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if heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 151
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if heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied
get out furfag
duly dealt with

I've done it twice, and I met up once with someone I met from elsewhere on the internet. I've not regretted it once.
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Fuck off with this shitty porn, furfag.
I quite like this actually but I'm not sober enough to be objectively judging anything

I will tell you that in principle, I'm a maximalist. I like a lot of sound, I like motifs repeated and alternated throughout a piece or throughout an album, I like silence to be used scarcely and very strategically, I like huge crescendos in the third act of a piece, etc

I'm so sorry my 4chan predecessor I will bow to your greater wisdom and experience and depart POSTHASTE
that's certified not porn tho
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Which gun is the cutest gun? I like the walther ppk .38
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wwow this last glass of wine has been FAR from necessary

I got up to go the bathroom and literally almost fell down to my hands and knees

someone please rescue me from my terminal lack of tolerance I will never have a four martini lunch and proceed to complete a 9-5 workday

I'm not sure how to judge on the basis of cuteness, actually, those aren't terms I think of guns in necessarily, but I think bizarrely enough that while full size or compact glocks are definitely utilitarian and ugly, once you shrink them down to subcompact there's sort of an endearing element to them, you know? Like an ugly duckling thing

t. glock 19 owner
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Get dat shit outta here.
Gote is old news.
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you're a lucario fan tho I know that for a fact
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who the fuck is this blu person and should I know him

no lie I'd unironically wear that hat if it existed and was not merely a bad photoshop
>posts porn
I'm bored
oh hi eisen

look dude I'm very, very drunk he very well could be someone I knew at some point and don't remember and it'd be rude if I didn't at least ask for clarification you understand
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Nah nigga.
You got it all wrong.
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yay it's eisen
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well i have no idea who he is

plus so many people name themselves blu or some variant for some reason anyway
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ew, it's eisen.
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yay its me

i'm going to get food in a bit though
ew it's anon
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it's always blu without the e at the end, too. I wonder why that is

one of the grad students who was at my house last night did an amazing impression of kate mckinnon's (from snl) angela merkel character

we had a really great chat about arabic too even though you know I had to hide my power level super fucking hard since he doesn't know I want DONALD J. TRUMP to be next president of the united states of america

fox mccloud

you have exquisite taste in furry characters tbh
return with haste
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cus it's fuckin HIP
okay my shows over so ill be back bye
alright he's the worst
I used to lurk on a site named bloo milk that was about the star wars miniatures game

that was pretty cool

that game's been discontinued now
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Nah nigga, nah.
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>you will never be an arwing pilot in a secret gay relationship with your wingman
why even LIVE
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>you will never even live
Why even live.
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oh btw subby this is new
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I should really lurk these threads on my laptop so I could post my stull, all I have on this tablet is my dildo :/
by far the most important question of the evening

these were posted to melee hell earlier, I def. saw them because I am a melee hell shitpost KING
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Blu's been my fursona since the mid 90's
i wonder if i should feel anything about a bunch of other people having the same furry name...
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I should just go to bed.
Or not.
I have no idea.
There is no other choice for president
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it's not just a furry thing afaik it's just like a THING

I should've gone to bed several drinks ago and look where that's gotten me

he can't like hillary clinton...right? Nobody LIKES her, except for the one muslim dude on my facebook feed who seems to think she's the second coming of muhammad (pbuh) or whatever
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I really could use more variance in what I drink because I hardly enjoyed what little I had tonight.
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I unironically want a Sig Erson hat.
I have such an unconditional love for wine. It's really quite beautiful, in a way, how much I enjoy it.

