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No loli thread? Loli tread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 296
Thread images: 150
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No loli thread? Loli tread
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still op
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stll op
ps 3d accepted and encouraged
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looks like fun but man those pics are way to small
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yup, realized it when i posted it. KEEP THIS THREAD ALIVE
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oh so if anyone could help me out, thatd be great. yesterday i saw a loli pic of hermoine from harry potter and it looked very good, she had cum flowing out of her ass and on her, does anyone have it, if they do could they post it plz. it was a 3d loli
nice thumbnails
Please better quality op
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so can anyone help me out?
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It's one of those pics by Alex I believe. One of the pics I actually refuse to save cause it looks like some photomanipulation, not necessarily a "pure" drawing.
try try "Alex*" as tag, they probably have something like Alex_(artist)
thanks for the help but i sadly couldnt find it
WARNING! Carry on reading or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Teddy is real. Teddy is dead. Teddy is hiding somewhere in your home. Tomorrow at exactly 3:37 AM, Teddy will cut your throat and watch you bleed out. His face will be the last thing you see unless you post this in three other threads. Teddy cannot be stopped.
Was it "realistic"?
yes, yes it was
Rad I want to die
do you have it?
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Been lookin for some loli sites

Any good ones like pic related?
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sorry, thats not it. she was lying on her back on her bed, a wand to her right and it looked very realistic
i stopped going to when they got rid of /hebe/
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What kind of a no life loser do you have to be to come on and post this in every thread... I seriously feel bad for you.
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Some fine long will this last..?
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creampie mf cowgirl 01.jpg
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WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the -government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now post this in another thread, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't.

This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to three threadsin the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 53 mins someone will say i love you or I'm sorry
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I like DFC as much as the next pervert, but budding beauties have their charms as well.

Who here likes JCs as much as JSs?
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thank you so much
I don't know what any of the things you just said mean.
What is this, a resolution for ants?!?
Can someone explain the acronyms pls
Please repost this, file is deleted, and i need it, badly.
I got it but I'm on mobile and it says the file is too big to post. I'll see what I can do.

Is she laying down, legs spread with a wand by her side and panties in the top corner?
Nvm, I see someone else posted it for me. But yeah, that was the one I was gonna post
where do you go now ?
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Here and there why does the FBI wants to know?
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Guys, what does DFC, JC and JS mean?
Damn it, I wanted to know :/
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Nice try FBI
lol you are fuckin paranoid x'D i was just wondering but yeah think whatever u want lol
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where u go 4 hebe stuff now?
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How about we put up some Christmas Loli stuff?
but... but..
You would feel paranoid if you had the cops on it ass
greentext your closest call anon.
JY - Joshi Yochien - Kindergarten Girl (4-6)

JS - Joshi Shogakusei - Elementary School Girl (6-12)

JC - Joshi Chugakusei - Junior-high School Girl (12-15)

JK - Joshi Koukousei - High School Girl (15-18)

JD - Joshi Daigakusei - College Girl (18+)

DFC - Delicious Flat Chest
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Oh well I got busted xd
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oh nothing to post, because i not collected image these day so i post this instead
what did you do?
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Thank you anon!
details anon, details
What do you guys do when someone brings the loli-hebe-pedro subject IRL, all judgmental like?
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I had been collecting lolis for about 8 months, then about 2 months ago the police busted inn my front door, took my pc and arrested me. And I was inn this isolation cell for 30+ hours, then they interrogated me for 7 hours and I am now being charged with possession of cp and can face up to 3 years in jail. feels bad man
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Never come up in conversation for me IRL.
woah, just for loli? Or IRL loli?
Where do you live?
why would you be here?
facing only 3 years?

the max penalty for me was 25yrs, i got out of court with a 5yr suspended sentence
Oh shit
Im so glad i dont live in europe
In the US I'm pretty sure they can't arrest you for having anything that's only drawn. They might try to use it in a case if your arrested for actual cp but even then the charges for cartoons get dropped
how did they even catch on to you?
Live in Norway
Just lolis
And as long as you don't download lolis it's ok
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i like lolis but i can't fap with loli because feel guilty
wich timezone?
is this a doujin ?? if so what name ??
They can. Theres about 26 states where lolicon is illegal (I'm in one of them)

For example, there was a man in Florida a few years back convicted and jailed in actual prison for possession of it.
any good loli sites?
nishi iori is author
Penguin something look it up on nhentai
Fuck, Norway is fucked.

