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Ghost Stories, Supernatural, etc thread Scare me /b/

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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Ghost Stories, Supernatural, etc thread

Scare me /b/
Bump for fags
So sad. Self bumping, like your mother
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My mother is a saint
Checked good Sir
No keks. Just scares.
Checked em tho
The patron saint of fornication
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None of you fags got scary stories? Ghosts? Aliens? Kidnappers? Murderers? Dead bodies? Anything?
I got one
I saw a shooting star explode and crash three miles from my house a year ago
When I hiked out to it, there these tent things set up, and a lot of metal pieces. They were glowing red hot
Green text that shit
Like military tents? Was anyone else around?
And then these guys showed up. Really big guys. Russian. Spoke Russian and a bit of english

inb4 walked the dinosaur
(Mobile, bear with me)
They pointed these really big rifles at me when I took off my jacket, like they never saw me walk up. They kept saying this word. Bristch. Whatever that means. I put my hands up, and then a guy got shot
>be me
>be motorbike riding on private property and into national park.
>be like 30miles in to forestry.
>see wierd tents
>ride through and investigate
>no body around
>9 or 10 white tents with loads of pots and pans, some clothes on a makeshift clothes line, some other shit around.
>kinda creeped out i take off and head home
>next day take a bro out to show him
>its all gone
>friend is good tracker
>we find tracks
>looks like just foot prints
>we track for about an hour on foot and find the camp
>no one around again.
>bro is freaked out as fuck.
>we run back to the bikes and ride home
I saw the guy's head turn to fucking mist. There was this huge crack, and I fell to the ground. There was a lot of shooting. Never saw what happened after tear gas was launched, just started crawling. Crawled past a tent that had a biohazard sign on it
I looked in the tent, and saw a huge pile of junk, bits and pieces of metal on the table. Most of them were still glowing red.
> be me
> age 11
> wake up in the middle of the night
> man in a tricorn hat, holding up a piece of parchment
> man turns to show me the parchment
> it read "open the door, hit the floor, everyone do the dinosaur."
The fuck?

Where do you live? this sounds like pacific north west to me.
I crawled away, and went home. Never gone back since. Still don't know what bristch means, bit oh well
>get home and try and work out what the fuck was going on.
>thinking it must be a cult
>plan to sneak up on them
>few days later we ride about 25 miles in
>walk until we get close
>can see a few people 35 - 40 year olds
>see some kids playing next to 1 tent.
>we watch for about hour as they clean clothes in a bucket and the kids play
>as we head back we laugh about how strange it was.
>we get back to the bikes and 1 has been destroyed, tires are punctured fuel tank has a hole, throttle and brake cables cut, other bike has got blood streaked across the plastic gaurd.
>we freak the fuck out and both get on the good bike and haul ass the fuck away.
More to come....
Everyone has a sixth sense, but we just call it ''instinct''. Not to be confused with logic, but instinct is actually a sense of you cannot see but feel. Like for when you are going to bet the fastest horse in a race, when you are about to make a big jump. You see its natural. But due to our sedentary life, the instinct itself is turned off until we need it, so we need it, and pay closer attention to those details around us. Like that time you give your first kiss. You didn't know you were going to kiss her and yet you did it. Or like that time, you didn't go thru that dark street. It is empty, and certainly dark, and of course the shortest path to your destination, so what does stop you from going thru that dark street, when its logically your best shot? or like right now, when you are so distracted reading that you didn't pay attention to the chill on your back, or those steps outside of the room?
Kek cultists just scored a brand new bike.
>be me, 19/20
>Been with gf for 2 years (since HS)
>Argue frequently
>Apply fr colleges, get accepted into one about four hours from home, gf gets accepted as well
>Hell yeah.jpg
>A few months go by, we get settled in to school
>Gf lives in dorm, I have apartment
>We decide to go back to hometown for the weekend to see our families
>Don't leave til real late at night, four hour drive
>On the way we start arguing
>She's driving, her car
>Argument gets heated, she pulls the car over and tells me to get out at some random small-town gas station at 3am
>She gets really mad, screaming at me in this gas station parking lot
>The gas station is closed fyi
>Only car in parking lot
>She continues screaming, demanding I get out if the car
>I refuse
>She says fuck it and gets out and starts walking around the gas station
>Im like whatever, she'll be back
>20 mins passes, she doesn't come back
>I get out and go look for her, don't see her
>Start screaming her name
>Start getting worried
>Do this for like ten minutes
>Still don't see or hear her
>Start freaking out
>Finally, she comes running, like RUNNING from around the gas station crying
>I run up to her, still freaking out
>what's wrong, I'm sorry
>We get back in car
>She cries for a minute before telling me some nigger asked her for money, she said no, then he tried to grab her and she ran
>I feel like a piece of shit
You feel like a piece of shit?
Dude she would have fuckin left you there, get real.
Probably True but I loved that bitch at the time
what the fuck do you have a typewriter?
hurry the fuck up faggot
it probably never even happened faggot.
girls love making shit up to make guys feel bad, and it usually occurs after they don't get their way.
Who knows. It was weird tho

comeon dude. really think about it. you mean to tell me at 3AM with no other cars or people around there was one lonely nig nog there to bother your girlfriend?
i don't buy it.
niggers are monkeys, not ghouls.
Yeah I was about to say the same, Fuck that lady.
i will be a bald
did you have 'sorry you almost got raped by a nigger' make-up sex?
>living on an old scientology campus
>used to be a trauma center waaaay back
>heard rumors it was haunted but whatever
>one night - laying in bed listening to music
>roommate in shower
>three knocks on bedroom door
>no response
>open door
>nobody there
>go back to laying in bed
>*knock* *knock* *knock*
>no response
>go to door
>nobody there again
>decide to stand by door
>minute goes by
>swing door open immediately
>nobody there
>go outside until roommate gets out of shower
>tell him about it
>he says that happened to him last night
Yeah it seems like bs but her reaction is what made me believe her. She was terrified. I had been with her for 2 years before that happened and 2 more years after that and I had never seen her that scared. And we had a lot of other fights too.
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bumping, muh negros

