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Hey /b/ I'm the OP from the earlier thread with the dropbox

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 43
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Hey /b/ I'm the OP from the earlier thread with the dropbox link.
Here's a new link again for y'all
(Don't forget to put the dot between 'mega' and 'nz')

mega nz/#!xpsFnYRT!0ob740BnvEPZEmqky6rLJHrkMqaxUnbhTALdi7Xjev0

It seems the dropbox link god temporarly disabled by all the traffic it was getting, so i'm posting a copy of the file
>In short ... she messed my life over, and i'm posting her nudes.
Enjoy, and don't forget to share
thanks op. was expecting need for pass or virus.. but none. more op's need to be like you.
I seek vengeance, not to shit on other anons m8
Doubleplus good post!
Dis legit?
yes. it is about 10 sets of this girl
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OP here, I simply want y'all to share these pics every. fucking. where. you can. In my previous thread I said I would post her fb, but apparently, following my country's laws, this can lead to pretty bad consequences, so I didn't dare to do it
love spanish girls.
Awesome then. She's hot AF. Posting on a phone but I'll download tomorrow
Could include a non nude from her facebook instead?
I so wanna see more of this sexy thing do u have any of her on all 4
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Yeah ... and any idea I can get to mess her life back is welcome /b/ros, I really need it
>>706759219 will do
Sift through the file, there's hundreds of pics m8
Tell us which state shes from? And nn from fb
full name?
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I happen to have deleted my account some months ago, so that's the best I can get you anon
She lives in Guatemala m8 (It's a country, just south of Mexico)
Last name : Del Valle. Again, I don't want trouble
You cant google her name and just post whatever default pics come up?
This is really fucking hot, thanks a lot.
someone find her pls
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Legit the only pic of her that comes out, anon
que te ha hecho?
Te puso el cuerno?
I aint too much of a spanish speaker, anon
Ella me engaño con otro idiota, por un malentendido, se aprovecho del hecho que estaba muy colgado de ella para hacerme mierda y provocó que caiga en una bastante fuerte depresión
Si, pero si unicamente hubiese sido por esto, dudo que este haciendo este post ahora mismo
Abigail del valle
Taco burrito salsa guacamole casadilla rojo
Yeah, basically m8
Fuck she's hot. What's her first name?
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It's fine dude
Stop this she is a lady
Smh you really are stupid as fuck, aren't you?
you should
Anyone knows if the emma leaks are anything worth checking out ? I dont wanna go out of my way to find 2 low quality nip snips
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it's click bait... samefag.

i know a thing or two, because i've seen a thing or two...
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um... i'm not baiting anything.


be quiet newfag.
Need candid clothes photos of her
Look for 'em in the .rar there might be some, if not, there are none
Come on bro give us her facebook
>Ella me engaño con otro idiota

She cheated on you with another idiot.'re the first idiot.
Come one! Whenever you see Spanish, you channel Trump and post, "Build the wall!"
its real fuck face
thanks op you're the best
I'd explain why that's not the case, but the point of this thread is to enjoy some biche's nudes
OP here, just trying to do the right thing anon
just.. just stop.

no one here is gonna fall for this shit.

if it was real, pic and vid links would have been posted by now.

kill yourself. kill yourself now.
Why are you so mad
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The first thread (dropbox link) purned under one hour and the link got overwhelmed
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(OP here btw)
can you add another link? or add the hpotos please?
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>Dropbox link is pic related
>I give the .rar so it's easier to post the 750+ pics I have
17 pics.

look the fook out.


folder names look suspicious.
i went to the link for the rar.... there about 6 pictures there that opened with VLC?
You should have sold this shit to a sleazy amateur Mexican nudie magazine, they pay for these kinda photos
A sub file within the archive
>look the fook up
OP here ... Yeah, but that's quite risky, and i aint really have the right contacts
OP here ... wat?
i guess im unclear on how to get said files full of said much desired nudes
This shit isnt workin in mega or vlc
OP here ...
>copy link
>add required dots
>download (check for viruses if you're scared)
yes, have done that three seperate times. it only allowes me to open in VLC
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Works fine for me fam
OP here ... Im checking the files, they're all JPEGs, sould work with whatever
OP here, don't download it has 3 viruses now serry
Hey op what's her Facebook I want to show her how I'm fapping to her
OP here ... if you can recommend a better platform i'd be glad to deliver
OP here ... other anons are more efficient than you on finding that
Wow a naked girl. Who fucking cares?
Post more please
She's only gonna laugh at your two inch dick mate
OP here ... The point isn't only the pics anon, the point is vengeance
>mega nz/#!xpsFnYRT!0ob740BnvEPZEmqky6rLJHrkMqaxUnbhTALdi7Xjev0
Link is up there, there's a bunch of sets
i no like her
but i download anyways
Got a shit tier phone hoping someone can post a few of her if not no biggie
Who has her info
Please post some pussy n butthole pics
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Damn op, this bitch is hot as fuck
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go on...
very cool
like the sets
u asked 4 it? or she did the set 4 u?
OP name plz
only for the folder
will someone please show me how to donload the sets? do i need a special application? i downloaded the one that the link goes to, but im pretty sure its a virus lol
Fuck more like this or somethin with feet showing please kind sir!!! For science purposes
>100 mb rar file
>A virus

