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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>710622054 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, I have crippling autism
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Why are people launching fireworks??

What am the sky? How does eat food? These are the questions we truly need to ask ourselves.
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It's bonfire night. Do you know what that is?
My beautiful collage.
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nope :o
beautiful :)
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Doing pretty alright, my lighter had just enough gas to ground hash but stopped working when I was actually going to light it.

I listened to Blue Loveless yesterday since it was the 25th birthday of the original album and it was surprisingly amazing.
They variate the tracks much more than the Japanese did on Yellow Loveless.
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Oh okay, that makes sense. Did you remember the 5th of November?
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that was a quick thread damn
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Hon hon hon.png
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Yeah, that basically nails it

Hello, never posts pictures on an image board
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Choke on a dick.
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Shirp claimed.

ᚹᛟᛏ ᚨᛒ?
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back in my days threads only lasted 20 minutes
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Basically a guy called guy tried to blow up the king a long time ago but he got caught because he was stupid. Now we launch fireworks because i don't know why

No i didn't
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Patrick Bateman claimed.
but I post my waifu all the time :o
what country are you from? :o
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Saya 095.jpg
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Claiming best girl

Why is Civ 6 AI so damn retarded?
Yeah and my writing.
>smiling smug nose guy
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oh yea summer threads were fast as fuck
especially durring europe night times
I'm just saying it was pretty fast compared to usual thread times
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TomoyoKanzaki [3].jpg
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I hear people screaming outside now
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Is this the same as Guy Fawkes night?
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I'm not even from England and I remembered it by watching V for Vendetta
can we just take a moment and appreciate this fuckin shit?
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I haven't seen that
visit sachi for me :o
I've never posted that once
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Alice (8).png
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I'm still trying to figure out what it's about honestly. It's kind of confusing, but I think I'm starting to understand
I do talk with people, mostly because school kind of makes me do so. I don't particularly enjoy the experience though
I never liked rum, but I hear mixing it with some cola makes for a tasty drink. I prefer vodka with cola though. Or orange juice.
If I mix it, I find I don't get drunk as quickly
Then i must not see it
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Tatsumaki (63).jpg
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I remember reading something about that.

A tribute record, but then again I'm not exactly a huge fan of tribute records. I might check it out once I'm finished with being a fat fuck.

How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a tootsie pop?
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Yuuki (62).png
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You should watch it. It's based on a graphic novel and it's really cool.
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Hey, Tats, I listened to a loot of music too and smoked a lot of hash!!
Please respond
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Tatsumaki (368).jpg
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I love you too

I was gonna.

Are you still triggering people?
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konata nagato.jpg
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why did you save it so many times? :o
I smile when I see you
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I cant.jpg
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B-but hash is bad.. why not weed?
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Classy fox.png
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Ok so Skyrim is horrible to level in if you only use armor and one weapon
So now I'll have a sword and board and some magic

I save pictures without knowing if i already have them
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That sounds horrible tbh, what episode are you on?
Oh that is too bad, I guess you just needed to find people with the same interests as you, like us!
Fuck I don't have Cola and I wasn't planning on going outside tonight.
I never understood that combination, vodka and OJ, what is it you like about it?
Yea that is true, I just like the drink and getting drunk is a nice side effect.
Yea I never was a fan of Bathesda RPGs
I just don't like their leveling system
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Claiming Muu
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I'm bored enough to play Skyrim even though i don't like it too much
I have to finish it at least once
And again when i get a foxgirl mod
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I'm on episode 6/8. It kind of flips between two "realities". I think one of them is a representation of the characters psyches though.
Finding people with the same interests as me is a bit difficult to do. I have a very unusual group of interests
That's the only mix I know of that is supposedly good with rum. There might be a few recommendations online you could find with stuff that you have
Well, I like orange juice, and I like drinking, so that's the reason I find it enjoyable. Getting drunk is a very pleasant side effect. I like that part of it

Going to go do some mowing then raking. I'll be back later
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Maybe i will when i get time
ya dingus :o
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Yes, mostly I do it by just being here
Where are you going to teach in other countries again?
My teacher kinda reminds me of you, he puts songs when we are drawing, he comes down and smokes with us but he is a bit cynical and harsh.

What about you? I missed you so much

Oh, and I made a girl who wanted to fuck mad because I want to do my math homework and listen to music, lmao.
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初音ミク – 1112.jpg
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Yellow Loveless is a tribute made by Japanese artists, there's Tokyo Shoegazer, Boris, Lemon's Chair and a bunch of other bands I never heard about before.
It's interesting to see both their imperfections at replicating the original one and the new ideas they implement into it.

