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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>707623794 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 177
Thread images: 151
File: sachii141.jpg (256 KB, 1199x860) Image search: [Google]
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, Remember to get enough sleep!
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>mfw this thread
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bye bye.jpg
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Obligatory claim.

I'm leaving

Goodbye, all of you, I've been here for around 7 or so months, not that it really matters. Just odd how much time I've sunk into this.

Just not a fan of the community and I think I've run my course as a member of it.

How I act in the community and in PMs is nowhere near my genuine self and I've been putting on a front for over half year, it's been exhausting and has been getting in the way of other personal matters.

I'm aware of the recent surge of users leaving or just minimizing participation and I've said on multiple occasions that I'll stay until the community dies. Problem is, It's not going to. So I'd just be lounging around until something medically urgent happens to me or I'll become unwanted, both of which I'm not too fond of as a result. Sorry to those I may have lead into believing that I'll be here for as long as I possibly can. I just can't see it happening at this point, and I won't put my own state of being and relationship with actual friends on the line just for the sake of an online community. It's just not worth it.

So with that, I'm off.
File: 初音ミク – 708.jpg (462 KB, 1994x2040) Image search: [Google]
初音ミク – 708.jpg
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Doesn't that apply to every thread in /b/?
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Good to see you're here.
>tfw I want to try that sandwich

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Shhh. Is not a bad excuse. Whatever, I got some Dead Rising to play anyways.
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Or so you think! I was the cat all along!

I want my 5k edition
ok dr hand ^_^
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Oh sorry that I got a job at a bar and got money to live my life like I want. Plus I got the 500Gb folder full of anime and films to watch in my spare time. How is having a gf that actually costs to keep is more enjoyable? Reposting so you can see how good my life is.
What, you're leaveing? sorry about that.
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still here
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don't come back 100IQ
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Oh shit. Bye.
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Hamakaze (370).jpg
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Yuuki (1).jpg
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I can barely gain weight if it makes you feel better
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is hard to write correctly when you're faded




The thread in general is just out of its old shape.

People are getting baited so easly nowdays. Replying to shitposters, etc
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You Know Gasai (81).png
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High metabolism is bullshit, someone trade places with me so I can get fat
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Yuuki (69).gif
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Yuuki (40).jpg
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>wanting to be fat
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crying konata.jpg
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I'm a teacher not a doctor
It's time to depart
I'll be back in like 20 minutes

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Let me give you my higher metabolism.
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Fox platinum.jpg
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>Best fox claimu
Hay facebook. Do you know what dox is? I hope your girlfriend is trusting.
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I'm confused.
Who's side are you on?
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LeLouche vi Britannia.jpg
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Some would argue that replying to you is replying to shitposters. I still like you though
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wait, I thought you guys were the same person? what?
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Take me.
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Tatsumaki (456).jpg
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This is what I come back to?
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A name of files.jpg
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Why did you think I was Chen?
This picture is what I came to.
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face 5.jpg
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who the hell are you?

you both claim the same animal thing
No one asked for you to come back
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Nice to meet you. I am the new C.C.
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初音ミク – 972.jpg
461 KB, 698x900
Good to see you're still alive.
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Well, this thread is as dull as ever.
Stay foolish. Stay inane. Stay boring.
Stay hungry.

Maybe something will change in the future, or probably not
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LeLouch vi Britannia.jpg
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Realised there's a error in the filename. Fixed now
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I'm not giving Greece another (You).
pls marry me
i want to share dick pics on tekegram with you
File: QuickMemo+_2016-10-01-15-49-21.png (99 KB, 296x203) Image search: [Google]
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Hey me
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You Know Gasai (25).gif
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Nigga theres fatasses with girls, they're cuddly teddy bears to them, I'm like a goddamn corpse

No thank you, I'm already mr skeltal in the flesh as is


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Fuck off back to your telegram.
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I already drank 5 cups of your semen. There is no escape.

Eat something fat. MCDs always helps me.
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You're the Greece pedo teacher, aren't you?
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face 1.jpg
87 KB, 659x515

good song
not me
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Her name is Tornado tho
File: You Know Gasai (12).jpg (91 KB, 1100x475) Image search: [Google]
You Know Gasai (12).jpg
91 KB, 1100x475
Is Homu bored?

