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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>711115315 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 182
Thread images: 151
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TomoyoKanzaki [1].jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Are other waifus even trying?
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That's if i get time to

I made a thing, rate it from bad to cancer
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Hey there, cutie.

How are you today?
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work should be fun
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>>711127106 [Flan]
I also get along very well with him. He is a very decent being when you find yourself one on one with him. Also, he's trying very hard to become someone better. He would be glad to hear that you are feeling this way.
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I hate memes :o
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Waifu material here
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Oh I told him like 20 min ago. We talk to each other time from time. How is your day though? What you doin'?

Hey fam.
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TomoyoKanzaki [3].jpg
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I hate you

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So many damned porn ads instead of the usual J-List and 4chan banners. Plus, my day has been shit so far.
Use adblock
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please stop calling me cutie
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I'm glad to hear that he's keeping in touch with more people than I thought. My day has been rather empty. I have only been listening to music and wandering around on the internet.

Stop advertising your meme channel :o
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1 MB, 680x961
But you are cute. You have very cute things about you.

I'm glad you are doing well, I presume the election result made you very happy?
Worked pretty good tbh. Still cancer though.
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TomoyoKanzaki [12].jpg
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I think the other one i posted is better

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Is there adblock on phone? Use that.

He is in a whole group of us. Wandering around the net. Well that is my day so far I guess, if you don't count the part where my boss got good again and made me come back to work with a bigger pay than usual because reasons.
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Haruhi is the one and only true God. I shall be her slave and do as she demands.
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>But you are cute. You have very cute things about you.
You mean my anime avatar?
Yeah I'm very smug about the results, I told my family Wisconsin would go red.
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Will you suck on her toes?
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Stop flirting with my boy.
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Yes, Mai is very cute even if she is a bit reserved and weird.

I'm glad you are happy.
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What kind of job do you have?
>He is in a whole group of us
Please tell me he didn't go back to the giant messy discord..
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You don't understand the concept behind Haruhi don't you? She is not God. She is a distortion in space and time. She is basically the universes pain in the ass. But she is cute, I have to agree.
First time in a long time I've seen someone claim such a goddess.
>(Not trying to claim just relating with picture)
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You're welcome.
thanks cutie <3
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Get your own.
What is mine, remains mine forever.

We have won.
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I would do anything for my god. It is under the 10 commandments of Haruhiism.
Exactly. She's never claimed on these threads.
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I have no ulterior motives, I just like teasing cute girls with flirtation.
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Make me
Typical lib, can't take shit.
I used to do it sometimes but nobody ever recognized her :(

Can't wait to fucking hit your hit with a brick.
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He went into the one that formed after Ruby's got fucked. It is a mess of its own. He said he is not coming back to the threads anyway, so there is that. The job I have is bartender. I worked there for like 8 years now and I do not plan to stop anytime soon since the boss gave me a raise first time in ever. Went from my 4000 Egp to 7500 a month. Nearly double. I am not sure why. Maybe because all the prices are going kind of up. Oh and in Dollars that would be: 230.54 to 432.21 a month. And I just realised that it might be because my coworker is out now. Time to teach newbies!
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Kyouko (347).jpg
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My family is super butthurt about Trump and they're not even americans.

It feels really good.
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Been reading this thread. Fucking cringing so hard, do you virgins even realize how fucking gay this is?
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Welcome back. Hows things?
But why anon?


Best baker ~
Things are pretty good, Bought diapers and more baby clothes the other day. Going to Re-arrange our bedroom to fit the crib in.

What's new with you?
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ITT: Beta males pretending to be/date cartoon 11 year olds who wouldn't even go near ugly greasy asses if they were real, which they are not.
My waifu's 14 not 11. Get your facts right fag
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Nothing much is new. Just working and went to PAX last weekend. 8 hour bus rides suck.
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Unfortunately the thread has always been, and will always be, a source of great pain for him. As well as any place that allows someone to yell obscenities at him without realizing how hurtful it can be.
Bartending must be fun, and it's always nice to display your experience to new guys.
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>As well as any place that allows someone to yell obscenities at him without realizing how hurtful it can be.
What are you fucking gay?
Where do you work?

