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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 152
Thread images: 110
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theres allways Australia

it even almost killed bear grills
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scales in his later years.png
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the death of my laptop is proceeding with all due swiftness

I'm not feeling it
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what happened to your laptop
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sometimes I break things.png
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well now the aux input doesn't work so I can't listen to anything since it doesn't read headphones

and that might actually be a bit of a problem for doing homework

but that's on top of all the other stuff that doesn't work, like the trackpad
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Donald Trump is this generation's Roman Polanski in so far as both he and Polanski violently raped a 13 year old girl at a party they were throwing.

I mean, I wouldn't care if there were spiders near me. Hell, I have three of them as pets and I'm planning on getting more in addition to a scorpion and a centipede. It's really the snakes that are an issue. Mojave Greens, Diamondbacks, Sidewinders, and Speckled rattlers in Cali, all sorts of snakes out here, from rattlesnakes to coral snakes and water moccasins.
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How do you people even stay alive there?
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give up.png
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is the laptop recent enough to have a bluetooth adapter that isn't broken? you can get some bluetooth headphones or something for the time being
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time to make a webserver/fileserver

>How do you people even stay alive there?
you just kinda stay inside
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things still aren't perfect.png
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it actually does but I fucking hate bluetooth devices they are temperamental with me

no it's time to get a new laptop
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God, I love living in a place where we only have like 2 types of snake, and only 1 is venomous and that venom isnt even strong enough to kill a person.

>stay inside
I wouldnt even trust that over there.
then you're fucked until you get a new computer or by some miracle it starts working
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getting a new laptop is probably the plan, we're really beyond the point of reasonably sustaining this piece of garbage
are you going to buy a cool gaymer laptop for a thousand dollars?
absolutely not

I wish only to spend enough money to where it's not a piece of firey garbage
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I hate living in most places. Only have I ever felt comfortable back in my desert.
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not seeing it amigo
turn it into a desktop?

i had an mini ATX case with a laptop board in it for a number of years for a server
ran 2 HDD's and a nightly xcopy batch to two USB connected HDD's for backup

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Why tho?
I already have a desktop and don't exactly have room for another one. Or NEARLY the dedication to go to all that effort.
Keep up the good work and have a great day I love you guys<33
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You're an idiot. Trump has been accused twice in the past of rape and sexual assault, he has just been accused a third time by a girl who would have been 13 at the time, he is friends with a convicted child rapist who is a class 3 sex offender. The allegations against him are credible at the very least given his past, his attitude, and his associates. Trump violently raped a 13 year old girl.

Because it's beautiful. I don't really have the time to wax poetic, but I'll say quickly, the sky, the terrain, the lack of people, the way it smells, the colors. There are no aspects of the desert I do not cherish. It's a place where you can stretch out in the sand and feel the gentle warm embrace of the earth.
but they're hip and cool with kids nowadays, don't you want to be hip and cool?
Folks, what is going on this thread?
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>political opponent of the most corrupt organization in american politics is accused of sexual misbehavior with extremely convenient timing prior to an election, with several of the accusers having a history of contacting and coordinating with DNC operatives and several testimonies already thoroughly debunked
see image

I am the coolest by blazing my own trail
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These charges were filed months ago, before the RNC even, so...
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Chromebook! They're cheap, well built, and pretty speedy since the OS is so lightweight. You can even install regular linux *alongside* ChromeOS with a couple commands in your terminal (like, under 30 seconds to do it) so that way you can run full programs on your chromebook too.

Wrong thread mate.
do you sodder your own CPUs and make clocks too?


the fuck is a sodder, you underage faggot
post more
it's me being too tired to spell it right at the moment
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the part that sucks.png
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That one was, and it was already dismissed for lack of evidence and duly refiled because there's no reason to waste fabricated misbehavior.

I'll consider it. I wouldn't be running any non default operating system because, as previously mentioned, I'm very lazy.