>later that night
>falling asleep
>hear loud noise
>decide to check it out
>water bottle was across the room
>put it back
>try to go back to sleep
>hear another crash
>get up again
>my books and papers are scattered everywhere
>fuck that place
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>be me
>be into graffiti tagging
>with friend who doesn't really care
>tells me about an abandoned morgue that got stripped and left without being knocked down
>I tell him to show me where it is so I can practise my throw up

>30 minutes of walking and we're finally in this estate
>the building feels like it's in the middle of nowhere, there's barely anything surrounding it apart from broken fencing and a few trees and grass patches here and there
>climb and wall and head for a fire escape staircase and climb in through the window
>just see shit you'd normally find in a half knocked down building, rubble and shit nothing new
>decide to explore a bit before I start tagging
>walk out into hallway and into another room
>what the actual fuck
>about 3 dozen fire extinguishers just lying there
>still full of foam
pic related
Yeah. I always wanted to have sex after we fight because it kinda made me feel like we made up... Like she wouldn't fuck me if she was still mad right?
you mean matron? patron is for males
Hubbard chose you.
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>get back to my place and ride bike into garage.
>bro drives home and grabs his rifle comes back and we set up for the night just in case
>unlikely they would follow us 20miles out but still.
>call a few friends and head out the next morning
>can get most of the way in a car
>get most of the way there only maybe 5 miles form there camp.
>2 guys stayed with the car to be safe.
>me and bro head towards the camp, i take my bow and a few gallon of gas and he has rifle and pistol.
>we make a bit of noise on the way in this time.
>get to camp and its empty as expected.
>fuck these fuckers, we start throwing gas around the camp and light it up.
>we laugh and call out to them but non of them come out.
>tents are burn and so are most of the supplies.
>decide to head back to the car
>Fucking car is gone
>4 pm in afternoon.
>try calling friends but niether answer.
>haul ass
>we run for first 5 miles
>quick break and slower jog.
>dark and fuck, only light is on phone and small key chain torch.
>we stop and swear we can hear somthing
>fuck it keep walking
>tired as fuck we are pretty slow at this point
>can still hear somthing following us.
>bro fires a few shots out to the bush.
>after about 30 minuts of walking we hear screams from behind us
>Panic and run again
>sprint for fucking ever.
>getting close to home we calm down and little and jog the last few miles.
>we get home and lock the door and decide to take turns sleeping.
>i crash first get a few hours then bro does.
>next morning we head over to friends place to kick his ass for leaving us there
>roll up to his house and they are both there
>both looked like they had seen ghosts.
>they tell us that the cult all came up to the car and threw jars of blood at them and they thought is was ours. so they got the fuck out of there.
>this was over a year ago and i still haven't been back out there.
You kill?
Dope, short, like it.

Mini-greentext for my one encounter with the "supernatural".

>be me
>like 8 or something I think
>sleep with door open, i was the only one that did
>bed is on wall adjacent to door, my room is at top of the stairs
>that means I can see maybe the first four stairs, but looking at them at an angle so I mostly see the wall
>used to always leave hall light on cause I got spooked easily as a kid, stayed up late too
>just in bed one night, think I hear something downstairs
>definitely hear something
>hear footsteps coming up stairs
>nearly frozen with fear, start to see a shadow coming up the wall on the stairs
>muster up the courage to say "mom?"
>shadow stops, then quickly descends down the stairs
>didn't sleep that much

I got chills writing that, not too scary for you anons maybe, but holy shit it terrifies me to this day.
>moved to my first house
>old farmhouse
>middle of nowhere
>handful of people killed themselves there
>front of house has creepy vibe to it
>never be in there alone
>friends say they hear voices in there
>decide to play ouija in there
>going good - all fun
>forget to close board one night
>dogs start going apeshit all the time
>cats won't come in the house anymore
>chilling with friends around 3am
>get voicemail
>no call
>3 minutes of mumbling
>last 30 seconds of girl screaming for help
>all my nope
>start getting intense sleep paralysis & EHS
>hit huge depression
>leave the house
>everything is good
Saint suck
Plot twist i am part of the cult now.
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Jesus Christ. Where was this again?
were you home alone?
fuck dude you should have taken some of those!
the big ones especially aren't fuckin cheap
On meth few years ago
Unaturally hungry
Make ramen in microwave
Stare in a trance and the spinning plate
Waiting for the 3 Minute mark
Haven't slept in 2 days easy
I hear a giant fucking stomp right behind me
Wood floors
Turn around
Nothing but 2 flies buzzing around srpint back to friends room
Felt an evil presence
Called mom up and left my bike there
Finally shows up
Felt a powerful evil behind me as I left
Came back next day sober
Explained situation to parents/dealers
Tell me about ghost
Show me picture of friend with giant black figure behind him in the same kitchen
Been a believer ever since
Everyone was asleep, it was probably past 12 am. I know for sure it wasn't any of my family down for a snack.
i was walking once in the country side looking at the stars telling myself how little shit we are when suddenly a bigass fucking green laser appeard for a second
Northern area of yellow stone
Stop posting fake stories.
Prepare to be scared!
And then.... HONK HONK! The car honked it's own horn![/spoiler]
thats pre creepy
i used to stay in a dormatory as a child
and know what its like to be up alone and the matrons walking into our rooms around 2am on checks
it would creep me out as a kid, dont know why

I pick up dead bodies all night.
I'm taking a shit in a funeral home right now.
It's not that spooky.
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>whatever seen stranger shit when out and about
>friend is pretty nervous at this point
>can't have him bailing on me now
>decide to distract him by spraying some of it at him
>it works and he chills out
after fucking around and tagging a few walls I go deeper into the building
>see double doors with the authorisation signs
>broken police tape covering the handles with one door ajar
>lol fuck it
>go in and its dark as fuck
>check out the sanitiser dispenser on the wall
>turn around
>FIND ME tagged in fat capital letters on the wall
>even I was weirded out at this point but tell friend it's just someone fucking around and people pull this shit all the time
>push on into another room and find where they would have laid dead bodies before 'filing' them
>friend noping the fuck out at this point but I manage to convince him to join me on the roof through the fire escape
>do a piece on the rooftop and sit for a smoke break and take a look around
>fair weather, you could have heard a fuckin pin drop
>when we were done just got the fuck out of there

It was pretty strange but nothing too noteworthy I guess.

