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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>713654446 Rules:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 142
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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>713654446

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless tripsguy gets trips)
>No lewding (I'm looking at you, Juvia)
>Occasional RP never hurt anyone
>Discussion is the only thing to do here really
>Shitposting must be original
>If you're posting images you're not an elitist
>3D is always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in Discord
>Most importantly, have fun!

akame claimed
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Just nonstop worrying about tomorrow
Last time I went I told them about some pain and they flipped my eyelid over (not fun at all)
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>All I know is I don't really like Rin or Emi
>don't like Emi
Yes, very cute indeed.
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Sameji claim'd

aren't the shit posters up past their bedtime?
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I just bulli.
Oh boy! I love fun!
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misaki 3.jpg
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I'll go with Lilly next, thanks. I just hope running into Hanako during her route doesn't cause too much sadness.
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fuck you.jpg
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gonna go watch youtube

later gators!
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Shinoa claimed ',:)
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Yuuki (0).png
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I can flip my eyelids right now, it doesn't hurt but it does get uncomfortable after a bit
Fuckin rood tbh
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Yuuki (30).jpg
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Eu claimed~
Pretty much, they claim to be "grownups", you know, minding their own business. But here they demonstrate their idiotic behavior by shitposting like it does something.
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you must be fucking out there for wanting to fuck a vegetable
Virgn defending cartoon wife spotted
Hello everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed
Goodbye senpai
Hello smugs
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Kitty 6.png
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>lmao ayy

pissing in a sea of piss
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don't worry anons, we tard wranglers have been deployed to this thread
That sounds like it hurt. I was just getting fitted for contacts.
So what about your day?
>if I haven't told you, for the next couple of days I won't be able to come on /waifu/ because of how busy I'll be
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She's pretty cute, but why does she have just a helmet?
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Tard wranglers hired to sedate the autistic children
Where is this from please I've been collecting them and I must know
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To add +10 to cuteness level~
reverse image search it you stupid fuck
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You love it.
Whoa there
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hi misaki
hello shinoa
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Yuuki (62).png
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Hello Yui
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Hi, how are you today Yuuki?
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Today it was alright. Tomorrow is what I'm worried about since I'm going back to my therapist.

Will you be here for the weekend? I've been looking forward to it...
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Still here
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are we just going to completely dodge the fact that this anon wants to have intercourse with a vegetable?

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Yuuki (73).jpg
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Can't complain, just editing a powerpoint. Yourself?
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Hello there~
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A Hundred And One.jpg
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I think gauntlets+boots are cooler than helmets, but she really is super cute
Hey Yui
I can neither confirm nor deny this
But yes
Don't do that.
That's all you can really say, "virgin", "autistic", etc. Over and over, like a broken record player. But eh, what can we do about you bunch of mentally disabled bunch. Enjoy it, I guess.
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Well hello there Yui, you cutie
Hello akame, i noticed you added something to the rules again.
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Im here, wrangling this tard is gonna take some man Power, he's got type 3 Asperger's
why shouldnt he?
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misaki NHK 1.jpg
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Hey there. Someone's been using the other Akame ga kill waifu to gaslight poor haruhi.
What's up? Guessing you've been knocking back some pills
I'll be here for the weekend if you want to talk. Monday-Wednesday is a much bigger question as I have exams those 3 days.
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The toppest!.png
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Desert fox


Whoa. When was the last time you came here?

Hello Juvia



Stil doing pout i see

Hello akame
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Good banter is good.
Been a while since you visited the thread.
Its hard to get a good pout.
File: Yuuki (115).jpg (207 KB, 853x1067) Image search: [Google]
Yuuki (115).jpg
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How goes it
I'll definitely be here for the weekend! I wouldn't miss it for anything, since I get to hang out with my favorite person all day~!

Ah, thats good. Good luck tomorrow, love!
File: Eu146.jpg (66 KB, 720x960) Image search: [Google]
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Thank you~!
Eu thinks your waifu is super cute too~!

Hmm.. probably over a month ago now~

Eu knows.. it's been far to long~
>Damage control
Again, like I said, mentally disabled bunch you all are.
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it's about time i told you guys the truth...

you'll never get to be that anime girl who gave you a boner. stop roleplaying as them as if you think it'd ever happen. you are unwashed piles of filth speaking to other unwashed piles of filth.
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fucking hell.. Akame, or someone else from the series? Is Haruhi alright?
how are you?
Almost all of Night Raid has been claimed before
>implying you weren't autistic virgins being tard wrangled


we didn't forget the fact that you want to FUCK A VEGETABLE
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ACTUAL damage control
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someone tell me when the shit posters leave
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I'll be doing the same thing on the weekend!
I seriously can't wait until then
Make sure to be there and join us.
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Powerpoint for your data?
Just chilling, talking to you all.

