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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>705587583 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 174
Thread images: 151
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Kyouko (331).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Anyone wanna play MWO?
Why? I can go to sleep whenever I want pretty much, I was just staying because you wanted to talk for a while, you're allowed to go to sleep anytime you want, you know?
Hi Rikka.
Chen claimed.
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Saber claim
>I might pass out any moment now
On the same boat
>All these anons asking for friends to play games
>I'm about to go to sleep
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good morning
Hello there neptuna!
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Moo world order?

I bet it's some stupid weeabo game. Be a real man and play ddr with me.
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I would if we lived in the same area.
But it stands for Mech Warrior Online. Basically you are a giant tank with lasers, large guns or missiles and you smash other mechs.
Sounds like a personal problem.
Emu? Nope, not yet. I'll go bug em now.

>Not enjoying playing slutty speed boat and torping BBs to death
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I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible before bed. I kind put you above sleeping. You really peak my interest
I'll head to bed now, will you be around tomorrow?

Good to see you again, Yun.
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too bad you have to sleep
sweet dreams
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Hey now, I don't speak your chingy Chang Chong language.
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Fuck :^)
I'm referring to former Iowa anon
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It's already about to be sunrise, so, I guess.
So, night, I'll go to sleep too.
Speak merican you filthy degenerate.
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I know. Umi, I call em Emu.
>They said nope.
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Don't bully me, Nep :(
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Goodnight /waifu
Sorry :^)
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Yeah I'm out too. Night /Waifu/
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Syndra [71].jpg
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goodnight both
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Threads dead
Warships m8.
>Getting more than 2 kills a match before I go out, and heavily wounding others
>Team 2 shit, can't carry
Emi claim
your all losers for claiming cartoons as your wives and deserve to be castrated so this world can have less degenerate retards like all of you
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Kyouko (327).jpg
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Thanks for the bump.
your welcome now more people can see how degenerate you are and vote to castrate you all
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i just wanted to spice things up in the thread, no wonder it's dead :'(
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where do you live that its that hot?
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Saya 040.jpg
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Claiming best girl

Morning /waifu/
San Diego,CA. It was 94 degrees today and working in a kitchen certainly didn't help. At least lecture halls were much cooler.
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oops, forgot pic
in ballsack because its hot as BALLS, ha get it weather and sexual joke

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oh damn thats pretty hot
im jealous tbh i like lecture halls because they are hot now
I mean the worst thing is going from a lecture hall that was 65 degrees to the sunny outside that was 90 degrees. It felt like I was being given an indian burn all over
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Yawn Deer Ree Chan (69).png
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tsunyun your hurtin me

its like 70 here in az, at least it isn't above our usual 100 degree weather, 65 is fuckin freezing jesus
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Nonon, try sitting in my car in this.
>Engine is a literal fucking heater
>Heat seaping through the heat shielding covering the transmission
>Turn off tfe AC, and it'll be toasty warm even in snow conditions
I actually love cold weather, when it's above 80 I start to not like it. When it gets below 50 is when I think it's to chilly.

We. That sounds terrible, any way to mitigate that heat besides AC?
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kek yea i feel ya, summer can suck but i kinda miss it
but going from a nice and cozy lecture to 51 degrees outside is also pretty hellish
if you didnt explain it afterwards i might have smiled
also do i know you?
Nope. AC is the only fix. I don't mind though, it's a sports car, not a fucking Prius. Gas conservation isn't what it's for, so I don't care if I use a bit on not roasting myself.
>It is making me consider a Mk3 for my next car though
>As much as I love triangles, it's nice to try different things
oh right sorry, canon fodder

sounds nice actually

when its hot i actually like it blazing out and sunny, when i want it cold or cool i want it below 65 and above 40

silly tsunyun, dumb as ever, but why give a 3/10 im suppose to tease you not the other way around

mortal kombat 3 is good, but why stray from triangles one of the best shape structures out there
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oh i think i already know
the joke wasnt funny i was giving my honest opinion
you cant tease me anymore
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Where do you live that you're freezing in autumn?

I laugh everytime a prius goes by because of the noise it makes

wha is wrong with you? You form Aus?
Only nice if it's cold out. Otherwise, AC FOR DAYS!

And not Mortal Kombat, a Mk3 Supra! It uses an Inline 6 engine instead of a 13B rotary!

