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Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread >Claim your Waifu/Husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 199
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun, long dick style!

Shinoa claimed
File: WE'RE ALL [Aizawa] NOW.png (975 KB, 1280x732) Image search: [Google]
WE'RE ALL [Aizawa] NOW.png
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Hey everyone.
Tohsaka claimed
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Shizuru get
>If trips, Sachi get
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still here


thats alright.
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Miho claimed

Post feet.
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Syndra (25).jpg
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Just one more hour and im done with this crap.

Rolling for Sachi myself
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1 more hour is 5am
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Syndra (72).jpg
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Go to sleep then.
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gee, i sure do love capping off!

>repetitive behavior
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Im to awake for that.
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>he thinks I care that he's posting
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With enough disposable income people with buy anything. Fucking labels and what not.

I think I used all of those though sadly.

Haha, I know right?

>Best idol claimed
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Syndra (10).jpg
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Your sleep schedule is fucked.
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I know.
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Shiro, even though I'm not into loli
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Sleepy shinoa.jpg
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Besides the parking space, they NEED TO worry about the pollution

I'm calling it a night now. Good night everybody. Hope you have sweet dreams of your waifu
>night my sweet Cinnabun! Kisses~<3
Night Shinoa
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just drink the bleach and it will all be over
sounds like you are into loli
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(Attempting) thieving scoundrel.

What's with the disapproving look?
Is loli bad?

>If trips, Sachi get
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Syndra (107).jpg
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Getting closer and closer
God I love Doom.

So much fucking fun.
>smug claim
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You Know Gasai (16).png
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Sleep well shinoa
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This song describes me

I know it sound good to you! 'Cause it sound excellent to me! I'm the shit, yeahhhhh! Yeah, I'm the shit!

I do it 'cause I'm convinced I do it 'cause I'm the shit I'm never on the fence! Ah! I'm never on the fence!

Yeahhhh! I'm the shit! Yeaaaah! I'm the shit! Yeah! I could even take keys on y'all! I can even make it a hunnid degrees on y'all, I'm the shit! Yeah, yeahhhh! I'm the shit! Ahhhhhhh, I'm the shit!

Mumble 'cause I'm the shit Yeah, I can mumble 'cause I'm the shit, I can mumble I don't have to say shit 'cause I'm the shit I don't have to say a goddamn thing 'cause I'm the motherfucking shit And you know it! I'm the shit!

Say it wit' me! I'm the shiiiit...

Sometimes I feel like the shit Sometimes I feel like the shit, sometimes I feel like I'm shit Sometimes I wanna stand for somethin', then sometimes wanna sit I didn't really plan on cussin', but sometime it just slip

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm the shit! I'm the shit! Yeaaaaaah, I'm the shit! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm the shit! Yeaaaaaaaaah! I'm the shit! Ahhhhhhhhhhh, yeah! I'm the shit!

I know it sound good to youuuuu 'Cause it sound good to meeeeee I'm the shit! Yeah, yeah, I'm the shit!

You need to walk away from the mic 'Cause I'm the shit! I did it tonight I'm the shit! Yeah, I do it riiiight I'm the shit! I don't even have to sing in key Ohhh! It's ALL ABOUT ME! I'm the shit!
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no but saying you don't like it when you have a loli waifu is
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Why the hell are you even rolling? Just to tease me?

>If trips, Sachi get
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Syndra (41).jpg
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Reroll for sachi
>That Syndra pose
I like that
Worst thread ever.
ABOUT ME! I'm the shit!

Run back to the mud! I'm the shit! I could do this shit all night! I'm the shit! I could do it in the day, I'm the shit! I could do it any way, I'm the shit! Yeahhhhh, I'm the shit!

That's it Yeah, I can say it Now I can say it, don't you see it?

I don't even sweat!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm the shit! I'M THE SHIT! I SAID I'M THE SHIT!

It might sound good to you It sound excellent to me

Fuck! I'm the shit! I'm the shit!

I take a piss 'cause I'm the shit! I can fart on it, I'm the shit! I can squat on it, I'm the shit! I get dome on it, I'm the shit! I make her climb on it, I'm the shit! This song will be I'm the shit! The sun love me, I'm the shit! The moon is jealous of me! The sun is jealous of me! The rain is jealous of me! EVERYTHING IS JEALOUS OF ME! I'M THE SHIT!


