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The great Loli Marathon of 2016 continues Level 172 >Al

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Thread replies: 188
Thread images: 150
The great Loli Marathon of 2016 continues

Level 172

>All images from threads and archive links (1-160)
( Add a .com at the end of to get the link working )

Old thread:
I want to sleep but I have to keep watching these
Just me posting right now. Some help would be much appreciated, as I can't bump my own thread.
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Thanks for that OP.
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I'm just asking myself why "marathon".
Do we have to do sport for that?
Like ten pushup for each thread?
That'd be 1720 pushup!
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Wind and rain starting to pick up, not sure if I'll lose power or not. If I do, then keep it going anons.
You guys okay with cute, sfw as well?
or should I stick with strictly lewd?
Lurking. Thx op
go on, just post them
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I want to have sex with Mari.
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Let's chat for a bit. Just wondering about the anons in here:

1) What got you into loli?
2) Did you first come here for the loli, or learned about loli when you came here?
3) Why do you think you like lolis?
4) Do you have an attraction for irl girls?
there is nothing great about unemployed pedophiles spamming filth all day
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1) A Dojin long time ago, dont know the name anymore.
2) None of them.
3) They are cute and innocent.
4) Nope, except family love.
1. Found images alongside my search results on gelbooru and other sites. As I grew to like cuter and cuter things, just progressed to what it is today.
2. Knew about the threads for a while, but never took cared until a couple years ago.
3. Cute. Cute can exist separate from sexy, so it's just sexy with the addition of cute. can't go wrong.
4. Nope, they're gross.
1) What got you into loli?
Yahoo answers... lol

2) Did you first come here for the loli, or learned about loli when you came here?
First one.

3) Why do you think you like lolis?
They're really cute.

4) Do you have an attraction for irl girls?
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what about a doujin?
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Go for it.
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Taking a short break here, I'll have to leave the posting up to you guys for now.
Is she selling her pee?
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crap what is the movie with the two girls in it? someone posted a couple of clips
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1) An anime a long time ago. Just like how cute was the char, so i liked it. Dont remember which was anyway.
2) No, i know this kind of thread. liked the images was postes and also laughed with spidy.
3) Cuz theyre cute. I found a few years ago i love all is cute (event traps) with Himegoto, so just assumed and dealed with it.
4) idk, maybe yes or maybe not. I hope not.
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Anyone got that set where various precures take naked selfies? Or just the artist's name.
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Only one I got, should be enough though with iqdb.
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>fucking captcha man
I feel ya
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After this thread, I'll probably, at most, create a new thread. I gotta go to sleep at some point though.
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Damn, wrong image.
Still here :)
hit my boy up at /monotonestreaming on twitch dot teevee :^)
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Thanks anon.
Don't stop
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>yay i got trips
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>ED just clicking around. Crossed the loli page and the just said "ok so this is my life now"
>It was a welcome surprise
>They are incredibly cute and represent a perfect female. (Anime girls as a whole)
>By girls do you mean women? Yes
>By girls do you mean lolis? Yes (I'd say 15 and up)
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I love loli feets
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>these anons posting the same pic over and over
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sigh, i need a girlfriend, getting all these raging boners and not having anything warm and wet to put them in is the worst
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dun dun DUNNNNN
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>that's all folks
Good ending, kept reading after I came
Isn't the one with the lighter-colored hair the younger sister? Wtf
I keep on telling myself to cut down on the lolithread visits but it's like the scene in house where his wife is demanding him to cut the leg off to save his life and he just can't do it or live without it.
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Being spidey sucks dick right now
the faggot life is prob a mess overall
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>lol japan
so, how's everyones day?

im tired af and shits windy outside and i need to get shit done but im too fucking tired, halp
I haven't gone to sleep yet, and shit's only getting windier here. It's a wonder I still have power.
>1) What got you into loli?
Loli threads
>2) Did you first come here for the loli, or learned about loli when you came here?
The second one
>3) Why do you think you like lolis?
They are cute and sexy af
>4) Do you have an attraction for irl girls?
Ooh, got satan trips
1) fetish for flat chests
2) found pictures offline (maybe comic store I don't really remember)
3) See 1)
4) I'm not gay, so yes
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~20 images to go til image cap
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1) /b/
2) learned when I came here.
3) they are cute and happy and playful and innocent. they are an ideal female with ideal traits and not scheming or shallow or slutty. It's easier to imagine real love with a loli.
4) yes, but more towards jailbait age then the girl usually depicted in loli
I know what you mean, I've been short on sleep all week.
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>Your baby juice tastes funny, oniichan.
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loli is love loli is life
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you mean you don't have a generator in case of loli emergency?
What is she doing? Is she in heat?
what is wrong with you
What? I was just asking.
"Oh, this one's pretty good"
Maybe I should resize some of my images
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I've been doing it as I try and up load then.
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1) Love Hina when i was a kid
2) came here for lolis
3) The perfect kind of bodies, cute faces and the pureness and kindness of the little girls
4) i do yes, around their 13 to 15 is just right for me
I typically try to avoid it, as it changes the hashes of the images, but some of these are just ridiculously big.
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New thread:
I feel you. That's why I just save them both ways. Some times it's for the best with people at least seeing them
Thread replies: 188
Thread images: 150

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