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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>708671604 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 186
Thread images: 151
File: sach.jpg (366 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, Remember to get enough sleep!
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Kyouko (191).jpg
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2 threads 2 claims dear god.
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Well claimed on here as well hrmm.
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Sorry man, she's mine.
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The doctor is in, and she has a new phone.
>Samsung Galaxy J1 because the doctor is a poorfag
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can I have one?
>what are trips
see >>708686140
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Forgot pic
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You forgot your trips to friendo :l
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Attempts to steal, Ryuko and Ryuko get heated up, lemme grab my nachos and watch the fun begin!

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I guess, I'm not really that into them though.
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blood drip.png
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Sachi gave me a thread said it's the thread of the year
I said "Kyouko didn't do it so get the fuck outta here"
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Kyouko (256).jpg
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time to get freaky.jpg
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Maybe I'll steal your waifu instead.
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Nice Legs

>see pic
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Im on a role :o
Who cares who makes the thread, you don't read it every time and nobody replies to it.
Thats a big Pocky box.
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Alice 50.jpg
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Not even some good shitposting?
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What hobbies you got? Do you like horror novels or movies or more upbeat things?
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trick or treat.jpg
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It's a reference to a song with the lyrics changed up a little bit.
but all threads i'm in are thread of the year :o
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TheWonderfulNui (142).png
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Oh, that's pretty nice then!
You're pretty wise i must say.
You'd be able to make one?
Not sure which is which so i suggest filenames.
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wew thanks buddy. That's very kind of you
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I rock them filenames!

Out of curiosity ever read the books in the Warriors Franchise?
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shiro in chains.png
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I try to be wise and stuff.
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Ooh let me have some of that
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This is me (I'll ryukomytoy for now on)
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Pole Nani best Nani
Nope are they any good? They are about kitters right?
Whoever made that pic seriously needs to have their teeth kicked in.
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Did you buy it lewdbote?
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Ye quite dark for a book about kitters but very good read nonethelss.
>when your waifu is horny
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TheWonderfulNui (217).jpg
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I must you do indeed.
Well you do it well.
>that pun
So you up to anything?
>I must you do indeed.
I meant i must say
File: Seasonal sexy (ryukomytoy).jpg (51 KB, 597x604) Image search: [Google]
Seasonal sexy (ryukomytoy).jpg
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Planning on either playing Runescape or hopping on Tower Unite and finish the decor in me house.
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Maybe I'll get some at the book place
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Why thank you!

Theres so many of them... So how has your toast been today?

Maybe get me a bond hrmmmmmMMMMMM
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Yes I did, playing it right now
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And with dubs.
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>Out of curiosity ever read the books in the Warriors Franchise?
Warriors is my shit! I've read 37 of the books in all - including extras and bonuses - and played the shit out of the games on the site. Kind of want to re read the series now. It's astonishingly badass for a book about cats.
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they never last
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nerdy ryuko (ryukomytoy).jpg
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let's have vote. who thinks I should buy Nonon a bond!?
wubba dub dub
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Hey it's trapfu:3
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Very quite same here! What clan do you feel most at home in?

Nonon votes yes!

Nonon wants to avert eyes, but can't...
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Not this shit again!
Good taste! And I identify most with Windclan, but obviously partial to Thunderclan as well due to the series.
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Alice 5.jpg
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How are you enjoying it? I hear the bayonet charge is fun
No fug me, sorr
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Forgot image T.T

Best trapfu, reporting for duty!
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I just been reading one punch man here and there but I'll get closest to the first book as possible
Good try buddy
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Nonon(Caravan Palace).jpg
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Don't tell anyone but I feel at home at Bloodclan, and Thunderclan because FEEELS.

I've been stuck re reading Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy. (In a good way)
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Like Naruto cats or something??
Confirmed best trap wife where you been friend
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TheWonderfulNui (163).png
1 MB, 600x602
Oh, well i hope that goes well!
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Why does always happen to me.. :c
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Which book just the first? I've read all of them and they are all my favorite c:
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I'm having a ton of fun!
But I only fight at medium-range, so I can't really bayonet charge someone
i did it too rory and tomoko
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;D (ryukomytoy).gif
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thanks :3
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;l (ryukomytoy).jpg
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Why so rude and lewd?
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actually yandere-chan.jpg
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Thank you.
You post some pretty shitty stuff.
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Because you react to it and feed them (You)s you sensitive shit.

