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High school stories thread Bullying/humiliation preferred

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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High school stories thread

Bullying/humiliation preferred
>Be math class
>Teacher has strict rules that are mostly bullshit
>One is not to have our phones out in class or she keeps in until the end of the day or some shit like that
>One day she has her phone out blasting the sounds of a cute puppy barking showing her girly ass students going "awww"
>Lol time to shine.gif
>In an obnoxious retard voice I say, "Ur nut suppos to hav ur phones out in clazz, ms. teacher"
>Everyone laughs
>Self esteem increases 10 fold
>"Oh ha ha, anon. But wait until I show the class what grade you got last parking period"
>Class erupts
>Sick burned by a teacher
>mfw I got a b+
>girl bullies me in high school
>she still bullies me in college
The most recent thing was she punched me in the tummy and I started crying...
Give her a swift left
I'm too scared, and she's bigger and stronger than me.
>be me
>be 15
>in class trying to read stupid text
>often looking at the time on the clock because I'm anxious to leave class
>some insecure east Indian girl sits right below clock
>she says stop looking at me creep
>most of the class is laughing quietly
>I said I'm not fucking looking at you I'm looking at the clock
>hate her for the rest of the year and she hates me
>she's the kind of girl that straightens her hair too much and just makes her head look really big instead of making her hair straight
>she's ugly af
Not really bullied but she made me look like a creep but I don't really care, I was more of a bully anyway
still give her a swift left and take the shot
>bad at math
>fail a geometry test
>only person in class to fail
>teacher goes out of her way to yell this at me in front of everyone

that was probably the worst thing to happen to me in school. It was just so unprofessional of her
N-No, Anon, it might encourage her to act even meaner....
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Ok... Here it goes.

>be me
>17 years old
>every day I get bullied by Jocks
>They throw ketchup covered tampons at us
>Best part of my day is going home to a nice can of Dr.Pepper.
>Often hang out with my only friend
>We come up with a great idea
>Why not get back at everyone who bullied us.
>Be me
>tech9 in the back with homeade pipe bombs
>Best friend Eric rolls up
Tfw I'm a huge fucking meme
wow, how fucking lame
>be in 8th grade
>poked a weird kid with a fork once
>he got hilariously pissed, chased me and other dick friends
>we escape crazy kid
>good times had by all
>fast forward like 3-4 years
>i'm weirdo now too, with different crowd
>kid we forked is less weird and more intriguing
>we have mutual friends
>weird kid is a movie fanatic, asks me to act in movies with him and mutual friends
>have fun making ridiculous, poorly acted movies
>go one adventures in the woods shooting our lame scenes
>almost feel like i repented for the fork incident; neither of us talked about it
>tl;dr poked a crazy kid, grew up, was nice to him, walked a few steps in his shoes, enjoyed it
Lmao, i got pulled outta class my freshman year my the cops and both principles for a suppossed "Threat" to the school. Shit was gay, pulled me out and searched me in the halls, made me open my locker during passing time with 3 cops around me and all the kids walking the halls.
It's nice when you can just be you huh anon?
>Be me 10th grade
>Failing math.
>Not retarded, just zero interest in high school at the time
>Bit of a reputation for not doing work in class.
>At request of parents, school puts me right in front of teachers desk away from my friends so I can concentrate
>Backfires horribly
>Befriend teacher
>Spends 10 minutes giving lesson, 30 minutes talking cricket with me
>Marks come in, failed again
>Parents want to hold meetings and get teacher fired
>Can't understand how I'm failing so horribly
>"He studies all day in his room!"
>"His books are meticulous!"
>"He even helps his friends with their other subjects!"
>Start putting in minimal effort
>Pass next test.
>Attribute my success to seating arrangements.
>Next week math class
>"So anon did you see Hashim Amla's hat trick against the Phillipines Saturday?"

Didn't do shit in math all the way up till final year. Barely passed though. My math teacher died a few months ago. RIP
wtf is a parking period?
1999 two retards get in the school and shoot everybody down best day of my life.
When I was younger I had extreme depression
>Be 13
>at school
>Long hair
>Found out the day before I had headlice
>Mom told me to come into school anyway because my future yadda yadda
>in english
>Notice the girl next to me is moving away slowly
>She starts talking to her friend
>She then talks to the teacher
>eventually whole class is talking about my hair lice
>They start talking directly at me
>I'm shaking from embarrassment
>eventually they start making jokes
>The girl I had a crush on was in the room too just staring at me
>I get up and leave
>Cry on the way home
Didn't go back to school for 2 weeks after that
when I did come back they kept making jokes
my close friends pretended like it didn't happen and they can't hear the people
I was so close to killing myself, without them I would've never made it out of highschool
too bad I don't have them now
It still haunts me
I'm just glad it didn't follow me into college and university
but did you get rid of the lice
dude,is she hot?
Smack her out youll probs get expelled but worth it at that point
Yeah of course I did
Got rid of the long hair too, I look a lot better now
Yes, but not amazingly. She also manages to confuse me sexually, because sometimes it feels good to be bullied, but a lot of the time she does really painful and humiliating things.
The reason she punched me is because I accidentally bit her nipple when she was forcing me to suck on it.
Post a pic
Like I said, she's taller and more muscular than me.
fuck off,you lying nigger.
but the thought is hot. a hot girl that bullies you and evertually starts to sexualize it and make you eat her out in the bathroom and shit. this is what dreams are made out of

>be me in high school
>new kid
>wanna be tough kid picks on tards and geeks
>walks by me in the hall
>slams his shoulder into me
>grab him by the collar
>lift him up and slam him into locker
>locker handle hits him right in the spine
>he collapses on the floor
>starts crying
>tard kid laughs at him
>my friend laughs at him
>his friends laugh at him
he never bothered me again even though i used to fuck with his gf all the time
it's your own damn fault for being a 'tard
i believe you
The average male probably wouldn't think she's attractive.
She must be at least 6'2" and, while not being super muscular, is pretty toned.
Not really humiliation but my entire table looked like assholes for this:

