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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>708971026 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 169
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, Remember to get enough sleep!
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I need to learn how to tell me self to sleep
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Nothing can kill me. Short of critical sudden existance failure.
Still yet to see your gorram warface.
>open rocket league and play one game
>decide I'm not having much fun, close game
>browse library
>open rocket league
I want to get off this ride

That sounds great! Thank you. Any discord or something that I can add? It doesn't look like I can add a user in WoT itself until it's done updating the client or whatever it's doing
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>Best fox claimu

Because of that spelling mistake, i read that in an Irish accent
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so there would be no problems with us dating

no im sorry for leaving you hanging bby
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That is me when playing LoL...
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Do it



All of us? You sure about that?

Iron Pegasus and iron elephants. I love GATE since I always dreamt of a fantasy vs modern millitary

It's good to try in life
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still here


yeah i have one not sure how to add someone exactly
Koumefag still here. I type slow as shit on my phone.

No no no.
It's the only Rocket Bunny V2 kit for the S14 (my car).
For whatever reason Greddy decided to replace the whole front end instead of making one for the Kouki facelifted models (my car, once again), and ended up making that shit instead. Like it's an old muscle car when in reality it's just another 90's rice burner.
I don't fucking get it.
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You may have awesome gifs, but you lack fanart ',:^)
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Minotaurs and goblins with cannons can one shit you in void burn

Boomers are a nightmare in arc burn

Everything is laughable in solar burn.. except cabal.... FUCK this week's nightfall

Im sure I did at the time.. now I dont

Vision your waifu telling you to go to sleep or listen to

Time lord, I can make you nonexistant

Good luck with that pal

This is interesting, the rome are getting BTFO
Click on friends, then add friend.
My tag is "Notadesk#2307"
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nothing is worse than the hard raid though
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In your own special way, I mean

GG no re.
Hello everyone
>no life
>juvia claimed
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Not in both worlds simultaneously. The timeline of my world Im from exists outside of the timeline of Earth as you know it. I am immune to time altering effects and most magic. Plus, I think a god of Death trumps a god of Time. And I am an aspect of the god of Death.
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Speaking of, that game over yet?
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Maybe i should try more then

Think of one
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QOTT: Has anyone else ever basically had the idea of watching a show/playing a game ruined by the shitty existing fans?
>Doctor Who
>Steven Universe
Ruined for me by seeing the sorts who seem to enjoy them.
love ya too

WHOA! i never said i was serious, i mean unless you send, *clears throat* pics
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Yeah, but I'm done with LoL for the night. My friend pissed me off too much and now I'm too frustrated and annoyed to play LoL. I could play some RL though
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Have yet to run the hard raid, may never will thanks to a certain friend/clan mate who has gone full blown normie and become a full time college student

Oh fuck I mislinked, Im retarded

Hello hello

Time is still time.

Nah I dont feel like it anymore

Already play Souls, Destiny and call of duty

I'll see you in hell before I send pictures of my sister
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Anime in general, really

I rarely watch it anymore
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>log in
>queue up top/jg
>show GP/Nocturne/some other AD glass cannon carry as a fake pick intent to let team know you aren't going tank
>tell team that you have a 77% winrate over 43 games with [fakename champion that is actually Quinn]
>team tells you to go tank
>team bans your pick intent
>lock in Quinn
>get flamed
>gank bot for first blood
>adc flames you for ksing
>win game 77% of the time over 43 games
I don't know why I play this game, but I can't stop.
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Hey I'm back, Nonon claimed!
Yadda yadda I'm back from the dead, for how long? Who knows.
I was a bit lost since I'm not a car guy (MAKOTO HELP). The car doesn't look all that bad dude. No lie. But you had me at ricers. I get they're hated but why are they a called ricers?

I'm at least one of the main characters in an anime ",:^)

Kek no one on their side has ever fought against rifles and such lol

I know what you mean now. Just messing with ya. I CAN FINALLY PLAY DARK SOULS AFTER AN HOUR OR SO WAIT

Hello rain lady. How are you?

