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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>706151951 The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 217
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
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I don't think I've seen one with blue eyes. Well as far as i know at the least

Oooooh. Um maybe? Lol. If they don't do anything first that might get me on my guard
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Cirno claim
I'm sure there won't be much out of the ordinary.
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And I keep on meaning to ask you, why do you dislike me?
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It's okay, I'm a worthless piece of shit anyhow.
Nobody said that
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So spook me first then warm up to me? Will there be plenty of hugs involved?
Oh yeah, plenty. A lot of abyssals look nice to cuddle with, like Seaport Princess herself.
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They're both very cute.
No doubts to that!
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good morning akame
did you sleep good?
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Mako claimed
Best seasonal waifu
cut me yuno
Seaport Himedere
Seaport is a given! Lol you know that. Who else are as huggable?
>cute halloween pic
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It's time

Rin claimed
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I'm bored.
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Why are you trying to be sacho?
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morning. Slept alright but waking up was very rough. I'm focusing quite hard on not throwing up but I think it has to happen to start fresh
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The lolicon in me is telling me to pick Hoppou over Seaport, but I'd really like to cuddle up next to Seaport under a blanket, even over such a cute loli.
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Old man pleaser
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So far, I'll say Midway, Submarine, and Seaport Water Oni. There's a lot of abyssals!
Why not both?
Faggot ass nigga
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Oh that sucks I'm sorry
Food didn't do that good then I guess
How many days in a row haven't you eaten?
Perhaps it's time to see a doc?
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The season has lasted 9 years and it's still going.
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That would be nice, but beggars can't be choosers, so Seaport, final answer. Well, obviously Shiro over everything else, but if I had to choose between Hoppou and Seaport, it'd be Seaport.
My meme...
There goes a purple eyes abyssal and not a blue one lol. Would this be midway? A cute. Makes you wonder if they have fun. Playing around when not fighting the ship girls
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Face of seasonal is Miku :^)
Its a meme that anon used wrong. Since your waifu is named Rin he called her an oldman pleaser
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I never go for more than one day without eating a little something, but I'm really running on empty and my stupid ass figured out it was a good idea to pass out to bed full of undigested alcohol
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How you gonna call Miku seasonal but you claim a KLK waifu?
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I guess it's only fair. I'd cuddle with Seaport too.
Still Seaport, but I need to show Midway.
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ruby is waifu for laifu
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Roobs no...
Its a joke dude
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>Stop bike to get some water real quick
>See myself in a car mirror
It's been a while since I've gotten to admire how good I look while doing sports, especially biking
She seems very cuddleable. I think I'd have to credit that to her figure.
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Remember that talk about seeing through their deathly glare? I'mma need help l
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It's true, though.
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Thanks for the info, anon
Just think about how beautiful the abyssal is!
Yeah, the abyssals look really nice.
not really.

Also nice double dubs
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They're ABYSSmal :^)
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Claiming Felix
I'm trying! No evail :(. Can I compliment them to see a smile?
Traps are godtier husbandos
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Oh you!
we talkin abt waifus here gtfo w ur husbando shit
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I can say that she has no problems adapting to different seasons.
Yay! Like that pic you posted!
Maybe the reason why the abyssals don't smile too much is because they're bashful!
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pixel stuff 5.png
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Hime is so cuddly. I wish I had a Momma Hime
It would really sound heartwarming to say the least.
Shiro looks nice too!
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Why are you still talking to me? You're wasting your time, Anon.
I have plenty of time
She looks like she's always comfy. Does she wear a sweater?
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>tfw you will most likely never have a qt 3.14 trap bf in real life
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No kidding, I believe that. Most for your pics I've seen are mainly blushes. It's adorable

The T seems to be cut off. Would you like the original?
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Then you should spend it on someone or something actually worth your time, unlike me.
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Yes please, even though the t doesn't really change the message
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Double faggot
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Looks more like a dress to me.
Blushing is one of the best signs of moe.
But nobody else is talking to me, and i can multitask
Looks like a sweaterdress hybrid
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I'm going to head out now. It was nice talking with you. Find someone nice to speak to for me.
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Agreed! Looks like it's always keeping her in a cozy temperature.
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Hime looks like a buster version of the girl from Die Antwoord
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Nigga it's like 1:30 I'm the afternoon in Texas.
where is this from?
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Oh nevermind then

It is! I'd love to see a spin off about the abyssal girls with cute voices that matches and don't match their looks of that makes sense
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Its Air Defence Princess from KanColle
Kantai Collection
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Quit spoonfeeding
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Tadaima ittekimasu!
nigga it's like 11:37 I'm
the afternoon in Arizona
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I'd easily imagine that Seaport's is a quiet, shy-sounding kind of voice. It'd fit her so much!
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what's wrong with answering a question?

bye bye.