Blue Loveless is similar but with Koreans, I didn't know a single artist from it but enjoyed every single track thoroughly.

That track sounds comfy.

It's not really bad unless people add crap to it to make it look bigger. Hash is easier to find here.
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Really? How easy? I know that I can ask any of my 20+ dealers and they all have some. Is it the same in your country? Every corner has hash/weed.
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she is cute
where is she from?
Why not save yourself the trouble and download the mod now and only have to play it once?
Also don't you have anything else to play?
Oh only 8 eps? That's a short show, but if you are so far and still don't know what's going on it sounds kinda shitty.
Like what? Anime, WoW and alcohol? Dpesn't seem that weird.
Yea I guess I should do some research, I will see you later man
Actually she's Asuka but I was just hoping someone remembered Muu.
Because they tried to fix diplomacy as a valid option.
They over simplified it.
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Oh whoops, do you mean there used to be an old poster who claimed Muu?
Sorry I don't remember this person
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Ran is in the background drawn like she's about to unleash a stand

I do and don't
I could play something else, but i don't really want to
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初音ミク – 707.jpg
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Hash blocks are mass produced in Morocco and imported to Spain god knows how.
Then there's pretty much no problem taking it into Portugal.

Every dealer here has hash, same can't be said for weed.
kek you are a weird one.
Well have fun
I subbed to your channel :o
nice to see miku is best girl
i don't have a youtube channel :o
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Hmm... Interesting. I will just say that everyone has weed growing in their fucking backyard here. The reason why the cops did not do shit about it is because it is an Arabic village.
They are afraid it will cause a massive riot that they cannot stop. Like a full-on revolution. The hash thing here is more because of Saudi Arabia. They are too close to us, I could go there by boat if I wanted to.
My town basically has all the drugs they would want except the hard stuff: Cocaine, Heroin etc.
So yeah, fucking paradise in the desert.
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Saya 085.jpg
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Yeah, the diplomacy sucks ass too. No matter what I do, I'm getting denounced and then declared surprise war which somehow makes other AI dislike me even more for some reason, or they think I'm a warmonger.
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>My town basically has all the drugs they would want except the hard stuff: Cocaine, Heroin


Heroin is just morphine, which is found in almost every pharmacy everywhere. And if you can't find cocaine, you aren't looking for it.
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The biggest problem with civ AI is diplomacy. They haven't ever done it right. It's a simple as "Does player 1 have more than me? He's a warmonger. Did he give me 1000 gold when I asked? Cool. He asked for 200 gold? Declare war."

I just ignore them completely and focus on city states.
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Only random fools online that I don't give a damn about, but it's okay, I got all I need right here.
>random fools
>two of the oldest fags in the history of waifu are online in the same time
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There is cocaine, I have seen it. It's just that the bedouins do not like it so most dealers who deal that shit there end up getting beat up. And the town is pretty small and poor, I know there is morphine but not as much as weed or hash definitely.
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As long as I don't care about them, they remain random fools, even if one of them was literally Trump.
What a suck up.
I don't even know who's here-
No, I'm sorry to say I do know who's here.
Your caring is meaningless. Grow up, edgelord.
Go to suck Chara's feminine penis or something. You only consider shitty people as "important".
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Being an old fag in these threads isn't worth what it used to be.
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Aren't there only two oldfags left?
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>Your caring is meaningless
My caring is literally the only important thing if it's about who I intend to talk to.
>Go to suck Chara's feminine penis
I'm trying, but he won't let me.
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No, there are a few who still post. Others tend to stay away from the threads because it turned into a faggy hug box full of emo shits who are dicc hungry for (You)s instead of waifu talk.

Welcome to the Avatar Circlejerk thread under the guise of a waifu thread.
Be the change you want to be.
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Tatsumaki (187).png
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We haven't had this talk in a while
Only 4 fags are from the old generation of waifu thread in this thread right now
Try and guess who I'm talking about and you'll get a prize.
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All i know is you are here and I am.
So whats's up?

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Lurking Shiki, Tomo, Tats and Shiro.
Mai is older than Tomoko.
Shiro came in after February.
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is the guy who spend 8 months on an online relationship.
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Tatsumaki (306).jpg
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No, he didn't.

he was here before I was
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elitist btfo
Mai is older than you.
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Do you have a single fact to back that up?
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These threads are fucking cancers, all of you fat man baby virgins should
Be exterminated, you'll never contribute to the gene pool because no girl want to fuck a pathetic weaboo. Comb your greasy hair with a shot gun you pillow spankers
Mai used to post "Claimed." in November threads..
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He came around before I did in early January.
Pretty sure.