Nigga I eat mcdonald's evey other day
Good goy
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Well... You're screwed.
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Very bored
I don't see how

Shhh, don't tell him that, Tomato
Obsolete as always.
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You guys are an orgy of faggots
File: Tatsumaki (263).jpg (368 KB, 909x1500) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (263).jpg
368 KB, 909x1500
Just joined actually

I did anyway

It's good to be alive

Who gave you that information?

I'll give you one anyway

What happened to the old one?
Let me just cum in that cup ooouuuaaahhh
Pedo teacher?
Are you the op from ask a pedo?
File: You Know Gasai (8).png (665 KB, 643x643) Image search: [Google]
You Know Gasai (8).png
665 KB, 643x643
This was your plan all along..

Kill me pls

Try wanking or somethin
File: C.C.Smug.jpg (550 KB, 1000x790) Image search: [Google]
550 KB, 1000x790
I bet he died or something. Not saying I assassinated him so I can take his place or anything.

File: QuickMemo+_2016-10-09-05-05-58.png (34 KB, 480x782) Image search: [Google]
34 KB, 480x782
Go away
You're irrelevant
Old one kicked the.bucket
This newfag CC really puts a flame to my eye
File: image.jpg (70 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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Hello again. Who is your Waifu anyways?


Still haven't answered my question regarding if you play Brave frontier. That art of her is from that game
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Good Goy.jpg
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You Know Gasai (14).gif
1 MB, 320x180
12735 bluffview drive, I'll be waiting
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Yuuki (2).jpg
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That's respectable. I don't wanna be one of those "fatties gonna fat type people"
That is my favorite time killer.
>Just joined
So.. you're a newfag?
File: idk....jpg (22 KB, 414x318) Image search: [Google]
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He disappeared into the cesspit which is the Discord group. The Esdeath Hugbox one
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C.C. Lewd Legs.jpg
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I am Russian so my English is not perfect. What did you mean by that? You hate me or I am pleasing to watch?

Honestly people stop giving me your addresses when I ask for them. I am to lazy to do anything so the only thing that might happen is some anon sending you tons of pizza.
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Tatsumaki (285).jpg
126 KB, 600x600
Look at the bright side, at least I once was relevant, unlike some others

Good, nothing like another chapter closing and a new one opening.

Totally, never even seen this place before

I think you're confused
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>tfw gotten more haircuts this month alone than I have in the past 9 years

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You did, just now.
Or like a few months ago, who knows. Time isn't real.

I did not have sexual relations with that girl.

File: QuickMemo+_2016-10-09-13-41-35.png (179 KB, 479x261) Image search: [Google]
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>being this autistic
You are a newfag too
That was the other Tats
>not getting a metaphor
Wow what an idiot.
Shh, sensei! They don't know that. Care to share some /mu/sic?
File: 初音ミク – 555.jpg (1 MB, 2143x1523) Image search: [Google]
初音ミク – 555.jpg
1 MB, 2143x1523
I like that you like being alive. What brought you back? Missed the hugbox?
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You Know Gasai (71).png
552 KB, 827x1134
Not MURIKAN fatties, I'm talking about based fat bois that know how to party and dont give a flying shit

Wank away buddy

Good im hungry, send me free pizzas

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Yura from Blade and Soul
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Nice house tho.

I am just learning English. Give me a fucking break.
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Night, /waifu/.

Best place in the world xoxo
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Good night nerd
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Night bb.
Sweet dreams cute boi.
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Yuuki (48).jpg
194 KB, 1920x1080
You want that dad bod.
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495 KB, 600x800
Why though?
Did the first two fuck up so hard that you just had to shave it all off?
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Well time to shoot your booty the next time I head to Houston.
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You Know Gasai (104).jpg
2 MB, 1161x1422
Come visit me, I'm bored here


You have a dirty mind

My dad isn't fat tho
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Naaah. I used to have extremely long hair, like 4 feet long.

So I got it cut initially, but I felt it was too long because it was still in my eyes.

