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i'm wondering why there's no rekt thread anymore for

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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i'm wondering why there's no rekt thread anymore for a while on 4chan, what happened ?
There's been rekt threads all day, newfag.
they reduced the webm size to 2mb
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the way it flip flops about after its head comes off killed me
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That arent rekt threads, since hiroshimoot reduced the file size to 2mb basically we cant upload the good shit anymore
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RIP rekt threads thanks to Hiro
Why that gif isnt named "spilledthebeans"?
This guy actually survived
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mobile user
poor bastard musta fucked a druglords wife
justice served
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you just killed this pigs mother. i hope you rot in a painful little hole as you beg for life as a chainsaw cuts YOUR head off.
literally fistfucking
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ha jk. but still. not cool
If it's not bacon who cares
that's some good looking bacon
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shit now im hungry
Literally skull fucked
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Look at that... cunt is all like this. They would rather let their children get slaughtered than have to face a second of reality. That's how cunt operates. Me first! me first! Fuck my kids. Fuck my husband. Fuck the world.
No. They're saying "he's leaving , he's leaving" in spanish. Basically he's fading away into the abyss.
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op here. have some of this
Nice kill shot.

Also dubs.
This shit look like Brazil
Who is he? and why are they doing this? and why the fuck does such thing exist? god has abandoned us
Reaction times a bitch, yo.
mmm... i wanna do that to something
I like this one. Every frame is a reaction image.
Want the full link? It is at least 10 times more fucked up with volume. Some Mexican cartel bullshit.
Who is he?

Mexicunts for you. No wonder why Trump wants to build a fucking wall.
God hasn't abandoned us. Men have forgotten God
I'm pretty sure it'll scar me for life, but whatever, post it
Thought those girls feet in beautiful red Dorothy slippers standing on his chest and immediately was calmed. But nah. Those his motherfucking hand nubs. MY GOD THOSES BE HANDS NUBSES.
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trump wanna build a wall.jpg
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Oh my fuck it's funny watching religious idiots insert a magical sky man into shit.
You clearly don't understand how theists actually see God, or the concept of god.
>tips fedora
Oh my, another teenager has discovered atheism.
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Stop samefagging, bruh.
Because its all the same shit
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It's funny watching idiots think the only interpretation of "God" is a magical sky man.
I thought the Hammer Brothers torturing that dude who had cancer was the most fucked up thing that could possibly exist until I watched the full 10 minute video
Good. Two less stupid ass white people
obviously fake.
It's fake, genius.
nerve gas?
>>706975530 umm.... you proving that you didn't write ANY of the posts, retard?

"god has abandoned us"
When white people go extinct, and there's only you niggers left, who are going to blame for all your shitty problems?
It's almost as if they are more ignorant to hundreds of years of religious writings and theories than they are to what they claim theists to be.
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Im proving I wrote one of the 3.
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Don't you have anything better to do?
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thats what i have it saved as
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The ID with gray highlight is the mobile way of saying "this is your post".
btw using overchan
I love how you even suggest rekt thread people are al over it. You're all fucked
HA! you got me, I samefagged the three posts ;) suck my religious dick
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I knew it you sneeky piece of shit.
that went differently than I had expected.
>this kills the girl.
I need that How it Feels to Chew 5 Gum gif
poor doggo
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head disabled.gif
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I will warn you before watching this: I have a very strong stomach for this type of shit. I am almost finished with my final year of medical school and have worked exclusively in one of the roughest hospitals in America. I've worked on still breathing people with their heads nearly hacked completely off, seen the worst car crash victims you can imagine, etc. This video didn't bother me for more than 5 minutes or so, but the fact that a video is even capable of eliciting any emotion from me at this point really says something. If you think that this will fuck you up, it definitely will. Here you go:
Not bam..
I ain't clicking on that shit.

