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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 151
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File: Krystalmightbemywaifu.png (995 KB, 1280x889) Image search: [Google]
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s/fur, late 2013.

I used to be Loving Nala - Alexander.
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wat if ur in space and thers no gravity
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Back when Ryou and Kurfy and whatnot were posting? Before Kurfy got his fursuit and started calling himself kalechips or whatever, broke communication off with everyone, and started making gay fursuit sex videos for reddit/twitter?
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I don't know about Kurfy's suit and alt handle, but he did mention some shit about going into making gay porn.

Vincent still posts, but not like he used to.
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93 KB, 533x800
I've noticed Ryou seems to have abandoned his FA accounts right after he started making guro
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What. I did not know about this. I need more details.
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Kurfy did all that? Jeez.
Vincent did guro too? Man, yall niggas got weird.
File: 1472075537.jinxess_wolvlfysml.png (286 KB, 611x1274) Image search: [Google]
286 KB, 611x1274
i only like milfs
(i only like 2d fur milfs)
He still goes by Kurfy, the other one is his porn business with his fiance.

He's not really in a good place to be commissioning stuff.
File: 1407028344729.jpg (621 KB, 859x1200) Image search: [Google]
621 KB, 859x1200
Man, I am really out of the loop.
He's an elusive motherfucker.

Seems to have gotten his temper severely shortened as well. Much less triggerable back in the day.
Last posts on his adult art account were of a deer furry getting strangled then decapitated, and were around november last year
That sucks
Weirdly enough, milfs do a little bit for me, they're the only females that do, and only if I'm in a particular mood for them at the moment. Weird
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322 KB, 789x800
Err, well he was at one point a year or so back. Kinda more informal now I think.
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we are a like

i dunno what it is about milfs
but yeah
File: 1407033204331.png (1 MB, 1600x914) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1600x914
What is his adult art account? I want to see this.

Huh. For someone who has probably spent more time in these threads than anyone else, one would think I would remember these things.
Rww on FA
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2 MB, 1304x1600
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Somehow I missed that one. Thanks.
And how many fucking accounts does that guy have? At least 4. And supposedly he has over 2 dozen characters that not even the sfur crew knows about.
File: Lelric clone commish.png (643 KB, 1600x1146) Image search: [Google]
Lelric clone commish.png
643 KB, 1600x1146
Suppose I can contribute this cause I feel like it
File: furfags.jpg (163 KB, 800x606) Image search: [Google]
163 KB, 800x606
>modernish hooka
>plain modern sabre
>smoke trails but non-open mouth
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That stuff doesn't happen in the threads anymore. In fact a lot of that stuff only comes out in person after a few drinks.
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Furries, man. By the way, were you here last thread? I posted some Mous art that I don't think you have. And something about a week ago as well.

Interesting. I wish I knew you guys more personally. I like talking about personal stuff like that because I consider you guys to be my real friends.
Anyway, how are you doing?
I wouldn't be surprised. I have a few characters and accounts that nobody knows about, including my boyfriend. Mainly for fetish stuff I don't feel comfortable letting people know about, or ones I used to use for rp stuff a while back that I don't use anymore. Could probably revive a few though for commissions
File: eurocuckfox cucked to the max.png (439 KB, 595x800) Image search: [Google]
eurocuckfox cucked to the max.png
439 KB, 595x800
went out to get some food. Got a link to last thread so I can see?
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>no калашникова
File: a_twist_of_chloe_by_jollyjack.jpg (145 KB, 960x678) Image search: [Google]
145 KB, 960x678
Fluffy tail is fluffy.
File: 1407226107972.png (802 KB, 780x1265) Image search: [Google]
802 KB, 780x1265
You guys are some mysterious folk, huh?

I'll try to find the other one as well.

Hey DuckTits.
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39 KB, 855x960
That did not appear to work, so here's the direct links.
File: tumblr_na4bh3OFeH1tca801o1_500.jpg (56 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
56 KB, 500x500
Hey, Dash.
File: 1407551267859.jpg (701 KB, 800x1136) Image search: [Google]
701 KB, 800x1136
Not really mysterious, I just like keeping my hardest kinks hidden
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161 KB, 937x1280
Why is that? Personally, I'm pretty open about everything.
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1 MB, 870x1250
File: csgo cuddle.jpg (124 KB, 587x1280) Image search: [Google]
csgo cuddle.jpg
124 KB, 587x1280
You tha man, man.

It's probably robutts.

