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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>704582530 The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 172
Thread images: 151
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CV [85].jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
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still here
Damn, a week? Alright.
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Actually no I was wrong, Ludeon studios just took inspiration from Prison Architect and its all cool
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Naps were had. 6:10. Acceptable time.
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Yuuki (27).png
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Claiming then going to do schoolwork.

Jasper is MERCILESS!

Most of the stuff they do is alright, but every now and again they do something cool like this
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>Best fox claimu
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>>704592204 [saya]
you probably won't enjoy it then
>>704592191 [yuno]
I don't think so unfortunately
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Syndra [110].jpg
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My option was better.
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claim and leave
good night guys, lets hope i actually catch some zzz's tonight
i was just trying to be nice
oh okay thats cool though
that they let creativity flow like that
yea its pretty amazing
im sorry
im going to sleep as well now
i will send you my get well vibes
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I just can't get into VNs.

You have no right calling me a pleb when your taste in katanagatari girls is so lacking. Also you should probably read the novel, I know I will, just to refresh my memory
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Mag drop.gif
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Well, Jasper is a deadly bear. His master is German, aka the big motherfucker with Power Armor and a Minigun. There's no mercy.
Yea. Its got a great AI system and all sorts of cool stuff, and I think it was built on Unity.
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Kyouko (294).png
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meant to say sometime this week
oh ok then night
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Aight, hit me up if you jump on. Always down to help a guildie.
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goodnight I hope you get some sleep tonight
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best girl
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Hi Tomato, how are you?
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i will and thanks
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Pretty meh today. Maxed and dumped the Drakgoon, trying to work on the Miter but it just... I don't like it.


No problem.

sounds nice my school is kinda average
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Saya 089.png
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Claiming best girl

Dunno, haven't played fps in years. Just the hype and some stupid design choices in overwatch (and the price) that make me not want to play it.

some lalalas and nananas:
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Alice eating 3.jpg
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Back, was getting food stuff prepared. It's cooking now
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i give up.jpg
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I'm pretty Ok, no real complaints

I might need two more forma on Chroma though, assuming i get the mod I need

And don't dump the miter, you need it to build the panthera

Whatcha making?
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Alice 11.jpg
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Chicken, potatoes and green beans
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Syndra [189].jpg
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Are you cooking lewds?
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Alice 6.jpg
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No. Not only am I not artistically talented, but I'm also not cooking naked because I don't live alone
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At least Paladins is free so you can still try it out and figure out if you life the playstyle
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Post lewds
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Sounds nice
Chicken is always good

Syndra lewds when?

Trinity is bae
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Alice 14.jpg
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I hope it's good. I just realised the burner wasn't on under the potatoes though, so now things are going to be cooked before the potatoes are done :|
Nice feet
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Syndra [212].jpg
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Try it, they wont notice a thing.
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Saya 090.jpg
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Anyone can be great at arts! Hard work > talent and isn't that even more the reason to cook naked?

Oh, right. It's free. Think imma check it out later.
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Good job sachi
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Wonderful. Weapons needed to make other weapons. Already sold my Bo, need to rebuild that apparently. Keeping my Gammacor for the Heliocor. And I think the Glaive goes into another weapon. Fuuuug.

Yeah you're always here fuck face
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Her tails must be soft.jpg
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It happens, could be worse though


That's an odd way to spell "Right now"

Just wait until you see the AkJagara, it needs
An Akbolto, which needs two boltos, each bolto needs a lato
and it needs a dual Skana

To top it off, Jagara is shit
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Alice 17.jpg
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I'm almost certain that they would. Also, I tend to splash a little, and I would probably end up burning myself all over. I don't think it would be a pleasant experience
How does cooking naked equate to working hard? Also, my kind of art is what could be called kindergartner level bad. I actually had a teacher I hated in kindergarten who was partially colourblind, so I drew everything I could with those colours so she couldn't see it properly. I hate her so much
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For what fucking purpose? That alone seems more expensive to construct than a Prime Warframe.
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Alice 7.jpg
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Yeah, I'm just hoping the chicken doesn't end up drying out. I'll need to leave it in the oven so it doesn't get cold. Hopefully the green beans don't become mushy either
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I like it a lot so far. Lot of fun to play.
Its so much fun.
>Now its time to FARM FROST SYSTEMS.
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Then just assert dominance untill they dont want to notice.
You wont find out untill you try. Just remeber to send pic after.
No, right now is reserved for sleep or atleast an attempt at it.

