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dicks n butts

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151
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dicks n butts
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Finally something I can get BEHIND. Ha. I need a life
Real dick hours

Any time zone
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Kill yourself
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please go
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i'll get right on that, brb
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I just posted a game today for $114 and I it sold almost immediately
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Moar cub!
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which game?
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Fuck off my board faggots
Gonna have to suck this D first.
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Suikoden II
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There is literally a limitless amount of places other than here that you could be.

Bitch acts like they own shit
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> @ Jeff
It was alright
Lot of walking
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Go and fuckin die
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is that game especially rare or something?

got sore legs?
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fuckin pedo
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>Putin laughs at your grotesque faggotry
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Some what
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and pedophile
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was 114 unexpectd
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Chill leafster i'm l litchrally here for goodies
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Yiff in hell you disgusting freaks
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Requesting moar dragunz pls <3
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The cancer must be purged, we will destroy the faggots that ruin this already shit board.
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y'know, there's 11 IP's in this thread and 9 of them are posting furry stuff
These threads aren't going anywhere so you better get used to it
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Yiff in Heaven Furfriend
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You faggots need to be killed, shitting up everything you touch like that
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Keep post'n them fembois guys
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Go and die you freak, fuck off to some other site.
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really makes you think.jpg
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whats the best way to get someone on 4chan to post more of something

pretend it offends you

oh rly?
I'd kiss a dragon.
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Because only furfags just HAVE to ruin every place they go. Nobody likes you, wants you, or needs you. Fuck off.
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Damnit, replied to the wrong guy.

oh yeah sure
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who wouldn't
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And then these faggots complain about fursecution like the scum they are.
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Even this shit is better than your faggotry
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Yes, the Elder Scrolls Porn is always better
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No idea.

No, those are at F/A and Tumblr where they want their safe spaces and shit.
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Not really $120 is the average.

Just how fast it sold. Less then 12 hours.
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i guess someone really really wanted it
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Instead of shitting up this place, why don't you go and spread your disease elsewhere?
there are way worse things shitting up this place than a thread dedicated to a fucking sexual fetish
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It must be hard being so disgustingly kikeish.
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Reminder that all of you faggots need to go and kill yourselves for being such sick and irritating fucks
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You can't litter at the garbage dump.
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Oh deer ...
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the idiots here getting so professionally offended by peoples personal kinks are like sjws without the social justice retardation
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dude, its so fucking effective. hit up a shota thread sometime and say something like "if you people love kids so much, and would never hurt them, why do 50% of the pictures here have tears or confused and scared facial expressions?"
>sick and irritating fucks

Have you ever been on /b/ before?
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It sounds like a movie
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It's hilarious how you faggots seek to legitimise the desire to have GAY SEX WITH AN ANIMAL as a 'kink' and make us look like we're 'fursecuting' you.

Sorry, but sick fucks don't get the high ground.
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more feet and sock stuff pls
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At the very least, take your intense faggotry to some other place where we don't have to be constantly reminded of it. Nobody here wants it, so fuck off.
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Meanwhile skullfucking threads continue to exist
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Here have another reminder of how disgusting you creatures are. And how much of a nuisance you are, like flies, honestly.
Evidently lots of people here want it, or it wouldn't get posted all the time.
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Liar, don't try and justify this cancer. You can't justify something as disgusting as this.
Fuck off and die please you pedo scum.

Thank you fur friend. I just came and can sleep now. All thanks to you.
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Mmmm. what a sexy non-human seagull, better make gay porn of it and spam it all over somewhere nobody wants it. Yeah, real fucking 'normal'.
Where do these fucking places even exist? I am 18 and in college.

If anyone in my class ever went to something like that, they would instantly loose all friends and be fucking beaten.
Really? All the shit on /b/ and you complain about a gay porn thread?
The only problem I have with your samefagging hate is that they're messing with the image limit.
Fuck off I need more porn.
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god damn it. the only seagull furry is bara shit, fuck. thanks for the fetish with no fucking fuel, asshole
Footziez sore
Carried an xbox one on back
3 miles or more

Waiting on Halo 5 to install so I can witness the suck
5 hrs waiting
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You'd still fuck it though and either way this shit is still fucking disgusting.

Dicks away faggots, nobody wants this shit on this board.

my life never
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That's what I said when I was just a normie. Normie.
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why dont we ever get guro furry? might as well combine best of both worlds. hey do me a favor and bump this to page one for me, so we can get other posters with more image variety. if i do it myself it wont.
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Your outrage only makes me harder
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Let me guess, every time someone makes a harambe joke your dicks get hard for that dead gorilla ass? You fucking sick freaks, this is why we don't tolerate you. Leave this board.
new an hero?
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so much walking and waiting
In hell there's no porn.
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I just realised something.

