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Em I the only one who never got this? I would of killed to fuck

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 215
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Em I the only one who never got this?

I would of killed to fuck my 10th grade math teacher.
>I felt attracted to my female math teacher, so all boys must enjoy having sex with teachers.
You're assuming it's an equal relationship and not an abuse of power on the behalf of the female teacher.
I'm sure the guys who didn't feel violated by their teacher are not the ones making the complaints.
It's the ones who felt violated that are making the complaints and you're basically telling to be happy because they had sex.
Try telling a woman who feels raped that and see what happens.
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Nope, first anons right and you're on the wrong website
Fucking scum bag peice of shit what the fuck is wrong with you
Pedophilia is always wrong. Stick that double-standard down your throat, faggot.
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Yeah, I value the right of sexual integrity for boys.
I must be a horrible person.
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Ive had about 4 attractive teachers and the hottest was 7/10
Im bummed i only have 2 more years of college to sleep with a teacher
Same tumblr fag
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>that pictures logic

You don't hear about the ones that don't talk about. All of my rage.
If I were a tumblr fag, I'd be demonizing men and idolizing women as perpetual victims who need my protection.
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Sound like a social justice warrior faggot, and that makes pussies dry.
Get out of my house you sjw
Actually, it's not. As much as it hurts your fee fees for us to demolish your comfy safe space by disagreeing with you: we do.
Or you'd be posting sjw shit thinking people were all born after the year 2000
Reverse the sexes and you'd go full-on raging white knight.
I wish teachers were this gutsy when I was in school. Student/teacher relationships were nonexistent. And I know sure as fuck I wouldn't say anything if I was banging my teacher.
How the heck am I a sjw? If anything, my views reflect mra opinions, the antithesis to sjw faggotry.
I was born in 1987, are you saying I don't believe people were born before 2000?
Other men are men's worst enemies. Enjoy the decline!

"Right" and "wrong" are made-up concepts that exist on a personal basis and change constantly depending on time or place.

I fucked my home economics teacher in highschool and never said anything.
The fuck went wrong?
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>would of
Yeah I know, people seem stuck in the instinctual "protect the women, men are expendable" state.
No, sex with children has always and will always be wrong. Anyone justifying it deserves to be tortured and held captive.
>No, sex with children has always and will always be wrong.
According to our modern perspective, as anon said.

Anyone telling people they need to be tortured and held captive needs to be tortured and held captive.

Organisms survive and adapt because they can change themselves. Enjoy being stuck in the fucking stone age with your hilariously terrible opinions.

While you're at it, pick me some berries?
Say what you want I enjoyed fucking my teacher and wasn't forced.

>No, sex with children has always and will always be wrong.

Is that why you're so angsty? Because you never get laid?
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[baiting intensifies]
>would of
wow you are a massive fucking faggot.
Human nature I think. Our success as a species basically hinged on being able to produce more men to do the dangerous stuff. How do you get more men? You get women pregnant.
So you need to protect the women to maintain a growing population.
Now the historical methods that were used to protect women are used as evidence of their subjugation.
Completely disregarding the fact that everything men did through history was to improve the conditions for women and hopefully attract one to mate with you.
What was his name?
Saw this post on the index page, had to reply to commend you for it
No I meant with you, talking like that and you're an 87 vintage
Historically Women were always more critical to species survival, 1 man could impregnate many women, many men could share a single pregnancy with a single woman and that's assuming she survives childbirth.
I would have HAPPILY been molested by my third grade teacher, my fifth grade English teacher, my seventh grade English teacher, and about half the teachers and female coaches at my high school.

So this is all bullshit and you know it.
My 10th grade geometry teacher was an enormous land whale who kept a fridge for herself under her desk.