Sup Galil

Hello beautiful Juvia

Yes, but people have started to notice my eyes being dilated all the time, something I noticed but doubted that anyone else did.
Debating with myself on whether I should stop or not, things were beginning to go well.
Butt hurt virgin getting mad his big bad bullies aren't fsggot losers like him
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It will a little bit, but it will eventually be overpowered by the good feels.
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Yuuki (74).png
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Yep, we have to present our data on Friday to the class.
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do you prefer tentacles or cartoon tentacles more
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Hey Akame. All is well in your neck of the woods?

Sorry about the other thread- I went off to lift and shower.
Sure some of us are in a lesser form, but you're too simple, very autistic if you will.
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Something thats a new issue, your waifu beach is too large an image size to be posted in full without proper saving. They now need to be under 2MB.
What up Mi Liu
Hello smugs how was your day?
Kek that gif
Did you think i wouldn't notice?
How was your day, cutie?
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Don't worry, Eu has been working on a new project~
I have no clue actually.
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someone needs to tell him that she's a fucking vegetable
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just because my name us alex doesn't mean im a nigger
you don't have to bully...
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At least she's not a fruit like you.
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hi houkie. I'm alright, what about you?
I certainly hoped you would notice!
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Isn't it odd how the day just disappears?
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did you come up with that one yourself billy?
That gif is great. I would agree.
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Ooh. I wont ask.
Very much so.
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let's claim more waifus guys

ill touch my waifu's boypussi with your waifu boypussi and we'll try to cloak it in talk that we wish our waifus would be making
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misaki curious.jpg
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>Or some other girl
I'm pretty sure it was akame.
>Is Haruhi alright
Now that's another story entirely, and not certain one I want to share with Haruhi's permission.
You bet. If you want to talk now I've got a bit too. No rush.
Take it easy. I know exactly what the good stuff does if you take it mid-day, so try to take it a few minutes or longer before bed so you don't end up with a 60 pulse, no blood pressure and drowsiness.
I hope so. I mean from what I hear pairing up with Lilly basically turns Hanako into a third wheel. So I'd feel pretty bad.
Houki right? What's up? Or did I get it wrong? I'm bad at names.
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Yup. Also i'm not billy.
Oh boy.
Eu a cute. But more importantly, Eu claimer a nice person.
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Oh i noticed. I also noticed these lewds
Another quality gif
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good job disgrace to the family, see if you can make enough of those to earn my respect again!
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Where do you think it goes to?
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Ritsu (21).png
1 MB, 5000x7174
Fuck off Rin. Not the Hanako you're looking for.
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Did you try googling one?

Pretty well my dudem playing black flags cause im that bored. You?

Something special about a woman with abs

A month? Last i saw you was when i made you the thug pic

See my 2nd reply

Maybe never

It's been decent. Amazed at how fast time flies by
Thanks, I'll see ya around, I guess.
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I'd love to, can you choose the topic...?

>Now that's another story entirely, and not certain one I want to share with Haruhi's permission.
What's do you need?
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E..Eu isn't that nice of a person~

Maybe Smug missed Eu~?
That's a pretty great picture of Yui
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Is very nice actually.
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Yuuki (47).jpg
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Dude, Black Flag is awesome. I'm just waiting for thread to hit image cap before i go to bed.
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fuck all of you niggers with a rusty nail
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vegetables aren't made for being fucked
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I really hate this so much. I think about this a lot when I'm not on.

I don't want to peek in his private life, I just wanted to know if/how he was affected by the impostor.
never change juvia

never change
I'm unexpectedly not too tired, even after the ridiculously low amount of sleep I had all week. What console do you play it on?
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Sore from exercise, mentally tired from work. All in all it was a pretty productive day. Only working a half day tomorrow though, so it's something to look forward to.

Yep, that's me. Just hanging around here for a bit while taking care of some other business before sleep.

