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The Irish are the greatest people. >Hardest Working >Best

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The Irish are the greatest people.

>Hardest Working
>Best Fighters
>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
>Most Proud
>Always Up For A Laugh
>Best At Holding Their Drink
>Irish Accents
>Good Honest People
>Friend And Family Oriented
>Brilliant At Sporting Events
>Always Up For A Song/Chant

How can anyone compete
>Pro tip: They can't.

> Hardest working

Who works harder then, mo chara
The Scottish are the greatest people.

>Hardest Working
>Best Fighters
>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
>Most Proud
>Always Up For A Laugh
>Best At Holding Their Drink
>Irish Accents
>Good Honest People
>Friend And Family Oriented
>Brilliant At Sporting Events
>Always Up For A Song/Chant

How can anyone compete
>Pro tip: They can't.
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your girls are the ugliest right after brit sluts
probably because the vikings stole all your pretty ones for a millenium

And that's OECD only. The fuck knows how many hours a chinaman works.

To be fair, this is hours worked not how hard those hours are worked, but it's the best metric I've found. Open to change mind upon seeing better, fam.
>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
Don't forget illiterate?
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Also hurling is the shit
It's passed down in our culture to be hard working, once the British owned Ireland it was near impossible to get work so when we did we did a damn good job in hopes of getting another, enslaved for a hundred years only a hundred years ago, we keep these traditions close, we are thankful for what we have a determined to move up.
Dead on, lad
Ah we have some ugly birds I'll be honest but there are some fit slags we all have ugly shits in our countries though, still isn't enough for anyone to top us

Mate, I am Irish and this is a loada shite.

Septic plastic padraig OP detected. You're no Irish, you weren't born and raised nor do you even live here.
Are you irish, or are you "irish"

Because I know of no real Irish man who hasn't a heart of pride
Best fighters? In what world
Fuck off born in Northside Dublin and raised in midlands Louth, gobshite

> It's passed down in our culture to be hard working,

Culture is not really an argument. I mean, Irish are catholic and catholicism is famous for it's wait till death for the goods ethic, while the brits have the protestant work ethic.

I believe neither of those, mind you, want a good metric. For now, hours worked is king and while you're above UK and USA, for example, you still have to catch up to the beaners in that regard.

Just saying, won't argue the rest of your points.

Sligo, born and raised. Irish 'pride' be damned, all it's ever done is put us all at each other's throats.

We're made of the same shite as everybody else (except those brit bollockses) and when you get older maybe you'll see it too.
also terrorists
That filename
terrorist filth
these are all great and valid reasons but there's a flip side, one thing that tips the scale back in the other direction and whilst it doesnt negate all the good it puts a big dent in it.

that's right, the fucking plague of gyppos and travellers that spew forth from the emerald isle like a bad guinness shite.

you've gotta do something about it ireland, theyre dragging your average down big time

>Best Fighters

Isn't Ireland that island that always got invaded?

>Brilliant At Sporting Events

Is there any sport in which Ireland is world or at least european champion?

Monacans are the greatest people, btw.
Prefer Gaelic myself but hurling is the manliest shit around
Didn't you forget somethjng, OP?
>Only 1% of the population are niggers
1 on 1 an Irish man and you'll lose end of

I meant the fans we're pure shite at sports but you'll be damn sure the Irish will be singing the whole way
i was forced to fist fight one of your knackers for the heinous crime of...opening a door for him. fucker tried pretending i owed him 50 pound he'd lent to me when i met him before on a night out. never seen the cunt before in me life let alone borrowed dough off him

sort it the fuck out ireland.
That is true knackers do plague our country but overall the Irish are a great people
Pound? Before the Euro or are you calling NI Ireland
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>>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
No wonder thousands of Irish women and girls starting at the age of 12 were raped by black slaves to produce more valuable mulatto.slaves.
it was in england. i wouldnt make the mistake of confusing the republic with north

You junkies bastard yer.
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i should have mentioned that the Irish were taken as "indentured servants" to america to be treated more brutally then niggers because they were only a tenth of the costs.