Very grateful she never came onto me
The teacher is using her position of power. Fuck her. I hope all female teachers who take advantage of their male students get locked up just as long as the male teachers who do the same do.
Fuck these double standards.
You have to be 18 years old to use this website.
How do you get dubdubtrips and still manage to be wrong anon, it's impressive I tell you.
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testing my sex webcam please:
If even someone who supports torture and captivity can easily see pedophilia is evil: what does say about you sick, pedophile cunts?
I'm sure some of them ARE keeping their mouths shut about it, you just don't hear about them. It's also been a thing, for some time. I graduated in the 1980's and the girl that was my school's Miss "school name" fucked the young history teacher. It was a strong rumor at the time, but later confirmed at the 15 year reunion, by her, that it did happen.
Also, whether you are a young male or female t should be natural to seek instruction from someone you trust, an older individual who you are comfortable with. Aside from any power issues that might be at conflict.
Because your personal feelings speaks for all males in existence.
Good for you if you feel like that.
I was lured in by feminist thought, spent a while there being stigmatized by them, decided that I wasn't a monster for owning a penis.
Thanks, it's nice to know not everyone has drunk the koolaid.
How am I wrong? A person in a position of power is taking advantage of young males for her own benefit. Man when I was 17 and had sex with my gf for the first time I was pretty rattled. I think if I was like 12 and fucked my teacher that would definitely have negative effects on me, especially in regards to trusting women.
>would of

Teenagers like the brag, and other teenagers tend to get jealous and petty. Thats how this sort of stuff always ends up getting exposed.

Never happened to me, but a male teacher at my high school started seeing one of his 15 year old students. He lost his job but they ended up getting married and having kids.
most of these kids want the sex to keep happening, they just tell all their friends like a dumb retard
>A person in a position of power is taking advantage of young males for her own benefit
According to you
>Man when I was 17 and had sex with my gf for the first time I was pretty rattled
Test my dick in your ass, you fucking faggot.
it probably was happening but she didn't find you attractive enough to initiate it with you
this shit gets out because the little fuckers BRAG about it

try reading
cheap, bait, mate.
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Should have fucked your 2nd grade English teacher so you might have a better grasp on your own language
Why do you assume it's bait?
> 2nd grade English teacher
maybe he is not from UK or USA, faggot.
how about that.
This was even more common back in the day, you just didn't a piece of it.
because you are answering on my post.

Military grade bait
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Also you're basically backing up my words. 1 man can impregnate many women, so as long as we have at least one man to start up a new generation, the rest of them are expendable. We can use the surplus men to fight wars, hunt dangerous animals and do the heavy lifting(with the risk of breaking down) when building stuff.
Boys don't have sexual integrity you fucktoid. I do but that's because my not body has enough estrogen to give me huge boobs and a tiny penis. So there YOU FUCKING HAVE IT THE ONLY GUYS WITH SEXUAL INTEGRITY ARE THE INFERIOR WOMANLY MEN HAHAHA FAGGOT SHitFACE DICKSTICK NIGGERCOCKTITGOBLIN
itt: hurr durr only men can rape
So having an opinion that opposes yours must be bait, because you have the scoop on how all men think?
>Try telling a woman who feels raped that and see what happens.
I did once, she started crying. Worth it!
Except these teachers are only caught because the "victims" are BRAGGING about it.
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>The teacher is using her position of power.
Do you actually understand what that means, or are you just saying it because you've heard other people use it in this context to justify their neurotic hatred with these kind of relationships?

Because what you're suggesting is that the kid would not have had sex with her, but for the fact that she was able to use her position as his teacher to twist his arm into doing it (under threat of lowering his grade or giving him detention?)

Which is, I think we'll all agree, moronic.

Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty big breech of professionalism and teacher who do this should definitely be fired. But let's stop pretending that it's rape, shall we?
I feel you, but I think those dumbfuck can't keep their mouth shut because they are fucking damn proud of it as they should and wanna share with their friends.
Then the little jealous fucktard told everything to some fucking stupid adult who can't appreciate the power of the kid seducing the hot teacher, and jealous too told the authorities!
Hahahahahahaha oh wow hahahahahahahahh my fucking sides hahahahahahahahah my first time at age 23 was with a Black female to male transgender with vag and no tits and I WASN'T EVEN SETTLED YOUR PATHETIC
> I'm a dildo
> I'm a dildo
> I'm a dildo
Yeah, the boys brag. Because boys can't be raped and their friends make that abundantly clear to them.
"What you had sex and feel bad about it? you must be a fag, tell me how much you enjoyed it."
If my bitch for in trouble for fucking me just because she's my teacher I'd threaten to rape and kill the judges family you sick sadistic NIGGERTIT BITCHCUM FUCKNUTS SHITDICKCOCK DIGGLER MCHITLERASS
>"What you had sex and feel bad about it? you must be a fag, tell me how much you enjoyed it."
Pretty much the truth even if you were sarcastic.
A dude above 11/12 who bang a hot girl and doesn't feel good about it is a fag. Not debatable.
slutty teachers
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Are you retarded?
>would of