>Goes by
>Letting a Prius pass you
I have literally never seen a Prius break 70 MPH.
Now behold, my somewhat boring drive through Alpine earlier.
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fucking netherlands
our weather is fucked because last week we were hitting the 100 degrees and not mornings are barely 50
then who am i

says the common soldier that holds himself worthy enough to speak on behalf of all of your kind

naw, not aussie im based in the U.S., just like you

>inline engine
wew lad
>mortal kombat 3 super
>not street fight 4rd strike
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Is MWO free to play?

>Yakumo Album

>The Day Ran Arrived

>Yakumo Coming of Age Day

>The Day Chen Arrived

>The Day After Chen Arived

De-moonrooned for you.

I'm back!
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Alice 85.jpg
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Claim, leaving for school
Claiming from school. No pics here

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you are hikage claimer
i dunno why you arent posting pics but you are the only one who calls me silly tsunyun
welcome back
did whaever you were doing go well?
oh i thought you were staying home another day?
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Hello and goodbye .4
what? no why would i be hikage poster?

dead thread
Yeah its kinda early.

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well its the time of day he usually posts and as i said he calls me silly tsunyun
if are really not him then i got nothing
shouldnt you be paying attention fellow windmill?
I mean like when I'm standing on the sidewalk and I see a Prius

If you're Netherlands then why are you using Fahrenheit?

I see. Midwest?

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Uhhh ... sort of. Back in Japan, but stuck here again.
How is that wew?!
And just because you're naming off games does not mean you're not getting the MadCatz controller!

.....what kind of strange land do you live in?

BOOKI BOOKI BOOKI! Since you're in Nipland, can you send me a car with express shipping?
I only need to resgister some phone calls and stuff. Not a big deal.

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because its easier
if i convert it we can understand each other better
it would be quite rude of me to throw celcius at you while you started in fahrenheit
oh but that could be a good thing
why are you stuck there
doesnt sound like a class which needs attention yea
didnt talk to you for a while how was your weekend?
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>the world hasn't switched to the superior kelvin
This is why we aren't space faring yet.

Public transportation! And I walk a lot.

Oh, I see. That's very courteous of you.
>oceans are literally boiling
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naw you retarded as usual and letting up really quick, learn to be a bit more stuborn
>time of day he usually posts
this is around the time i leave

i'm in arizona, because murica uses farenheight

yuno see what you did blowing my cover
>the madcatz meme
thats a dead meme please stop beating it
>inline wew
why not get a car with a v8 like the rest of us you pleb

hey suika

you in the netherlands?
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It's impossible to send back Skylines. You can only legally ship them as parts, or if they're older than 1985.

Broken aircraft.

Hello. Please wait until you are done bathing to share!
>Public transportation
Oh god, you poor soul. Forever cursed with the curse of /o/.

As if I want some over weight pigfat can't turn machine.
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D-.. Does Lucia count?
Fucking love her
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Aah, Arizona. My favorite drink. :^)

Soon I'll get my car back.
Working man, but good. How about yours?
I am homie. Me and yun are windmill friends.

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Slow thread...
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it would be the same if i started talking dutch and expected you to translate it
kek that would be amazing
oh kek, well i was right though, you should be honored i am bad at this sort of stuff
oh no you are going?
oh thats not good
well luckily you knew it was broken before you got on
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oh well atleast you made money. i only spend mine in Paris
its quite lively actually
considering the time of day
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Alice 34.jpg
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I"m back
Fucking hate france dude.
Im saving money for a new computer.
Hey man, how you doing?

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>Thread is shy of half full after two hours
Oh. If you say so.
Welcome back.
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Rule 34 of these two claimed
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Syndra [282].jpg
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No need to hurry.
Welcome back.
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Alice 47.png
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I'm not doing too bad, how are you?
>I'm not sure who this is
Good morning and thank you Shizuru. Did you get any sleep? Or haven't gone yet
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i fucked up.png
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im sorry :(

please don't drink something that will make you thirsty in such a dry state. :^)

so you know each other irl? what is the netherlands population actually

your not on often at this time are you

please don't leave so quickly
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Alice 41.jpg
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Thank you master. Did you go to class yet? Or is it not until later?
I don't have class starting for an hour and a half, so I'll be around for a while this time
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Fucking newfags crying about "slow thread". Back in my day, this is how threads used to be.
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yea honestly paris is the biggest shit hole i have seen in a long time, and fuck all the inhabitants, assholes
you gonna buy custom parts and put it together yourself?
well it was dead yea
but it reanimatted
its 17 mil
we dont
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Kyouko (326).jpg
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Gee, I wonder who this is :^)
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Saitama w/Fubuki on his dick, claimed
>can't turn
Look at the Monaros. Aussie built cars. Jack of all trades, master of powerslides.
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I don't know dutch,although I want to learn deutsch