I wish to own an authentic greek amphora that I can serve all of my grape-based alcohol from in future
I'm sad
what's wrong snuffleupagus
I think it's impossible to legitimately like her.
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I'll likely get more wine when I can legally buy it.
Right now asking someone to get a handle of something I know I like is easiest.
That seems a bit excessive. I'll just use the bottle or a mug.
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Come join the club.
she's the most unlikeable person I've ever heard speak by an order of magnitude

turning 21 was deadass the best day of my entire life

also the worst since getting older makes me want to kill myself

I made an amphora in middle school pottery but I can't find it now
>"I'm sad"
Night suddenly slight better.
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It'll likely be nothing but another day for me since I'll be at home with no friends for winter break and my parents are anti-alcohol.
Eventually I'll get old enough that I can't stand it anymore.
Make a new one.
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hi nibi

I'm sorry about all those times I'm mean to you

I don't mean it

oh god I'm so sorry. Thank god my mom shares my obsessive love with wine

in fact she might be angry at all the fucking wine I drank (thereby denying her the pleasure)

but I looked after her fucking tiny dog for 4 hours so she can deal with it

gimme some clay
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Post your butt.
sometimes saying sorry just isn't enough
no matter how many time you say it
I do mean it
Kill yourself, nigger.
It should be against the Geneva Convention to subjugate others to Hillary Clinton
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I can see it now. My parents will buy me some shitty beer because lel it's 21 let's celebrate with a fucking six pack of Budweiser. No hard liquor allowed. They act like beer is alright, but the implied rule is only one or two beers on a night, and not consecutive nights.
You're drinking all your mom's wine? Buy your own, pleb.
Go hit a rock and get it from somewhere or something.
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yeah I know what you mean

I've made really profound mistakes in my life and I can never take back some of them

but live on, baby live on


the entire geneva convention should be replcaed with just that line, honestly

No, it's not my mom's wine. I buy wine all the time for the family, sometimes she does, it's basically just the dinner wine, and I CONTRIBUTE because I am GAINFULLY EMPLOYED, you understand.

can't find rocks, can only find marble countertop, family woudl be angry if I smashed that
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I am also GAINFULLY EMPLOYED, but my parents still unconditionally throw money at me.
Go buy a fancy wine thing since you have such gains.
you got a job? What're you up to now?

and it's almost midnight dude everything's closed
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not happening

done that before
got recognised....
>SF hasn't passed out yet
More than I give you credit for
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I'm a TA. I like it. So far.
Well, not right now. Later. Soon.
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the reason I'm not unconscious is because I'm sitting in my kitchen with music playing and I'm singing along which gives me the energy to persist

but I'm honestly barely able to walk in a straight line at this point so there's that

it's too bad there's no cute boys around to take advantage of me in my vulnerable state

good lad
That is super slutty of you
Illuminate the No's on their vacancy signs
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>it's too bad there's no cute boys around to take advantage of me in my vulnerable state
200% homosexual
What are the chances she dies before November 8th?
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Tomorrow. I have errands I've "needed" to run for many months now.

TAing is good, that looks good on a resume. I'd apply to do that in the linguistics department but

1. temple doesn't have one anymore, really and
2. every professor knows I'm the laziest motherfucker alive, even the ones I've gotten exclusively As with, even the ones I've worked with as an RA, etc

but I like my current job, except for the smelly nigger in the wheelchair

fuck that guy

I was kind of an enormous slut around this time last year. Literally most of my sexual experience comes out of fall 2015, including that one terrifying incident. Perhaps my libido spikes when the leaves go red

If there's no-one beside you when your soul departs~

I honestly say that jokingly, I just want to hug someone right now

Not as good as the chances that, if she wins, she dies afterwards
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>it's too bad there's no cute boys around to take advantage of me in my vulnerable state

Leg sweep
Stomp throat till death
an employed ks, now I know this is a dream
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I'd say some faux-tough guy shit about shooting you but I'm pretty sure I'm not sober enough to operate a firearm successfully
Oh it's Nibi
and he's being a bitch
what a surprise
how can I handle this unexpected development

With today's medicine?

