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MGTOW vs feminism, which one gives you more cancer and why?

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MGTOW vs feminism, which one gives you more cancer and why?
wtf is mgtow
Men Going Their Own Way
Long story short: modern women are just manipulative and selfish and the MGTOW man refuses to be on a serious relationship, also rejects the society standards. instead he focuses on achieving his own goals, hobbies and cultivate his mind and body
Feminism is much more cancerous because it is a much larger movement that also has much more impact on society.

MGTOW is just a movement of butthurt ex-friendzoned neckbeards which is more cringe than cancer.
Sounds faggy, but feminism sucks serious cum-coated shit, so I say feminazis are the more potent and virulent cancer.
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sounds way too much like lonely neckbeards trying to feel good about their lonelyness
Actually some of the most brilliant minds of the entire history were lonely and refused to be close to females.

same level, MGTOW is pretty pathetic

Drink bleach
MGTOW doesn't seem to involve controlling other people and forcing them to behave differently, it's a decision made my one person at a time. Hence, "their own way". Feminism is an ideology (with a broad expanse of definitions from gender equality to female privilege to female domination) that believers try to enforce on society as a whole, kind of like how religious ideology controls some societies.

TL;DR MGTOW fags don't effect anyone else that much, feminism effects everyone, feminism obvious cancer
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Some of the MGTOW representatives tend to be fat, lonely neckbeards, but the MGTOW philosophy encourages you to get fit, eat healthy food, be successful (this depends on your definition of success) and not to hate women, instead tells you to try to understand why people (not only women) act the way they do.
feminism is way worse, atleast mgtows stay to them selfs, feminists want to ruin everything.
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Actually that anon is right...
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MGTOW is mostly pathetic. Feminism exists from local school class up to UN and is a worldwide cancer.
Basically what true feminists believe but for men
close to any stupid human
Isaac Newton died a virgin. What were you saying again?
the term guys has always been gender neutral...

sounds like humanism
Feminism, obviously .You almost never hear a thing about MGTOW, while the media gives feminists the spotlight
O really ? Like guys and gals yeah totally gender neutral
Trips of truth
The philosophy is good as far as self-improvement and achievement goes, but holy fuck the way they generalize and demonize women makes them seem so childish and emotional. They're taking personal experiences with women in a specific class range in a specific culture in a specific part of the world and using that to essentially say that women are not human.
The same conclusion could be made if you took examples of decisions that men with power made that demonstrated a lack of empathy or care for others.
TL;DR use MGTOW ideas for self-betterment but don't be an autistic retard who thinks every single other person is their enemy
He was gay and not a virgin
Hurrr durrr guys= male girls= female you gender centric pig! Check your privilege
Muh patriarchy
Probably because they were gay
>not to hate women
Why are there women haters in MGTOW, even create videos about it?
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This faggot gets it right
Does MGTOW mean a way without women? Because I dont want to go that way, fuck both.
Feminism also says they don't hate man, and you know. All the same shit
ah great. turns out i'm finally something that has a name.
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MGTOW is actually for men who get fucked over by the extremely bias judicial system that constantly favors women. Basically MGTOW tries to help successful men who will get married then divorced and lose half of everything they own. Women are really fucking selfish if only you heard the way they talk, it's sickening. Basically no matter what the situation, it's the man's fault. She cheated on her husband because he works too much. Women support each other and encourage each other to do things to fuck over their "bad" husbands.

Obviously this isn't true in all cases, but its much more common than you think. This is coming from a guy that hung out with married women and knew their husbands too. I they would usually try to cheat on them with me.

MGTOW may have fat neckbeards there but the idea behind it is make money, fuck bitches, don't get married.

Except they're all fat virgin nerds.

Mgtows are worse than feminists. Feminists at least want to change something they see is wrong.Mgtows just pretend their obvious virginity is a choice.
However feminism has more influence. Or have you ever seen one MGTOW politican, school teacher, college principal, entrepreneur or similar?

But also the most pathetic people have been alone.
MGTOW is such bullshit. It's called being a fucking man. Just treat women how you'd treat a man.
>Feminists at least want to change something they see is wrong.
Hitler wanted to change something he seen as wrong too. So did Stalin, Mao, Bin Laden...
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If they fucked guys instead of girls they would have been gays (Alan Turing's case) but they choose a celibate life because they didn't saw any benefits of association with females (Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Wright brothers, etc)
No more like how gay went from being happy to men sucking other men's dicks. The meaning changed over time. Guys is an informal way to address a group of people of either gender.

No. They're all in their mom's basement playing video games and telling people online how smart they are.

But so did good people.
Obviously. What I meant is that are people going against the ideals no matter what the movement. But yeah, fuck feminism.
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So you see "just want to change something" is not a good measurement for good or bad. I rather have a MGTOW virgin ranting about women on youtube than radical activists that fuck up our society and have build networks into power structures since the 60'.
You're the male version of a feminist. Don't glorify it. Just because girls won't fuck you or date you doesn't make you part of some social movement.