Don't forget where you are.
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Lol so this just showed up
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This epic monstrosity! (Yes that is a painted portrait of my kitter)
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you're right(ryukomytoy).jpg
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Dubs speaks truth. I'm moving on.
why not
you miss the point
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Don't lose your way.
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Basically like Naruto but cats, yeah. I'd highly recommend reading it. It's a pretty great series and takes off rather quickly into the first book. And I've been at work and playing games too much to be here, sadly.
Bloodclan scum! Tigerstar was evil, but he deserved better than what Scourge did to him.
jk, Bloodclan is cool. I'm just glad they got shown the power of the other clans though. They were entirely too confident. City cats never learn.
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actually juliet starling.jpg
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What's the point?
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Yeah that is quite true.
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I won't ;3
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Digit buds
lol it seems as if there are a lot of different versions of the collection x)
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TheWonderfulNui (169).png
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No problem, good luck.
I simply state how i see things, you are indeed wise.
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>cat jutsu could be cool I'll try it out for sure qt. What games?
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1 MB, 1280x1811
You exhibited excellent taste by choosing KLK bestgirl, and also like the Warriors series. Just for that, here's a little video for you that you may enjoy.

They don't actually have jutsus or anything, but the personification makes it very similar to how the 5 ninja villages interact and fight, and how the shinobi(or warriors) of each village interact with each other. Although, there are some neat skills that only clan leaders(or kage) can do that make the series pretty sweet. Also there's basically an Akatsuki organization of very powerful rogues that come up midway through the series, so there's that.
As far as games, I've been playing a lot of League, and also playing a lot of Diablo 2 again just for nostalgia purposes.
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Trips dope ass Nani video u are the hero waifu deserves dear friend. Sounds cool I identify with rogues so I'll have to wait for the middle to see if I'll have a favorite kitter thanks for the summary bro
You are cancer.
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TheWonderfulNui (27).jpg
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Didn't notice this, what's going on here?
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eyy (ryukomytoy).jpg
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cute :)
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KyoukoSleep (5).jpg
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I won't disagree with you
Hand cunt
goodnight and thanks for the stick
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Me and Nani were talking about the book that quote is from then it showed up in a show I was watching
Thanks dub dub you still getting them rolls checked boi
hank is dead

i just.. fuck
File: TheWonderfulNui (170).png (859 KB, 1103x1022) Image search: [Google]
TheWonderfulNui (170).png
859 KB, 1103x1022
Ah, alright.

Still drunk btw?
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I don't really make a lot of friends so I was hoping to make a thread to maybe make some. I was hoping to start a waifu thread with hank steaks and hand-kun maybe they would call me hankhand-kun or something like that. I'd be the guy who would make the new thread and possibly get friends that way
Heyy :3
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Gunna walk dog I'll bd back
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Fuckin autistic virgins LOL
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i will fight you.jpg
19 KB, 279x285
literally what
hey you're back
i missed you :3
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bask in her kawaii-ness.gif
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why did you block out you and your friends faces?
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TheWonderfulNui (238).jpg
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Oh, hope it goes well then!
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Been enjoying my week off with friends and my gf unlike you autists sitting in your rooms cumming to Japanese cartoons fucking faggots
insult me harder anon-kun :3
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Heyy ; )