Oh that would be perfect! While hoppo is energetic and cheerful. Seaport also seems like the type not to mess with when angered
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I miss Arizona, I spend a month or so out of the year in Prescott valley.
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Only a little
Why am I included in this
Yep. Who knows how would she use those big arms and claws!
HOO. Thanks for that, Syndrabro!
>Mavis lives in Texas
What city famalam
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Give a man a fish, they eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish, they eat for a lifetime.

Only babies need to be spoon fed.
She uses them for hugs only. What other used are there?
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Because Galil is sexy
Give a man a fire he's warm for the night
Throw him in the fire he's warm for the rest of his life
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I won't look something up for someone, but if I know off the top of my head I'll pretty much always share the information with people.
just woke up my famallamas how have you all been



theres only 3 cities in texas in texas

i laughed
Well, that's a good point. She's too pure to be angered!
Also, I'm not exactly sure because you can only do so much with big arms and claws, but there's usually a way around it. I can always hold one of her claws!
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Plz no
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Here is the rest of the ingame lines.
What I can't wank it to beautiful animoo girksw?
Exactly! Maybe she just raises them to scare others when things get a bit out of crazy? Makes you wonder what's under that sleeve if. Cause that can be her acutal hand
>I can always hold one of her claws!
Whoa! Mama bear! That's a bit lewd!!
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Beach Friends.jpg
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Jerk to M16 or RK95 but not Galil please it makes me sad
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i overslept so i missed you this morning
how is your weekend going?
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Very nice.
>actual hand
I wish you don't spoil it for me.
Also, lewd, but not over-sexualized!
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flower hat!.jpg
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She does look nice. Girls are always very beautiful when they're the light of your life.
Hi! How're you doing?
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How does a compliment make you sad? Plus waifu claiming threads were originally to fap to waifus. Also FNC is a hottie too
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>originally to fap to waifus.
You are completely wrong.
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i didn't even get on earlier, so, you didn't miss me
it has just started and it is ok so far
how has your weekend been

galil will never understand
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Best Buds.jpg
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It just doesn't feel right.
I don't know about that, but if it was true it isn't anymore
Yes that is true
>Girls are always very beautiful when they're the light of your life.
Now that's pretty powerful. Well said!
Oh. I didn't know. And spoiling the show? Cause haven't watched it in a long time
Fair point, mama bear. Fair point. No calling each other by first name. Okay?
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i meant my morning, your night
any plans for it?
mine has been garbage pretty much. should be doing homework and studying but i played LoL for 8 hours today
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Hey Galil-chan
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Fair enough, fair enough.
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Felix <3
Good mama bear! And is seaport the biggest abyssal? She seems to tower over others.Lol nice little chat. I'll maybe see you later in thread if you decide to come
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Galil-chan <3
I'm not too keen on how tall the abyssals are, but I think they average around 7'. I plan on trying to be more active for now!
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How's it going Felix?
>I'm busy so might take a bit to respond
what's this from?
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not much plans for today, gonna eat and play some games, maybe practice using a skateboard
how did that league tourney you watched go
Kantai Collection.
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Boku no Pico
Its origins were a thread where you post your waifus so an anon could fap. It then evolved into a chaotic claiming thread with no elitists to rule over them. Then they got a couple of rules like "claim your waifu", "insult other waifus", "rate other waifus". Then it became more of a general. This is when most oldfags started coming. Eventually they started to develop into a niche community on /b/. A couple of anons would circlejerk while most only claim. Soon came November when waifu grew a little so that more anons joined in the circlejerk. This era in history was known as the "Rise of the 'Elitist'". Sooner more new people join that the oldfags felt irrelevant and started the elitist meme. They weren't called elitists yet, but as /waifu/ developed more and more the threads became more frequent when Syndra or Tenryuu (forgot which one) proposed to make them 24/7. By then, /b/ started to hate us. What had become of our little claiming threads? At first the circlejerking was harmless fun until it was 24/7. Soon we had grew into a large community with almost a centenary of members. Spamming became more frequent. Sometimes done by a certain shitposter other times done by fags that think that we are using precious amounts of interwebz for their trap-threads. Through all of this the new generation of elitist rose. If the original elitist saw them they would be disgraced. But who cares about so-called "elitism". Sooner it became cool to shitpost on /waifu/. Newfriends would tell us to go back to the original /waifu/ known as /a/. Most of the Avatarfags here tell them to fuck off or what not. Then came another era "Summer of '16". This is when most of our present posters joined. This angered the original "elitists" (I 'm not saying that elitist should kys or anything, just calling them that to differentiate from other anons.) Anyhow the OG Elitists mostly left our /waifu/.
>TL:DR: a genuine history of /waifu/ Thats not a shitpost
>pic unrelated
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Thank you.
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Fairly good

Supposed to be hanging out with some friends soon
you little shit..
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ACTUALLY we would simply discuss our waifu.