Is it Norway where feminazis ruled and men are second class citizens?
From what I know a "friend" I had called me out to the police for giving him the game "Teaching feeling" witch is kinda a Loli game and that gave the police the right to trade my house

Which states, out of curiosity? Is it just possession?
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come to asia, i live in south cuckrea and nobody gives shit if i collecting some loli's people say "oh he loves children"
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How are you gonna get revenge?
No that is sweden, but Norway is pretty fucked up to.
fuck yeah michigan
thanks for the image anon i hope i can use this in court
But north cuckrea -_-
I was busted too.

>be me, 21 yo
>be using internet at work after hourssince faster (dial-up days)
>find real cp
>had faps in bathroom
>forget to delete cache
>go on vacation for week
>return, laptop missing
>get phone call to report to boss
>get 30 days in county, 2yrs probation
>sex offender reg
>feels bad
wonder if there is liek this for other countries
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Well, there's the lah. Forum, btw.
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That image? No

Your state's penal code, probably.
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any webm ??
Kind of same way to a lesser extent. I just save in these threads then never use them. Tend to use videos from porn hub more then anything else. It had just become more of a pass time collecting it.
Samer here
there's no more hebe in 8 ch
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That's when i started using librechan
what is after .
I'll try to find this web :-)
I can't find it
is dot org dot com
begins with www or http?
Bad bait and you're all fucking retards for buying it
Also bait, this is either completely incorrect or hasn't been updated in years.
elaborate please
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what the fug is libre chan?

That site was kill months ago. Someone said that it's up but fed take care of it now.

Too pussy to go there again.

Best Chan btw
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I think I find it,. but this imageboard is death
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the -government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now post this in another thread, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't.

This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to three threadsin the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 53 mins someone will say i love you or I'm sorry
>come to asia, i live in south cuckrea
How do you immigrate to south korea as a gaijin?
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Sexual attraction to sexually matured females is natural and is the norm throughout history. Sexual maturation happens around 12. So, no, you kill yourself for being judgmental.
SCOTUS threw out the retarded Bush era bill that made depictions illegal, it's lega in all 50, the only people actually charged are
>people who had actual CP
>People with either incredibly shitty lawyers or lawyers that wanted them in jail so they pled guilty
"ew, thats indeed gross" or something is usually my response or something like that
There is no where in the US where you will be jailed for looking at or downloading non-irl loli. Or even purchasing merchandise, I can personally attest to that. There are places where they may get on your case for it and send a cease and desist, perhaps a fine in extreme cases, but there's just a bunch of le reddit fags posting fear mongering shit in here, because they think it brings them the moral high ground. Loli is legal. Deal with it.
It's bullshit and makes absolutely no sense to ban a fucking drawing of anything no matter what it depicts since it is completely impossible to cause any sort of harm to anyone once so ever.
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honestly.. I DON'T KNOW
>wonder if there is liek this for other countries
Germany it's totally legal to own all forms of loli, even realistic 3D.
As long as they're not real children, anything goes.
to make matters worse, there was a recent court ruling, that the parents of a 15 y/o girl COULD NOT forbade her relationship with a mid-40's married with children man. Reasoning that at age 15 she's old enough to determine her own sexuality and what happens with it
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>Sexual maturation happens around 12
lol no, the bone and hormonal structure isn't fully developed until at least 19ish that would be optimal breeding age which is the actual definition of sexual maturation

You can like loli all you want but it's not particularly 'natural' and is a piss poor argument anyway
Is loli legal in America? I heard it's illegal in Canada.
i thought germany was the opposite of that and loli was illegal
Yes but they'll try as hard as they can to convict you.
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>any sort of harm once so ever
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>19ish that would be optimal breeding age which is the actual definition of sexual maturation
I call bullshit.
The whole breeding mechanism and plumbing is already fully operational at birth. When a baby girl is born she has her period for about 1-3 days, due to her mothers hormones residues in her blood stream. But her own body shuts it down for the time being. For the only reason that there's not enough space in her body to develop and house a fetus. That's the only reason.
When a girl has her first period, biology has decided that she's now fully capable of procreative breeding. Which happens between the ages of 9 and 16 y/o, depending on the girls physique
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Stop ruining this thread furfags
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Nope, it's fully legal, even most disturbing 3D gore, extreme fetish lolicon, they may say something about morality, and ask you to get therapy, but still legal
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Wait so you're saying they're sexually mature from birth and then when procreation is possible they return to having a period?

