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>ITT: Shit you think only you do I always fall asleep with

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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>ITT: Shit you think only you do

I always fall asleep with the pillow ON TOP of my head
Legit do the same thing.
I like to masturbate and smoke at the same time.
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live in constant neck pain.
I use two pillows and put my head between them.
I constantly keep rapping the words..... mother fucking bitch mother fuck ass mother fucking when im alone or high
I am pillow and i put human on me
I need to try this.
Why tho
Lip sync or air guitar to songs and pretend that they are my songs and I'm performing them for people I know.
I don't even do drugs.
I used to tap my fingers gently on my ex's back or shoulder when trying to get to sleep, saying in my head "I wish you were dead", one word per finger.

I didn't enjoy that relationship.
Every time I'm alone the very first thing I do is pick my nose and clean my airway. Even though I work in a place with 24 hour surveillance. I sometimes wave at the cameras cause I know someone sees me, but surveillance can't talk to us so all they can do is cringe and hope I stop.
I occasionally say "I know you're listening" just in case anyone is.
I constantly chew on my tongue
My fitted sheets won't stay on, idk why. So I gave up on keeping them on, and now I just spread them out so they cover the mattress exactly where I sleep each night
It just comes out
I do the same thing but more often racists slurs, I'm not even racist
I do the same, though I don't wave at cameras or anything
Same haha. Every time I have a girl over I wash it and snap it back on though.
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Not sure if ex... or just coincidence that tone from Close Encounters of the Third Kind is also 5 notes...
I put a piece of paper under my foreskin after peeing to prevent the last drops
I drink shower water when I take a shower.
I pee in the sink
pretty sure everyone does this. My little brother drinks the water when we shower together and seems normal. Sometimes we play mama and baby bird and I spit the water into his mouth for sustenance. We have fun.
Done that twice out of desperation. Drunk and the bathrooms were all full. I could have just stepped outside, but I wanted to pee in the sink.
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It's been getting worse, but I have to make a noise out loud when I remember something that embarrasses/upsets me so that I can think about something else.

People think it's me being goofy or spontaneous but it's really a sadness/self loathing related tic.
Been doing this since I can remember.
>foreskin privilege
I chew on the inside of my cheek. Used to be a nervous thing, now it happens without my thinking about it. Even got a line of slightly chewed up flesh that doesn't go away.
I do too anon... I do weed. But difficult to stop smoking now...
fucking i do that, like imagining i play a gig in front of friends from work and family and they all think...damn he should be a renowed lyricist and musician instead of a lawyer.....fuck my life bro
I trained myself out of this. I would have skin flaps from when I had braces.
If I'm super hot and sweaty when I take shit like in summer or something I tend to fold up a piece of TP and place in the middle of my crack.

So I don't get swamp ass later.
Samee, i got that line on both sides. Deff was worse when I was younger. Still catch myself from time to time tho
ITT: Everyone is the same and no-one is unique and there are no differences between us and we have a lot of similarities.
I feel you. Now everytime I feel horny I need a cigarette, it sucks.
I walk in circles for hours listening to the music
what the hell
I do the same thing, sometimes >>709375341
But my favorite thing to do is just cover myself in pillows
I actually bite off/eat the layer of skin on the inside of my cheeks. I don't have like a line of chewed flesh, I only eat the thin layer of skin on top. I'll stop every few days to let it grow back and then do it all over again
i use baby powder for that literally everyday, it keeps my ass dry and it feels fucking good, i don't use it when i go on dates tho
I've been debating trying this
the baby powder doesn't turn into ass slurry or something?
I feel like there's more moisture than baby powder can account for
no man, baby powder kinda stops the ass from sweating a lot in the first place. the powder kinda worns off after a few hours so no mess in ass
I'll try it tomorrow, wish me luck
i have to constantly have a loud fan on cause I'm terrified of silence :'))))
go get tinnitus
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Actually laughed, please explain

I do that when i feel like the day its gonna be real hot, drinking lots of water alsoo helps with the hot feeling soo you sweat a bit less.

the thing is people can kinda smell the baby powder sometimes soo i feel kinda awkward
people don't pee in the sink?

i do it every time

at work even (1 person bathroom, not stalls)
I constantly have a loud fan on because of the tinnitus
Oh wow. Fuck.

