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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>710286295 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 168
Thread images: 149
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Kyouko (347).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Alice (8).png
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whats her name?
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Are they important HW?
Everyone know it's best to waste some time anyway
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Miho claimed

I paid for it he just got it on the way back.
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Time for new Mimi I think
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nuffin wrong wit dat.
more yang or other waifus?
Both are fine with me
>2 arms
still living in the past are you?
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Where would the Faeroes fall in relation to the other Nordic countries you mentioned?

Houki Shinonono from Infinite Stratos

>2mb limit prevents me from posting the full Houki chart
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she can still give a good handy
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Alice (15).jpg
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Sleep good~
Uh, it is kind of important. But I don't want to do it
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Iceland has more inspiration for if I wanted to write a book. Quite a few benefits, too.
>Their native language hasn't changed in a millennium, so some of their oldest books can be read with ease.
>Little to no crime.
>Points of interest such as Hallgrímskirkja look pretty neat.
i could go on and on about this if I wanted to.

If you're talking about the S2's first OVA, all it is is an extended version of episode 1.
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Then maybe it'd be best to actually do it.
But hey, who am I to stop you?~
As for me, well I only have the evening and night for myself. And maybe the morning if I wake up early enough
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Alice (119).jpg
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That doesn't feel like it's worth watching compared to some other things I could be watching. The other one seems funny though
I should. But I'm playing vidya instead.
>please stop me
I want Amatsukaze to enroll at my school.
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You should still watch the other two. Even though World Purge-hen is twice as long as a normal episode, you'll find out a bit of backstory that you didn't know before.
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Welp, that makes it two Alice lewds.
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how are you?
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Well, you're doing this to yourself.
>how can I do that?
>threaten you with deportation? :^)
She's be pretty disappointed in you if you can't even do your HW~
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why does she not have enough anyhow?
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Fuck off.
Moar please.
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-Hug- how are you doing?
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Tired. My grandma is doing fine, she's getting better as I heard.
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Hell if I know. My only guess is that Pandora Hearts isn't talked about a lot, so not many people would know what it is.
>Maybe I should ask around /a/ as to if they liked it or not.
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hey my qt~ I'm alright what about you?
That's wonderful news!
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If I can get 1k in a Raven, you can get that in a Blackjack.
*ask /a/ about it.

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Alice (418).jpg
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I was going to watch them. I just don't want to watch anime rigfht now. I tend to only watch a bit a day now
I know I am, I'm the worst thing for me though
>I don't really know
She can join the masses of people who are disappointed in me then. It's an extremely large group
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>ex messages me
>asked how i was doing
>lie and say I was fine because this just made me a whole nother level of depressed
>after she lied for five or so month, talking to a guy she told me not to worry about and not to confront him or anything
>i fucking should have

I fucking hate her so much for goddamn lying to me, I told her to fucking forget about me and I was going to forget about her
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You deserve this.
No wonder.
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>in a Raven
Gosh..I need to play more MWO

Our greatest enemy is often ourselves.
>how about I put you in the same bag as all the other Acadiens?
Join that group she shall.
>talking to a guy she told me not to worry about
You're an obsessive faggot, you deserved to get dumped.
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dont be so edgy. i dont see and trademark on posting kinky stuff
of yang or anyone
i see that everywhere tho
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Courtney Blank stare.jpg
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I was gonna head to bed, but I saw you online so I wanted to see how my qt friend is doing
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Still here~
Yang please. <6
These are lovely.
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follow through with the forgetting part. >>710297901
good to hear.
I got Iceland on my bucket list although a Greenland is fine too. Hudson's Bay is the furthest north I've been but it made me want to see more.
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shut up bitch
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That's it! No lewding for 1 week, bitch.
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I was beginning to until she texted me
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gimme a sec
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i never lewd so thats no biggy
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Alice (494).jpg
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You just have to be my friend, if I can't trust myself, I might as well trust someone else
>They're in a bag? I thought it was a bote
Amatsu please :(
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I won't play vidya with you, then.
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aww that's so sweet~ I'm tired so I probably won't stay for long but I'm glad I got to see ya
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Oomiya Shinobu.jpg
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is that a juice box
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block and delete whatever contacts you have with her, usual tactics apply here.
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>trusting me
Now I know why you're the King of Autism :^)
>yeah, I'm throwing them down the river
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Cool, ignore me, you meanie. I make it 2 weeks witn no game.
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Yuuki (0).png
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Why the fuck did I tag you Akame? It was supposed to be that bitch --> >>710299457
Same here. I'm glad I got to see you as well. Do you have a discord? We could chat when we're not so busy
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Uh i have been trying to talk to you on discord but you must be busy erping or something.
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yes and I'd love to have you added on there. Mine is akame#7255
yeah and you better apologize ti bleuet
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How about you shut the fuck up?~
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I did