I doubt it, but I don't think I could prove you wrong. Feels bad.

It is.
How is it going?

Did you heard about Ginko's condition?
He's been better, so that's good.
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So are we now fighting over who the most socially retarded is around here? Because if it helps, I spend a lot of time photo-shopping nazi hats onto my waifu.
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Saya 106.jpg
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In earlier Civs I was able to have good relationships with some, or even with most of the civs, but not in this one. It's just impossible. For example, if you've met Kongo and found a religion, next turn he will whine why you haven't converted his cities to your religion yet when his closest city is 50 tiles away from you..
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Maximum oversmug.jpg
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The real question is: Who cares?
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I don't even know, though Mai was never really a part of the community

Nope I haven't seen him in some time actually.

That's good to hear
Yeah, more or less.

I'm so socially retarded I was claiming Tomoko in waifu threads before these threads became commonplace.

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I created the first waifu claiming thread.
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You are all a bunch of bored people who just spend a lot of time in this thread, instead of doing something productive, that's for sure.
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Kinda annoying you guys are too busy measuring your oldfag dicks instead of talking
I'll just go do something else.
I'm so socially retarded I made a notepad full of all the /waifu/ copypastas
Amd you guys care too much about the thread.
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That is pretty fucked up, I must admit. Not the most autistic waifu by far, but I guess you got some pretty good chances to win this regardless.
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neon tali.png
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hey mizore, been a minute.
gonna need photogiraffic proof

hello all
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[A133 - B Mach].png
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Measuring my oldfag dick!
I'm an elitist. I don't like it when people post low quality images, claim multiple waifu, or post 3D sluts.

Generally when people DO do this I make fun of them and try and turn the thread against them.

Lastly, I try and make other people feel as if they need to work toward some type of acceptance when it comes to joining the community.

YOU ARE NEW and you need to know it.
Chen is the oldest oldjerk
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cute tali.jpg
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but what if I am productive and also spend time ITT?
Tomo? or Kona? or someone else
I'm only and old fag for 4chan in general, in terms of /waifu/ I'm new.
first half good
second half utter shit
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Chibi Karen 28.png
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初音ミク – 1259.jpg
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hello emo karen, it's been a while for you too.
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oh hey tali, you are here
might stick around a bit then
with what?
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Roll for your shitposting superpower:

0-1: You have a folder for every single poster on /waifu/ with exact filenames, and the ability to mimic anybodies persona.

2-3: You can guarantee a get, one dub every minute, trips every ten minutes, quads every 100 minutes and so on.

4-5: You can delete every OTHER /waifu/ thread at any moment.

6-7: You can spam without a captcha and no cool down, the only limit is how fast you can select an image.

8-9: You can recite every copypasta ever written from memory.

Dubs: Your choice of any of the above.
Trips and up: All of the above.
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I's a somewhat rare catch anyway, just like you.

Did you drank a few beers with the other Greecefag?

Good digits.

Up to watch a movie?
Shiki's coming.
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TomoyoKanzaki [18].jpg
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I'm me
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Okay, I'll help you whatever there is you need.

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Maybe next time.
And you're doing a great Job at it
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Confused Karen 17.jpg
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I am always in your heart, qt.

Hi hi, nice trip.

New hearthstone expac
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初音ミク – 81.jpg
1 MB, 2920x1708
Trips guy would kill for 2-3.
None of those sound good tbh
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初音ミク – 48.jpg
1 MB, 1500x1500
I didn't see all the cards yet, specially since I want that game to die.
That priest card that discovers something from your opponent deck looked interesting.
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planet tali.jpg
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>making me blush
stahp it you
oh heyo yoyo chan
like a parasitic worm ^_^
hello best siscon girl
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Sure you can have good relations with some, but diplomatic wins are stupid and you'll have to use the people you friend as opposed to just uniting the world. You can't make them all your friend, and the whole number system that controls relations has never been fixed well.
No its been a color.
Nice trips, check this.
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oh alright
I'm here I guess
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Confused Karen 14.png
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I need you to show me love and affection, it doesn't have to be genuine, just do it.

I choose the power to recite copypastas from memory.