Nice clock zaryss.
thanks, man
i worked real hard on it
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they'd be awful offline too.png
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wanna bring it to the white house?
sure, right after I'm done at Microsoft!
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This is a place I come to sometimes
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for fuck sake... its not about being lazy its about you being a stupid fucking retard. SODDER and SOLDER have the same letters, you werent any lazier typing either word. you are trying to justify your stupidity and lack of proper spelling with "UHHH DIDNT WANT TO TYPE THE CORRECT WORD"

fucking underage faggot
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wow your budding career in clock development sure has skyrocketed
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Thats understandable, that why I like where i live now sorta, in the archipelago sorta, its beautiful.

Jesus that picture
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Also his own campaign has issued statements to the effect that Trump's actions aren't as bad as Hillary's. Basically, that Trump may have violently raped a 13 year old girl, but Hillary sent some emails. There was also a witness who corroborated the charges filed against him. Trump violently raped a 13 year old girl.

It was in fact dismissed in California for technicalities during the filing procedure not because of a lack of evidence. Nice try though, he's due in court just after Election Day.

Wrong thread for what?
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What archipelago?
it's not that I didn't want to type it, it's that I'm way too tired to actually care
your reply is making me happy i didn't care because i got a decent giggle out of that

yeah, it's been quite the journey
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Meow hello.
my aux on my laptop dont work because it's a netbook with poor loonix support

so small cheapo usb sound card + mp3player speaker for me
source? jewgle gives me nothing
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u hav'n a giggle m8
i had a giggle
it's left since then though
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There's nothing even remotely resembling an admission of guilt in anything his campaign has released, and he's categorically denied every relevant charge. As usual, these charges exist for political purposes and no other reason. The courtroom is a weapon in America.

how're you doing sweetheart

we'll write a book about you someday
please don't
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Pretty good, pretty good. I had a kidney stone yesterday so that sucked some major taint. But now that that's done and over with, I feel like a new man.

"The Tale Of Zaryss"

Once upon a time a guy posted in gay furry threads on 4chan and built a clock. Later he died.

It's a work in progress, and that last sentence isn't set in stone but I'm hedging my bets.

I swear to god sometimes it seems like you have the health problems of someone two decades older than you.

I'm alright since mostly just my technology is breaking rather than my body.
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These charges exist because he is a violent sexual predator. Donald Trump is a violent sex offender that raped a 13 year old girl. Ya boy's not just a monster physically, but spiritually. You support a man who has not only committed federal crimes like embezzlement and tax evasion, but has also committed sexual assault, rape, and child rape.
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it's just past halloween so time to get sp00ky
at least it sounds more interesting than I thought it would
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doing things wrong.png
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>all charges must be valid
>nobody has ever been wrongfully accused of anything, ESPECIALLY rape

It's just the immense quality of my writing, honestly, I really give a rich timbre to the mundane. No need to thank me, though, I'm just following my muse.
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Yeah, I considered the same thing. I asked the nurse about that yesterday, and apparently kidney stones happen to people of all ages. Albeit primarily males. But this might be going into TMI territory.

Technology breaking sucks. In any case, just steal a new laptop. What could go wrong?
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Mark Linkous 183.gif
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Also he's outright admitted to sexual assault. He said he doesn't even wait he just grabs them by the pussy or whatever.
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vote trump 2016
i get my maga hat on friday and i'm excited

you should really keep going with that, write some short stories and such, you know?
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Yeah, he's innocent as of now, but lets just say that, if it were to go down the line and he were found guilty, I, and nobody else, would be even remotely surprised. You support a disgusting human being.
Fursuits makes me wanna end myself
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He specified that they let him do it, which isn't sexual assault...unless every sexual encounter you've ever been involved in features verbal consent at every single stage. If that's the standard, I'm a rape victim several times over.

I actually wouldn't be surprised either but we've already had at least one rapist in the white house so I'm not really bothered either way. He's a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch, as they say.

What an unfortunate occurrence for you, that sounds pretty miserable.

I'm not black enough to blend into the general criminal public of Philadelphia, is the issue.

With your clocks and my three sentence publications we will conquer the world.
they now have mass produced chinese fursuits
this can be yours for $321.00
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I don't know, I'd rather have a president that grabbed a chick's cunt than someone who is going to put America to war with Russia.

