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Waifu claiming thread - what rules edition Previous: get your

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 222
Thread images: 138
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Waifu claiming thread - what rules edition

Previous: get your archive game on

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>The possibility of getting a mental sickness in your life is 49,1% high
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Sonokawa Momoka-sama is now OFFICIALLY claimed! ^^

I can't believe it!!
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Going out :|
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misaki standing tall.jpg
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Claiming Misaki

>Got a 3.33 GPA this semester
>Have a month vacation
>Nothing to do but finish season 1 of Oreimo, play another route in Katawa Shoujo, play vidya, lift, and rarely talk to 'friends'

At least I have you all
>i cant believe its not butter
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Welcome back to the thread

You can't believe what?

>>714566460 (lewd anon)
You never got good ones? You mean girls? Not sure about that myself. I got some crazy ones but most of the time they were okay.

>who doesn't

How come you don't claim one waifu but instead only post lewds?
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Thug lyfe.jpg
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Sameji claim'd
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It ain't worth purchasing if it ain't butter.
I couldn't believe she was available for claiming!
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Considering most people don't even know the anime she's from, I'm not too surprised by it

welcome back Sameji~
claimed nazi waifus
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>>714566291 (Shiro)
Depends on what I am doing, if I work coat room tips are $20-40 on good nights. Else, if I bus or dishwash I may make $10-20 if they actually tip the workers. Plus, if people forget things, and it isn't super expensive we get to keep them. Finding undrank booze under the table is amazing.
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Smoking 3.gif
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>tfw you haven't smoked in a couple days and then get smoke in your eyes and feel stupid
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Fuck off to your /trash/ erp threads, autist.
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I kind of feel sorry for those people now...
Well yeah she's your waifu. Not someone else's. So course she isnt claimed.
Whata up yoyo
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Yes girls, what else? and I had my share of crazy too , and one too good to be true that moved on

now why the question regarding if I was gay?

how come you don't claim Chara?
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Oh Hai Misaki.
A month vacation sounds awesome. I cannot wait until my break. I'll try to play ArmA some so I can eventually play with you sometime.
I'm gonna have to fall in love with a blind girl, so that she would not see the shame that I know.
Because it's his avatar.
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Alice (312).jpg
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Heil Hitler meine Dame

Well, you could just quit it altogether now if you feel stupid heh

Don't be, but I really enjoy it so far

>one good to be true that moved on
Now I'm curios. Do you mind telling me what happened?

Because most people here are guys and well, because I was curios.

Placebo waifu. I don't have anything like most anons who actually got over some part of their lives or got motivated due to their waifu.
That's why I don't claim her.
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I'm outside your window, Arisu.
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Smoking 2.gif
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I don't neeeed to smoke, i can quit any time i want
Lettusu, lettusu, let a su
Cabbaju cabbaju cab ba ju
I'm in a car, that would be quite the feat
A magic spell?
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She captured my heart, I didn't claim her, she claimed me.
She will never be Rei.
People will never know Sonokawa ;~;
To turn you lewd
Love can be anywhere at anytime, Arisu

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Right so it makes sense that shes available until you take her.
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Sachi can go fuck himself
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I know, you told me before.

Most people also don't know Sameji to be fair. And the anime is great.
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misaki being smug.jpg
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Welcome back to you too
Do well on your exams and stuff, also the game's not that hard, once your exams are done we'll get some time in together.
Sacchi or just someone posting for her? Either way hi
Hey kid, I missed you
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TomoyoKanzaki {102}.jpg
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Thanks. You're so nice to everyone

*Hugs back*

*Hugs back*
(X) Doubt
Why would she never be?
Blow me Tomoyo
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glad I have some spare time right now

Long story short , she discovered the wonders of alcohol and parties and just happened to find someone

what if I was a gal? or you? would you still ask that?

Maybe you have something in common with her?
Oh boy, nappa
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TomoyoKanzaki {101}.jpg
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Why are maid outfits so cute?
Boring day or bad day?
Hug me Tomoyo
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Thank you!

I try to. Life is cruel enough as it is.

Ah, geez... that sucks.