> Best At Holding Their Drink

Well if the couple of nights I spent in Dublin are any indication, no. The Irish were falling over themselves drunk, also pissing and vomiting everywhere.
Ah Dubs are useless, go to a country man and watch him down 7 pints of poitín and drive a car home no bother
Northern Irish do all that shit better.
Fuck up, go back to kissin' your queen's ass you don't fuckin count
Fuck right off you orange loving English twats!
Remember 1690 faggots
Remember you're English not Irish faggot.
I was born on the island of Ireland, as were my parents, i'm as much an irishman as any other cunt here.
You're proud to be an orange cunt then?
Thanks Anon, you're not the worst. May tayto crisps rain down on you and your family until Father Ted isn't funny anymore.
Why not?
Yeah the Irish are cool

>Want to kill each other because they're from the other side of the same road.

>Separate their children into different schools based on religion and encourage them to fight

>Still fighting each other for a very lost cause

I guess
Island side? Are you retarded? If you were born in the north and your a Protestant, you're a queen loving English cunt. 36+6=1. Get off our island!
Still better than niggers
Irish people are just English Mexicans
I was at a Reginald D Hunter gig at the weekend, and he said "the irish really are the niggers of europe"
How long'dja live here?
D'ja learn "An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas"?
D'ja learn how to drive a banger in your granda's field?
D'ja ever go out and pick spuds?
Have ya ever been proud to say someone who "made it" was a born and raised Irish lad,
Did your mammy ever say
>Aww he's Irish ya know?
When you were watchin the telly
Travellers are the niggers of Ireland
As a member of a very large Irish family I can confirm OP is a dickriding Amerifat full of more shit than the Chinese sewage system.
Fair dig mate.
English people are all just posh Ameri-tards.
>>Best Fighters
just because they fight a lot, doesn't mean they're good fighters. in fact it means that they're stupid enough to get their ass kicked and keep coming back for seconds.
But at least we're not Mexicans
Pure bred Irish lad you fuckin gobshite and I'm still here, 23 years, right outside the wee village Dunleer, midlands louth
Ah, fuck me. 26*
Fuckin typo
beaners work harder than anybody. i agree
How are you gonna start a thread about how amazing the Irish are at fighting and all that other shit and follow up with how you were conquered and enslaved.. Also get over yourself.
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Irish are niggers though.
>A hundred years ago
I hope the people of whatever country you're from have improved since then
we're talking about throwing hands not military might. and the irish can row
>1 on 1 an Irish man and you'll lose end of

What an impressively solid argument.. You've proven without a doubt that Irish people are superior fighters.

I wonder if it's a bit conflicting to be really great at hurting people but also have a really big heart of gold... Fucking pleb.
> Be me
> 50% Irish
> 50% Scottish
> 100% Ginger
Not winning.
The irish are the pastiest white fuckers you'll ever meet, Homosapiens are niggers
Since when is louth in the midlands ya gowl
Russians are the best fighters. Americunt here
To understand
Your arguments are all incredibly flaccid.
Midlands of Louth gobshite
You're confusing Ireland with Northern Ireland mate.
>Heart of gold

You've all the arrogance of a true Englishman.
Exactly look where that got Mc Gregor.
Got beat, came back again and won.
>greatest people
americans. we take all comers. it's why we're the greatest country in the world.
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Negroids were not black when they separated 170,000 years ago, they only obtained their color after interbreeding with homo erectus.
>Ireland has only one religion, others not welcome
>Oh you were born in (enter location) I automatically don't like you because of that.

You Irish really are a kind lovely bunch.
>Anybody living on British territory is English, and also automatically supports the monarchy

Honestly you're dumber than a bag of dicks and that chip on your shoulder about not being English is just embarrassing. Stop now.
UFC? i'll have to watch that one
>The Irish are the greatest people
>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
pick one
>Hardest Working
Nope, just simply not true. That is why most of ireland is a shithole
>Best Fighters
No, unless you call pathetic hooliganism fighting
>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
And that is a good thing?
>Most Proud
No way, every irishman I have seen says it is a shithole
>Always Up For A Laugh
>Best At Holding Their Drink
Nope, that is the germans (source: living in both countries for years)
>Irish Accents
Most are annoying
>Good Honest People
Nope, hence the general shitholery
>Friend And Family Oriented
Maybe, but to the extent they hate everyone else
>Brilliant At Sporting Events
Look at your medals in the Olympics, pretty terrible
>Always Up For A Song/Chant
No, most are pretty miserable

Clearly you've never been there or you seem to the the 'irish' people in boston are real irish people
I'm not even catholic you spaz
Do you not realise how irrelevant it is to say you're from "the midlands of louth", thats like me saying I'm from the south easterly part of monaghan, ya huar
Where have you been in Ireland? I'm genuinely wondering.
I've lived in Dublin, Louth, Donegal, Wexford, Waterford, Derry and now I'm back in Louth
Well Louth Lads are pretty territorial, Dundalk vs Drogheda, but I'm neither - so we say midlands here when we're away in somewhere like say the Gaeltacht cos it's always assumed
when I'm a C
it's funny, you might hear an englishman disparage an irishman in jest but if we hear another nationality do it we get mad af
I don't actually hate the English, a lot of em are great craic, it's all a good laugh in my book
why do irish say shite?
I dunno it's fun
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>Hardest Working
Nope, that would be Mexicans or Chinese.