Let's here some puns

Nope. Never watched them. Got second hand knowledge from a few from doctor who. Don't know anyone who watched SU

Sup nerd.
Someone on my Steam gifted it to me about a year ago. Wanted to see what the hype/autistic drooling was all about.
It's not bad. But I didn't get into it enough to actually want to finish the game.
Is it my neppy? You've grown so much
Hello hikage, haven't talked to you in awhile
How are you?
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You Know Gasai (13).jpg
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Welcome back

Their shields and armor are useless lmao
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It's horrible, mostly for masochists
If one person dies for anything but the siege engine, you basically need to wipe
Hello smugs. I'm ok
>still in bad with the waifu tho
How about you?
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Thanks, what are you up to now?
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Mom, I come in three different sizes for convenience.
Hello YouKnow.
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im sorry, tell her i love her and always will even though i haven't seen her in person
how old are you anyhow, 21 right?


haven't seeen ya in a while either breh

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>le reee
At least I get to marry my waifu ',:^)
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Slightly bored, debating on what to do

No respond, you need to be perfect or be a team of warlocks

Deciding what I wanna do

How are ya?

I'm 23
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All good

Sounds about right lol. did you win?

Hell yeah! You gitting gud?!
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Better go to sleep now, or i'll wake up at noon again
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Im too tired to think of any, maybe tomorrow
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It's great since they think they have the best stuff

Sleepy but playing dark souls with brother. You?

I like little neppy the best :)


At least I can...fuck you

Not yet! After last play with ds2, I'm hesitant

Aww lame!
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nice fox you have there
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I guess I'll claim them go back to sleep
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It doesn't look bad, no, but it doesn't fir the car. For comparison, this is a bone stock Kouki S14's front end. A bit more agressive, a bit meaner looking.

Tbh I don't really know where the term ricer comes from. Though, I'm not really a ricer seeing as I put performance and functional design over everything else. Was just saying that the whole 'murican muscle aesthetic doesn't fit the cars design overall.
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I know, how are you?
You could've left this without your name and i would know it was you
You could continue conversing with us
Sounds fun but you know what's better?
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I win most games as Quinn. Hit 6, snowball every lane, ?????, get carried.
The ????? is usually splitpush though. To be honest I think she does her job too well. I'm expecting some serious nerfs in the preseason for her due to the new masteries synergizing too well with her kit.
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Doing pretty fine, I cooked today so that's a plus. What about you?
Mavis, you're my favourite nigger, also, your feets are hairy, cool and shet.
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Wow. My sister in law sounds like a hag when she laughs and somethings actually funny.
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Thats what they get for invading

Good night

True, hows your day?

I've done nothing lol Ima cook tomorrow for the premiere of TWD
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I've played DS2 for like an hour and didn't really like it

My favorite splitpush champion is Tryndamere
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Only if you come to Canada :^)
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did you tell her that i love her
ok no wonder you play destiny

i thought we were ryhming :(

I've been fine, gonna get me a ds sometime this week so im feelin good
you got a discord something to contact you on outside of chan if you want

>loli, thick teen, milf creature
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You Know Gasai (11).jpg
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Yup and she rejected you
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The souls series isn't for everyone. I didn't like it my first time, but I gotten to like it after giving it another shot. Or did you just not like 2 in particular?

Oh, who do you think Negan got?
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Ryuko Matoi claimed
You Know
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I play against too many hyper-aggro Trynds who think they can all in me level 2/3 in a minion wave. It seems to be just a Tryndamere thing, until they actually learn their powerspikes and limits. Then they're super annoying to deal with :(
But even the ones who don't really know what they're doing are also super annoying to deal with, because as soon as I roam mid one time they're suddenly at my inhib.
Ds2 is probably the worst out of all of them, with Demon Souls coming in at a close second.
Sup nerd.
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i tried
ask her how many points i get for trying and if we ever met irl would i have a chance
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I didn't like 2 in particular. 1 is a ton of fun

Yep, I just wait until 6 then go in. His ult is awesome early on

Haven't tried Demon Souls, I don't own a PS3
Pretty good. Just hungout with some friends. You?
Well that's good. And no that would lose the fun of being on here
>also wew
>snek, ninja, criminal curves
Instant noodles doesn't counts as cooking.
I've only played DS1 and the first time I was so lost and disoriented, a couple of months later I picked it up once again, I'm really enjoying it now, I know how to get around a bit better and have more fun overall. Although, really not for everyone indeed.
You Know's sister is my waifu so Fuck off
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France guy?
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Ah I liked Two, but One is still my favorite. Getting 3 in the next couple of days. Have you tried Bloodborne? (I know people hate it when someone says its like DarkSouls but I look at it as a game best played with a DarkSouls mindset)

Nice dubs, yeah same thing, It surprised me at first but after picking it up again I can't put it down.
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You stupid goy have no idea what you're meddling in, do you?

