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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 177
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Most importantly, rattle rattle!
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Akiko claimed
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coming in hot.png
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Claimed, here we go

Mugi i named a pic after you, >>689716902
Also i played a lot of it for a while but got bored eventually
>paint rollers were my JAM

It is worth saying that starfox 64 is my alltime favorite game so i bought starfox zero on release day. It REALLY went for the n64 nostalgia so naturally i fanboid and loved the game to death. People complained about the controlls but they were better than 64 technically (not gonna waste space ranting on that).
>Whats with every game out being a remake too
Not to be a hipster fag but the market gets over saturated with certain genres (it was mmos for a while, then it was mobas for a while, and now its tf3 clones) and people get sick of it so they turn back to replaying classics. Im guilty myself. I just bought a full n64 set and am gonna buy all the n64 games from my childhood. So since they see thats the trend, they wanna cash in on it. Thats just what i assume anyway, maybe its just me since i do it.

Thats fair, i shouldnt steal any slices. I am still interested to what kind of cake though. Do you have a favorite kind of cake or no?
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Shiki 0460.jpg
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Best type moon claimed.
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chen victory.jpg
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hi guys
I just woke up, what's up?
Miho claimed
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>Rattle rattle?
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Kneesocks for Ants.png
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HERE! Anyone excited for any other games? I saw this preview for something called Detroit Become Human. Shit looks crazy. Also I finished Akame Ga Kill last night thought it was great. Even know some dickwad ruined it by spoiling it for me on here. Still was good. Does anyone have a suggestion for something i should start watching next and dont say that fuckin no pico gay shit.
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Mio Akiyama.jpg
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I'm not sure about that. I'm not a great fan of cake. Don't judge me for not being a great fan of cake
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Syndra (93).png
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I'll contribute. Do Yukata's count?
>tfw no wedding dress
have you checked out Deadman wonderland? I don't watch a lot of shows, but that seemed like an interesting show from what i saw. a little on the questionable side, but i liked it.
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What's up, friendos?
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Claimed, at work edition.

Since I saw some people mentioning the new LoZ last thread, what do you think about them including actual stats in a zelda game?
For context, the Kotaku gameplay video shows link pick up blue nightshade with a description saying that cooking it increases your stealth.
Dont get me wrong Fam. I srsly digged Wind Waker and Twilight Princess remake. What was really great was i never played those games until they came out in hd. I just wasnt into zelda back in the day.I wish they would open up a bigger library for games on the Virtual consol they really dont have much.
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Homura (16).jpg
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Type moon festival.jpg
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Ive watched a couple episodes in it. Pretty good. Srsly Irritated tho cuz Funimation is so fuckin dark while streaming that show sometimes i can barely see anything. I looked it up apparently it has something to do with their video streaming. Pretty lame. Im watching Kabenari iron fortress or whatever right now pretty good. I started watching Kinmoza cuz of karen its funny.
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Operator, sup!
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I only had one dress. Lol
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my plans for today.png
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I cant judge, it was more of a conversation thing than anything. I never eat sweets like that EVER. Anytime i was that i just eat different fruits, mainly grapes. Im pretty sure my spirit animal is a fruit bat even though otters are my fav

I dont think it matters at all tbh unless someone is gonna do a score run of that game

That is a good point, its a win win for people who love the game but dont have it can get it again, or people who never played but always wanted to can get on it. Its all just phases in the industry.
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Best dress.
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shiki GO 2.png
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Cosplay (7).jpg
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Now that's some good official art.
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I think i have 1 more after this one.

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Well, i think i'm going to go to sleep. Later, /waifu/
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Magical mio.gif
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Why don't you eat sweets? Fruit is okay, I'm not a fan of grapes. I like strawberries though, maybe apples too. I might go eat some now.
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watching spaceships

and teaching my girlfriend about the FAL.
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On a side note. I have an Ex we were together for like 6-7 years. Horrible breakup all that crap but were still friends on FB. Bitch Unfriended me recently Over and anti Assault rifle post. Like that was breaking point nevermind all that other crap but talk bad about trump or guns and its over. Bitches be trippin i guess, they certainly seem to be trippin.
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RIP shizu
You did good son
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>nice dress rattles
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Homura (140).png
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ay yo hol up
Bout time, sweet dreams crazy
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thats not a FAL
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>. Bitch Unfriended me recently Over and anti Assault rifle post. Like that was breaking point nevermind all that other crap but talk bad about trump or guns and its over. Bitches be trippin i guess, they certainly seem to be trippin.
She seems really cool, can I get her number?
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Shiki i was surprised you of all people would meme me.
>have a notepad saved of a list of anime you recommended me to watch
>Copy pasted it when you told me and didnt read it
>Finally looked at it yesterday, and the third one down was boku no pico
I wont tell anyone you are a part time memer

I just never did, i dunno. Ever since i was a kid ive always just loved fruit. I barely eat, always have since middle school or so, so i only eat one meal a day at the most, but i usually go 2 days without eating because i forget. Because of that i have sugar problems so the only time i do eat sweets is when i feel weak from low sugar.
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images (1).jpg
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Ayay, will you be rocking til the break of dawn?
Looks like I'll be tuning in in about 9 minutes!