Shame your English teacher didn't fuck some grammar into you.
>Because boys can't be raped
It's really hard to do my man. Realize that women and men have different sex drives and that feminists are right, men are indeed pigs.
Ask these boys if they feel violated. 99% of the time no.
Ask girls in this situation how they feel. 99% of the time they do feel violated.
What's happening here is that some anon is trying to apply logic to /b/.

Rape is mean. Being mean is wrong.

Mean people are the reason you're on /b/ and not on top of a sexy person.

/b/ KNOWS this but is instead trying to BE the mean person. This is a simple case of "don't fight the monster, be the monster"

The kids who fucked hot teachers "and got caught" are now doucheknights forever. They're gonna grow up to be the president of Exxon Mobile and Verizon and continue to say "fuck the customers, I'm *DOING THEM A FAVOR*" just like the teacher was doing him a favor.

Not all abuse leaves that person unhappy, but it leaves some people unhappy. Ask child murderers who got peepee touch from their uncle. Often times they are sorry, but don't know what to do about it.

As for those lowbrained cumdumpster cesspool bastards who still don't understand what the fuck I'm talking about, put it this way: do you know any well adjusted people who clearly needed more beatings as a child? Do you know anybody in a position of power (your manager) who clearly didn't get beat enough?

They're the same person.

Source: Me, Occupational Therapist.
engrish much?

Maybe they did and they did... I mean if I fucked a teacher and never told anyone about it, nobody would know...
what high school kid could keep his mouth shut about sexing someone?
You, I, and most guys we knew in highschool would never have ratted out a hot teacher who wanted to fuck us.

So just think - if we keep hearing about these poor boys who got molested by their hot teachers in high school, there must be a ton of teacher-student fucking that never gets reported.

Lucky bastards.
Would've fucked my English-teacher.
What a MILF.
>hurr durr rape is funny and these boys are lucky am I part of the kool kids club yet?

dollars to donuts these kids end up fucked up, as people tend to when they get sexually abused as children
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I didn't realize that it was already Cuck-tober
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You shut your fucking mouth you fucking faggot. Maybe this shit would have been funny years ago but that time has long passed. Get off my /b/ you horrendous faggot and commit suicide. You offer nothing to this site and this world so why don't you just end it? You probably typed that out with your Cheetos covered fingers, stroking your neck beard while you consider what to write next, all while you grin as if what you're doing is clever. This thread is going to die along with your shit post so that little feeling of happiness you get pressing that post button is going to fade you faggot. You'll realize you're back in your depressing rut of a life that is waking up, jerking off, eating, getting on /b/, being retarded, jerking off, eating, getting on /b/, jerking off, eating, sleeping, and repeat. Your parents probably raised you hoping you'd turn out to something important and helpful to society but here you are, a filthy neckbeard, with nothing better to contribute to society but typing out stupid shit on an anonymous image board. Seriously just end it, you make me as well as everyone else around you sick.
Might be bait, but there are many bitchbois nowadays so maybe that's why they tell their parents.
I disagree. Having a boner is not a sign of consent, just like getting wet isn't a sign of consent.
Sexual stimuli works, no matter how the person feels about it.
Also you are making broad statements about boys and girls that I would like to see citations on before I believe it.
Try replacing boys with blacks or jews in your sentence, if it sounds like racist stereotyping to you, that's because it is racist stereotyping. Now replace racist with sexist and get my point.
gaddamn right.
Why even bother coming here?
would you have killed to get raped by a teacher that wasnt the target of your fancy, i wonder
So was the love your mother had fo
>rape isn't funny blablabla
Kek! We get it, doesn't change the fact we still find it funny and you can't do shit about it.
>Other men are men's worst enemies

I would think manipulative cunts would be men's worst enemy. You know the ones. The women who surround themselves with men who throw themselves at her, or men she's financially trapped somehow.
>oh can you lift this
>I can't figure this word problem out. Could you do it
>can you drive me here
> would you buy me that
>what do you mean no? What are you, gay?
>That man over there said something mean after I questioned his sexuality. Are you going to let him talk to me like that?
>While you beat him up I'm going shopping with the girls.
>Btw you 2 owe me child support. I need new shoes for the club tomorrow.