My eye started twitching by the 3rd minute, I don't I'm okay, I feel like I just lost both my parents
Playing that song from shrek
good choice tbh, I can no longer enjoy Sweet Child of Mine by G&R because of this video
I cant imagine contributing in such a envriment when you could end up in the same position.
Did you ever take pictures?
It's legit. Saw the same video on theync a couple of weeks ago. Shit it's fucked up
I do not feel so good, you warned me and I didn't listen. . . That was definitely rekt.
Nigger intelligence,they clearly survived numbskull

post link
Lol I told you. Just watched it again, so fucked up. Watching with volume is a must to really grasp the extent of this man's suffering. The worst part is that you never see him die. Who knows what else they did to the poor fuck.
I did above, but I will again just for you:
Please read my prior post before watching>>706977537
and if you do watch, turn the volume up, don't be a pussy
I only wrote that third comment, faggot, and I'm a fellow atheist.

There are better and more effective ways to handle yourself in society, ways you will hopefully come to understand as you mature.

But if you aren't in fact a kid, you might just be a hopeless neckbeard.
I love the music they're listening too lmaooo
That's enough internet for today
>5 minutes in
video is only 2 minutes and some change, fam
You asked for it,-One-Hammer
I know right. When Sweet Child of Mine started playing the irony nearly killed me. I had a good kek after I wrapped my brain around what I just watched.
heard about these clown sightings getting violent and a video surfacing, anyone have it?
nigga I said it fucked me up for 5 minutes after I watched it, I still finished my omelette tho
the isis marketing dept is awesome. make a clip as funny as all fuck and watch the fool sheeple continually repost it. marketing genius
Yeah lmao. It didn't phase me though. Kinda had a little laugh at the gurgling noise

Only seen one video of someone getting sorta hurt.
They ran the clown over after punching him in the head lmao.
Do you work at Grady in ATL?
JESUS! Story?
he jumped off the pylon
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I like this one
Two fucked up teenagers kill an old dude diagnosed with cancer just for fun, it's pretty obvious

Also checked
kek friend is a complete idiot saying its a message to the ameritards to bear arms.
Looks like about the 10th
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Hey! Friendo! I was about to jerk off to that!
You guys think this shit is funny? Fuckin egdy angsty teens. Go outside.
Doubt it. If it was message about guns they would have had another mass shooting. Instead of having a bunch of edgy 20-22 year olds that have no life running around in clown costumes.

A few were spotted in Canada.

Actually last night we executed a search warrant on a house that had a bunch of costumes, drugs and guns.

I didn't get to question why but I heard they were up to some bullshit like the ones in the US but with guns instead.
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>"Actually last night we executed..."

I thought you cucks had the balls to shoot a couple of them, looks like I'm wrong, again
too fucking funny.
It's a simple saying, you fucking idiot.
They were asleep. Maybe if they were awake and with the guns we would have lit them up lmao. Plus its a lot of paperwork unlike the US.

Our regular patrol constables have to do a shit ton of paper as it is just for pulling out their service pistol.

Us ERT guys don't have much but if we have to kill then we go through a shit ton of paper work plus investigations from out of city PDs to see if it was justified.

tldr; shoot to kill = sitting at your desk doing years of paper work basically
Lol'd at sweet child of mine playing. Song=forever ruined
Seen it boring,got any pics of the knife and gun club your at Dr faggot
this is fucking hilarous

It's delicious!!

What is it?
with sound says: was watching in the hell, in spanish
I seem this ages ago,I thought it would be some near death skeleton dude getting smacked aboutwith a hammer in a cancer ward in some shit hole country
This is not rekt, the pig is pretty much helpless. Rekt is not the same as gore, just name your fucking threads gore and I'll happily submit.
Click it, it has Funky Town ;)
"was watching in the hell""!?!? Aprende inglés maldito sudaca
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Enjoy with volume on!
how do you not see a fucking train coming?
it was far away
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I've been on this site for 7 years and that was definitely the most horrible shit I have ever seen. It still doesn't really do much to me, but the way he screams and tries to grasp something with the hands he does not have anymore really made me shiver for a bit. And that is saying a lot.
At least the background music is nice.

This was in New Orleans.. the name was because, when they crashed, the 35 kids had a can of beans

You can see them left, right and left
the poor guy
Haha the music is whats fucked up lol
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