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146 KB, 1052x1110
how long have you been here
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A few months on this site.
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If someone you talk to about kinks and whatnot specifically mentions that they hate a kink/anyone who likes it, that you're fine with/might like but haven't tried, you might wanna hide that fact from them, at least until they're more open to the idea of things (have done this successfully with other kinks with the same person)
You guys don't know me. But post some more nudity and less fancy art please.
Would you like to be in the new collage?
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Oh, well I don't really talk to those kinds of people quite frankly. I think condemning someone for a fetish is absurd because it's not like they can control what they like. I just assume that no one would give a shit because my group of friends and myself would talk about our weird fetishes pretty openly, and no one even gave a shit that I was a furry. I guess that's just what I'm used to, so I never really thought that people would hate someone for liking a fetish. Seems pretty stupid to me.
nix this. Post fancy nudy art.
File: anon wants dat floof booty.png (1 MB, 1372x900) Image search: [Google]
anon wants dat floof booty.png
1 MB, 1372x900
>Be me
>Have autism
>Look at this
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380 KB, 1024x576
Why not, what's it called by the way?
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84 KB, 522x276
Specify starter pic if any.

We never really gave them any titles. It is just called the collage.
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More fantasy era, and more drinking please.
Already, here's mine.
Anyone have suggestions on artists to commission, btw?
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383 KB, 707x1000
Sorry Satan, can't do requests, my folder isn't organized.
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Gfur thread's up, gonna go post over there and might lurk here if people still wanna talk/ask stuff
>"have autism"
All I was able to gather from this post.
File: 1407819243582.jpg (73 KB, 691x767) Image search: [Google]
73 KB, 691x767
If you want, you can specify your own custom cropping/resize of it.

It has to be 130x229.

Otherwise I'll just use my best judgment.
File: 1407819318245.jpg (879 KB, 1280x869) Image search: [Google]
879 KB, 1280x869
I meant 229x130
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488 KB, 787x687
Sadface emoticon
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1 MB, 800x1250
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File: drink 2.png (953 KB, 1051x710) Image search: [Google]
drink 2.png
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60 KB, 395x1280
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drink bar.png
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File: ducktitswoo.png (45 KB, 229x130) Image search: [Google]
45 KB, 229x130
Here ya go!
File: drink beach.jpg (177 KB, 961x1280) Image search: [Google]
drink beach.jpg
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File: drink drunk.jpg (186 KB, 1000x808) Image search: [Google]
drink drunk.jpg
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Hello qt.
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File: Untitled.png (30 KB, 229x130) Image search: [Google]
30 KB, 229x130
You really want to resize it and make it look squashed instead of cropped like pic rel?
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File: sup.png (246 KB, 1000x601) Image search: [Google]
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im in a better mood than this chick
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496 KB, 848x1200
Oh, that's good.
I'm going with what you cropped, that looks better.
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234 KB, 1280x1230
Thank you all
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1 MB, 960x1200
I'll be back later.
File: drink booze.jpg (183 KB, 750x1000) Image search: [Google]
drink booze.jpg
183 KB, 750x1000
np anon
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drink rain.jpg
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drink shots.jpg
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drink drunk slut.jpg
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1 MB, 1773x1040
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drink sorrow away.jpg
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File: drink wine big.jpg (97 KB, 1280x800) Image search: [Google]
drink wine big.jpg
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k, thats most of my drink stuff
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I love that first one. Pants on (I find denim very comfortable) but top off. It's not a matter of ready to be fucked, but just being happy and comfortable.
File: Pavel Avatar.png (537 KB, 1156x1156) Image search: [Google]
Pavel Avatar.png
537 KB, 1156x1156
where's me image though?
File: ss+(2016-09-21+at+09.46.42).png (35 KB, 516x147) Image search: [Google]
35 KB, 516x147
File: Pavel.png (2 MB, 2703x2007) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2703x2007
if you need something more rectangular you can use this one
Ahh okay. Didn't show up in that one though.
It's your choice.
This is good. I'll stick with it.
File: Air.jpg (161 KB, 1000x695) Image search: [Google]
161 KB, 1000x695
I'll make sure to clean everything up in post-production.

This is just a rough draft of sorts.
File: Smoke and a drink.jpg (310 KB, 1280x783) Image search: [Google]
Smoke and a drink.jpg
310 KB, 1280x783
Man, I can't help but laugh at the new rise of iron DLC. this is the best low key furry game content I've had in a while.
Cool man. It looks good.
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349 KB, 1069x959
I'm a constant lurker, rarely post though. Never bothered setting my namesync backup

Does anyone have a good image of the green anon "no picture available" meme that I could use for the no-intro namefags?
File: ve5hqq.png (192 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
192 KB, 500x500
What about this?
It has to work really well when it's as tiny as 229x130.