I am in control here. I talked to this website's owner this morning and paid him a lot of money to shut you idiots up.

Stop discussing this man and delete these threads. All the mods got the scoop from the owner, they are working for me at the moment. I am talking with them on IRC collecting the IPs and other details from threads like these. This one will be deleted shortly.

Stop making these threads and forget what you've learned today. Any more interference and I will have to take "other" actions.

You have been warned, don't fucking cross me or my organization again. This isn't a stupid fucking game or anime cartoon, idiots.

There will be no further communications between me and the users of this site. Consider this your last and final warning.....
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You Know's sister claimed
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what is with the sudden influx of kill la kill? i'm not complaining mind you. it is a top shelf anime.
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Hello Matoi

Her words exactly "You get nothing, you lose, good day sir"

Played vidya and ate chicken

You wish, Im grillinn bb~

>This isn't a stupid fucking game or anime cartoon, idiots.

you sure about that?
Oh shit. Hi! I'll probably fuck off/fall asleep soon, then you can take over. Sound good?
Yeah, honestly don't bother. It's a lot more annoying and a lot less polished than the rest of the BloodSouls games (Yes, I lump Bloodborne into the mix because it's fucking identical to Souls games)
Nice try, turbonerd.
Ban waves don't scare me.
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beats me, didn't it recently get a dub?
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Its had a dub for over a year -_-

nice hair


nice hat
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4 Chan is a anime created board based of a japaness site name 2 chan.
you mean nothing your "Organisation" means nothing
fuck off and die cunt

Love .- Everybody here plus hitler and god
didn't know, I don't keep tabs on anime after I watch them
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I see it does have the aggressive look to it

I just know they're hated for having mods on the car simply to look cooler lol. Oh! Gotcha, it looks like a challenger to me


Best neppy

They're sorta protecting now lol

Rekt by pigs ;_;. Some anons here did say it was the worst

Y u meen

I didn't know! I'm sorry, wanna rythem again?

But your clothes back on
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Shouldn't have invade in the first place
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I can't fucking stand people who wear headphones in public...
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Nah, no PS4

I wanna beat DS1 before I play any of the others

I think general consensus is it's the least good
Was it fun? And what did you play?
thats true i was just asking for when im not on here

>program, fighter, beutiful girl i see in class

tell her that shes a bully for not giving me a chance to prove my self
what does she think about of you going on chan

maybe, but you start
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Mostly overwatch

She has no opinon
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Can you tell her I claim her as my waifu and she is best girl?
>pic related is some fanart of her
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Her words exact "What a creep, he should kill himself"
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That's the novelty of it
>like seeing an old friend you don't see all the time
I thought so. Did you do well?
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Nonon(betelgeuse romanee conti).jpg
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Ah its good, knowing some Souls mechanics helps you out a ton though. How are you tonight?

Considering, how my original waifu was Yuno, I recently switched to Nonon (For personal reasons), but from being here for a week or so, I've mainly noticed 2 Ryukos, 2 Nuis, 1 Nonon. Still kinda a large chunk though. How are you tonight?

Hey You Know, do you watch TWD at all?
What kind of meat are you going to use?
Any tips on the gargoyles(?) On top of the church?
>I'm all out.
Sup sneaky snek.
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Tell her to stop being so tsun to her husbando
>some more fanart
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Yuuki (56).jpg
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I've been better. I had a fight with my friend so I'm just kinda venting and being pissed at life lol. You?
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i'm good, i moved into my new place today. i am settled in, i'm not use to all this space.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.
Usually the term "ricer" is thrown around at people who have excessive, and arguably tacky visual modifications with minimal performance upgrades if any. Usually at most they'll have an aftermarket air intake (spoiler alert: those alone don't do jack shit), and an aftermarket exhaust that sounds terrible and if anything acts as a bigger exhaust restriction than a proper high performance muffler on a proper exhaust system or even just a straight muffler delete.
You'd probably hate me then.
Fair enough. DS1 is one of the better ones IMO. PC optimization kind if sucked, but gameplay was still solid.
Hello rotarybro
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I had some nice moments, yes
I even aquired Mercy's witch skin, didn't even have to spend a dime on lootboxes

I watch it with my family

Typically skirt steak or sirloin, chicken, pork.. it all depends what we're in the mood for

Tomorrow I'm likely doing to do some Tbone steaks for my father and me, some skinless chicken for my mom and sis, either some sausages or shrimp on the side.. we're not fully decided yet
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Indeed, I got the DSFix for it, now it runs much better
Going to call it a night. Hope you all sleep well tonight
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tell her that makes her a bigger bully

but what if we never see eachother again, old friend

>i am too
not much whats up with you noopy nep
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Got any speculation on Negan?