The possibility of a gal in /b/ is really low... so I would've asked it cause I wouldn't have known that you were one.

Chara has about 10 lines in the whole game. The only thing I may have in common with her would be smiling when no one else does

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oboro best girl claimed
But vegeta trix are for kids
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TomoyoKanzaki {112}.jpg
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Boring. Also a few days ago i said my waifus name begins with tomo when you were talking to tomoko and i don't think you knew what i meant

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Post a better pic
Why is she all cutted up?
Love me Tomoyo
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ok sure
I probably thought you were tomoko tbh
Other ones face/mouth was weird
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Yeah, kinda. Not a whole lot of good stuff worth saving for her though. Sadly.
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Probably due to the many fights she had
Draw some?
>there's always lewds
As long as it isnt self inflicted
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It did sucked for a few months , I knew it would happen eventually, just the way my luck is.

what if I were gay then?

that is something good , not many do nowadays

perhaps the universe lacks that answer as well
>implying I have any art talent to speak of
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TomoyoKanzaki {118}.jpg
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*loves you*

I have a theory.
Over time the lnes between mens and womens fashion have blurred. Women are wearing more masculine clothes. The maid outfit is very feminine and since that has becoke rare it is attractivem
-loves you harder-
Nice dubs desu
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chibi (9).png
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Very late reply, sorry.
How was your day?
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Hmm... Bad luck always comes to the nice people it seems... Or assholes just punch the bad luck or don't tell it if they have it

Then we could be gay together! No, really, I was mostly curios.

It's also not easy. I like making threads like today. I can be nice and relax other people, including myself

Some fan theories are that some of her injuries are self inflicted if she does have some. Can't make out any injuries in pixels

But thank god I have a thing for scars
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TomoyoKanzaki [123].jpg
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*Loves you more*
-loves you even more-
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Evening Syndra
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Normal people with girlfriends and social lives look at you virgins the same as we would a cockroach. Pathetic man children pretending to be married to a cartoon character that will never love them back. Your entire life is the punchline of someone else's joke. I would tell you to kill yourselves but we all know these threads are the only thing preventing you from that.
Wrong, my waifu prevents it too
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TomoyoKanzaki [127].gif
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It is
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>be me
>22 year old virgin
>in my cold, dark basement
>feverishly stroking my 3 inch dick to some animated preteens
>waddle over to my race car bed and clean up my jizz with my buzz lightyear bedsheets
>plant a kiss on my body pillows face
>land my lips on a spot without my dried up Cum on it
>release a cascade of shit into my size 43 adult diaper
>plop my 300 pound ass back on the computer chair
>brush the roaches away from my mouse and keyboard
>more roaches have gathered on my monitor, feasting on the dried up soda on it from when I busted out laughing at someone on 4chan who said they don't like anime
>pucker my lips and blow wind that them to scare them away
>they scatter from the stench of my Mountain Dew and chicken tendie breath
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I don't know , I've seen many assholes with great luck , many times fucking over other people , glad that is not my luck

are you then?

well you bring smiles to most in here then

what if a man wore it?
-turns on the tv-
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Got that image you wanted so badly
Role playing virgins HAHAHAHAH
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*What's on?*
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I thought you were a faggot?
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Here, little guy.
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Neat. I see the lions club church is still next door. But the trailer in my old lot doesn't have a blue roof, so it's an updated picture. That's not the trailer I used to live in. You spent hours researching me and an old address out of jealousy because I posted a timestamp with my girlfriend to rub it in that you're a lonely virgin claiming a cartoon as your wife. How upset are you?
-your clothes-
-you should take those off-
-changes the channel-
Have you got colour in your cheeks?
Have you the fear that you can't push the tide
Thats sticks around like something in your teeth
Have you got aces up your sleeve?
Do you know how much you're in deep?
I dreamt of you nearly every night last week
How many secrets can you keep?
Cause there's a tune I found that reminds me of you somehow
And I play it on repeat
Every night until I fall asleep
Spilling drinks on my setee

(Do I wanna know?)
If this feeling flows both ways
(Sad to see you go)
I sort of hoped that you could stay
(Baby, we both know)
That the night's mainly made to say the things we can't say come tomorrow day