Looks like a nice gun. Is that handle LITERALLY just a handle to carry it with? Or does it serve a more practical purpose?
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Boku no Pico is a classic, to not include it when spoonfeeding would be an insult.
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I am mio and I must scream.gif
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Oh I see. huh. Ew fruit.
>One meal a day
I'd die if I did that
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Shes not cool. Im cool, Shes opposite of me. Everything cool about her she stole from me. True Story
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Am i small?
that's a keychain?
>Im cool
Then why are you whining about guns that's already banned?
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Homura (75).jpg
2 MB, 1280x1750
>I wont tell anyone you are a part time memer
You just did.
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I think so lol
i need it
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it's just a carry handle. older guns especially heavy guns had carry handles. Now days you only really see that type of carry handle on machineguns. they are usually attached to the barrel so you can use the handle to carry the gun or to switch out a hot barrel for a spare one.
not all FALs have carry handles

so how are you?
Now i found it....
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Memed by mugi.png
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I watched it all back in the day already. It was just as bad as i hoped.
>first episode hes about to get banged in the car
>nooooooo my ice cream!
>Dude is licking him EVERYWHERE
>also coco tho
That was a beautiful trainwreck

I just was fed poorly as a kid because well poor and i think my stomach just imploded one day. Idk what is it but i legit dont get the sensation of hunger, havent for years. During high school id go 3-4 days without eating because my stomach would never tell me to eat and id just vidya. Im gonna talk to a doctor soon soon to see if they can help me be hungry again. (not trying to be a special snowflake, im just open about everything and i like to shoot straight).

SHHHHH, for the love of god dont let mugi hear. Im already scared as is
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I wasnt really whining, I just think its a little silly you can be on a terror watch list and still be able to go pick up a billion guns and go shoot ppl. Plus i think people who cling to guns are pussys who are apparently scared of everything. I also think its a little childish that when faced with stupid tragedy the majority of ppl just go MUH GUN OH NO MUH GUN.
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Homura (12).jpg
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I won't let him. He might read it though.
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Obligatory video for when someone watches Boku no Pico for the first time
It's more the fact that most people complaining about guns are painfully ignorant, with most regulation focusing on arbitrary features that look scary or immedate emotion like following a mass shooting.

For reference Assault Rifles are by definition select fire intermediate cartridge with a detachable magazine. The shooter used a Sig MCX (based on the AR-15 platform but changed quite a bit) the civilian version of which is semi-automatic, thus not an assault rifle.
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And with that I'm out for a jog, see you everyone.
Ahhh, alright. Seem pretty useful I suppose.
>Knows minimal about guns, but always likes to learn

Not too bad I guess. I fell asleep last night, so unless I get a nap in, tonight's gunna suck. On the upside, my battery has been saved and I won't be needing a new one! On the double upside, I'll finally be getting my new bike in within this week!
>Still need to ask my dad about the ZR1200 headers so I can actually use slip on exhausts
Have fun.
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Shhhhh, nobody has to know. If you dont move mugi cant sense us

>coco was his name
Im catching up on space dandy right now, you were right, it is getting better.
Clothes take to long to dry.
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Sleepy mio.png
1 MB, 1920x1080
Oh my I see. Not being hungry sounds great, I get hungry way too often. I'm trying to stop my self eating
Claiming Seaport Hime.
Be back in like 20mins <3
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Love you all. Mostly.
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So what's everyone's wallpaper?
>pic related
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>claiming yume
Be a good maid and gimme your legs
Also how are you doing?
Hey its them
How is it going truckseller?
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Hey Juribro.
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Hello Yume, not spooked
What kind of screen do you have?
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Na man its horrible, i forget to eat then i get weak from no sugar, feels bad. If i had a trumpet id legit be a skeleton.


what do you think nerd
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>wearing maid costum
>not showing legs
do it !
I still think the end of samurai champloo was great
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Greetings, SeaportSister. How goes it this morning?
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140 KB, 450x253
Good, I just woke up. You?
Nothing yet.

Im back. The sun it burns....
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Mio love.jpg
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Buy a trumpet. Then play this with it

Here you go. Only full body maid picture I have for now
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The suns hates us all
>black stockings
You have a great taste
but sometimes white ones are better depending on the mix
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hey you.png
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I wasnt too crazy about it to be honest. It wasnt bad by any means, but it just left of making me want more. WHERES MY SEASON 2

Ill take some lessons from renge and doot every fuccboi in this thread. Ill learn that just for you
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Yeah but I think its better then keeping all 3 together and let us wonder way more
Put on some lotion.
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Im about as white as a albino.

Its more my eyes then anything.
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Cute mio.gif
1005 KB, 500x274
I'll post more pictures when I get them

Thank you that's all I've ever wanted
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I'm off work today so I'm trying to stay occupied, or something. I was up late playing USFIV again and I fucked my thumb up again.

