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Draw thread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 145
File: pinis.png (117 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
117 KB, 700x600
Draw thread
File: Peace.png (104 KB, 650x650) Image search: [Google]
104 KB, 650x650
Guys im taking reqs
File: Its ALL shit art.png (339 KB, 2400x2600) Image search: [Google]
Its ALL shit art.png
339 KB, 2400x2600
trips in last thread
An orc in space
File: r.png (42 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
42 KB, 800x800

File: pinis.png (54 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
54 KB, 700x600
takin requests.
File: Nariya.png (82 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
82 KB, 500x500
Whoa, made it...
Er... Hi again.
File: you son of a bitch.png (34 KB, 585x567) Image search: [Google]
you son of a bitch.png
34 KB, 585x567
u fucker, wheres the sad sandwich man
File: panda came to figth.png (68 KB, 433x320) Image search: [Google]
panda came to figth.png
68 KB, 433x320
do-do anyone wants to-to figth?
Draw your second favorite Smash character
File: 5432.jpg (98 KB, 675x1200) Image search: [Google]
98 KB, 675x1200
I'm getting semi-better
File: Kay 007.jpg (36 KB, 728x716) Image search: [Google]
Kay 007.jpg
36 KB, 728x716
I am lonely, drunk and sad... anyone want to text on skype or discord or whatever...?
File: jeej.jpg (51 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
51 KB, 1000x1000
File: Its ALL shit art.png (625 KB, 2400x2600) Image search: [Google]
Its ALL shit art.png
625 KB, 2400x2600
Draw a black man being arrested for a crime he didnt do
File: Its ALL shit art.png (417 KB, 2400x2600) Image search: [Google]
Its ALL shit art.png
417 KB, 2400x2600
Ja fite me franklin
File: jeej.jpg (62 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
62 KB, 1000x1000
g'night fagets
go read loomis
git gud
File: pinis.png (50 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
50 KB, 700x600
m'gonna punch someone
punch my asshole
punch this fkr>>713914297
Goodnight, sexy
>go read loomis
>posts this
File: Its ALL shit art.png (925 KB, 2400x2600) Image search: [Google]
Its ALL shit art.png
925 KB, 2400x2600
Punch my dick
thank papi
Skype: o31855y8913hcl
looks like draw thread is dead for tonight

Goodnight everyone
Ayy peeps whats good ?

This new draw app came packed with stuff i dont know how to use
File: RADICALbot.png (28 KB, 300x195) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 300x195
well shit [⊙ ⊙];;
File: jeej.jpg (69 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
69 KB, 1000x1000
i still have to git gud
File: Kay 008.jpg (32 KB, 827x617) Image search: [Google]
Kay 008.jpg
32 KB, 827x617
Ah, forgot to post my skype...
File: pinis.png (58 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 700x600
im concerned...
Hola pinners
just draw a new image instead of reposting old shit
Please punch my dick Miss Pin.
File: sure why not.png (226 KB, 841x618) Image search: [Google]
sure why not.png
226 KB, 841x618
sure why not
well if u want we-we can figth if-if you want
File: pinis.png (111 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
111 KB, 700x600
holaaaa~~~ nyaaaa
you know i get weak when you call me that,,
Draw Bob
too intoxicated to really draw right now tho
so dont post, or post shitty drunk drawings, repost is lame
Miss Pin, please! My dick needs to be abused by you!
File: Hacked.png (164 KB, 650x650) Image search: [Google]
164 KB, 650x650
im doing yours at some point
File: IMG_1786.jpg (44 KB, 500x501) Image search: [Google]
44 KB, 500x501
may i get a random sketch as a birthday gift? thanks
File: OnelineDraw.png (187 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
187 KB, 800x600
Requesting draw fags to draw their OCs with one line.
File: Capture.png (23 KB, 955x917) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 955x917
couldnt even draw a full body for a day huh
File: pinis.png (108 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
108 KB, 700x600
i dont wanna hurt you tho...
t-this is lewd!!
File: pinis.png (49 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
49 KB, 700x600
i did well enough. and i plan to keep doing it. i still like bust and face shots when applicable.
I'm begging you, Miss Pin. My dick lusts for your sexy hands! Please beat up my dick Miss Pin, please!
File: r.png (66 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
66 KB, 800x800
File: aldom.png (11 KB, 800x720) Image search: [Google]
11 KB, 800x720
wuhsuhbruhs? Drawing requests & OCs!
Draw yourself as a dragongirl
File: .halo.png (63 KB, 638x592) Image search: [Google]
63 KB, 638x592
File: drunk beach sex.png (261 KB, 1023x1028) Image search: [Google]
drunk beach sex.png
261 KB, 1023x1028
requesting these two groping and making out on the beach
Send cocks
File: 2_-_Fourarms.jpg (33 KB, 487x604) Image search: [Google]
33 KB, 487x604
requesting bondage lewd of this guy
>holaaaa~~~ nyaaaa
O-oh, is it one of those nights? You want anon to take care of you tonight?
Your irl self wearing flannel and jeans, but completely fucking plastered drunk with a few buddies
File: pinis.png (123 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
123 KB, 700x600
ew are you the one that made it weird?
I am now. You can roll with it or nah. Them's the breaks.
File: las one.png (126 KB, 781x415) Image search: [Google]
las one.png
126 KB, 781x415
thats pretty nice of you
considering what happened the last figth i was
File: RADICALbot.png (37 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
37 KB, 300x300
oh no
File: IMG_1414.jpg (88 KB, 700x1300) Image search: [Google]
88 KB, 700x1300
Requesting Paz in a dom outfit
File: im so sorry.png (130 KB, 638x402) Image search: [Google]
im so sorry.png
130 KB, 638x402
eyy what happen?
requesting you giving handjobs and getting a bukkake please!
File: pinis.png (107 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
107 KB, 700x600
gonna say nah
i prefer not to engage in fighting
fuck off cancer
File: booptest.png (354 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
354 KB, 1600x1200
Hey drawthread dusted off the tablet
the boop says hi she missed bullying you

