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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>711590096 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 158
Thread images: 123
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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初音ミク – 1822.jpg
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I want Miku to whisper nice things to me.
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Alice (8).png
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That's the joke retards
Literally nothing would please me more

Fuck off with this bullshit cancer.

Take a shower, Change your clothes and Leave your moms basement and talk to a real woman for once you disgusting fuck.
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>>711618523 alice
beautiful bait
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Projecting this hard
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Back from setting off some old fireworks.
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Alice (22).jpg
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I shower daily, I change my clothes daily, I do live at home, but I'm a student and not stupid enough to move out with no job while going to school when I can live freely at home, and as a student, I interact with women daily. Nice try though
I thought it was pretty good. Even got two people to fall for it
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>be me
>love pin so much I download every pic of her
>have huge folder of Pin pics
>get dakimakura of her commisioned
>every time i come onto the thread I search filename "pinis"
>save those
>ask other drawfags to draw her
>some delivar others don't want to draw her OC
>call them heretics and take the good drawfags drawings
>print out all of my pin pics
>takes up multiple colour ink jets
>make photo album
>eventually parents get worried
>they delete all my pin stuff
>get mad
>cut myself
>beat up my mom
>cry because I have to rebuild my pin folder
Don't call me a retard, fag
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Kaburi Chiko top qt.

I know you miss him very much.
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TomoyoKanzaki [2.1].jpg
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>waifu faggots thinking they're better than each other
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Leveling is pretty hard because your level is based on all your gears levels
>Don't call me a retard, fag
Jesus christ how old are you.
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Ok I gotcha, your Light Level or what, right?
Sorry, I played it years ago, back on, like, the first DLC.
When did i say i was better than anyone?
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>Not realising it was a joke
Jesus christ how dumb are you.
>le backpeddle
>is a joke dude

Lurk more.
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Alice (322).jpg
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You sound upset
I cry daily over him no longer being here
>except maybe lurking now and then?
See >>711619557
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Yeah, but light was changed slightly
More importantly you aren't stuck with raid gear to be max level, you can eat up gear to level any legendary or exotic item up
Seriousley, it was a joke. I would never call alice a fag
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初音ミク – 1608.png
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Underrated post.
At least call me a nice retard.
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TheWonderfulNui (94).jpg
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But attempts must be made

>If trips get, every waifu of the thread must be given to me this very instant!
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sigh of unhappiness
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Hmm, so like... you merge it with your better gear? Making it slightly stronger?

Sorry, I really am a bit lost.

But I'm glad you were able to progress. I do remember that I was unable to progress because everytime I did a raid or anything I had to carry everyone, and 1 person could not complete raids at the time because the gear was just so limited. You needed at least one other person carrying the load.
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Surprised to see you're still at it. How regularly do you do these, nowadays?
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Smug Smile.jpg
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God I love yogurt with granola in it
They're still going, it's the people that moved in down the street.I'll ask them why tomorrow I guess
Sorry man
That attempt was a little better

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Basically if i have an item at 397 light, i can use another weapon that's 400 light to make my weaker weapon 400

It allows more for diverse gear
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初音ミク – 1035LR.jpg
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>mfw downloading ryuko pics to phone thru mega and when I select like 350 I go to select one more and it opens the picture, cancel all the selected ones
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If Waifu threads have been up for years, then how can they be of this low quality?

-Mike Matei
Umm... The fuck? I was just listening to this a minute ago. What kind of coincidence is this?
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So lets just say for example you have a weapon that is... a sniper's rifle. And you find a sniper's rifle that is statistically better, but you prefer the one you've been using.

You can use your newer sniper's rifle to "upgrade" your older sniper's rifle to higher stats?
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Alice (14).png
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Pfff, everyone here would call me a fag
Or you could just transfer to your phone from your desktop like a smart person
Alice is not a nice retard...
File: It was me, Ran.jpg (84 KB, 426x601) Image search: [Google]
It was me, Ran.jpg
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Yes, though the weapons don't have to be the same, just in the same weapon slot

I can use a shotgun to upgrade a sniper for example
Was so implied it hurt. Cunts are more egotistical than Trump.
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I don't have the right cord
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I guess that would help considering the new max level is, what, 40?

