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How can we "wake up" butt hurt protestors on why trump

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How can we "wake up" butt hurt protestors on why trump Needed to be president, ? he basically ended a cycle of tyranny
You can't because he doesn't
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one man's fun is another's hell
To this day I haven't heard a single valid argument why Trump should be president other than all the ones why Hillary shouldn't be.
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>You can't because he doesn't
Yeah, it's gonna be like Reagan all over again.
>senile old twat, completely wrong for the job
>half of middle-America gets man-crush because he's handsome and seems cool
>appoints fools and criminals to cabinet
>sleeps through cabinet meetings, lets the administration run itself
>administration does everything a "true " republican should hate:
>negotiates with terrorists
>trades guns for hostages
>smuggles cocaine into the US
>half his appointees wind up in jail
>signs assault weapon ban
>biggest illegal immigrant amnesty in world history

...but they still think he was the greatest president ever.
God, I hate "style" voters.
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>I haven't heard a single valid argument why Trump should be president
His slogan should have been "for teh lulz"!
But mostly conservatives voted for him because they're tired of being the social minority in America, and more so in the world in general.
Don't forget: Even Mittens got more votes than Trump.
One murders for what they want and one doesn't. Hillary is a demon
Ended a cycle of tyranny with a bit more tyranny. This time woefully uninformed, immature tyranny. Which is good, because I hear that's the best kind.
because edgy
thank. you.
I am disappointed by the choices he is making for his cabinet and appointed positions. A lot of these people are part of the swamp he is supposed to be draining, or they are people that are largely polarizing like himself.

You can't wake up the protesters though, they are too far gone. They will have to burn themselves out.
trump did good so i dont know why protesters are butt hurt. Oh wait its those LGBT fags, they need to stop sucking obama care dick
You can't, for that they would need to be educated, but alas they are only indoctrinated!
The only good that will come from Trump's presidency is adding fuel to the accelarationist fire.

The citizens are beyond fucking disillusioned and disenfranchised with the political machine, it's not long before they start to properly organise
>implying you have any idea whats going to happen in the future
All you faggot libcucks think you're oracles or some shit predicting the future.
Different time, different man.
Grow the fuck up.
- t. man who thinks electing a reality TV star into the highest office in the world was a good idea
Y'all are dumb. Anyone who thinks trump is going to be any different is dumb. He's not going to do any of the shit he said he would. It hasn't even been a week and already the wall has turned into a fence
Usually time and patience wake them up...
But someone put them together inside universities to keep telling each other their opinions should be facts, the future (it's 2016)...
it's harder to time to kill that inertia and they hugging each other.
You can't even spell and I'm supposed to believe you know the future and better than anyone else here?
Fuck off m8

I doubt it somehow. Trump is president because he was on TV and most Americans are a bit stupid.
or the dig child cannibals...
comet pizza
>Implying that's all he is
Because Liberals are masters at sticking to a single narrative that gets beaten into them.
yeah solid tactic. Did you want to actually respond to what I was saying or just sidestep it?
If you actually think that then you're the idiot.
Hillary has been on TV dozens of times.
If that's the best argument you have to insult Americans are you sure you aren't the fucking retard?
someone told us if one option is bad the other one must be good
while in the real world people have 2 shitty options for almost everything
maybe because people who vote for trump have a low culture, low opening mind and so fucking low IQ. I'm not from merica but another liberal country and everybody around me say today : "wtf it's not real". Is it too much to remember that the guy is a waste and he speaks with 500 words? Also, it's funny to see that the poorest people are voting for a billionaire.
I mean you're just making predictions like every other retard here with zero basis.
Just compounds your idiocy when you can't even spell the words you use to drive your potato plot home.
This entire theory is insanity. You lot are just linking keywords together and then making up the rest of the narrative. It's like you've found out that hillary has drawn a line of a piece of paper and then act like it's a map to the fucking holy grail
You're a fucking idiot.
There's more poor people than there are rich people.
So every single elections more poor people have voted for a candidate because they make up a bigger group.
You guys say Americans are stupid but you can't even put thoughts together.
He meant on a real TV show you fucking dolt, not the morning news, not some bullshit gossip show, real prime time TV where he was arguably an actor. You're a fucking idiot
Americans in general are not fucking retards. Only 40 percent of them.
>Implying clitton wasn't on SNL multiple times
Please peasant go about your business elsewhere.
How is it a prediction if it's already happening? I mean, you've got a demagogue as president, what else would you expect to happen?