drawin stuff
But why, Miss Pin?
File: IMG_7519.jpg (109 KB, 860x1413) Image search: [Google]
109 KB, 860x1413
Requesting her doing something cute or lewd
>gonna say nah
well shit. Can I get a rain check?
File: Euphoria.png (136 KB, 650x650) Image search: [Google]
136 KB, 650x650
Here you go
*taking other requests
Bully my bepis with your insides
Be the ball
i don't do nsfw/lewd requests.
File: blue.png (313 KB, 596x592) Image search: [Google]
313 KB, 596x592
well i belive it
you must pretty much stand ther and do cute stuff
hello there
File: lets play pictionary.png (45 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
lets play pictionary.png
45 KB, 300x300
File: pinis.png (104 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
104 KB, 700x600
im not here to rp
especially with people who think what happens here is real
its p darn easy to just stand and be cute. id rather do that~
Anyone wanna play a jackbox game? Anyone have it for that matter?
Requesting a cute chibi Pin with animu eyes.
File: lies.png (95 KB, 770x433) Image search: [Google]
95 KB, 770x433
yeah, i know it
>i prefer not to engage in fighting

Those replies conflict with eachother
>I'm not here to rp
>i'd rather stand around and be cute~~~~~~~
>im not here to rp
>especially with people who think what happens here is real
Alright, I was just fuckin around. But you right, I'll stop.
File: Yo.png (357 KB, 650x650) Image search: [Google]
357 KB, 650x650
so how is everyone i have been awake for 23 hours at this point might go to sleep in a few hours
* i am taking requests
File: pinis.png (60 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
60 KB, 700x600
buttstuff? :D
I request you get too edgy
big whoop, you wanna fight about it?
File: .halo.png (68 KB, 847x561) Image search: [Google]
68 KB, 847x561
Flat rate shipping, bitch.

oh yes
I mean all you had to do was punch my dick, but whatever. Go and spread your hypocrisy instead.
A big mushroom on the moon
Homo sex
Pin giving you a titjob.
>Tries to butter up Pin
>Insults her when he doesn't get his way
Real fucking mature of you. Way to handle rejection!
Taking req for a (you)
Requesting an anon grabbing your butt.
Remove arms and replace with wacky dildos
But it's a fact.
File: no.png (44 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
44 KB, 300x300
Did you do a naughty?
File: Trippy.png (47 KB, 650x650) Image search: [Google]
47 KB, 650x650
Here you go ;)
Thank you
>two birds with one draw
oh wow, this will give me nightmares . . .
Indeed, thank you!
File: IMG_1789.jpg (136 KB, 1536x2048) Image search: [Google]
136 KB, 1536x2048
Hey, the shittiest artist you've seen here
How's everyone today?
File: weird.png (593 KB, 784x516) Image search: [Google]
593 KB, 784x516
no you shhhhhhhh
i will say an angle but you are the devil
so maybe this?
ship it

im not weird you are all weird
File: yo.jpg (49 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
49 KB, 1000x1000
hey what's going on?
File: Sketch296155235.png (122 KB, 1280x960) Image search: [Google]
122 KB, 1280x960
I beg to differ