Where did virgins come up with this myth that all these men are losing half of their net worth in divorce? You betas have turned divorce into a boogeyman. With more dual income families, men are losing less now than ever.

Plus how big of a pussy do you have to be to be afraid of marriage?
Except those guys were all well known to be socially retarded. They were basically autistic, that's why they were so advanced in their fields.

But at its core feminism is good.Mgtow is turning men into pussies.

No kidding. Mgtows aren't geniuses. They're retards making excuses.
Wtf? This is what most single men are doing at any time. That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

How about instead, couples going their own way? Marry an anti-feminist woman like I did and enjoy a successful and happy life.
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Wrong, i was the guy who didn't give a shit on high school, i lifted and excersiced on a daily basis and surprisingly, girls were close enough to me to get sex on a good basis (3 times a week at least) but after all that i realized that sex was something pleasant but empty, and i started to focus on really important things (projects, business, reading)
Tl;dr i am not a virgin, i am fit, but i choose to be a MGTOW
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There's a special place in hell for people who don't agree with Madeleine Albright
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>But at its core feminism is good.
Show me one feminist that's good.

*tips fedora*
Feminism is useless even at its core, they just take needed social and economic changes as their victories
Do you really think that all the fat fucks scattered everywhere in america cultivate their minds and bodies?
feminism is turning men into pussies

Most of them, whereas there isn't a single good anti feminist.
"I'm sick of all men being stereotyped and judged and lumped in together... So I'm gonna do the exact same thing to women"

People aren't cardboard cutouts. Feminism and MGTOW are both retarded and anyone who sides with either gender alone is aspie as fuck.

Well yeah. Antifeminist men are pretty much huge pussies too.
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>Fails to show only one
Christina Hoff Sommers.
Great guys I know

Gotta love how virgins always think saying a number of times a week for sex will make them believable.

Good lord. Is your life that sad you saved that picture?
All I heard was "no one will love me, it must be because all women are cunts. It couldn't possibly be me"
Triple dubs of truth
Again, SUCCESSFUL men. For example, the guy that has a job in STEM while the woman is working some shitty job from her communications degree. MGTOW is a warning to successful men to not get fucked over by a woman with low or medium income.
I've seen so many guy's lives be ruined by divorce. They are bitter husks of their old selves and it's usually cause the woman wanted divorce for these insane ideas they made up in their head. You have not hung around married women enough to understand the insanity that goes on in their heads.
Sommers is antifeminist. All she says is more MRA than feminist and her "equity feminism" is not accepted by any feminist. Besides there is no reason why you need "equity feminism" when you can have the same with egalitarianism.

You literally haven't proved how women magically take half.
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well, at least she has a nice body! yep this is the same woman on the right in OPey's pic.
Too many bluepills here...
You know, that happens to women too. A lot of the time their pussy beta faggot husbands who rely on her making all the money do the same thing that "all women" do during a divorce.

When my mum left my dad she took what she'd bought with her own money, and moved out. There was no prenup involved, she just didn't want to be one of those bitches. Happens with a lot of women.
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Her Youtube channel is literally called the factual feminist. She calls herself a feminist all the time.
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I have saved even more wanna see?
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Except that almost all women make really shitty men. In the workplace they are mostly an annoyance, they perform worse than men on average and among the top 5% of each gender (at least in my hospital), and they spend more time renegotiating the social order and nurturing their image at the cost of time spent on thinking about what there is to do.

At the same time they become shitty potential mates that behave like they did some dominance workshop. In fact, many of them have, it's offered by my hospital's "equal treatment department" (this is not an english-speaking country so fuck you). Except of course they have never learnt what it means to be loyal to a leader and to take care of a subordinate. So they act like a passive-aggressive little shit without any feel for how much dominance should appropriately be shown, how much pressure applied.

Women competing with men in the workplace means enabling a group of people that has less innate ability by quotas. At my hospital the doctors are employed by the state, and although they make up a majority of administrative personnel by far, of nurses by far, and of doctors they are about 60%, they still by law have to be employed preferably. The "gender equality department" watches over that, it takes them 3 weeks, and if no woman applies a job cannot be given to anybody.

So now women have become simultaneously shitty coworkers and shitty potential mates. Thanks feminism for making both my private life and my work life less enjoyable.