This is true. Nothing quenches thirst quite like water, especially sugary drinks.
Wrongo, Booki. It's a 25 year old import rule. So cars from 1991 or sooner can be imported now!

Why don't you have it again?

Hey, some V8s are alright. But American V8s are pigfat landbarges.
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The guy fucking Iris in this pic, claimed
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True, but still.
Not yet. Not sleep for me!
How're your morning going?
I am. Some days are slower than others. This one feels slow.
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i was just kidding, i actually know quite a bit of german but its hard. the articles of words change depending on the sentences
also i was wondering are you the same nonon who i talked to a few days ago
you ride some sort of train before going to school and you were doubting if you wanted to watch anime on there
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Syndra [338].png
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That didnt take long.
I already left for it in the morning. I still have ~2 more hours left.
forgot to answer you sorry. im not leaving yet... maybe

a-am i really that special to you my kohai

maybe its you, dun dun duuuuunnnnn... nope just the usual chen

that sounds nice, where you from if your having class right now?

exactly so please drink lots of our drink we need the money for our poor poor definitely legal mexican populace

see >>705607995
wiat oh...
fucking faggot can't even import a car, just to show you ill come with a ps2 controller imported from japan

in the words of a new fag who caught om fast, lurk moar
What does a boat need to do so she can get some attention?

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...Do you think i'm new?
Underwear works pretty well.
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The background of this image, claimed
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Alice 48.jpg
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It started very early. I didn't get much sleep again last night. The congestion came back when I lied down to go to sleep.
My fate was already sealed. Might as well make the most of it. Funny, you finish just when I'm getting into my classes. What do they have you working on now?
I'm in Canada, but it doesn't start for another hour or so. 8:30 is pretty normal time for classes to start I thought
Hello bote, how are you doing today?
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It broke down and I'm saving up money to repair and reinstate it with the DMV

Yeah. There's other Nonons? Oh, and I thought German would be easy like spanish or something.


Kek, I bet is no worse in AZ than it is here near the border. I can literally see Tijuana from my house.

Do you really consider yourself old?
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Whatever it is she's leaning on, claimed
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>i forgot to answer you
that hurt me
hey i just like talking to you
i wondered how it worked out for you
yea it isnt like spanish at all
German it quite hard kek, but for dutch people its a lot easier since our lagnuages are very similar
i think it would be quite hard for an americano
also there have been some people posting nonon pics who i was certain of werent you
Do it faggot, you won't!


Know what's wrong wit hit? I might be able to help you out if it's not something that requires a full engine rebuild.
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Bummer. Sucks you're still sick.
Do i have to be old to not be new?
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Kyouko (330).jpg
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That works, apparently.
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Alice 57.jpg
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It should be gone by tomorrow I think. For the most part all the symptoms are gone now, except for some very small amount of congestion and the sore throat/cough. The fever is gone and the worst of the congestion, so I'll be ship shape( :^) )very soon
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Syndra [254].jpg
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Nothing, just waiting for something new.
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please stop there.jpg
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be tenryuu

it is, so your in canada, if i get on your bad side what would you do

about a month with non lurking, maybe 3 at most

lel, over here its more spread out thats all

im sorry, thank you though my cute kohai
>i think You Know fears me

isn't enlish a germanic language or something like that, like french, spanish, and italian share some rules

I will faggot, don't cry when you lose

theres no in between these days

kyouko no extorting the newfag for lewds and n00dz unless its tenryuu the best lewd boat
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I usually go on later in the evening in burger hours. Around this time. I didn't know there were other Nonons. Darn, now I'm a little more reluctant to take a class on german.