You can't have a piece of my pie! I'm the shit! I'm that guy! I'm the shit! I don't know why! But I'm the shit!

Yeah, I'm the shit Don't even have to scream I don't even have to dream I'm the shit, I make you cream 'Cause I'm the shit Yeahhh, I'm the shit

When I stand up, everybody sit, I'm the shit Asshole
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>my sides
> >4 minutes of Andre 3000 screaming about he's the shit
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Syndra (15).jpg
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To the end.
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Fuck off with this trash already. Not everyone deserves a response.
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Can I just say that the few days that you weren't here, were very nice days.

Now THIS is a good claim.
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Good morning everyone
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Hey Chara
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hi chara
Dont blame one person for an entire community being shit.
Hello charabitch
>Mi Liu who's the fucking shit
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Hey Spike baby. Back for some no pants time?

>If trips, Sachi get
Can I when all that person ever does is complain and whine?
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Morning Aizawa!
Since I'm currentinly listening to a soundtrack of the game... did you ever play Persona 3?

Heya Tomoko! How are you?


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I am the personification of hate and greed and I've been involved in numerous genocide runs on the underworld and I have erased the world over 300 times. I am trained in SAVEing and I'm the most DETERMINED being in the entire Underworld. You are nothing to me but just some more EXP. I will ERASE you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never seen before in the Underworld, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am threatening Alphys and she is tracking your IP right now, so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your SOUL. You're fucking ERASED, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my old knife. Not only am I extensively DETERMINED and able to come back to life after being killed, but I also have the ability to ERASE the fucking world and if I feel like it, I will use it to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known that you were never the one in control, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn IDIOT, I will stab you over and over until you are nothing but dust. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
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im ok. yourself?
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everyone's waifu in this theard must have been born on a highway, because that's where most accidents happen.
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I suppose you can think whatever you want. There are many shit posters, whiners and trolls. How can you pin it on one person?
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Not even your mum.jpg
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Same here. When I wake up a bit more I'll send some applications out.
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Spike you're a nigger, go away.

I have never played a single Persona game, although my bf really likes them.
I don't. But I don't like you in particular.
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Aww, that's too bad. I can recommend it though! The games have a nice story and lore.
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oh fun. place i may work wants to take blood for a drug test
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Hey, that's Akiko's job.
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Actually I've never played persona either I've seen people play it, the anime and parodies but I never actually sat down and played it
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a true hero.gif
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At work claim
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Aww i luv u too my snoogums <3
Mah niggest
Is this goy a faget or wot
Rolling for trips why not
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I tought we already knew waifu is a community filled with boys that likes the dick.
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Blood for the Blood Lord (Boss) it is! Are you afraid of needles?

It's the opposite for me. I've never seen people play it and I never watched the anime. I only ever played the game.

But I never played Persona 4...

Yes, me too, now gtfo of my face, you're too close!

>is this goy a faget or wot
obviously, I mean, there are no girls on the internet!
>Chen in berserk
What's she gonna do, honk Guts' problems away
>being so frustrated to write with exclamation marks
There's no reason you should. I'm a very easy person to dislike.
Keep trollin
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I'm going to drink all the alcohol from the table
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yeah i hate them. its going to suck because i cant relax
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You wouldn't. Won't even share with me?
>Using someone's else words because you're too much of a faggot to say it yourself
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Akiko claimed

>exam graphic design today
>busses don't ride today
>Run to school
>feel alive
>arrive at school
>exam canceled
>run back home
>feeling fit and alive
>Girl with B-grade zettai ryouiki cycles past me
>skirt waves in the wind

There are good days
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I see. I can't really give you more advice than anyone else... just... look away I guess?
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>gets closer
Is this far enough, charabitch?
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Why would I share it?
Just if you have tabbaco, than we may share some
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Is /waifu/ the new 4chan's blog or what?
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Pics or it didn't happen, Akikobitch
It's evolving trash.
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its about that time.jpg
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Way to live it up, I got a decent green text for the thread when I get home
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They're exceedingly rare but they happen.
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i do. still going to hurt and suck for like the next 2 days
Lol dude u ghey or wat
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Mio Akiyama.jpg
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Claimed, morning all

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So... what was the color of the panties?