Oh yeah and I don't know about MGTOW, it's a stupid acronym. But it's not astonishing given that contraception and porn exist that a man would not want to end up with a nagging childish physically unattractive woman. And from my experience you can't be sure a woman really is nice just because she acts nice for a prolonged period of time.
Ive been a feminist my whole life, and ever since i came on 4chan afew months ago ive seen nothing but discrimination of women. Grow up /b/, disrespecting women will get you nowhere
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And gets attacked by literaly every other feminist on this planet.
I can call myself communist and make videos about free market. Does that make me a communist?
Tits or gtfo
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>relevant in the west today
>living in country where women earn only 2.5% less than men according to official statistics despite men working 13% more hours on average and taking less time off
>mfw they also get bonuses for maternity leave and having a child in addition to getting an almost identical salary to men who're actually working
>"feminists" openly calling sexism and discrimination because women not working don't get 100% as much money as people who're actually working in a capiatlistic system, disregarding the income from welfare
>mfw women here get offended if you point that out
>totally not a position of privilege instead of equality or women's rights
hah you fell for the trap of using logic when talking about feminism.

-4 patriarchies
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They're both equally cancerous.
Feminists are mistaken in thinking that all men are violent rapists, MGTOW are mistaken in thinking that all women are psychopathic gold-diggers.

But as far as which threatens society more, I'd have to say that it's the feminists.
They to have a lot more pull when it comes to legislation.
Without facts, its more believable than "women make less than men" tbh
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>i need feminism because i am an exhibitionist slut and need an excuse to walk around naked as political activism
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Look at her nipples they are rock fucking hard. She fucking LOVES this attention.

Yeah "feminism" is why she is walking around naked... right.
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That's really nice of her. We should just keep the current system and trust all women to be as nice, which is also congruent with 0 of the divorces among my peers' parents.
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always wondered, would she do it if she was a landwhale?
10/10 would rape her
That's retarded, dude, now you're just making shit up. He was a severe introvert, which gave him time to develop his mathematical models that we still use today.

You know, instead of spending your day shitposting bullshit
>i am an exhibitionist slut and need an excuse to walk around naked
I don't see anything bad so far...
Absolutely, women regardless of size, love attention. Land whales almost never get attention so she probably would do it if she wasn't psychologically destroyed while growing up from being self conscious about her weight.
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>woman naked
>art, feminism, empowerment
>man shows dick
>hate crime break his legs
MGTOW. Bunch of butthurt fags. As a male I find them more cancerous than feminism, which I just don't find as threatening to my kind.
Yah guys i dont have a gf or having sex cos im tots like isaac newton
dude you can't use logic, it's a trap.

This guy straight up looks like an old friend of mine that I worked with at this pornsite as tech support.

I've seen this image for years, and WISH I had contact with him just to ask if it's him.

Cause srsly, it's something he'd do.
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You are not planning to have a drink with a woman and maybe getting closer later, are you?
Is he from Brasil? Because that's where this happened.
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yep, this pic is also her "work"
Except there's absolutely no proof of this. And lots of proof to the contrary. He made it public knowledge that he was a virgin his whole life. He, and many men at the time, believed that cumming makes you lose vital materials that keep you focused and intelligent... which is not directly true, but somewhat true in the end. At the end of his life, when asked what he believed was his greatest achievement, he said it was dying a virgin.

So unless you have any proof that he was gay and not a virgin, go back to fapping to traps.
>dat nipples
>implying they weren't good
It feels so fucking good to be told I'm the better gender, but I saw where Femenism went.
I think you're projecting your own closet gayness on others.
Naw, I'm married and have two children.
Good and bad is in the eye of the beholder
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Take a close look at your children's teacher then, especially when you have boys.
That looks as if she just had a good fart
*tips fedora in return*
movie titled Milo Moiré - Fluid Ecstasy
Feminism gives more cancer. It is fueled by lies and deception. And all you cuckolds that are against mgtow: whiteknighting wont get you laid.
Fucking hell man.

You're viewing women like all they are good for is breeding.

Don't get me wrong, essentially, biologically, that's all both sexes are here for.

I agree men make better employees and are more productive. We're biologically programmed to take more stress, more pain, less sleep and more endurance.

However, you must respect the fact. A woman is a living breathing sentient being. Capable of their own desires wants and needs.

I agree, society needs to be better balanced. We need to get out of the narrative of men being providers and women being carers. it fucks men up when it comes to child rights, domestic violence and marriage.

With women in work men to some extent have lost their value as providers and the dating scene is now heavily stacked in a womans favour.

Still, treat a woman like you would any other human. No need for this MGTOW bullshit.

We need a conscious effort in society to create equality. But none of this SJW crap.
There's a difference between true forced loneliness and mgtow, although a lot of these people claim to be mgtow because they think it's empowering. Mgtow is all about recognizing female nature so you don't become a slave to a woman and don't get taken to the cleaners by one.
hi cuck
>You're viewing women like all they are good for is breeding.

They did that themselves by refusing to bring anything else to the table , then bitching and moaning and accusing the table of rape

>their own desires wants and needs.
good lord soooooo many wants and needs , all the fucking time

Feminists do not want equality , if you believe that for even a second you are a moron.
They want nothing but benefits with no responsibilities.