My pics got deleted ;-;
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Dumb coincidence, but it was the very first thing that popped into my head as soon as saw the post.
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>everyone here would call me a fag
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Really I just love yogurt in general
And granola
What a perfect world we live in, two of my favorite things mesh so well together
You can literally use a charger cord for it
It was just playing on a loop for like an hour or so on my PC.
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very lewd.jpg
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Light and level are separate
Level cap is 40, but light is 400

Get more then
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I'm a first year player. Man I had the Thorn and it got baleeted because the first DLC did some weird shit.
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Yuuki (0).png
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That sounds pretty amazing.
I gave the Tame Impala albums a listen. I really enjoyed Lonerism, but Innerspeaker and Currents didn't really do anything for me bar one or two tracks.
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Ideally I'd like to make one attempt per day.
Usually post about that much or less.
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The charger I have doesnt have the usb bit. It is attached to the plug
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If you're reading this post you must start a thread on /pol/ with pic related

Or your waifu fucks a nigger!
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Feh... see what I mean? It's been forever and a half since I played. I could only imagine the "real" changes if you get what I mean.

Makes sense to me, for whatever reason Bungie has this idea that "instead of changing the game and adding more stuff, we'll delete items and nerf."
I wouldn't
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Alice (119).jpg
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I never was
We call each other retards and fags all the time...
How old is your phone that the charger isn't a USB with a wall adapter?
But it hurts coming from you bby...
Go be autistic elsewhere
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It was looping in my head since I had vidya on the mind. Then hearing it made remember how I was completely stuck on the game until an old Nintendo Power told me to kneel in front of some fucking cliff for a while until a tornado whisks you away to the next area.

All those fake floors in the mansions also was annoying too.

Damned flashbacks.
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happy fox.jpg
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Thorn is pretty dank
I'm using it in Iron Banner

The games been getting a lot better as time goes on, I think they nailed mechanics now they can make a story
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That's still impressive. I don't remember exactly when you started doing these, but it must be nearing a year now, right?
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Smug But Also Angry.jpg
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Are you poor or something?Seriously asking, I only ever see poor people using those.
You are a really bad mean retard...

Worse than Vietnam amirite?
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Well I seriously doubt that I would get into them now.

It's been too damn long and the greenest horn playing now can probably out rank me in gear.
Wasn't what I was talking about.
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How can I make it up to you?

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2016-06-26 20.06.45.png
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I lost the charger that came with the phone. So I used an old one I found in my closet
It really sucks. I had to get all of my exotics back
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Think so
Pic is either my first or second attempt, think it must have been November or December.

Quite scary to think that it's almost been a year since I started my attempts.
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Great gear comes pretty quick, greens and blues won't get you to 400, but you can hit 385 and be set for a normal raid
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Yuuki (27).png
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初音ミク – 999.png
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I really like the voice from that chick in my track, and apparently she is part of another completely different band too so I still have a decent amount of her work to check.

Glad you liked Lonerism, Apocalypse Dreams is my favourite track from it.

Crying - Beyond the Fleeting Gales was pretty good too.

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Alice (337).jpg
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I couldn't have said it better myself
Too many anons
You could kill me?
>Alice can be anything I want her to be?
My condolences
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How have you been today?
Whatever, wasting my time anyway.
Love you mean retard <3
I'm not lying. I'm just here to make friends and unless you do anything to me i won't call you a fag for no reason
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I wouldn't want to do that, I don't think.
Well I guess she could be anything.
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TheWonderfulNui (186).png
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Hey, Ryuko!

How have you been?
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That post will have been a year ago in 10 days.
The passage of time is definitely scary.

>apparently she is part of another completely different band too
If you find anything good, definitely share it next time.
>Glad you liked Lonerism, Apocalypse Dreams is my favourite track from it.
I'm fond of pretty much every track, but I think I like Be Above It best.
Though the "here it comes" bit from Elephant gets me too.
>Cosmicdust - blue sky and blue deep sea
The sudden change in volume around 48 seconds in sounds a tad odd to me, but I quite like it.
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Yuuki (2).jpg
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Okay, I suppose. Haven't had much of a chance to play games, I've been doing homework most of the day. You?
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Late night erotic roleplay.
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Good, you?
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I regret lots of things
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*I walk in the door*
"Who the hell are you and why are you in my house?"
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Don't we all
Hi =3
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TheWonderfulNui (125).jpg
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I'm fine, just listening to music, haven't really been up to much.

You doing much?
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Alice (192).jpg
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What about if I call you a retard
Why not? If you kill me, I'll kill you back. Then neither of us has to be alive anymore
I want her to be a scientist
Who doesn't?
I do love everyone here tho :(
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Not much, making ramen right now.
Then i'll call you a fag and never talk to you again. You're just one person among many who isn't worth my time anyway.
-I sit down on the couch, holding a cold one-
"Care for a drink"?

Hi there, randomanon.

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Homework and vidya mostly. Managed to get titanfall 2 streaming well, not entirely sure how I did though, but I'm not about to complain about it. Went to jungle hims and got a bunch of craft sodas and foreign sweets too.
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she probably won't share.jpg
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"I don't know who you are, why you're here, but i have nothing else to do, so yeah, thanks"
-I sit down-
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Is anyone else ready for a one in a lifetime experience? Well, you better be prepared for Gardevoir's Comedy Hour! I'll be hitting you lot with joke after joke, feel free to laugh.