Just coolant tank replace, battery replace and sticker payment

95% of my graduating class in high school was mexican.
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Alice 20.jpg
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Waiting for new stuff is the worst. I have a lecture in C this morning and hopefully that will be enough for me to begin the new assignment. It seems simple enough, and I already have a rough outline of how I'm going to do it. I just need to learn how arrays function in this.
I'd probably just ignore you like a certain other person who posts in these threads.
>why would you be on my bad side?
I bet you don't even smash the X button to win!

>Coolant tank replacement and a battery replacement
I could do that for you for free easy! And the parts... well, the coolant tank is dirt cheap!
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... sort of. It's a really complicated situation. Someone else flew that plane and put it down for maintenance, but we're supposed to be on it next.


It's okay. Just please try to consider your presentation!

Neg nig nog. In California it's 1985.

Syndra please stop drafting people into your syndicate.

Zuikaku please keep your hold held.

>I always win when I smash

Is MWO just full of old, experienced people? Should I even bother starting up?
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Halfass lurked for a week, been posting for about 5 months.
>No in between
That's nonsense.
Puns are bad. That's good though, hopefully you're right.
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why would he fear someone as cute as you?
english is pretty much a mash of both, since they took a lot of french words but also some germanic
thats why its such an easy langauge for everyone
that not now though, im gonna be honest im kinda losing track of time but i thought you were usually on when i was zzz'ing.
they usually just "claim" then leave
oh no, you shouldnt, if you truly want to learn the language go for it, im just bad at it because im bad at languages in general
i just think you will be up for a challenge
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Alice 29.jpg
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Hello Suika, how are you doing today?
I thought that was a pretty good pun. I hope I'm right too. Maybe if I tell myself that it'll be over tomorrow, it really will be. I really want to stop taking this decongestant, because for whatever reason it seems to have the undesirable side effect of using the bathroom nearly impossible..
I won't be buying this brand ever again
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Syndra [271].png
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Have fun with that.
I still haven't looked into C as mutch as i really should.
Alright, i will.
For now atleast.
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Lol, I don't have any moolah because I spent it all on bills and books. Rent is expensive here man. But I will soon, the biggest thing is the DMV sticker process.

Oh, I guess I'll be sure to enroll in a German class soon, it's gonna be fun learning deutsch.
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Alice 67.jpg
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It's much easier to understand when you have someone teaching it to you, rather than to try and figure it out yourself. I would recommend waiting for your program to start covering it before you go looking into it too deeply
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thats pretty weird
so what now? how long do you have to wait?
yea i wonder how you will do
might i ask why you want to know german so bad?
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cute hikage and co..jpg
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maybe goodnight. MAYBE!
>i think i saw a white guye
>nope, just another albino spic
honestly depends on city here

idk, just wondering

i bet you don't even lean forward from your seat to gain speed!

thanks. Maybe!

oh rip two month before my dedicated lurking days

maybe english is easy because its so present in so much nowadays
something something about not liking to talk about past and me threatening

still not best boats tenryuu or even kashima
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his past? yea he doesnt like that
goodnight though, you better sleep if you leave this place or i will get upset
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Well, it takes quite a bit to make me hate someone. So I don't think you really have to worry about that too much. I'm pretty easy going for the most part
Sleep well
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>ignore you like a certain other person who posts in these threads
what did i ever do to you alice?
If trips post lewds.
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Okay. Have to shift my schedule from going to bed at 10pm to waking up at 10pm.

Did you liked it?



Depends. Because of the problem, they have to send an MRT (Maintenance Recovery Team), because there isn't any support for the type of aircraft at this base. The MRT is going to do diagnostics to see if it's flyable, or what repairs are required (likely none). Probably 2-3 days. This jet is a cripple.
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Alice 28.jpg
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>continues to ignore
You silly billy, you know who I'm talking about
That's pretty rough. Do you take anything to help you sleep? How long do you have to flip your schedule so drastically?
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glad to see someone finally sees im joking
but honestly i dont know who you mean
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I like yuro languages. And I originally wanted to learn latin but good luck finding anyone to speak it with. And I didn't wanna learn frog. I guess I enjoy how german is spoken and how it sounds.

Uhhh,nighty then!

