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tell somme shit about yourself

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 215
Thread images: 83
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tell somme shit about yourself
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the template btw
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>1,95m tall
>blue eyes
>middle long, brown hair
>nice teth and smile
>still no gf
:o ive got like 260 hours of playtime in terraria ...
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Good but check my time and add like 150 hours playing the cracked version
It's a really awesome game but i have to admit that it makes the most fun when playing with friends on a server
thats true but .... i wasted way to much time on it due to farming solo for multiplayer sessions
yay thread dies
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It's me.png
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I'm incredibly mediocre in every way and don't pretend to be anything more than I am.
:D op here went to my psychotherapist a few weeks ago and got the results of my IQ test .. 123 ...
haha :DD nice lol good on you lol haha :D
>farming solo for multiplayer sessions
That's sad
I have some good friends who would spent an entire weekend playing Terraria and start from scratch and create and discover a new world full of surprises
We would fight the bosses together and have fun with the weird items the game has
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here's mine
your thingi looks like the stereotypical nerd ...
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I've updated mine slightly.
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Rise of the germanfags!
it's like a year old and kinda cringy to look back on. I might remake it if I ever feel like it
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nah, I'm just a lot less cool than I think I am, looking back on myself
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so many german fags
tits or gtfo
what the actual fuck do you listen to
>Doesn't even listen to either Communist German Music, Soviet music or Imperial German Music.

What the fuck do you listen to?

>blue eyed
>brown hair
>low confidence
>likes Evangelion
>speaks japanese

Why aren't you in your Eva, Shinji?
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>not Dostojevski

That's when you know you should kill yourself.
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me present.png
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´waaaaait .... you are an american and say you are a nazi ... have you seen the gerfag population?
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I'm trying to jack off right now but Misato-san keeps calling me that i need to get in the EVA to kill another of this goddamn angels
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tell me about ur self.png
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>borderlans/2, payday 2
>inglorious basterds

all these narricist germans.
dont you have to go pray?

suicide is nice
You're gonna evolve into an iguana in only 4 years?
26 y/o, that´s where the magic happens my friend
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your taste in anime.jpg
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also you 19 year old piece of shit, i remember you.just fucking kill yourself already
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tfw literally can't "paint"
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You guys mind if i come to germany? America is sketchy as fuck right now.
Эй милашка :)
Nein du dreckiger neger
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Please don't bring liberal logic or ideas.
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Updated with bdsmtest
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Sure, feel free to come
You just need to get used to our election system :^)
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Shit, fail upload. Correct here.
I forgot to add in hobbies: Being offensive to liberals
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Pro Era.png
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Is it me or is /b/ slow as fuck now? Everytime i open a picture it takes like 10 seconds for it to load. wtf

>pic unrelated
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Added something.
I sometimes have this too.
thought it was just me
>7/11 intelligence
>listens to heavy metal
>should be 1/11
Egal, komm trotzdem in den Faden, sonst stirbt er.
i'm studying renewable energy i just want to work.

fuck government.
i fuck jellyfick and im white pride, what does that say about me?
this just triggered me.
>walking death

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sry 4 being boring
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haha why is that?
nah homie you chill
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why become narc
not a narc necessarily, just canine unit. I want to work with dogs
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We don't vote our councellor and neither our president
You just vote for your preffered party and i can say you that we have more than 2 relevant parties
The more votes a party gets, the more seats they get in the parliament
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where does your wealth come from?
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Self r8 complete.png
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At the chancelor elections, you also just vote partys who choose the chancelor (wich they normally do before the election, so you actually do vote for the chancelor).
The president is just representative over here.
>die antwoord
heirate mich

Born in a rich family, i still live with my parents.
care to explain your sexual identity?
any mental issues? cause a good looking rich person should neither be that unsocial or that unhappy unless you went through a tragedy
I explained it badly
But you don't vote him or her directly like in the USA
Also we don't have this system of the electors

Male. Sorry that i didn't comply with social pseudo-sciences and say that straight away
seit wann hast du hier was zu sagen?
>Also we don't have this system of the electors
This is probably one of the most important differences.
Willst du etwa Stress?
we had electors in XV and XVI century, presently it doesn't make sense

I just read about German system on wiki, it looks sensible to me
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am I cool enough?
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"mostly straight"

anyways looks like a basic but good life
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prior service marine, going to school for criminal justice. gonna van u faggots
inteligence and looks crossed out why?
I can’t really say I have ”Mental issues”, but i try to avoid contact with other people because I just feel uncomfortable looking in their eyes, or just speaking with them. My family knows I don’t like to socialize, so they don’t care if I don’t want to visit my grandmother or somebody else in the family. I’ve also had a lot of girlfriends, but it never ends good and I feel I can’t have a real relationship with anyone for more than a month or less. Thats why i put it that way.
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big template. complete.png
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how cringe am I/10?
Me too me too
so wies aussieht hab ich den schon
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It's you?
if you try to avoid contacts and it works, shouldnt everything be fine then?
because i am not one to make a judgement on myself that should be made by others.
>I got a 125 on a IQ test in HS, was given it cause i was failing classes and they wanted to put me in the retard classes.
i might be smart, not my call