How is it men are always at fault for beating on each other, but women like this are never held to any accountable standard?

Double standards, indeed. If a man acted like this, he'd be socially ostracized in a heartbeat.
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omg kek, not the same anon but what the fuck. Why are you trying to spin this into pushing your SJW agenda? God you fucks seriously need to go die or just watch other men fuck your girlfriends so you know how to do it next time. Fucking cucks.
The difference faggot is that the difference between niggers and whites is melanin, while between boys and girls is androgens and estrogens.
Literally nowhere did I say that they have a boner, so therefore it's not rape. Literally nowhere.
If you are actually thinking that sexual dimorphism, which is literal fact, is anything like phrenology, then kill yourself. You Wilsonian progressives need to die.

Some of your points.
>Our success as a species basically hinged on being able to produce more men to do the dangerous stuff.
This bit, no - a lot of the dangerous stuff men did was completely unnecessary for species survival and simply for men and womens ego/pride.

My point was though, it's a mans job historically to spread his seed, it was a womans job to choose a man who would provide good children/stable families. Having an older woman choose a younger man isn't a negative thing for the guy at all, any normal guy will be and should be filled with a sense of self worth and he will come to no harm from the experience.
Back to tumblr you fat cunt
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>as pussis tend to when they get free sex as children

fixed that for you faggot
>This 100%, my room mates gf basically get to do what ever she wants just because she's fucking my room mate. She's lazy and messy, and spends most of her day on FB or twitter. She also shit talks everyone and just because she has big tits she can get way with it. It's fucking annoying.
>would of

stopped reading there.

When I was 10, I had a red-haired teacher. Even though I wasn't pubescent yet, I fantasised about raping her inside a cozy trash container, lined with cushions and pad-locked from the outside.

When I was a kid, rape seemed the only way to have sex.

I stopped at

Sound the alarm!!
The Cucks are comming!
The Cucks are comming!
I bet you're just a COTA pretending
Never give up, OP. 25 years later, I just fucked my 6th grade teacher lol

Share the story.
You need to tell us more man.
I probably do have retarded since i am sexual integrity

Some of us don't appreciate being raped and our dicks treated as unthinking commodities.

You also only think you'd have liked it. You actually have no idea. You may have felt seriously betrayed or taken advantage of. You are pathetically living vicariously through little boys whose experience you can't begin to describe.


Sorry, lmfao. That's two sources, not one. Me AND an OT. So I'm less than that, accidentally pretending. My bad. The therapist is my gf.
Recently bumped into her at a Mexi restaurant. Struck up a convo, shared a few margaritas and left with her number and facebook friends. Gave her a call a couple weeks later and was invited camping. Spent the weekend together and crossed a fantasy off the bucket list. She's getting old, gained some weight, but still a solid 7. No regrets.

This guy is right.

I'm sorry you got molested, anon.


I want to know:

>exact sequence of how you got physical

Thanks. Apply yourself.

I hope you get raped, hard and unendingly.
>Some of us don't appreciate being raped and our dicks treated as unthinking commodities.
Yeah, faggets.

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>who feels raped
>feels raped


I personally only had a pretty bad experience. Lots of people have way worse experiences. But the consequences of non consensual intimate contact have long term effects on personal identity and self esteem. It colors your expectations of intimacy and makes healthy intimacy very hard.

Even though its spiteful and wrong, I can't say I'm totally opposed to seeing rape appologizing, old, fucks, who want to degrade boys for saying "no," getting a taste of that. You don't have empathy? Then I don't either. Think before you speak.