What is dead may never die
Long live Reno/Kazus decks
2-3 and 6-7 are the only good ones tbh
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I feel like I should update this somehow.
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Tatsumaki (251).png
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I'm not that rare

Well, I will tomorrow, though it won't exactly be beer.
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Saya 029.jpg
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In civ 6 everyone just seems to hate you for different reasons. Sooner or later.
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Chibi Karen 40.png
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But instead of leaching off you and giving you an early death, I fill your heart with warmth and happiness.
How've you been and shit nigga

Checking your lack of trips, pretty unimpressive, tbh.

Revy claimer? New?
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TomoyoKanzaki [13].jpg
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Happy Karen 139.jpg
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Enjoyed the parade?
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初音ミク – 871.png
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>everyone just seems to hate you for different reasons. Sooner or later.
Sounds accurate to how society works.

Literally who? I'm still stuck in Reno Nzoth.
The space one was super hyped and was total shit too. Like complete unbalanced shit.
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1 MB, 1371x851
How is work going?
Those bills going to be paid soon?
It's not revy, though Revy has a huge influence on her creation.
Also not new, been here a while
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782 KB, 689x1020
I actually fucked up the right top corner on that one, but I don't have the psd file anymore and am too lazy to make it again.

Can I show my affection using money?
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I don't know what your talking about, I have trips every post, see?
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better than liara.jpg
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i thought it was a hexidecimal?
true and i've been doing good had a 6 sale day at work to close out the week. may get offered a management position.
how goes life
see above tbh
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Everyone would. You can roll for nudes or pantsu with trips.
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2-3, 6-7 is just an improved 4chan pass, 2-3 is supernatural.
Since every /waifu/ thread is longer than 100 minutes I could cause a shitstorm by getting quads every thread.
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Tatsumaki (245).png
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I see it every year, so that was pretty neat.
I did get to see some of my students parade this year too and got to meet up with that other faggot
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TomoyoKanzaki [24].gif
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I don't know. I have a cold or something and people keep setting off fireworks outside so i have a headache now. How are you?
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初音ミク – 267.jpg
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Can also roll for people to take showers and tell newfags to fuck off when they claim your waifu.

You could argue 2-3 is just a very well coded script in a computer with good connection.
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Sad Karen 13.png
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I don't have any way to receive said money, why can't you just /hug me?

Define a while, though.
Who is she, then? Nice to meet you anyway

No dupes in deck = battlecry create a spell
3 discovers defining what kind of spell it is

That does sound pretty good, dude. Gonna celebrate it if you get it?

Lies, lies as always.

I thought it was just a military parade? Students get to join in too?
If two shitposters got 4-5 /waifu/ wouldn't exist.
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That's good news, though I thought you wanted a complete new job and not a higher position in the current one.
Or am I wrong?
i started posting early july, it's not long but it has been long enogh to have to post under an alias, how gay as that sounds
Her name is Hetza Hellshock, she is a fanmade character of a japanese DnD-esq game.
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It would be a dream come true!

Yea... I know I said 'anything' but I would much rather, like, not.
Can I show affection by not directly insulting you or maybe saying something nice about you to someone else?
Roll for nudes or pantsu
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Tatsumaki (330).jpg
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Two parts, first part is the military parade second is the student parade. I have never actually properly watched them both.

So it was a first for me
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hgnn tali.jpg
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want me to kill them or at least take their fireworks away?
i can't celebrate till im at the tippy top
I just want good money to pay all my shit off so that I don't owe anyone shit
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[A095 - No invasive butts].jpg
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Are the super oldfags the ones that posted in waifu claiming threads before all the other animu hideouts dissolved and invaded the waifu claiming threads and turned them into a circlejerk?
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Chibi Karen 29.png
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> long enogh to have to post under an alias
what have you done to need a new identity?
>commiting heresy
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Yeah. I have no idea. I know it was bad in civ 5 and they simplified it for 6.
No lies, only trips.
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初音ミク – 92.jpg
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>dream come true
Like Homurolling trips? I honestly miss watching you fail over and over.

I'm confused. What's the full name of the card?
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1 MB, 1705x960
Fool, you can not outtrip me!
I've been pantsu rolling for ages.

Karen is a cool dude. You should talk to him and show him affection.