I go near my own ugly greasy ass, does that count?
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Kyouko (30).jpg
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I was playing League.
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Syndra [62].jpg
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Personally I don't mind it, but it sucks for people like him.
>What are you fucking gay?
Not to my knowledge.
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So you've been doing anything new?
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Formal Art.jpg
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It is fun, since my most favorite thing to do is observe human nature and behaviours I love it there. I see so many different people, and I know how to treat them well.
I am going to mess with the new guy so bad. I've never had any other person to work along me except like the boss and Jake (coworker). Jake was fun from the beginning but slowly, year by year, he just became depressed as fuck. The new guy is Russian just like me so I can actually have someone Russian to talk to, get my language skills back. Plus showing all the tricks and stuff will be awesome. Like how to make shakes and cocktails or maybe how to annoy the chef with shit like flaming alcohol. He hates when I cause shit like that because he thinks everything is gonna go up in flames, but I give zero shits and make fires anyway. There is one thing I will have to keep a secret tho, is that the Redbulls in the bar are free. The boss lost count of them 3 years ago and he just relies on me to write the ones I sell or take myself. I just casually drink one when I am tired/bored. 3 years, he has not noticed yet.
We are dying.
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Syndra [271].png
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No, nothing at all. Have you?
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I don't know who you're talking about, but if he's overly self-conscious he should be nowhere near this website, It's a cesspool of negativity and hostility.
you fucking pussy.
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Let it end.

He is from animuz, babe
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It must be quite entertaining to hear all of what so many random people have to say, especially after a few drinks. I hope your previous coworker gets better, are you gonna stay in touch with him?
>3 years
A very long ruse.
I know and he's not around anymore, which is good for him.
>you fucking pussy.
We have never talked before but you seem to know a few things about me.
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>Search thread
>No D.VA
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Bullying libs, but nothing of importance.

you have the power to end it
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Eyes Shine.jpg
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He is not much of a friend to me so not really. And by out I mean he quit, he is not sick. The one who is sick is the boss. And yes "very long ruse" indeed. I probs drank about 10k cans by now. Lots of money gone from that.

Because she is not that good?
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I will fite
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Wait you guys are talking about Esdeath?
Let me laugh even harder.
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Fight what? Another person behind the screen somewhere? Have a go at it, I want to see what you can do. :^3

For how long do you know Chen?
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Kira claimed
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Blood Red Dress.jpg
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Where is this question coming from? He refuses to talk to me because I am a "newfag".

Hey Kira.
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We're all newfags.
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Oh I'm sorry I got it all wrong. I hope your boss gets better then.
>10k cans
That is a lot of bull nut juice.
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Here I am breaking promissed I made to myself
I am just really bored
Hey everyone
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A cafe in a university. Dangerously close to hipster, and we dont like it.
Don't worry, as long as you aren't bit you won't go hipster.
Hey, uhhm. Blood red dress girl. How are you?
Would rather be a newfag than someone that thinks hes an old fag am I right?
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No one can escape
no matter how much it hurts
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Oldfags are newfags.
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Pleasure to meet you.jpg
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That is the first time someone called me that. Flandre Scarlet, nice to meet ya.
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what ever.jpg
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Hey flan, how's life?
I wanted to focus on studying and when I am done game a little or something.
Nothing seems a appealing atm though
You should be a philosophy teacher.
Just kidding.
Let's hope your child won't grow as autistic and unlogical as you.
Shiki is that you?
I can taste the salt from here.
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Flandre (5).jpg
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Happy. You? Actually you did say how you are kind of. Well what are you planning to do after this?
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Checked dubs. Well I saw your file name.
Nice to meet you blood red dress girl
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Yuuki (0).png
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Yuuki (10).jpg
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Bad apple..png
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Oh that is just rood, Dio lookalike.