most viruses are actually under 1mb , at least those I know I got.
i wish i could help you out good sir. i dont know how to donload the sets.... this was just from two threds i was able to save these from :(
thats good to know.. but i still cant download the sets... now its just about principle and my man hood. i must have these sets haha
Have you never downloaded files online before ? Dont click the big fuckoff download with X download manager button , click download with browser fa.m

OP, what did she do?
ive done that.... four times. it only lets me open the file with VLC.... and then its ike 8 pictures in 10 second videos a piece
by her looks she probably sucked jamal's nigger cock

Well then force open the file with WinRar , I can see the folders containing the images just fine.
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did you unzip them first?
Can u post some pics please kind sir
Oh and thanks OP. She looks amazing
so i guess i dont have winrar?? there is no option to unzip to be honest. only an option to open with VLC
dude if you cant get to these pictures by yourself after all I said you just arent old enough to see them.
SOOOO, im fucking lame and i have a mac.... how screwed am i?
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Hey OP here ... I got banned for using a VPN
You literally know nothing about computers do you ?

Google MAC ARCHIVE UTILITY or anything related to your problem and you will get answers.
dont announce it you moron theyll just ban you again.
hot slut, OP. Age in these pics?
that's is a common problem when the man is onto you. you're being observed anon. delete everything. now. do not hesitate. what your parents say if they ever got to know about our little secret?
You like?
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Don't get what happened with the rar file and the situation with vlc, but if y'all want a new link, tell me of a good site and I'll upload it again.
And i'll surely do another thread tomorrow with a new link anyway.
Thanks for following anons, I hope you can post these everywhere and make her life miserable somehow.
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seriously hot
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thanks op, i'm going to catfish someone with this and sell nudes to them
The link is fine OP this kid is retarded and didnt know about RAR files . Sometimes I wonder how non savvy faggots end up on this board.

Now thats the spirit
post EVERYTHING you have!
OP here ... Good to hear, keep up the shares /b/ros
Y'all want me to put another thread up tomorrow ?
Thanks OP, hope things go better for you
you got anymore chicks OP? Great collection
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Newfags, download 7zip to unzip your rar files.
If the unzipped pics open up in vlc, right click on them, set default program, and choose another photo viewer like photo gallery on windows or the equivalent on a mac. These are basic things you should know how to do on the interwebs.

As for the pics, they're pretty good. Especially the betty crocker cake fiasco. May fap again. Thanks OP :) Hope this brings you some redemption
no nudes?
OP here ... You the ral mvp man, I simply hope to wreck her life as much as possible
OP here I hope the same ...
Yes but not nearly as much and as nice looking
Your folder structure is absolute shit.
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Nah bruh

Ever heard of Schrodinger's Pedo ?
Got anything that shows feet?
OP here ... I guess just look through the file m8
Shit didnt work i got a shit tier phone
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nice try FBI.
Oh, you'll have to ask other anons, m8, i got banned from the computer's ip
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not her
So what's the story of this girl? I wasn't in the original thread, what did she do, where she from, how old is she, etc?
So OP, what exactly did she do?

You shit stains, its in the forst 20 posts of this thread
Nice feet and butthole!!!
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OP is she going to know this was you? Is it really worth that kind of risk? I'm all for what you're doing, I think it's great. But if she reports you.. is there any way to trace?


>OP meets her at school
>dated for 2-4 years
>her pussy got loose
>fucked a nigger
>left OP for the nigger
>OP feels cucked and pwns her
OP here ... Her name and stuff are actoss the thread, some anons looked into it if I recall correctly. We had a pretty serious relationship, (talking about marrying each other for example) shit was great and I kinda gave up on everythinh that wasn't about her after a while she did the same with me (she is strongly christian and swore upon God she'd always be with me and what not) i taught I wasn't giving her enough attention and decided to remediate with taking a short pause, to make me appreciate her more, it worked, but next thing I knew, she was back with some richfag ex she had and shit happened, at the beggining I had np idea and was asking myself why she was like that and then when i started figuring it out, she just told me she didnt want to come back and was dating the other dude
See the problem here is that she knew I was madly in love and toyed quite a bit with it, basically she knew how to hit me where it hurts, and she did as much as she could ...
Fell in a really serious depression since then, fucked up pretty much everu aspect of my life ...
(I'd done a green text but fucking mobiles phones bruh... If y'all anons wanna hear a less shitty version, ask away)
Anybody found her fb yet?