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If you want some help feel free to ask.
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Yup. I imagine it can get frustrating if you play alone idk if you have people to play with
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Saya 091.jpg
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*...and isn't not living alone even more the reason to cook naked?
Fix'd. All you need is practice to get good at drawing. "Can't draw" is just an excuse! You can do it!

No one I know wants to play it.
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a lot of candy.png
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fluffy tails.jpg
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I don't think it should dry out too quickly, but i'm sure there's ways yo prevent it from happening

Trinity is always in demand for literally every group

can't go wrong with her
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alice With Bunny.png
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Granted, it is my parents, I don't think they would appreciate seeing their son naked while cooking. Especially not in front of the large window in our kitchen.
>Why would you want to see me naked, I'm disgusting
Scaring my parents isn't really something I want to do all that much. I'd rather play an instrument anyway. At least I know I'm good at that.
I took it out of the oven to let some of the heat out. I'll be putting it back in shortly here so that it doesn't dry out
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Maid Eru-Chan.jpg
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Would appreciate help cause Trinity is low level and I'm using the bossfights to also power level her.
I'm gonna be a healslut.
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Alright. Give me a few minutes and I'll hop on and help you get that systems.
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Thanks ^^
>its gon b gud.
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you could always play with me and some friends if you want
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Saya 092.jpg
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Is Titania a good warframe?
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Hello. How're you doing?
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Saya 093.jpg
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Hmm, maybe. Dunno when though.
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I'm a witch.jpg
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That should work, not sure how to fix the green beans though

Trinity can Hardcore tank too, she's hardly a healslut

All her crowd control ragdolls and her buff skill is terrible, Razorwing is her best ability but it's not worth using over Excalibur's exalted blade
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Saya 094.jpg
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Hmph. Used to play Nova prime and Valkyr. Been trying to get into playing again, but kinda want a new warframe and new weapons and Titania looked somewhat interesting.
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*insert clever way to claim Blair*

Hello my fellow anons.
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Alice 33.jpg
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They aren't too bad. I turned the heat off a bit early so the water would finish the job cooking them
If that's the new one, supposedly she isn't very good
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chibi (26).png
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Hello Blair. How've you been doing?
An Alice-u.
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been doing better over the last few minutes. Had a pretty mediocre and boring afternoon
alright let me know if you feel like it
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Alice Baskervilles.jpg
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An Shiro-chan
>Shiro-u didn't sound right
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happy walk.jpg
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Glad to hear you're doing better. As for myself, I just got back from school.
Fine with me. Been doing anything today?
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i name these.jpg
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Titania sounds good, but her abilities are awkward

If you like Valkyr you might like Inaros, he's all about stealing health and eating people

Hello kitty
Food, I'll be back in a bit
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Hey guys
I'm good, bored, likely to get Xcom soon.

Hey there, how are you?
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Miho claimed

Its raining and now my windows are leaking....
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Hardest life
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Thanks. How did your day go?
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Fine. Seems like things'll go better now, may hit 500 images of Shiro here soon.
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I'm fine

Fun game, if you can handle the emotional destruction whenever one of your highest ranked guys dies
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Grats with that. I'm only about to hit 200
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Saya 095.jpg
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Think I'd enjoy some support-y non-trinity warframe.

Or having 95% chance to hit and missing 3 times in a row.
Or the utter destruction of not being prepared and get utterly annihilated by aliens you didn't know existed until last level.

I played a bit of enemy within, but unfortunately I was simply borrowing it, so now Imma just get it.
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Cat! ^^
True, she's a bit tanky. I like her abilities so far.
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Pretty foxy.jpg
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There aren't really many support frames besides Trinity
Chroma and Equinox maybe

>Missing at point blank
>Barrel is literally two inches away from alien's face

You getting Xcom 2?