You all need to fucking die.
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the devil has spoken
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are these all copy pastas or do you have to type each one out?
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Y u mad?

Antidev - Brogulls?
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See this post over here
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Go and fuck off. For the love of god, fuck off, nobody save for the other smelly degenerates, wants you here.
>I didn't know you had to die
Stale, would have said that "you guys should have been aborted before you became dog fuckers" but k more meme fuckery is cool to I guess.
Heterosexuality is a disease whose symptoms include abortion, teen pregnancy, domestic violence, child abuse, divorce, nagging, denial of secks, and incest.

Heterosexuality is the leading cause of pregnancy and venereal disease. The only reason why heterosexuality is still around is to propagate homosexuals, since gays have evolved past the necessity of reproduction in order to ensure the prosperity of the group as the breeders(or human incubators) take care of this issue for them. Homophobia, a staple of
heterosexual culture, is put simply: gay envy.

The heterosexual male tries to find a way to return to the womb by exploring a woman's vagina. In addition to this subconscious wish for incest, heterosexual men have a greater propensity for rape, domestic abuse, and pedophilia than fags. Rape and abuse are the straight man's way of saying "I love you".
Just ignore it degenerates, I'm guessing /pol/ got a message from the almighty kek to raid us from the pics.
Post more before they get the image limit.
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The denizens of this entire board are smelly degenerates.
Got the Limited Edition of Halo 5, A $100 sale item for $30. Cool free dlc and 14 days of gold. Cards and a metal frame thing. Mehhh gave to pal who loves Halo more.
I'll walk a lot to borrow Snarf's Xbox One to try it. I've played the others cept ODST or what ever it ls called.

So I wanted to see how much this sucked.
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>Image limit
That means another thread of degeneracy!! :)
Lol all they are doing is moving it back to the first page.
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did you not like the other ones?
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Loved 1 and 2
3 was cool
Reach was nice
4 was, ummm ok
My pal made me try online MP. And he plays with Elites. Got owned and yeah.
They changed it up. But haven't played Story.
I don't like vs games much.
Fuck off you degenerate scum. You're literally mentally ill. This is not normal, this is not a kink, this is a prison worthy offense to humanity.
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Like dis?
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Seeing as Googles resemble gorillas I suppose they get you almost as hard?
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Normies get out.
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*sigh* if only it were furry.
Just post stuff that isn't gfur for a while I guess
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That is one big dick.

I'd suck it.
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But seriously disease/std porn is my kink. But it's imoossible to find. You just find bug chasers for "hiv" except there's no symptoms or anything and it's all fake, nobody is really getting hiv, so it's boring to me. Also hiv isnt as hot as a dude with an ass full of warts getting pounded by a dick.

>Inb4 you're fucked up.
>Yeah i know
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Here you go, your favorite.
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Find something else to focus on that's
a. More accessable
b. Not degeneracy
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What's the difference between these faggots and convicted animal rapists?

I could use a pair of big round swollen balls in my mouth right about now, to be perfectly honest.
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This shit is not cute.
It's not hot.
It's not normal.
It's not cool.

It's disgusting trash that nobody wants to see. Fuck off.
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I'd fuck it.

Then again i'd fuck most dragons. They're so beautifully hot and I imagine them to be quite seductive.
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What have i done.jpg
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We like cute furries ^w^
We would never hurt a poor animal silly ~
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I realise this image is probably a compliment, but what it's not telling you is that it's three day old dry horse semen that they scraped off the floor.

That's right these faggots will even risk their own health in order to be disgusting.
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Same here, without a doubt.

I agree completely. I'm a sucker for ferals.
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How I wish there was another holocaust, involving the animal rapists known as furries.
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It never ceases to amaze me how thes faggots keep spamming this trash as if it makes it somehow ok
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Is that picture implying we are normies? Because I think we are pretty much the polar opposite.
>actually trying to get furry threads off "my board REEEEEEE"
>Welcome newfriends
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back to pol.jpg
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morning AM
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Thank you guys for moving this thread to the front page. These kinds of threads just wouldn't last as long without you guys :') thank you.
I probably should. I usually try to stay away from it, but every once in a while something makes me get into it again. Like this post. >>705336111
Or last time it was a bug chaser who talked with me on grindr. (never met up because fuck that im not doing any of this bug chaser shit for real. It stays porn and fantasy)

It's one of those fetishes that makes you feel like you are actually the most disgusting human.
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>Furry animal rapist faggots greentexting to try and defend themselves
>Thinking they have any leverage here
>Implying they're not massive faggots and scum
Dragons are gross. Wouldn't put my dick into that.
Oh please, that's the lamest and most overused attempt at indifference ever.

We all know you're just going to go and cry to some faggot friend once this is over.
Yeah I will :3 and I will be fucked afterwards x3

Is it not true tho?
>Dragons are amazing. I'd put my dick into that.
Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151

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