>Best Fighters
If you're such great fighters, then why do you always get invaded so easily and turned into slaves despite being a fucking island?

>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
>implying that's a good thing.

>Most Proud
You have to have something to be proud of first.

>Always Up For A Laugh
The Irish are one of the most easily butthurt people ever.

>Best At Holding Their Drink
So that's why they're all drunks?

>Irish Accents
Sound like shit, even worse than Scottish or Jamaican.

>Good Honest People

>Friend And Family Oriented

>Brilliant At Sporting Events
The only thing they're brilliant at in sporting event is acting like hooligans.

>Always Up For A Song/Chant
Yeah, as if they weren't annoying enough already.
I'm a potato famine faggot, yet i Agree, Except for the mexicans being labled hardest working though
>Northside Dublin
There's the problem.
I lold
>are you a fucking inbred, shit for brains culshie?
If you're a southsider I'm headin south to beat your sorry ass
Don't live in Dublin, thank fuck.

Just stirrin shite.
>that chip on your shoulder about not being English
Our entire history is literally filled with rebellions against British rule, you're either baiting or straight up fucking retarded
But youve5veen England's bitch for how long?
Yea but God forbid anyone in the US identify as Irish, you get a hundred cheeky cunts asking "lololol what part of Ireland you from Irishman? Lololol"
>Good Honest People

Holy shit anon, I don't think you know your own fucking country that well
the irish don't know how to take a shower.
sweaty fat fucks
bumping for no particular reason
what's a "traveller"?
>could not beat the English for 500 years until the English had just been annihilated in WWI
>best fighters
yes, irish can't even make a good coffee, hah!
Irish coffee?
Irish gypsies
They don't have an actual house they live in caravans and have their own culture, they're are almost all loud pricks that want to fight everybody, they can barely speak English and carry knives, bastards, I call em knackers where I'm from but that's "Offensive"
absolument shite, fam
i'm gonna bump this shitty thread to 300 myself.
don't say i wont

As a descent of Irishmen I do have to admit we're pretty neat. I don't know about the fighting part though...We're good at brawling, but I don't know about fighting.

Fighting to me is using force in an organized fashion, or maintaining important social or political borders.

Brawling would be more like something said something about sister or your hometown so you egg their house, which then escalates into paramilitary killings a generation or two down the line.
the most beautiful woman in Ireland is actually greek
You wont
Checked. Still remember tooling around on the field for P.E. playing hurley, great craic. Stopped being fun after I got in a scrum and some twat in the year above thought it was alright to use the hurley to split my fucking head open. It all worked out through, he got the shit kicked out of him, expelled,and I got a scar that's got me more play than I'd care to admit.
>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
>Family Oriented

Choose one, and only one, you fucking faggot.
her name?
Fuckin' A. Worst part is, I've only ever had bother with catholics, everyone who was nice or had a scrap of manners to me was protestant. Kind of goes in the face of everything my granda taught me :(.
Georgia Salpa
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Why hasn't an independent Ireland done anything good?
>implying voting for gay marriage isn't part of family values
Gipos, the fuck were you expecting? Manners? Basic civility?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No, no no no.
how was Churchill or A.C Doyle Irish?
>Georgia Salpa
kinda looks like kim k and mila kunis combined. not bad
cant tell by looking at someone mate. when he opened his mouth all became clear

This is some kind of brittish dry humor?
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She's quite a beauty.
Another 4chan find.
and Ireland's greatest statesman was actually a cuban born in nyc ;)
It's not.

Maybe if you specify West Europe then a case could be made. But what with all the Slavic bullshittery and gypsy nonsense in Romania I find that argument... less than compelling.
As finishing touch, god created the Dutch.