Op said last name = "Del Valle" earlier


Come on...

If she is strongly Christian, why is she wearing the Star of David?
OP here ... Here, a lot of evangelical christians do that for some reason
...fuck she is just sixteen, that´s what her fb you op.

I see her last name posted, but two different people claiming her first name..
OP here ... Thats someone else you idiot, she's 21

Got a kik name for her?
OP here ... nah she doesn't use kik
well there goes my boner
thanks op
Np anon ;)
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Asshole OP During Better Times.jpg
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Okay. Everyone wants to know who the girl is & what's the story.

Well, let's start with the OP. He's a skinny asshole from Quebec, Nicolas Fines, who's moved around the world a bit. He got a little education in South Africa (Can he stop calling everybody m8 already?) and ended up in Guatemala City where he LUCKED OUT on getting this girl. At least for a little while. He got to date her, fuck her and he was fortunate enough to receive all these photos from her, which we're all enjoying now.

But, he's a loser and she could do better. So she moved on to the other guy, Aaron Perex (who is really a pretty rich fucker). Nicolas couldn't simply appreciate what he had (and keep these photos for himself). Instead he share them with us (thanks) and gets his revenge. For all I care, he faces whatever consequences are due to him. He was obviously a shitty boyfriend and probably a shitty friend. Abi & Aaron will have to pay for the photos being out there. So, I'm fine with whatever happens to Nicolas. A general beat down sounds in order. But, if the authorities hear about this and there are legal consequences, then that's fine too.

Here are your links (everything begins with WWW dot FACEBOOK dot COM):

The loser OP:

The Girl:

Their celebration of their relationship:

The triumphant new boyfriend:

A celebration of the new love:

There you all go. Plenty to review and ponder. I'm sure you Anons will hit them all for the lols. Just be sure to fuck with Nicolas as much as you do Abi.
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Just Dont.png
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I screencapped and copied but thats beside the point

where did OP make his mistakes?
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Muh WhiteKnightism daily faggotry...
Bruh, I don't give a fuck
Enter on the thread, ejaculate and go.

/OP's Life

I couldn't find shit and I consider myself pretty savvy,

how anon?
Or white knighted.
Don't worry.

I can't even imagine how OP feels right about now...


Someone send the pics to Abi and Aaron and post results

Don't forget to say that it was Nicholas who leaked them
No, really is it?. We're not all from the USA, we do know where other places are.
Aaron looks like a fag soulless ginger...
I'm with OP he is a loser but at least he shared tons of stuff
Wow just downloaded the sets, she's very hot! Abigail is going to become a famous webslut for sure. Any cuckoldfart porn fans?
Well, at least I tried to help op out kek.
Abi was on her room door in a pic (probably more than one). I was in the process of gathering info, but someone beat me to it. He gave her last name.. the rest is cross referencing and digging.
Dude....lawful neutral IRL
I'm fuckin done
>Not that anon but I had similar findings. Only took me 20 minutes.. but he worked out some details I didn't have. Abi was on her room door, and he gave her last name. The rest is basically cross referencing plus a little digging.
why did you delete your original post
His real issue was giving away details. How long they dated, that he was her ex, info on the new boyfriend. Its Very possible this was a dox directed at her ex by her current bf or someone who hates her. too much info was given, if op is really the same guy, he deserves it for being an idiot.
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I don't know what to believe anymore. Life ruining events aren't fun.
It just didn't come out right. The white knight really did some digging
Whow is fapping on Abigail now? on which pix?
It's my first month on 4chan too!
mega link is dead can someone reupload the pics
LOL sorry bud been here since 2010 so fuck off with that shit.

She's a slut.
whats the best way?
If he does not win it will be the end of america this is a good man people one chosen by god to end corruption in the states he is what cyris was to babalon yes i belive in god and bible proficy thats if obama dosent start ww3 or declear marshall law first before he has a chance to become president
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If you are in love with a woman posted or exposed on 4chan/internet are you a cuck??
>being a part of 0 life ruining threads
Apologies great sage anon.
another mega?
Shit just basically reached 1 year finally here and this is muh 1st
I honestly just lurk though
>6 years is sage....
>6 Shades of Sage
can others see who posted what on mega? (aka will my account be visible)
no your account will be hidden
What's the big deal, is this a particular fetish or something?
I cant get the files
Can OP reup pics to another mega link?
>He can't bust a nut to a guy fucking his life up and the thought of the kid offing himself doesn't make that final load that much more powerful
lol, he deleted his fb
Thiss. I did digging myself and this info was way too easy to find. All white knighting does is gets someone doxed who the op is trying to have doxed. Why? The OP probably has something against the ex or against the girl. Maybe it's the current bf jealous of the ex? Who knows. Why would anyone give out so many clues if they didn't plan to get caught. Most people get caught because they want to seem caught.
fb gone though??

rip op, he's so fucked

I bet he's still lurking this thread

Hi op!