Here's one to kick the night off: What does a tree say when it's impressed? "Rebarkable!"
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Yuuki (63).png
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Nice, I should stream some more San Andreas later. I wanna get some pocky from the store but it's like $5 a box
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Have a drink.jpg
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I am not that random... I am afraid if I say who I am then Galil will be mad at me again... Oh wait he is not here.
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but you would be missing out on a great person
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Please make this hour a second.
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Tactical Smug.jpg
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Wow, what a Gardebore
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i liked it
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Alice (285).jpg
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I love everyone* too
>*everyone not guaranteed to include all posters
That would be to your benefit. I wouldn't want to talk to me
Pls go
They never talk to me anyway

*I reemerge*
Lift your tail.
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Whenever I have to donate items, I make sure to donate some form of seating. It's not called CHAIRity for nothing.
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But I don't want to die.

Apple Juice is really good, I agree
And also about the second part, I also agree.

I wouldn't want to talk to me either. But some people do for some reason
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Comedy Hour huh? Give us your worst.
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Some people get "shocked" by lightning. I wouldn't blame it on the lightning, it just doesn't know how to "conduct" itself.
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TheWonderfulNui (211).jpg
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Oh alright, sounds pretty good.
I request another joke of this kind of humor.
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Well you can certainly tell you aren't a jokemon
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dont leave me alone.png
2 MB, 1205x1718
So not me? D':
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10 days... fuck
When ye put it like that it's even more terrifying

Love the dubs by the way
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Is this your way of telling us you're a father?
>And then the Ottoman Empire rose again from the ashes.
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What's a dog's favourite veggie? COLLARed greens!
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who are you?
hi gardy
shut up suiki
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-I take a sip from my glass, ignoring your question-
It sure is a nice night out...

Thank you.

-While hugging me, you bump into my glass and cause my drink to spill-

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Why does gardy always protectes his house
Because he's GUARDevoir
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I got an encyclopedia all about camping! It's so big, I'm always having to check the table of can-tents!
hey hey hey
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Nice sky.jpg
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This needs to pokemon stop

Um yeah, it sure is
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I Don't Know.jpg
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Then you could just off me. I'll be a friendly ghost
What are you getting up to today?
Well, I don't know who this even is so
You would be correct
What the fuck is wrong with her eyes?
Please go
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898 KB, 900x1427

Extremely rich people
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Autist trio.jpg
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No problem. I was going to go to bed at 2 am. It is 4:04 am now. Fuck my life.
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TomoyoKanzaki [1.2].jpg
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I'm me

*Gets you a new drink*
I'm me, see
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I do not call you a "fag". Show me some love will ya?
A poor shoemaker wanted to ask the devil for money and skill in exchange for his "soles"
I'm going to be here for my full hour :^)
Yeah, I spent like 30 bucks and really regret spending that much. But it's too late now.
What's your twitch?
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How's america treating you so far?
come here *hug*. And don't be mean to alice.
>nice hard drive
Alice called me a retard first. I'm trying to be nice
I know a plumber who knows how to fix clogged faucets really well. I guess that's because he's cool under "pressure"
I miss Ireland... I wanna go back ;-;
If you want to move somewhere more private... We can arrange that. But first you need to guess who I am.
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Yuuki (30).jpg
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I woke up and the sun was already out... Some lazy bastard forgot to light it.
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A fox mask for a fox.jpg
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Well i don't want to, i just want to think of more puns to tell gard to stop
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Really? That's so sad.. I'm sure you'll get used to it soon. Worst case scenario you can always go back I guess..
You need to learn to see through his ruse
Do you want to go star gazing with me?

The later, the better!

-spills it again-
Geesh, I'm such a clutz.
Her dad wanted her to wear contacts.
A shame, really. We talk enough. And even tho I want to lewd you a little doesn't mean I don't like the time we spend chatting.
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Weddings are an emotional celebration, the cakes are always in "tiers"
I'm only sticking around here for around 5 years, after that I'm going back, I can guarantee you that.
File: mYlmAtL.jpg (584 KB, 1000x1414) Image search: [Google]
584 KB, 1000x1414
File: Yuuki (86).jpg (130 KB, 640x800) Image search: [Google]
Yuuki (86).jpg
130 KB, 640x800
Cool, I followed you. Wanna play some BF1?
File: Alice (77).jpg (694 KB, 600x863) Image search: [Google]
Alice (77).jpg
694 KB, 600x863
I'm sure even they have many regrets. Everyone has many regrets
Why not use pictures then
I'd prefer you not
Her dad is a terrible person
Thread replies: 158
Thread images: 123

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