I'm gonna take a nap now though since I've had about 7 hours of sleep in total the past couple of days
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Delete this thread
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Alice (814).jpg
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It is, in fact, a juice box
I don't actually trust people. It was only a meme.
I am in fact the king of autism though
>that sounds perfect
>sign me up
>Cuck King
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Weird Style.jpg
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Who here thinks they're elite enough to be in the Discord?
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trick or treat.jpg
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Not even the elitist Discord.
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That might be for the best, really.
Guess you're mu king now.
>just come here, we can arrange that
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good evening shi-ro
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Kiss Me!.png
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I'm tired but not tired enough to sleep
All Discord is elitism
Also, I thought that bag was her butt at first
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actually rubber duck.jpg
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How're you doing on this fine night?
Some more than others.
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I mean no harm

>If trips get, every waifu of the thread must be given to me this very instant!
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Alice (13).png
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>no I'm not
You should pay tribute to your king then. Don't trust Sachi, he is false king
>that's kind of a lot of work
Reminder discord is a VIP room with a huge "Fuck off, but look this way" neon sign.

And it has brought on a lot of shit posting and cry babies. It is fairly annoying to deal with, and even be around.
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Better attempt than most days I guess
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drunken space grandpa husbando
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tired but alright. How are you?
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I decided to rent Warcraft from Redbox, watching it now
You aren't into inflation are you?
Not bad, but Czech em
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smile 3.jpg
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I'm about the same. Need to do some laundry. Watching YouTube and reading up on sports stuff.
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>at least a little bit
I shall pay you in autism points.

You tri->>710303888
wow rude
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Hello shiro happy belated Halloween! give me all your candy or I will beat you up. Seriously!

Show us your

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I Already Knew Though.png
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something witty.png
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I didn't go trick or treating, and I have no candy.
Oh, also just noticed you stole some numbers from trips guy. That's just downright rude.
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Fair fecks anon, I'll give ye that

I'll be sure to add this get to the list of reasons to stop living
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Going hard in the motherfucking paint.
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Good to see you again.
Good luck out there.
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I earned those numbers
They are a tribute to you, not an insult
Damn right nigga
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big fish.png
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yeah just the usual for a weeknight
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Shinoa claimed ',:)
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Discord usually spawns a bunch of that, it killed the old Sm4sh generals in /vg/ for the most part.

That being said, I'm too pleb to Discord.

It's gonna happen. One day.
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Alice (14).png
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What are you doing tonight, sexbote?
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Then it's probably just me not paying attention to things.

>Hudson Bay
Have you seen any ice tsunamis during your time there?

>There's multiple discords.
Which one are you talking about though?
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Keep living.
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>doing you tonight
Not much, probably gonna play some vidya or something.
Yourself? Still planning on not doing your HW?
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Smug love.png
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There's something special about that short hair
Heyo midnight. What's up?
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Alice (22).jpg
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Please refer to the provided material for the answer to this question
The newfag discord.
my lil sis claimed
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Yeah, it's Ama that pulls it off~
How's the Vietnamese Texan?