If you're gonna kill yourself, I suggest a helium gas-mask. Your body doesn't know the difference between helium and oxygen so it doesn't hurt. Yw!
only half true OP! Make sure the tank contains zero oxygen. Some sellers are assholes and they place some oxygen in the tank to prevent suicide. Shop smart OP!
It's also possible he's just that big of an idiot and wanted to get caught.
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And then leave the thread open. Am I just giving the Opie too much credit expecting him to delete thread when shit goes afoul?
is anyone reuploading the files?
Literally why I posted what I did originally.
If this is real, it's either a personal army request on downlow or a full retard.
Sorry guys. The heats on in the thread. Lurk for a couple of weeks, theyll be here eventually
He got banned for vpn, So maybe he is not able to close this shit. Lmao
Link for download plz ?
someone reupload pls
..good point
can someone upload the pics please?
>Can't spend 24/7 on terran conversatory dyanmica to get the best sets
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can we get a hero who upload the zip again?
what do you mean by the heat?
send me bitcoin and ill reupload lol
what do you mean what do you mean by the heat by the heat
link rip T-T
Can you repost It please?Link doesnt work
He means you will need a crane to lift it out.
Sheeeeiiiiit, looks like I got some rare Abi bois. Whats it worth to ya?
a kiss on the cheek <3
good shit mate
post it faggot
Upload it, man, for great justice
you will be recorded in history, pls do it for the boys
mate gimme that
here's one file.
lol this nigga just gonna tease these asshats with ant pictures
upload it for the boys instead of trolling us
Upload plz
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It's gonna take a while to upload m8s
>girl got some sad ass wings
i dont get that type of makeup, it looks stupid
100% shes a weaboo
More nude for wait ?
Plz upload all her set
lol enjoy your shitty album faggot i dont need it anymore
Post nude
lmao! triggered af
you're just sad that your trolling isn't working anymore
Are all these thirsty niggas aussie or wut?
>nah its all good. share for the rest of em tho
Not op but i uploaded all of her pics from the rar file. Use vola


Welp he aint lyin but he still uploadin
how can i access this link
he said vola yo if you don't know then lurk more
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spits tea out.jpg
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so basicaly op you want us to look at someone who is 16
i can fuck the living shit out of a 16 yo, have kids with her, but i cannot look at or save pictures of someone of said age
so i shall leave downloading or saving pics of her

good day sir
what is vola?
diff girl famalam
type volafile into google, go to the first website, then add /r/BB_AyWm to the end of the url
>the handholding israel
How to download all on vola ?
thank you so much
the faggot deleted them
Make a mega plz
can someone upload to mega?
i don't think anyone saved enough of them
Wut. Several people downloaded the entire zip.
on the vola
You out yo goddamn mind if you think niggas didnt save the rar when the files were up
on vola
Pontos u da man>>706785125
Goddamn you faggots need to lurk more
Also if anybody using firefox, Should use downthemall to download all on vola. or something similar for other web browsers
Why did op delete?
post some cocks and i'll upload it somwhere
She MUST have fucked some niggers. Stay cucked brown people
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You are such a faggot. Can't just have a fap and move on with your life; instead you find it necessary to project your own insecurities and shortcomings onto someone else, all the while fronting as if you aren't among the worst of specimens the male species has to offer.
Op here I'm a massive faggot
anyone gonna post a zip file somewhere?
lets try this again..


upload it
Op here I can speak perfect English but my wife to be only spoke Spanish
Check out his ban date again. It says 2014. Bait for sure

get rekt you piece of shit. lrn to /b/
>May 28th, 2014
ENTIRE ZIP: /get/PxMUPyoHw65Jg/111(dot)zip
what website is this>?
wtf link is that
Lrn to /b/? You (assuming you're the anon I was addressing) make your faggoty feelings clear by saying he deserves punishment etc. I enjoy a good doxxing as much as the next guy, but what you did is the definition of a white knight; it wasn't for lulz, it was done because you feel some level of pain for someone or something in this scenario. That makes you a faggot. OP delivered and even reposted at our request. He held up his end of the deal, then you stumble into the thread while crying into a tub of Ben and Jerry's and fuck it up for him. FAG
nevermind, i downloaded the wrong link
give us a hint
anyone mega or imgur?
Mega or imgur plz she is so hot

is legit, no crap
V for Vola /get/DDdDPyoHw65ug/111%20REAL%20ONE(dot)rar
I thank you kindly sir
Dont found
Help me
#!5ZEz1SbJ!huzO1-WrGntMlo-dR1oQRovVfvN-K6xjcjZZ7a9nspA on mega pass opgirl

where can i download the set too?
Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 43

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