The fuck are you smoking nigger?
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Get your gay shit out or we'll raid your thread
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dam son.gif
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>implying I care about the people in the fur threads
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Isn't that, like, a really bad thing?
I've always hated that stupid snaggle tooth in anime.
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i might regret this but what about mexico ??
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>zero suit fox < loli
>zero suit fox < any other furry porn
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Go and research for yourself on medical sites. There's a reason why the fetus sexual organs are fully developed after the first trimester, before all others. Procreation by numbers and as soon as possible is one of biology's prime directive for survival
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You're a fucking retard. You shouldn't have skipped biology.
Hormonal structure? WTF is that? See, when you say shit like that, all credence flies out the window. You goddamn moron. Just keep your mouth shut if you can't say anything intelligent.
It's better to be assumed stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
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No idea about Mexico, sorry anon
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What about sweden?
Juat go in the furry threads and spam 3D lolis in there
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Why would anyone mention it outside of 4chan /b/
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What do you think? Mexico is a shithole with a ridiculous justice system, police here barely cares about crimes like murder or rape, a neck beard sitting in his laptop flapping to lolis is the last thing in their priority list.

But sexual distinctions of child's are forbidden.

Probably the only way to get arrested is if the case goes to mainstream media.
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This is all one lonely person, lol he chose this thread out of all things. Yelp fucking dogs and animals makes me throw up every time. Anybody got eye drops?
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>Ann Shouji blowing her father.
I don't think that's her
Sakura is a good girl!
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do you have the pic of card captors, with tomio kneeling and sakurs head in her lap
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>guy draws picture
>posts online
>another guy faps to picture
>police arrest him for looking at a drawing
Nice fuckin saved
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>it's her as a child.
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glad you liked anon.
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Who the fuck cares what gets you off. Just fap and shitpost.
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Another Fur Fag Thread Linked To The Old One
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I'd be happy with a healthy medium
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Well that's one way to ruin a thread
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after all there's never enough cub threads
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Damn these images are firing faster than a Coconut Gun.
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Raid Began
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do you have the pic of card captors, with tomio kneeling and sakurs head in her lap. PLZ

Swedish dude ur fucked
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so much of the shit for the us is so vague
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Do you have a Tumblr? Pixiv ?
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Constitution generally makes loli legal. States may however try to circumvent this and use other laws against you.
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I got a question since this thread has been kinda dealing with the law.
Let's say I frequent these loli threads every so often, and may have even seen a pizza or two in my day. Now suppose one day ol' Johnny Law comes a knockin on my door, would the cost of getting a charge for destruction of evidence by tossing a magnet on my RAM and SSD outweigh the supposed evidence I might be destroying in this hypothetical situation?
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the -government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now post this in another thread, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't.

This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to three threadsin the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 53 mins someone will say i love you or I'm sorry
lets raid

> posting in loli thread
> calls out furries

Now that's funny.

What are they gonna do? Track what you fap to?
>lets raid
What's worse is the question.
>answer, loli is probably less worse
Any sauce for op?
i do

did u need it

Down for the count due to nazis
So i want to know if anyone knows what the 3d game/videos are from because on some threads i see them and have no idea where they are from.
>magnet on my RAM and SSD

that wouldn't do jack shit to the data

Made a new thread if you want

>magnet on RAM and SSD

nice b8 m8
And now we have no posters in our own thread.
your fucked unless you only look at porn through the tor browser on tails installed on a flash drive behind at least 5 proxies
We need a new thread. Limit is reached
I'm not going to be home can we reschedule?
New Thread
finna get me a loli
where i can find more of this?
I'd buy that one. Raise her with love and hot dickings. Possibly marry her should she prove loyal and useful.

10/10 would institutionally stockholm.
Wanna make a Kik group where we talk bout lolis?
thanks omega cat
Thread replies: 296
Thread images: 150

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