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Feminism/SJW hate thread.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 120
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Feminism/SJW hate thread.
Right-whingers are way more annoying than feminists or SJW.
Yeah they are. Now we get to deal with their shit for 4 years until everyone is sick of THAT then it's back to the opposite. People just get bored and want to switch philosophies. Yawn.
>Right-whingers are way more annoying than feminists or SJW.
How in the world could they be ?? SJW are the profesionnal cryers, they spend 100% of their time to complain about how everything is wrong with everything and how society is wrong on every single aspect.

Right wingers just want them to fuck off.

I think you're retarded, son.
>Doesn't see the irony that he's crying right now.

And that's Jenga.

>Makes sweeping blanket statement
>Expects No reaction from anyone
> Is surprised and sees it as evidence when affected group makes an argument in defense

You are a speciel sort of dense son.
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this looks like Eastern Europe. God doesn't care about what happens there.
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It's amazing to see all the libcucks in the states reduced to nothing but hollow shells obsessed with the colour of their skin completely ignoring everything else.
I'm sure Ayn Rand is just as furious over the faggotry that goes on in her name too.

Not even covering the fact that she hated religion, yet it seems like only christfags follow her special kind of retard ideology.

life's ironic like that.
He is right
Sorry >>712138200
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I hate feminism/SJW
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short memory you have there kiddo, that or you were too young to remember the utter deluge of conservative tears in 2012 AND 2008.
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>my 11 year old daughter today asked me if he's accused of raping a girl. Someone told her at school.
queer kid changes gender mid-sentence!!!
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i want to die as soon as possible
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Don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house little libcuck..
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i sense heresy
Feminists and SJW are even worse than liberal pussies that are still trying that Trump won.
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holy shit these people are allowed to teach
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>women destroy nations

women haven't really led that many nations. what empirical facts are you basing this claim on?

>i posted a picture about a play from fuckall who cares when

so someone wrote a play once and that's the basis of your entire argument?
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>/Threading your own post
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>shouldn't have to work
>hard working
this is why women should be treated like children
you can easily self-realize that dream.
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>I live in this city
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>t. Pic related
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please tell me this is fake
you get that thought catalog will pretty much let any retard write something and they'll call it an article right? that's their entire model.

sorry my man
Good boy

Also checked- double time
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>acting like women don't have this market cornered as all fucking hell
>shaming women for their emotions
>studies they will ignore for convenience have proven men are more emotional on average

actually. mad.

check this
>they have meanings
-Trumps held a LGBT flag without shame smiling calling Supreme Courts choice "fine"
-Trumps close friend is Ben Carson (African American)
-Trump appointed female construction managers before it was a common practice.
-Trump has nothing against AMERICAN MUSLIMS, Syrian Ones who could pose a threat is a different story
-Trump wants ILLEGALS out because they've broken the fucking law
-Trumps daughter is Jewish and he's "proud of it"
-Trumps donated to charities helping disabled.

Your move liberals.
You serious, kid ? You are THIS retarded and have no valid point you have to use such stupid statement ?
Well it lets women be retarded to the public. Do you know how many women probably related to this? Whether or not they shared it to their friends or just kept it to themselves, they probably felt connected to it. Women are social creatures and when they feel like you've connected to them emotionally, they will do whatever they are told.
What's even worse is I'm studying theatre production and design, meaning I half to spend half my life next to ultra leftist actors who argue FOR this shit. Just 2 more Goddamn years, then I can b-line it to sound design
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I think america needs some good old fashioned british stoicism, just to make sure all the shitty sjw and normie types don't get to do anything legitimate.
Oops, have to*
Not to mention taking half your shit and all your babies.
Oh, yeah, also that women defaulted to always be cared for while us men are sink or swim.

There was a study recently about why women outnumber men in college.
The problem now is divorced households usually don't have a father figure, do the boys get screwed there.
When there's no father figure there is a strong correlation for not graduating college with boys.
They even did a study that proved causation. Look it up.
Well he's said bad things!
doesn't really matter

he has so many conflicts of interest and ethical issues, all that the establishment republicans have to do is threaten him with impeachment and he'll play along like a good little boy

he's going to go along with the standard GOP platform. nothing will change.
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People are tired of your lying, crying bullshit.