It's either:

a) he doesn't get a single key promise through and does effectively nothing for four years. Disappointed key voterbase, relieved american people

b) he does everything he promises and starts a shitstorm. Angered american people, satiated voterbase.
This is why trump one.

People are tired of being talked down to and told what's best for them.

Trump is a brick through the window of professional politics. A big fuck you to elites

All Hillary had to do to win the election was to recognise that, and she didn't
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>A lot of these people are part of the swamp he is supposed to be draining,
Jesus, did anybody REALLY think the billionaire real estate developer from New Jersey was going to clean up Washington???
Or that he wasn't in the banker's pocket?

Please just tell me you voted Trump because you don't want drag queens to use the ladies room.
Hopefully, he treats the proletariat like absolute trash so the pacified proles will actually become class conscious and assist in a revolution.
>either black or white
Because liberals can't think of any scenario in any other capacity.
You can't comprehend a scenario where he does what he promises and it has a positive effect on the country as a whole can you?
Or you can't comprehend a scenario where he doesn't deliver on the stupid wall and people finally realize it was retarded to begin with.
The mere fact that he got elected was a big step forward for american class consciousness
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>All Hillary had to do to win the election was to recognise that, and she didn't
Nah. Hillary lost because black men aren't going to show respect for a white woman.
Look at voter turnout. Trump got a million less votes than Mitt Romney, but still won.
Hillary lost because black people didn't vote for her.
I voted for Shill-dawg because she was a better candidate for climate change. That is really the only reason at this point.
tbf she won the popular vote, so people did turn out. Just in the wrong states.

Also, lol at the black men not respecting a white woman. I never considered that angle, but it makes some sense.
it's just that poor people have a lowest education and a lowest access to culture and I don't blame that. So they are more likely to understand ideas coming from a guy who's also uneducated. Democrats are also dumb to miss that and now they are paying their arrogance. It's a sad destiny and a fucking bad news for all the people like me expecting more tolerance and respect for women, human and what you call races.
forgive me for not seeing a scenario where he builds a thousand mile long, 40 foot high wall along a border and it actually does anything other than flushing a shitload of money down the drain

and though I am a leftie, boy am I not a liberal
It's like a hostage situation where the perp doesn't have a gun, and the hostages are two floors up. You just let them get bored of it.
As sad as it is, climate change action is effectively just damage control at this point. The earth is already irrevocably fucked.

The time for action was about 30 years ago. The time politicians will act will be in about 30 years.

This is what happens in a system that values profit over people.
Trump promised south Korean president U.S economic and forign policy towards South Korea will not change. So much for champion working class in 4 years time you are still going to be jobless

>big fuck you to elites
HAHAHA but you will be the first people to suffer from the trump decisions you fucking dumb
Well by your logic assuming Trump is uneducated is pretty retarded.
He comes from a family of wealth and he had more opportunity than most even will.
>poor people have the lowest education
>Donald Trump is uneducated
Seems conflicting.
Putin voted trump in
Is this Patrick from sponge bob
faggot your like 12 years old, you cant even talk shit unless you were alive during reagans years. now go back to burning cities faggot
lol I live on an island in the middle of the sea far, far away from the shitstorm that is america

and I didn't say it was right, I said it was what the people thought. You can't treat the working class like shit and get away with it forever, and the trump election and brexit demonstrate that
These idiots will be poor, broke and jobless in 4 years
I'm with you on the wall is fucking stupid and anyone on the right side who can think critically does too.
But at least let the guy get into office before all this butt hurt happens.
The current left protests are people just reeling from the fact that their candidate didn't get picked.
If you're gay or a race of color and you're "literally shaking right now" you have issues elsewhere and they don't lie with Trump.
Lol. As if you know that yet. You trump fags are really thinking ahead of time
do you understand that word you keep using
Most of these trump fags will be dead when he upends health insurance
oh yeah.
it's not my logic it's factual. Maybe it sucks but it's a fact : poorest people are the lowest educated. I'm not saying that is everybody but it's statistic.