Do you even know where you are? This is the gayest place on the internet.
>It colors your expectations of intimacy and makes healthy intimacy very hard.

believe me or not but I would really like to hear you speak more about this. It's important to me.

If you have time to write about it, I'll read it all with interest.
>Some of us don't appreciate being raped and our dicks treated as unthinking commodities.
Agreed, but that largely depends on if that is what happened or not. If someone in power coerces you into having sex - in the case of a teacher, threatening to fuck with your grades of give you some sort of school punishment, that's clearly rape. If you don't want it but some teacher just thinks she's entitled to your dick and forces or manipulates you, that's bullshit and it is rape.

If you're a post-pubescent 15 year old, know what sex is, want to try sex with your teacher, and she wants to have sex with you, that is consent. That teacher should still be fired and probably face legal issues because of it, but it is clearly not rape. Even if you decided afterward that you regret it, you still weren't raped in that situation.

Absolute bullshit that some teenage guys got their dick wet, most of them almost assuredly loved it and intentionally welcomed it, but any of them can later go "look at the mean rapist! I haven't hit the magical age where the law says I can have agency and intentions, so clearly I played no part in this."
Teacher here.

How many of you women and homos fantasised about a hot teacher?
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nig please no one thinks you're hot
Heres your (you) b8-kun
Oi m8, were all asuming that teachers are hot, ive only had 60 year old annoying cunts, rather stick my dick in a belt grinder than one o those mummies

You're wrong. I regularly catch students staring at my package or what little shows of my chest.
Not a woman, but I knew of girls in my school. who wanted to fuck the shit out of a male teacher.
>Had a teacher named Mr. Reese.
>Had a few female friends who were part of a group they called "Reese's Pieces"
>Apparently this was like 12 girls who even started a private facebook page for their group, who wanted to fuck the shit out of Mr. Reese
>One of my friends even claimed to have approached him and offer sex with him, which he very politely turned down (even though she was 18 at the time and perfectly legal and had godly tits for her age).

So it definitely happens. But, in all fairness, Mr. Reese was like 25 and looked like a Greek god. I imagine the balding, fat, 40-somethings that you'd stereotypically think of as the pedo teachers probably don't have any teenage girls lusting after them.
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The sexuality of boys should concern you sicko
This isn't even bait. Hahahahaha what a faggot
>You don't have empathy?
Dude, you're on 4chan.
about 4? so maybe 3 or 5?

>the idea that everyone on 4chan is a psychopath

You're wrong, kiddo. Most people here are normal, in fact. Just a few vocal edgelords who like to think they're everyone. Been here since 2008.
So, I dont really know whats going on in this thread but I knew if one of my teachers came onto me asking for sex, I would of fucked them back and not tell anyone.

You don't think it's meaningful that a man actually accuses someone of the crime of commiting sexual acts with them?

You think that's an adult capable of reasoning?

You think when he's 27 and his prime is over and his life is on decline and he's gonna say,

"Hey guys, remember when I got the cops to end my sex life?"

P.S. Rape is bad.
I knew someone who not only fucked his teacher, he ended up with her when he turned 18. Walked her dogs all over town. Drove some people nuts, but it didn't matter. What we have here is people who are already sociopaths, and something inspires them to fuck up. And they do, no big surprise.
ITT: beta cucks arguing with faggots
This person was raised by a single mother. The brainwashing is strong.
>be in 7th grade
>older brother is senior
>throws crazy party
>slutty party chick is hammered
>sucks off a bunch of guys
>brothers makes her show me her tits
>passes out in my bedroom pants less
>fast forward to my senior year
>new teacher is hired
>"Hello class, I'm Miss Anon, and I graduated from this school"
>omfg it's party slut
>ask her after class if she knows my brother
>ask of she remembers me
>"I remember you, you fell asleep in my room once."
>her face goes white
>call my brother
>he tells me she is still a huge slut
>enjoy my year making crude but vague remarks
>You don't think it's meaningful that a man actually accuses someone of the crime of commiting sexual acts with them?
I'm not sure what you think I said.
I do think it is meaningful if anyone accuses someone of rape, sexual harassment, or any sexual act where consent is not given - regardless of anyone's gender.