Equal does not mean identical.Treat a woman like a man and she crumbles
Just name one thing, one single thing that a women can do better than any man inside a corporation.
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sleep with the boss
...protip: you can't
quads dont lie, despite obvs neckbeard friendzoner

Boys and Girls
Guys and Gals

Get it right
Any good shots of her butthole, bud?
MGTOW without a doubt.
Fucking goddammit...

Most women can't handle being treated like a man. And who should blame them. In our culture it is still much more vile to hurt women than men, both physically and emotionally. Heck, if you hurt a man you display dominance, and if a man cries or shows pain or even despair, there is no sympathy, only disgust. The "women and children first" mentality is still much engrained. I spoke with a coworker about the policy of preferentially emplying women although they make up more than half of employees. I shit you not, she laughed in my face and insinuated that I felt discriminated against. No shit. The first two times I applied a woman got the job who was "equally qualified" although in my department 80% are female.

I think that this development does hurt and will in the long term hurt all people, women differently from men. I can understand the MGTOW, although I'm not a fan of what in german is called Vereinsmeierei.
both are as bad in concept, blaming the other gender for evil, but feminism is definitely further spread and resorts to actual life ruining techniques other than just hating fom a far

You don't wear a slip with pants; stupid feminists
called the fucking law you retard, partners are entitled to half the assets both parties owns, so the rich one will always get fucked over. Fucking retarded law just like you.
Both are cancerous but feminism is the most damaging for all of us
Is that even a sentence? You fucking retard.
Don't make up important people being gay, it tarnishes their legacy.
Ahh feminism taking people's rights while saying they stand for justice, ruining the world one with one retard at a time.
Is that the Palace in Budapest on the left, where Dracula was imprisoned for a few years?
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>men going their own way
So she just wants her porn to be "art"?
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Tumblr pls go,
You want to know how I came to the conclusion you're Tumblr?
Because feminism isn't relevant at all, women hate it, men hate it.
There isn't anyone who is well respected that is a feminist.
Don't give me that Emma bullshit either, wanting to fuck a girl violently in her asshole while shoving her face into a toilet is not respect.
No one gives a fuck about feminism, except for feminist.
So gtfo with your shitty b8.
The UN, and US lawmakers are no one?
It's not what she's doing, it's that people think it makes sense to support something that retarded.

People should have the right to act the way they want (if it doesn't impose an opinion on someone else's life).

However it should be clear when something is completely retarded.

-Fat acceptance movement: people tried to trend a movement that is a proponent of bad physical health and shamed healthy people for being role models.

-Black lives matter movement, something that was suppose to help black people aspire for a greater life, instead it said they were oppressed in society. Instead asking black people to ask for more welfare and ruin their lives even more because of racism.

Veganism: Fucking disgusting wastes of life, enough said.

These movements are obviously retarded in what they do and instead people accept them because today everyone's fucking lazy and think their life isn't their responsibility.

This isn't even true. It's possible to get half of the assets acquired during the marriage...but not half of everything someone owns. Since people are getting married later in life, they have their lives more together before the marriage.

Again, men are losing less and less. You really are just afraid of some boogeyman.

None are as retarded as the mgtow movement though.
Two groups of faggots trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
Based ascetics. Mgtow is OK

Millennial feminism is an exercise in self-righteous , self-induced delusion.

And "men" who are fat nerds claiming they're virgins by choice is not self-induced delusion?
mgtow is a retarded movement for sure, people should aspire to be dominant not weak and equal. That doesn't mean people are retarded for accepting these things as legitimate and promoting them.
mgtow is basically men giving up being men because they are afraid of women
what is this virgin obsession with calling everyone cucks?
Because men prefer insults to be short and concise. Like fag, faggot, cuck or in your case gay homo fag , faggot

If she was a landwhale she wouldn't have all those cameras around at all times. Instead of getting attention she'd probably get arrested.
they have quotes on the mgtow website that are more cringeworthy than atheism quotes by fat losers in fedoras

i didnt realize the movement was a joke
<Child Support
<Biased Judges

When on average men make more money than women in a divorce there's this thing called a conflict of interest for judges. Choosing who's paying more money, when the judges pay is changed depending on how much money they bring in.

Feminism is like an annoying fly in the house. MGTOW is like a loud fucking child destroying the entire house trying to kill the fly.

I can't take many women seriously who talk about muh privilege but I can laugh it off at most things they say with a few exceptions. Literally everything that some loser or divorced retard says about his "own" way that he repeated word for word from some reddit post or blog makes me want to throw up. It's not even complaining for the sake of complaining with these fags, they literally just want attention over the fact that they choose to fail in relationships.
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard

Women can pay alimony and child support too.