Crawling back to you
Never thought of calling when you've had a few?
Well always I do...
Maybe I'm too busy yours to fall for someone new
I've thought it through
I'm crawling back to you
Role playing as an anime character HAHAHAHA

Not upset. Just thought I'd give it a try.
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TomoyoKanzaki {105.1}.png
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No that's you

*But it's cold*

He isn't even posting an anime character
Claiming best psychopath Otoya Takechi
stop replying to a thread you dislike HAHAHAHAH
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Hey there, poplar guy.
I'm rather surprised you'd notice that.
You spent so much time trying to research me. You even asked if I was affiliated with some kind of company, you've tried numerous times to find my address. You're so jealous dude lmfao. Even with that information, you couldn't and wouldn't do a single thing. You're just jealous that we are the same age but I've made more out of my life and I tease man children on the Internet when I'm bored some times. Get over it
-Oh, right-
-you should turn the heater on
-tunes into a random movie-
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Replying to a post he doesn't like HAHAHAHA
Defending your cartoon wife hahahah
>visual manifestation of what it's like to role play in a Waifu thread

At least I gave it a try. I may not have succeeded, but even that won't make you better than me.
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One of the most known twitch memer.


One of the edgiest human I've ever seen.
Well that shut me up...
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Have you ever fucked a girl?
>tread =/= post
atta boy
She's cute.
really makes you think
Takes the same amount of effort
That's Scanner, he fucked a girl on TinyChat right in front of us you dumbass
Hey I got a sincere question.
Every time you get on this thread you alway give the tone in writing that you're angry or frustrated.
Why is that?
That pic is a lie. I've seen multiple anon's bodies and they are okay looking. An old Hanako claimer is skinny and has girly hips. I can post a pic of them that they've sent to people before.
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Me? I wouldn't call me popular.
You are the one who used to get lots of replies when the thread wasn't full of newfags, cancer and still enjoyable.
How's it going?
Let's just hope that those assholes do indeed get their shit

Some people swing this way
Some people swing that way
I swing both ways

That's good! That's what I want.

Welcome to waifu
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TomoyoKanzaki [129].gif
1 MB, 500x281
*There isn't one*
*What year is this, 1960?*

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Excuse me, but


A cute.
-gives you a shocked look-
-how do you stay warm?-
>what year is this, 1960?
I wish.
>see shit thread
>see shit thread
>post every day and try to stop it

sure thing pal

No, but at least I'm fine with how my life has gone.
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Claiming best Zeon waifu
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Really? How much money do you have saved up? How fun would you say your life is compared to your peers?
>trips of truth
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Is that woman a Pokemon trainer?
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in hell maybe
it'll be a nice view

what do you like the most give or take?

its happening , maybe you are smiling too?
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I'd say it's in the thousands at least. I plan on saving up for college. As for how fun my life is?
Last summer, I went to door county for vacation. Really great place to be honest.
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>be me
>22 year old virgin
>in my cold, dark basement
>feverishly stroking my 3 inch dick to some animated preteens
>waddle over to my race car bed and clean up my jizz with my buzz lightyear bedsheets
>plant a kiss on my body pillows face
>land my lips on a spot without my dried up Cum on it
>release a cascade of shit into my size 43 adult diaper
>plop my 300 pound ass back on the computer chair
>brush the roaches away from my mouse and keyboard
>more roaches have gathered on my monitor, feasting on the dried up soda on it from when I busted out laughing at someone on 4chan who said they don't like anime
>pucker my lips and blow wind that them to scare them away
>they scatter from the stench of my Mountain Dew and chicken tendie breath
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Yeah, I'm going to visit hell regularly. From the Employee site.

I'll ... wait give or take? not give or receive?
Well, I like to give pleasure by receiving

I am smilling, yes, a bit at least.