And sorry but to have these fusty ideas on women, black people, mexican, muslim etc. you have to be dumb, or worst, a fucking manipulator with crowd.
except that man hasn't changed since prehistoric times. you really think man changes during the next 4 years?

same shit will continue and most of trump voters will feel betrayed
>source my oracle mind, you can quote me later
Agreed, the protests right now are not effective. Hillary is a member of the washington elite that they claim to protest against, and represents their interests no better (if not worse) than trump does.

I don't understand modern liberals. Supporting neoliberal politics while still expecting protectionism for the working class seem like incredibly conflicting viewpoints.
Yeah clinton was soo good with that NAFTA
do you?
>he thinks that Nafta killed industry in murrika
>he doesn't know that automation is what killed blue collar jobs in murrika
I'm pretty ok with your explanation but
>they don't lie with Trump.
Really ? You really think in that way ?
What issue does he have with women or Mexicans?
Pretty sure his issue is illegal immigrants in general.
Also, Muslims are openly attacking Christians and people of other faiths near my home town.
There's a reason to dislike this barbaric religion.
If you want to talk about manipulator just watch as Hillary flip flops on policies depending on who she talks to.
>Once was against gay marriage
>Now isn't
>Claims she's a moderate
>Claims she's now a progressive
Literally changes her face depending on the crowd she talks to.
And then tries to say Lincoln did the same thing top fucking KEK.
Yeah good-o mate. He's 'draining the swamp' by stacking his cabinet with the political establishment he claims to despise.
>drain the swamp
He's never even seen a swamp before, he's wading blind with the alligators right now. Which is why he's such a good boy after actually getting elected making friends with everyone.
People who are claiming they are going to kill themselves or fear for their lives right now are irrational.
He's not going to come rip you from your homes and mass deport illegals.
He's openly supported the LGBTQ communities.
He's not going to deport millions of people because its just not American.
Everything is going to be fine.
I think they're beyond saving to be honest, we should deport them into Canada or push them to the edge of Cali and set their ass afloat.
I think you don't understand what will happen if NAFTA gets repealed. Will the jobs return?

Because it'll still be cheaper to buy robots and employ no one. The only reason Mexico uses human labor is because it's fucking cheap in their country. The only thing repealing NAFTA and replacing it with tarrifs is make robotics manufacturers a lot of money.
>But who repairs and maintains the robots
yup. Hope his brain will not twist again.
Yeah, ignoring the hundreds if not thousands of instances of sexual assault, harassment, physical injury, threats, and vandalism in the name of Trump, everything is fine!
>who repairs and maintains the robots?
One dude who comes in once or twice a year
Oh yeah apart form that prices of everything from mexico will skyrocket. Effectively making you poorer at the same time as being jobless
clinton was told to lose...
child cannibalism is frowned upon by heads of state.
>what is comet pizza?!
>Muslims are openly attacking Christians
it's for that type of short-cut we will never be able to understand each other.
> this barbaric religion
Are you aware of the Christians missionary or one thing we call slavery or colonisation ? KEK

you can't even think by yourself or wanted to.
And i'm not pro-hillary but I really hope all that TRUMP shit is going to accelerate the fall we all except.
remembers and analysis as good as a goldfish for trump folks