Why did I leave my knife in the kitchen today out of all days? That's too close, back off!

Yo Mugen!

For 2 days? That sounds like people can't use a needle. 1 Day okay, but 2 days?!
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images (5).jpg
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>Be me
>Elementary School
>See kid being bullied by 2 Girls
>They say he's a psychopath
>Tell off the girls
>Feel good and become friends
>Turns out he's annoying as fuck
>Tard level annoying
>Be now
>Turn on news
>He got arrested as a serial killer
>The girls were right
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Friendly reminder that everything under C is inferior and should never be seen in public

I was running and I'm not gonna take pictures of some random girl like a fucking creep

This better be worth it

As I said, there are good days

Aizawa is actually a faggot

Hello Mio

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Alright, I thought about it.

Let's see if what you faggots say is true and stir up some more weeks long drama.
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happened last time i got a regular flu shot. its probably my fault i cant relax
what now spike?
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It is.


What did he mean by this?

So, who are the waifu's shitposters at the moment?
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White, or bright pink

>tfw that guy now claims here as Chara

So what's everyone's problem with Spike anyway? I think he's an okay guy.
At least he doesn't shit up the thread with RP and gay shit
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Okie you sklounst
So it didn't happen
>presses nose against yours
Is this good enough?
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Syndra (83).jpg
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Im done with my shit.

And your's was in a barn?
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1 MB, 1920x1080
Hey Akiko!
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He's an annoying holier-than-thou cunt who constantly bitches and moans about the threads, yet, surprise, never leaves them.
I thought that was Dio
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keep on going.gif
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Yoooo, how's applications going?

You will find out when I get home if it's worth or not
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chen not a furry1231231aweaweaw.jpg
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It was born in a library.
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MDWNKS_Lisa Brinker (40).png
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With Rory claimed I got to go with my backup plan
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wait what

oh, that could also make sense. Sorry then, no idea how to help you relax

I swear to god, if you don't make distance in the next five seconds, I will stab you the next time I have my knife!

I just woke up man, still sleepy

Gimme an hour or so
Rolling for trips
Thats a bit harsh mate
Well, sorry.
>totally not sorry though
>you understand
File: Akiko_251.png (312 KB, 813x797) Image search: [Google]
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Shit. Ya got me kid

I'm down for some more games later if you guys are up for it

This can apply to a lot of people, I don't see what makes him stand out
Thanks for proving my point

I'll be gone in a few hours though, you better make it quick

shit-tier claim
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yeah its alright. ill just get over it
>Claiming worst girl
>Not Mercy
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mio yes.jpg
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Mhmm sure am, I don't have any plans for today so I can play whenever people are ready too
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1 MB, 3000x3280
We back boys
It lives.
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Ika Shrimp.jpg
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what the fuck happened? anyways, back to what i was saying:

why the fuck do i get on these threads later everyday? i need to fix my schedule.

hello everyone
What the fuck happened
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Hello Squid girl
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Someone's a touch annoyed with my presence
my oh my
Never mind the filthy erotic, 12 times a day cock jerking, cum swallowing, lewd posting faggots.

Spike's here!
File: Ika Boom Headshot.jpg (27 KB, 628x361) Image search: [Google]
Ika Boom Headshot.jpg
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hello. i tried to join a little while ago but it was broken so i just waited.
That was odd
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thats ok spike
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Mio killed it just by existing
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images (18).jpg
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Chinese red headed centipede claimed
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heres a better image
That's a decent claim
top tier lovebites
Shittiest claim.
Nobody really cares, but you can just Do ya Thing,
Hello squid girl
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That's because I'm too awesome. It couldn't handle it
As MI LIU- THE SHIT's lips pressed against CHARA's lips he felt an immense pleasure wash over him as CHARA clawed MI LIU- THE SHIT's back. He let a moan of pleasure escape his lips. Chara pulled away from Mi Liu and said
>"you like that baby?"
Then Mi Liu responded with a pleasurable moan.
Chara unbuckled the belt to Mi Liu's jeans. Then she opened the fly and took them off. She put her soft hands on Mi Liu's MEMBURR. At first his MEMBURR was soft, but then it grew harder as Chara stroked it. Then she started sucking just Mi Liu's mushroom tip. More pleasurable groans came out of him as his MEMBURR got blew by Chara. She was the best at sucking.
Nice try
This guy gets it
File: Ika The Beast.jpg (56 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Ika The Beast.jpg
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hello there. i think i heard somewhere that it was your birthday? or something like that, maybe it was someone else.
Forget birthdays.
Where's my fucking death day?
No its my birthday.
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robot jerks off to reflection.jpg
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well it's better than just posting