It's really quite enjoyable to talk with you anon
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TomoyoKanzaki {113}.jpg
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*I put on a jacket, my electronics keep me warm and i could make a hot drink. It's not that cold here anyway*
You're telling me you don't have a bank account? You're telling me you have no regular expenses so you dont have any clue how much money you have? You're telling me you think a thousand dollars is a lot of money? Dude we are the same age and I have my own place, own truck, I spend a thousand bucks on entertainment a month. So while people our age are drinking and fucking and having fun, you claim a Pokemon character as your wife and reminisce on an event last summer. I feel like instead of teasing you I should help you
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i forgot what i was doing here...
-Ah okay-
-Turns off the tv and slouches into the couch-
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help by getting off this site normie
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TomoyoKanzaki {117}.jpg
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*What you want to do now?*

What anime your waifu from?
Virgins role playing as cartoon charactersbhahahahah
File: Sure you do.png (444 KB, 936x541) Image search: [Google]
Sure you do.png
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>I spend a thousand bucks on entertainment

>a month
-I don't know..-
-sprawls out on the couch-
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First of all, I do have a bank account. Second, I said thousands. Not A thousand, thousands. And that's just in my savings alone. Though I will admit, I don't know the exact number

Third, I went on vacation with my family.
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tomoyokanzaki {101.1}.jpg
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The other person isn't even posting an anime character though

*Moves closer*

I have bills and other things that I spend money on. I know you live in mommys basement and use her credit card for everything but to be able to pay my bills and still but every new game that comes out and pay subscription fees and take my girlfriend to see movies and eat nice dinners is a blessing.
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If they are hiring I'll be glad to help , will take restocking if needed

yes receive , my bad. and that sounds lovely

good thing you are smiling then and I find it enjoyable too
-stretches out a bit more, taking up a lot of the room on the couch-
What is your job? Go on your bank account right now and see how much you have. I see you have an android, so download the app if you don't have it. I know you're lying but still
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Alice (48).jpg
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I'm home
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looks cute who's that?
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Alice (48).jpg
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That's lewd, anon
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I'll be the one using pitchforks then.

It's been a while though. I'm not interested in any relationship now.

That's great. What are your hobbies?
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Sure as hell isn't offshore drilling, and as for my bank account, I don't see why I should.
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I'd insist, you've got to be one of the most well known active posters.
>You are the one who used to get lots of replies when the thread wasn't full of newfags
That sounds a bit harsh, but even then I had nothing interesting to say.
Things are going well, thank you. Not much going on, though. Just sitting here, talking to people.

What about you?
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>he doesn't know how much money people make offshore
What's your job poorfag?
The spell didn't work, sorry
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Like I said before. Not offshore drilling. This isn't a dick measuring contest.
>thinking paying more money is better
>thinking a thousand a month is normal by any means
You truly are either a retard who doesn't understand money or you are being leeched heavily, possibly both. I live with my parents currently as I am going to college, which as you wouldn't know, is a little bit of money. I do not live in a basement, however I do have an amatuer music studio down there.

>muh offshore job handed down from daddy
Fuck off and take your jewish leech of a gf with you, you wetback.

It can be.
>he doesn't understand how much money you come back with after working offshore
Hahah go bag up some groceries at the grocery store you work at
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TomoyoKanzaki {121}.gif
2 MB, 500x462
*Falls off*

*Someones calling the phone*
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How has no one claimed best grill? Y'all must be blind.
-drags feet off you-
-who is it?-
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TomoyoKanzaki {113}.jpg
48 KB, 561x352
Who is it?
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Kyouko (27).jpg
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I wish I was.
Hilarious post. Sorry I have so much money that I can afford to spend like that. I said I can spend about a grand a month just to fuck around with AFTER paying my bills and buying food for the house. Plus my girlfriend works.
>amether music studio
Aka the place where you pop your pimples and make cringey songs nobody will listen to besides your parents

How exactly is a job handed down to somebody? I go to work, do my work, and earn my paycheck. I know you fell for the college meme and your parents pay for everything but I just graduated and I'm already playing with thousands. Nice damage control

Still not a dick measuring contest


See above
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If it were I guarantee I'd still beat you. Clean up on isle 3!
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Just sitting here, taking a break from my homework,talking to a girl, music and smoking.
I'll probably make myself some coffe.