I was going to ask, but I forgot. What other afflictions have I been tainted with that belong to older people?
Maybe I'm just getting old.

Just paint yourself black. Become blackface. It was what you were destined to do.
the asbestos is included free
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it's only honorable.png
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I can't remember what it was but I swear to god you had some illness awhile ago that was really weird for your age. It's been a really long time since we talked about anything but melee, though.

But that's RAYCISSSSS which is a worse crime than stealing.
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"I don't even wait... When you're a star they let you do it... You can do anything." Doesn't really sound like they let him do it, least of all his ex-wife that accused him of "forcibly penetrating her without consent." Or what about that other woman? The wife of a former business partner who filed charges claiming he sexually assaulted her and held her against her will? Charges she stood by then, stood by years later, and stands by still? He's by no means my son of a bitch, he may be yours, but you support insane and disgusting ideologies, you cryptonazi.
i don't think i'd be that good at the job
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Illness, illness... I'm sure I did, at one point, but fuck if I can remember. My body does weird stuff every other weekday.
What have you been up to, anyways? As you've said, all we've talked about is melee, really.
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Jesus why even save that.
I live in sweden so... its all over the place
That was a clinton-proxy tier transition between talking about the access hollywood tape and the accusations, which are obviously not the same thing. Nice try.

Accusations notwithstanding, the fact that he's not your son of a bitch is exactly the reason I don't care about your opinion on the issue. Everyone ignores the wrongdoing of their own team and exaggerates the wrongdoing of the enemy.

Conquering the world or making clocks?

Going to class, going to work, playing melee. That's more or less my entire life at this point. What about you?
conquering, my clocks are already flawless so that's taken care of
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this is making me so happy.png
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just stick to the clocks and everything else will work itself out
excellent, that was what I was planning to do
(also the clocks have to be bombs actually)
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Working. Surviving.
Currently playing minesweeper, if that any indication of how exciting my life is. And by doing so I'm procrastinating drawing. So two birds with one stone.
(already done, there's 300 units ready already)
I hadn't noticed Nibi posts in the sfurs
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His exact words were "Grab them by the pussy" "I don't even wait" "When you're a star they let you do it" "You can do anything" and so on.

I don't have a team this year, idiot. I'm not voting Clinton, Trump, Johnson, Stein, or anyone else on the ballot. This election has offered up so much shit that I refuse to even participate.

That place sounds terrible.
he still comes here sometimes
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it's your fault I'm doing this.png
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I know what his words were, I was referring to your transition between the quotes and the accusations. It's a skill, that.

Vote for Joe Exotic he might be your flavor.


yeah everything's terribly boring, I'm at the intersection of responsible and irresponsible right now, studying for an exam in my next class while in a class I'm not paying attention to

FBI can't arrest us since I converted to Islam and changed my name to Muhammad Muhammad ibn Muhammad.
He's here all the time.
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I refuse to vote for anyone from Florida unless it's for "Most likely to kill and eat a stranger."
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I used to do something similar back in primary school. Just have to cut your losses.
In other news, I've been getting into a broader and broader spectrum of music, for better or for worse. Clipping. has caught my interest (even if their 30 day anti-trump thing they're doing is extremely questionable).
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That's probably good policy but I think he's californian.

>The group consists of MC Daveed Diggs (who starred in the Broadway musical Hamilton)
no wonder they're anti trump, that show's entire agenda is "fuck white people"

I haven't listened to anything interesting recently, been reading a lot of manga instead which is alright
excellent, I've also converted and changed my legal name to Aahil Muhammed Ahmad and go to a school with many liberals so they would protest and cause issues if we weren't released
more than I am, so yeah you'd be right there
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He's from Oklahoma so we're both wrong. But that place is just depressing. Nothing good has ever come from Oklahoma except The Grapes of Wrath.
Which is also depressing. I forgot you're texan.