Moving into a new place here in month, I'm excited, but not..

Tell your sister to be a respectable CEO of a prestigious company and that I will grant her a small loan of a million dollars to help her start off.
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Either Maggie or Eugene
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I feel its either those two or abraham.
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That's good. I guess.
>i don't really play so i wouldn't know
We will don't worry
>how could i miss the only other big breasted waifu on here
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Can you ask your sister if she wants to play vajenga? If she doesn't know, tell her its a game where you pull stuff like dogs and car keys out of their vaginas
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Why not both?
Or the three?
Oh, nothing much really, I made a shit ton of sushi today though. 56 pcs.
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>those titts

holy fuck sneky, what am i supposed to do with those?
You Know should tell his sister that I'll tickle her pickle for a nickle
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Well hi there.

Hi Nep.

Ayyyy Karme!
Got my bushings in, waiting to put them on.
>Got invited to a car club since we last spoke
>Dudes in a 27lb boosted Lancer were impressed at my running NA Rotary
Anything happen with you?
Hello brother
i won't

why so much?
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You know Gasai (89).jpg
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Mmm yes some I know speculate abe

Negan said one, otherwise he would have the whole crew killed
I'm You Know's sister, ask me anything
Why won't you love us random internet creeps?
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Yeah I need to watch the show when its revealed I can tell you it going to be hard to avoid that spoil train when it happens.
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Easy, just stay away from /tv/, facebook, twitter, some portion of youtube
Because you guys are 40 year old virgins and I'm a hot young girl.
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People where I'm staying were like, yo, make sushi, so I was like "Nyoron~" and made a lot
Negan will skullfuck someone with his bat then?
Are you You Know's sister?

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Could you give me money?
Yes. I'm posting from my phone
No Fuck off
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>not drinking sake
Filthy casual
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Well fuck you faggot
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You know Gasai (2).jpg
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You didnt see the season finale of 6?
He was doing a innie minnie miny moe on the crew and cut into victum's point of view being swung at and it gets blurry and muffled voices so you can't make out who it is
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Are you giving advice tonight?
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I'd get into anime/manga more if I wasn't afraid of being associated with a weeabo. How do you fags manage with this tumor of autists? Do you simply just not care?
Here's mine.
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Im tired, going to head to bed talk to yall tomorrow if I'm not busy with DS3.
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Maybe. Depends on if the advice is needed.
Not caring goes a long way.
why do you bully me so
see >>708983736

that actually looks pretty well done, send me some through message

we are you a bully

night nonon
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Pretty much. Don't care, and people generally respect you a bit more for it. As long as you're not going full out cringe of "LOL SO KAWAII XDXD =3" you're not gunna get much hate for it.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
I used to play DS1 on my now ex-girlfriends Steam account and PC on occasion. Still haven't bought it for myself yet.
Oooh, nice.
Was it a Lancer Evo or just a normal FWD Lancer? Evo 9's have always been a guilty pleasure of mine. But seeing as how my S14 is still KIA, I'd probably destroy those 4G63 engines a lot faster.