>be in ap enviro class
>sitting at a table full of a bunch of clowns
>this class we're learning about population and shit
>diseases and shit, pictures are shown
>one of them shown is kwashiorkor (African child with a huge ass belly)
>dumbest one of the table starts giggling then full out laughing
>friend next to me starts laughing
>I start giggling/laughing with my face pressed into my arm
>teacher looks at us, class is looking at us
>asks if we're done, say yes
>blame it all on the first guy because he made us laugh
>class probably thinks we're all assholes
I used to, in sophomore through senior year back in 2008, pick on this chubby kid who played that digimon and pokemon card bullshit games. He was depressingly chubby and his face just screamed he was gunna be a wimp for life. So I would literally bring pennies and projectiles by the backpack full literally just to throw at this poor soul. But, one day I saw a guy I kind of knew get into his backpack and steal a cell phone. So I decided to make it better, when noone was looking I also got in his backpack and stole an ipod,earbuds, and change. But, I knew this kids prized, most valuable items to him were his cards he had protected with those transparent pages. I was an asshole, so I took all of his cards, probably 60 of them and ripped every single one of these cards into four seperate pieces, mashed em all together, and snuck onto the balcony above everyone in the gym where he sat and waited for the morning bell to ring, when it did I tossed all the hundreds of pieces in the air above him. This kid looked in his bag, found out all of his stuff was missing, and then inspected the ripped pieces, I swear to God this kid, 15 or 16 years old or so, started crying and got so red, at least 15 people or so saw it happen, he sat there staring at his bag, crying about all of his stuff gone, but continued to stare off in the distance standing there for at least 15 minutes. I still gave that kid hell for a year and a half...I eventually saw one of his nerdy friends in a mall 5 years later, and I apologized to him for what all I did to him, his friend was in the navy all strong and shit, and here I was just a drug attic staring at success, looking at the failure I've become, the very people I fucked with were the very people doing better than me haha, wow.
I feel your pain. my eyes are twitchy and shit and I look everywhere alot and one get the picture.
Is this a fetish thing or a crybox? Not criticizing or anything, just trying to figure out what's going on here.
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Not my story, but this is the only good school story I have saved.
Nah I'm good
I'd rather my face not be on here a second time
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>Be 13
>Super cringe but kinda smart but not self aware at all
>Openly into nerdy stuff and is a stereotypical nerd and is fat
>In a boarding school for a year
>Got beaten up by some group of bullies because I didn't like any sports
>Used to get paper thrown at me when the prefects weren't looking (they basically just made sure we did our homework)
>Pointed out so many times that there was paper thrown at me and the prefects didn't care
>Couldnt concentrate because of paper thrown at me so didn't get much homework done and just decided to work at the computer room and to play some minecraft.
>Once got my head smashed against a table repeatedly
>got bullied circled once into a locker door it hurt then I got pushed into a passerby he pushed me back really hard because I hurt him.
>Used to sleep next to 2 faggots who were the worst bullys in my class they always punched me and made fun of me and messed up my bed I had a lot of bruises
> had this really smart friend who was a bit austistic
> He also got bullied a bit but because he was a lot smarter and knew what to do he didn't get bullied as much as I did
> Told my mom I wanted to go home and told her it's the worst place ever
> She laughs and thinks I'm joking so she says no
> Really sad at this point but school was about to end because it was nearly summer
>Last day of school
>Get beaten up a shit ton by the group including the 2 who slept beside me
>Got trapped into a door and so bags got thrown onto me
>Got made fun of asked to stop
> they didnt listen and so I got beaten up a bit more.
> Went home
> Middle of summer and I get informed that I got expelled for being such a wimp and loser I was happy.
Yeah post a pic nigger
Your literally such an asshole that the kids will be kids excuse can't apply to you. You deserve to wither and die alone with a needle in your arm for how you treated people.
why though
what are you gonna gain from looking at me
unless you think you know me?
Holy shit dude
it's whatever you want it to be.
I just want to sit back and talk to people who went through the same shit I did. So yeah, a crybox
You're a fucking asshole. Do right now and you can turn your life around.
just to be clear, i used to fuck WITH his gf, not fuck.

she was a cheerleader and in my english class. she was slightly chubby, very freckled, and quite nice. her niceness made it easy to tease her. she mostly liked the attention, but he hated her getting it.
>Be me
>Senior year of high school
>New girl in English class
>Teacher has her introduce herself
>she says name
> literally sounds like "Sherfuck"
>absolutely lose it
>can't stop laughing for well over 5 minutes
>look like the racist man I am
god fucking damnit anon you had the chance to make a great greentext and you fucking ruined it
I killed several small animals (squirrel, rabbit, gopher) and left them in the desk of the only French teacher we had. It was a good time.
made me feel good 11/10 thanks anon
so another time was the first highschool I went to. It was me, the skater/punk clique, verus, the rednecks and jocks. So I would steal everyone a backpack full of donuts and food. I would keep tons of this stolen food and drinks to throw at the these gothy/nerdy kids. I feel so bad. I would open up the chocolate milk everyday, full, and throw at their table ruining all their work and clothes everyday. But you guys will love this! I was such an asshole I swear to God, I would take uristat, a pill for bladder infectons, it dies your piss a blood red and orange color, incredibly difficult to clean up. So I would piss all over the bathroom, in the toilet paper, in the sink, squeeze my dick hard, extend the stream, piss on the mirror, everywhere I could piss I would piss. One day the janitor,poor lady, was wearing white and was on her hands and knees cleaning my piss, thinking it was food coloring probably, her entire clothes were covered in my orange/red urine, on her hands and knees in my piss. I would also cut a whole in bottle and fill it with bleach, walk behind the reject nerdy kids, and spray bleach all over their clothes. But I do remember picking a lock to a gym room, filled with cheerleading mattresses and full of bottles they would hand out to the jocks who wanted football names on their sports bottles. I peed in everyone over a span of 6 months and managed to shit in at least 5 of the bottles. Highschool I got picked on, but, I also returned that torment by picking on the weaker people, it was the greatest and the worst time for me
U get bullied in college.... wtf
i said i believe you, no need to explain yourself
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>6th grade
>still hungry
>grab a chicken nugget off of kid's tray in front of me and eat it
>he puts me in a chokehold
>over a chicken nugget
>ffwd 6 years
>he's valedictorian
>be me
>aspired to be a rap artist
>wrote bars in spare time
>one day a page full of my bars drops on the floor
>the whole class gathers around and laughs
>I had too as well so they never thought it was me
>class trys to figure out who wrote it like it was blues clues
I suppose the only upside is that they never found out it was me
Completely true 100% not fake story
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Stories like this make me angry and envious, fucking hell. It seems like it's a norm that assholes get rewarded and never once get punished for being shit to people.
Meanwhile I'm here with all my failed relationships, fuck this reality.
>be me
>15 y/o
>approach teacher in the morning about an assignment I need to make up
>asks who my 1st period teacher is (keep in mind we're already almost done with first semester)
>stare blankly
>completely forgot 1st period teacher for no reason
>whole class starts snickering
>tell her the wrong teacher
>walk out of the classroom, down the hallway
>remember who my 1st period teacher is
>walk all the way back to the door
>poke head in and say "oh yea, my 1st period teacher is Mrs. Anon"
>whole class laughs
>walks away wanting to kill myself
ya, and like you are the asshole. Same, bro.
I don't have any friends and she's the only person who really wants to spend time around me, even if it is just to abuse and embarrass me.
Also, I made it up.
>Comes in late for class as I always did
>Sit down next to friend and nigger
>Start talking to friend
>Nigger kicks my leg and tells me to be quiet
>Tell him to fuck off and continue talking to my friend
>Nigger kicks me again telling me to be quiet
>Tell nigger if he do it one more time he will regret it and continue talking to friend
>Nigger kick me again
>I stand up and punch the nigger so hard he is out cold
>Teacher runs up screaming in panic
>Slaps teacher and tell her to be quiet
>Whole class is in chock
>Male teacher enters room and runs up to me and grabs my shoulder
>Think it's one of the other niggers in my class so I turn around and punch the teacher on the nose
>More teachers enter and I get sent to principle
>Tell principle that nigger, female and male teacher made anti-semitic remarks
>Rest of class says they did not see or hear anything, friend confirm my story, principal believes me
>Nigger gets detention, both other teachers get sent to some course about the holocaust
>I don't get in any trouble
>I'm not even jewish
How do you get expelled for being a wimp? Dafuq.
bro I feel terrible for the things I had done, I got picked on my whole middle school and freshmen year, but then got in with the cool kids, so I would torment people just the same as I got picked on. I swear it does not make it right but now I am 26 and I guarantee those very same are doing much better in life, their is light from all the darkness, and karma gets me every day of my life, and there isnt much I can do to take all that back, I had a kid kill hisself and his sister said I had alot to do with his suicide, he got between two vending machines and pulled the trigger. I picked on him online through the rotteneggs prank website, and told him he should kill hisself for a few years and he did. I've done so much bad in my life, but now I am into masonic teachings and have a good idea what society should be like, love, charity, and good kind acts. I truly feel terrible about my past the least I can do is teach kids how serious bullying is!
Yeah, but now everyone in this thread knows your a gigantic faggot
were they sick bars
I have a old friend that when we were friends used to be an asshole to everyone including me (but more in a bro way).
Managed to find a girlfriend early on even though he was an ass to her and has been with her ever since. I can't compute though I admit he changed and is much better now.
>be me, 17 y/o HS senior
>sits across from cute boy
>boy unfortunately sits right next to his asshole friend
>asshole friend says dumb remark
>"lol fuck off"
>asshole friend yells "AT LEAST I DON'T HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS"
>tell teacher
>walk past his office
>asshole kid looks like he's gonna shit himself
>he gets up
>brown stain on his pants
>he literally shat himself
You had a perfect fucking concept
Too bad the execution was worse than the fucking shooting itself
Idk it was 10 years ago
Because I was bullied too much and the staff couldn't do shit about it.
He meant passing period
>be in 8th and onwards to end of highschool
>get bullied by classmates for being crippled
>as if that wasn't enough they would keep messing with me whenever I tried to play whatever handheld console I had at the time in peace
>had a few girls take advantage of me because of how naive I was, her real reason was just to get a kick out of it and ego trip
>what hurts me most ever since is the fact I was never picked first, always in last or second. What I mean is in general just not to a fucking team.
>being treated like that made me sour as fuck during those years but thankfully managed to get a few friends
>everything stopped once I got into university
>be me
>in PE class
>playing rounders outside on the school yard
>gravel and concrete surface
>our team lines up to bat
>autistic quiet kid steps up to bat
>everyone expects half-assed attempt
>kid throws ball at autistic kid
>autistic kid fucking smashes it
>ball is literally travelling at the speed of light
>genuine shock
>he starts to run to the other base for more 'runs'
>shorts are visibly riding up his ass
>almost at the other base
>shorts tangle and bring him down
>he falls like an AT-AT in star wars but face first
>he is flat out and not moving after face planting
>people laugh / shocked reaction
>still not moving
>10 seconds later teacher starts to go over to him
>autistic kid gets up, face is fucked
>half his nose literally ripped off
Fuck son I'd sue the fuck out of that school.
I got put on probation while in school. Was having conversation with friend on bleachers when look over and see a cuck kicking a tard in back that was two rows down from him. Got up, hit him in mouth, he rolled down bleachers, got on top of him and beat him harder than my dick. He is legally handicapped now
>Hot bully makes me suck her tits
>I fucking hate my life