Looking back I didn't get why there were just loads of fire exstinguishers stored in a room, maybe another anon could weigh in on this?

ehh all I had was a carrier bag and we went their on foot
even if I wanted one I cbf carrying that shit around me without a backpack or anything

Pic related is a photo of some of the surroundings.. It was a real shithole
Not fucking terrifying but

>Be me
>Be 13
>In bed trying to sleep
>Feeling uneasy as fuck, in a way I'd never felt
>sit up and try to shake it off
>Turn around, see something scurry up the wall
>Huge pussy, hate reptiles and insects
>promptly get the fuck out of my room
>Go toward the TV room to get some water
>Still feeling uneasy as fuck
>Mother and brother are in there
>Mother is saying the Rosary
>Brother (who is older) is curled up
>They both tell me they couldn't shake this feeling of dread
>Sit down with them
>Say Rosary
>Eventually fall asleep
>Feeling is gone the next day, and forever onward

House was never haunted, no one ever died in it. Was just fucking freaky as all hell.
Fake and gay.

You walked 20 miles before it got dark? Really?
far away from a hydrant maybe? idfk
>saying the rosary
wtf is this pagan-sounding shit?
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Do people actually believe in ghosts? There's always a logical explanation to what happened in these stories.
Mom is pretty religious and at the time I was fucking 13

Pray = whatever the fuck was happening would go away
I guess it must be a Catholic thing, didn't realize Protestants didn't do it.
>pagan-sounding shit
oh fuck off retard
Yep. Catholic, but by title alone nowadays.

Typically I don't give a fuck either way
lol you must not be american

the rosary is a calming technique that used to be taught in gym class up until 5th grade

It basically involves stretching and whispering with your eyes shut and its supposed to calm you down but it never worked. I remember doing it on penis inspection day hoping I would pass and wouldn't get into trouble
>15 years ago
>in house on my own
>sitting on toilet, taking a dump
>go to wipe, nothing on the tissue
>took a look down the toilet, nothing there
To this day I swear I took a shit. Later realised it was a spooky GHOSTPOO
I guess I'm an uncultured, godless fuck but I imagined that as you just saying the word 'rosary'. I thought it was funny.
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Druid detected

Oh so it's just a specific prayer? Oh shit so they were all afraid then? How big was this creature?
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more stories
You weren't eating enough fibre so it was too solid and heavy to float so it just went straight down the u bend.

Eat healthier you fat fuck

This reminds me of a story a friend of mine told me once

>she lived in an appartment on her own
>one night she hears something in the house
>she was scared so she stayed in her room
>nextday she goes to the bath
>the f00king toilet seat was up
You're too fucking right I'm not american. If there's one thing that would make me believe in a God, it's that I wasn't born in the USA, because that would just be fucked.

Penis inspection day sounds fun though lmao.
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WOOOOW! that story really gave me the chills! Do you have any other stories?
Nice meme, but my samefag senses are tingling.
Fucking kek
Couldn't have been more than a foot long. I just saw something scurry up the wall and booked it.

The rosary is a catholic thing that consist of the "mysteries"

One Our Father, Ten Hail Mary's. Repeat over and over.

Basically she was praying HARD. My brother apparently came to her in the middle of the night and woke her up, then she started to feel whatever the fuck it was, then about 10 minutes later, I came outside freaked.
See some really scary and weird shit and come back, and lets talk.
The dude is bullshitting lol, rosary is a prayer, not a stretching technique.

And no, we don't have penis inspection day either.
> Be me
> In house no one else there
> hear scratching on the wall
> look at wall
> writing appears on wall.
> first letter O

> second letter P

> then it just spells out OP is a faggot.
> Spooked.gif

In case you didnt get it anon it means somebody was in fact in the house the previous night
>sounds fun
dude it was no joke

one year I didn't wash enough and I got suspended for 2 fucking week... that gym teacher was a real POS
they're not worth that much plus they're old as shit probably long expired and worthless
Holy shit /b/ro that's actually quite spooky. I don't necessarily believe in ghosts or anything (despite my grandad having a fucking book written about his famous hauntings), but I do know of a couple of stories that make me feel like there's someone behind me.
Any idea what it was? Did your family ever bring it up again? Sorry for all the questions but it's interesting.

kek, thanks anon, I figured as much. penis inspection day is totally real though /b/ro. our gym teacher used to give us private 1-on-1 inspections every thursday!
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nice try spidey
your friends parents are meth dealers? also that shit plus sleep deprivation are an easy way to hallucinate

DEBUNKED not spoopy

get help
Oh man, you never heard of penis inspection day???

Lets play spot the yuropoor lmfao

>we don't have penis inspection day either
I can tell you're a millenial... Jeez. Bunch of newfags and eurofags ITT

Then again it is a SP00K thread so what did I expect?
I'm sorry you were molested anon.
Sit the fuck down i got an actual story. Bear with me im on mobile

>be me
>friends and i have been planning a trip to the beach for months
>we're supposed to be staying at this plantation near the beach
>Arrive to the plantation. Place is cozy and theres a barn
>got a shotgun in the car and a friend has a .32 with him.
>first day is chill
>friend who is relative to the owners tell us that the area is supposed to house a covenant of witches and that locals sometimes report seeing monsters that seem like hybrids
>apparently its the witches shapeshifting

It's alright bruv. To be honest, we never really talked about it after that. On the drive to the airport the other day, I remembered it and brought it back up for the first time in years, to my mom who was driving me, and she remembered it pretty clearly. She didn't have any explanation about it, but being super-religious she brushed it off as the work of the devil, and that because we prayed, whatever it was went away.