Other than that though I'm doing alright, I was thinking I'd fix the A/C in my ride today, but that would involve me ripping out the dashboard which will take hours to finish.
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im fine, actually not tired for once
how are you crazy legs person?
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84 KB, 640x457
I am prepared for everything.
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Screenshot (894).png
837 KB, 1920x1080

Nice quads
Just a regular 1920x1080 screen so it's cropped a bit but I don't mind. I actually set it as background on accident, hence the QOTT
Here's a screenshot

Post em faggot
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2 MB, 850x480
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I am good and crazy about legs as always
Fixing the A/C in your car could help if you're having problems with heat or something. And hey, if you manage to do it, you'll be in a good mood.
>using a crop
You should like find better wallpaper fodder mate.

The fuck?

Use BitTorrent.
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I'm on mobile 90% of the time but here's my computer wallpaper
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i happen to know this well.png
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Thats pretty fair, maybe i just fanboi too much. Who knows

Ill make you proud friendo. I will be the dootiest, most spookable skele ever. Maybe i will make it in an elder scrolls game
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1 MB, 1000x1415
Well, It's summertime which means 90-100 degree weather along with an 80% humidity factor, so I probably should.

I'd probably feel good about completing it, but lately I haven't really been able to feel much of anything.

Eh, it'll probably go away when Juri drops. Hopefully.
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What you need to replace and what car?
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1 MB, 2067x3000
Doot it up. Doot doot

The sun! It is the enemy of the schwanz king!

>I admire the pretty waifus as the schwanz rises like the sun
>The schwanz is very excited by the scantily clad waifu and the school uniform

Hnnnnnnngh! Hnnnnnngh! HNNNNNNNNNNGGGGHHHH!

>The edgeaculation of powreful ograsm seamin flies into the sun and makes it look like the Swiss cheese
>The light of the sun is reduced reduced by 50% and it is pragnated in shamefully
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My mum ruined my fap
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For Yui (4).png
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Oh no
Coming for you.
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I didn't crop it myself, the pc did automatically when I accidentally set it as background. But I guess I could edit it to fit perfectly

Nice one

Another job well done
Good one Schwanz king
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pls no
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2 MB, 1920x1080
Totally didn't just clean it up. Can't prove nuffin.
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Did you ever get into any elderscrolls games?

Moogster did you see the pic i named after you? >>689721928 Gimme a fat rating
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It says meme
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Akame ga Kill is better as a manga. Nothing happens like in the anime, and the anime had a bad rap-up.
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I was into Skyrim, but I haven't played in a while now. I didn't really touch the other games. When I did touch Skyrim last I broke it because of mods. Why do you ask?
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QOTT: Are you a virgin?
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Are you?
You want me to change that?
>A E S T H E T I C S
I've got a similar picture here.
21 years and going strong. Wizard status is almost a certainty for me.
No. And before you all ask, my cums are enormous.
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138 KB, 1250x1250
Big cums are my style too.


No, but I'm sure I can help you.
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Yui (35).gif
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Archmage reporting in.
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That's pretty good
I've been meaning to put this on my computer but I keep forgetting
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I remember what happened last time.
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a true hero.png
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Glad you like m8

Skyrims was pretty okay. There was talk about games getting remastered, and id love to see morrowwind getting remastered. Would recommend playing.
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If being a virgin is the antarctic then I'm the equator
I've done some shit man

>welcoming bork
Name says it all
I fukked ur mum
That was not the last time.
Are you nameshaming me?
File: Cat ears mio.png (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Cat ears mio.png
2 MB, 1920x1080
Yeah Skryim was getting remastered or something, which is stupid. There are already mods that make it look much better. Plenty of them.
I was willing the other time
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You didn't tell that the police.
Yuuko spotted. Only a 14 year old would give that answer.
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gayest shit ever
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Wait what, its not even that old, why?
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I'll have you talk to my layer, sir.
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Homura (8).jpg
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I just tricked the ISP fags into installing fiber connection in an address that shouldn't have it available yet.
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I'll see you in court.
>aesthetic bork
Trying this hard.

Cool story?
No i actually fucked his mom
He is my stepson
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I ain't trying nothing my man.
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You do realize in military training for the AR15 they actually promote using it in semi fire mode. For better accuracy. Clinging to the argument "like every other gun edgelord is" Its not an assualt rifle is complete bullshit. Painfully ignorant is not allowing any type of restriction on a fire arm thats being used over and over for mass shootings because of the 2nd amendment that was written over 200 years ago. You know when like you could own slaves and women couldn't vote. People are finally getting fed up with the bullshit being that shootings are happening like every other week with AR15 30 round clip.
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You two are way to cute for your own good.
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My brain hurts.
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Why are you so mean?
Niggers cause most crimes, we should've kept it
>women couldn't vote
Don't know why they changed that
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Cause i can
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Big Bully.
Shit that take you 20 mins in MS paint?
It's beautiful, isn't it?
Goku no Piccolo
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