You're the type of person to complain about a free sample
Another story:

>be me, senior year of high school
>president of environmental club
>go out on lake with some local guy that runs an environmental organization
>really autistic kid in club
>nigga looks like he is a senior but is a freshman
>overall really awkward, constantly talks some random shit about America and praises the UK because he has English blood, even though he's american
>day out on the lake he is the only one to fall out of his canoe
>fucking summertime and this mofo is wearing a hoodie and jeans
>told him to leave phone and wallet in car, of course he didn't and had to get a new phone

>later on in the year
>at some environmental competition bullshit
>apparently he grabs a member of the club's ass for no apparent reason
>he thinks it's a joke and is funny
>girl is visibly annoyed
>rest of competition he randomly yells out shit that he shouldn't

Never have I seen so much autism in my life even though he isn't fully mentally retarded.
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>be me 8th grade
>have pedophile for teacher
>no jokes, he switched from teaching 7th
>to 8th grade because he had a crush on
>the girls in the class. A lot of kids
>caught him staring. This faggot literally
>made all the girls sit near his desk and
>only called them up to the board so he
>could stare at their ass. Anyway, I liked
>this one girl, let's call her Dvorak. At the
>beginning of the year I talked to her alot
>and sat with her in the classroom. I
>started liking her Midway through 8th
>grade. I got nervous talking to her alot.
>mfw I write a poem to ask her out.
>mfw I was super beta. She said no.
>She got a boyfriend. A total faggot.
>he was a jock and I fucking hated him.
>anyway I talked to her more and we
>started face timing. I think she kinda
>liked me idk. Anyway that's not the
>point of the story. fast forward to
>nearly the end of the school year.
>still talking and FaceTimeing girl.
>she broke up with faggot.
>be in pedophile teacher class
>flirting with girls. He said
>So "What are all the relationships in the >group" (we had like a hall where we >switched classrooms and we were with
> the same people all year) and some girl
>goes "Well anon and dvorak are talking"
>he goes "EWW!! dvorak is talking to >anon?!?!?!?" in front of the whole class.
>mfw I wanted to get him fired (wish I >would've reported him as a pedo)
>mfw I hope the school gets shot up and
>only he dies.
>mfw I laugh imagining he fat jittering
>from the bullets. I hate that fucker.
I'm just glad I'm out of the hellhole. But thought me to be tougher and how to not be such a loser. Believe it or not after that I was very popular in the new school. I'm addicted to fighting though. I never said I couldn't defend myself but they fought in groups so it made it too hard. It's kind of sad because I think that whole experience gave me trauma or some shit because I've got severe anger issues. That school sucked but it was a very famous and rich school so even if I tried to sue them I'd without a doubt loose.
All my high school asshole bullies died mysteriously within a few years after graduation. Weirdest thing.
I wish I was back in high school so I could befriend all the hot pretransition traps.
Nigger you have no fucking clue how to green text that was the poorest structure I've ever seen.
I'm on my phone

Short answer is no
>Be me by my locker
>Guy slams my locker shut
>I turn to face him
>It's Steve Aoki
Is it it different from when you guys went to HS than when I went? Im 19 and i never really saw bullying to this extent.Teasing in between friends yeah,but not pissing in bottles.
Alright kids, I've told this before and I'll likely tell it again, here's the story of how I killed a girl with a dildo in 11th grade.

>Be me
>Be dude in highschool
>Junior year, finally starting to get into the dating scene
>A new girl transfers to town, she and I hit it off, like a lot of the same things, she likes literature and philosophy just like me, and unrepentant nerd, just like me.
>We're just friends for almost the entire year, she never seems to show interest in dating me or anyone else.
>Never comments on boys, never asks anyone out and turns down anyone who asks her.
>Perfectly happy commenting on other girls with me, but I didn't really pick up on that at the time.
>Another girl tells me that my friend is probably just holding out till I ask her out, since we get along so well.
>After a couple weeks I work up the courage.
>She seems hesitant, but accepts.
>We "date" for about three months, though this "dating" was basically just hanging out the same way we always had.
>Still profess to be dating even though we aren't really treating each other any differently.
>Friends keep asking me how she is in bed, and I'm starting to feel more and more pressured to get in her pants even though I'm personally pretty happy with the way things were at the time.
>Eventually work up the courage to start getting physical.
>She kind of goes along with it.
>She was pretty reluctant to do so, but given my social awkwardness and lack of dating experience, I didn't really realize that.
>Things finally progress along to the point where we're touching each other's junk. No sex yet, but I'd rubbed her to orgasm a few times.
>One day we decided "together" that it was time for her to do the same for me.
>She's SUUUUPER reluctant to touch my cock.
>Awkwardly jerks me for thirty seconds before just getting grossed out and running off.
>I'm *incredibly* embarrassed and worried, not sure what the fuck had just happened.
This never happened. You're a faggot for posting this like it isn't a made up story.

>She avoids me for two days, eventually visits me at home and we talk in my room.
>She admits she's a lesbian.
>She tells me that she really really liked me, that I was her best friend in the world, but she wasn't into men.
>She tells me she's just been playing along for social reasons and to make me happy.
>She bares her heart to me, her best friend, and with tears in her eyes apologizes and asks me to accept her as a lesbian.
>One problem though.
>I was a teenager, and an unusually insecure and awkward one at that.
>And she'd been grossed out by my penis.
>I was so embarrassed and hurt that I told her to fuck off, called her a dyke, asked her to leave.
>I tell my friends she's a lesbian.
>They tell their friends she's a lesbian.
>Soon the whole town knows.
>Now you're going to need some context for this.
>We didn't live in a big city. This was a small, heavily religious town, in the early 90's, before the social acceptance for gays had really kicked in.
>So given all that, my lesbian friend was bullied RELENTLESSLY.
>Seriously, even as mad at her as I was at the time, I regretted letting it out.
>I didn't regret it SO much that I went to her aid or apologized, no, of course I didn't.
>Given that the whole town was set against her, it would have been social suicide! People would have been MEAN to me if I did that!
>So I just ignored it.
>Hell, I put on a false face and laughed along with them.
>Needless to say, she was miserable. Friendless, ridiculed, abandoned by everyone but her parents (and knowing her father, I doubt he was too cool with it either).
>She endures this all the way through the summer, has a few suicide attempts.
Yea I know what you mean mate, I hated the years of middle school and high school.
Went through a similar situation though most of the times they wouldn't touch me because I was always carrying sharp objects around me.
It gets better in university, not as many retards and you get more mature as well.
Hey mobb deep wrote shook ones part 2 at 17
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>Senior year rolls around, the new school quarter starts.
>At this point I've fully committed to avoiding her, even bully her right along with my friends, because hey, can't have people thinking we like the dyke, can we?
>One day my friends and I get a genius prank idea, it was GLORIOUS, a work of art really.
>So she's a lesbian, right? What do lesbians not like? Penises!
>The obvious yet blindingly brilliant comedic potential is to show her a penis!
>So we need to buy a dildo.
>I drive, because I was the only one of my friends with a car.
>We drive to a nearby city, go to a sex shop, and get this big dildo, one of those ones with a suction cup at the end so it can stick to walls and the like.
>We head to the girl's locker room after school's out that day, use a bonding epoxy to permanently attach the thing to the inside of her locker, right at face level.
>Next day she sees it.
>I wasn't there, but I heard from some girls later that when she saw it she'd been laughed out of the locker room, and had run home crying.
>Brilliant joke, right?! Pure comedy!
>The next day she didn't show up for school.
>The next night, she killed herself.
i thought i could hear sarcasm in your voice
But anon, NOTHING posted here is real, didn't you see the disclaimer? Literally nothing here is true.
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>Be borderline retarded me
>be smart enough to attend class
>make F's ALL. THE. TIME.
>have mentally abusive and socially stupid parents.
>only got picked on until my balls dropped.
> Fuck Yeah.exe
Story of my life:

>grew up to an abusive alcoholic psychopathic dad
>used to beat me up and shit
>mom was scared and almost never on my side even if she took alot of hit for me
>always extremely making fun of me and getting my younger bro to fuck with me
>my bro would keep on fucking with me even more
>i used to beat the shit out of him
>little spineless shit used to gossip in my back and tell everyone i was beating him up
>would always get bullied and get ganged on by everyone
>same people used to want to hang out with me all the time to get me into serious trouble
>one day i punched a girl in the face as a knee jerk reaction cause she slapped me so hard in the face for calling her a bitch
>because she threatened me to destroy my treehouse
>things got worse 10 fold
>fast forward
>one morning get beat up by step father for not wanting to go in the shower because i just had woken up and he was ordering it to me
>mom wasn't there
>lil bro saw everything
>i fled
>both my bro and step dad made up a bullshit story to cover their asses
Basically i mutilated myself apparently

Can't tell if troll or just pathetic.

Seriously who gives a shit what you can do now? Pushing someone to suicide and seriously fucking with people for no other reason than I was with the cool kids is shit that doesn't just magically disappear or get attoned for.

It pisses me off when people like you who did the harassment start talking about the dangers of bullying or pushing people to far.
read that little thing right under /b/- random newfag
Worst greentext. kys faggot
>Be me 8th grade
>In my History class
>I sit on the left side of my the room
>A girl is next on my right side, and the clock happens to also be on the right side of the room
>Class is dragging on so I decide to look at the time
>Teacher comes out of nowhere and yells "Anon! Stop staring at *insert girl's name here*"
>Entire class looks my way and starts laughing
>Ever since that day, I've always made sure never to turn my head to look at a damn clock
I'm bad at writing not my cup of tea sorry. tldr I had a shitty teacher who was a pedo and should die
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This nigger robbed me once. send gore images to his account plz.
Sadly ome people don't mature and we have furfags and people like /mlp/
What a stupid bish.
look motherfucker, I am just the person to tell people about how bullying is beyond unnecessary, I am just the person to come to and seek guidance and understanding, and help when it comes to this topic. I felt suicidal, I got picked on and I did the bullying and saw first hand the consequences of it you dip shit.
That's because you don't grow out of autism.
I'm on my phone nigger
Do you not know how to green text? This is literally your story:
>to 8th grade because he had a crush on
>the girls in the class. A lot of kids
>caught him staring. This faggot literally

You should have kept half of that on the same line
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This thread is for people who were bullied, not the bullies themselves.
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Nigger she was probably just going through one of those lesbian phases and in the end she'd probably be bi so you wasted it.
on my phone and it looked great when I typed it. look up text wrap
>got sent into jubilee til 18 y/o
>made friends with a guy who for some reasons got into contact with my past detractors
>have been harassed stalked and had my fair share of sketchy ass shits happen to me
>now have a reputation of being a pathological liar, a homosexual, a bisexual, paranoid schizophrenic, retard, religious fanatic(Christianity), trying to disrupt people's relationships and the list goes on

Not only i'm not anything of what i cited above but none of this is a joke, i'm 25 and still get harassed/bullied everywhere i go
Well there's a trick to it anon, you see, you have to be hot.
How would that make a difference? Input for green text doesn't change bud.

>see I'm on mobile to
Yeah exactly.
>Be in year 10
>In maths
>autist af so spend most of my time playing rock paper scissors with friend Curtis at the back of the room.
>pay no attention but it doesn't matter cause autist as fuck so ace all tests easily
>teacher knows we do it, doesn't care.
>one time i had just beat curtis in game 76 of the day, we kept tally's and score in the back of our books

I had i higher win percentage than curtis because he used to get really ocd about the hands he played and adopt easy to spot patterns
>anyways on the desk in front this indian kid sits buy himself
2 students per desk for everyone else
>he whips around after he hears me gloating over curtis for another glorious rock paper scissors victory, and says, "How u do dis?!"
> points at our hands
>he leans in close, so that i can smell the oil and spices on his breath and infused into his clothes
>slaps my hand
>teach him how to ply rock paper scissors
> we throw down
>I win
>go again
>i win
>i win
>i win
>i win

>long story short we played many more games over the course of the year, Curtis the stinky indian kid and I, the poor fellow only one three
> and he failed maths,
I'm using an app and it wraps text and its hard to judge how it's gonna actually look when it's posted chill nigga
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Had a lot of nasty rumors spread about me with no one saying where they started from.
>I heard Anon touches little boys in his parents' basement
>I heard he does black magic and worships Satan
>I heard he'll date anyone
>His ex-gf said his dick's small
>I heard he does devil-worshiping chants and rituals before school everyday
>I heard he pleasures himself to granny-tranny porn while touching children
and so on. Couple this with the fact that I was an unapologetic weeb who wore a lot of black, Nintendo shirts, and tripp-like pants, and you can get why I was generally isolated except for a small handful of friends. Some female students would literally JUMP to the other side of the halls when they saw me coming. I was often mocked and humiliated by the more 'popular' kids as well. Barely graduated with a 2.1 GPA.

Oh yeah, and I blacked out and had to be wheel-chaired into the school one time in 9th grade during PE. I overdid it on the run. Had diarrhea in the nurse's office, which I had to be wheeled to through the cafeteria DURING 1st Lunch.
Most of the time yes, you would be correct fellow anon. But I've seen it happen to average looking assholes.
I think it has mostly to do with the aura of dominance you show as an asshole which gets the bitches wet but honestly I don't know what I prefer not being myself, the sense of guilt or knowing I'm a shithead.
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>be 15 year Junior in high school
>never really got bullied, but a few kids in class would always act like assholes
>school is liberal as fuck, no fighting policy
>only see them for a couple periods anyways, so I just ignore them
>in hallway in between classes one day
>at locker with headphones on, not really paying attention to anybody around me
>suddenly somebody pulls my headphones down the back of my head
>turn around, about to clock a fucker
>before I can do shit he slams my locker shut, shoves me into wall
>everybody watches him start smacking the shit out of my face
>punches me in the stomach hard as fuck, double over
>grabs my throat, pulls my face upwards
>finally see who it is
>it's fucking Vin Diesel
>"We talking or we racing?"
>don't even know what's happening anymore
>he repeats himself, this time yelling directly into my face
>just kind of stare at him, he drops me onto the floor and walks away
>lock myself in bathroom for an hour and call mom to pick me up
>to this day nobody believes me

feels bad, man...

You can't spell for shit. You probably should have shown up on time and not talked.