Np :D
Requesting as the yellow ranger
Have a snake brushing up against your naked pussy.
File: minininitest.png (992 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
992 KB, 1600x1200
heya, looking very dapper. going on a date big guy?
I second this.
File: r.png (63 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
63 KB, 800x800
i guess i can do a request or something maybe
i don't know
who cares
File: .halo.png (158 KB, 959x761) Image search: [Google]
158 KB, 959x761
O̺̞̬͓̿͋͊͑͆̈́H̎͆̓ͦ҉̟̜͡͝ ̵̭̱̥̜̫͕͕̯ͧͦ͢͝ͅP̨͍̓̓L̪̲̰̹̤̖͉̒ͅͅE̸̜̰̮̦̼͚̱ͩ̔A̹̰̝͖̖̙̠̤̮̍̓͠Ś̾͞͏̗̬Ė͉͍̮̦̻̪̦̎̏́̉ͤ͢ ̎̔́͗̐̚͏̗̜̮̱̝͠G̥̝͐ͤͮ͑̅̃̌̕͡͡Ǒ̵̫̰̞̩̪̯̟ͣ͐͒̈ͮ̽ͅ ̵̡̭̦̬͂̉͆ͦ͆̈O̢͍̹̮̩̍͌̈́̿̆̉͢N̺̭̮̹̈ͪ
File: 20161203_020115~01.jpg (194 KB, 1152x1303) Image search: [Google]
194 KB, 1152x1303
Haven't drawn in ages but did this based on a picture of some girl I know.
Requesting you get jiggy with it
File: 071.png (52 KB, 369x375) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 369x375
>Np :D
oh, its okay ... why should you care about my mental health!
there will be no touching for you today!
File: Pin.png (80 KB, 650x650) Image search: [Google]
80 KB, 650x650
i drew pin i just got too lazy to even do a lewd depiction also goodnight everyone i'll come back tomorrow
Taking requests?
This make the kueen sad

File: lewd snake.jpg (49 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
lewd snake.jpg
49 KB, 1000x1000
Pretty good bud, but I think I've got you on the ropes for the title of shittiest artist

I hope you appreciate it. This is exactly as comfortable as it looks.
man, are you okay? You're always pretty down when you come in here. :C
File: ezpz.png (229 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
229 KB, 500x500
File: mmmMMM.png (55 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
55 KB, 300x300
what the heck no
Woops I forgot to draw the tail end of the snake.
What'd the guy do?
Draw OCs wearing this t shirt. You may prove, disprove, or ignore the statement on it.
he said beach which is only one letter away from bleach which is the show rukia is from which is the character swordbro often makes the subject of his requests which makes this op angry
File: IM CRYINGXD.jpg (24 KB, 720x720) Image search: [Google]
24 KB, 720x720
are you a man or woman?
File: 00t0t_702ftev5cB4_600x450.jpg (18 KB, 450x450) Image search: [Google]
18 KB, 450x450
Could I get Rosita from Sing fingering her pussy and ass? My ex gf's ass as tribute.
On it!
Sorry, I'll have to pass. Kids' show porn feels weird to me.
I think this'd be the most out-there thing I've ever drawn.
File: hannia.jpg (40 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
40 KB, 512x512
mama need one request.,mn,b
File: MILF001.jpg (128 KB, 675x777) Image search: [Google]
128 KB, 675x777
taking requests
thanks my man
File: hero.png (58 KB, 354x418) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 354x418
its a shame ... i have so much energy right now. i got no sleep at all. but im so not tired ... really weird
Challenge yourself. Draw a vanilla lewd
>I think this'd be the most out-there thing I've ever drawn.
Oh you're gonna attempt it? Sweet, dude
Kinda makes you wish miro was here, huh? ,':^)
File: r.png (69 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
69 KB, 800x800
i don't know how to dance i'm sorry

late for what
getting quints

robots don't have feelings
kill people with a resting bitch face
File: .halo.png (126 KB, 867x694) Image search: [Google]
126 KB, 867x694
Well, its understandable you may be attracted by my- !!!!!!