Their likes, dislikes, birthdays, favorite food, "if this happened what would you do", "how would you spend your day with them", height, weight, manga, anime, merchandise, etc.

There was a Rei Ayanami claimer who would wait until the /waifu/ thread was up, and would proceed to make a Waifu Fap thread.

Tenryuu would originally start the threads, and most of the threads afterward. We would actually 404 before we hit image cap.

THEN people started flooding in, bringing in drama and bullshit. /waifu/ went 24/7 and the older users started to drift away from the newer users using third party programs like Discord and Telegram.

A huge schism was created thanks to the effort of a few people who were not admitted into the discord and started fucking crying.

A few months, and newfags, later we are here.

Did you even try?
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ah that sounds pretty good, are you a skater?
any good at it? that stuff is pretty impressive
oh it was great! my favourite team won a match, it really looks like they are about to pick it up.
im super hyped for the comming weeks
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Sand Castle.gif
2 MB, 407x245
Goods always good, hope you have fun with your friends
Mai, are you here?
Pay no heed to those who mention memes made out of animes.
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If he actually checked out Boku no Pico he's a newfag and deserved it.
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you just gave me rheumatoid arthritis

naw im not, when i was little i used to be able to ride decently nothing fancy though
what level is the tourney (regional, national, international)

wew lad
fortunately there are still anons like you

Just because I actually did..

Whatever, fck you anon!
This is 4chan. Be nice.
>caring this much
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>This is 4chan. Be nice.

Nope, fuck you, lurk moar.
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>hurr nothing is dying you retard we said that 6 months ago
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Chen claimed.
btw saving every 1 you post.
randomely joined this thread first time
saw her the first time
instantly had to save-

yes i'm a newfriend.
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She's quite the beauty, isn't she?
Well I wanted to insult you for that "stop spoonfeeding" before anyway..
Yeah, she is.
So, is it true? It's from a game?
lurking wiki right now.
QOTT:Your waifu wants you to be more active and stop being a NEET
Wat do?
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Anyway the OGs usually lurk. Some of them occasionally post. Some of them are shitposters. A portion have tooken on new personas. But thats not important. By this portion of /waifu/'s history we developed rich (some toxic) culture. Like the elitism meme. This meme is toxic. As it gives the shitposters reasons to shitpost, which support these so-called "elitists" so they can add fuel to the shitposters flame. This vicious cycle is a pillar that supports the firefight of "elitism" shitstorm. Rich culture can be construed by which biased you are. Like think of /waifu/ as a two-party system. One's Republicans the others are Democrats (in /waifu/'s case the elitists are Republicans and the shitposters are NOT democrats but for the sake of this analogy they will be). The "Elitists" want to keep /waifu/ cozy while the shitposters want freedom from quality control and stuff. But like America's two party system there is a third-party. This party is a hybrid of elitist and shitposter (kinda like OG Tomoko, no offence). Then the "Fall of '16" came and we almost had equal amounts of newfags join. By then Project Waifu Beach was canceled partly from the department of Hand-kun and the sheer amount of newfriends. Soon enough, almost none of us knew anyone from Project Waifu Beach. I remember most, if not all PWB anons. The amount of newfriends marked more toxicity and the downfall of waifu. Soon enough people committed acts of heresy so often heresy became the norm in /waifu/. Seriously every night people post lewds of their waifu. Even if /waifu/ sinks to the bottom and have almost no members left we will be reborn and historu will repeat itself. Hell I barely know anybody ITT these days.

Source: /waifu/ archives
>did you even try
Are you implying I was shitposting? I know I'm Mi Liu but that wasn't a shitposts.
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oh thats too bad, why did you quit and why do you want to pick it up again?
its international, its the world championship
the american team im rooting for beat the best korean team so im pretty excited
they can really get far because it wasnt just a win it was a stomp
Yes, but from what I've heard, the vidya isn't really that good.
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Kuroki Tomoko CUTE.jpg
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Say "You first."
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I'm not a NEET, actually, I go to college.
And are we -really- going to start this elitist crap again?
Can we please get a new meme? This one's been beaten so much you're practically playing the xylophone on it's fucking skeleton.
Tomoko is now /fit/ and operates a small shipping company.You are still fat and unemployed.Now what?
You have gotten your degree, but not a job.Now what?
"Japanese Online-Card Game"
I don't even know how to imagine that.
But since I created a new folder for her it's too late to stop lurking

any link you would like to share brother
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You over-analyse and care too much.
Not starting any elitist crap. "Elitism" is a sole part of /waifu/
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This is your OG Shit posting Tomoko-fag. Promising that if you elect me for Overlord of /Waifu/ I will make sure you know you're waifu is shit.