Can I get onion rings instead of fries?
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Your the kind of person who caused those problems why the fuck would anyone who is dealing with people like you want to seek "guidance" from you? Your way of thinking is so backwards it's actually kind of amazing you can pull off the mental gymnastics to convince yourself that your a decent human being or even come close to deserving a second chance.

Btw just to clear up what im sure your thinking no I wasn't bullied and no I wasn't the bully, I was generally nice to everyone I met until they messed with me or people I liked. I wouldn't associate with bullies and kicked the shit out of 2 of them (seperate occasions) for picking on some of my less popular friends.

Trust me as a decent human being who was around but not part of that shit I can tell you that you are not who the bullied need or want to talk to and you should just fuck off back to your hole of self pity.
That's fucked. Sorry to hear that, man.
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Why though???
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That kid is going places, unlike your rude autistic ass.
because I'm tired and I don't want to turn on my computer
>be me
>tell teacher I must see the nurse
>says one min, gotta write a pass
>hands pass
>then vomit on teacher
>everyone laughs
>never looked anyone in eyes ever again
This reads like it was written by a fat nerd as wish fulfillment for other fat nerds who want to think none of their bullies got anywhere in life.
I once told a girl of my foot fetish and then she told everyone and then I was teased for the rest of the year. Some girls would laugh and in their feet on me. I secretly loved it so I gave a cringey reaction.
God bro, you act so self righteous. You have no idea, none virtually whatsoever about me. You act as if, and claim that what I have done in the past negates anything done in the present. You sir, are the asshole, if that were true we all might as well give up on trying to do good, because we were assholes in our teen years, you are the asshole because you come off as a man who does not believe in forgiveness and you come off as a guy who clings to the past too much. If you need guidance about drugs, talk to an addict, if you need advice on the military, talk to a veteran, if you need advice on bullying, talk to a man whos been bullied, and talk to a man who has done the bullying, and make sure to realize who they are now, what they have done, how they learned from it, and what they are doing now. I have every right in this world to tell kids, just like my little cousin, what to, and what not to do to someone whos being picked on. Just because I have done bad does not mean I have no room to do good, and to shed light on those who are lost. get over it dude, I picked on people in school, Im 26 fucking years old, that was over eleven years ago, I can be a fucking guidance counselor for godsakes, move forward my man, I HAVE...
There's a philosophical debate here.
They want to fuck ur ass m8
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>Be BJJfag me at 16, with Muay Thai fag friend (also 16.)
>Both /b/tards into standard nerd and weeb shit. We constantly get into fights with one another and trade striking lessons for grappling, but we don't really talk about it as not to be one of those annoying "ultimate fighter" MMAfags
>Anyhow, queue skinny wigger druggie bully
>He starts picking on us. (pushing us around, headlock, etc.) We think its funny, so we go along with it and act afraid of him.
>We even did his homework a few times during lunch hour.
>We let this go on for 6 months.
>One day after school we hang out in back. Fairly secluded
>Wigger comes up to us with his friend
>"Sup pussies"
>My friend and I look at each other and start laughing. Its time.
>My friend tackles the Wigger, pins him down, punches him a few times, and then threatens to break his arm unless he lets him spit in his mouth. Like, a lot.
>Wiggerfriend tries to help. I punch him in the stomach and he goes down. He wasn't as much of a cunt, so I tell him to fuck off, and he does.
No I was a little skater kid, only concerned with raising hell and anarchism. I didn't care about my country and gave no shits to authority, I was a complete lost moron in society. In fact, I have never weighed above 155 lbs. lol. I always had luck with girls and did what I wanted to do in school. Realistically, I was still an outcast though. But now, I still live with my parents, still do drugs occasionally, and never kept my plans to have my masters in archaeology, I am just trying to show who I was and who I am, no points to be made, just bored
I thought I was the only one
I can relate
Wrong post
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>gets bullied at age 7
>all grownup say "dont mind them"
>after 3 months i learn its better to start fighting them and beating them up/ getting beat up
>far less bulling, still have to get into fights everynow and then
>later in life in an other school the fuckers starts messing with a timeted guy
>"if your messing with him, you´re messing with me dude. so cut it out"
>he probably didnt like me doing that and after class the fucker had gone after a larger friend of his
>i learned the hard way its better to get fucked, rather then pussy out
>large guy starts shit and fucker joines him
>boxer friend sees whats going down, fuckes the big guy up while i get the fucker
>big guy crying in the teacher office
>timeted guy hangs around me and boxer friend for the rest of our schooldays without fucker doing shit since that day
fucker have straighen out now and is an OK guy
Dude you gotta end that shit man. Snap on her and freak out or fucking backhand her if you have to
You're being ridiculous. You gotta stick up for yourself and stand up to her. Like fucking taze the bitch if you have to dude wtf
In fact I shouldn't be calling you in an asshole if I want to be in a philosophical debate haha that rather hypocritical in my book. Honestly I still can't wrap my head around that kids suicide. I will always be haunted about that memory. I may hate life, but I should not and wish I hadn't made that infectious, spreading that hate to others. I felt so hated and left out for the majority of my life in school, I tuned around made others feel that pain, thats fucked up. I did caught trying to gather materials for explosives in school, my youth paster and whole family had a meeting immediately after basically interrogating me about possible plans I had. I was a pyromaniac I didn't want to hurt people, just blow hit up and have it on video.
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>in a class with 2 of my friends
>friend 2 likes fucking with friend 1
>he's talented at drawing
>he's particularly good at sneaking extremely detailed pictures of dicks on other people's papers
>friend 1 has a notebook filled with detailed drawings of penises that take up entire pages
>for some reason he never thought to get rid of them
>one day friend 1 unknowingly has his notebook flipped open under his desk
>a huge veiny cock is completely exposed
>it's semi hard, hairy and dribbling cum
>teacher walks by and suddenly stops next to friend 1
>"anon what is that?"
>friend 2 and I notice the picture
>we instantly lose it
>"uhh, friend 2 draws stuff in my notebook"
>teacher looks at friend 2
>walks away
>we fucking lost it
>none of us got into any trouble

That teacher was based
>not realize you're talking to someone whose kink is being bullied
For fuck's sake dude, the guy is using s-stammer in his typing.
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>Be sophomore
>Hiding in locker room to get out of PE
>Door opens
>Football captain walks in
>He's alone
>He gets in shower
>I peek out, see his bare ass
>He's built like David
>He peeks around, sees me
>Starts screaming, calling me a faggot, runs at me
>I run away, but he's too fast
>He holds me down, asks if I'm some kind of queer
>Shoves his cock in my mouth, calling me a fucking faggot bitch
>I suck his cock, it's thick and veiny
>He's whispering now, how gay I am, how much I like it
>I'm his little girl
>He cums in my mouth and punches me in the
>I spit bloody cum out onto the tile floor
>Door opens
>Coach walks in
>Starts screaming at me for being a gym-skipping faggot
Football captain high-fives him and goes back into the shower
Self righteous are you fucking kidding me? How is saying the problem causer shouldn't be the same person that is believing they can make the victim feel better? How can you not get it through your fucking head that you led someone to die and you ruined one or more peoples golden youth years for nothing more than a ego trip and that isn't something that is simply forgiven. Fuck it by your logic go on a killing spree, apologize for it then offer consolation to murder victim family's. See how that logic is clearly flawed?

Oh about the moving on bit there you miss understand I have nothing to move past, I treat assholes the same why I always have, with no respect why give shitty people a second chance when there are millions who have done nothing wrong in the first place.

Honestly your probably going to forever be entwined in this mentality of everything bad is in the past and what matters is what I do now. Sorry bud but reality is that shit doesn't go away and neither does the weight of responsibility for actions.
wtf is a passing period?
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>be me

>have to get lift to school early with mom every morning

>English teacher runs journalism club in room 20 ft from tables where I sit

>2/10 girl always comes up to my while doing homework with her friend

>she’s apparently English teachers favorite student

>always tries to start conversations with me in the morning


>it’s just always awkward, she mentions ex boyfriends and her love life sometimes

>chit chat for a bit to be nice, but go back to school work after a minute

>not the handsomest guy in the world, but got plenty of cute girl back then

>this girls not the typical ‘underdog’ quite girl either

>has plenty of friends and is pretty popular among the juniors

>just fat, kind of conceded, and ugly

>morning spaghetti dinners go on for a few month until English teacher pulls me to side one day

>”Hey anon, I want to talk to you. What do you think of 2/10?”