Yes, hello again

How's the family?
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H-hey Senpais :3 otaku here claiming my Waifu! Don't steal her :3 unless you get trips you smug lewd bully :3333
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big fish.png
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Fine I think.
Pretty sure thats a husbando, but it still counts.
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He was acting as though that was him, implying that we all look like that. Why waste your time in a thread you don't like? So what if we have autism and will never lose our virginities, we still have our Asian cartoons none of our peers understand or enjoy as much as us. We are clearly smarter and superior. Sex is overrated Kek
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How's my shiro?
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deal with it.jpg
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How's my wonderfulness?
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>all of you
File: you've got to be kidding.png (79 KB, 240x240) Image search: [Google]
you've got to be kidding.png
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Did you actually write all that?
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So you did.
That's pretty sad.
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>he watches anime
>he's older than 10
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Nobody cares about your spamfaggotry, except a few people stirring the pot, other than that nothing comes to par you spastic retard
>Mfw they keep making more threads
>Mfw they keep going
>Mfw they're basically cockroaches, not even nuclear warfare can stop them
Shit you're stupid pal. I use to spam these threads too, know why I stopped? Because I realized they weren't going to, and that I was wasting my time
>I also realize that I was being a fucking nigger faggot. Just like you. You stupid niggerfaggot.
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>he enjoys autistic cartoons made for little Japanese children
You're just repackaged bronies
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na, i have less hair.

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>wasting all that time to type this instead of letting mommy change your adult diaper and bring you more pizza rolls
Only read the first line so you wasted your energy you fat virgin fuck. I'm sure your sausage fingers need a good stretch after that novel you just typed
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So tired for no reason. Why.
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Hey /waifu/ rate my Jewish sister
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>"Burned so many threads to the ground."
Listen motherfucker I'll explain it to ya REAL simple like.
>/a/ is for ANIME
>several anon's here use NON ANIME waifus
Like Angry Marine Anon, Penny, XJ9, Chara and a few others.
You're also assuming that ANY of the things you said are true, that we give a shit what you think, that we're gonna stop if you keep going
You don't matter. You're a piece of shit.
You have no life clearly. You're just as bad as a waifu faggot because you're shitting in a thread on the RANDOM board where no real rules apply
>You don't bitch about all the porn threads when there are SEVERAL porn boards.
Get the fuck out.
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Lol I love how y'all have pics saved of me and my gf. That shows how truly autistic and lonely you truly are. Be jealous it makes me happy. Make sure you don't use all the lotion you stole from the bathroom cabinet in one beat off session to an 11 year old cartoon character tonight while I'm plowing my gf Kek
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I only read the first line of what you typed. Once again your intense autism let you to waste all the energy in your fat virgin fingers to shit out another novel of text that you and you alone read. Kys autist.
post vol.2
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703 KB, 500x281
Is everyone ok in here?
File: elitism (1).jpg (478 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
elitism (1).jpg
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>being this fucking new holy shit

u mad bro. I made that for you. don't deny me my you.

you little fagget.

>tfw you came here to shit on people and basically got shit on.

You must be just starved for attention to come online like a loser and try to be a bully or some shit.

Trolling a waifu thread is ten times more cringe then actually posting in a waifu thread. you're participating and trying harder then anyone in here.

Even now, in just this thread you have posted more then me. By a long shot.

have a good night fagget
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384 KB, 1995x1496
>typing this big of a reply that fast
>being this butt blasted

>your intense autism let you to waste all the energy in your fat virgin fingers
You seem to be repeating yourself in each of your posts.

You sure you're not projecting?
It obviously took an amount of energy to make this?
File: Nonon(Rage).jpg (77 KB, 499x499) Image search: [Google]
77 KB, 499x499
You date your sister? Incestuous fucking scum. At least jacking off to cartoon girls is more commendable than fucking your own flesh and blood.
File: elitism (2).jpg (531 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
elitism (2).jpg
531 KB, 1000x1000
Meh, I've run out of pastas to entertain you.

