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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>710645609 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 188
Thread images: 147
File: KyoukoChibi (44).jpg (39 KB, 692x437) Image search: [Google]
KyoukoChibi (44).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
beep boop
frog man claimed
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armored up.png
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>friend says real life girls are better than anime girls
What a fucking faggot.
frogs are better so shut your crooked mouth
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Undyne is a husbando.
She has a dick. Stop oppressing my trans husbando
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cat out of nowhere.jpg
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Don't worry, your the most special snowflake
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But just as insignificant AS that snow flake.
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shit bait you rancid fish cunt
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No they aren't.
Show dick or you're female.
says who? you? what a fucking drake & josh you just tried to pull, this frog's prime
dick has literally nothing to do with being male
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>dick has literally nothing to do with being male

You have mental problems and require professional help.

Please seek some immediately.

I hope the next generation of transfaggots kill themselves after realizing how fucking retarded they are.
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Foxy teacher.jpg
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Somebody failed third grade biology

O shit waddup
if you have the mental equivalence of a fish, sure they do!

you fucking freak
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Okay but >>710662864 is right...
I have a dick but I'm a girl
hey, you silly guy! I think you meant "mental patient"

that's cool though, everyone makes mistakes. even your parents.
please stop trying to be cool/funny
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Man with tits.
Nothing wrong with that, just don't be a faggot.
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look at you, voicing your opinion with no image

pussy, stop trying to act tough on the internet before I bust your jaw
wow, okay, so first of all, gender is a social construct, so it's in no way related to the body you were born in

how cute
the thing you're talking about are sexes, and even there you are wrong
there's plenty of people being born with both types of genitals or who have secondary sex traits not fitting just one of these "sexes" society created
pick up a book or something

a frog wouldn't understand that

preach, brother!
just like how you won't understand what's going to happen to you within the next 24 hours.

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>gender is a social construct
Sorry, retard, but you are wrong. Gender is a biological fact.

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chibi (34).jpg
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He's right though.
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I cant.jpg
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Life has no meaning.
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you're just being a pissy brat because my frog is leagues above your albino cum bucket

it's cool if your parents never taught you what dignity was.
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The tumblr is strong in this one

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Alice (18).jpg
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3D womyn are trash
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Finally a bit of common sense, in the middle of this childish fight.
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something witty.png
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You're just looking dumb and edgy and I'm just pointing it out.
Uh, your waifu?
They are.
keep reacting with images, you brain-dead husk of a person. or just post with your shitty anime character

either way I'm better.

trash meme

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A fox mask for a fox.jpg
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Being born with both or neither is a mutation, not a third gender

There is no way a third gender fits into human reproduction

In short, fuck off back to tumblr
File: little frog cowboy, haha.jpg (5 KB, 183x275) Image search: [Google]
little frog cowboy, haha.jpg
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go to bed, it's a school night. you'll have your body pillow to snuggle yourself to sleep. tears won't be a problem

>childish fight
you're acting superior in a thread about waifu claiming, cease living.

the robust amount of assasins I'm sending your way to do the job
Why are you here if you don't want to see these children fight?
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What fight?


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Syndra [62].jpg
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初音ミク – 784.jpg
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Funny bread.
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Kuroki Tomoko CUTE.jpg
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Show me your balls and how you handle them.
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Alice (105).jpg
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happy eyes.gif
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Way to avoid the stuff I pointed out, straya cunt.
already answered your question. I don't expect any of you to have any comprehension of a language though.

i just enjoy insulting people whom are inferior. it's great!

you've been avoiding shit I've been saying this entire time, you oaf. go to bed, it's a school night.

i'm not being edgy, these are fucking promises I'm dishin' out. it's a 5 star meal.

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Syndra [69].jpg
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初音ミク – 1285.jpg
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Alice twenty three.
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What would you think of your waifu if she decided ti transition?
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chibi (30).jpg
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It's Saturday for me. I don't go to Sunday school.
>i just enjoy insulting people whom are inferior. it's great!
You contradicted yourself there.
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If it's truly all there is to do in this place, I might as well leave
>cease living
Did you mean to insult me, or to give me the motivation I'm lacking?
wiener stuff
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it's sunday, so i will probably jerk, eat and sleep a lot

sigh... okay once more for the slow kids in class:
the thing you are talking about is sex
genders are socioeconomic terms designed by the patriarchy to keep down women, transpeople and poc

if you had an actual argument, you wouldn't need the ad hominem

it's not a third gender, because it is not some certain condition
instead there is a wild variety of different bodies that simply not fit your cute little "2 gender fits all" idea
it's more like a spectrum
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Show me your balls.

And how you handle them.

ur a fukken dolt
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Alice (Not 23).jpg
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That is magical
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I'd still love her/him/it. I really hope she wouldn't make that decision, but I would live with it.
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Claiming Kirino
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Armin claimed
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look at you, avoiding more golden syllables I'm spewing out. your hearing aid must be broken.