She'll definitely live to see her full 2 terms in the office

>I was kind of an enormous slut around this time last year
Yeah I know, AIDS and all.
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I've "needed" to run for a month now. Sad.
It looks good, but I don't want to go to the upcoming internship fair. My mental state is just recovering, and I don't know if I can take it. I know for a fact I'm not ready.
That'd a damn shame
She definitely won't get a second term
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Gargle piss you shitskin.
Gonna put you behind the wall.
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to /correcttherecord/ here, I do not have aids, I just came very close to getting it, because I was an irresponsible idiot

I regret the decisions I made last year and prefer to pretend they never really happened

oh I haven't worked out in a HOT MINUTE, that's on top of all the other important stuff I need to get done

what am I going to do in the future, caitlyn? What will I do with my life?

if someone just puts a round of .308 through her dome from a reasonable distance, I'll have a very good day

if someone does the same with george soros, I'll have a party

i'm not really in the mood for this tier of banter dude so tbh I'm probably just gonna ignore you but please do know that I feel legitimately bad about how I and many of my associates (mostly katia) treat you since you don't really deserve it
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lol ur a virgin
I've kept up all my other exercise, just not running. Some regret, but I'm not dying. I'll get back to it eventually.
You'll live, and you'll die. That's that.
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>She definitely won't get a second term
Yeah cause America always elects based on competence and morality.

Unless she has done something so incredibly out there that the democrats can't smooth it over, she'll remain their choice. Which means the only way the Republicans are kicking her off the pedestal is to have a very strong candidate in 2020

I know, I was making fun of you.
Knowing my luck he's actually a vampire
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ah, you're still a step above me

and you act so surprised when I compliment you for your various virtues

I want to do something more than existing and ceasing to exist, there's potential here, to accomplish, to create, to inspire, myself if nobody else

ok so if someone takes a stake, whittles it down to .308...I'd go further with this joke but I've got nothing and you get the idea

nef I cried again at this week's tog

the kaiser/name steal arc really needs to end because she's making me feel things I forgot how to feel
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I just want too much.
And it'll always leave me feeling unsatisfied with myself.
i want to buy more things
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You should read Noblesse. No feels, just that satisfaction that comes with shitty characters getting their stupid fucking faces smashed in once in a while.
just buy guns and guitars, eisen

then, you can play music for money on the streets, or rob a bank for even more

I am never quite happy with myself

I love myself, so it compensates a little bit, but I'm never quite satisfied, if you understand the difference

You underestimate my stifled capacity for empathy. I can feel at anything, almost.
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Get in the mood to kill yourself.
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i want to buy music
>spending ACTUAL CURRENCY on music
do it


piracy is cool but support the artists and shit, maaaaan
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You'll feel happiness when Franky shows up to fuck up some cunts.
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I kinda like myself sometimes. But whenever that feeling comes around, I just make sure that I override it by remembering everything that's wrong with me.
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Good, the fewer things I have in common with other humans the better.
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don't even try deny the fact that holding an actual vinyl record or CD in your hand feels fucking great
try to*
I like it when cunts get fucked up

there's a lot to like in you

focus on that, enhance it

I believe in you
i can agree with that
since when did these threads become constructive and inspirational.
da fuk.
also box sets are great
>since when did these threads become constructive and inspirational.
legitimately, this is what happens when i drink a lot

I'm usually a toxic influence
She can't get a second term when it's gonna be Trump vs Kanyre in 2020
He's going to live to be 120, all while trying to destroy the west
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I enjoy that they exclude the 2% that were raped before age 12. They tried.
You have no idea how fat I look right now with all this sodium from the pizza.
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I do have a Bluey's butt, but not sure its yours or another Blue's.
It's hard to live through many bullets

nice quads praise kek you sexy, sexy man

I've always been fat looking as such
most of the life in all of us is gone anyway

we've gotta try to start building from rock bottom
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Also read Helck

You're delusional, and Yeezy is dumb enough to try to be a third party candidate
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Today was leg day.
Right now I just load all my books into my backpack for leg exercises. Actually pretty heavy, but not enough.
write these down in like a .txt file somewhere and give them to me when I'm sober
I have almost noghing to say about this because I haven't worked out at all and I'm a doughy fuckboy loser with bad habits and nothing to really acclaim me
just do what i do

forget to eat
playing gta. sup you?
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And here I thought you were part of the twinks for trump movement
I'd say drink more, but that's not right either.
I guess I'll just enjoy it while it lasts
didn't need to go that real.
I'm not overweight the mass that exists is just