Dood, you're just a fucking millennial cunt who can't change his way of thinking.
A racist, closed-minded faggot. You are the epitome of a hominidae who didn't evolved into a normal human being.
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Yuuki (21).jpg
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What's up?
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Are you depend on them?
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>Dio look alike
Guess i deserved it im sorry.

Btw im happy that Hillary didnt win.
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16 - 1.png
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Okay, sorry Taihou.

Still don't regret anything I said :^)
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Saber claim victory edition
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Someone just summoned me for some league of legos
probably going to play that
fancy seeing you here
how's life?
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Alice (18).jpg
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I live off people. If there wont be customers, there would not be money. If there wont be people to observe, I would be pretty depressed.
I just realised you were talking about the redbulls. No I do not. They are just really nice tasting for Egyptian quality and they do help me not fall asleep in night shifts.

No WWIII. I am happy too because Putin is like with Trump and shit. Jewish genocide when?

Have fun!
Heil trump.
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Syndra [71].jpg
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Choromatsu nii-san
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Kira (5).gif
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Yeah clinton is corrupt and fuck her.
I hope trump and putin make great friends and dont try to rule the world because i bet they could together.
Dude, I haven't been on Telegram for months, but it amuses me how everything in your life is linked to it and vice-versa. I mean, everything that happens youre like "ohhh it must be from Telegram because I spend my whole time in there!", well, is not, you fucking unevolved and blue pilled cunt.
Maybe you should change something about your lifestyle, it seems kinda boring that everything is happening makes you think abour your private life on internetz.
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Yuuki (129).jpg
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don't look at explosions.jpg
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I will be shitposting for a little bit still though
Can I ask why you find this picture so appealing?
You post it a lot
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Are... are you an ignoramus.png
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That is actually what I am hoping for. I am not sure what bad it would do to me. I am dead inside anyway.

Ceiling meme.
No longer linked to it.

I just assumed you were one of those salty faggots from telegram.

Keep throwing shit at me, it's fun.
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Kira (8).jpg
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We will see what happens
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Alice (961).jpg
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It saves me the trouble of needing to ask people what's going on
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It seems it has come to a halt. I'm waiting for something to happen.
It indeed was not what I meant, but it's interesting to hear you're feeling this way about people.
>help me not fall asleep in night shifts.
I could use something like that for my morning drive.
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1 MB, 1459x1032
Realised that even normal posting is considered shitposting have you? Have fun with that too tho.
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Yuuki (19).jpg
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Don't know th ceiling meme
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You could use that yes. I will be replying a bit slower now. Watching stupid shit on YT.

same same. what are you talking about?
Keep being an edgy cunt, it amuses me more than you think.
You're the best example of an American.
Closed minded, easy to irritate, prefers to solve things by using violence, be it verbally or pschically, believes everything he says is right, never thinking of change.
You're just a fucking normal American easly influenced by anything.
I pity sheep like you, because you're full of opinions, but not of yours, of those who have been implemented on your mind by people smarter than you.
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Ah, that's fair
I was just curious
Oh what do you mean, come to a halt?
something happened?
>implying I didn't know this from the start
I always have fun with everything I do
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Yuuki (22).jpg
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I asked what's up, you said "don't make me say it", then said ceiling meme..
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yeah. Do you not realise that I am trying to confuse you at this point and it is working? Just tell me how are ya. Stop this meme.
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Kira (6).png
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I really dont wanna give you this attention because i think it turns you on but you seem annoyed, really annoyed.
Question, do you just throw words out without knowing their meaning? or are you actually reading what you're saying?
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He's severely bootyblasted.