I actually do this. I am not alone, thanks anon.
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>Shower after i take a shit
>Use ambien to get high
>Still play EQ
>Eat burgers with a fork
>Pee in cups or bottles, in front of the toliet
>Only sleep on one side of a pillow, never flip it over, my head gets greas and i dont like it, my psychiatrist says its all in my head, but fuck her.
how sweaty can you be?
When I go pee in a public bathroom, I go in the stall so I can have privacy. That is because when done, I spend a long time shaking to try to get every single drop out. I don't want to look like I'm fapping. I hate Hate HATE getting any pee in my undies.
>than can account for

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I do that too, i worry about piss getting on my underwere etc.
Pushing on the bottom of you testicles, while shaking, oddly helps get all of it out, atleast for me.
trips get
well you've got the best of both worlds there bud
>quads checked

also, source?
Thanx anon, I will try that
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me too, i always have to bring a battery powered/normal fan or some shit when i stay the night at a buddys, or out camping. Cant sleep without it etc.

I don't understand how people can sit in a completly silence room, fucking weird
I do that too
I also don't enjoy sitting in a silence room.

That's the only way i could sleep, lol
I eat a tablespoon, for example, of rice in proportion to my morsel of meat, and respectively, if i cant do that, the world doesn't have any sense
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You know what i meant
not >>709380000 but your piss pipes run down past your balls and towards your perineum so a real nigga reaches behind the sack and pushes out those last drops so you don't get a dribble on your drawers
>I always fall asleep with the pillow ON TOP of my head
OP I do this too
and this too
When im at home, I put a sugar cube on my tounge and quickly move it against my teeth and at the same time i make a high pitched aaaaaa sound so it makes odd but satisfying sound. Been doing rhis for half a year and can't seem to stop it anymore.
same, been told by friends who don't eat rice that it's like cleansing your palate or stretching out the flavor of the main dish
I think rice definitely has a flavor and I enjoy it, though
Another one, lol
I use rice as a escape if im eating something spicy
please stop. I know someone who suffocated in their sleep from doing this. once you get into the habit, you're going to subconciously do it when drunk/high and you won't wake up
Whenever I watch a TV I imagine myself as the character heck I make up storys though it isn't me exactly I always picture myself very similar personality though I sometimes change it a bit it has fantasy elements to it like demons and stuff sometimes I add elements from games or shows at this point I have developed long story arcs and stuff...It's really annoying tbh hard to enjoy shows.
I don't fap with lotion. Never have. I don't see the reason for it.
same here anon
Whenever I watch my hentai I some how end up falling asleep.
Me neither. I have a loose circumcision so I just move the skin back and forth.
>I use two pillows and put my head between them.

im not the only one.
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when i masturbate, i cum in my pubes while holding a palm in front so it doesn't shoot in my face, then i spread it and it dries in a few mins
anyone else?
blow through a straw if im gonna use it, check theres no bugs in it
get quads whenever I feel like it
haha no shit, thats the only way I can sleep.

I have a regular pillow for putting my head on, a pillow for ontop of my head, my "head pillow", and a thicker pillow for between my legs, my "leg pillow".

People say its weird but I sleep like a god damn brick when I got my pillows. I have superior comfort, can they say the same?
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Yeah because we're not autistic.
that was almost fucking epic
i get dubs on command
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switch to gold bond body powder, clean masculine scent.
i swipe the water off my body before i get out of the shower to reduce the amount of water my towel needs to absorb to maximize drying
only do that on my legs and balls
Me too
I pick my nose and put the boogers in my gfs ear when shes asleep
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>we have fun
I do the same thing, except I do drugs
Me too
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When I get drunk or even sometimes when Im sober I speak/sing in Russian except I can't speak Russian so I just say things that sound Russian.
Check these dubs you newfag
After taking a shit, I look at the toilet paper after wiping to see if my ass is still dirty.
Bet no one else here does that
I sort of nest myself into bed by surrounding my body and head with pillows.
Throughout the day I'm always making up stories/excuses in my head for situations I know are incredibly unlikely to happen.
i do
I headbutt apples before eating them.
that's not a common thing?
Yeah, I do this. I make a little "Augh" sound, and usually shake my head

I occasionally just straight up piss a tiny bit on the carpet in the bathroom when I get out of the shower or something. Don't even really mean to, it just happens due to me being so relaxed.
I do
hahahaha I am going to start doing this
thats what you're supposed to do, wtf, what else would you do; guess?
I gotta eat a sandwich with the salad/toppings on the top of the meat/filling.
>When I get drunk or even sometimes when Im sober I speak/sing in Russian except I can't speak Russian so I just say things that sound Russian.
Go to sleep comrade
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I'll flush the toilet when I'm mid-stream and try to finish peeing really fast before the toilet can finish flushing
I've done that before but only rarely
I snap a lot in crowded places
Same here.