>know exactly where this is going

>the truth will set you free

>”Definitely not interested”

>English teacher was actually pretty hot with fake tits, but no amount of cleavage could convince me to copulate with that hamplanet
fuck man I hope this is real so much

>fast forward to a few months

>eventually stopped going to usually spot to avoid moby dick

>she makes it her mission to wave to me and hug me in hallways or when passing

>keep ignoring it till one day after lunch

>show up to class right as the bell rings and notice someone left a bunch of shit on the desk near the back of room

> as I walk closer, notice it’s a bunch of heart shaped glitter and a card

>everyone has a dumbass smirk on their faces as I walk by to sit down

>ah shit, that’s my desk

>put my stuff down and start wiping the stuf onto the floor

>suddenly everyone starts clapping and laughing as a bunch of the journalism kids walk in holding balloons

>one of them has a banner with my name on it next to ‘prom?’

>in walks jabba, and everyone start goes nuts with applause

>bit tittie’d English teacher walks up to me and with a big shit eating grin

>”what’a you going to say, anon?”

>class goes silent for my response

>slowly walk up to Chris Farley

>say something like “can we talk, outside?”

>things go from 0 to jerry springer real quick as people start booing and throwing shit at me

>teacher giving me the death stare like I just shoved my fist up her ass

>walk outside with teary eye’d girl, tell her sorry and that she shouldn’t of done that

>walk back inside and continue whipping shit off my desk

>End of the year grade in that class was a 89.7%
when i was 12 some big nigger named Courtney punched me in the stomach and took my Yu-gi-oh cards. other than that was never bullied, i also never saw it happening at all throughout school. I didnt know that shit still existed.
Okay you wrinkled turd, I will apply your philosophy, from now I on I will offer no respect for people who have been assholes, I will then be a dick to them due to their past, and since my terrible actions won't be forgiven, I will then cease to do acts of charity and helping people, and I will also get out of the mentality that what I do now is irrelevant. So maybe people will follow my logic I adopted from you, now everyone dwells on the past of others, refuses to help people, and will treat others badly because they have done the same, now imagine this world of yours where people adopted your principles and beliefs, eventually, morality would crumble and noone in this world has anything to learn and has no reason to the right,moral,responsible, and respectable thing to do, in the "now" and in the future. Your mindset is the fucked one my man, men change and shape themselves for the better regardless what they had done. To reach illumination one may travel the path of darkness to find that possible. I can'y argue with you anymore, maybe your just as lost as I was, and maybe that upsets you that I have moved on, I have forgiven myself, and since I traveled that dark path I can now show others where that may lead them, I am one who can be there for someone. Sounds like you got picked on wayyy too much and forgiveness is not in your vocabulary, one day you will grow up, but it may take you a while, so for now, realize a true wise man admits he is not wise, keep searching dude you will find yourself, and slowly dispose of yourself until nothing is left, then you can shape yourself and be transformed, I'm done with you man, I can't argue with someone who isn't willing to learn, and be open minded.
when was this?
today that teacher would have gotten lynched if shit like that came out
I hate when girls do that. I'm like just fucking leave me alone.
>be 15
>wake up 7am eat breakfast and walk to friends house
>"Hey dude take this tab with me and we'll trip out at school"
>Walking to school and it starts raining
>Can't get wet, nigger sprint for 10 minutes straight to school
>Run into school and bump into fat nerd
>The kind that thinks he's smarter then everyone else and always has alot to say
>The hallway is getting shorter and shorter as he stands back up
>Freak out and start asking him where my friend was
>Start screaming "Jack" forgetting that i just left him behind in the rain as i niggerbolted
>Fattie tells me to keep my voice down
>His front teeth grow bigger and bigger and i think he's turning into a rat
>Punch him as hard as i can square in the chest
>Falls over coughing, proceed to drag him by his hair towards the wall
>Tell him to stay there and ran back to get my friend
last thing i remember is falling into a white whirlpool and swimming in a spiral
also never got suspended and no one ever mentioned it to me besides close friends
>be me
>have bully who is larger than me and bigger than me
>one time he throws me on the ground
>get back up and take the CQC stance from MGS3
>say "you're pretty good"
>he smiles
>he does the little hand thing ocelot does
>i laugh and then he pins me to the wall and rapes me
It was pretty....good
I don't get it, some of you guys post your thoughts,emotions, and philosophy on life on here, as if that is the way to live and be. But you got to ask yourself, what would it be like if everyone adopts my beliefs, and thinks like me, how will the world be then? is it suitable for your children, will it truly make the world a better place?
Probably wasn't LSD.
The world would be a very quiet, efficient place. A lot more work would get done, but there would be less art, and I think humanity would lose something of itself. I am not a passionate person.
>be me
>10 years old
>little league football
>get bullied every day
>fights on the field, school,
>get suspended from intermediate school
>>start martial arts
>>stop getting bullied
>>beat one of them 5 years later at ymca
>>>still banned from ymca
Wow you missed the point entirely can't say I expected any less. Never did I say you shouldn't treat nonasshole people well. I also never said you should be continue being a asshole. Instead what I said was assholes deserve to be treated like assholes and just cause you are acting the nice guy now doesn't change or make up for what you did. Really you did prove my other point though with you stating things only from your perspective and how people view you and basically all about you. That's the mentality I was talking about and people with that mentality love to believe they are so enlightened/special/forgiving/righteous and plenty of other things where you go and ask people about them and they will tell you how shitty they are.

I'm done talking with you and if not forgiving you or not thinking you deserve a second chance is closed minded so be it because I know that people who dealt with the consequences of knowing you are the real victims here not you bud
>Me, 14 yo
>Just moved to a new city
>First day in the new school
>Do not know anyone
>Left the class to have some water
>Random dude aproaches
>He says: Don't you think things are going to be easy for you here, I could beat you anytime.
>My reply: Why don't you try your luck?
>Never had problems with the guy again.
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>be in class
>girl comes stomping in
>sits right next to me
>don't ever talk to her because i don't care about it at this point
>skip a couple of weeks in
>she is booming in popularity
>everyone loves this annoying cunt
>she keeps trying to talk to me
>i talk to her back but the conversation always falls short
>come into class one time
>on the board is wrote "anon is a bitch"
>everyone laughs at me
>teacher even laughs at me
>i know it was her but i want to prove it before beating her up
>so i go through a couple of months later and i ask my friend who did it
>it was that girl that really liked you but you kept ignoring
>she really liked me?
>yea man
>confront her
>she acts all hard and is being a cunt
>go to hug her
>she fucking punches me in the gut
>actually winds me and i get fucking furious
>when i get angry i cry
>she is laughing at me for crying
>punch her in her stomach
>she falls down having trouble breathing
>ask her how it feels
>"trying to breathe sounds"
>go home
>come back the next day
>everyone knows
>never got in trouble for it
>she always avoided contact with me after
>put a note in her locker saying "a punch in the gut doesn't feel so good does it? Cunt"
>still one of my proudest moments
Shit like this is the worst, it fucks you up for so long when in all honesty everyone involved probably forgot about it within 30 minutes.
I disagree, the goodness of a man, the things he has said and done should be shown and taught to others,examples to follow, but if we sat back and denied acknowledgement of the good in most men,"examples", because of their past, we would have no role models to look up to, noone to imitate, no man would have a second chance, morale would be non-existent, we would be shut ins. The world needs people to follow at times, sometimes it is required to be a follower of good men. Eventually this rejection of everyone who has done bad would spread so far that the whole world would be hate each other, everyone has done terrible things, we have to forgive ourselves and learn from our past, goddamnit people haha, but whatever, that is not the world nor will it ever be and also this simply an opinion you are entitled to
I don't really see how your point has much to do with what I said.
>First highschool christmas gala
>Chronic skin problems
>Looked as good as i possibly could
>Noone wanted to dance with me
>Sat alone in the hallway
>Teacher came up to me
>Are you okay anon?
>You look really bad
>Did you take drugs anon?
>No what are you talking about
>Well you look awefull
>Maybe you should go home
>be me
>7th grade
>kid randomly hits me in class
>tell councler
>talks to us and says dont do it again >attacks get worse
>kid randomly shoves me into changing room locker
>lock hits my spine
>have to go to doctor
>tell councler doesnt do shit
>dumb bitch
>kid throws rocks at me on the track in pe
>no coach in sight all inside
>punch his face
>thows giant rock at my face
>runs away
>attacks me in locker rooom
>beat his ass
>sprain my wrist when he trips me
>go to pricipal
>now im the bully and should have gone to adult
What's funny is I never once claimed to be enlightened, I will always learn new things, and I will always better myself, the past, whatever, just simple events to grow stronger from, things happened and can't be reversed whoopdydoo fuck you hahaha. I know who I am, I know where I stand, I am humble. I'm no more special than any of you. So suck it and spit on it first though, cuz thats the mature thing to say. I bet you are so clever, I bet you know all about life, I bet you don't need to learn a thing, you are so confident, thank you so much for your views, they have impacted me so much, haahaha
Oh jesus man, that's gotta hurt.