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I'm taking some beer right now to start. I'm going to go see the doc to get some Ambien tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be back stateside next week, where this kind of schedule doesn't really happen.
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Alice 98.jpg
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Are people having a hard time telling when you're joking about something?
Esdeath of course, who else do I blatantly ignore?
Where are you at now that you need to make such a drastic time change? East Asia?
>what's wrong :c
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oh alright those are good enough reason, but you couldnt take latin in high school? i took it one year.
and what wrong with frog? i mean the people who speak are asses but its quite handy, France is a beautiful country and people dont want to speak english, so knowing bits and pieces is nice
eh i get taken too serious by everyone here, especially when i try to use irony
kek ofc should have known but he doesnt come to thread often so i didnt think of him immedeatly
Well, it's less the shift in location (Guam>Japan) and more the shift in timing for departures.
To be honest, I feel for Esdeath. It's a long explanation as to why.
>nuffink luv u? PS watch the video I posted.

French are cunts. I fucking hate them. Never met one I liked, never worked with one I like. The French actively impede everything in NATO with their self-interest and incompetence.

I am not being hyperbolic at all. Fucking twats.
>taken too seriously
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Esdeath doesnt want help. He wants gratification. Dont feel sorry for him, he doesn't belong on 4chan as a whole. All a place like this does to him is feed his bullshit.
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My high school didn't offer latin. Only Spanish and American sign language. It was a small one so it didn't have that many programs. And I also don't like how frog sounds, with very little clear sounding phrases.
Could you link me a source for that, Booki?

Ya, that DMV stuff is a bitch. I'd recommend going to a registration place like McGees.
What car was it again?

I bet you don't even lean side to side and tilt the controller to turn better!
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kek yea french are assholes and no you are completely being reasonable
but i try to live with it because god damn their country is beautiful
>>taken too seriously
oh, thats too bad. And there is no one in your college teaching latin? that sucks
yea frog does sound kinda iffy but german isnt much better. i just hate languages in general so i would recommend neither
MWO is full of people in the lower tiers who dont understand the game mechanics. If you know how to deal with certain mech builds and learn how to drive the mech properly, its easy to climb and easy to stay. But its quite a complicated thing to get used to.
I bet you dont even lean over your keyboard to mash your macros harder

Its that time! Hold on!

Lets Nightcap Rory!

>rolling between 1 and 10
>anything over 12 is an instant fail
>rerolls allowed and encouraged
Dubs - you choose the drink
Trips - two drinks. Mix and match.
Quads - one of all. Just fuck my life up.
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>Playing Irelia
>They're bitching at me to take TP
I have never taken TP on Irelia, nor shall I unles I plan on doing something with it.


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Kyouko (328).jpg
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The car is a 2000 Nissan Maxima.

There are latin classes at my uni. But why would I take a dead language aside from being a fedora tipper? Or to further my goal of writing a dark fantasy.
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Alice 63.jpg
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I have a screenshot for you that I found funny.
What do you mean by departure times? What is the timezone for Guam? I'm not familiar with things in that region, but I wouldn't have thought it would be a 12 hour difference
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions of people, mine is fairly obvious but I won't tell people how they should view others, and I can't really shun people for having a differing opinion from mine
>feeling bloated but other than that fine. I'll watch it now
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Someday someone will get quads rolling for this and oh god
I'll laugh
Well. Here it is.
>a few bottles are starting to get low
>cant really afford to top up though
Why not Kled? Doge? Mantheon?
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>implying fedora tipping isnt good
i thought you said you wanted latin? but yea the reason its dead is also the reason i quit
show it then?
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Then Ill only do a half shot of each. Still fuck my life up. But if its an honest roll Ill have to deliver. And post each shot as I take it.
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I don't feel sorry for him. "I identify with" would probably have been better.

I was correct your grammar. There are many beautiful countries in this world, and if people want to be fuckshits (like in China), then they can keep it to themselves.

Challenge accept!
Rory staaay

Sorry, 1975 is smog import rules, 25y is federal. So you'd still have to make your 25yo Skyline meet smog (I read as: install a catalytic converter) or be fugged.

Yakumo King?

Departure time is takeoff time (the time you see when you're flying commercially is actually "block out" time--about 15-30m before takeoff time). Guam is Zulu +10, so GMT+10. Right Coast is GMT -5 now, I think, depending on DST.

I also didn't say I agreed with or tolerated his shit. Understanding and tolerating are separate animals.
>Bloated? U pregs u hore it wasn't me.
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if this happens and I'm not here just screen cap it

I hope I'll be the one who fucks your life up, though
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