Started because people were loud.

Now it's just a comfort thing.
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I also do the pillow thing that op mentioned.

>I wipe my ass standing up
>make quiet but audible hum noise every other few seconds idk why
>have an imaginary therapist in my head I talk to constantly about things going on around me
>sometimes I kill lizards around my house and sometimes madturbate to it.
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When I'm using the stall in a public restroom, I like to pretend that I'm the son of a fur trader in the back of a covered wagon traveling the dusty plains. I'll shake the walls of the stall a little bit to emulate rough terrain and I'll say things like "go easy, pa" and "why don't we camp here for the night"
I do that to check if I'm bleeding again
Me too
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but why?
Snap my fingers
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hahahah kek.
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Thought i was the only one out there who played The Arsehole Trail!!!
As a kid I pressed my fists very softly on my closed eyes before sleeping because then I saw some random colorized patterns which moved and changed fluently - really liked this. Of couse it's still working these days but I hardly do it anymore.
Done that a handfull of times stopped cuz I figured ppl were like wtf when u flush but keep peeing after
go home straw, you're drunk
Yep me too.
I did this too but stopped as I think it damages your eyesight
Oh, well... fuck other people. I don't care.
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I see almost every lightning bolt in pink color whereas every person I asked (which currently are 30+) tell me they see it in white/yellowish color. Pic related it's what every lightning looks like to me.
When I check the time and the minutes and hours match (e.g. 11:11), I say the time in my head and "Sirhan Sirhan" (e.g. "Eleven eleven Sirhan Sirhan").
I do this too, like imagining myself being that main character surviving the apocalypse etc
When my hair gets long enough, I twist it around my finger when I'm bored or thinking about something. I also do the same shit with my girlfriends hair when we're sitting close together.
lolwut kek
Chew on my finger/toe nails and dead skin
When am lying down ill raise one at a time records the ceiling and quickly pull it down (like a backwards kick) to make my knees crack
Rub my finger behind my ears n smell em
Smell my tonsil stones too
Love twisting my hair like dat
When I twist it around my finger to the point were I can't anymore I'll slide my finger out and keep it n place and twist it more till it's like a ball and stays in place on its own
same, i always check at specific times like this. it's mostly 9:11 or 4:20. fucking weird
How many people are gang stalking you at this point?
I do this everytime i shit
You are not alone
I am here with you
You should use it on date nights too. Get the lavender scented kind. I've had compliments on the way my nuts smell
Before I fall asleep I pull my dick and balls out of the fly of my underwear to prevent bat wings
>fly of my underwear
>bat wings
Me too
I always put on the song 'take on me' by 'a-ha' aftr masturbating and it makes me feel I did something meaningful
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I slept with a pillow on my chest the other night and dreamed I was Jay from RLM
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>drink roughly two litres of water, until urine is completely clear.
>Go to public toilet
>urinate in a cubicle
>don't flush
>go to next cubicle, lock the door and wait
>hear someone enter the unflushed toilet cubicle trap I have previously laid
>hear splash of mix of clear urine and water hit their bum as they poo
kek gl hf
Same anon, same
Weed related?
you win the autistic award of today sir.
I take a piece of paper, roll it into a ball, put it in my mouth and chew it like gum.
A ton of people do this. This is the most normal think in the thread.
>i flush the moment i start pooping to avoid making fart and ploop noises people could hear

>i pee right outside the door to my garden at night. like literally standing on the door step.

>i have a perfect day and go to bed very happy and relaxed and somehow forces my mind to imagine people i love being brutally killed. fuck my stupid brain :(
I used to do that as well. I'd turn my head and put the pillow on top of it so that I could still breath.

That shit was comfy as fuck. I can't get comfortable doing it ever since I switched beds though.