>triple consecutive dubs
Hope all goes well with your appointment tomorrow.
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Post dab please
He seems to be an upstanding gentleman
I dun get it
Aw thanks! She looks even better in full armor
I'm just about to go to bed, had some dinner and now I'm sleepy. I'll probably make 1-3 more posts before I go
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Does anyone else hate retards? Assholes fucking parade them around and try to guilt trip you into saying how special and great they are. They are literally defective humans
think this picture means A social
antisocial =/= A social
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That's good.
And what makes you say that?
Alright goodbye, come back with more gifs if you do return
Oh i don't plan on it akame, as i assume the rules will not change?
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It kinda does, but -without spoiling it for you- it works out for her in the end.

Don't look at me in that tone of voice.
I've never heard anyone call retards great.
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i feel like i'm back in school when the class of retards is walking down the hallway when i enter a waifu claim thread
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>>713665750 have no proof~!

Thank you, friend~
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Special need people really piss me off
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she wouldnt be talking with that headgear on you stupid fuck


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Kirino370 .png
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( °ω°)
Lewdvia :o
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I think it goes to have fun by itself. Without us. Because the day is an asshole.
No. I dont like googling things when I have the tools to make them in front of me.
Banter is fun. I enjoy it more than I should.
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Are you talking about me?
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Like i care about having your respect.
A Korean Zombie Death Car is fine too.
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Fuck image swap ;-;
File: Eu36.jpg (27 KB, 450x253) Image search: [Google]
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But this is the internet, there is no speaking, so you're the one going full retard~

It's Eu! Not eU~!
now now gender dysphoric child, don't make me lock you back in the closet without your cum stained pillow
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I'm a witness to you being nice. I'm sure there are plenty of other witnesses too.
I would love to catch up with you Eu, but I should really be getting to sleep. Glad to see you're still around. Have a fantastic night.
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That's fun. I was doing some boring stuff today, but it was in good company so I enjoyed it. Now I'm just watching cars go around the Nürburgring, waiting to be tired enough to go to bed.
Might tweak them here and there, but I think #5 will stay that way.
Yes Haruhi. What happened today with the other akame, assuming misaki is correct?
File: D A B.jpg (20 KB, 480x480) Image search: [Google]
D A B.jpg
20 KB, 480x480
Missed a lot

Orrrrr go to sleep now

The adult life. Too tired to be tired. Xbone cause pc 2 much for me atm


Being bored? Idk. I have nothing else to do

>how to bake a cake
>googles lazy town's bake a cake

You're very welcome and I agree with Shiro, you're a nice person
What banter?
Top kek
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You don't see those stupid videos during retard awareness month where companies are like, "let's celebrate this retard! If you don't like and share it, you must be evil!"

Maybe its not the retards themselves, but the attitude towards them. Also, they are gross. Its like owning a shitty dog
Sorry for not replying earlier, I was getting ready for bed.
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I don't think I've ever talked to any akame before now.
Did something happen?
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A Cute Stats.png
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Yay! Nice numbers as well
Forgot pic
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But.... what about You? You is Eu is eU?
Silly anon, you can't use a blank pic as waifu.
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It's fine, are you going to bed soon...
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Yuuki (155).jpg
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I suppose I'll do that.

Have a good night /waifu/!
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Best kind of banter.

File: Eu39.jpg (42 KB, 480x791) Image search: [Google]
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Oh! okay then.. Good night friend, it was fun talking with you again~!

But Smug, Eu is always here~

N..nooo.. don't agree with them~!

God has abandoned us, let us sing the song of death~

No no, Eu is still Eu~
File: ak-me164.jpg (919 KB, 850x1014) Image search: [Google]
919 KB, 850x1014
goodnight shi-ro
I have a x1 too, but I pretty much only used it to play guitar hero live and NFS 2015.
see misaki's first reply to me >>713663309
It got me worried
vegetable fuel doesn't melt reality beams
File: misaki curious 2.jpg (25 KB, 350x197) Image search: [Google]
misaki curious 2.jpg
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Really, open up.
>What do I need
Nothing, I meant to say "don't want to share without Haruhi's permission"
I've seen some emotional manipulation. And emotionally manipulated people. But this was another tale entirely. "Don't go back to your therapist, he'll take you from me" etc
Cool. I'll be hanging around for a bit. Tomorrow's looking lazy.
I heard a chilling statement while in community group...

"Want to know why there are so few mentally retarded kids compared to when you were in middle school? They got aborted". Shit made us stop and think. I hadn't seen a downy kid since the 5th grade.
Yes, I've heard it harms her initially but she builds herself up more than she did even if you picked her route (but Lilly's route is longer, so perhaps she would have reformed her life anyway)
Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 142

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