FUCKIN CHILL MAN! she your girl or something? I wasn't mackin' on her. i sware
a girl masturbating is pretty vanilla
Requesting a japanese biker robot with a pompadour on a chopper
Do you want to do a naughty
File: 427563.jpg (56 KB, 570x851) Image search: [Google]
56 KB, 570x851
Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with any pokemon in this album
Pokemon refs:
Rukia refs:
W-was that skirt for a tease???
File: date.png (668 KB, 990x581) Image search: [Google]
668 KB, 990x581
oh hi there beautiful, your looking nice in that that dress, about the date, would you like to go for a drink or do you want to do something else
File: panda.png (133 KB, 433x765) Image search: [Google]
133 KB, 433x765
ship it
i am nothing
File: dooy3.png (53 KB, 686x686) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 686x686
Aloha bunnybot, requesting you as a samurai warrior.

sleeth go to bed
Show us your butthole
Can I see your butt?
The missed quints hurt so much

But youre late to kill the spider

Beep boop bunny
File: ezpz.png (235 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
235 KB, 500x500
File: ifyoulikepinacoladas.png (30 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
30 KB, 1280x720
Who drew them?
File: hero.png (62 KB, 460x438) Image search: [Google]
62 KB, 460x438
yeah ... i think there is enough energy for two today, haha
t-tease? i dont know what youre talking about! its just a little shorter than usual ...
dunno who the artist of the left guy is but the right one is by potionaholic
Have you ever kissed an entire boy?
File: i love to.png (114 KB, 433x733) Image search: [Google]
i love to.png
114 KB, 433x733
this is gonna be a really slow drawfigth
File: why this why now.png (44 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
why this why now.png
44 KB, 300x300
I know its you slime! Come out and show the big slimey baddongers!!

S-so youre not meaning to show the kueen those soft elven legs?
do the naughty. Insert usb into slot 1
okay, whatever you say

beep boop son, beep boop
File: ezpz.png (212 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
212 KB, 500x500
why even post this instead of contributing
File: hannia.jpg (20 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
20 KB, 512x512
hey sorry for the wait
i had to take care of something
but i'm back
>When you forget pic in dubs post
...Are you even capable of blushing?
you're not my creator
s-shush i'm a special bot
File: dooy3.png (92 KB, 686x686) Image search: [Google]
92 KB, 686x686
Nooooooo ;;
Boop beep
>yeah ... i think there is enough energy for two today, haha
hnnnngh, fingers crossed then!
Requesting you as a hawaiian hula girl with a coconut bra
You must be special, since you've clearly got feelings for another.
multiple bots, really
File: image.jpg (383 KB, 1776x1612) Image search: [Google]
383 KB, 1776x1612
hey guys its been a while
File: ezpz.png (231 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
231 KB, 500x500
File: nightout.png (534 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
534 KB, 1600x1200
Its such a nice night out do you mind a stroll?
File: you are right.png (152 KB, 717x432) Image search: [Google]
you are right.png
152 KB, 717x432
maybe you are rigth kitty
ship song
monitoring in case of big tiddie lewds

Also, I thought she can only say meow. Her half sister can talk tho, right?
File: cape.png (59 KB, 588x488) Image search: [Google]
59 KB, 588x488
>when you gotta stay up after work, then sleep through your day off to get on the overnight schedule
ffffuck I might just try coffee for once
File: r.png (143 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
143 KB, 800x800
File: .halo.png (196 KB, 1228x856) Image search: [Google]
196 KB, 1228x856

You ever act on those feelings?
everytime we touch was fine with me and Raq, but NIGHTCORE? nah, man
File: ezpz.png (234 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
234 KB, 500x500
wtf is that a cane gun?
File: hannia.jpg (29 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
29 KB, 512x512
File: IMG_20161203_171012_947.jpg (359 KB, 2204x3019) Image search: [Google]
359 KB, 2204x3019
Hiya thread~
File: hhero.png (51 KB, 455x329) Image search: [Google]
51 KB, 455x329
you might enjoy the sight, haha
youre so excited about this ... its adorable!
What up
Hey cutie
File: yyyh.png (34 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
34 KB, 800x600