Again, this idea that men are losing half of everything is just a myth.
Dem tater tots.... I'm hungry now.
>level 2 migtowel
i don't really understand the disconnect that happens when these morons categorize women as "women" and themselves as some special snowflake that's not like the other boys. you lower the "risks" of marriage with common sense. how do they evaluate these risks anyway? being alone with a bunch of miserable dudes is not a risk? number 1 thing that old guys regret is not enough time spent with family and loved ones. the chance you have a divorce is like 10% if you're not a poorfag, and you still got all those experiences you would have otherwise traded in for a "BUY MY BOOK" scheme on reddit.
>Feminist shilling marriage this hard by using buzzwords like LE BOOGEYMYN

Nah. Marriage works in the woman's favour, that's why the cunts want it so fucking much
>We need a conscious effort in society to create equality

You'd need to destroy feminism before that could happen
by that logic it works in favor of any man who proposes

>want it so much
not with you though.

Sounds like you're just mad women won't fuck you, pal.
Who's that, minny paquiao?

It's called heaven.
>by that logic it works in favor of any man who proposes

Societal pressure for men to marry or they are seen as worthless

>not with you though.
>Sounds like you're just mad women won't fuck you, pal.

Predictable and boring. I'm a fag and as shitty as it usually is at least I never have to deal with women.
>societal pressure only affects men because men are little fags
>im a fag btw
no surprise there.

They'd rather hate women and post shit like this on the internet

"“My cat doesn’t usually like guys… if my cat likes you then you must be okay.” The lengths females will go to in order to give themselves permission to fuck someone without overtly appearing to be doing


Imagine walking into a casino where 98% of the machines and tables will never ever pay out. That’s marriage."

"You want answers to the multiplex paradox of understanding women? Lets look at the word “understand” or to “stand under”. It’s out of natural order to stand beneath, or “under” a woman. It’s that simple, or do you need more shit dropped on your head? All because you allowed yourself to be manipulated into the wrong position. It’s all about the laws of gravity, position, and shit."

It's all manbabys who are throwing tantrums because women don't want fat losers who spend their days trying to sound smart on the internet.
>>societal pressure only affects men because men are little fags

If that's how you want to interpret that, okay

>no surprise there.

Stop it you silly goose
>I'm hungry now.
am I right m8? :-)

Men who can't get a woman ARE worthless.

Goddamn that pisses me off every single time! If he convinced her then obviously he did it with sound reasoning, as she actually listened and took his advice. How the fuck can she go from understanding that it's a poor choice to thinking she was oppressed out of it? Fucking idiot cunt.
They really need to rework the weight divisions in midget boxing
yeah but for a guy pretending that he's got all this value out of his time and all this caution about something fundamental to human life.....

From the MGTOW website.

This one doesn't even make sense. He was trying to be edgy.

"A woman giving advice is tantamount to holding the oven doors open at Auschwitz."
It's just Redpill sexist types who literally make up fake interactions of them in public being alpha

Go to ReturnofKings if you want a good laugh, they actually wrote an article about a hot girl dying of cancer telling all of women's secrets. It's hilarious and obviously written by a guy.
Heaven ?

>trying to change social norms
>shaves pussy due to social norm

free independent womyn

He's mad at women because they won't fuck his gross ass...even though he's super duper smart.
That's unfortunate. Well I guess I'll just have to go tell all those gay or single doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers, and artists that if they want to be as worthy as Uncle Buck and his meth head wife and 16 kids living on welfare they're gonna have to get some pussy and quick.
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If the cat approves you get laid.
ALWAYS carry Dreamies in case you get invited back for trial by cat. The little faggot will give up his mistresse's holy-of-holies for a short handful of tiny cheesy biscuits.

And yet, EVERY SINGLE mgtow is a fat manbaby. Without exception.

It's like how i would play Hulk as a kid.
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>implying women have any worth beyond getting humped and dumped
>they won't fuck his gross ass

A lot of girls aren't into pegging give the guy a break

Yeah, like 10 gay people really outweighs all of human history. You're delusional.

>implying you've ever had sex

It makes me sad when autistics try and be funny
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Women are the niggers of gender
i dont think a beta virgin online has any worth, pal

so according to you, women have 2 things up on you
No respect I tell ya

Also notice the swollen labia. I wouldn't be surprised if the had pussy juice running down her thighs. She's an exhibitionist and is loving every second of it.
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I don't think you could miss the point harder if you tried. It's almost impressive how stupid you are.
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Apology accepted
Another golden quote from the fatasses at the mgtow site

These are more cringeworthy than atheist quotes.

"Honor is a male abstraction, don’t expect women to understand."

Yeah this is all a beta myth. Look how fucking insecurely they see the world. It's actually pretty sad.
No, honor is a Japanese abstract urging all good citizens to serve their glorious emperor.

