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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>714434890 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 244
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Poorfag claimed
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lewd claimed
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Goddammit, i'm too slow

Sameji claim'd
These threads are finally dying
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>When you recover you're waifu folder from your dead desktop
>keep telling yourself that.
Also are you aware there is a filter option? Kill the the threads forever if you wanted.
I think my shit posting is doing that by itself Kek
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No, just lazy. Im at work and on mobile. I had time to make a sauce and cook 2 dishes, and still bake.
Welcome back CData
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Claimed my Goddess.
But it isnt...
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While I appreciate your warm welcome, I truly never left.
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Tfw can't leave my room because my brother has a 3DPD girl over.
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Well later m8s. Gotta shower and get ready for the game.
I hope he's dead
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what did he mean by this?
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Are you that fucking ugly? I bet your brother cringes at you for thinking you're married to a weird looking cartoon
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Sachi is a traitor and a faggot
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It's just my claim mesage.
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My dog has had more sex during one afternoon walk fucking the neigbors dogs than you man children will ever get in your roach infested basements throughout the course of your life. Let that sink in
I'm not ugly I'm just scared of people, especially women.
My brother doesn't know what a waifu is.

'Sup dogfucker.
>Ymir is the most underrated waifu ever
How old are you dude? This is sad
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what does it say?
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>he pretends to not understand the post to avoid the truth of it
>let that sink in
But its not true anon.
Damage control
>damage control
Now see what you've started
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You're the guy who was spouting his autistic version of a fight the other day right? That was some top tier cringe.
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The only fight you've been in is with your girlfriend over who gets to wear the strapon
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It was originally "Calamity-masu'd" but it's Karamachiimasu now
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Do you neckbeards actually think this is hot? I guess if you've never seen anything like this in person your entire life you might turn to cringe like this
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best girl claimed on me bruh 2016 Koon
HURR DURR RED HAIR. dsigusting

To be honest, I was trying to bait you into giving me your address. After that, it spiraled into a full on shitstorm. Not my proudest moment.
I might still bother you.
Do you mind?
I've said all I've had to say, but it'd still be nice to talk to you.
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That's a cringe ass gif, autist. I know you have no concept of healthy sexuality or anything but I'll dignify you with a response. Why would I need to wear a strap on?
>inb4 some poorly executed joke about my dick size
You're really bad at this damage control thing you're doing
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Ok. Show me your waifu then
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What, are you fucking gay?
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cool didn't know that
Cirno claimed!
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Even if I gave you my address. Nothing would happen. After hearing what you think a fight would be like, I have no worries about some autistic virgin showing up so I could legally fill you with buckshot the second you step on my property line. After what you said the other night, I'd have no problem fighting you but my mossberg is probably getting rusty
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No, so you dont give your girlfriend AIDS after fucking your pet. Jeez, your an autistic trash.
Looks fine to me.
What's wrong with it.
>dick size

>the joke
>your head
>didn't think it through so now I have to save it with some weak insults: the post
Shut up niggers ur arguing over waifus just look at urselves losers
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>so much of a pussy that you have to use a shotgun.
Maybe if your mossberg is getting rusty you can do what I call the Kurt Conbain.
Also use slugs, not buckshots. Slugs do more damage

If you're not worried about getting your ass kicked, then why not just give me your address? Or is all that talk just to keep me from brutally annihilating you and your pride?

Ah who am I kidding. You're not gonna post shit. You're just too much of a pussy.
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Also, not denying the fights. Well done. Beta cuck confirmed.
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Hey faggot shitposter
You so much of a disappointment by going into hiding and not replying to me.