I don't know

I'm SKINNY ut it's all FAT, the weight that DOES EXIST

no don't worry about it, I'm gonna work on the whole alcoholism thing
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I look like a doughboy right now too; don't worry.
Although before the pizza, I ain't braggin, but I think I was looking aight. It's been a good week.
Evil finds a way
You know you want it to happen. The memeiest election possible.
Nothing right now
it's because I've been encouraging you, right? I think I helped, somehow

I've decided I'm just not gonna eat lunch anymore, that's my new deal
how was your day?
It was pretty good
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This one is bad enough already and I don't even live in the US
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I can't understand without visual imagery.
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This change came around the same time, so you can imagine it to be so if that pleases you.
I've been kind meh on lunch lately, skipping it sometimes. I just enjoy breakfast and dinner, but I've recognized that I should just have lunch to balance out my day.
I'm not sober enough to operate a camera

I will, I'm good at self-aggrandizing delusion

I mean 3 meals a day is objectively better. Actually more meals is ALWAYS better
what did you do?
drink way more, all the time. you and dallas both.
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It'd take a small bit to explain exactly what I did, but I just started taking small steps towards improvement, and it actually worked this time.
Big steps never worked.
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I'll remind you when you return to your groucho ways
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I know there are a few underageb&s, but am curious as to the age of the oldest gfur regular in here, I'm guessing early 40s
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it's actually a really good idea

No, many small steps are generally optimal, this logic applies universally

god I'm such a fucking pill when I'm sober

but I think it's vaguely justified

I'm 79 or something
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs.
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You told me I needed to quit cold turkey.
That's not what I did.
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Early 30's, sir

I think it just suits your pename even more
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I'm 27.

Darwin and Dotter are both older than me. Maybe others.
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>Early 30's, sir
oh damn you're old
what did you do

tell me precisely

I may have been wrong

the contrast between my faggy fuckboy alcoholism and my abrasive douchebag sobriety is PROFOUND
age, not poster, I wasn't trying to point anyone outright, just wondering the top end of the graph.
however,weren't darwin and kissy a thing at one point, that makes things more interesting
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nibi post scalies
Got a new sweater. Ate some schnitzel. Got rubbed down by a stocky Russian
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Not me you twat

Don't a lot of people say that while drunk that your inner character comes out?
Like how some of the nicest people are total assholes when their drunk, they just keep those thoughts to themselves when sober.
You've said your age before, nice try
I should feel responsible and dignified, but really, just getting less cute by the day, if that's even possible
you're exempt.
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Who then? Dotter?
drunkenness obliterates inhibition

I secretly WANT to be a really wonderful guy, but when I'm sober I think it's best to be harsh.

well, yeah, but also I'm 80 years old
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I stopped bingeing on unhealthy foods. I became determined on either Sunday or Monday to only binge on healthy foods, namely the following together: greek yogurt, peanut butter powder, oatmeal squares (cereal), and peanut butter.
First day had no limits. Second day had 1 cup yogurt, 1/2c cereal, 2tbsp pb. Third day had 2/3c yogurt, 1/3c cereal, 1.5tbsp pb, etc. etc.
Yesterday I didn't even follow that. I had an enjoyable dessert for the first time in a while (chocolate chip brownie cheesecake was amazing), returning to my roots and bringing some great satisfaction.
Well, that's an improvement for sure.

I would've given you that advice, if I was...less stupid. Or understoo dyou better. But in my hubris I always think I know everything.
pics of sweater.
was it a guy or girl russian?
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Sorry, I'm actually a lot younger than you. My fault for not clarifying

And darwin, yes. They are being hip with these kids.