Harsh or not, is only my opinion, take it as you wish.
Hmm..I dunno. I don't get lots of replies or anything. I honestly do not know.
What about real life?

You are in my book.
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Alice 61.jpg
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You get my replies kitty
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*Your mom. She wanted to know what time she should come meet me*
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Just think, right now there is an angry neckbeard furiously using his fat cheeto stained fingers to type a response to me, while he could be doing whatever it is he usually does in this thread, claiming his cartoon wife. Instead he lets me distract him and achieve my entire purpose of being here. Bravo
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no idea , sorry


I'll be the one poking your bellybutton then

sounds understandable with so much going on

walks with pets and watching documentaries, bit of gaming too
what about you?
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Appreciate it.
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normie first ad hominem

You haven't exactly been talking to anyone else, so I guess I can say I did the same.

-my mom's dead-
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So much drama in these threads...

There's nothing wrong with living with your parents until you're financially stable enough to get on your own two feet, it's hard out there.

And there's nothing wrong with being single and still a virgin. Sex is overrated.

The only people that care about that stuff are the insecure ones.
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With time it will get better. Maybe later I'm ready for a relationship. And you? Are you searching for a partner? Do you want one?

Spending time with cats, studying Psychology and a lot of gaming.
>sex is overrated
Number 1 statement virgins use to defend their sadness.
-slumps into the couch-
kek your mom and now you can't suck on her nipple for money anymore
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>yfw normie has a tinier dick than a fat neckbeard weeb

>Had sex with two girls
>One only anal cause she didn't want to get pregnant
>Fucked with her during teenprime for a year long
>Several times a day
>Other one half a year, only vaginal sex, also several times a day

In hindsight I can conclude, Sex is overrated.
>tfw I actually use my dick for sex instead of beating it to animated 10 year olds
What if I'm insecure but don't care
>this post
>these half ass descriptions of sex
Virginity confirmed
>muh money
There's a difference between having 1000 after bills and actually using it, however a fresh-out-of-highschool, spoiled cunt like you wouldn't know that. Using that money is something that only dirt poor drug addicts and retards without a sense of money do.
>how exactly is a job handed down
"Son, I see you are a worthless near-highschool dropout, you have no intention to go to college and make me proud so I'll put in a note to get you a job at the rig so you can tap at a keyboard several hours a day" and hell, you don't even do that, you spend more hours a week on here copy/pasting shit to attempt to anger some weebs on a weeb site.

>college meme
A true classic
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But i'm not the shitposter and not baiting
What do you want me to tell you? How I stuck my dick in an ass? You should know how Sex works if you aren't a Virgin.

Do you have so many insecurities that you always tell your friends exactly how you fucked someone?

That's fucking sad

The thread seems trashier than usual.
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*Sits on a chair because i can't fit on the couch*

>he pretends he's not a virgin to impress a bunch of other virgins

That's fucking sad
I'm sorry, that stuff happens

-moves my legs back into place-
Fat virgins about to role play how their virgin minds imagine sex is like

This is gonna be good
>Arugments that no one did A
>Someone tells him he did A
>Somehow concludes B
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But I'm not a virgin, though. In fact if I could do it all over again I would late until I fall in love with someone first.

Is it possible to be both?

If you didn't care you would just rape someone.
I haven't really been posting or monitoring a lot as of recent.

It's just meh.
As in I don't care about being a virgin

Does the discord still love me?
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But if you didn't care about being a virgin why would you be insecure about it too?
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*Sits back next to you*

This is rp not erp
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I'll just clean it up for you and get it dirty again

I'm sure it can only get better , specially if you are working hard on it, need to fix some things before I start looking and who doesn't want one

how many cats? psychology sounds pretty hard
I thought you meant just being insecure in general. I misunderstood I guess
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Didn't mean to post that image
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-does nothing-
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That's even more lewd!

Every time I thought it gets better it got worse later on.
Hmm, okay everyone does one I guess...

Two cats! Youn cats, not kittens anymore but not quite cats yet.

It's not as hard as you might think... at least I like studying it so it's rather easy and logical.
Nice Satan trips. Also it's okay to be insecure as well, if you go at your own pace you'll enjoy sex more.
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