Individuals and groups of individuals on an individual basis are held accountable for each of their actions respectively. It is not societies fault or responsibility to correct these wrongs. If an individual commits a crime or fails at life, that is up the individual and the individual alone, not societies doing, wrong-doing or fault in today's modern world. There is no institutional racism, just lefties bending their ghost-arguments to their own needs to get minorities on their bandwagon.

Have fun getting hit on the highway like those dumb sluts did recently, protesting in the middle of the night, on a highway. Those endless tears, those protests.

And they say Righters are annoying and whinny.
OP here. I'm not a radical right winger, nor am I a radical left winger. I'm somewhere in the middle. I hate both Trump and Hillary. Regardless, the bullshit that third wave feminists and SJWs push is just that--bulshit. This thread is intended to elaborate on that idea, not to push opinions coming from the left or right.
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When did Ben Carson become Trumps close friend?
When did Jewish daughter become a positive thing?
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fukk seeing one of those sub-human nigger apes get their spines snapped bring me an mdma-like blissful euphoria
this guy writes like a complete tosser
I don't get it
The cock carousel meme is real. No surprise except that roasties admit to it
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>saying no to sex is an act of rape
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I don't remember them protesting, burning their own cities, looting said cities, screaming kill men and kill white people, "trembling", literally crying, huddling in corners, threatening to kill themselves and vomiting en mass like a writhing pit of maggots.

He's so cucked that even though he got raped by a rapefugee, he could barely bring himself to cut his attacker to save his own life. And then he was overwhelmed with guilt(not for sucking his cock like a fag) because he hurt him and the rapefugee was deported.
>he's my pride and joy, he's the nicest and kindest person I know
>but when she said he was a rapist I didn't even need evidnece
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first time i noticed but hes flipping the bird the whole time
this is a bunch of rightwing bs! the patriarchy of your country appalls me!
This was the last nail in the coffin. I'm ready to an hero.
This is soooooo good to read !
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Sadly, this is the world today. I hope I pass in my sleep tonight.
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Most of that is basically true about Trump.

>the patriarchy of your country appalls me!

You're right, a woman would never work in construction or get her hands dirty here, for she's a woman, and a princess, and is above us male peasants, you Euro-cuck.
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fa/tg/uy here. boy have i got a treat for you.
I just seriously lost my fucking goddamn shit
holy shit
Same here /b/ro
I'm not american and didn't really follow all this circus, but can you tell me what did he said about fags, niggers and jewish that makes them so scared? Because I only have a general idea of Donald Trump, and I can't see a rich guy with so much interest in show bussiness giving a fuck about who gets dicks in her ass, who's black and who's a kike. I know what the deal is with feminists, muslim and mexican, but all those tweets from jews, fags and niggers... I just don't get it
the second your own blood sides with someone else, it's just done
oh my fucking god. I thought i saw everything, but this.... kekest.
Holy shit was that the most forced attempt to sound alpha while being beta. This faggot clearly has some issues that he thinks, since he has them, everyone else must, too.
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I posted most of these YRYL pics. This will be the last one. Thanks for all the (you)'s
Nice dubdubs, but that isn't funny. It's sad, and hopefully fake
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That shit really grinded my gears.
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oooo pls give me the sauce! need to read something hilarious.
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It's fear mongering by the left, they say he is sexist because of a comment his pal, or he made years ago about grabbing ladies by the pussy cus' he's famous or something, literal locker room talk that got recorded a long time ago.

Idk why they think he is racist against blacks, since he tells the truth about them and their communities, and their BS race baiting?

He wants to deport the illegal immigrants back to Mexico and build a wall, so upholding the law is now racist???

He wants more serious vetting process and a register program for refugee Muslims, as they are deemed a serious threat by US security.