Cant beat this.
The people of North East England are the best by far
>Hardest Working
>Best Fighters
>First region to vote for Same Sex Marriage
>Most Proud
>Always Up For A Laugh
>Best At Holding Their Drink
>north east accent
>Good Honest People
>Friend And Family Oriented
>Brilliant At Sporting Events
>Always Up For A Song/Chant
>and we're English
How can anyone compete
>Pro tip: They can't.
>Northside Dublin

Pick one. Dublin is as Irish as Hong Kong is Chinese or as Puerto Rico is American.

>raised in midlands Louth, gobshite
Yeah, so you're not Irish whatsoever, you fucking Britfag.
>Pick one. Dublin is as Irish as Hong Kong is Chinese or as Puerto Rico is American.
So it's completely Irish in every relevant sense?

Nope, the only Irish thing about it is that it's part of Ireland, and just because it is doesn't make it Irish. That's as retarded as calling Mauritania French or India British because they were part of France and Britain.
no it's like calling Paris French or London British
It's literally the fucking capital of the country, what does fucking Irishness even mean if the capital doesn't possess it????
>Louth = Britian
>It's literally the fucking capital of the country
Which is exactly why it's not fucking Irish, you moron. Capital cities are a terrible representation of the country, it's full of tourists and foreigners and are never like the rest of the country. Capitals are more like international cities rather than national ones. Go to Moscow, and then Prokopyevsk and you'll see how vastly different it is.
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found a appropriate time to use wemb
>dat feel

Nah, shitty people.
Trust me. Dublin is the least Irish part of Ireland.
Kerry and Donegal are really Irish parts
You don't know hard work til you've watched Mexicans in a dairy parlor, also the Irish have that weird propensity to fight each other over sects if religions.... it's the middle east of Europe
Is that Burning Man?
The only thing you really have going for you is gingers
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It is.
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What even? Louth is in ROI like?
>it's the middle east of Europe
Europe was the middle east of Europe.
>Best Fighters
What? When? The only fighting the Irish have ever done is brawling and putting bombs in bins.

>Most Proud
i.e. most deluded/arrogant.

>Always Up For A Laugh
Well I'm laughing.

>Best At Holding Their Drink
Why is this a good thing anyway? Just means you have to spend more to get drunk.

>Irish Accents
Are shit.

>Good Honest People
Except this OP.

>Friend And Family Oriented
Unlike the rest of the world?

>Brilliant At Sporting Events
Maybe at watching them.

>Always Up For A Song/Chant
What could be more fucking annoying?
im irish, we suck... xenophobic, corrupt, homogenous to the extreme.
>it was near impossible to get work
>enslaved for a hundred years
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
>implying that voting for same sex marriage is, in any way conceivable, good
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Irish Girls Fly Flag.jpg
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Holy shit, that's hard to look at. Tan lines and chunk-buttocks galore.
Kys you soulless monster
>on 4chan
nuh uh, no free speech here, niggerbastard.
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A few years ago I started an Ireland thread with the flag of Cote d'Ivoire. The Irishfags started piling in and not one noticed that it wasn't even their fucking flag.
Yeah. The level of tolerance of faggotry and talk (Constant) on radio here about how "normal" homosexuals are is nauseating. The "LGBT" crowd have infiltrated the schools. there's no hope for the normal Irish male now. Fucking terrible place to live now.
jeezus fuck, 'feel sorry for you, mang. hope these fag-fuckers take a cyanide pill or two and fuck off to the castes of purgatory with their prolapsed ass.
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>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
You're saying that like that's a good thing.
same celtic roots. who cares.
Oi,where in Sligo do you live?I'm based in Strandhill
get OFFA mah EWE
Knacker detected
Prolapse detected
Proddy cunt
oh shit nigga wtf r u doin? there's louth in lincolnshire england and county louth in the roi.

Scotland's not a country...
what is it?
Its in england.

Not in northern ireland != in ROI
This explains so much
Are you actually retarded? You know Louth is in Leinster right?

This is a totally myth that retards share on Facebook. Irish indentured servants were treated like every other indentured servants. African chattels slaves were treated like farm animals.
nobody believed me
they said it couldn't be done
well look at me now
The guy said midlands louth you retard. Go check
Second best Korea actually hardest working on all of planet.

I honestly don't know which comment is more retarded...
same as there's paris france and paris in texas in the usa. only so many location names to go around i guess

Jealous much?

Your just a butthurt English cunt.
Fucking hell man!?
English history is literally filled with rebellion against English rule. Murdering our leadership is the national fucking pass time of the British Isles.
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What the fuck is this...

It's awful but still going to fap to it...
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Thread images: 19

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