>n-nice lewds
Oi, you cheeky cunt
I'll fokin keel you
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angry Alicee.jpg
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I spent two weeks there on a fishing boat in late December/Early Jan. some time ago- imagine a Texan trying to keep his footing on the deck while making an ass of himself in front of a bunch of fishermen.

In spite of the physical/verbal ribbing, I got to see a bunch of sea ice (no tsunami), whiteouts, a pair of narwhals, and a bunch of walrus. It definitely got the adventurer side of me going again.

I imagine checking out the nature of Iceland would be the same, except I'd likely be taking in the sights on land. Now would be a good time to go since the ISK is cheap compared to the USD/CAD.
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i'll fookin besh yer hed in i swere on me mum
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Same to you my good man
Also love the dubs

Well then in that case, all the more reason to live!
Thank ye kindly

As long as my quest is incomplete
I shall live
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tired and not doing much. What about you?
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Alice angry 2.jpg
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I envy you~

He's doing fine. Getting real tired of xbox 's shit though for not letting me play online

See above
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Little loli!
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1 MB, 1252x1819

how goes the?
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Alice (181).jpg
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>says the not best bote
Threat disregarded
I am calm, and composed
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what game are you trying to play?
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is you's?
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Hey there Big Smugger! How are you today?
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Of course you do~
>not pc
There's your problem :^)

I know you're not my real dad..

That hurts..
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Alice 66.jpg
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I am. I'm very calm
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初音ミク – 370.jpg
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From tiny island to tiny island
A giant turtle offers you a ride
It’s the hot bright sunshine
Be brave, there’s no need to hide
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i'm the best you got.
please, remain calm.

have some music then. its ok. could be better
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Thought you'd remember my nickname. Oh well

GTA V online

A little mad since I just got on gta v online after 30min

1. Fuck you
2. Fuck you ;_;
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You bulli

Just get me some dinner

Love you too, Shinoa-bro
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kinda zoned out as fuck rn.
i cant remember my middle name.
and i'm not sure what shade of gray my pens are.
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Alice (19).png
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Is that a song bby?
Is your liver sending me a cry for help?
But bby, I lubs you
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Nah, I'm gonna wait a while until I do.
File: 初音ミク – 1422.jpg (2 MB, 1699x1399) Image search: [Google]
初音ミク – 1422.jpg
2 MB, 1699x1399
Yee. From one of my favourite albums.
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you will have a single biscuit.

nah, i'm just listen to stuff i haven't heard for a bit.
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These threads....
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aw it sucks then, it's such a fun game..
when are we moving in?
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when i move out of this place
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You don't look me in the eyes anymore when we make love ;-;

Can I have one marijuana too?

Nice song
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post a pic, ill have a go
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aight dud
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初音ミク – 99.jpg
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Nice pic.
>I would provide you with multiple marijuanas if you offered to cuddle with me while listening to this album
Xbl issues?
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Alice is lit.png
579 KB, 1036x771
It's very catchy
>the eye thing is nasty as fuck
I haven't done that in a while. Maybe I should get around to listening to some of them
It's not my fault you turn the lights off now D:
>are we marijuana now?
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I love you too, amatsu~
N-N-no homo tho

Whatchu smoking on?

>pats kitty-bunny's head

We'll after not playing it for weeks yeah. It gets repetitive on how to earn money fast. And killing npc and players would sorta 'ban' you
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claimed :3
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have an album.

white widdow
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初音ミク – 384.jpg
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Glad you liked it. The fact that I doubt they will release another album in less than three years depresses me a bit.
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I dare someone to know who this is.
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初音ミク – 1376.jpg
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Eriko Kirishima from Megami Ibunroku: Persona.
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yeah but it's still much less repetitive than it used to be.. before I switched my account to PC, the only way I made money was though races
>and I raced a lot
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But that's not I meant
Besides, you've already made one for me!

I love that one.
>I'd gladly cuddle you because everyone needs cud- I mean marijuanas.
I tried to deliver, but same problem as yesterday.

But I always leave it on..

>no homo
Alright nice talking with ya bye
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