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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 238
Thread images: 151
File: Goth Sloth.png (903 KB, 707x1000) Image search: [Google]
Goth Sloth.png
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reminder to post asriel's enormous female ass
Really? I could have sworn I remember you mentioning something about dogs. Then again, I'm not in the gfur threads enough to know.

And I don't have any Asriel.

what? i am not into zoo.

the people that fuck dogs in gfur are ed, kyle, and dev. there are probably others, but those are the only three i recall.
He's probably not used to the gfur style of replies, so he misunderstood.

Ah, okay, gotcha.

oh, right.
nah im just bored.
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Join the club.
>tfw I had that one but it was too big to post
Were we talking about fucking dogs?
Yee. Doggos have nice benises.
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And we were talking about horses, too.
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You people are too obsessed with penis.
Vag is better.
I can stick my penis in vag.
Vag feels good.
Then there's this fag.
I wish I could filter on my phone too.
I have him blocked on computer because all he ever does is that avatar shitposting.
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Are you fucking 12?

I mean I get it if you don't like dick but you could at least try to sound like you don't have down syndrome
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Well dom is a gfur guy, so I thought it appropriate to mention a male.
Also, your name didn't show up quick enough thanks to my shitty internet. I was going to post a dog cock until I noticed it was your name, but then my mouse fucked up and double-clicked right at the last second. I figured you wouldn't care about dog cock.
And you fags think it's okay to indulge avatars. Stop talking to them.
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Jay Naylor does some good WS stuff.
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continue talking to me
About what? I'm not much of a talker.
One seen plenty. I've even held them and made them cum and collected the semen.
I just don't have any interest.
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That's actually pretty fucking hot.
That sounds like something Alex would say.
Except he wouldn't say it.
Have you talked to him recently?
I didn't even post a pic...
Didn't need to.
The power of pee
I have. Several texts this morning and a couple over the weekend, but I didn't have service while I was at the track
about whatever you desire


i do not know who that is
Oh, you mean wanking a dog.
I've done quite a bit of artificial insemination. Mostly with dogs, some with horses.
Are you an animal fucker?

Meh, I don't desire much. I may actually go do something else. I'm bored.

Ah, gotcha. He mentioned something about a group chat when he first texted me, but I couldn't make one because I didn't have your number.

Interesting. I watched a video on YT about it last week just because I thought it interesting that it's allowed for "educational purposes."
Do you build race car motors?
Oh yeah. I could text it to you sometime.
so you desire to go to something else


Pretty much. Now that it's starting to cool off here, I've wanting to ride my dad's bike.

That would be cool. I'm sure it would cost him less being able to text us both at the same time.
Um surprised he doesn't have a smartphone. But, considering his other electronics I get the idea that neither he nor his parents chips afford one.
Do you ride horses?
motorbike or?

no but i am in kentucky.
Do you like horses?
Bicycle. I don't have a motorcycle, yet. But good God, do not get me started on motorcycles. If anyone from yesterday was here, they would tell you that I can talk about motorcycles literally all day long.

I figured the same. But you know him, always talking about not needing it because "muh communism". He's a funny guy.
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i will not get you started on motorcycles.


yea, theyre cool. smart critters.
Good because everyone here knows just how much I fucking love motorcycles?
What about you, do you like bikes?
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That should have been a statement, not a question.
i am not an auto enthusiast. i do own a bicycle which i never ride.
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Fair enough. I love cars, and am obsessed with motorcycles myself.
They are cool, and smart too.
I love to go out riding.
I wish I had grown up around horses. I know absolutely nothing about them, so I'd have no idea on how to even care for one.
There were a few pics posted of the new Tekong recruits. I told him I was trying to figure out wich one is him.

i'd work on my horsemanship if i had a legitimate opportunity, but i'm content without.
horses r gay
It's easy to figure out.
Not too much different than a dog or cat.
Posted where? I'd like to see it. I was actually wondering if he'd take a pic of himself for me since it would be totally private.

ur gay

You gotta remember who you're talking to. I'm not the brightest star in the sky.
Even owning my own, I don't get much time for riding.

big commitment, to take care of an animal like that
Um. I'll send you a link some time. I don't think it should be posted here.
Fair enough. I didn't think you would link it here anyway.
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Yeah. But it's worth it.
He didn't get that.

That's the second set of quads I've gotten today.
They are good companions.
The sex is good too.

i was going to ask, but did not wish to offend.
Gerald is a well known animal fucker around here. I don't exactly hide it either.

well known, to some.
Well you don't ever come to the sfur threads.

which is why i must ask
Yeah I'm the biggest animal fucker of s/fur.
I'm quit willing to talk about it, but depending on who's in the threads I try not to offend store people by talking about it.

i bet the horses quite enjoy it.
You needn't worry about offending people here. We're all pretty lax guys. We've seen it all.
They do.
One in particular can get very insistent on wanting it when she is in heat if I don't offer often enough.
he caused it?
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Hope someone else busts a nut to her too.

got some big brains in that horse head. know where the dick comes from.
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They do.
And the know how to force themselves on you too.
With The aggressive one, I've let her do everything on her own several times.
All I'll do is pull my cock out for her and she will back herself onto it and fuck me.
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pff and god says animal fucking is amoral..
I don't think he did.
Did he?
I've always thought it was his priests who said that.
I could be quit wrong though.
I've never read that book.

god says a lotta SHIT and that's all i got for you
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I don't into religion at all.