Honestly it could have been my kid imagination running shadows up my wall, but I honestly think there was something there. It was about 11 years ago so my memory of it isn't 100%.

Other than that, never really talked about it.
Over the addiction now and have done a lot more with less sleep I was still feeling pretty fresh

Sure, why not
You wrote like six lines faggot just keep fucking going
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If that is enough to get "molested" then if your mother ever changed your diaper when you were a kid I guess you got molested too
More stories fags
no waaaay... this is a thing in murica?

no wonder you burgerboys are so fucked in the head and commit so many school shootings....

holy shit lmao
Better get those samefag senses checked there buddy
Yes, there have been other spooky happenings. I swear the laundry room in my house is haunted.
>wash clothes in washing machine
>once wash is finished I take clothes out but one of the socks is missing.
I swear I put the pair in. Spoke to the wife and she says it happens a lot. Only explanation is SOCKGHOSTS.
Another spooky story from when I was a kid
>come home from school early
>hear spooky ghost moaning sounds coming from upstairs
>very scared but pluck up courage to shout upstairs
>spooky moaning stops
>I'm scared and run into the kitchen
>couple of minutes later I hear something run down the stairs and the front door open
>I go into the hallway and the front door is open
>call to mum and she comes to the top of the stairs
>her hair is all messed up, looks scared like she saw a spooky ghost
>ask if she saw the ghost
>she says what are you talking about and tells me not to talk about it to dad (think it's definitely a ghost and dad is scared of spooky ghosts too)
>dad comes home and we have dinner
>tell dad about the spooky happenings at the dinner table
>next day dad disappears
>he must have been taken by the ghosts

Wow I've had a lot of spooks in my life!
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When i was moving out, a few months back, i was driving my car and i saw a dead body, not spooky, but memorable, i guess.
What the fuck is this retarded shit lol

I'll admit I've never been through a penis inspection, but neither has anyone else I know. Did you go to a really religious school?

Just wanna make sure people are reading.

>so appatently its witches land
>go to the nearby town later to buy supplies
>friend asks about witches story to the storeowner
>storeowner is sone typical smalltown citizen
>says the stories are real and that his grandpa was a witchhunter
>apparently one the witches transform into some gorilla-like monster
>tell us to stay inside at night if we hear something and to throw salt around if we feel its too close
>if all else fail "stab it with a silver pole"
>friend gets paranoid af and takes a silver pole that had a shower curtain on it once we arrive at the plantation
>we're a group of 6 people btw
>its already nightfall
wut, never had one of those aside from a physical in middle school.
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>Be me
>asleep at night
>hear a bunch of noise coming from kitchen
>like an idiot, i realize it's just the dog getting into the trash
>call dog an asshole, clean trash, and go back to bed
>while laying in bed, remember i dont have a dog
>run out to kitchen to find nothing but my kitchen
>decide to go for a walk and get some fresh air
>leave house and lock door
>walk for two minutes, find my dog wandering around and getting into shit
>called him over to me and he ran the other way
>"i dont need a dog anyway"
>walk some more
>get two minutes away from home and realize i forgot my keys
>turn the door knob and it opens
>turns out my mom heard me leave the house and unlocked the door because i always forget my keys
>tell her thanks and say goodnight
>lay in bed and remember that my mom has been dead for 5 years
>say fuck it and go to bed anyways
>wake up and everything is back to normal

wow what a crazy night i had
Newfagging this fucking hard. Jesus fucking Christ guys. You're the reason I want to kill myself
You want something scary? How's this:
By the end of November Hillary Rodham Clinton may be able to access nuclear weapons.
>John E. Dong
Yep, believable
>Old thread that died
>>Need honest opinions /b/ros.
>be 16
>meet up with my friend make
>he invites 2 other females over
>one of them is the cousin of who I lost my vCard too.
>all get wasted
>both of us have a girl
>start fucking our girls respectively
> girl with jake says dick is too big
>they stop
>cumming so much in my girl I'm positive they're ghost loads by this point
>ask if her friend wants to join
>says sure
>Jake just sitting on bed staring at opposite wall
>fucking my girl and fingering her friend
> all of us cum
>go to bed make breakfast in morning
>never really talk to either again regardless of my girls effort ton contact me
>shit was cash
>>Now to my question!
>Did I or did I not have a threesome?
I seek your unmatched wisdom in this matter.
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fuck it, this thread is garbage, just like /x/
Please keep your americuck faggotry to yourself ITT, anon. Nobody is interested in paying $500,000 to have an x-ray. Don't you have a flag you should be worshipping? Or a conglomerate government institution you should be paying? How much does it cost to have the flu in the USA? How are you enjoying those 39h/week part time jobs, the zero hour contracts and the daily school shootings? How are you liking your presidential clowns?

kek I'm sorry, I could go on and on but i was about to go to bed. You americans make me laugh. I'm in the USA atm but hoooooooooooooooooooooooly fucking shitballs I can not for the life of me understand why anybody here has even the slightest shred of patriotism. It'd actually be laughable if it weren't so fucking sad.

Goodnight /b/ro
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Define 'religious' because I just went to an ordinary high school in SoCal where this shit was the norm

I consider being forced to recite the pledge of allegiance from an early age at school to be pretty "religious" to the point of zealotry

Yeah dude, in some schools you couldn't graduate without one

ignore >>708353940
he's just probably grumpy that his man handled dick is still sore from it

Maybe you should have kept it in better condition amigo!
Gr8 b8 m8
Top fucking kek m8
>10/10 post
thats not scary

thats comforting
>Someone's going to blow me the fuck out next post like Germany did to us in WW2, better leave.