Had so much of this shit when I was in highschool?

>What's that? The football team jocks are beating up one of the outcast punks again? Haha, boys will be boys, right?
>WHAT? One of the outcast punks snapped after months of abuse and punched a jock?!
See, I'd love to contribute to this thread, as my last two years in highschool were one giant clusterfuck, but no one would fucking believe me because it involves fucking a teacher (who then proceeded to guilt trip and/or verbally abuse me into more over the next year).

So instead I'll just write a mildly passive aggressive comment and see if anyone bites.
i was a fucking degenerate in highschool. i never bullied anybody or got bullied however. but i use to get really fucking high before school and do dumb shit. like piss on the floor in the bathroom or steal shit from my classmates like phones or money. i actually stole 10 bucks from a kid who was in like 2nd grade. i was like 16 or 17 and i bought a e-cig, went to the bathroom during mandarin class and blew it into the smoke alarm in the bathroom, so we evacuated into the PE field, after that i did it again the same day like an hour later. i used to bring vodka/gin in water bottles to school. and i almost fucked my girlfriend in the preschoolers bathroom, but the fucking cleaning lady walked in while i was about to get my dick sucked. fuck dude, im so glad im sober now and much more calm i guess
I did shit in the hallway at school grad. year, then I marked a swastika on my ass and ran around mooning niggers and all the bus drivers. greatest time ever sadly was making hell for everyone else
I'm really sorry, anon. I fucking hate teachers who think that is okay. It's because of people like you that I'm studying to be a teacher.
Different anon here.

Are you enough of an artist to draw disability?
swallow mcgulperson
Popular kid here, never had to deal with bullies.
To be clear, you tried because you bonded with your teacher?
>Popular kid
>On /b/

I was kind of hoping to talk to some interesting intellgient folks but I kind of forgot this place is full of fucking kids man 4ch has really changed sinced 2006, ive seen alot of change, this place used to be active, full of people ready to take charge and do things, now little highschoolers wanting to look at fucked up shit is all there is
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>In high-school
>typical school fag
>Was a fast thinker and would often roast the fuck out of people who fucked with me
>Was young so didn't give a fuck
>No one would want to argue with me
>One day "Gangster fags" try fuck with me during lunchbreak
>They try roast me
>Doesn't work and I roast them
>They walk off angry as fuck
>20 minutes later and the bell goes off
>Walk to class be myself because friends have other classes
>Walking upstairs to class
>Gangster 1 appears and pushes me against wall
>Gangster 2 is next to Gangster 1
>Gangster 3 down stairs blocking escape path
>They get up in my face saying shit like "Anon you're a pussy"
>Gangster 1 says "You wanna fucking fight right now?"
>look around and no ones is near
>put on serious face
>"You wanna do this?"
>Gangster 1 says "You're lucky you're anon"
>They walk off
>Still confused on what "You're lucky you're anon" means
>They stay away from me from then on out and I have no idea why

>One week later they try to fuck with my friend who already hates them
>Two of my friends nearly kill the "Gangster fags"
>"Gangster fags" no longer "Gangster fags"
Made me kek
>on the bus on my way home from school
>sitting in the far back like a cool kid
>wasnt cool tho
>qt on the bus like usual
>horny as shit bc 17
>wip out my johnson
>start jerking it in the back of the bus
>gonna blow
>can't leave a trail, what do
>didn't think this jerking off thing through
>decide shoot my full load into my underwear and legs bc where else
>pull up pants
>leave bus and walk home
>not ashamed of this because I followed through
Write story and adds random >
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>be me in highschool
>have computer in my room
>have a bunch of friends over to play vidya once
>computers on cause we're listening to music and hanging out in my room
>friends are on my computer and I'm not paying attention
>didn't delete my browser history
>had brazzers account (thanks anon)
>slew of internet history is porn / random facebooks of people from my hs
>porn, facebook, porn, youtube, facebook, porn, etc.
>friends tell everyone
>tell girls whose facebooks were on my history

For the record I didn't jerk off to facebook photos. Why would I? I had a brazzers account.

Sometimes friends bully and embarrass you but after a few years it just becomes a funny story.
>be me
>16, junior year of hs
>crush is always hanging out with fat vaper boy
>used to hang out with him once or twice before
>he would always make fun of me for sitting outside during lunch if my best friend wasn't at school
>crush is with him every time and laughs
>fast forward few weeks of him doing this pretty much every day
>In class
>tired af
>teacher doesn't remember my name
>fast forward lunch and text friend
>he stayed home, didn't even tell me
>sit outside because it's nice out
>reading book
>vaper boy and crush pull up in car
>vaper boy starts yelling shit at me
>walk up to car
>"get the fuck out of the car right now if you're serious"
>this kid literally rolls up his window and goes full retard
>call him a pussy and walk away
>crush gets out of car and goes inside and vaper boy drives away to park car
>fast forward few weeks
>crush starts hitting me up
>she's pretty cool
>invites me to party
>o shit okay
>she comes to pick me up because i live close to where party is
>walk out to her car
>vaper boy in front seat
>wtf is this shit
>im their fucking gps
>show up at party
>"popular" kids everywhere
>vaper boy literally blowing clouds with his friends in corner
>crush standing alone
>talk to her
>have been smoking and drinking whole time with stoner kids i used to chill with
>find out she has been leading on vaper boy for months
>party over
>vaper boy MIA
>drive back home with crush
>awkward silence before i walk inside
>quick kiss in car
>fast forward 2 weeks
>dating crush, vaper boy is pissed that he got cucked
>fucking her raw daily
>peak of highschool so far
>fast forward senior year
>single af
>vaper boy posts "nice guy" shit on fb all the time
>everyone in my HS was so apathetic that there was literally no bullying.
>cliques all stayed in their own groups, no interaction with others - good or bad.
>spent last 2 years drinking 3.2 beer/smoking weed/playing soccer - easy peasy cakewalk with a 3.5gpa

tldr; HS was boring.
>porn, facebook, porn, youtube, facebook, porn, etc.
>basically spend entire 4 years dicking around with friends
>sticking pencils in ceilings, throwing textbooks and shit out the window, spraying soda on stuff, at an end of the year party thing threw quarters at some slutty chicks dancing on a table
>keks were had, grades were in the shitter
>drop out and live in tiny apartment on grandparents neetbux
Well now i have food and don't want to type.
>be me
>be 17
>had this great teacher, blonde, mid 30's
>history buff like me, literature nerd like me, loved going to museums like me.
>We met up a couple times during my junior and senior year, sex ended up happening,
>I decided I wanted out when she got clingy
>she fucking blackmailed me by threatening to let the secret out
>I was young and stupid so I complied
>She kept me on the leash for 2 years until I snapped and punched her out.
>Sit in jail for 6 months.
>get out, she keeps contacting me
>Ignored her ever since
>Been a year, she still contacts me every now and then, tries to be friendly
did you go to pine bush high school in NY?
That pun though.
>last year
>two freshman hate each other
>decide to have a fucking fight at this park near the school
>my friends and I go watch bc freshmen fighting
>one is a 6' scrawny kid (scrawndude)
>other is like 5'9 but works out and shit (bigdude)
>fight starts
>bigdude immediately blasts scrawndude in the face
>scrawndude can take a punch but he looks fucked already
>bigdude starts grabbing scrawndude's shirt and blasting him in the face
>scrawndude keeps screaming "stop grabbing my shirt dude"
>bigdude lays him out in like 20secs.
>video got found by a big twitter account

I can probably find that shit if anyone wants. Funny as fuck.
Nope. Chicago.
thats crazy, almost the same exact thing happened with a hot blonde teacher in her 30's and a student over here....
sure why not, always love watching funny fight videos
I'm curious. Got a link? I googled but I didn't see anything.