Not according to a fat mtgow.
i like the initial statement (and the noods) but im pretty sure theres a cancerous feminazi reason as to why she's doing that
Feminism. MGTOWs just want to go to the woods and be away from society. Feminists are trying to change laws and reality for their own benefit.
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Modern divorce.jpg
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Oh, to be young and naive again.
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>Living in the woods with a bunch of fat losers playing table top games and talking about comics and video games

Sounds kind of nice actually
Then why do divorces where the woman is the bread winner usually not end in alimony for the husband?

You're the one who believes in a boogeyman.

That comic is all from the perspective of a loser manbaby. You don't think that's a weird thing to post?

Like when?
>ignore women
>be intelligent
>be rememebred hundreds of years after youd
What you just described sounds pretty fucking good
i support you, and your what you just said anon
How does not wanting to be around a woman and her womanly needs 247 make you a pussy?
"Woman is the nigger of the world"
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All the good parts of these movements can usually be found under humanism, which in and of itself is essentially: dont be a dick and work together

But like all movements, people hear the good parts, assume that the whole movement must be good, assign themselves the identity of being a member of said group, fall into a tribe mentality, refuse to believe anyone but their group is evil

i try not to ascribe to groups and choose the aspects of them i like. Most groups hate people who do this and accuse them of being members of their opposite group
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not afriad of women.jpg
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Okay, /b/ro.

>weird thing to post
Welcome to /b/...
>assuming they weren't gay
>implying I'm not just arguing for the sake of arguing
It doesn't mean they were fucking Mgtow. All I ever see are a bunch of faggots being depressed because girls won't date them
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I'll just leave this here

Holy shit this picture is like EXACTLY what a feminist would say.
Btards assuming things about dudes that just don't like women after the many bad experiences they've legitimately had aren't geniuses either.

This is the mythical mgtow that doesn't exist.
No, it just not being pathetic cunt that pick shitty woman.

Well when you're as gross and fat and delusional as every mgtow, you take whatever woman you can get.
This is the typical edgy teenager that exists in every teenager.
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Nice comeback. "No u".
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The real cucks and betas are the ones defending women and feminists in this thread. Classic White knight delusions.
You should all stop arguing and realise that everything in life is not for everyone. Some men don't or can't be with women, some men can. Either side shouldn't make a big deal about it.

Let's extend an olive branch by agreeing on something.

Women are whores.
Oh yeah , code purple, I've seen that one so many times. Turns out the grapes really are sour , go figure
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>pick shitty women
Next time you get the chance, ask a woman what her hobbies are that don't include
>watching TV
>social media

Then try it with men. The differences will speak for themselves.

Actually, no. We MGTOWs take NO women, which is why we are "MGTOW." SIMPs like you don't get that, because you're too busy still chasing after the 'Golden Vagina.'
At least I didn't have to comment about a comeback because I didn't have one.
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"But my wife isnt like that"
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>B-b-b-but this is a beta myth!

Spoken like a teenage virgin.

Why do her hobbies matter?

Also it's obvious you've never talked to any woman. Ever.

Every man who gets divorced loses in one way or another. You clearly have never been married and are obviously a total pussy cunt.


Says a faggot who has clearly never been in a long term relationship.
>Women are not in a position of power
>Said the female teacher teaching male students

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Say No to Marriage.gif
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Men are winning.
I heard "the red pill" and ducked. Guys, don't be fucking morons. Women aren't any more complex than men. If you have issues with women, here are some tips:

1. Are you ugly? Try to be more attractive. For most people, especially /b/tards, this is most achievable in the form of hygiene. Huge muscles are not necessary, but being lean and /fit/ is generally a good thing. Some women like dadbods, even. Also, bring your personality to the table (unless your only thoughts are memes and shitposts on 4chan).

2. Women are not your enemies. They're normal people. Don't be a spastic about this. Sure, womYn are obnoxious, but if you quit raging over them they have no power.

3. Open up. Chances are you aren't going to meet your perfect Manic Pixie Dream Girl, so take risks and be prepared to accept them not working out. Living scared is hardly living.

4. If you're just in it for the sex, be honest about that and you'll find like-minded women. This holds especially true if you're in a college town which is full of girl virgins who are just breaking out.

5. Speaking long-term, there is a girl for you if that's what you're interested in. You might have to do a little looking, you might have to register on an online dating site, you might have to go outside to a social event or a bar, but they are out there. They probably won't come knocking at your door though.

Have I solved your girl problems /b/? I know I haven't. Please, proceed in telling me what I'm >implying and that I'm a nigger as per usual.

No, an adult who understands how divorce works. Sorry you're so afraid of it.
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>No, an adult who understands how divorce works

Oh, so if you "know" how it works then you know that men lose everything, even in cases where the wife has committed adultery.

Yeah, clearly you're an angry child, a woman, or a woman dominated pussy.
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Except when men don't lose in divorce.