Whoops, forgot image.
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Alright, have fun. What might you be watching? I'm a huge fan myself of stupid things on youtube.
Nothing is happening.
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Yuuki (32).jpg
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Lol okay. I'm fine, just watching anime at the moment.
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Alice (894).jpg
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I'm lazy, so it saves me needing to type.
How was your day? Do anything interesting?
Maybe you forgot the picture, but that kid of yours will get beat up at school like a fucking useless turd to this society like he is.
File: Kira (1).jpg (58 KB, 488x480) Image search: [Google]
Kira (1).jpg
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Bootyblasted, good one dude.
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Honestly, Scarce right now, just to see how the cancer evolved. Later search for some music.

Cool cool. What ya watching?
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Kira (2).png
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Idk why you are assuming that he has kids. Or did he mention it?
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Yuuki (42).jpg
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Right now Girlish Number. I got caught up on Sound! Euphonium earlier, then I may finish up Sweetness and Lightning.
>licking his ass
What a slave.
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16 - 1.jpg
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I like the different terms for butthurt, they're so fun.

I have a daughter on the way, She's due on the 20th of December.
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I asked you a question. Maybe you should learn how to read nigger.
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1 MB, 2500x2486
That is a big list. Do you have anything to do other than that? School, work?
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Can't wait for her to get raped.
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Kira (14).png
52 KB, 1024x576
Ow congrats dude! Im happy to hear that.
Whoa, calm down, there.
I don't expect a closed minded newfag like you to be calm, but, try to not get angry and throw random words. You might have a stroke, or something.
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I've never actually thought ill of this guy. I mean, he does report on stupidly pointless things, but he seems alright.
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Thanks, was unplanned, but we're going to make the best of it.
Americunt who talks to much on Telegram and nobody listen to his opinion. That's what you are, Bun-Bun. A self-centred pile of shit who gives himself too much importance.
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Flan Scarlet.jpg
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That is what makes him part of the cancer. He basically forged himself into this whole drama thing on YT which made him like Keem or Leafy.
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I worked in a hipster place for 6 months and I hate the sight of food on boards.
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Yuuki (13).jpg
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I finished school for the day about an hour ago, and I have the day off work so I'm relaxing at home
I genuinely feel bad for you.

At least you don't live in california.
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Kira (3).jpg
399 KB, 600x755
Im just going to stop really, if you cant even answer a question I dont wanna have chit chats.
Ow well thats a bit less.

What's bothering you?
I don't give importance to newfags, so please, consider restating yourself from replying to me.
Oh ok.

I will be going now guys. Cafe is closing and home has no net. So cya tomorrow.
Yeah, but still. Not much I can do at this point.
Already bought some cute ass clothes too.
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Kira (12).jpg
526 KB, 750x1200
Btw who is this >>711136557?
I guess you know him?
I don't think your being serious at this point
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Comfy Kirara claimed.
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Yuuki (17).jpg
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I don't know or care anymore who he is.
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Kira (11).png
438 KB, 500x659
Sounds good, I hope the best for you
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But at least he never got personally involved in the drama.
>I think?
I haven't followed all of this drama since Idubbbz destroyed everyone.
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306 KB, 652x922
oh alright
well i got nothing to help you
alright that makes sense
not really, i had a day off
what about you?
>Bun not replying because he has nothing to say, for the reason that everything is true.
Whoa, the big mouthed Bun shut himself down? You self proclaimed important cunt.
Protip KYS
Underage emoji Samefag

>i am the most important anon
that is offensive, anon-kun. you shouldn't be so edgy youll end up dead in a ditch.
I want to everyday. What's with that late reply though? Your mom had to change your diaper?
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This, pretty much.
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2 MB, 1998x1501
true and cya

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See you later.
How fitting.
File: nervous.jpg (36 KB, 336x424) Image search: [Google]
36 KB, 336x424
im sorry that might have sounded rude
didn't mean it like that
got anything planned commning week?
File: megu1.jpg (40 KB, 840x720) Image search: [Google]
40 KB, 840x720
Thread replies: 182
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