While trying to sleep, my cat(Chip) was growling at who knows what and the only time he growls is when my other cat is near him, but he was already asleep and no where near, that already freaked me out enough. You know how people say cats scare away spirits or whatever? That's all i kept thinking off, i tried ignoring him, then few minutes later i heard the door open, i nearly shit myself but i told myself i didnt close the door right and my cat opened it up with his nails. Few seconds after that i got these chills starting from my feet all the way up to my head. I didn't want to move at all and as much as i wanted to scream out for my mom I didn't. Eventually I fell asleep.

I'm bad at telling stories, but that was the very first time something like that has ever happened to me. Everyone in my family has had weird things happen to them but me, until that day. It was nothing compared to everyone else's
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kek, do it you little molested fuckboi.
>15 years ago
>Sitting on toilet
>plane comes crashing through bathroom
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doubtless of how fresh you felt your ass was still high on meth and sleep deprived - hallucinating is a common side effect and is more than likely what happened

not hallucinating while you were more fucked up than that doesn't discount this
If you really think I'm going to read all that shit then you clearly don't know my english test scores

But other than that I'll give some of this gay shit the once over and say this: when I'm packing a pristine pecker in my pants, you better believe your bitch is going to leave your fat eurotrash ass for someone with a more A E S T H E T I C superior cut dick like mine over a anteater like yours.

And it's all thanks to penis inspection day
You're a boner
How? You're going to have a mentally ill woman, who multiple sources have confirmed has fits of rage, sitting next to weapons that can end most life on the planet as we know it. She hates one of our biggest allies and is fucking up relations with them as we speak by blaming them for doing something she did. If she gets in office Global Thermonuclear War begins within her first term. How is that comforting?
as a murikan, I agree. I literally can't go to a doctor to get treatment for a potential blood clot after having stroke like symptoms because I'm a poor college student. fuck this country.
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Mind you this happened in latin america and we got a legend called "la mona", sme say its the devil some say its a witch (the monkey) it basically fits the description of the monster so we're sure theyre talking about it.

>already nightfall
>we're just talking smack in the living room
>its about 12 am
>everyones laughing
>suddenly hear a huge fucking blow in the roof as if something jumped on it.
>friends get freaked out
>go out for the shotgun
>see something rapidly moving towards the barn
>animals near the barn start going crazy
>we all come outside
>me with a shotgun. One friend with the 32 and another one with the silver pole and the rest of people with salt
>approach the barn scared as fuck
>open the door and check it
>animals still fucking crazy
>suddenty something fucking burst from a haypile
>fast as fuck didnt see fucking shit
2 of the girls run away scared shitless
>fucking blow up a shell because i got scared as well
>friend shoots at roof
>a fucking crushed bullet falls down from the roof
>hear this ungodly screech
>go outside and start fucking shooting at the air
>whatevers out there is trying to avoid our shots
>see some silhoutte jump back into the barn
>see through a small crack on a plank. Thd thing is inside
>friend with the pole rams it through the crack
>an even fucking worse screech is heard
>something fucking sounded like an explosion
>saw the shadow fucking jump out almost at the speed of light and into the trees nearby.
>call it a fucking night and go back to the house of course we didnt get any sleep that nighr
>go check the barn in the morning
>theres a blood trail
>we follow it
>trail ends near the trees
>its A LOT of blood. Nothing could have survived that
>see that the tracks in the ground get progressively smaller until theyre almost invisible
>as if something suddenly reduced in size a lot
>packed everything and get the fuck out of the place

And thats why I fucking avoid remote farmhouses to this fucking day
you're a meth head
far better than Trump
Sorry bro but that's the most frightening thing I can think of at the moment.
this spread of misinformation hurts my science
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what are ya doing on the internet?

Sell your $2k gaming rig and pay for treatment and put the rest towards a laptop so you can shitpost and be healthy

Better yet put the money towards something else so we don't have to read your lo-energy commie posts, paco.
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who the fuck uses silver for a shower curtain rod? NOBODY THATS WHO
Ex can you not read retard
>Trumpsterfire fanboy detected
What do you have against hard working Asians earning an honest living?

wow, how embarrassing. In america, there are more fat people than there are people.

Also gf is american and loves my non-jewish cock.

Sorry to hear about that, anon. It really is a fucking joke. I can not even fathom why anybody thinks it's even remotely acceptable for you to pay for medical treatment. Like, wtf planet is everyone living on? I can go on a month-long drug binge and stab myself whilst simultaneously requesting a sex change and get all that treatment for free. I hope you are okay, anon. That kind of appalling treatment is not what the USA was founded on. Godspeed, anon.
Just a pic I found in a creepy thread a while back

My shower rod is made of silver. Probably not pure but its still silver
As a businessman Trump knows how to work foreign relations. It'd be bad business for him to fuck the country up as bad as Obama did and Hillary will. I don't believe he will do less then half the things he claims he will do but at least he will not be the calamity that Hillary will. Hillary will leave us in financial and social ruin. Trump will not. If you can't see that you're either being paid to troll us by CTR (That is what I hope),or you're mentally ill and should get some serious help.

Noise. More like this.

Also get the fuck out of the thread polifags
top kek tweaker
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Jesus Christ you trump Hillary fags ruin everything
>mfw I use a laptop because I need it for coding and modelling at STEM school while surviving off of $10 a week
It's either hope my health lasts until I can land a sustaining job or become immediately unable to afford a roof over my head.
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Enjoy paying MORE in taxes for """Free""" healthcare than you would with our superior system

You see kid, the way it is now is I don't have to pay taxes towards every jamal or paco injuring themselves in gang warfare, and I have more money at the end of the day as a result.