So I got it shortened. But it looks like a bowl cut so I went someone else and got it cut again. And I finally like it.
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You Know Gasai (11).jpg
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I'm in Dallas ya fucking donut
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524 KB, 638x471
It's almost time right?
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519 KB, 800x1159
I don't want to fly out of Egypt m8. Sorry. Maybe next time.
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Yuuki (57).jpg
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It's called a dad bod though, what you want. Google it.
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You Know Gasai (83).png
196 KB, 600x600
Everyday passes we're nearing the vault's opening~

You disappoint me

Ohh... SHH
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Tatsumaki (454).png
873 KB, 1378x1378

Honestly no idea. Also, just to clarify you're the person I think you are.

Homu, right?

I know. Have you been alright?
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Did you look like one of them Metal kids that believe cutting hair would hurt?

Pretty decent, I'd say.
What brought you back into this shithole?
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Yuuki (148).gif
716 KB, 245x300
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You Know Gasai (57).gif
1016 KB, 500x280
U wanna fite nigga???
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Yuuki (72).jpg
96 KB, 564x797
*sigh* Okay, let's do this!
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250 KB, 800x1135
Even better, it's a short drive.
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>Posts in a waifu thread
Pick one, newfriend.
I don't see a difference, honestly. This thread is just a big hugbox for attention.
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Oh shit! *grabs pizza*
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I'm very gladly mistaken as to which Tatsu it is
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Tatsumaki (412).jpg
1 MB, 1000x1412

I'm attracted to shitposting

Choke on a dick, Tats.
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Nope. I just was tired of having short hair so I grew mine out. Are you retarded?
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You Know Gasai (10).jpg
165 KB, 1024x800
You got a death wish

Good, I'll be waiting
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326 KB, 320x240
We doing autistic fits with fictional characters wielding fictional weapons now?
Count me in! I'll shank you, hombre!
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Yuuki (151).gif
2 MB, 500x280
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Tatsumaki (429).jpg
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Are you being rude again chen? You know people get hurt by what you say right?
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Not like you're supposed to be able to tell the difference on an ANONYMOUS image board.
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初音ミク – 532.jpg
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I'm going to believe you're not cold-hearted enough to just disappear entirely.
That is correct.

That happens to be exactly my favourite track from the album.
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Yuuki (51).jpg
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Tatsumaki (423).jpg
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You should also listen to milkgazer, if you haven't already
File: Can.I.has.information.please.jpg (209 KB, 981x1439) Image search: [Google]
209 KB, 981x1439
Can someone please explain to me what in the world is going on in the thread today?
File: shiro_0098n.png (272 KB, 500x609) Image search: [Google]
272 KB, 500x609
You've come at the right time then, she shitposting is intensifying like never before!

Just socially.
File: image.png (618 KB, 700x1001) Image search: [Google]
618 KB, 700x1001
Nah. We can settle this next a-fest
File: You Know Gasai (44).gif (999 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
You Know Gasai (44).gif
999 KB, 500x281
How you been my nig?


You scared cunt! Face me like a man!

cool album

Here is my song sharing.
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Yuuki (152).gif
2 MB, 500x281
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初音ミク – 800.jpg
567 KB, 1920x1080
First track is best, then submarine.

I did. A lot of times. I really didn't expect to like it so much but I've been listening to at least 1 Miku album a day since the day that I first considered "swapping". That was like 1 month ago.
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I could've at A-Fest, but didn't find you. Either way, I wouldn't go all out.
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Great job admitting it.
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Smug MAGA.jpg
192 KB, 1500x1500
What's up niggers
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Just went to take a shit and a roach attacked me while I was shitting. That is the worst. The motherfucker climbed my leg!! I am never taking a shit anymore.
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620 KB, 700x700
I can't decide whether it looks more like a tiny mouth or a lonely nostril.

Arg, you've defeated me! I was prepared for average autism, but not for this.

I hear it's the first step towards recovery, so I do it every day. So far I got about a thousand steps, which means I should reach my goal soon.
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Are you afraid or roaches or something?
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What a girl.

Not if it is the same step 1000 times.
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You Know Gasai (301).jpg
225 KB, 1137x1047

It didn't help there were several kiritos... Next year think I'll go as Roswaal

Wuz gud nigga?