Also, this.
I don't know why I laughed so much at this
That reminds of how I used to wipe my penis tip with toilet paper after pissing. Now I just deal with the drips
To get the last drop out, I sometimes put my penis back in and quickly out and suddenly: "there you are." works everytime for me and is not awkward.
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fly would be the button hole, if any, at the front of your underwear
Bat wings are the wings of a bat
Says rap, don't rhyme..
Kids are retarded
When I'm watching porn I try to synchronise with the guy fucking the girl, and cum at the same time as him.
Have you heard of Cock Hero? Maybe you'd like that.
Get confused when I have to use a spoon + a fork because I want both in the right hand.
Sadistic af, good on you anon
I enjoy taking shits with my shirt off. Idk why

I do this evrytiem. Helps my bath towels last longer between washes without getting that nasty-ass musty smell.
Have a fetish so strongly for my mother still in my 20s that I've thought of ways to fuck her without her telling my dad or possibly without consciously knowing.
I do that too
I post on /b/
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doesnt everyone do this?
I do the same except I zone out for a few minutes and imagine I'm doing a concert or signing autographs or on TV. And then when I go out now I kind of "pretend" I am that rockstar in real life and walk more confidently.

Sometimes I also walk and sit like Donald Trump (slow walk towards the debate stand or him leaned to the front while sitting).
blocks out ambient noise and light for me (not OP)
I roll joints with the sticky side facing away from me.
I only smoke cigarettes when I'm drunk
Me too. But i mostly utter the same word out loud every time: octopus.
Same here anon. It started out back in high school where I pictured myself going on stage for the talent show and just shredding it on the guitar and have vocals of the gods and just wet all the girls panties. Now I just picture a normal huge concert setting but stil the same effect
Not gay but enjoy masturbating to gay porn
Whenever I watch a movie with my blue ray player my eyes focus on the time and not on the movie.

The reason is that I am searching for specific numbers like: 11:11 or 22:22 etc. or 12:34, 45:56 or what is sick as well 12:25 because 1+2+2=5 or 14:49 and many many more of these kind..

This way I miss whole movies.. but at least I get the numbers.. I can't miss them!
Lmfao my sides
Not op and top that other guy,
It also gives you a comfy place to put your arm.
Nah man I do that too
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>Not gay
Perform gun reload animations from CS:S when there's 100% nothing to do, and I'm bored.

Fap into smooth T-shirts I don't wear anymore.

When I close shampoo bottles while showering I look away so it doesn't possibly shoot soap at me from the swing of the lid.
I'm retarded.
Doesn't hit my eyes with shampoo**
I have imaginary conversations with people so I know what I would say if that conversation ever happens. Which it doesn't.
I cannot sleep without having an episode of American dad/family guy/South Park etc etc, playing on my tv. It HAS to be an episode I've seen already and I have to be able to hear it I can't mute my tv
Why don't you just turn the bottle away?
This isn't common?
Thought were far apart
Our bottles are big and would require more effort to turn the bottle with wet hands than turn my head 90 degrees.
lost, ty
All too common I'm afraid.
Me too, a lot.
I got tired of waking up in the morning after drinking and having to piss really bad but a stubborn morning boner that wont go away so I ripped the plastic tube off of a beer bong and I piss into it with the end of it stuck in the toliet.

Before this I: pissed into the sink, got into the shower just to piss, pissed out the window (and was busted by a roommate), tried pissing in bottles beside my bed.

Also this, definately this
When I feel excited or happy I keep washing my face like hamsters do, it is werid and I am trying to stop it, but since it's spontanous I can not help it... sometimes people around me asks wtf was that and I don't even know myself.
I always touch my palm with my finger tips in each hand in an order from the pinky to the thumb, i do it all the time, i do it on both hands, i hate doing it but i cant stop, i have been doing it since im a kid. I have been trying to stop doing it forever but i cant.
I order shit from ebay just because i like having stuff in the mail.

asians unite
same here! sometimes i tap my head while doing it with my 2nd and 3rd fingers in a tick tock rhythm
i'm doing this right now
kek, for real?
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Ruin everything i tough or try
Same the dentist has told me many times to stop and I can't. I do it in my fucking sleep. I need to stop
I chew my cuticles so hard, i'll peel back the skin all the way around my fingertips sometimes, or down to the first nuckle. They crack and bleed all the time. When I was younger I'd squeeze the blood our till it dripped down ny arm. I pick absentmindedly while I eat, read, fuck, work, whatever. My shit is tore up.

Also - I have MFS, and pull really long, boogery worms of mucus out of the corners of my eyes. Especially happens when I wear makeup. Feels mostly good.
wow that's sad
While watching movies, I count the letters in everything people say and get extremely annoyed if the end result can't be divided by 6.
Forget what I'm suppose to do at times on my job despite I have a daily routine of doing it.

Forget what I said in the next sentence so I can only trail off on my last sentence and miss the original point I was trying to make.

Many times can't sleep right before work.