>>711321899 <- was me first post of mine

was just stating you seem to be using that word like its going out of style with no context. im not even siding on the trump or anti trump side. and everyone seems to not even know what the words theyre using actually mean
youre going to ask me that when i can just google it.... that was my first post in the thread dont attack me i havent even chose a side lmao
>in his name
Pretty sure its document lately Hillary supporters are attacking Trump voters as we speak.
Trumps star was vandalized by a Hillary Supporter.
GOP office in North Carolina was fire bombed.
There's hatred and violence on both sides, I'm just aware of my sides wrong doings as well.
that was my first post in this thread too
perfect, so should i just pull up the definition or do i have to assume you have youre own point of view of what the word is
check em
I guess the concept of rhetorical question is too difficult to grasp by your puny brain.
this guy knows whats up.
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Civil war /b/ro. Once he enacts the new laws regarding firearms and conceal carry nobody the retards will die out and only the normals will survive. You gotta take a huge step back before u can go foward. Look at the prez of the phills as an example of what trumps reign will be like. It'll benefit Canada a lot as well.
personal attack? kool brah
>assumes i didnt answer a rhetorical question with another
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He'll deport all the ones with records to an extent i think. Trying to keep possible "good" members of society allowing them to earn their way into the US.
>personal attack
Nah m8, you can't attack a retard for being a retard.
when you cant debate anymore and resort to personal attacks on an anonymous board
If media published stuff like this people will start to see how this so called "liberals" are just violent retards
niggers gonna nig nog
>I posted 2 words and he thinks I want to debate a retard
Lel no
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Four words: you take the refugees.
Or two letters: EU
>we all except

Fucking tard
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All "Personal" attacks aside, You do understand that Tyranny means an oppressive government. I haven't seen anything opressive about his plans as of yet. What wrong will come from allowing the people to bare arms, defend themselves, plus changing the way in which illegal guns are dealt with?. Trump may not have experience, but that what makes him a perfect candidate. Because of his lack of political exposure, he isn't shitbrainwashed into doing things the "Traditional way", the same way that hasn't been working for god knows how long. Change regardless is worth taking a chance on. Klinton for prison nigga. That bitch is crazy.
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>doesnt want to argue with a retard on an anonymous board but directly starts to argue and feed trolling.

ill give in, ill start with the personal attacks too since its obviously not going to go anywhere else, you ignorant nigger
When they do they get outed from big media as whacko far-right news.
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nigga u so butthurt stop trolling and anhero.
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the luxury of a slow friday at work, i can troll all day
You're both fags for arguing we talking politics, fuckin arguing on 4chan. This thread is now about pussies, Since it seems like it's full of em.
k m8, when did you discover you were a retard though?
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Pussy thread.
its because you people are so fucking retarded there is no way of explaining in which you could comprehend without just insisting you are right and that anyone telling you something else is wrong
fine ill talk politics.
we avoided a sure ww3 with hillary
we elected an idiot, although with good intention for the US
the country is prejudice and racists all the same
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ITT Butthurt CTR on their last pay cycle

Trump destroyed TPP yesterday and now MX and CA want to renegotiate NAFTA

First day of President Elect and he's killing it
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>nobody cares, Post pussy. Your opinions are as useless as the jackmeat on this bitches pussy.
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more with feet?
ITT: 18 year old liberals, with no knowledge of history, claiming that hillary was du best and trump sucks

Maybe when you all grow up, you'll understand how fucking stupid it is to vote for a vagina simply because it's a vagina. The virtue signaling, the "peaceful protesting" because you don't get your way, the demand for every accommodation under the sun to be paid for: this is why trump won.
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>bootleg hat
>him made this in chinuh DRUMPF campaign OVER
Legit MAGA hats aren't even exepnsive
the day after your mom fucked a nigger to make some half-breed like you
>vote for a vagina because it's a vagina
>instead vote for a reality TV star that's never actually been in politics to fuck the country up fo 4 years
How reasonable of you.
>stormweenies not realizing that Trump is busy making friends with everyone in the white house because he has no actual idea what the fuck he's doing and is worried as fuck
america isnt a dictatorship, hopefully he listens to all his advisors and other officials, asks them everything he doesnt know and fixes mistakes. maybe he'll listen to the people? who knows
>he listens to all his advisors
You mean republicans are fucking happy as fuck they got the manchurian candidate in who will do exactly what they tell him.
republicans stand against big government and want to uphold the power in the people of the nation.
now im not saying no one is corrupt but it hasnt worked out before with all the past democratic and republican politicians and puppets in the white house. maybe this radical change can be good.