Is that how much you care about ypu online reputation?
I was expecting you making a joke about him being a pussy and not having any balls.
Fucking retard.
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Kek, I'm not scared to fight any of you neckbeards. If you'd see what he was saying the other night about what he images a fight is like, you'd piss yourself laughing. I could leave the mossberg on the porch and fight him after he drops his faggy katana but I'd rather decorate my front lawn with his autistic brains and let my dogs have their fill. Then call the cops and let them watch the security cameras on my porch of a fat loser wearing nothing but a size 42 adult diaper creep onto my property with some anime sword so I won't get in trouble. Me and my cousins killed a guy we found behind my grandmas property and all we had to do was get interviewed at the sheriffs office and we were free. Looking forward to it again.
Thats very nice, but who are you quoting exactly?
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He does have an African chimp as a pet.
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Then post your address cuck
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The literal only reason i won't is because my gf would kill me because she lives with me and wouldn't wanna take the risk. I know that there is no risk because the most you virgins would try to do is some edgy hacker shit but you'd fail at that as well.
He lives in a trailer
It'll probably get blown away by another hurricane before you make it there.

Wow. I thought you actually had balls.
Own anything other than a shitty mossberg?
Hey man, if your also dead, thats a plus for us
On the down side your gf will be charged with a double homicide
>no risk
>but the risk
I own a .45, faggot shitposter.
Come at me
Hop in the Friend-ship, We're gonna warp to the dance floor.
You're a pussy who wouldn't say anything in person, much less get mommys permission to waddle out of the basement and confront someone for teasing you and these greasy man babies who pretend their married to cartoons. How does it feel to be the same age as me but I've gotten way more pussy than you?
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>getting mad at someone for teasing you for claiming a cartoon character as your wife
Just don't be so autistic
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>isn't worth the risk
>no risk
damage control
weapons grade bullshit

Of course you got more pussy than me. You've shown us that you are indeed a pussy. I guess that counts as getting pussy.
>didn't thoroughly read the post out of frustration
Settle down kids. I know there is no risk. My gf would think there is and would be pissed. I don't have a lifeless body pillow as my romantic partner, I'm sorry.
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Sonowaka claimed!

I can't believe it!!!
How long is the wait now?
>I'm so mad I can't think of a decent comeback: the post
When were you diagnosed with autism and what does your Virgin mind imagine a vagina feels like?
>inb4 the inside of your mouth
I remember that meme
I don't own a body pillow.
I can't afford one
Some more weapons grade bullshit.
Not enough good boy points?
Faggot I am trying to have a civilized talk. What other fucking guns do you own?
Unless you don't even own a mossberg.
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daddy's boy came out to play today too??

>damage control: the post

Admit it, you're pissing yourself because you're afraid of getting your ass kicked

Don't post your address if this is true.
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here goes ur second shot at an insult
hey you! nice tits
Mossberg, an old as fuck Ithaca that's been passed down for generations, my grandpaws .357 that would knock your head off, bought an AK from a drug dealer down my street for 500 bucks because it has bodies on it, pretty sketched about it tbh
Why do you care so much about an online community?
Well I am what I eat
>getting mad at a circlejerk
It's just a thread
Nope, I'm broke and I would be homeless if I didn't live with my parents.
I much rather live with my mom than be homeless
wonder if he picked this thread because there is less people
he'd sure shit his pants on /trash/ and /v/ fuckers love waifus too
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Shitposter is 19. Its daddys Mossburg
If course hes afraid. Thats why he wont post time stamps, addresses or anything else. Hes nothing but another fuckboy hiding behind the keyboard.
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402 E. 2nd Street Belle Chasse Louisiana. Prove you're not an autistic pussy.
>owning an ak47
You sure its actually an AK47?
Post a pic, I'm a gun nut.
Also AK47 are shit
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Pics. With. Timestamp. Faggot.

We can discuss this later, I'm on a roll today.
>he's so sheltered he thinks people abide the law to the fullest extent.
Mother fucker I live 10 minutes outside of New Orleans in a bad neigborhood. I buy guns from desperate people for cheap and they aren't legal at all idk who they are even registered to
>not having a .45 or a 10 mm
Yeah I'm gonna post a pic of an assault rifle I bought on the street that I'm 95% sure has bodies on it. Kek
Don't cut yourself on that edge, lad
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can we go back to waifu posting ?
>implying anybody cares that you bought it on the street
>damage control because you don't actually own an AK47
>he always has an excuse why he's a bitch
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>when a popular streamer plays a game you like and you only see him making mistakes and his entire chat is full of caps lock and bad decisions

Is this NTR?
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Huh. I thought before you said you lived in New Orleans. Guess I was wrong

Also, you actually posted your fucking address on 4chan. You goddamn idiot.
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Ah, coolio. Not as cool as to own an illegal weapon that would get me put away for quite some time and make it so I cannot buy weapons that I enjoy, but I have a little bit of an arsenal.