Onto it.
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Now i need a good elf name
"Pointy Eared Asshole" might be too long
>>710644222 (checked)
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初音ミク – 353.jpg
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[A088 - Drag n' drop].jpg
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That makes sense and a higher postition will definily help with this
what would you be doing in this management postition?
I don't really want to go into depth of that since I have been having a good time lately here and that has been a while
I know how sad it must sound but frankly I don't care
Reminder that heretics don't love their waifu and are just avatarfags
These trips are better than yours
Is that buttfox?
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Distressed Karen 29.jpg
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Kinda strange, no real reason to post under an alias just because you're an old poster.
Anyway nice to meet you, or nice to meet you again if you talked to me before.
What's the game called? Is there a lot of fanart for her?

What do you mean? Skipped out before they ended or what?

I mean you should pat yourself on the back just a little bit at least!

Still only seeing lies.

It's Kazakus, apparently, not Kazus.
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I've become quite skillful in that regard.
But I do miss Homu. She's best girl.

Jahrelange Übung, jahrelange, einsame, traurige Übung.

That blond emo with crippling depression.

So close...
Still truth.

git gud, m8
File: Distressed Karen 19.png (180 KB, 599x355) Image search: [Google]
Distressed Karen 19.png
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>That blonde emo with crippling depression.
How come everyone is a heretic? Why are you claiming waifus when you don't care about her after a few weeks/months?
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[A109 - From the Future].png
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Oh, and is that Noun?

Does Alice still mess up /b/ sometimes?

Oh, that one!
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TomoyoKanzaki [27].gif
1 MB, 500x281
I already gud m9

Yes pls
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nigger stopper tali.jpg
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fuck if i know or care being the oldest oldfag is like being the most retarded retard.
well at least it got fixed
pretty much still the same shit but i would also be responsible for taking other people around neighborhoods and picking them up when their done.
I mean i will but i'm not done till i can pay for like a 70k car in straight cash.
but we love you
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Tatsumaki (188).jpg
2 MB, 2154x3259
Yeah, I get distracted easily so I just bail on them quite quickly
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[A103 - Selfcest].jpg
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Most retarded retard?

I'll be taking that title.

I'm now king of the retards.
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I also said that you would be a cool guy! I actually did!

Yea, just say something nice like "there are worse waifu's, even if not many".

Nice singles :^).
>Jahrelange Übung, jahrelange, einsame, traurige Übung.
Klingt wie meine Masturbationslaufbahn
Aber scheint als hätte sich die Arbeit bezahlt gemacht
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Chibi Karen 37.png
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better than yours
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Screw it, I'm naming my assassin elf Zelda, after the cute elf boy in that game
>shiro is a cute
Don't worry anon, it'll all be ober when the ISIS soldiers knock on your door
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初音ミク – 1448.png
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Looks flexible and fun, I wonder how properly balanced it is considering there's so many possible effects packed into different mana costs in the same card.

>tri-class cards
I can't tell if I like this idea or not.

That she is, but she deserves a certain pink haired girl to claim her.
It is mostly because I'm an anxious fag and care to much what other think about me.
I'm just having a transition moment I guess, it's probably a bad decision but eh
Nechronica, I hadn't heard of it before but I stumbled upon it while browsing /tg/
There suprisingly is, which I am happy about
look what i said to Karen
I still love my waifu right now I am just avatarfagging
I'd say take it as a compliment, I like this community too much.
Oh that sounds kinda shitty actually Lol
how much would you be getting paid more than your current job?
do you count as oldfag for being the oldest overall or the oldest active? Or is it a time requirement?
I'll be your cute elf boy :o
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lewd ish tali.jpg
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extra dollar per hour
pretty sure it's since your first claim post in these threads. but it's still meaningless.
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Sad Karen 8.jpg
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Why would you want to do that, tho.
Also I'm not depressed

I feel you on that, parades can be fucking boring. I'd rather just watch on tv.

I guess you did.

I feel like it's a good idea but at the same time I feel like they just used it to get out of making actual cards for all of them, idk.

Eh, alright. Was just curious.
Welcome back, then.

Be my elf, pinko
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Nah, don't lie so obviously, or he'll notice. Stay modest with your compliments and lie only a little.

Joa, ich hab die Technik mittlerweile ziemlich gut raus.
Und die Sache mit den trips läuft auch schon besser.

She sure is, thanks for noticing.

I guess you're right... it makes me jealous and my heart ache, but if it is for her sake, I can stay strong.
>early July
I should have made a list, so many summerfags and heretic I should know...
>I like this community too much
I should say that's a bad thing since it's quite bland and ingenuine but I am no less broken
Hey, don't tryand steal my title.

I'll stay over here and disappear into nothingness.
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