because he got the required electoral votes and won the election.
Hillary did not.
No argument is needed, he will be president regardless of how confusing this point is to you.
>Stand against big government and awnt to uphold the people of the nation

Kek no, that's literally the tea party libertarian wing of the party. Donald Trump is a big government dude who wants to spend as much money he can get his hands on infrastructure while cutting taxes.
Dis gonn be good how he magics money into the budget.
shut the fuck up asshole. no one is going to listen to you now. You were wrong before so many times.
>but the polls
>the electoral college decides not the popular >vote
>everyone knows shes going to win
>fox news is wrong, he cant win
>l.a. times poll is wrong everyone has her up
people voted, and the states voted trump.
your answer was as simple as it could get, cheers
>you were wrong so many times
Eh? I'm not a Clinton supporter. I'm just a realist. Don't get swept up in the euphoria of victory. Trump is a clueless fucktard bumbling about right now with no clear agenda or plan to govern. He's literally going to do what people tell him to.
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>memeposting is going to save you from this not being true.

Kek, puppet bresident is puppet.
fuck off back to facebook or twitter Clinton retard, you're not welcome here, even reddit are not as much cucks as you are
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hur dur hes gonna take our buildings and freeways away
sound just like the loosers freaking out their guns are being taken away.
>freaking out their guns are being taken away
>he's going to take our buildings and freeways
Nah he's going to spend money to build buildings and freeways to create jobs
The mystery being how he's going to magic the money into the treasury while cutting taxes.
Republicans stand against big government? Boy you sure drank the elementary party punch didn't you? Which Republican president/Congress made the government smaller?
trips of truth
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He thinks the Tea Party are actual republicans
hes going to give mexicans jobs.
from the money thats being spent on illegal immigrants welfare. thats a start. its certainly not as expensive to rent them a u-haul and kick em out as it is to pay for their health and other welfare
By dismantling Obamacare, defunding entitlements.
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>they actually believe the harebrained shit someone thought up in 20 minutes
>they actually think the country spends a large amount on welfare for illegals

Kek, I'm sure they'll build 10% of the wall by the end of his term with that huge amount of savings.
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>around 11,000,000 illegals in the states, some using up welfare and all not paying taxes.
>implying everyone that dislikes trump is unemployed
Y'know, 50% of the country makes less than 50k a year. Unemployment numbers aren't as low as Obama claims, but they aren't THAT high.

The biggest employer in the US used to be GM. Now it's Wal Mart. Just because we're poor doesn't mean we're unemployed, wages have not kept up with productivity.
>some using up welfare
Some say leprechauns exist too
Also illegals live in their own little world of being afraid of the government and being deported. Only the most retarded ones would apply for welfare and risk getting caught.
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bullshit. i have illegal mexicans in my town and they take advantage of everything they can.
GM replaced all the workers with robots.
Those workers are now working at walmart making sure there are enough guns to shoot each other with and stimulate the economy through incarceration and supporting the prison system.
you got any evidence or are you just pulling that shit out of your arse?

>Illegals are getting welfare

shut your commie mouth. You lost, now shut the fuck up
those same illegals work jobs, and send money they make back into mexico to help their families. so its literally sending money out of the USA.
hold on, ill run down to one of their houses and wake them up and take a picture for you. idiot
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just grab them by the pussy.
>so it's literally sending money out of the USA
Except they also consume goods and participate in the economy to exist in the USA.
Meanwhile Apple, Google and Exxon send billions offshore to avoid taxes.