Bismillah, brother. Soon we shall show the infidels the purifying light of Allah('s bombs).
fucking THIS. I've been using the same Chromebook for 3 years now and it somehow has gotten faster and more stable than when I first bought it
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I'm no more Texan than I am anything else. I've only lived here for a few years. I was born in Ohio, grew up in California, and now live here.
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but not very many of them.png
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>born in Ohio
no wonder you're sad all the time
let's begin.
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do it.png
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i like the fraps framerate in the top left
great video
To be fair, Diggs was part of clipping. before he was in Hamilton. And none of their songs come off as particularly anti-white people. Their Wriggle album makes me want to take a cold shower, though.
This track is p. great, and despite the background being only an alarm clock it might be one of their more accessible songs, especially if you don't like noise.

Aside from that I've just been listening to a lot of prog metal. Polyphia caught my attention earlier this year. If you like gorgeous guitar playing, they're pretty awesome. Even if they look like total faggots (Tim Henson used to be a qt but now he looks borderline anorexic).
Insert more blogposting here.
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Rimjobs are fun to give.
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I'm not sad all the time. Sometimes I'm angry, sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm indifferent, sometimes I get that weird feeling that makes me want to do things.
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Fuck, I forgot a picture. Here, two by my favorite painter. Better than nothing.
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just loving.png
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You're sad or angry with unusual regularity.

I didn't actually open it, I just like the song.

Oh sure I just suspect the reason he was in hamilton was because he's on board with the fuck white people agenda, even if he's not doing it in his own time.

Noise is pretty cool. I can't listen to anything right now on account of being in class, though.

I don't like prog anything because it's usually too polished and technically excellent to be emotionally compelling for me, as bizarre as that is.
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whatever bitch
allahu akbar, KIDDO
What a waste of canvas
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ah yes, very nice, BUT
i listened to half of it before going back to the music i had on spotify
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It's by no means unusual.

There's no need to be upset.
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just try and crusade me bitch see what happens

christendom ain't SHIT

yeah it gets a little repetitive
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Its not that much of a terrible place.
just a little bit
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Maybe, if it weren't for all the Swedes and insanely backwards justice system.
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No man can justify the wrong doings of yeh, only God can spare yeh.
today I learned that "moros y cristianos" is not simply a festival celebrating the reconquista in spain, it's also apparently what cubans call rice and beans.

rape capital of europe

we should celebrate moros y cristianos together

tfw no moors to bully
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Nah, he's pretty spectacular.
Maybe so. I haven't actually watched Hamilton, but I heard it was decently successful. So that's good for him, at least.
Oh, right, I keep forgetting you're in class.

And yeah, it's not all that bizarre. A lot of people don't care for it for the same reason. Fantano shares the same problem with it. Polyphia's still cool, though. Especially some of Henson's solo projects.
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just because.png
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of course it was successful, all the jews in new york and the white cucks who serve them went to see it and flagellate themselves

I spent all morning listening to michael jackson for some reason. It was pretty lit.
it's funny how languages can change in small ways over time, depending on the people who moved and whatever else happened
If thats from the same artist then that painting is much better.
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it's also funny how making fun of moors is still part of cuban culture despite being half a millenium and a continent away from where it occurred
Ah well. I like a lot of what he's been doing with clipping. Their concept album was pretty fantastic (though I wish he'd have left the singing up to the guest artists; he's not a particularly good singer by any stretch of the imagination).
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is he actually singing, not rapping? I have a thing for terrible singing

t. unironic nmh listener
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itll be okay eventually, I hope

I have bigger fish to fry atm, as in exams and finding new non-trash roommates
yeah that is pretty funny
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It is. His gradients are extremely smooth and he does more with ten brush strokes than many artists do with a thousand. One of the reasons I admire him.

He raps for most of it, but he sings a couple hooks and they're... not the best.
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maybe someone will like me.png
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exams? we got those

what's wrong with your current roommates

like bad as in unusual and slightly grating or bad as in nigga can't into pitch
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Uh... a bit of both, perhaps? He can get a note correctly, but he doesn't have any vibrato and when he tries to hold a note it's not the best.
It comes off a little silly at times.
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They seem to have this notion that dishes do themselves. And that its okay to let fruit and vegetables to rot in pantries.