3 Moist Nuggets
A yugo sks
A chink sks that I got tore apart and modernized
Couple .22s
A Nagant revolver
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This tbh
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>they're all sheltered virgins who have never been involved with crime in their lives
I have friends in Orleans parish prison caught up in murder charges over guns that weren't even theirs that had bodies on them. You can say what you want but I posted my address, if you wanna see the AK you'll get a glimpse of the muzzle flash if you step foot on my property
Belle Chasse is part of the New Orleans metropolitan area. You're so autistic it hurts
Your so edgy it hurts tbh
>already this shitscared
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flower hat.jpg
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Daily reminder that guns are weaponized fedoras.
I was involved in drug trade at school in highschool.
Used to help grow shrooms

Also, shooting someone with an illegal weapon would likely end with you being in a bit of trouble
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Well, the more you know. Am I right?

Still. I can't believe you actually posted your address.
>he thinks being involved in criminal activity is something hard and worth bragging about
The shitposter's battle plan
>make up more lied than God Emporer Trump And Shilldog Clinton combine
>when someone calls me out on my bullshit commence operation Damagecontrol
>be as edgy as possible
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>I have friends
>claims he's been in crimes
ur house looks really poor.
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I thought you were gonna come fight me? Dude after what you were saying last night, I think a toddler could beat you up. You said you were gonna kick me in the nuts and run away. You're such a pussy it's cringey. When were you diagnosed and what does your virgin brain imagine a vagina feels like
>he thinks I'm scared of a bunch of edgy man babies who won't do shit even knowing my address
Has anyone ever noticed that the shitposter kinda looks like Omar Mateen?
Are you guys related?
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Few weeks now.

Or were you talking about the Friend-ship?
>implying i didn't order a hit on you
Because I live in a bad area. Which is why there's so much crime around me
Try growing up in a trailer park outside of New Orleans in a house full of drug addicts. The court deemed it unsafe for children and me and my brother had to go live with our grand parents. But yeah I've never been involved with crime
I mean I can timestamp whatever you want but I'm not posting a pic of an assault rifle that's been involved with homicide, keep baiting
Hitler was the best soldier
His kill/death ratio was amazing
>implying you have any form of connection to do this type of thing
Edgy acne ridden basement dweller keyboard soldier kek
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Bwahahahaa shitposter confirmed faggot living in a shitty ass trailer in bumblefuck LA.
Timestamp yourself with the barrel of your mossberg in your mouth
But I never denied it
so you just admitted ur a poor person? that pretty cringe imo.If not poor why live in such a bad neighborhood on purpose?
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Time stamp your apples
That's nasty as fuck lol plus I'm at work
Being this much of an internet tough guy while being this pathetic.
alright I'll be back later to grab those tits
Okay, they have this new thing called the internet
On the internet there's this thing called Tor.
Tor can access the Dark Web with has a bunch of cheese pizza, drugs, hitman shit websites on it. Most are honeypots but a few are real.
hope he enjoy my taxes on his welfare
I don't have an expensive house because it's just me and my gf. We have nice vehicles and the inside of the house is decked out. I know you have no concept of money because all of yours comes from mommys credit card but a lot of people do this sort of thing. My friends dad makes 500k a year and lives in a double wife trailer that looks like the Ritz Carlton on the inside
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wait so ur acting retarded on purpose? damn u got us
If you do it you'll become famous.
Remember Kurt Cobain?

I thought I told you. That was an attempt to get your address. It failed and spiraled out of control. Do you really think I'm stupid? You could probably beat me in a fight. I'll give you that. But that's just looking at it from a physical standpoint. I got your address. I turned your own pride against you. I was the smarter one in this situation. You could've simply not posted your address knowing you would be viewed as a coward. But when I called you out, you did the one thing no amount of baiting would have ever made me do. You gave me your fucking address. You goddamn fucking moron.