Have fun wasting your time.
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Must've been so angry you didn't read what I put. That lonely Virgin saved that pic of me and my gf, and said it was my sister Bc he's such a shut in that he is in disbelief that humans have intimate relationships. Fuckin weebs I swear
Hi atago
trips confirmed underage bote
Get out
Who cares about your bitch literally no one have a nice day
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TheWonderfulNui (189).jpg
253 KB, 720x963
Yeah, i must go in a bit however, but how about you?
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196 KB, 1260x712
dem satanic trips
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1 MB, 1600x1133
Just got back from drunk dog walking
Mmk see you later
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mhmm (ryukomytoy).gif
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I'm doing good. Just watching the peoples argue and training Nonon's account.
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Nah I think Imma stay
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
141 KB, 789x608
If this post ends in dubs, a third party will win the 2016 election.
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whaa (ryukomytoy).png
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> Implying they're other ways to walk a dog.
(just kidding good to hear you're back ;3)
Does anyone miss esdeath?
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Who invited mr idgaf ;)
Fuck you
I won't claim that I created the first Waifu thread, but I did create Waifus.
I invented Love. There's no deeper meaning to this. I literally invented Love and Waifus.
Looks like I'm a dumb pussy and it's time to off myself.
yes and no
File: TheWonderfulNui (112).png (574 KB, 546x720) Image search: [Google]
TheWonderfulNui (112).png
574 KB, 546x720
What would you mean by that?

I hope to speak of it later.
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Alice 54.jpg
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Hello Chen
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Ritsu (2).png
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I'm fine with you shitposting, but don't ever disrespect Viper's name.
I do, i could relate to him in some ways.
I forgot he was gone
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I mean Nonon's Runescape btw. Heheh
Not Chen. Just using a reaction image.

See you later.
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He was cute, in a hostile sort of way.
So, here's the question.
Your Waifu makes you food, but it tastes really shitty. Do you think you would be capable of convincing her you like it, or would she see through your act?
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Lol in a fight with my friend over some bs being drunk helps but bitches emotions man..
Oh when you get back?
Oh :(
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I'd just tell her it's bad.
>it was actually her late grandmother's recipe that was passed down to her
>she cries and yells that you hate her family
Nice fucking going.
Kidding, of course. Anyone that sensitive is clearly bitch-tier and not fit to be a Waifu.
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What level is it?
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Alice 48.jpg
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I seen you in the shrine threads. I missed your art
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My main level 96. Nonon's is level 61. Currently building so I can get Monkey Madness done for Nonon.
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Waifu Machine - Magic Beneath.jpg
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Well, I do have a story going.
And thank you, I know my art is the best thing ever, and I like that people can enjoy it.
But what's a shrine?
What's a curse?
Moorgibbon was very large. Maybe thirty times greater than Earth in volume and about fifteen times more massive. The larger bodies of grayish-white liquid (this liquid was fairly more viscous than water and a little less dense) were too numerous to be called oceans. It was common to find sharp, pronounced, yellow mountains around these not-quite-oceans but the canyons were typically a dark pink, and smoother in texture. When smaller versions these micro-oceans/mega-seas appeared in less rocky areas, they could be considered big ponds, lakes, and rivers.

These ponds, which showed up in the plains filled with bright red grass and dark red trees whose fluffy leaves grew from trunks of inconsistant color, were home to frogs. These frogs seemed reasonably intelligent, as they were able to entertain themselves and each other, usually with battle and song.

When a silvery creature with a squid's head and a horse's body crept up with great quickness and agility from a pond, I took a look and discovered this pond had an underground conncetion to one of the micro-oceans. It made sense why the squidhorse could only live in the micro-ocean, because the tint of brown there wasn't present in the ponds. It was essentially a saltwater fish. Except, when it became a slow, orange, blocky sort of warthog, it showed itself to be a shapeshifting creature.
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I don't really know what they actually call those threads, the one with the fortune teller
The new form of this organism showed interest in attacking the frogs and I decided to non-violently intervene. Imagine my surprise when, after teleporting the animal to the peak of that hill, it took merely a split second to use my same technique and return by my side!

The beast recieved a scolding from what seemed to be its master, who appeared near it and I just the same. This light green humanoid, posessing six arms, six legs, a rather energetic tail and a head that I insist kept no consistant shape, seemed to be the most intelligent life on this strange planet. Why, though, had I arrived here in the first place?

This question first entered my mind only when it was put there by the humanoid. Although the blue sun of this planet, which stayed in the sky longer than ours, was no indication of the passing of Earth days, I knew I had been here for quite some time. The humanoid initiated conversation, and what unfolded was stunning.
What's a fortune teller?
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I'd then tell her she cooked it wrong.
Then I'd hug her and say 'I'm sorry.'
Crisis averted.
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