> I might as well leave
please do, you'd be doing me a huge favor

never wake up
File: Syndra [106].jpg (132 KB, 792x594) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [106].jpg
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You cant just ask these kinds of things.
Are you new or a heretic?
File: B-but....png (104 KB, 358x322) Image search: [Google]
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I can see the fight now. Entertaining.

I have no idea what pics you have but I request Alice Fifty seven. Can I?

That is just gei. I mean have fun with that whiney boi puss.
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Am I being too forward?

I just want to see your balls and how you handle them.
Alice 2 three
It's a joke, and you missed it completely
Eine mordsgaudi, weiter so
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That was mean.
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what's happening here? looks like a bunch of mentally handicapped fellas being schooled by a random amphibian.
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I get that, I just want to request a pic.

I am mean. Sometimes.
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Exactly what do other genders contribute to reproduction?
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insults... nothing but insults
you're lack of education is showing

oh, so we reached death threats now?
your post has been forwarded to the fbi, enjoy prison

oh, so then what about men with breasts?
what about wymen with stronger physic and body hair?
what about whose who have neither xy nor xx chromosomes?
you're being ableist!

keine Ahnung wer du bist, oder woher du weißt, dass ich deutsch kann, aber ich geb mein bestes
File: Guren[28].png (82 KB, 515x571) Image search: [Google]
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It is!
I didn't know that Kermit was so tsundere. I think I'll stay just for you.
Does it really matter?
You were quite funny until now
Since you've destroyed it you might as well join the rest of the failed shitposters
So how are you?


I personally don't agree with you. Personally, I think being transgender is like getting six pack abs. You can't just draw them on. You gotta go to the fucking gym and work out. Likewise with being transgender, it's not enough to simply say you're a different gender. You gotta go through hormone replacement therapy, and a sex change, and even then it can be a rough transition. But it should be. Anyone who goes through all that is more transgender than someone who says they're transgender

Not trying to start anything, just voicing my opinion on the matter


File: look at how fancy I am.gif (53 KB, 379x200) Image search: [Google]
look at how fancy I am.gif
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i just verbally bested the entire thread in one move

am I the second coming? who woulda thought he was a frog!

you're disabled

I need an ugly rat face to look at on a day to day basis to remind myself of how amazing I am.

i never said i was funny, I'm a fucking comedian but I never said that.

post with your shitty character, faggot.
It's not the same user. If he was lame enough to go get a new device to post, you could say that, but I don't feel like that is the case based off of file names
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Like a cupcake. Baked and happy.
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really attempt at being funny. you wish you were as comedically gifted as us; our humor can't be emulated. now emulate Kurt Cobain's suicide.
nur Samstag Arbeit? Zählt der Strich so gut, dass ein Tag in der Woche reicht?
File: Syndra [75].jpg (201 KB, 857x1283) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [75].jpg
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Its a bit rude to go around asking people about their balls.

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I Don't Know.jpg
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You like it
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enjoyin' the banjo all night.jpg
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only if you have something to hide, you freak fuck
It matters to me to some degree. In the greater picture it doesn't matter though.
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Well there is nothing to argue. you are just memeing and trying to force a stupid ideal.

Is it? Even if they are widely known to be a powerful ball handler?

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>post with your shitty character
Don't you think there's a reason I don't?
That sounds like a fun night.
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I can see you now, hunched over your gaming keyboard. Your 300 pound frame illuminated by the only light source in your bedroom, the computer screen. You look around your room, seeing lopsided kermit posters on the walls, piss/shut jugs lining the floor, which is a thriving habitat of roaches and ants, hungry for their next meal of discarded pizza rolls/ Tyson brand chicken nuggets. Perhaps they can fit into some of the soda cans you left open, half finished. Mom says if you clean your room, you can get your next body pillow, but you have to participate in the next "Waifu claiming thread". Your autism compels you to do so. You fix your attention on a fight between 2 roaches happening on your race car bed, possibly fighting over who gets to lay their eggs on your Cum stained buzz lightyear bedsheets. You look back to your desk, with your kermit dolls adorning the space next to your mechanical keyboard. You claim your kermit over and over, until one day, mom kicks you out.
it's rude for you to continue using human resource.

what are you talking about? this was my first post. i am an individual, stop pairing me with that jesus-esque amphibian. i'm my own frog.
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okay, wow, just wow
this is what is wrong with society
why would you let the government turn you into a breeding machine instead of enjoying your life as the type of person you are supposed to be?

then what about genderfluid people?
you can't just change your sex every day

wow, now ablism
why am I not surprised?
kill yourself, cis scum!