I win. Period. End of story.

TL;DR you fucked up
Cool. You're just proving you're an edgy nerd claiming you spent Internet points on a hit man to kill someone for shit posting threads about claiming a cartoon character as your wife. Cringe
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My old insults still are enough though
There is literally so much autism in this post I'm taking a break from work to go smoke a cigarette. What the fuck
They're called Bitcoins, newfag.
They're worth a lot of USD
About a quarter of a thousand each
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What's wrong about being a virgin?
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Chara claimed
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No, the bub. Think it will be a new year baby?
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witch hunts already happened
>he spent thousands of dollars on a "hit man" that's going to just take his money and not do shit anyway on a guy who teases him and other virgins for claiming a cartoon character as their wife
I mean I know you're lying but whew

Didn't you read the TL;DR?
Tfw i just put the shit poster on a ton of gay mailing lists
I didn't fuck up. You man children won't do a single thing
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Kitty 8.png
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let me see your bellybotton
Could whoever has the pictures of the shit poster post them please
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ITT: Hex Maniac owns shitposter

I think I'm gonna put his adress up somewhere too just for shit and giggles

Well hi there Sameji

Yeah this shitposter can beat me in one fight. But the next he'll beat me up again. The third fourth and fifth sure he will, I'll give him that. But at round 45 or so his hand will get tired and he'll have to switch hands and probably beat me for another 50 rounds. But eventually from all the hitting, my head will get calluses. Then each time he hits me will hurt less. Then I wont get knocked out and I can called the police on him or bite, scratch, pull hair, hit him in the balls, poke his eyes, etc. Until he loses. He may have won the last 200 battles but I will win the war
Nice. Something a 12 year old would think of. Gonna get a few laughs out of it then return them to the sender and ask them to quit mailing it. Even though you're lying about this lol
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Sup' ?
Definitely going to be here before New year.
Hope she's here before christmas.
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Kitty 6.png
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hey hey, i think i'm gunna sign him up for bad dragon samples

i kek'd
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You kids are really going all out trying to defend these virginity protection zones huh? You mush be a real fucking loser to get mad at someone on 4chan Kek.
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looks tasty
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>implying that if we tried to figbt the shitposter we wouldn't just get exhausted and fall asleep on top of him and killing him
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>gets mad at thread
>not a loser
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Babies care not for timing. I bet it comes on Christmas just to be a pain.
>he dresses up his dog
Holy kek thats cringe
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Hey baguette
How are you?
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>they don't realize that's my old address
>they didn't check the date on whatever map they were looking on
That trailer hasn't been there since 2012. I thought you guys were good at Internet shit, guess not. Find an updated pic of that same address, bet you anything that trailer isn't there.
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I need to rewrite that,
I'm smashed on sake right now
>implying that if we tried to fight the shitposter we wouldn't just get exhausted and fall asleep on top of him, killing him from suffocation
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Says the sore loser.

I'm assuming you're the guy. If not, just ignore this post.

I didn't do it for the thread. I did it because I wanted to put you in your place.
>he is so desperate for damage control he forgets about google images and all the random pics posted on /b/
Goodness gracious
>oh no i've made a mistake
>it was all a cleaver ruse
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Nice one!


>Underrated post
>implying you put me in my place through an Internet argument that proves you're a butt hurt man child who can't handle teasing
Yeah, about that
No really, find an updated pic.
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Dude even then you'd have a horde of stampeding neckbeards on your ass. Assuming they weigh about 450-500 lbs each, they could overpower you almost immediately and crush the air out of your lungs.
Also bullets don't work, their fat is too thick.
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what if you poured honey in it and I lick it
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Fine, how about you ?
>bullets don't work
>he really thinks this
I hope, that would be amazing.
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I think that dog is awesome.
I really really really like this picture
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Kinda stressed about life tbh
Parents want me to see a therapist after tonight
I'm not sure what to think of that
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Witch hunts?
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When they're peircing fat that dense and thick they won't they'll just harmlessly bounce off their fat rolls.
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Why would they want you to send you to a therapist?
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What the fuck do they want you to go to a therapist for ?
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2016-12-07 16.31.47.png
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You got a point their. Technically, this doesn't count as a victory. Though I'd beg to differ

