^)
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2 MB, 1936x2592
Who's that?
Claimed boifu
I'll keep an eye on it. Once I save up some extra cash i'll go buy it.
This hand
I recognize that mousepad together with the hand
I fucking know the Vinylfag
(you know, the My little Pony fag in the thread)
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What is going on?
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Boner intensifies
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Definitely worth it, shouldn't cost too much now
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Gettin Bigger.png
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gross new.jpg
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KAR rewj0impdbh.png
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Thread's already nearly 2/3's from image limit, plus there was a thread earlier, you're not doing much.
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What is happening to these threads today? It's getting tiring.
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Also what the fuck is happening in this thread?
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D&M muppet.jpg
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The ususal Saturday evening cancer. It happens from time to time.

Anyways, i'm going to sleep now. See you guys tomorrow and until then: Have a good one.
You playing the first one?
I dont know
I used to lurk these all the time, but its really different now
Anyone gonna do a new one?
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D&M muppet.png
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some faggot is spamming
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I wonder if Liquid-Mikan got tired and has moved on to this. Or has another shitposter joined?
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Hey bun! What's the news?
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Last one was pretty normal, now it's just cancer being cancer.
Glad it took over the whole impersonating thing though.
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Jenkem Frog.png
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kermit (2).jpg
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There was a impersonating thing going on in this thread?
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kermit incarnate.jpg
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I am no longer on the path to Wizardry.
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Kermit Loses His Composure.jpg
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kermit the cuckold forg.jpg
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Doesn't matter he's only gonna stay till the thread reaches image limit and leave, unless his parents really beat him as a child and he continues.
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Kermit The Haxor.jpg
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If anyone fell for it, I'm going to be sad. And disappointed.

>out of hinata porn
>now using Teto
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Kermit's Inferno.jpg
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long time no see op ⌒(≧▽ ° )
I see claiming waifu is still a thing
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I probably gave it too much importance, but yeah.
Hey again rabbitposter.
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So you mean...
Congrats bun! That is pretty awesome news
Negr I was just checking the responses to my posts
So I didnt realize shit
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Too much shit is going on, hard to keep track.

Brilliant, I guess I kinda forget that the rest of /b/ can just come in and attempt to derail.
Goodnight though, sleep well.

Currently playing the third. Favourite so far!

Hopefully, OP left though so it'll have to be someone else. It's been a weird couple threads to be honest.

I can handle spamming faggots. The impersonation thing was confusing as hell, glad it's over.
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Vita or PS3 version? Cause if its the latter then you'll love the former.
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Took me too long to get that. Impressive news man!

PS3 version. Is the VITA one any different?
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Misato claimed. How is everyone?
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It has all the DLC built into the game along with a new story segment and fixes to the game mechanics that make magichange better. You also get this girl that can really fuck some shit up.
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Pretty good. Stopped playing games to grab food. Will probably be back soonish

Also you missed the impersonation earlier. It's a clusterfuck right now
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This the Ultimate waifu material right here!
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Yes, I mean.

What's good, Dubs guy?
>shit poster doesn't even have the patience to bump the thread until it hits image limit
You kind of failed you damn idiot.
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1 MB, 1000x1000
This thread went to shit
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There was an impersonator?
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I'm alright, just getting some coffee.
How about you?

I'm kind of afraid to talk to you, since last time I did you called me a shitlicker.
I just feel that it's not my right to 'claim' my waifu.
Even if they don't truly exist it just still feels wrong.
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Hope it's not too personal, but how was the experience?
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2 MB, 1936x2592
I don't know.
I'm pretty good thanks, this thread has been a little off the rails though. Tired me out.

Nice! I'll probably pick that up for my vita then, I'm not against playing through the game again.

I think the shitposters are gone. Should be normal now.
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Pretty good, might play some games or just go to sleep.

What happened?
The shitposters in this thread kinda sucked pretty hard
Anyways, I will stick around, even if a new thread will get opened (as long as I dont get banned becuz pone).
So if you want to summon Vinylfag, just post a picture of Vinyl and I'll probably answer in most threads
I'm pretty sure they both opted out. Or he is waiting for me to post normally? Eh.

>What happened?
Just some faggot. Not noteworthy.
You missed the saturday cancer, Yuuko.
I'm actually jealous because of it.
How are you, though?

I'm not surprised, it clearly was a clusterfuck.
>Ruri.png, thanks for the dump, shitposter.
Personally I find the series to be best on handhelds since you can play it anywhere and the handheld versions have the most content too. Just by having vita 3's save data unlocks that girl I posted to be used right from the get go.
I've seen this spammer a few times now. Nothing new, just keep going as if he's not here.
Great, you?
Words can't describe it properly.

Because you refuse to call me by my name.
I'm alright, was about to leave to eat something, wanted to say hello.
>I'll be back, though.

That's not even a good excuse.
Thread replies: 179
Thread images: 151

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