Their politics are that great either
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I wish I wasn't in class/my laptop wasn't too broken so I could listen to this. What track specifically should I listen to to know what you're talking about, I'll put it on my phone when I leave.

How hard is it to do the goddamn dishes, anyway? Apply soap and water, problem solved.
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Mark Linkous 120.jpg
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I am the best person to live with. Once a week a buy a pound of raw ground beef and then throw it behind the refrigerator.
>a buy
I. I buy.

I don't know how I fucked that up.
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Well you see friendo, not everyone knows this, and is perfectly content to letting pans and bowls and cups out for the rest to behold a dirty kitchen.

Are you still homebound, or did you figure something else out?

>only a pound
A Better Place or a hook in the middle of Break The Glass have it, off their Splendor and Misery album. Which is a great concept album, even though I think A Better Place is the weakest song off the album.

They have a 4-man a capella group come onto the album for a few of the songs, and they sound gorgeous. I don't know why he just didn't tell them to sing some of the hooks.
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for what possible purpose

what a horror show

I still live at home, which is pretty cool since I have the third floor entirely to myself at this point

the reason he probably didn't have the a capella do it is because lead vocalists are egotistical fuckboys as a general rule, I'd assume anything that he's singing on is because it's about him
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ballin, are you getting good marks in school?
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As and Bs, so I'm doing fine. I'm not anywhere near invested enough to try harder. In life generally, too.

It's all very boring.
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I should also add that the album, lyrically might seem odd if you have no context. Which might kill the accessibility factor for some people. Air 'Em Out is a banger and is probably the only song off the album that is sort of a "single" that you could listen to without context.
It's about a guy who's held in space as a slave who's name is Cargo #[whatever number it was here, he mentions in the first couple songs but I forgot] who slowly loses his sanity over the songs. One of which he goes into hypersleep.
So I can' t imagine it's particularly self-indulgent, but I don't know. Anthony Gaytano was doing an interview with them about 3 years back, Diggs actually seems the most timid of the trio.
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Because it requires exactly one pound of ground beef. Not the tube kind. I have to get the stuff they grind in store, take it home, open it, and then throw it behind the refrigerator.

It requires exactly a pound. Once a week.
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lucidity is overrated.png
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are you feeding one of the beasts you own with it?

>black people writing songs about slavery
nothing new there

a rule of thumb in music is that if you ever think a song isn't about the guy who wrote it, you're wrong, it's about the guy who wrote it, or the girl he's into
Im sorry things are gloom for you.

Have you been seeing anyone as of lately?

>not spoiling it with a bit more

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I don't feel that he draws any comparisons to black slavery in any of the songs. I can see how it looks like that'd be the case from a glance though. I was talking with someone the other day about the album. He thought the song "All Black" was about niggas via the title.

Shit's just about space, yo. Shit's about space.
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I don't own any beasts. I have adorable little critters, they all live in tanks in my living room, and require either plant matter or live crickets.
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Mark Linkous 121.jpg
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It requires exactly one pound. I can't give it more or less.
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the truth.png
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I feel like there's a reference I'm not getting here.

it's not even gloomy, it's just really really boring

Outside of visiting katia over the summer not so much no.

You gotta read between the lines, man. All black music is secretly about slavery, just like all sixties music is secretly about doing drugs (or not so secretly) and all pop songs with female vocalists are secretly about daddy issues.
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Whatever you say, man, whatever you say. I still think their previous album is their strongest. CLPPNG was great through and through.
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Mark Linkous 96.jpg
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Yeah, the reference is to I'm required to throw exactly one pound of ground beef behind my refrigerator once a week because it requires it. I don't know why you don't understand.

class is over bye friends~
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Oh wait, Clipping. isn't doing a 30 day 30 songs anti-trump thing. It's just a collaboration album of a bunch of artists doing anti-trump singles that they did a song on. Alright, that's slightly more bearable at least.

Later nerd.
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Cya, SF

hope things get better for you ~<3
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