>Hex Maniac


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Careful, guys. This is textbook "doxing" so don't get upset if you end up banned.
Ha I already saw a therapist when i was 7 faggots
Get rekt
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Move yourself
You always live your life
Never thinking of the future
Prove yourself
You are the move you make
Take your chances win or loser
See yourself
You are the steps you take
You and you, and that's the only way
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Smoking 1.gif
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the mods can't hurt us if we don't acknowledge that fact
macht zwar wenig Sinn da er das eventuell sowieso lesen kann darum laber ich auch einfach ein bisschen mehr dann verliert er vielleicht die lust hier noch was herraus zu lesen soweit ich weiß ist er nicht os der stabilste derzeit und seine eltern wollen wohl nicht, dass er die schule abbricht oder sontigen blödsinn macht
mal schauen wie er das sieht...
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Now you tell me.
How does this have 210 replies.
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I talked about dropping out with them and how school made me depressed
Now they don't think I should stop school but talk to a professional
>bans dpnt even matter if you know what you are doing
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or should I just tickle it ?
Leave the witches alone.
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Shake - shake yourself
You're every move you make
So the story goes

Owner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than - a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heart
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Ah, verstehe

Hmm... I see, they have a point there.
What were your plans in case you drop out? Did you tell them about your plans?

I'm ticklish as hell, please no
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That's stupid.

Find something to do during the time you drop off, and find something else to study next year, they'll see that you're not dropping out just for the lulz
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I'm going to ask out this hot girl at the pet store.
Every time I try I end up buying 3 goldfish.
Why would i buy three? Its because they have a buy 2 get one free on goldfish.
Almost every vase, tank, glass in my house is filled with a goldfish now
Any advice on how to ask her out?
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what if they drag wizards in the hunt? we could be baited to save their asses
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I wonder if dropping $400 on a Lian-li chassis is worth it.
Buy her a goldfish.
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Smoking 3.gif
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dropping out is a bad idea m8

buy more goldfish, buy like a dozen, that'll get her attention
What? I'm not a wizard... yet.
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what if I just use a feather? or a string?
Uhh. I don't see why the other stuff is relevant information. But it's pretty awkward to just ask out a girl at work that you don't already know. The only proper way to do it would be if you're checking out some stuff and you notice she gives you a certain look or try's to talk about something other than your purchase/store experience. Then it might be okay to ask her to get coffee or lunch or something. Take my advice and don't be creepy
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Go up to her and ask her out. It's that simple.

You just need to stop pussying out, what's the worst case scenario ?

>Oh sorry, I have a boyfriend

In that case just find someone else.
Don't take advice from this virgin who has no expletive with this shit lol. You think you're gonna be successful asking a girl out at work that hasn't even talked to you before? Come on man
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Just be like "Oh hey can you help me? I'm looking for the best brand of fish food"
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don't miss out
And then, be smooth.
Say "I'd like some of the fish inbetween your leg, please"
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Do you want me to die due to you tickling me?!

"I lost my phone number, can I have yours?"
Maybe they do, I wish they'd just listen to me for once though
Just work fulltime
It is

That's the problem though I don't want to study anymore
But they are fully convinced I am not going to be happy when I go this path
I just want to make my own decisions and mistakes youknow?
See above
maybe a little death
Ah, I see. I also wanted this. Finding a job sadly isn't that easy you know.
I'd recommend their advice. Talk with a professional. No, not because you're mentally ill, just because... that professional isn't your parents. Talk with him, tell him what you think and what you want to do. It's asically a faster self finding since you have someone who talks with you and who isn't your parents.



I'll bake the next thread
You're making up barriers that aren't here in the first place.

I get you, but if you seeing a specialist can meke them feel better, then go see him and just explain it to him. Just make sure he doesn't diagnose you with shit you don't have
You can say virtually anything to anyone and still get to befriend them, most people I know, and my current girlfriend were met by just walking up to them and start talking.
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