His VP is what scares the fags, which is honestly funny asf.
So used to crying you cannot even see your own tears.
there you go my friend
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In other words, she said no and now he mad
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my nigga, you just made my night.
was lurking and now im having a good night of work! kek
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oh my fucking god
Thanks for illustrating.
Middle is IMPOSSIBRU !!

Part of the reason why not only I'm disappointed in my own generation, but also why I am registered as "non-political" as opposed to democrat, republican, etc. etc.

Then again, people love to assume all liberals are democrats and all conservatives are republicans. Truth be told, the so-called extreme "liberals" are simply just extreme/hardcore democrats.
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She needs to be feed to Africa.


She needs to be sent to the Middle East to learn what real rape is, LOL.
what are these fucking tards doing?

hope the one that fell died
Kill me. It pains me to think that there are people out there that have this opinion. I want to an hero as much as it is already; this shit doesn't help.
it's not
already legal to murder an unborn baby, is crippling it being allowed that shocking?
How the fuck are people this stupid? How could you even entertain the idea of watching another man fuck your wife?
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i have a cousin that has all sorts of shit wrong with him because fetal alcohol, his mom drank and any person who spent a day with him would see how fucked up his entire life has been because of it
I think this proves that feminism and logic are mutually exlusive
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The fuck is this nigga on about?
Howard come the women in Portland have facial hair?
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>My 11 year old daughter asked me if he's (Trump) accused of raping a girl. Someone told her (the daughter) at school.

Not that difficult lad.
>Why giving feminists what they want just makes them unhappy and angrier.
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So if I shoot her knees with a shotgun, I'm doing her a favor by her logic, right?

I'm pretty sure those 2 are the ones with a disability.

Said disability is of course being alive.
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declining sex with a fat woman is rape, obviously
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What the fuck is LGBTQIADG+
How many more letters are they going to add

> I didn't say "No."
> I technically consented
> I was raped

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might kek

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my sides!
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good read
i was thinking the same thing, holy shit
Nothing. Doesn't even show up in a google search. Just another contender in the snowflake olympics.
attentionwhoring at it's worst
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this is how you react to when a bitch wants to cuck you.!!
fucking cringed
>if you need more blood ask a friend or neighbor

jesus give me aids
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oh shit this hits too close to home
does anyone (especially feminists) ever wonder why the "innocent until proven guilty" system exists? Fuck this world.

There's another one where she puts her menstrual blood into other people's food at the place she works at and took pictures of said food with the blood in it.
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Here it is.
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"Nigger" is the preferred nomenclature...

>jesus aids me to death pls
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we're done here.gif
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remember no one to blame for this but ourselves. we started the blood-cooking as a gag and fuck me they ran with it
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> women = minorities

Poor Red. He picked some serious retards for "friends."
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Well, I didn't expect Ricky Gervais to be arrested
Why do people even use facebook?

Oh fucking Christ, for real? if so, does anybody have the screencap for that shit?
absolutely fucking disgusting
So ?
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This one is super cringey.

Deport !
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>Tfw you're little brother is part of the problem
Every time I want to delete it, I remember its the only way to stay in contact with certain friends and groups I have an interest in,

The 'social' aspect is garbage tho, don't communicate with bookface, just use it to organise meetups or plan events, this shit is soul killing, even to the glorious socialites its designed for.
I've read it before. I was driving my car the other week thinking about it. Imagine how bad that kid will have it. He could end up having his penis cut off before he can understand why. Imagine being him at 25, if he could make it without suicide, knowing your mother tricked you into having your penis fucking removed so she could feel better about her self.
I'm on your side about this one, can you give some.examples of how shitty things are for him?
I really hope this is a joke.. among other shit I've seen in this thread.
so a racist tax?
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>aborted fabio fetus.

lost my shit.
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I just use it to get in touch with IRL friends and follow subjects of interest, such as music/entertainment I enjoy, etc.