Even you don't know what you're talking about. You literally talk about divorce like it's a movie monster.
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Because her hobbies (or lack thereof) are what you'll be paying for, just to keep her around and convince yourself she 'loves' you. I know your ultimate goal is just to stick the pee pee into her, but if you're planning on marriage and eventually having kids, this is the kind of shallow, materialistic bitch you'll be altering your lifestyle and expenses for. Think about it: have you ever noticed how it's always the MAN who has to change what he likes and what he does just to please the woman in a relationship/marriage? That desk you used to build small robots and shit? It's now an arts and crafts table. That garage full of things you don't want to get rid of because you will eventually find a use for? Have fun spending the weekend throwing away most of that stuff since your wife wants to hang up pictures and shit. And don't even THINK about hanging out with the 'boys' without getting her permission. Your phone will need to be on at all times.
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If you are a man and you do not embrace the proud heritage of your gender, and the inherent superiority of being a male, then you are clearly a faggot.

No wait, scratch that. Many gay men actually do the things I mentioned above.

You are nothing but an animal and a disgrace to your gender. There is nothing good about you and you have betrayed every noble man who has ever lived.

Male power now. Male power forever. The world is ours. Women only have what we give to them.

Deal with it.
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What about caitlin jenner?
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This is just a myth that men lose everything in divorce. It's so delusional. These betas like you are so afraid of being called out for being a failure in life that you make up boogeymen like "men lose everything in divorce".

>Except when men don't lose in divorce.

Which is statistically, extremely rare.

The problem is so bad there is now a cottage industry of lawyers who work specifically to help main regain their rights, property, custody and visitation rights after a divorce.

There is literally nothing that benefits a man in marriage. Once you get married you are the legal property of your wife and the state. And if you do not obey her you will find yourself divorced and paying alimony while she fucks other men in front of your children.

BTW, I'm starting to sense that you got married early and this conversation is making you feel worried and insecure.


>This is just a myth that men lose everything in

No. It's factually correct and backed by decades of accurate statistics


You keep throwing that around in place of a real argument.

Tell your wife I said hello.
i don't know. What the fuck is google?

Ok this is either trolling, or you've never even met a woman.

Not everyone is as desperate as you that they'd change everything about them for a woman.
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>dont want to spend 40 in prison because as i wans ejaculating, she revoked her consent and now has been raped
>i dont want to spend 20-40 years of my life married with kids, and she has an affair and i have my house,car,half my stuff and half my money and my kids, who she feeds lies to and makes me the bad person so when they grow up they hate me
this is infuriating
KEK. there's a guy in the comment section whos written two paragraphs about how all women below 6/10 fuck their dogs, due to their alpha behaviour, you cant make this shit up.
>MGTOW vs feminism, which one gives you more cancer and why?
Feminism = cancer. MGTOW might be basement dwellers but they dont really bother anyone.
Sup read this
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>you've never met a real woman
>not everyone is that desperate to change for a woman
Ask your father what he was into before he met your mother. It goes downhill after you get too involved with women.

But you didn't think about it: men are the ones who have to change, while women are never pressured to change for a man. Even if she's 500 lbs with 10 kids, and doesn't work, no one will check her on her shit.
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>Getting married


Remember kids

Modern women are HUMAN GARBAGE
Steve Jobs knew how to get around.
Tom Leykis

Post these stats that show men lose everything in divorce. I'll wait.


Actually it sounds like you're making things up about marriage and divorce to feel better for being a permavirgin.

When does any of this happen?

Only desperate betas change for women.
>"w-wwhy are you staring at me you rapist"

BTFO >>670909381

You got married. You regret it. You made a mistake. Eventually your wife's brain chemistry will shift and one day she'll wake up and think that she doesn't love you any more.

She'll get the kids, your house and a healthy alimony check.

>b-b-b-but virgin!

Nice strawman. It makes your butt hurt all the more hilarious.
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MGTOW's are total faggots who need to be exterminated along with all the radical feminists

why can't people just be fucking normal

>And yet, EVERY SINGLE mgtow is a fat manbaby. Without exception.

Except that's wrong. And you're clearly a faggot.

Franz Schubert
Johannes Brahms
Maurice Ravel
Frederic Chopin
George Gershwin
Ludwig van Beethoven
Edgar Degas
Edvard Munch
Leonardo DaVinci
Philosophers & Theorists & Writers
Blaise Pascal
Isaac Newton
Adam Smith
Arthur Schopenhauer
W.H. Auden
Immanuel Kant
Henry David Thoreau
this is what im saying, id dominate any girl at anything. always and forever.

>M-my wife t-told me that men don't need rights!
>Excuse me while I got lube up the bull for her!
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Which is why we as MGTOW don't do shit for women.

>still get mocked for it
>femanon detected
>Does any of this happen
Are you fucking dense?
Its been going on in schools since atleast the late 80's all of the 90's
... wow you are retard. But I will be nice uncle Bill and I will explain something to you b/ro. So jump on my lap, and get ready for a ride.