stop trying to turn this into a joke, you're being very childish
it's a serious, no THE most serious issue our society is facing ever since the persecution of poc, which also is still happening today
File: back when I was a baby, haha!.jpg (855 KB, 1750x2500) Image search: [Google]
back when I was a baby, haha!.jpg
855 KB, 1750x2500
that's a good point, now do the next best thing and leave!

this is my realm now, exit before I start smiting
File: Guren[16].jpg (376 KB, 592x741) Image search: [Google]
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I'll be your little rat
Ok then. To answer your question, technically I would have to say neither.
Finally the actual real best girl from the show
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2 MB, 480x270
>THE most serious issue our society is facing ever since the persecution of poc
File: 初音ミク – 1063.jpg (1 MB, 2227x1353) Image search: [Google]
初音ミク – 1063.jpg
1 MB, 2227x1353
I'd let her abuse me any day.
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flower hat.jpg
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I'll be leaving now. Got some football to watch.
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These threads rightfully belong to Lord Skeletor, but you wouldn't know
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> be me
> after work and it's hot
> no ac in truck
> takin a fat dump at the crib
> get the tp
> wipes armpit
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1 MB, 1280x1024
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sipping some natural cream.jpg
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cease living, you trash poster.

is that code for school night nap?

get lost, get those zs you socially inept freak.

i'd crush his skeleton shin.
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Because its dark out.
File: Fox farmer.jpg (126 KB, 500x633) Image search: [Google]
Fox farmer.jpg
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Well every creature's sole purpose is to pass on their genes, so there's that

And for your information I'm Trans-am
File: Syndra [95].jpg (464 KB, 1200x1600) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [95].jpg
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Actually that makes it even worse.


I think of genderfluid as just being indecisive about your gender.


I can assume you knew that your previous persona wasn't your husbando, right?
guess i'll be putting out the rat poison

they're coming
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1 MB, 500x281
Are you embarrassed of your balls and your skillful way of handling them?


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my magnus opus piece.jpg
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you wouldn't dare argue with an amphibian of my stature; i'm a cold-blooded hard mothafucka bitch, i have no morals.

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spin off that chair and snap
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fuck dis.jpg
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Timezones? It is not dark in Australia or something.
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Kyouko (204).png
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oh so you think the suppression of blacks was not and is not a serious issue? nazi scum

i literally can't even anymore
your constant harassment is giving me panic attacks, and I WILL get you in front of a court for it

your worth as a human should not be decided by how many children they have
what about the infertile? don't they deserve to live?

pics or it didn't happen

and why would you be decisive about it? it's all made up anyway
a trash anime character, uniform is also badly designed

cease existing immediately before I prime up my knuckles for a lop-sided brawl
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I haven't even replied to you once.

Get that man's arm out of your ass.

Stupid frog poster.
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Fuck niggers, jews, mexicans, and internet cry babies.
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Rule #2
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Syndra [246].jpg
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You wouldnt be?
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i hope your heart takes the cake and begins slowing down, your blood doesn't need pumpin'

it's a mutational morph form, your seeing aids are clearly busting up. you deaf outcast
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There bound to be a a dark soul less ginger there.
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Something like that
Don't forget the traps
File: me in a past existence.jpg (59 KB, 520x520) Image search: [Google]
me in a past existence.jpg
59 KB, 520x520
i'm coining that term, frog posting.

you are one ugly warm-blooded smooth-skin.

you're one funny morbidly obese greaseball.
Maybe around a large crowd or on camera.
tiff crust is my waifu.
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End of Evangelion
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happy fox.jpg
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Humans are innately worthless
in fact the earth has no worth, nothing does
The universal clock will keep ticking regardless of any life that exists inside it
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are the usual shitposters not available today?
It's almost an insult in itself how bad you actually are
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I identify as a guy because I am a guy. If I wanted to be a girl, I would go through with it and get a sex change. That way there would be less confusion.
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1 MB, 1920x1080
i will join in the fun
Hey! thats mine
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Not impressed.png
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who is this?
they're getting those too, i'm priming the toxins.

almost as insulting as to your oil pastel cunt that you won't even post her when you're giving your half-baked argument

that air your inhaling and loving up? it's not for you, don't touch.
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Ok, Simple question to get a Simple answer. You have not considered your previous persona to be 'the one'?
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Syndra [160].png
1 MB, 1280x1600
26 other posters is a bit

Some punk youtuber from South Africa
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Do you want to go somewhere more... private?
File: 1475501570813.jpg (174 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
174 KB, 512x512
File: me hanging with my young child.jpg (70 KB, 934x623) Image search: [Google]
me hanging with my young child.jpg
70 KB, 934x623
>You have not considered your previous persona to be 'the one'?

man, that air sure is being used and abused by your frontal lobe. i'm angered by this, stop doing it now.
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837 KB, 702x1137
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285 KB, 1120x1100

File: 1474646005308.jpg (350 KB, 689x1020) Image search: [Google]
350 KB, 689x1020
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