I normally don't use it to meet people, though. I prefer doing that in person if possible, though some exceptions come along once every 5 blue moons or some shit.
Nah it's all real, and the reason so many people become aggressively anti-feminist and anti-SJW.
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>porn is degenerate
>it fucks up your libido
>slippery slope to unconscious psychological problems
>lists all fetishes and why they're bad
Would this be considered a hate crime or rape?
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>fussed at for not having a facebook/any social media
>make one under a false name
>apply to have it deleted and log out
>never use it again
>still get fucking facebook spam emails

when i saw a nigga cry real actual tears at myspace being down for maintenance i knew then and there: never ever.
Of course not. As far as a women is concerned, as long is the baby is still attached via umbilical cord, it counts as HER body, and they can do what they want.
>my 4 year old said...
>I'm 36, btw
Sooo...I'm just not allowed to talk to women then?
Like wtf?
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Wtf is this...

I don't even think this one was intended to be serious.
>You are too young to know how bad Hillary is

>no i must be right, Trump is literally the source of all evil
>now watch as i conflate blue collar middle class worker and illegal immigrant, to prove how intelligent i am
who the fuck calls their own mother by her first name???
fuck man. well, at least I ain't eating that shit
just a try:
lesbian gay bi trans queer inter androgen?
holy shit, I dont even want to dig to deep into dat shit
So? So? SO? 8 trans-teens, DEAD! GONE, off the face of the earth, never to come back! And all you can say is so? WTF is wrong with you?

It should be way more than 8.
Holy shit absolutely destroyed
I will give you 5 dollars if you know where that is from

I wondered the same thing, anon.
is that a better response?
They're going for the whole alphabet!
to be painfully honest it's probably why i no longer desire a relationship or intimacy and have been fapping daily since the age of 14.
- he will say and do everything to get elected, that doesn't means he likes it
- uncle tom is always the friend of the masta'
- and that matters because...
- no, he doesn't want them out, he wants them fearful of being evicted and will to work for whatever they are given just to be able to have some money
- no, she's just married to one. If she gets divorced it will be as usual again
- again, he'll do all it takes to get elected

Your move, you gullible moron.
left falling for the satire as well as the propaganda, nothing new here
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This gave me SO MUCH CANCER
8 is a good start. But not nearly enough. I want to see the streets littered with the bodies of faggots.
for real
he really thinking hrc is the shit, or is he just vandalizing shit cus fuck it?
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Did you not get the sarcasm?
>emphasis on trans-teens
>tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of infants - teens die daily around the world, yet somehow you expect people to care about another statistic

Why should i feel anything other than contempt for the suicide of somebody so stupid they bought into the Trump-is-a-devil propaganda?
>raughing so hard rn
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>schools axe
Its it the year 3000 already?
Fucking SJWs. them and those hippies, feminazis gonna fuck up the world
save that pic and read it later. It explains a lot. You may not believe all of it, or any of it but it is an interesting perspective.
I try to go nofap for a few days. Nothing extreme like 4 months or something.
When I nofap sometimes I
>have more energy
>get hornier looking at girls
>want to accomplish more(be more productive)

but other times it's horrible
>can't stop thinking about fucking
>want to masturbate all day long
>"accidentally" look at porn

Nofap isn't broscience but it isn't 100% beneficial either. I say getting away from porn is the best but still fapping every once in a while is perfectly okay.
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Ask Bill.jpg
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a tabletop roleplaying game in the vein of dungeons and dragons or vampire the masquerade made by and for the WORST sort of sjw. it's REALLY worth reading that page about it, but a few highlights
>not dungeon master, dungeon mistress
>says men can play too
>literally cannot make a male player character
>all of the deviantart-tier art is of purple haired sjw's killing white dudes
>black girl in leopard print onesie
>god class like cleric? patroness, not patron
>"There is nothing wrong with being larger than an average lady (It's all about the Bass ladies). Still being Plus-sized comes with a stigma among humans under control of the Patriacracy an(sic) also while you may be strong and Fitness you might not be as swift as you like."

it's a goldmine, i am just too lazy and sleepy to break out the pickaxe
>it should be way more than 8.

almost had me there bud
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But santa still visits.
so much rage, I can't even...
please tell me she went to prison for this horseshit. please. she literally killed her fucking mother.
>Voluntary Manslaughter

Hell even if she pleads insanity she'll be in an institution where she fucking belongs.
He better not be proud of it faggot

I hope someone finds and murders this bitch. That is beyond inhuman stupidity and this is what these SJW really stand for. This stupid ass "I am always right" mentality.