Suffer from anxiety attacks. Not anxiety alone, but anxiety attacks. There's a huge difference and I don't expect you to know.
I'm at the point where I have given up on sheets completely. I just wrap myself in a big blanket now.
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I do this too
I'm no doctor but is sounds like you have severe rain mans disease.
Yes man, all the time. When I really get into an album, I have these mini fantasies in which I am a member of the band that produced it, and as I'm listening I imagine how it would look/sound if 'we' were performing it live, very often to people I know. It's batshit insane.
Nah man, I'm completely normal. It started with just tapping the letters with my fingers, then I later started counting and then it evolved into the thing with the 6. And the 6 is important because i tap with 2 fingers in 3 columns.

I do the sentence things sometimes too, except mostly it's that I cant relate to the people I work with but feel the need to try to carry on conversations with them and often start a sentence with no real point or idea where it's going and just sort of hope I make a coherent point or usually just end up making a point that didn't really have much to do with what I started talking about
I put one piece of toilet paper in water and one in the "shit hitting toilet" area so i dont have to celan it afterwards and to not get wet if it falls in water.

I spend more paper on this than actual wiping, but its not about that.
Hey i need some /btards to do a random survey, plz no responder bias.
Its for my psychology class we are studing gender roles, help guys

Piss in the sink, in the bathroom, right next to the perfectly functioning and unoccupied toilet.
>blue ray

fucking hell sparky just shoot yourself
Is this what it's like to have both autism and a tin foil hat?
I'm a bit of a know-it-all, and I know a much of anything anyone says, so it's more shameful for me when it happens. Sometimes I just end up asking what I was talking about, they laugh as if I'm joking, and I stare at them waiting for them to answer me. It's a little awkward for the to realize I have this problem and I'm not joking around.
jesus man
fucking this
After i shit i like to wash my asshole clean with water either in the shower or with the sink.
I hate paper beacause my ass is very hairly
I do the same, I think we might be autistic anon
Spit on toilet paper to wash my ass after taking a shit
>eat ice cream with fork
>eat anything that requires a spoon that can be eaten with fork with fork
>close public bathroom stalls with toilet paper as to not touch disgusting handles, then place toilet paper on sensor so it doesn't flush until i'm ready as to not get disgusting public shit water on me
>sing/rap loud as fuck in car while driving but stop at lights
>cum into hamper on my dirty clothes and use any of my dirty clothes to clean up
>listen to music over other music
>scrape my teeth with my fingernails if I haven't had a chance to brush them
>use only credit cards for any purchase that you can
>smoke cigarettes often and never inhale
>drive on acid
>dream in color and remember always
>literally choke on words when talking to someone that makes me nervous
Literally chewing on the inside of my cheek whilst reading this. Mind blown
>spit on the floor in public bathrooms or at work when nobody's looking
>get my hands wet and then flick water all over the mirrors at work
I dont always do it but I do it as well
I have to fall asleep on my right. This came from when I was a child and had a lot of nightmares. Used to get fucked up images in my head whilst falling asleep. Then one day I started turning over and would force myself to think of really innocent stuff like the teletubies and other cartoon characters to clear my mind. To this day u find if I lay on my left I still have vivid thoughts and as soon as I turn over my mind is blank and I'll drift of in a matter of minutes.
when i was 6 there was a planet passing in front of the sun or some shit so me being a dumb shit i just tried staring at then sun for 20mins straight. now whenever i look at something white for too long it seems yellowish. pretty much everything is a yellowish tint but its not that noticeabale
When I was in basic training I would rub hand sanitizer on my head just because it felt funny, looking back on it now it probably wasn't very smart
I never finish my joints, i just smoke them halfway then when i roll the next join i put whats left of the previous one in it.
I fold my ears into my ear canals.
I eat my scabs, but only from the waist up.
I watch a movie, and then stop watching at some point, and continue watching days to years later.
I watch Jackscepticeye and like it.
When I go to the bathroom, I check my balls with my fingers for lumps, but only if they hang low.
I Vape, but not when I think anybody can see me.
I don't talk about it either.
I wipe very thoroughly.
I play MGS5 for the base-building aspect and side ops mostly.
I bite of my finder nails and put the thin flexible ones in between my gums behind my teeth(top that).
I shit-talk people's bad driving without getting angry, while driving, but only when I am aware of my surroundings, because it would defeat the point otherwise.
If I am pissed at somebody that wouldn't be able to be resolved with talking about, because they're unable to see their flawed arguing, I will look smug without smiling, unless they're confirmed idiots.
However I wont talk down on them, or put myself over others, I will call you out on your shit behaviour, and will tell you to piss off, but that's it.
I DON'T masturbate, no not even edging.
I will say anything on my mind, if I have thought well enough about it, or are assured enough of my own conviction to say it.
I vocally will make it known if I like something, even if it's cute, without being a massive nigger faggot about it.
That can't be comfortable having dried jizz in your pubes
>pretend they are my songs
I feel you.
I masturbate with my left hand (righty) and use my middle and ring fingers on my right hand to stimulate my perineum like I'm fingering myself.
When i eat a hamburger or a hotdog i try eating as little bread as possible.
I often walk through my apartment while listening to music and fantasizing about some stories.
I do the same thing
Hasn't come in handy yet
I always say "I need a Joint" out loud, and I don't even like smoking weed.
Do you also have to do this in a certain matter?
I do.
For example, I start on the upper left lip, go to the upper middle, and then the upper right.
After that, I have to do it in the exact same pattern on my lower lip in order to keep the universe in balance.
Looks like a HowToBasic video