But I can tell you're just a butthurt burnout who is angry that he is a poorfag who can't afford medicare
GTFO back to /x/ then you massive faggots.
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this thread is kill
damn but trump is a nigger faggot tho

on some real shit his policy plans are actually retarded they would fuck up the country faster than you to cum while fucking your sister
Once upon a time, a demon came in to my room and ate my cookies. It farted and made my cabinet doors shut loudly.
>be me
>friends and i decide to steal alcohol from my friends parents and get drunk in the woods
>friend steals his parents alcohol
>friends say theyre sleeping at my house, i say at theirs
>we meet up and wonder into the woods
>not too many trees i guess, but a lot
>i guess they're like normal woods i guess
>so anyways we find a spot where theres already a few shitty chairs and a fire pit
>hang out and get really drunk off of my friends parents bottle of vlad
>friend throws up
>hear rustling coming from the woods
>oh yeah we lit a fire too by the way
>anyways hear rustling from woods
>"oh shit whats that"
>"probably an animal"
>"lol we're in the fuckin woods"
>we figured it would be more scared of us then we were of it
>boy oh boy were we wrong
>it was an animal
>actually three of them
>they drove their van towards us really fast and chased us all down and kidnapped us
>they put blindfolds over us and start raping us
>feel sharp pain in my rectum
>i struggle a bit and manage to get free of my blindfold
>all three of these creatures had taken their faces off and were just really ugly people underneath
>they knock all of us out
>wake up next morning in woods where our fire pit was
>head pounding
>still a sharp pain in my bum
>friend goes "nice tail faggot"
>turns out they turned me into a werewolf
>also its really hard to function in normal society as a werewolf
>yeah thats all it was super spooky
>surviving on $10 a week
>pays to go to stem school
You can't have it all bro

Maybe you should have spent a couple of years saving before you started studying so that you don't have to live like that
trump is a big baby

anyways, hillary will get in the white house and you're just going to have to deal with that fact

im not voting for either of them
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I hope you get raped by a clown
Clinton clearly dominates in the foreign relations department

Sure thing, fag. Why don't you travel a little bit?
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Well just fucking great. Another original thread thats about to get shouted out by dumbfuck yanks and shills that are leaking out of their containment board.

This guy is right
He hasn't even put forth any really policy plans other that repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act and BUILD A WALL AND MAEK MESSICO PAY FOR IT.
Idk why you fags give a fuck about the election anyway. You're all a bunch of cuckfags that don't leave the house anyway. Gtfo and go fap to Loli or [insert any faggot anime]
>on meth
Welp guess everything you hear and see is irrelevant
Alium detec'd
Go back to /pol/ you fuckin dipshit, or at least a /pol/ related thread

fucking shill.
> IN A car with brother going to 10 penny bridge
> "haunted bridge" you take 10 pennies in a line and leave the lights on the car but the car is off
> do that
> try to start car, car wasn't starting lights shut off
> got out sprayed some ether in the intake fired up no headlights
> grabed flashlight opened the hood
> penny on the air cleaner, shine light where we lined the pennies up, only one was left
> got the fuck out of there and one we got off the bridge headlights came on
Needless to say I shit my pants
Please be paid. I hope to God you're paid.
god is dead speed sucker
We don't need "dominant" people running this country, that's what fucked up the middle east and is going to cause WW3 with Russia if we aren't careful

We need a president who can actually negociate
>be me
>five minutes ago
>find spoopy thread on the ol' four channel
>read some good stories
>find more political fags that care for some reason that end up derailing thread
>look up
>see a rope tied in a noose hanging above me
>quick write this post
>solve captcha
>place rope around neck
>one foot on chair
>other foot hovering over left mouse button which is hovered over 'Post'
>later /b/

im sorry I dont understand the reference
Go the fuck back to plebbit you normie retards.
dude I can assure you its not 100% pure

silver is a terrible material choice for a shower rod

pic & timestamp if that shit is over a year old it would be rusted as hell
Degrees are needed for everything not freelanced now, literally found janitor listings requiring associate degrees.

Also my school is considered the most rigorous for its cost. in a small shitstain of a town surrounded by dessert so military has lots of partnerships here.
>There are technically nukes within a mile from campus and incurable epidemic level diseases kept in fridges on campus

good night sweet prince
you'll be missed
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Fucking /pol fags
Newfag detected
This happened earlier today, not that great but here it goes
>sitting on the computer playin vidya
>feel a cool breeze
>figure AC came on
>dad comes out right as it happens
>says he saw a shadow walk behind me towards the front door
voting is funny

You hate trump?
A. A vote for third party is a vote for trump
B. No vote is a vote for trump
C. A vote for trump is a vote for trump

Multiple choice /b/. One of these answers is right, but they're all wrong. Who was the right answer?
No jesus christ look at her experience with top level foreign negotiation you could not ask for better experience
Whats degenerate about spraying paint around an abandoned hospital m8?
> be 12 or so
> brother moved out so I take his room
> first week... hear noise coming from floor to the left of my bed
> sounds like stomach rumbles
> not me
> whatever
> makes noise again
> still not me wtf
> scared now
> does it one more time , then go to sleep afraid
> next night, noise happens again
> repeats and notice a pattern
> noise--->few sec silence-->noise--->few sec silence----> noise ---> about a min of silence then it repeats
> 3 sets of 3. still get chills thinking about it while typing this shit out.
> if still awake after 40 mins or so ---3 sets of 3 again
> stopped after 4th night
> never found out what it was
Trump. Negotiate?


Maybe you're just a moron?
Sorry to hear that. Murica sounds more like a meritocracy every day
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how's about you lick my fucking taint you degenerate waste of oxygen shitstain that should've been swallowed at birth and shit into a fucking sewer.
Just fucking deny these faggotsm do not quote their posts and stay on topic.

>be me
>work at a big shop
>its winter so that means a fuckload of broken cars
>really need some extra cash to buy christmas stuff for my family
>shop is crowded with cars
>offer myself to stay after closing and work with the cars to ease the load.