>ask her how it feels
>"trying to breathe sounds"

my sides omg
nah the school kept a tight lid on it because we were already on national news for being "anti semitic" and having some jews suing the school. the teacher was fucking hot though, i came across her at a rite aid near my house by the school and she had a bad black eye. her name was mrs. costin. she deleted her facebook after and went mia.

Took a little while had to sign back into my account.

Might not remember stuff well bc I mostly just watched for the lols then ate qdoba and slept for the rest of the day
Damn jews, ruining my investigatorial aspirations.
lmao kid sounds like a dweeb
Haven't seen him around this year honestly. Think he switched schools bc that shit spread around like a wildfire. But yeah he was a fuckin loser
>be me freshmen year
>play a lot of WoW at the time
>kids from my hs that I don't really talk to also play on the same server
>randomly whisper me in game once and invite me to group for ZG
>just dinged 60 and could use dat Zandalari Hero Charm from Hakkar
>spend 15 fucking minutes to get to Stranglethorn cause that's how it was back in vanilla
>get right outside the instance
>kid from hs is raid leader and boots me from group right before I zone in
>whisper him, "wtf?"
>later that same day they whisper me for a portal to Thunderbluff (I was a mage)
>say, "okay, sure."
>leave group right before portal spawns
>they whisper me that they're going to kick my ass the next time they see me
>/ignore them
>two days later we're in gym class with these kids
>after class this kid comes up to me and pushes my head into a brick wall
>too pussy to fight back
>friend of mine is a badass and sees the whole thing go down
>punches the kid in the face and they get in to a fight and both get suspended

I was such a pussy back then
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>be me 7th grade. Anon need to talk in front class
>guy makes fun of my story
>gonna get back at him.jpg
>he started talking and I start making weird faces
>he starts to get nervous
>all of the sudden he starts sttutering....something like "ta, ta, ta,ta"
>I start making the sound of a machine gun "TA, TA , TATATA TA!"
and called him "Jimmy the machine gun"
>10 years later...he is still kwon as Jimmy the machine gun
>cool nickname...jokes on me.
You weren't just an asshole u led someone to kill themselves
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dont take any shit
watch yaron brook on youtube
never accept an un earned guilt
objectivism and bodybuilding are the ways
never worry that black or italian steroid freaks are fitter, they cheated
jordan was given all 6 titles by refs even tho on roids
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>9th grade
>there's a this chubby kid who always smells like stale cigarettes
>doesn't get when he's being annoying
>constantly wanting to ram into you and tell just these lame ass jokes
>he keeps taking me and this other kid I knews books and lunches and hiding them.
>one day he does it so we pick him up by his arms and his legs and dump him ass first into a trash can
>he sank in to about the back of his knees and couldn't get out
>we leave him and go to lunch
>come back from lunch and someone is lifting him out and his ass is covered in some grey goo and sticky wrappers.

>he sees me in the hall and rams into my shoulder
>I ram him back and tell him to get lost
>he keeps coming up and telling me his jokes
>he just never got the "hint"
Eh... I've never met anyone who can make that work without consequently turning into an asshole. It usually ends up being, "See guys, this crazy old lady said I can be selfish whenever I want, so I can be a dick to everyone and it's just philosophy n' shit!"
youtube yaron brook
carry a baseball bat
smash nigger skull if he touches you
say hey self defense
Rofl Da amount of times that shit happened to me but the thing is I never gave a flying fuck to being with!

It is even more kek when u tell the teacher that u dont give and they get mad
One time we were in history and we started talking about the greeks and I went full autist and starting talking about the roman battle strategies and shit for too long kinda started my spiral into depression
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This one is from middle school, but whatever
>Be me 8th grade
>New kid in school
>Look normal, autistic loser on the inside
>Mexican spic (in b4 you have to go back)
>Had stupid accent that I hated
>Cute 9/10 redhead is into me
>One of the more popular girls in school too
>Pretend I don't speak English
>Writes me a love letter
>Tell her I will get it translated
>Avoid her all the time
>One day she asks me in Spanish if I think she's pretty
>This beautiful girl went out of her way to learn Spanish just to talk to me
>Sweating bullets
>Say no
>Can see the disappointment in her eyes
>Doesn't talk to me anymore
>Stares at me all the time
>Ends up switching schools eventually

Just to think I could have changed the course of my life right there and then, but I was too much of a pussy and I'm still alone 13 years later
Dat shits fuckked cuz I hope Ur life get better keep Ur head up
I really only got bullied once in my entire life. Freshman year of high school, every PE class shared the locker room. Two black kids, maybe juniors or seniors from another class came up to me and one of them told me he was going to slap me in the arm, and if I flinched he'd have to hit me again. Of course I didn't know what was going on so I flinched. He slapped the shit out of my arm like 10 times. Then once he let it go, to other dude who was having a drink just spit all his drink in my face laughing. It was the most humiliating thing I've ever gone through, and everyone watched just feeling bad for me cause they couldn't do anything. Fuck, why do people bully eachother? I was just a 5'1" Mexican kid, I never messed with anyone. I feel like the incident made me a little bit racist though.
>got in a rl fight and lost over a port to TB of all places

fucking kek
Be me, 11 at the time, annoying kid pulls my ears and hits me for no reason, had enough. Bring a needle to school with intentions to poke his eye out but someone on the bus saw the needle when I was playing with it. Probably good that the plot was foiled
>Be me in freshman year of highschool
> Smart motherfucker so I was put in Honors and AP courses right off the bat
>Enrolled in Honors Algebra 1 with a Russian instructor (lets call him P) who was a near math and physics genius but one of strictest and intimidating teachers in the school
(Me and him became great friends inside and outside highschool. Taught me for all my four years there and considered me the smartest kid in school)
>Anyways, one of the bullies/friend from grade 3 goes to same highschool and we become friends once again but become "savages"
>As luck would have it, we're enrolled in the same class
> Another friend of mine(let's call him J), who was a dumbass, miraculously is in the same class as me
>he's intimidated and scared of P
>P requires that his textbook must be brought in or there will be a deduction for unpreparedness
>One day me and my friend(let's call him A) were chilling in History class and saw that J left his backpack open with the algebra textbook hanging out
>we quickly grab the book and I ask my history teacher to go to my locker
>quickly run to my locker and hide that bitch away
>return and as soon as I do, J walks through the door
> we keep calm and class ends
>J's dumbass can't feel the weight difference thanks to the amount of books he carries
>Algebra 1 is next and we sit back and enjoy the show
>J opens his backpack and turns pale
> He runs outside to his locker and is digging through it like mad but has to return cause the final bell just rung
>P says to open text books to page... >notices J doesn't have his textbook and asks him where it is
>mind you, this nigga is sweating bullets and P is walking towards him
>J mumbles "I don't have it..."
>P asks "what?", J responds "I don't have it"
>P starts going off and basically embarrasses him in front of everyone
> meanwhile me and A are not trying to lose our shit
>after school we grab the textbook and chuck it over a construction zone
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