>You think that's an adult capable of reasoning?
What? Do you think you have to be a fully grown adult capable of fully matured reasoning in order to be responsible for any of your decisions? Why don't we arrest parents that let their 16 year old kids drive? Why, when a 17 year old commits a vicious pre-meditated murder, do we imprison them?
The fact of the matter is, even if you're not the smartest you will ever be... if you have reached physical sexual maturity (which almost 100% of people have by age 15), you understand what sex is, you decide you want to have sex with your teacher and are not forced to do so, that is consent by every reasonable stretch of the imagination.

Not every student who had sex with their teacher gave consent, some of them were forced or coerced, and that teacher should spend a long time behind bars for rape. But there are plenty of 15 year olds who willfully had sex with a hot teacher, even at times having an ongoing relationship, with plenty of text messages and other evidence to show consent, even bragging to their friends at times... but later reported the teacher and the teacher is now a "rapist". All because, if you are 17 years, 354 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds old, you can't possibly give informed consent and you're just some automaton child with no agency... but 1 second later you've magically gained a human mind and can make your own choices about your own body. It's silly, and obviously so.
Official 4chan whatsapp group

join us here and share your shit with /b/ros
Huh really, that guy who I look like a lot, to the point that people assume we are related would be surprised to hear that. They even live together and junk. Heck they even got married.
But sure, your opinion about boys being unable to be victims makes me the child of a single mother.
*364 days
>"I remember you, you fell asleep in my room once."
Here's where you went wrong ... if played right you could've been banging her your entire senior year.
You construct sentences like a nigger, kid.

>pretending to be the person I was talking about
You lead a sad life.
It's not called rape dip shit it's called "surprise sex" as in surprise we're having sex now. >>706685355
So I leave a thread for about 15 minutes and suddenly I'm not me?
English isn't my first language, so my sentence structure may be faulty.
what 14 y/o really knows how to keep a secret, honestly?
>English isn't my first language
Then get off my site, subhuman.
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nigga when I was in school id give my left nut to fuck some of the teachers there
You first friendo.
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99% of the time they were only statutorily raped.
>would of

It is the English teacher who failed you, though.
>my site
This would negate the need for me to leave. And you wonder why you're not wanted here. You can't parse simple conversations effectively. Go find an image board that speaks your second world language.
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Well hiro, you have the tools at your disposal to remove me, so go ahead.
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I don't think I had a single one under 35, or above a 4/10 from K-12. They were all fat, middle-aged, and often male in high school..
I would have fucked my 10th grade english teacher in a heartbeat.
> am I the only one who xDDD
Yes, yes you are special, hang yourself
>implying this site belongs to the faggot who owns the servers even though he doesn't speak english, isn't american, and doesn't understand anything about the site culture
Stupidest thing written on the board today. Congrats.
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Oh, look. Trips of truth.

>inb4 faggot non-American tries to argue
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Weapons grade bait
yes you are the only one.

fucking retard
I was banging slutty freshman girls, not some chick my brothers friends used to bang out. Nothing of value was lost. Plus I never handed in homework and she never said a word.
Oh so feeling a sense of ownership to the site is about having used it, understanding the culture of saying what the fuck you want and being an American english speaker.
I do speak english, I have used the site for years and I'm gonna say what the fuck I want. The only thing I'm missing is the American part and 3 out of 4 sounds pretty good to me.
You get the fuck out of my site asshole.
>tfw there was a 8/10 young hot math teacher at my school. Never had her for class, but we always passed each other in the hallways and I legit had a teacher crush on her
>tfw I became a math teacher at that school
>tfw I sit pretty close to her in the department office
>tfw we're now fuck buddies

living the good life
You need to get a script that updates the thread replies more often, newfaggot scum: >>706699364

You lost. You'll always lose because you aren't a citizen of the country that runs the planet you live on.

Further replies won't be read., They're irrelevant. You're irrelevant. Buh bye ;)
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>I was banging slutty freshman girls
Sure you were.
>would of

that's the reason why you never got fucked in school
>all the smart guys get pussy!
That's some fantasy world you live in. Cringe.