>we got a backoffice with a bunk and a tv and its freezing outside. Too dangerous to drive home so I tell the boss im gonna stay the night
>guy trusts me so he lets me stay
>on my own at the shop
>cant sleep so keep working on cars
>get a nissan sentra on the hydraulic lift
>lift it
>start working on the exhaust
>Feel uneasy, ambient is heavy
>i dont know why
>feel as if im being watched
>the bunkbed made a lot of noise when somebody was on it btw
>and I can fucking hear it from the lift
>fucking freeze im scared shitless
>see something move super fast in tje corner of my eye
>look and theres nothing
>the fucking lift starts going down
>bolt the fuck away from it i dont wanna get crushed
>i trust a hydraulic lift more than some people
>the only way to fucking lower one of those is by pushing the button and pulling a lever or straight up blow it up with an actual explosive
>something activated the lift that night
>i was alone
>never tell anything to boss
>never fucking stay there overnight again
In what part of my post did I mention Trump?

This is some crazy pre-emptive damage control you got going on.
one would assume it's bruch meaning breach
Enjoyed the story, OP. :)
>this is what trump supporters believe

i dont want hillary to become POTUS, but its gonna be nice when i drink the tears of the broken trump voters after the election
sweet sweet nectar
>tfw electoral votes

shut up faggots, this country only has the illusion of democracy. your opinion, while you are entitled to it, literally does not matter
That's fucking spooky.
Love how you reditards aren't actually denying it. Fuck off with your shitposting and don't come back.

,also dem dubs tho
What you're saying is that this sentiment is completely unrelated to the election aka IRRELEVANT. gtfo with your hypotheticals

which are trash btw, we have extremely skilled negotiators and Obama certainly isn't a warhawk

you really think Russia would follow the logic of a more passive negotiator? Or Assad?
>implying I don't use reddit for select things
>implying I didn't start here first
fuck off and die.
Noice. What do u think it was?
You're not paid? Really? Other than being a Democrat what mental illness do you have?
Your newfag is showing anon
>be me
>29 years old and coming up to my 30th birthday
>arrange party
>birthday is just under a week before halloween so we decide to take a 2 day camping trip a day before halloween
>sat around the campfire with my buds drinking beer and reminiscing
>subject eventually gets onto creepy stories of shit that happened when we were younger
>guy says 'scare me boys'
>start telling a story
>hear a rustle in the bushes and I get the guys to hush
>out pops a bunch of sweaty, unwashed degenerates wearing various slogans like MAGA and wearing pro trump and pro hillary garb
>they start shouting at eachother and a fight breaks out
>me and buds just sat watching with disgusted faces
Well, thanks a lot /b/. Thanks a real fucking lot.

All I wanted was for a semi-decent thread to rise above all the shill and political horseshit that is spoonfed to people in America and what do I get? Yep. A /pol/ karambwan fuckfest. On my 30th birthday. Thanks a fucking lot!
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well OP, fucking shillary and drumpt /pol/ fuckers have taken the thread.

time to abandon.
>using reddit ever

Allright, what you're going to need is a plastic tube, a car and some sleeping pills. Just run the tube from the tailpipe of the car into the window, make sure the rest of the windows are closed. Then turn on the car, give it a few good revs and take a sleeping pill. Clean and almost perfect suicide.
It's almost like your contributions aren't related to this fucking thread aka IRRELEVANT. gtfo with your two party system

which is trash btw, we have extremely fair elections and Europe certainly isn't a orwellian shithole

you really think anybody gives a shit about your two-bit politics? or America in general?
Not a very good one if you're voting for Hillary. I bet it's paranoid schizophrenia.
You learned that from Reddit didn't you?

Stfu newfag. Your a shitty troll
Thanks now i cant sleep.
>being a newfag ever
fuck off
Most of the time the fire extinguishers are leased. When that morgue left, they where asked to place the fire extinguishers together so that the owner company wouldnt have a hard time finding them all and also so that the morgue owners can confirm that all bottles are accounted for. You must replace the ones that are stolen. THe gov usually compensates you in tax rebates for whatever it was you paid on your lease.

Oh and how do I know this?

Because I work for a fire extinguisher company and this is what we do.
Ah, good one newfriend.

I have no idea. Ive always been an sceptic. We had a coworker who wss some illegal guy from el salvador, he was very quiet and had like 2 friends in the shop. The guy left and his friends started the rumour tht he had killed a girl and hid the body in a client's trunk. Never really believed they were serious but after that shit happened, your mind starts looking for every possible explanation.
>Implying I can only vote for two people
fucking faggot

Enjoy choosing your flavour or shit sandwhich inbred mongoloid fuckface
Sorry about your mental disability anon. Hope you can get better healthcare when Trump comes into office.
I'm not implying I'm telling shit stick, there are only 2 people to choose and anyone else is little more than a distraction.
Its prayer beads. My italian roman catholic mom and gam gam start rosary-ing for everything.

I realized that when I used to do it as a kid it was almost a form of meditation.

Anyway, fuck bitches, make money fam.
Oh shit, well thanks for that man.
Is any part of this true? Are you even 18?

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OP here, leaving thread.. to many pol fags. Until next time anons
Your tears will be delicious.
Shoulda just gone to /x/.
i will not be lurking as well

im out

i am going to enjoy it, when trump loses
These threads used to be as prolific as trap threads, I hope spoopy threads come back for the rest of october
That's the most frightening thing in this thread. Hope you know where your public fallout shelters are. Remember 640 and 1240 AM is for CONELRAD.
keep spreading this misinfo

the truth is that the republican and dem candidates are some of the most hated and polarising figures in US election history. GoP higher ups are openly endorsing Shillary, on the other hand millions are dissillusioned with the same old establishment shit that has plagued America since the end of WW2 AND on top of this you have bernouts angry that their candidate was effectively cheated out of nomination, and then gets on his old knees to suck the teat of the the democratic party by endorsing Hillary. He exposed himself as a supporter of what he purportedly stood against, and now people who are tired of the same shit but don't want someone without experience running the country are turning to other parties that haven't been bought out. The two party system meme has come to an end finally.