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Ika Yee.gif
1 MB, 450x253
Then Happy Birthday to you!!

it'll happen. you just got to pull through everyday like you are doing now.
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Then finally, after about 35 secounds he blew his warm load into Chara's mouth. She swallowed his steamy jizz and then took off her pants.
Her juicy pussy was soaked. Mi Liu dug in like a savage. His pussy eating was fantastic but his method uncivilised. Pussy juice flew everywhere. Then Mi Liu was showered in motherload of Chara's vanilla flavoured pussy juice.
Mi Liu slid his five dollar foot long into Chara's dick holster...
Well G'night guys. Tohsaka out.
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Is it actually your birthday or was that a couple hours ago?

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Ultimate Shitposting Filename.png
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>his five dollar footlong
my chassis

After a total of two minutes Mi Liu was about to cum. He didn't want a fucking little faggot and he used baby oil as lube so now he had to pull out.
He pulled his long dong silvers out of Chara's tight pussy and squirted out a packet or two of tartar sauce onto Chara's sweater. Chara moaned as Liu slid his bratwurst into her pooper.
tripfag thread kill yourselves
>not using tripcodes
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Hi guys I'm ba-


S-see ya, I'm... writing some applications, byebye
Mi Liu's dick plunged Chara's asshole for a while. They used up all of the lube so he was going in dry...
Chara's POV
His dick was burning her asshole as he thrusted his pelvic region into hers to perform the sideways monster mash.
But Chara, she liked the burn. She had to do this more often.
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Sorry I'm REALLY bored
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Ika Stop.gif
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No wait! dont go!
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No its today.
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>slid his five dollar foot long into Chara's dick holster
>squirted out a packet or two of tartar sauce
>Liu slid his bratwurst into her pooper.
Fuck man
But then Chara felt something
She was about to shit
Mi Liu felt the shit and kept fucking
He came
And when he pulled out a shocking event occured.
You know how whales have blowholes. And also how lime geysers squirt water.
It was a blowhole geyser of built up shit flying over the place.
They all died.
The end
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doing anything special today? going anywhere, eating something special, gifts or anything?

that ending was anti-climactic. i have no idea why i expected more
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Don't worry, I had a good laugh

I just... wasn't prepared for this.. On a side note, you really want to get stabbed, right?

Yo squid girl
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It's Mi Liu, what did you expect?
If you stab me can I stab you in the butt?
With my thick uncut salami
yo! youre not leaving!

I... I dont know. I said it beofre and ill say it again, i have no idea why i expected more
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Megumin claimed
Ooh sounds kinky.
I don't mind,
>Mi Liu
hello there.
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Hello my friend
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No just going to be home today. Still trying to make my self sleep at night and not days.
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I'll cut off your salami

nah, but I'm really writing some applications in the meantime

They all say that before they scream
Guess i have to
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Ika stare.jpg
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seems to be silent at this time of the night/day. hopefully it gets busy soon. i need to leave soon.

Nothing special at all!? its your birthday! you should celebrate it!

What time is it for you?
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Yo Switzerland Anna guy
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>I'll cut off your salami
Ouch my ding-a-ling
>They all say that before they scream
I'll be moaning with pleasure bby
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Ika Make Up 2.jpg
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fuck man, youre 3 hours behind me. where do you live?
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You're 6 hours behind me
Damn bby
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I highly doubt that, but trust me, I'll have my share of fun

In Austria
I like to take it slowly
That would imply im not broke.
You forget I have survived an anal cavity search
but thats past the international time zone thing. shouldnt you be ahead of me not behind?

you cant do anything at all? your room mate wont do anything for you? your family?
So you like to take it just like my dick?
A fictional one!

no idea, I'm not good with that

stop it


I'll make a new thread
I live in FL
The tropical storm sucked
Hallo hallo oachkatzlschwoaf
I like your cheese
Hehe thank you, me too.
Have you ever tried swiss chocolate?
Cock rates
Thread replies: 199
Thread images: 151

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