She killed her own mother, after her mother let her back into her home.
lol i think this was satire.
before racism against white people is a socially accepted thing/problem? just look at all this shit. saying that because you are white you automatically voted Trump, you are (insert)-phobic and whatnot.

this sort of generalization based on skin color is exactly what racism is. do they not see that they are not fighting racism, but merely replacing it with a different one that hasn't been an issue before?
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My late-night brain capacity ruined this for me. It was going fine until the end, when I read 'election' as 'erection'. It went from all of my rage/wut to all of my finest keks

>"I was crying myself to sleep over the erection..."
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They bend the definition to racism to only apply to blacks and minorities.

People have debunked their ideology, but they are infiltrating public schools and already colleges to push this garbage.

They are a social disease, sickness upon the world and the US.
fucking cherrypicking sjws
god they make me rage so much
>all images white people
fucking racists
Ok thank goodness. I'll admit to being too enraged to tell the difference on some of this stuff and taking the bait half the time.
He's good
You ignore the fact they cannot ever see themselves as the 'bad guys'.

Everything they do, no matter how horrible and ironically bigoted it is, is for the good of all society.
Any who don't think their way must be killed or forcibly reeducated, because noone can stand in the way of the self-destructing and unsustainable future. its 2016 for chrissakes.
Women are disgusting

there are actually vids of niggers beating up white ppl because "they voted for trump". when will racism against white ppl be accepted as something real??!!
That actually sounds cool, I wanna fuck all women. More power to them!! and fuck off you patriarchal dimwit.
i like that they cry hitler all the fucking time, whilst they are being discriminatory and authoritarian as fuck all the same time
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Thank all to MR G.Soros
Manterruption sounds like it could be a word for a badass lava dwelling preying mantis creature. Instead we got this.
Could be a Pokemon

what's funny is that women oppress each OTHER far more. WHO decided that they need to be anorexic and spend hours a day on their appearance?

women are the worst thing that ever happened to women and then they blame us.

retarded bitches.
fuck I wish this was real. Such gold xD
they are eff us up. there vids of niggers beating white ppl. they said trump supporters will cry, but look at them, fucking SJWs hippies and feminazis
another fa/tg/uy here, i'm astonished this shit exists, and i've seen some shit
I get the fuck all women part, but do you seriously think that's going to be the deal with these jealous devils?

what you have to do is kill all other males, to become the only choice. thus suddenly you are now the king, and the alpha, calling all the shots, because without you, no more civilization. you'll have the ace of spades and aids probably, and can now pit these women against each other

Left wing hippie cuck freak strikes again.

Right wing is for when honesty meets reality.
Mmm, delicious SJW tears...
What the fuck is Vladimir fucking Putin doing there?
worse than FATAL? possible? now we've seen it all my friend. i wonder if i could get a roll20 group together for this shit
Hell yeah. I don't think they've even made a fire/bug type yet have they? Too bad if they do it now it'll look like Nintendo and Gamefreak support SJWs.
No don't do what they do, mentally deranged people are disgusting. I know it might seem so because a lot are fucked up but just like every stereo type: mostly true but not always /inherently
building Russia by himself bc only he knows how to do it right.

should they elect liberal ass hats every 8 yers instead?
based garrison
my head hurts
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>nothing wrong with making your kid retarded
the Steven Universe avatar sealed it
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It's already begun fam.
can i have the url for this tumblr or something?
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These people are frightening. When slavery is legalized again, they will cheer.