Thank you for correcting the record, shill.
>Shoulda just stayed in /pol/
fixed that and yes you should've

I had a similar thing happen with my grandma, mom, and a few cousins when I was 7-8

>sat night at grandmas
>were all sitting around the living room watching tv
>hear a cabinet close and a man's voice come from the kitchen
>us youngins shit bricks
>my moms like "whos there?!" all scarey-voiced and all
>grandma was like "ugh"
>gets up and walks INTO THE KITCHEN with no fucks given
>comes back with rosary
>starts praying
>Starts getting loud in my ears and I could everyone could hear it too
>things felt really tense
>feels like im about to lose my mind
>grandma keeps praying
>just before im about to lose my ball-marbles it all stops and we all feel an instant calm
>grandma puts rosary down and turns the tv back on
>moms like "what the fuck, my son's grandma?!"
>grandma says something like "hes been stubborn lately"

I asked my grandma about it as an adult and she said that house she used to live in had a bunch of spirits that she kept at bay with prayer. When they would act up she would silence them with the word of god. She thinks the man was the husband of the lady that lived upstairs <duplex

grandma is a rosary ghost face killa
More like your mother's a taint lmao
>be me
>a few years ago for grandpa's death anniversary
>out in the boonies of the Philippines
>assload of relatives visit and take up all the space in the cottages
>had to sleep in the car parked in the dirt road close by
>can't sleep cuz it's way too fucking humid
>hear a freaky sound in the middle of the night
>sounds like a bird cawing loudly, but sounds a bit human-ish in tone
>suddenly hear heavy footsteps darting past behind the car and into the woods
>couldn't sleep until dawn

I'm still trying to figure out what it was. Cousins said it was some kinda native bird, but I'm not sure
I've never been to /pol/ and don't want to. Sorry, but these threads are always the same. It's always skinwalker post #56465456345864865465456, ghost post #64564646453645646456, alien post #461718648691786489678697, I heard a noise and now i'm scurred halp post #52789149791787984984289491849. So fuck off with this reddit tier cancer. If you want spookey posts check out /x/ or fuck off to another site.
anytime baby butt
>Being this fucking stupid.
>refresh catalog
>5 shillary/drumpt threads
fuck off to one of those you ignorant baboon
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Possibly the most unbelievable thing ITT. Pretty sure you're a samefaggot replying to your own shitty made up story
For the past few weeks all you fags have been posting about is trump and Hillary like it matters. I hate both of them, trump slightly less, but it's rigged so it don't matter. Hillary is going to win, everyone knows it. I don't get why you fags spend so much time trying to debate it. We're fucked either way and I don't see any of you fuckers being effected by it.
There's always room for more independent thought.

>I don't see any of you fuckers being effected by it.
>World War III
>not effected by it.

Nigger you just went full retard.
Shillary has hired swarms of CTR shills to bombard threads with her bs rhetoric every since the 'alt right' started to be defined at 4chan

Drumpf faggots do it for free because he's a business man and doesn't have to spend money for sweaty neckbeards to defend his ass

When the election is over we can all rejoice and 4chan will start shaping up as the same shit as usual
I hope you die in a fire and hillary wins just to piss you off

BUSH DID 9/11!!!
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Fuck off kid. How much is hillary paying you?

You must really be the bottom of the barrel to make simple syntax errors like mistaking 'effected' for 'affected'.
Yeah, got one right here.
I'm for Trump and very tired.
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Ur mom is a dude gaywad
lol fuck off you alex jones loving trumpsterfire

Uh okay?

I really could give a shit less if some newfag believes or doesnt believe me about a bunch of fire extinguishers. lol fucking moron.
There was once an ugly barnacle, he was so ugly everybody died. THE END
>implying drumpf is any better
Liek if u cry evrytiem
Neither one of them is gonna do shit to improve anything. No president has or will. It's all a bullshit show to make you plebs feel like you have a choice. It doesn't matter who wins, US is fucked regardless.
So assuming what you say is true
>Some fag makes up a shitty story that involves a room full of fire extinguishers
>You, a worker for a fire extinguisher company, happen to be browsing to answer his question.

This is the first time in months I have even seen a fire extinguisher on 4chan. It's such bollocks
You aren't going to get any argument from me, what you posted is absolutely correct. Not sure why your replied to me
No one likes your shitty meme you useless cunt

Uh okay?

lol please refer to >>708359135 for any and all of your future posts concerning your disbelief and apparent pathetic obsession with a bunch of fire extinguishers.
Hillary is in it for power. Trump is just in it for money. Can't get money if all the cash is going to a war effort. That's pretty much the only reason I'm voting for him.
You didn't even do it right you fucking redditard.
>points out obvious horseshit
>hurr you so obsessed bruh!!11
nice damage control

Maybe you should use an extinguisher to cool that booty burn

Uh okay?


>mad cuz failed troll
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double dubs
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now that is sure as shit not what I posted

It's been a while since I've even seen an imagswap, let alone have it happen to me

also checkum
lold hard
>be me
>be motorbike

Pretty fuckin spoopy there mang
Spookimus maximus
Sadness was already achieved being on /b/
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>motorbike riding
>what is context
>pic related
I agree that these political threads need to fuckin die, on the other hand why should anyone give a fuck if today's your 30th birthday? You really believe 4chan would just magically change its ways to accommodate someone that none of us actually know?
>be (You)
>be retarded af
>literally autism
>be motorbike, riding blah blah

Sentence structure is important
Nah my autism is purely metaphorical bro
>what is motorbike riding
The structure was correct. Obviously it didn't make sense when you took it out ofthe sentence like that
Nah, just lamenting about how the one piece of solace I have with 4chan on my bday is shattered by the cancer that comes with the elections. About a third into my life and accomplished fuckall. If you don't like to see me complain then don't read it
Riding a motorbike would have been a less confusing way of wording it though. Although I guess if you WERE the motorbike you'd probably say driving, not riding.

Still, it gave me a slight chuckle, so I thought I'd point it out.
But I do like to see you complain, so...
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Thanks for c̶o̶r̶r̶e̶c̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶c̶o̶r̶d̶ making my day
No problem. Same time, same place next year?
Is this an epic new meme?
This. That's some Caesar's lesions force marching shit right there.
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