But I also into my dogs too.
Twice yesterday with one of them. I missed her while I was across the border.
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did she miss you
Yes she did. All the doge and horses did.

dont worry babies... daddy's comin home..
I had planned to take the dogs with me but ran out of time to get their papers in order for going to Canada.
I felt very naked up there.
2 things I always have with me when I'm not at work area my dogs and a pistol. When you live every day of your life with things like that it's very strange not having them.
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I wish comet still arted.

Monty too, he is another great one who is gone.
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did they just get tired of it or...?
I don't know.
Most people do I think.
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File: the saddest maid ever.jpg (284 KB, 760x960) Image search: [Google]
the saddest maid ever.jpg
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That's not how you get head, dash.
File: 1456969571.satsukii_reysilver2.png (1 MB, 1280x853) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1280x853
u don't fuckin know me
ur not my dad
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why the long face?
I dunno.
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Who dis
I'm glad you asked. That is Reign, owned by fellow fur friend here, Sir Charles Fluffington III.
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Got other shit to do now. Later.
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>filename not valid
File: thread's dead baby.png (565 KB, 853x480) Image search: [Google]
thread's dead baby.png
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get a better filesystem
File: 1a12d9721148b825b3b6ce6c0862aed5.jpg (972 KB, 1800x1200) Image search: [Google]
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there are multiple?
i wanna be that feline
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>all webms ever are now too small
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*too big
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File: bunny suction action.webm (968 KB, 975x971) Image search: [Google]
bunny suction action.webm
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File: Don't poke this fox!.webm (294 KB, 825x1152) Image search: [Google]
Don't poke this fox!.webm
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File: fox pounded by water.webm (443 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
fox pounded by water.webm
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File: Jacque rock.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Jacque rock.webm
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File: Kitty gets cream.webm (1 MB, 1280x752) Image search: [Google]
Kitty gets cream.webm
1 MB, 1280x752
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Knot nobs.webm
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loading orgasm.webm
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reprogramming for slut mode.webm
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Snek in a shark's belly.webm
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the best part of waking up.webm
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>running in the 90s.webm
File: rub the woof.gif (89 KB, 400x300) Image search: [Google]
rub the woof.gif
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Yeah man, my webms seem fine.
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your webms a smol

also that's a gif
and not s/
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308 KB, 920x901
I blame hiroshijewt
>that's a gif
Look at my other webms that I posted.
>not s/
Not clear in either direction, and the hands can be assumed to be female.
I'm just being salty that all the webms I've saved are now too big to post.
It's cool. Hiro's a jew, and no one's sure what's gonna happen to 4chan now.
I'm just wondering how moot kept this place going for ELEVEN YEARS, yet the moment he hands it over to Hirohito, it starts going bankrupt.
soo... new thread?
4chan has always had financial problems. The difference is that moot worked to support the website while giro has made the adaption the website supports itself.

It's never made money, and it never should, contrary to what shekreli wants to do.

The biggest difference between Hirohito and moot was that especially in the last year, 4chan has grown exponentially because of things that boards have done, mostly /pol/ and almost constant attention in the news this election cycle.

It doesn't help that the news is no longer really news either, they focus on us because they have nothing else to do. No one can keep their.mouth shut and abide by rules 1 & 2
>moot worked to support the website while giro has made the adaption the website supports itself.
This. For all of the memes of moot abandoning us, and being a shit leader, he always wanted 4chan to exist. It is our home, of sorts. Not a hotel to make cheap bucks from.
Jesus fuck I butchered that up pretty bad but I think most of you understand what's going on
I never got the meme about moot being a shit leader. he seems like the perfect admin for this site, since he never had any wish to make money off of it.
The word meme gets thrown around a lot, but this is one of those instances where it really was a meme.

He was very hands off towards the end but when he was a hands on admin, it would always upset somebody and disliking him became, well a meme.
So much so...
I really hope the jook doesn't impliment upboats and "golden pepes" you can give to posts that you really liked. I don't want to browse plebbit.

And when talking about how he wasn't making enough money he immediately jumped to "We may need to get high paying malicious ads". Naw bro. Contact a bunch of weeb sites about advertising their stuff. I don't think that they'll give a shit about it being 4chan if they cam get money. Same goes for shit like walmart, or mahor brands.
Yes, there are ways that the website might be able to self sustain but there would need to be concessions from us.

It sucks but that's the way it has to be. I'm really surprised he jumped right to more ads when there are solutions that don't have to be malicious, or awful.
Thread replies: 238
Thread images: 151

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