Oh just imagine what he'd do to her
I always lightly blow on my food as if to cool it off even if it's naturally cold. It's pretty sub concious at this point but I've been trying to break the habit. Not sure how it even started but luckily people don't ever seem to notice
Stand up to wipe my ass
If I pop a pimple and the shit that comes out is hard rather than creamy I chew on it with my front teeth.
So satisfying

When I trim all my toenails I save all the trimmings from that session and smell them till it gives me a headache and thats when I know to stop and then throw them out.
Yep do exactly this
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aww yiss.gif
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>jizz in pill bottle
>leave on top of stereo receiver to keep it warm
>dump it into mouth right before orgasm
>pretend its a load from some hot girl with feminine penis
>shoot fresh jizz into bottle
>put back on stereo for next time

im not gay or anything... i just like the feel of hot semen in my mouth... and sometimes in my mustache...
Stop acting retarded dude. I know you want to be screen capped but really, just stop.
get checked
get high by sniffing deodorant
nice fucking kek op
Must have something between knees when sleeping
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Anyone else do this???
do you ever wash your towels?
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Ma nigga!
I can't piss/shit when something is already in the toilet. Especially annoying in public restrooms where I need to flush before I use the toilet every single time. Doesn't matter what's in there, even if nothing is there but the water looks odd to me I'll flush
I sleep with my hands inside my pockets
I legitimately sleep with 14 pillows
1 for my head and 13 to make a fort around me, makes me feel safe
I used to have a hard time shittin', I'd get really hot, feel the need to throw up, and the smell would over power me, I'd have to take my shirt off to cool off, and not throw up from everything combined; after that I started to just always take my shirt off, it also helped with it not getting in the way of whipping, so that was a plus.
I do something similar. i always awkwardly stare at the camera until im out of sight of the camera
Keked hardish
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I beat off 7 times a day on average. Most of the time at work in my cubicle.
Imagine conversations are happening between myself and others in certain social situations.
As a kid I used to really enjoy pulling my teeth out. As an adult, I have a real thing about gum pain. I stick needles in the spaces between my teeth against the gum and bite down until it makes me all woozy. I'm not a masochist or anything, the only place I enjoy it is the gums, and it gives me this feeling like I've just dropped a couple of valium.

I also really, really want to pull my teeth out, to the point that if I ever have enough spare money, I intend to pull them all myself and get implants.
Cannot piss with an erection.

Cannot stay fully hard during sex if I even slightly need to piss.
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fuckin kek
New bread?
I sleep with only the top of my head (above the eyebrows) on the pillow to keep my face off the bed because I can't fall asleep if something is touching my face.
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Back in college I used to watch an episode of Golden Boy the night before every exam.
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New bread /b/rother
I used to cum in my eye lids and keep my eyes closed until it dries and then peel the cum off like glue
I always piss in the sink rather than the toilet, i dont know why
Nigga, are you me?
Mostly i just say fuck or ugh over and over. I really thought I was the only one who did this.
i keep falling asleep baked as fuck while watching a show and always wake up with half a can of cola which by then lost all it's sparklyness
Same but it's usually tv or music because I'll start hearing things in the fan
Used to have this problem but one day a very helpful sales person pointed out deep pocketed fitted sheet that counterintuitively is actually quite loose on the bed and tucks way under. Never had a problem after that
>I alienate any and everyone who speaks to me in hopes they never speak to me again.
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