>but muh poor mexicans sending a few pesos to mexico are ruining the economy

We can always just wait for this:

>be from california
>be flaming homo faggot liberal brainwashed peice of shit that the entire world laughs at
>think everyone else is wrong and you are right
>think you are part of the usa by choice
>history class in california has been removed because it promotes white privilege and misogyny
>replaced with womens studies (for women) and home economics, cock gobbling style (for whatever passes for men now in california)
>think that they can leave
>and take 1/6 the us economy with them
(yeah most of them theyre a bunch of flaming sjw faggots and liberals but money stained with hiv ridden faggot cum is still money)
>never heard of civil war cuz too busy listening to school counselor profess how all the white cismales in school should apologize and become transgender
>leave usa cuz went full retard
>trump sends in the army in so hard that they are all forced to spit out the cocks in their mouth in awe
>the first time cock has left their mouths since they went to waste their time voting for shillary
>the only reason they are upset that she lost... wasted time with cockless mouths
>shermans march #2, this time through cali
>civilian casualties are unavoidable.
>suspiciously every known sjw or lgbt rallying spot is wiped off the map
>they remove the dicks from their mouth once again and take to the streets in protest, stupidly being conducted during a time of intense urban warfare
>presumed to be a massing of troops and is met with 500lb bombs
>their irrational fears of trump have become reality and they are too fucking stupid to understand its their fault.
>doesnt matter cuz many of them are dead
>the remaining cant handle reality and end up losing their minds and killing themselves
>god bless trump
this. they are little kids throwing a fit in toy aisle. a lot of grown liberals feel odd about this whole election but it was Hillary's to loose and she did it by treating grandpa bernie like shit, being incredibly disingenuous , shitting on young liberals ie basement dwellers,failing to hit the asphalt like bob dole in '96 and failing to connect with women in a meaningful way. women only voted for hillary 6% more than trump. she could have connect to them by being genuine and letting her guard down by stumping hard about things women care about: healthcare , reproductive rights , childcare policy but she couldn't because she already told goldman sacs 'universal healthcare will never happen.' her corporate dick sucking failed her in the end because its not 1962 and don't vote the way they are mandated by media or lower level pols.
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they use less then everyone else, but thats still tax payer money leaving
Yeah, all them protestors sure seem like they're shutting up.

I dunno what kind of tyrannical government you think we live in now, but we've still got free speech cocksucker, and if you think anyone is sitting down, you are WAY fuckin mistaken.

>fuckin commie
Jesus Christ, shove a flag up your ass you fucking mouth breather
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Except that current events are caused from historic events. Read a book, I suggest an atlas.
You do know that without California and high GDP states the rest of america is basically fucked right?

You're trying to compete with mexicans, chinks, indians and brazillians who pay 10 cents for a loaf of bread when you spend $1.00 on the same.

>muh industry

Using tariffs to 'bring back jobs' will achieve nothing but make stuff more expensive and fill factories with robots because they're still cheaper than american unskilled labor.
>so fucking low IQ.

Not sure why people get so hung up on this, he didnt get rich from acting/TV. He became sucessful then became a cultural icon and was on TV.

Why do people struggle to understand this.
>also Reagan
>still tax payer money leaving

Go collect from your serial tax evading rich companies instead of going after the small fry pesos.

Even if you deport them there will probably be a net negative economic effect.
Prices of stuff will go up due to lack of cheap labor.
>They think kicking out immigrants will magically solve economic problems.
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Paul Ryan says he's going to work with Trump to privatize Medicare. Enjoy watching your parents go bankrupt and die in the gutter fuckos! Whose basement are you going to live in now?
11,000,000 illegals
thats a decent chunk being saved and not spent
>also fining large business that outsource obs that are perfectly eligible in the USA
>11,000,000 illegals
If you deport all of them your economy will literally lose out 11,000,000 consumers who work for lower than minimum wage and consume goods at the same cost.
>Fining large business that are perfectly eligible in the USA

So basically chasing large companies out of the USA is his great economic plan?

Oh I am laffin.
>He thinks that large multinational companies NEED to stay and operate in the USA
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>he basically ended a cycle of tyranny
he basically hasn't done shit yet and most likely won't get the chance to.
stupid americans. the votes are done now live with it!
these protests are so fucking ridiculous. i bet the ones who are crying loudest right now didn't even vote.
even if they did: trump won. you can't change that. if you could elections would be meaningless and you could as well play a round of cards over who will be the next president...
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not the guy you are replying to, but I voted against Reagan and >>711319770 is correct.
Mike Pence is the real winner here.
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she is looking the wrong way.
bye bye multinational companies, why support globalism when our system is currently failing
>Crash the economy with no survivors
Kek, back to agrarian society with you serfs.
>implying 100% of every american business doesnt use foreign goods
Most of them are scared because they are here illegally. Thats there problem. DO THE PROPER FOCKING PAPER WORK! The rest cried when obama was in office, i dont expect any different now that trump is prez you know?...
Eight years ago, most of these faggots protesting were being told what time to go to bed by mom or dad.