I'll just go and shoop an existing one so the text is visible.
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146 KB, 700x907
File: Mightypoohead sm.jpg (1 MB, 1280x960) Image search: [Google]
Mightypoohead sm.jpg
1 MB, 1280x960
Ah durn, still not active enough to qualify.
Though I've been slacking a lot lately too, I realise.
File: anon is a faggot.jpg (7 KB, 253x312) Image search: [Google]
anon is a faggot.jpg
7 KB, 253x312
how about this?
File: Self-quote anon #2.jpg (242 KB, 463x607) Image search: [Google]
Self-quote anon #2.jpg
242 KB, 463x607
Can someone do some math for me?

A right-angled triangle of sides 229 and 130, find the smallest angle within it.

I'd do this myself since I'm Asian but I left my slide rule in the other room and I don't have 2 extra hands to figure this out while working in image processing.

You're still quite new compared to a lot of us.

Perhaps in due time.

Long after I'm dead however.
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1 MB, 1200x1440
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190 KB, 600x706
I hope everyone is doing well this evening
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level 3 super floofer.jpg
95 KB, 800x606
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321 KB, 978x1280
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203 KB, 775x1280
.... this might actually work.
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843 KB, 1142x800
File: GeraldTarrant.gif (161 KB, 467x637) Image search: [Google]
161 KB, 467x637
should use the 404 yotsuba pic where she's looking at her flat chest.
File: Sketch+Lake+Mightypoohead.png (2 MB, 2100x2400) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2100x2400
File: anon_keith_v2.png (69 KB, 981x982) Image search: [Google]
69 KB, 981x982
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120 KB, 1280x1238
29.6 and then 60.4
Finger it out yet?
Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha
also a big lurker who has not used my namesync in a while
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626 KB, 1600x1466
File: CqDoWo6UIAAB-wx_u18chan.jpg (129 KB, 848x1200) Image search: [Google]
129 KB, 848x1200
File: (827 KB, 675x1050) Image search: [Google]
827 KB, 675x1050
saved, thanks
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602 KB, 900x675
Still working on possible no-intro display pics. I have 3 options, will call for a vote or something next thread.

What is the capital of Ossidia?
Was freshly posted today.
Oh, yeah, check your background >>704766946
Good thing you actually go get new stuff. I think you're the last one here that does so.
File: 1467083823333.png (1 MB, 1200x848) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1200x848
good enough
mebe darker?
perhaps it would be easier if you picked your own shade

post link or hex code
I dont save much new stuff...
And I usually post from one folder sorted by date, newest first, so it can get repetitive.
File: color hex.png (3 MB, 6285x7087) Image search: [Google]
color hex.png
3 MB, 6285x7087
hmmmmm, checking......
i dunno if this'll even work
File: 1474354680.myloveless_lurvely2.png (824 KB, 1093x1280) Image search: [Google]
824 KB, 1093x1280
Ditto, though I need to get better at posting shit that isn't just stuff that I've commissioned. Bad habit.
I grab new stuff. I just post at a whim.

honestly though I just used an internet triangle calculator. I can't be bothered to remember calculus
Still better than most.

This is a cute pose. Is she yours?
Filename is kinda... interesting though.
... it was a joke артём.
File: 1474410067.koul_lovers.jpg (406 KB, 900x980) Image search: [Google]
406 KB, 900x980
I dont commission stuff. I wouldn't know what to if I did.
fuck well clearly I'm not the brightest haha
the 330066 is pretty good on that chart: 51,0,102
Nah, she's not one of mine.
Trying to post not only my shit for a bit here, not sure how successful I'll be though.
I try. Although I know I also end up with a lot of stuff some people wont like. a lot of sketches and stuff.
That's mostly because I still really dont like digital and think even a sketch is better.
on it
aww man fuck digital
fuck it up the butt and then sideways and back out again

traditional media materace forever!
Did Trump slap her? That's a tiny hand print.
+1 up vote.
The texture of traditional is usually unmatched, but digital usually lets you get a lot more in a shorter time (which is especially important when you're paying for it...).
new thread faggots
a blue fox with a gun I imagine.
Yeah, I do appreciate good digital too.
I used to give 8bit ideas about "casual" fur pics, depicting daily life in a furry world.
I'm an idiot. for some reason I read you as being alex.

And if you do get some commissions get some nice looking horses.
No.. I think you're confusing red and blue names without reading them.
lol, yeah, probably a horse.
My multi tasking skills aren't up to par.
I'll make a new one.
I wont make a new one.
I will deliver, don't worry.
Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 151

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