Thank god that idiot Trump was elected. I hopefully have at least 4-8 years to get the fuck out of this country before it becomes illegal to leave the country.
I susport Trump and am all the things you listed
have fun
This cunt is lucky she didnt try to teach me this shit. White privilege my ass. This is all shit to try to make white people who dont suck at life feel guilty for not being trash. It is litterally the same thing as a white guy saying blacks suck because they are black... the irony. She would probably have a meltdown and cry rape if anyone were to call her fat cunt ass out on it.
>pulled my dick (small)
Those fucking Hillary supporters. Crying their eyes out that Trump was voted president. Blaming all Trump-voters for having destroyed the last trace of democracy and nice-ness in USA. Don't blame the folks that voted Trump, it was their choice. Blame the shitheads who did n-o-t vote Hillary. Because... if Hillary really was the best alternative, shame on them who did n-o-t vote for her. And t-h-a-t, you fucking H supporters, is an entirely different thing. You betrayed yourselves. So, HAAA !
haha, this is so insane
my whole life as a kid in the 90's is just going full circle

>I started my life building treehouses and playing outside with neighborhood kids - then vidya game consoles
>started out with a walkman and various cassettes - then discman, mp3 player, now phone
>started with biking to see if buddy was home - now internet does all that
>went from phone with just call option, to full on pocket computer, which by the way has twice the specs of my space age computer bought in 2001
>started off as a white kid not knowing about black people, then muslims everywhere, and now I'm being discriminated against
>women where often stay at home. now they work and whine equality n shit

holy shit. because I am white, I am now automatically a racist and should be discriminated against

I'm not even scared, I wanna see how this plays out. maybe I'll be a strong, independent role model for the future white oppressed youth

This is chaos
he said he will deport ILLEGALS with CRIMINAL records, the only ones that have to worry are actual fucking legitimate criminals. Liberals just will never be satisfied.
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I don't understand why people view me as a sex object wwwwaaaaahhhhhh wwwwwaaaaaaahhhhhhhh bullshit!
This is what tolerance looks like, everyone. Savor it. This is your future.
Typical republifat crying. I like dem salt
>Gunners v Raiders
we're going full on fallout here
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has anyone encountered one of these specimen before? Seems like the only time you hear about these filthy delusional parasites is on the internet (I figured since they never leave their moms basement)

if so can you greentext please? Would love some OC
>When did Jewish daughter become a positive thing?
Oh look. An open minded liberal who loves everyone and is open minded to all races, cultures, ideas, etc.....
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So her daughter wants to be normal - and her mom is pressuring her into being a false slut?

And she threatened to divorce her husband (thus taking half is money, assets and probably the marital home) if he didn't give her the money for the procedures!

I don't even ....
The Ukrainian rioters were way more hardcore than the crying teargassed masses you see at liberal riots.

Also Conservatives need a couple fat guys in there.
I deliver pizza and I think I'm going to start carrying a weapon. Recently had an encounter with what seemed like a misandrist ideologue. I'm expecting more self justified ideological dangerous behavior to be directed at me in the future.

I am white and male as fuck. Literally a perfect Aryan.
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i was lucky enough to go to a college where men were advocated too, to the point where that shit wasn't tolerated. even had a men's center.

a torch in the darkness
holy fuck that gives me hope. What college?
Eh, to be honest this came up a lot during college, that a lot of other languages have a gender neutral pronoun so English should too. I kind of agree, but I have to say "xe" sounds fucking retarded and will never catch on.

Maybe just a singular form of "them"?
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doesn't really sound like she's directly pressuring her daughter
more like tempting here. like a barbie satan

>gender neutral pronoun


I'd say that is gender neutral.
I think people will start showing universities what they want with their wallet. I was happy when I heard the university that had to be women yelling "I need some muscle over here" had super low undergrads this year costing them huge money.
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is there any pics of the 12 year old
Person isnt a pronoun you fucking retard
It cannot be true
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A particularly nice branch of a system of community colleges in the region (houston area)

price is right and they have a lot to offer, classes and otherwise. went to see a guest speaker the mens center got to come aboard, pro wrestler turned motivational speaker/modeling manager. talked a lot about the pressures put on guys today especially young guys, troubles he had, how he lost pals to drugs. etc. good shit my friends

got a rape whistle keychain as free swag. fucker broke not a week later. guess it can't be ALL good
Not really a pronoun though is it?