Well that changes the situation completely. Guess I git fit and start lifting them packages boy.
Get a new waifu. whe obviously doesn't like me for who i am so i don't like her
I'm afraid that you're on your own for this, because I've no interest in the game. Apologies.
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I have lean muscle, but more or less on the educated part.
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It's not a meme, it's reality. When do you ever see OG posters here? Rarely, they all left this shithole for Discord/Telegram.
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Good job
>Get a new waifu
If you're so willing to do that she wasn't a waifu in the first place.
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Is it because an shitposter is smarter than you that you say this?
You've got my vote. Hell I'll be your running mate. Maybe you've motivated me to post pics of Mi Liu now
Get a job
I mean for pictures.
>Assuming you got a gallery
Oh, I didn't know what you meant. Sorry about that.
I can link a mega so that you can download my whole folder, if you want.
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Forgot a picture. Whoops!
It would be an honor, dear anon.
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Alice 89.jpg
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I'm coming home to (You)
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初音ミク – 706.jpg
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It's a terrible game to be honest, unless you enjoy endless grinding. Still worth to try and see what it is I guess, the characters are really cute.
that's a meme you dip
I'm well aware /elitism/ is real

And now that all new people are elitists and already in discord /waifu/ is dead
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No, it's because you genuinely seem to care far too much.
Tenryuu started posting these threads, people started claiming their waifus, the threads reached a larger audience, and now we're here. Nothing else of importance has happened and it's largely the same.
I'm right here, fam. And Shiki posts pretty often too. I'd even consider Syndra OG.
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Will do.
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A new breed of elitism :^)
That's not how /waifu/ started. When it became 24/7 is the generation of "newfags". Now I'm not saying I'm an oldfag but I'm more knowledgeable about this community
Don't forget the OG Heretic. Aka CCta
eh, just didn't bother buying a new one, decided to start again because i need a mode of transportation thats easier to take care of than a bike
>not just a win, it was a stomp
sounds like sfv

because when one makes friends online and they find a more private alternative they go to that alternative to meet up, just like in real life when you make friends with co-workers and classmates

semi neet, im actually have been applying for jobs and im gonna go back to school in a year or so, and i actually am being more active surprisingly

i'm voting for you now

writing how shit happened doesn't always mean one cares too much

i agree most in that catagory are shit unless, its pokemon, yugioh, magic, or a similar style or ripoff
how you doing anyways
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You have to be on more than a month to be even CONSIDERED an elitists. Having chats outside of the thread isn't elitism. It's when they think they are higher than us because they are in those chats. Discord Elitism is a meme
yeah i guess
thanks for the link
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初音ミク – 100.jpg
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I'm doing great. And no, it's not a ripoff to those at all, it's nothing like a card game actually.
It's an RPG where the only gameplay is making teams of 6 ships and sending them in sorties or expeditions, other than that it's all up to randomness.
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I'm pretty sure I know how these threads started, since I've been here since day one.
If Tenryuu isn't to be credited, who is?

I do think two lengthy posts about the history of something so irrelevant means you care too much.
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Miho's been around for a while, too.
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Hence why I said rarely. MOST OG posters have already ditched the thread for Discord/Telegram.

It's sad era indeed. The majority of posters here are just shitposters and circlejerks.
I remember the good ol' days when we actually talked about waifus and didn't hugbox.

But what I'm saying is that's the reason these threads are such a shithole now.

I should of known it was you posting.
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so you are a lazy shit?
also what is wrong with a bike? i use it all the time never had to take care of it once.
i have no idea what you mean with this
There are a few people I forget that have been here for a long time. But, yeah, most don't post anymore.

I couldn't leave /b/ even if I tried. The site will have to go down and die to rid of me.

also, got steamerino?
Here's my folder, and yes I do!
Would be glad if you add me
Looking for nice anons since i'm bit of a newfriend

>steam: rogerandi
(my avatar is holding a sign)
and thanks for the link!
Mind getting on the new thread?
I was about to leave
But I would never decline a nice chat
See you there
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