Now, I'm terrible at drawing people I know, so here's Shifty & Duke Cyril du Paraquette
File: dooy3.png (17 KB, 686x686) Image search: [Google]
17 KB, 686x686
sup zander
Eggs, right? ;)
File: RADICALbot.png (55 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
55 KB, 300x300
>youre so excited about this ... its adorable!
Shush, that is you and miro, i'm not the adorable one..! D':
Are you taking requests?
Haha thanks man. Would get drunk and discus corgi politics with/10
File: .halo.png (144 KB, 1505x672) Image search: [Google]
144 KB, 1505x672
SFX: thud thud thud thud
its late honey, so I'm just lurkin around. Sorry!
File: cape.png (47 KB, 588x488) Image search: [Google]
47 KB, 588x488
skimping out on practice and finishing WIPS to play blazblue of all things
what about you?
Hey Zombocom, can i put candycanes down your pisshole
I don't understand how a robot could blush or have feelings for other people
either that or the 6 cans of beer is kicking in.
Of all the selection of robo-dudes here you choose the one with the least amount of character

fucking dropped
File: hannia.jpg (33 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
33 KB, 512x512
i want another request
File: cape.png (40 KB, 588x488) Image search: [Google]
40 KB, 588x488
Soundings for degenerates and fools
see >>713926161
that's fine, there's plenty more robots to admire anyways!!
do meth
>the least amount of character
no, that's me
File: ezpz.png (236 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
236 KB, 500x500
maybe we are too slow
Requesting you as a furry squirrel girl
File: IMG_20161203_172230_878.jpg (615 KB, 2304x2958) Image search: [Google]
615 KB, 2304x2958
Just listening to some Porter Robinson. What about you? :3

Hiya anon! How are you today?

No, not Eggs, just Bubble. I'm not as talented as Eggs lol
File: dooy3.png (53 KB, 686x686) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 686x686
Central Fiction? who you main
Playing pokemon like a huge nerd
Your oc as a nude hippie trying to become one with nature.
so how are (you) rad bot?
Acid trip hallucinations like an Alice in Wonderland type trip
rocky pls cheer up
robots don't have feelings
Those lines almost fooled me. I guess I couldn't see your line style in that pic.
How are you tonight, cutie?
Doing good how have you been
Porter and madeon? Good shiiiiiiiiiit
File: beautiful night.png (291 KB, 577x470) Image search: [Google]
beautiful night.png
291 KB, 577x470
you know this sas great idea, this is a lovely night, beside you look even beautiful by the light of the moon, so do you want to go anywhere in special?
pls ;-;
you need an irl hug my man
rocky pls
Was not expecting a gun
in your homosexual relationships do you get penetrated or do you do the penetrating?
Comon Zany dood, just accept the candy canes into your urethra
i hate physical contact
In case sidhe is lurking
Your qt gondola is gonna bring home the bacon
File: cape.png (63 KB, 588x488) Image search: [Google]
63 KB, 588x488
Na, Cronophantasma extend cause it was a gift
but ma boys have always been Arakune and Taokaka
its L I T
Depends on who wins best two out of three
I'mma curb stomp you B dead ASS
then you need to hear someone say they care about you and mean it
too bad that will never happen
File: ezpz.png (215 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
215 KB, 500x500
i have to fucking sleep later
Nothing the spoder cant hate from the cute elf!
File: RADICALbot.png (45 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
45 KB, 300x300
>ngggh, they're fightng and i'm low on energy too
She is overheating, someone forgot to install the liquid cooling
What is it that you prefer? You strike me as a top.
File: staff.png (108 KB, 627x399) Image search: [Google]
108 KB, 627x399
i konow man
ehhh... sorry
its-its just a staff man
i was tryng to be ironic
robots belong to robot i guess
File: dooy3.png (41 KB, 686x686) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 686x686
Yo i love tao but she's hard to get gud with
Thats why i try my best at noel
Noel is gr8 pew pew my dude
this is just not true
it might not be to the extent that you want it, but i care enough that it bothers me to see you like this
i care, dude
Requesting you as a dragongirl
m-my cooling system is in normal conditions, thank you very much
whatever works i guess
File: minininipurrpurr.png (827 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
827 KB, 1600x1200
purr purr(if you could walk me home that would be great. my sister gets worried if Im out too late)
you know all the lore
still not confident with this tablet so no lewds yet just practice
caring about someone you don't even know is meaningless
Prove it
here a have box of condoms
fuck that pussy good
File: hannia.jpg (23 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 512x512
don't do it
File: IMG_20161203_173646_648.jpg (524 KB, 2051x2393) Image search: [Google]
524 KB, 2051x2393
I'm pretty honoured to be mistaken for Eggs even for a second, though! Her clean drawings are to strive for. :L

Wasted time playing video games today and I feel great!