>"I want to ask him if he will send me that picture"
>"I want to ask person if person will send me that picture"

survived bill? bill clinton was the best. dumb cunt probably thinks both bush's were heaven sent
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I laugh at this. As a white aryan male myself, I laugh.
this for me is completely absurd.

I'm not saying don't carry a weapon, by all means, but this is for me is the absolute chaos

it's like the lefties go full circle too.
they are so obsess with being far left and helping all the oppressed that they suddenly slide all the way over to the right side of the chart. as if they're playing that mini game in super mario bros 3 (I think, with the magic flute and all)
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>mfw people like this are the reason why the usa don't have healthcare
Science is a social construct......

Kill all of it with fire, holy fuck.
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that's not for a hate thread
>dem feels
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take a look at Germany
immigration is wonderful
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flashbacks of that law and order episode putting a mom who had her daughter ritualistically castrated tried for abuse
These people need to be executed and/or sterilized.

My god what is this species becoming?

They are worse than the religious followers.
uhhh.. say what you want about his nopants dance with his non-wifes the dude ran a solid country.
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Allow me to fix this

>"I want to ask nigger faggot if nigger faggot will send me that picture"
And these kids expect to get jobs?

Where, at the professional victim co.
that's why I'm headed to russia to find a wife. Fuck American chicks
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The Islamic State of Sweden is another good example.
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I'd bet the gravity of the situation sunk in and she's a crack whore now
I wanted to start fresh in Karlstad with a fling I had once. No more.
Sincerely Norway

Nothing will repair what she did, just a lying stepdaughter whore.
Badass catch!
She could have kept her secret. What the fuck.
This is satire isn't it?

If not I have even less interest in the human species than before. And that's saying something.
what are you implying?
she's still a lying whore
That she could have ruined his life permanently with no evidence and got away with it.
What a fucking retard
In French, no neutral, even in Plural form (Ils -them for male- / Elles -them for Female-).

And when talking about a mixed-gender group (several males and females) the male pronoun prioritizes over the female one).
Norway sounds good with all the church burning and fishing and shit. I might just invite myself to live there.

Sincerely, Finland following Sweden
>>712146751doesn't make her any better of a person for coming clean. she was only doing it to get a load off her own shoulders. you think she actually had actual empathy?
the dad here however, he should get fucked. hope his kid offs himself and he does too out of sheer guilt
A little part of me dies when i read stuff like this.
he is a she' check tits
Never thought about other languages. Lmao every other language has gender embedded into very single word. A nightmare for sjws
I travel to Finland all the time to buy beer and sigarettes. Live up north. Great shit you guys have going with your schools and shit. Love it when a fin shows up at a party, they're always a fucking blast

So you are defending her, for being merciful to sending him to jail, and then admitting that she lied. That she is more human and forgiving and merciful for owning up to her mistakes, damn, you SJW are fucking scum, so much. She shouldn't have even done it in the first place, and it does not fully redeem her for what she did, it only proves she has a conscious that probably plagued her.
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all scandinavian languages has this as well. where objects are either masculine, feminime or neuter.
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>women haven't really led that many nations

Oh look, Mr Strawman appears.
Disgusting soulless person.

Killin 50 people doesn't make you more merciful than killing 51.

Ruining a person's life permanently doesn't make you more merciful than ruining it even more.

Fucking worthless people everywhere with no sense of morality. What the fuck is this planet?
Oh I agree. It just seems so gross. Only her death can bring justice.
hear, hear
or public outing so she too can live a disgraced and destroyed life
Wait hold up. How did this get interpreted as me supported her? I was completely on your side. Going to reread what I wrote here lol.

I'm saying it was FUCKED UP that she COULD HAVE gotten away with it. Like I said only her death would bring justice.
Trannies off themselves before trump got in, what is the net trump effect?

Maybe 8 trannies kill themselves every day.
I'd respect it more if rather than saying sone, said nigglet
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