>i am /fit/ to a extent but i dont bother shaving
i dont look bad imo, but still not my call. is opinooin m8
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Das glaub ich auch, du.
Emo Schwuchtel bring dich um
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i'm probably autism incarnate but sure
dann musst du aber schon mehr mitbringen als abgestandene memes
It is, I do a lot of cool shit and see sick bands whenever they're in town.
I do have alot of similarities with him,
I get poisoned alot, especially in the weekends.
Um dota zu mögen kann man nur schwul sein kek
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Was sagst du da? Du meinst es wohl ernst was?
In zwei Stunden am Hauptbahnhof du Ratte!
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A person, work as a model but reality is just whoring myself to bed at night next to creepy old homo faggots. Nothing too sexual, make them happy and my wallet is happy as well. I have bills to pay, glossy photos won't help me pay the bills.
Because he's an ugly dumb cunt?
Wo bist du?
ich hab zuerst gefragt faggit
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yep me too
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upper hand.png
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you fail to see my reasoning.
you seem like the type of person who must go to iadt, it has to be
you want to frick?
>enemy mine
pack ich heute nicht mehr, kann dir nur morgen abend/nacht in köln anbieten
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Is your internet still weird or just meme?
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Ich werde da sein.
Du erkennst mich an der Ananas unter dem Arm. Grüße mich mit "Wallenstein will auchmal rein".
I'm paranoid my mom wants to secretly have sex with me since I was 16 she's always scared off my girlfriends used mind control to try to convert me into a good Christian and continuously chants that I take after her all the way up till 36. She still finds ways to live with me and it was freaky years ago.
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it is i.png
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Speak English!
Still on dialup >:(
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fuck mspaint
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Stop being a big pussy and start building muscle and lifting heavy weight; pussy will come to you
Come can't be that bad.
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is this you?
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the cringe in this thread
Seekuh diniert
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ok abgemacht
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If someone can give me an extended template I'll add more stuff
either underage or autistic

t b h f a m
Rate, no hate
File: Hereitsme.png (81 KB, 1200x800) Image search: [Google]
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Forgot pic
>fantasy sports
How is your quidditch team doing?

(No seriously, what the fuck do you mean?)

who's your smash bros main, bro
not this guy, but is this not a thing outside of US?
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German here, never heard of it.
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Clearly you're the autistic one projecting. Kys.
liberal cuck
plz post a dead meme
autistic then?
Mind explaining to me how you're sex life is somewhat filled out you fuckin virgin?
>sex life
>read many books to pick some as favourite
>interesting life n shit
Hot, but you would never give the pussy to me
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The only autistic one is the one who thinks 21 year olds can be 17 or under.

Projecting much
his bodypillow
satisfying masturbation
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>East German flag
>literal neckbeard
>stoner degenerate
>wants to be an even more bigger neckbeard in the future, edgy trenchcoat and all.
>get a haircut, hippie.
>Hobbies + activies: Music making/producing
>Looks: lvl 7, Intelligence: lvl 8 & Sex Life: lvl 8. Kek. Come on, we both know that bullshit.
>Music genres: Prog/Djent, Core, Melodicdeath
>Top Tv Snows: Regular Show, Mr. Pickles.
>Top Movies: "Deep".

I don't say this lightly, but kill yourself.
As in fantasy football.
Melee, Falco
Brawl, Ganon
4, Ganon/Falco
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I got a kick out of the fact that your non-existent sex life is somehow better than your wealth. A+ kid keep it up
why would you say that? it just makes you look pathetic
>fantasy football
Please explain.
Fuck off, we're full.
Its like, you take all your money from a spare paycheck, and then put it together with friends or online, choose players from american football, and then when they do good shit you get points, and whoever has the most points at the end gets the pot of money.

Easy way to explain it.
So basically betting on players from different teams?
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behold the spooky ghost man of yesteryear
I guess??
If you don't mind being raped by Muslims, then sure come over.

Fuck you, I was hoping for some magic and dragons
dude, you are a fucking normie lol
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I did Terribly because MS Paint
>I never look bad
>self reports 1 block in sex life
I hate to tell you pal...
Konservatist Polan has one advantage
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R8 Me
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russians are always the best
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full of this.png
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8 cars out of 10 car dealerships
why only dark souls 1
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im traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash.png
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You think "it's just an evening of playing videogames, i dont have a problem" until your life becomes the eve-ning. Then there's no going back.
skullgirls is the shit
because 2 sucked ass
Risk of Rain is a great game
Good taste
did you play 3? and what about bloodborne

no. there really isn't.
>it just makes you look pathetic
Bingo, welcome to 4chan. Well, besides i am low class poor human shit, at least i dont do things having "people" as cause; i say this because you seems to be amazing, but not really, just a product of other people will, just like the many on this thread, or the many who try to keep their Facebook as awesome as they can - in general, people who dont actually live for themselves. As a product of my freewill, thinking and the fight of my life, i am starting to be able to live my life for myself, completely ignoring other people and finding real happiness - before i just felt like i was supposed to be happy but not actually feeling it.

Resuming my pathetic quote, what i actually said is: "looks like great things, but from a person with no selfishness/selflove; a pretentious person who wouldnt give a chance to someone as pretentious and selfless as"; i created a stereotype about you from the info you gave.

Good times when this was the anonymous imageboard, now, looking at this ill shaped perversion of the human mind and spirit - these kinds of thread - i feel like destroying the world
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you just fucking fai-
pick one
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4chan sheet.jpg
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Edge l0rd
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Don't mind the pictures, I'm still getting used to my drawing tablet
Thread replies: 215
Thread images: 83

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