This "experiment" you proposed is idiotic and even if I would get only answers you predicted that doesn't mean that ALL women have those hobbies (jesus I'm really need to say something like that?).
Also, you implied that those hobbies are inherently worse than something, I would like to know what? Reading manga? Enjoining nice katana duel? Maybe 4 chan lurking? Dem whores certainly ain't know no shit about lurking b/ro!

You need to understand hardest, most terrible truth of them all b/rother. And that truth is that other people are more complex that you ever be able to grasp.

Because you are retarded.
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Men have more neurons per square inch of brain tissue than women.

The synapses in a male brain fire at a much higher rate than those found in the female brain.

The male brain is larger and heavier than the female brain.

The male brain is anchored in the logic and reason centers of the brain.

The male brain contains more glial cells and neurons in the cerebral cortex than the female brain.

The neurons in the male brain are 2/3rds larger than those found in the female brain.

The neuron is the true "seat of intelligence" and awareness in the brain. It is the true center of all human intelligence.

The male brain is inherently superior to the female brain and absolutely no amount of social constructs, complaints or feminism will EVER change this scientific fact.

There will never be a female Da Vinci, Tesla, Einstein, etc.

Male Power Now

Male Power Forever.

We Run This.
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nice try but i'm gay, anon
you're a faggot, all MGTOWs are faggots and i hope you die along with your virgin loser buddies

you're the same as the whingy SJW feminists you hate so much, but you've got a dick between your legs

kill yourself promptly
This is true
>inb4 Women give birth so we wouldn't be here without them: We wouldn't be here without food either, but we aren't giving a tomato human rights
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The worst thing is she probably realises now, and has a major with good career aspects, i mean she listened to her dad and did it, but at the same time she wants to be a victim of patriarchy, poor her my dad pays for my college education and let me choose my degree, but he gave me a suggestion which i found to have merit so i listened to, fucking men am i right?
wow that's a list of people you have there

what does it mean I wonder

>I'm gay

But clearly not the masculine kind.

You're obviously a self hating homosexual, turned gay by your overbearing mother.

>Rage, rage, rage

Yeah. We heard you the first time. When you don't have a clear argument. Just get angry.

All famous bachelors who chose to focus on work, rather than to become a domestic slave to a woman.

Disregard cunts.

Acquire glory.
>domesitc abuser
>extreme emtional abuser
Shall i go on?
You wont dominate shit.The first time you lay a hand on her for disobeying, youll go from statement to judge to prison within a week
You have no control over anything, if you think you do, go try it, give me your contact info so i can call you and see if its been disconnected
At no point did I say
>all women
Though, the majority of women do fall under that category, and you're a SIMP if you're willing to waste years of your life digging through garbage to find a steak.

But no, my hobbies aren't that simplistic (even though you tried to make them seem as if they are). I don't need a woman when I'm coding, I don't need a woman when I'm studying Japanese, I don't need a woman in my way when I'm gaming, working out, travelling to other countries, and especially not when I'm meditating.

But go ahead, test my hypothesis/experiment. You'd be surprised at how right I am. I just hope it doesn't send you into a disillusioned depression.

Embrace who you are, dear brothers.

And never apologize.

The world is ours.
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I'm not paying attention to your stupid shithead threads.

That pic, man. I didn't come to /b/ for this.
Feminists are just unhappy women.. we have the same thing guys.. just with the difference that we call them losers instead.
if you're gay then you're a MGTOW you fucking retard

This is a strawman that implies that every man who seeks independence or wants and form of personal rights is a "loser"

Your wife and Tyrone really have you trained well, cuckboy.
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I was looking for that one to post
fuck you
Not sure if white-knight or some she-tumblr .I'm leaning more towards cunt because guys have at least some variation in insults , not just spamming " virgin" everytime someone calls them on their bullshit , as if it magically detracts from the truth of the " virgin's" statement
All of these tips are also suggested by the red pill.
actually that reminds me. Don Jon is a nice example of MGTOW's message
There is a biological reason the child looks more like the father the first month after birth
So the man dosent kill/eat the child as our ancestors did
>You're obviously a self hating homosexual, turned gay by your overbearing mother.
nice armchair psychology right there anon
>When you don't have a clear argument. Just get angry.
exactly what MGTOWs and radfems do
you're so pissed at all women that you've become useless NEET shutins

no i'm not
i have plenty of female friends
i'm not a useless loser
your point?
>i'm not a useless loser
>pls believe me

>nice armchair psychology right there anon

Seems I hit the bullseye with that one.

No one is angry here but you my bottom boy friend.

There are two types of gay men. Proud, independent men and whiny, bitchy, cunty, effeminate little faggots.

You're obviously the latter.
I don't know about the rest, but Beethoven desperately wanted a women. But he was deaf, kinda grumpy, and had chronic diarrhea.
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