Not much, getting over my cold and waiting on some cams to be imported from Japan before the shop I have my car in can rebuild my motor. Apparently when I blew it up, I also snapped a couple rocker arms off somehow... I dunno how, but I did. And yeah, apparently they're in customs or something right now, and god knows how long that's gonna take.
That looks so good. :<
My dinner consisted of fucking condensed soup from a can, and just looking at that deliciousness made me hungry again.
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You know Gasai (18).png
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Good night!
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Ok, I recently moved into a new place earlier today. Place seems too big for me and I don't deal with change well. Any general advice or thoughts??
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Besides, would you really not notice these
Trust me, if I could I would get drunk on nail polish.
Nope, the last thing I remember is that the govnar is pretty damn riperino.
If you take care of a place for me to live I'll cook you anything.
If this is legit, punch You Know, call him a nerd or sumthing I dunno.
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Yuuki (138).jpg
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Get it the next time it goes on sale, it runs around $5 on sale
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You know Gasai (57).png
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Dude.. you're hella behind..
Also that's not my sister, she does not post nor want to visit 4chin
Try to keep the doors closed. Find some smell from your previous place that doesn't offend you or anyone, spray it around. Keep the place a bit warm, not too much though. See if you can set things up similar to your old place. If not overall location, then just position is fine. Like your PC / Laptop set up as if it were at the old place. After a week or two, move them into places that fit the new place. Start changing little details on a daily basis.
>not buying sake or having it spare for such an occasion
Tell your sister to give me the succ and make me cum buckets
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Hirasawa_Ui (5).jpg
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>Summoning Yui
>Shiro comes back from running
no i would be distracted by these

not caring or you can go the nigger way and have a hidden power level

breh, ill pay you to email them to me

wait what series?

or get a gud game like sao
I know your sister tho
She's a friend of mine
The Walking Dead
I'm not sure exactly, I just know it was a lancer from when they passed by me after I pulled over because I was gunna get some pizza. They came up, I popped the hood, and somewhere in the conversation I heard them say it had that much. Didn't get a look at theirs unfortunately.

It's okay, you'll get it running SOMETIME in the next 5 years maybe!
As well, OJ, water, and soup! Make sure to get plenty of each!

Hey Karme, should I just save up for a good year or two and get an FD instead of a FC, and then turn my FC vert into a track car of sorts?
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You're friends with You Know's sister in the same way that I'm married to Juuzou: Not in reality.
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None of us will make 40.
Avoid the most severely autistic anime- mostly Bleach and Naruto. I've yet to judge One Piece. Get more into anime that wasn't done purely to sell merch to junior high kiddies. Go watch KlK, Kyoukai no Kanata/Beyond the Boundary, and PMMM. And Black Lagoon. As a general rule, if you look through Fanfiction dot net and find a lot of poorly-written smut, Mary Sue OCs, and generally the scrawlings of illiterate 12-year-olds, that should tell you something. The best shit I watched, in my experience, is the shit they won't air on western TV stations in the kiddie blocks, that you have to wait until like 0100hrs to watch or find online.
This is also important. I was that kid. I hate 14-YO me to this very day. So does everyone else. If you don't go full teenage sperglord and take your body pillow out to dinner every week after tending your katana collection, people will hate you a lot less. Mention it casually sometimes or let people find out, on their own, and they may even be interested in learning about your hobby, and I think it would be nice to transfuse in some new blood for the community.
No I actually know her.
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Great again.png
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Dude, canned food is a delicasy to me, fuck, gotta love canned food.
Then go punch your sister.
The weak shall fear the stronk.
I rather like stuff like rum or whiskey tho.
What do you like personally, senpai?
I guess i could understand as i would be pretty distracted myself looking at these
I guess it's only a problem for waifu's with big breast.
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You know Gasai (62).png
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If you weren't a cute nepu, I'd cut your tongue for even suggesting that, even if its jokingly
>fucks yuno sis
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recycled lewd or wew one.png
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why those when theres these also

well thats fucking gay, i need to actually read the comics i heard something about them being not that shit
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Whiskey, certain beers, rum. Big fan of single malts. Especially this baby.;jsessionid=7242293221F54BA30ACD1B46B0F8731F.ncdlmorasp1306?bmUID=luBciZF
Cause There's these
In that case, I'm just going to assume it's an Evo. Usually Evo owner like to run higher than stock boost on the things, even if they don't have rebuilt motors.

Yeah. That's the fun part of swapping your shitty stock USDM motor with the JDM turbo 4-banger. Customs is a bitch.

The FD's aren't cheap, but a lot more iconic. It's like the MK3 vs MK4 Supra. I'd get one if I were you.
I've been living off canned soups for the past 5 days now because of my cold. I just want something else.
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You have a cute spooky waifu.
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The comic is different, different people die in defferent ways.
I wish I knew that much about booze, but I just drink when there is booze, so, basically, since I don't pay anything, I go hardcore on the drink, what I like the most so far is whiskey with energy drink. Pretty fucking vanilla but I like it.
Canned peaches are something heavenly, ask for a can of those, you should be allowed even if sick.
Yay plus chan ^-^
Yay lewdness
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