I know it does, that's why I'm always amazed at how I am when I've had a few.
It's like I"m an actual extrovert who enjoys the company of others, what a terrifying thought
No pics of sweater
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Darwin is like a hundred
darwin is the perfect father
I'm actually rather extroverted when I'm completely sober, it's jsut that the facade isn't sustainable
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There really wasn't much logic to it. It shouldn't have worked. I was just mentally ready for it this time.
This actually began because of a coin toss. I do it sometimes. Tails -> tails was the only way I wouldn't have had an unhealthy binge, and that's what I flipped. I went out and got greek yogurt n stuff.
dom is the perfect dragon
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i look at the lines on my faaaace
they always look the same, i guess maybe not to you
but other things betray my aaaage
like the stupid things i say, and the pointless things i do
So I can give myself credit for helping, right? Because I gave you all that pep talk in advance
why no pics?
what does it look like? whats it made of?
did you get happy ending?
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it's so surreal, it's like one of those tv episodes where a personality gets reversed, and even though you may enjoy the change, you know they need to go back to who they really are. rest well and get plenty of water tonight, subby.
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Uh, yes.
You saved me.
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Never around and with an unhealthy fascination with young boys?
It's just a black wool sweater.
No happy ending
says the married guy with two kids, had a career and is now re-educating themselves.
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thank you caitlyn the affirmation is very helpful

oh yeah thanks for reminding me I do need another glass of water

>in his 20s

subtly abusive
where from?
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I always find others extremely unstimulating offline. I'm always bored at what meaningless things they always want to talk about. It's not like memes or tv or other popular culture are things I hate. But it just sucks that they won't want to talk about the mission to mars, making pipe shotguns, or just anything that isn't the walking dead/jersesyshore
It wasn't a career, it was a job. A career has a future.

You should have pointed out my back problems, those make me seem old.

I want him to tell me he's not angry, just disappointed
that was part of the point, he's unsettlingly put together, if not the most of the lot, and not even hit the day of sexy-death
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imo being harsh is fine.
And not being serious, so don't feel bad. I just like messing with you.
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ok, but you were good at it.
and pointing that out would be throwing stones in a glass house.
s'cute you got so bent outta shape with just one teeny little herniated disc, you poor bby~
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i dont think ive been to one

do you want to feel belittled by his enormous intelligence?
some people responded to me but I can't see the screen that well any longer so instead I'm going to go to bed

I love everyone in these threads, even those of you who hate me, you all helped me become who I am, and I generally like me, if I'm speaking objectively, and there is a value to each one of you that can't be counted

caitlyn I'm gonna get overwatch
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Whenever you're ready.
Don't rush it if you ain't got the money and stuff you need.
a much needed slight smile

thank you
Screencapping because LIES.
ill follow u into the dark
It's not an environment I can stay in long
kill yourself pedo faggot filth you'll never amount to anything.
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Well, the thing is that disc has had problems about half a dozen times in the past, before that incident.

I was in a lot of pain two days ago. It is rather scary

I never feel belittled. A noble soul embiggens the smallest man.

wow lewd
too fancy for you?
If you already know you're not going to be great, then settling for what's good doesn't seem so bad.
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what about it is lewd
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Yeah fuck this, Subby was the only reason I'm here anyways.
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*tips in your direction*
night julian


now, where is the deceleratrix..
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Touch butts.
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still down?
maybe a long hot shower with loud music, wash away and reset?
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not even gay.jpg
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if everything is nothing is
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Well bye then
Can't stay in clothes stores for long. It just feels weird being in them
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Don't tempt me, you slut.
with you?

but cloths are nice to get. i usually get bored and frustrated with the selection
I'm fine but thank you anon.
I was of course exaggerating, nerve pain is freaky. have had 4 operations, 5 herniated discs.
and yeah, as much as the pain and lack of ability to do things is terrible, when it gets scary, it's really scary, like massive body-jarring jolts and numbness, not cool. work on your core bruh, if you're cleared to do so of course.
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I will not. I just wanted to tip in your direction before I got back to work.
You are free to go off and indulge in your yogurts of the greek variety.
the porn detector is actually functionally useless. it searches for skinlike beige colors and prominent curved lines, and therefore can't detect much of anything well at all
and kat is back to being a bitch, boring, what else is on?
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I am
Just dealing with other health issues right now
Been a while since I've been in general good health.