Your autism levels are weak, you stand no chance
File: Yuuki (153).gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
Yuuki (153).gif
2 MB, 500x281
That's pretty damn excellent

Yeah, I guess you would

My senses were tingling
When I was an alieeeeen
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42 KB, 339x500
Fuck off. They are fucking disgusting. And I am a shemale.
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Tatsumaki (420).jpg
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I haven't done this in a while
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>not having a blunt up her ass or something.
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Tatsumaki (404).jpg
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Aaaaand now I'm off for another month or two again

I'm an excellent person, so don't be surprised.
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You Know Gasai (816).jpg
191 KB, 1920x1080
Bring it on!
Good riddance.
File: image.png (1 MB, 1860x1311) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1860x1311
That'll be all sorts of fun
>will still be a tan Goku
>this time with blue hair
File: awd.jpg (19 KB, 307x361) Image search: [Google]
19 KB, 307x361
Bye. Sorry for confusing you with the bad Tatsu
File: 初音ミク – 5.jpg (1 MB, 1000x1247) Image search: [Google]
初音ミク – 5.jpg
1 MB, 1000x1247
What a faggot move, post 1 or 2 more songs before you leave.
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Gas the house. Gas the city. Gas everything.

Same directions, same steps, means a whole lot of distance. Basic maths, fool.

Pics or it did not happen.

That's what I thought. Way more sexy as well.

Have fun buddy, see you next week.

I can go to study overboards aswell. Maybe we will meet and never know that we did. Well, noneoftheless, cya
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Yuuki (60).jpg
965 KB, 1848x2464
>thinking a dagger can hold up against Mother's Rosario
File: C.C.24.jpg (168 KB, 636x636) Image search: [Google]
168 KB, 636x636
Already ahead of you.

Just fuckin' with ya. And I don't want to ruin your day with a horrible dickpic.
File: You Know Gasai (393).jpg (79 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
You Know Gasai (393).jpg
79 KB, 1920x1080
I'll be sure to have a Ram and Rem with me.. granted people will come to us for photos as a pair

Foolish yuuki, what you didn't know that this.. IS A PARRYING DAGGER
File: ak-me216.jpg (63 KB, 707x1000) Image search: [Google]
63 KB, 707x1000
managing to keep it together. What about you?
Hitler chan.
File: Mmhmm.jpg (266 KB, 600x800) Image search: [Google]
266 KB, 600x800
Wait, so you aren't a shemale?
File: Yuuki (145).jpg (156 KB, 600x750) Image search: [Google]
Yuuki (145).jpg
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>a-a parrying dagger?!
File: C.C.51.jpg (54 KB, 455x500) Image search: [Google]
54 KB, 455x500
No, sorry to ruin your fantasies.
File: image.jpg (297 KB, 1076x1522) Image search: [Google]
297 KB, 1076x1522
You have friends who can cosplay them well? I'm jealous now.
File: That.wasn't.a.good.idea.jpg (83 KB, 590x1000) Image search: [Google]
83 KB, 590x1000
I... uh... don't see how you got that confused with a mouth.
File: shiro_0208.jpg (90 KB, 400x486) Image search: [Google]
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There's no such thing. It's just a fetish fantasy like mermaids or elves.

It's a bayonet.

Then light the gas on fire. Let it burn!
Because there is only one. But I guess it makes sense, as she also has one of her eyes covered up.

File: C.C.99.jpg (51 KB, 331x500) Image search: [Google]
51 KB, 331x500
I am currently sitting on a bunch of rocks on a mountain and watching the city burn. Waiting till the WiFi towers go down.
File: Gasp.jpg (24 KB, 400x378) Image search: [Google]
24 KB, 400x378
>My sisters dog got out and came over to my house
Fucking dogs.
>TFW have literal roach PTSD
Nothing much m8
File: You Know Gasai (256).jpg (127 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
You Know Gasai (256).jpg
127 KB, 1920x1080
I'm ight, looking for extra work for the holidays


I don't tho I bet some Rem/Ram cosplays would wanna group up for awesome pictures

If you can git gid, it can be used as a parrying dagger

-with love C.C.
why are you fucking dogs
Fun times with faggots that don't understand not to post their faces.
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Thread images: 151

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