Not in my world. Smart guys always get the best pussy: they get the smart pussy. Smart girls are where it's at. That's also why you can't get laid by any of them.
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>mwf i actually fucked my computer classes teacher
>no one knew
>intelligence is a factor in pussy quality
Is that what your single mother told you while she was raising you? :^)
>physical sexual maturity, you understand what sex is, you decide you want to have sex with your teacher and are not forced to do so, that is consent by every reasonable stretch of the imagination.

are you familiar with that webm of that black dude who fucked some quicker picker upper (downy) on the street? Got arrested, some other shit happened, it floats around on /b/.

She was physically mature. She knew what she was doing. She was wayyyyh over 15. Do you think she was capable of consent?


Because adulthood isn't a bodypart. Humanity isn't even a body part.

And even you, who is almost not a quicker picker upper, know that. Because DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS

one more time



You know what the most common DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER IS?



dam this website hard after 5 alcohols.

It's abuse if someone fucks a boy in the ass, not when a boy is old enough to get a hard on and fuck a woman.
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>all that double spacing because you don't know how to build a paragraph
Learning disability detected.

>implying anyone takes a learning disabled person's opinions seriously
>posting reaction images after 2010
Is that what your friends on reddit told you we do here? :^)
Triggered much? Stop projecting faggot. You hated my kind in HS, because you wanted to be me. You'd talk shit with your friends about people who didn't even know your name. You'd get mad because that pretty girl you crushed on but didn't have the balls to talk to was hanging out with a jerk like me. She seemed like such a nice girl, but there she was, licking my balls, while you played with magic cards or some other nerd shit.
I used to molest my HS teacher and she loved it. The kids that rat their teachers out are faggots.
>Is that what your single mother told you while she was raising you?

No, because my mother was always dumb.

It's what I found through experience. Nothing turns me on more than a legit intelligent female.
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why tho.jpg
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

By that logic, dumb people can't consent.
>he's actually trying to have a conversation
Shut up, you retarded fag. Everyone knows you just target unpopular chubby chicks and claim it's because they're so gosh darn smart.

Untrue. Highly intelligent women tend to look good too. Intelligent enough to look into nutrition and working out. Just my experience, again.

I've had better conversation than sex on many occasions. I'd sooner have a great talk with a smart woman than fuck an idiot. I know that sounds gay but I'm no metro sexual. I'll hit a slam piggy any day, but the smarter the better.

Fuck off you filthy SJW
Nah, true.
>Highly intelligent women tend to look good too
Citation needed, fedora.
> I'd sooner have a great talk with a smart woman than fuck an idiot.
That's because you're a betafaggot queer raised by a single mother.
>I know that sounds gay but I'm no metro sexual.
At least you're self aware enough to know that everyone laughs at you for being a queer.
>slam piggy
>That's because you're a betafaggot queer raised by a single mother.

No, it's because sex with women isn't a miracle to me.

>slam piggy
Sex with men on the other hand...


Once you develop an income this will make more sense.
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This gal is not a teacher. Her name is Meagan Simmons and she was arrested for driving under influence.

I'm 34, I work full time.

You made me kek, kiddo.

Double spacing?
>don't know how to build a paragraph.

it is one. spaced differently.

is a paragraph a shape or an idea? If it's a shape, please draw me a paragraph.

if not, I've already served you.
miss sean comprete, nigga.

>learning disabled person's opinions seriously


>please select all the idiots who can't read a street sign
>it took this nigger 25 minutes to punch another nigger tier response into his machine
I had a hot teacher in 3rd grade. I was only barely starting to notice that some women were more attractive than others, and that she was one of them. That was literally my last hot teacher, all through elementary, middle, high school & 6 years of college.

Today though, there are lots of hot teachers. I happen to know a very hot principal. Something has changed. And I was born way too early to enjoy it.

say nigger some more until I feel bad. Or maybe until I'm black. Or... idk what you're thinking.

IF you're thinking

>select all images with a boring front

>he doesn't feel bad about being accurately compared to a nigger in some regard
Your life isn't going anywhere good.
Kek! You clearly missed the best part.
4chan died after the great year of 2007.
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