Sounds like something a lewd person would say
hey katia
fuck you
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Nah, today was pizza day.
Anyways yeah Subby had the right idea; I'm off to bed.
I get bored being there
did you only get the sweater?
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We'll go downtown and touch butts.
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Dom say something interesting which could motivate conversation.
you just took random smack to the face like nothing, but ok then..
we've lost our inebriated mascot, it's all downhill from here
also, fuck you.
genghis, of genghis khan, is actually pronounced "chingis"
what else did you do today? i cent remember if you said.

can frank join us?
What mascot
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It's not random, my friend. Katia has been trying to convince me to kill myself for over five years now. And in all reality, I probably deserve to. But somehow I keep chugging along anyway. I don't plan on stopping any time soon.

If I do die it will because of a stupid accidental overdose or a motorcycle accident.
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You're not the boss of me.
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That is enlightening and inspiring.
Thank you for providing this information, Dominic.
hoi nanarbutt

oh right~!
was that for dinner or for lunch?
say it again
pets your head and kisses your snoot


lucky for me, you place great weight on my opinions
we all deserve to die
doesn't mean we can't help another
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Pitou by Stairs.png
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you're a pervert
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No. Frank doesn't like fatties.
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what happened to the fun kat we used to know and... know?
Supper dood?
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Remember when kat was good?
oh :c

and whats for dessert?

watching mad max. soup?
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he stopped pretending to be a girl
goddamn but you are in dire need of prolonged cuddling.
You're right, that's when the magic died!
No dessert
so, this means no skirt pix?
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love you anyway dom I will make america great again for you
they exist, just none for you
Ive had to become more a quicky nut-n-go kinda guy
Y'know, just that thing I do way too often :p Can I join the butt touching?
why not though? what would you like for dessert?
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hey really though
The destruction of Islam
please do. the more the better for snarfs butt addiction
so like brownies and milk?
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If I did, would you promise to forgive me?
youre in for a real treat~

cheese cake?
No dessert
get too attatched then I guess?
at any rate, I do hope you tune the bs out, I mean recognize your faults and all, but what they're throwing is just silly
why not?
what did/didn't I do?
Nnngh, gibe!!
o-ok :c
midnight snack?

beg snarf for it
this is /b/. You're all perverts
its perfectly justified

I refuse myself attachment and I don't know why.
the fuck did you do anyway?
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being anonymous filth
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Bring Frank for the rape party afterwards.
No. Stop trying to make me fat
Is this where I beg to join? >>707936170
I allowed the worst parts of me to be the first thing people saw.
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I wouldn't but you guys are always seem to end up snarky and vindictive.
have had civil, fun and engaging convos with most of you, then on another night rage- shitpost banter- snidefuckery.
it's discouraging.
I mean I get some of the reason for it, and the game of it, but also it gets old too.
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What did I miss
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then why did you maintain your persona?
penance? character building?
i get if you dont want to say what it was, but the scene just seems so odd to me, maybe coming in at such a late stage will do that
Demos' guitar playing
I understand the value of keeping the threads acoustic murr yiff yiff hugboxing in check and then some, you know what I meant.
and now here's wonderwall.
yes my lord!

its not being fat though

beg the snarf
persona? you mean tripcode?
maybe a bit of both.
theres so many things I want to say to so many people but I won't allow it
this limbo has just become a way of life.
Was it bad?
You have to rape Frank.

Frank rape.
hey yuki~
That's how it starts
you seem like a person that overthinks or underthinks things a lot, and then sets conditions and rules that may or may not have any appreciable value to yourself or others
Man screw this, these requirements are too much. I'll just touch my own butt instead
most definitely
join me being fat

fine dont join the elite
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