God-tier music<3
now at this point you're telling me to open up my cooling system just to prove that it's fine
that's basically telling me to overheat and shut down, anon
I just have good memory
>no lewds yet
's cool, no worries. Take your time, your kittens are cute
don't let ur depression talk for you, dude
I want to draw porn
Now have LSD trip.
I mean, I can pop the chassis of my computer or car and check out my fans and liquid. Just pop your chassis
what is stopping you
File: r.png (106 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
106 KB, 800x800
well duh
rockets would have been overkill
Would you like to draw porn with one of them?
Need some detailed ideas?
i am the depression
File: Venus164.png (575 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
575 KB, 1000x1000
Mama did a little doodle, got lazy towards the end.
>Come to bed, Master. I'm sure you could use a massage~

Doing a requesty, probably a silly one, Mama's tired.
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¿ᑫᵘé ᵐᶦᵉʳᵈᵃ I CANT ᵃᶜᵃᵇᵃˢ ᵈᵉ ᵈᵉᶜᶦʳᵐᵉ ᵃᶜᵉʳᶜᵃ ᵈᵉ ᵐí, ᵖᵉʳʳᵃ﹖ ᴸᵉ ʰᵃʳé ˢᵃᵇᵉʳ ᑫᵘᵉ ᵐᵉ BELIEVE ᵍʳᵃᵈᵘé, ᵖᵃʳᵗᵉ ˢᵘᵖᵉʳᶦᵒʳ ᵈᵉ ᵐᶦ ᶜᶫᵃˢᵉ, ᵉᶰ ᶫᵒˢ YOU'VE ˢᵉᶫᶫᵒˢ ᵈᵉ ᶫᵃ DONE THIS ᵐᵃʳᶦᶰᵃ ᵈᵉ TO ME ᵍᵘᵉʳʳᵃ⋅
caring about someone is never meaningless.
Please smile for me.
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The answer might shock you
>N O E L
I literally want to strangle her, my friend plays her and just keeps the pressure on non stop the entire match
Sounds like you had a good day babe
3:45am my man... im just weak sorry
what happened last fight
she does have extremely clean work, but your style is what makes you you,and i personally adore your style!

/r/ catgirl lingerie in a cute cat-like pose. cat paws, ears, tail and fuzzy thigh highs with a choker and bell pls~ <3
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>Just pop your chassis
alright that's just going too far.
shoo, outta here with you!
go bother that plug girl instead!
talk is cheap
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im just playin'

night man, my b for being slow as fuck
Are you circumcised?
>>tfw cant see any gears or sprockets or finely designed wiring and boards
why live
>gave me a good chuckle
Thank you
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yah that can be a bitch
hi venus
you want a cig?
>i'm a robot
>"why live"
do i look like i'm breathing and frolicking organism
Nah I mean why should I live when I can't see that
Requesting a biiiiiiiiiiig dick
why deliberately choose to be this nihilistic?
>my friend
marc plays?
>low energy
have some coffee then.
Fuck off, Taith.
>almost trips

Youre not the only one with guns!
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well here we are, it as nice to meet ya, if you ever want a second date i will be here, so you can call me.
wel,l good bye, take care of yourself, please.
not today, anyways thanks
>your kittens are cute
you are rigth on that one
Have you ever drawn a fight between you a drawfag?
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I don't think I put the thought into Zanders dick yet
boy god DAMN its a bitch cause hes an ASS SHIT about beating me
then we switch to literally any other fighting game and I curb him, then he gets mad
>playing fighting games with marc
no, im talking personal IRL friends here
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queer jews in the oven.png
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is that a gondola tattoo?
Yeah. I fucking love Gondola threads so back when I made this I put that in there too.
People never notice it.
is box girl now a meme?
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well choose a song enstein
oh mierda esta hablando japones, losiento amigo, esto es por tu bien
i just say i will need snitches after that
Now smoking weed.
yes radical is a huge joke of a bot
I noticed ;)
thanks i love roasting myself
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purr purr (Thank you for the lovely night out Blue. We'll go out again. Heres a good night kiss.)
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