Thats exactly why they would never be allowed to leave, idiot.
Thats the point.
Their vote to leave would simply spark a civil war, in which their GDP cant save them,
Those states with no money do have one thing: guns and people who know how to use them..
That "im leaving and taking my football with me" shit doesnt work. Ask the south.

Also, a loaf of bread costs the same in Mexico.
Its 23 pesos a loaf for bimbo bread. Thats a little over a dollar.
Alot of shit in Mexico costs the same, some stuff costs even more than in the USA.
People just arent able to buy as much.
Of course there is cheap stuff on the streets but the quality is sufficiently horrible that youre getting what you pay for. Hard to say that's competing with anything.

Where do you get your facts?
>ended a cycle of tyranny
with another.
>This retard doesn't get the fact that the cost of living analogy still stands

You retards will literally take everything literally won't you?
Can't actually think of the meaning behind words.
No wonder you're fucking losing jobs to mexicans.
> a lot of shit in mexico costs the same
Cool story bro, did you pull that shit out of your anus?
im literally shaking rn
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Apologize to them (vid related):
>haven't heard a point
>offers no points
sounds about right
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Thanks James
You can't wake the dead.
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you can't, but if we make lynching memes, we're guaranteed lulz. pic related.
Breaking the law is breaking the law and its time that law breakers pay the fuggin piper, that includes clinton and her emails, illegal border crossers, and rioters who break business peoples window steal their store belongings and set fires to whatever (currently called protesters) so let me see we have treason border crossing violator arson theft damage to personal property trespassing grand theft auto assault assault on minors and cops damage to government vehicles and so on but you actually think these young thug drug addicts are smart because they voted for hillary? Live in a fantasy much?, crime begats ignorance. Education begats truth and knowledge, NOT violence. Oh how salty the savor flavor of these chips are im eating :0

Exactly, 12 yo hookers are cheaper and easier to get in Mexico

True dat, 12 yo hookers are cheaper and easier to get in Mexico
Literally everything is cheaper in Mexico fucktards.


We need to change the immigration act, to favor immigrants from Europe instead of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, WTF.
>immigrants from Europe instead of Asia
Literally nobody will move from Europe. The Euroslavpoor and turks will just move to Germany and other cuck countries.

>Thinking America is a choice destination while Drumpf is bresident.
Pajeets go there because they like tech jobs.
Latin Americans go there because it's close.

Middle Easterners move there because they're literally being hounded out of their Country. Asians would rather move to Cucknada.

Houston has a high cost of living compared to many parts of the USA. Compare it to a rural area.
Compare Juarez to El Paso, for example.
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No. I pulled it from experience.
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Anybody have a guide for dealing with hostile black people who consider everything racist?
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I know from first hand.

Conceal carry, know your shit
>Thinks things cost the same in the US

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I'm gonna love all of those tasty Trumpkin tears when they're all thrown off their Obamacare health insurance plans. Repeal & Replace (with nothing).

Thats Houston, dude. High cost of living. Bad comparison. Im sure if you compare Miami or Los Angelas itll be an even higher gap. Juarez and el paso are almost exactly the same. Costco here has the same prices as there.

The cost of living is lower here for sure but only because a majority of the housing are concrete boxes with metal windows and no hot water or ac (unless you buy and install it). You get what you pay for. And thats the average. In higher end neighborhoods the cost of rent is close to the same as the USA, if not the same.

Utilities are easy to steal and even then yeah are cheaper.

And yeah the hookers are cheap. Theyre literally in the newspaper. 250 pesos for a decent one. 500 for a good one (25 bucks). 1000 for a super badass top notch whore.

But decent food, cars and parts, electronics, . Pretty much everything that is made outside of mexico costs the same in Mexico as the USA.

But when you factor in the average wages in mexico it comes out to spending the same percentage of your income on food and rent. The difference is what you get for your money is shit tier.

You can live in mexico city for half the cost of living in houston
It only takes 5-10 times as much work to get the same money.
This means you cant compare the economies as though the cheapness of mexico is some profoundly good thing, or that it in some way competes with the american economy.

how much for a decent twelve year old hooker?
give us useful information.
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Who's mexican?
>he basically ended a cycle of tyranny
bruh, he hasn't even been inaugurated, he hasn't ended anything yet
>ended a cycle of tyranny KEK

Lol no clue. Never heard of anything like that here, honestly.
>implying Trump is gonna make a difference
>Why trump one
>trump one

I'm all for Trump, but jesus fuck, don't prove his point about being a moron!

Its KEK haha
Trump is tyranny and will usher in a dark age with all those republican fucks in congress that have been doing nothing for the last 6 years.
>great so now gun fags will be able to freely masterbate in public
Everything else will be a disaster
Are there any average americans on here?

I'm not talking about the super-pro Trump supporters, or the SJW lefties who are so sensitive that they apparently couldn't sleep because of an election result.

What are your thoughts on all this?
Seriously this has strong parallels to Nazi Germany
>Beware the mark of the Beast

They're too busy not giving a fuck anymore, everyone else has been polarized by the media
its a waste of time to argue with ignorant people on the internet
I didn't support either candidate. I don't think much will change. Republicans will have there chance to make shit work there way but Democrats will win again in 4 or 8 years and flip flop it back. Thats what has happened for the last 3 presidencies. Rich will get richer and poor will get poorer. Life will go on. Either you'll get shit on or be the one doing the shitting.
No Hillary thought she still had the support of the working class and didn't campaign hard for that vote (Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, retired Florida). The working class blue collar vote went to Trump because he was promising to bring the 1950s/1960s manufacturing working class lifestyle back.
>The working class wants that manufacturing job that paid a high wage and allowed them to afford a house, a family, etc all on a high school education.
>Unfortunately uneducated manufacturing jobs don't pay those wages anymore

If Trump declared himself dictator for life and then emperor, would you support it if it meant America would be prosperous and secure?
We needed him to bring political corruption back, taking a few steps backward with this pipeline

>President-elect Trump is a stockholder in Warren’s company, and Warren donated $103,000 to Trump’s campaign.
Say you voted for Hillary and then do a lot of inner reflection to understand why they are really pissed about Trump and then vote for a better candidate in the republican primary.
No, that would be against our sacred Constitution and there would be rebellion against the tyrant

>>If Trump declared himself dictator for life and then emperor, would you support it if it meant America would be prosperous and secure?

No, and here's the reason you shouldn't either if you're thinking about it. No matter what his reign would eventually end, by death if no other reason, and there would be no such security that the next person, or person after that would be good for the country. Representative democracy means that if the next person is terrible, we at least can get them out in 2 / 4 / 6 years depending on position.
>most Americans are a bit stupid.

You're welcome for every single meaningful product, technology, advancement, ideology, and idea that exists in your shitty country.
ITT: retards think trump will do anything to help them. He's going to continue the same cycle that was there before him. You dumb fucks screaming drain the swamp don't even realize he's using the same swamp: Christie and his goons and Ryan and every other established politician. The election has made it crystal clear every single trump supporter is as blind as they are stupid and deaf.
trips of truth

*sighs* Okay. I don't like Trump, in fact I think he will be the worst president in history. If you want to understand why people might vote for Trump, you have to understand how absolutely horrid the neoliberal and neoconservative platform are to people in rural areas. Neither provide any tangible non-service based jobs. The rust belt and coal belt folks voted Trump in because he's the political brick through the storefront window. Trump's rhetoric at least calls for slowing free trade via tarriffs, which is an antiquated idea, but one that is appealing. The problem is that the reasoning doesn't take into account that times have changed and the real dearth of manufacturing jobs comes from automation, not overseas workers.
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