She's a very nice frame, but she was nerfed from the godmode Trinity we had before
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I love getting new images of Shiro. Always brightens up a day for me.
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Fishing Master.jpg
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>XCom and XCom 2
My nigga.
>Mfw sniper right next to alien
>Miss because barrel is resting on alien's face.
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Yeah I like doing that too. I'm gonna do that right now as a matter of fact
Hana Song
>Sniper 25 feet from target
20% hit chance
>On the map i was on three missions ago, probably continents away
95% hit chance

せんりつ の たつまき claimed
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Alice 40.jpg
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I return
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happy drying.jpg
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What sites do you use?
See >>704598543
What'd you get to eat?
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Such is life on the eastern front.
>At least pistols.
>and mods
I fuckin love the workshop content for XCOM 2, I have Tau armor.
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Oh definitely, but personally I'd prefer to beat the previous game before getting the sequel.
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Alice 28.jpg
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Chicken, potatoes and green beans. It was okay
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Fox farmer.jpg
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At least it's better than a guy panicking, then going to hug Predator's shins

Xcom 2 assumes you were shit and lost
the previous games story doesn't really matter

Well at least it didn't turn out bad
lelelelelel spoilers ayy
not really spoilers when the start of the game says you failed
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I don't remember most I used but I know I went on Danbooru last time
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Alice 38.jpg
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I found the green beans cold and the chicken overcooked, but it was okay I guess
Claiming Best Waifu Ever
Playing FFIII
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a picture.png
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Yea, danbooru is good. I'd also recommend and pixiv. And hell, deviantart can have some stuff too.
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Hot damn. I was able to almost completely fund the Itzal Research. Only need like 2k more Oxium. Guess I know what to farm next.
I love dicks
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Thanks for the recommendations, I'll check those out right away
I went out
On a date
With a girl
A bit late
She had so many friends
Me too
Eh, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it then.
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I brought my pogo stick
Just to show her a trick
She had so many friends
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Amesha is the best Archwing

And then you woke up?
That sounds pretty gay

I-I love you
i'm flagging waifu claming threads.
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Eh, my friend wanted Itzal so I decided to help him out.

My plan is to get most of them unlocked simply because Archwings appear to be pivotal later in the game. And the Odonate is a Piece of fucking SHIT.
always on point

thats cute
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watch me.
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cat out of nowhere.jpg
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Archwing is used for the Limbo quest and one raid

That's about it for late game
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Stop playing with muh feelings.
Cheap whore.
can i hug you now?
ok, have fun
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>One Raid

Pivotal enough. I don't think anyone wants to do a raid in basic gear.

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I'm drowning my sorrow in the embrace of another

Don't you have an australian man to attend to?


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Hangin with the crew.jpg
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>Soldier panics
>Shoots at enemy
>Is somehow more accurate than when they were calm
Hello whitey
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The problem is that the raid doesn't have much to offer in terms of loot, Arcanes are nice bonuses, but aren't necessary

Hello little girl
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I'm sorry Ruri. I didn't mean it I swear
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Cute loli. How're you doing?
These guys get it
You both fail
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definitely wearing panties.jpg
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im waiting


nah just doritos and dew
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definitely wearing panties.jpg
>nice feet
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Alice SMiling 4.jpg
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How is everyone doing this evening?
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Raids are Raids. There are more than just in game benefits. The ability to say "Yeah, I casually do Jordas Raids. What's up?"
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not drunk enough. how about you?
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KyoukoSaya (6).jpg
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Don't mind me, just posting best System.

Nice trips by the way.
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Why do you have the sads?

Hm, hello there

You're from /aneki/ right?
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nope. I'm from /animus/ which is the board they all moved to. I was gone for the entirety of the /aneki/ saga. I was in the anime threads here on /b/ before that though.
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I'm just leveling my warframe


Do you really think anyone cares about raids?
Neither one is difficult in the slightest
Good, you?
Do I get double xp?
How about you?
I'm not little!
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No Fun Allowed
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Best Loli of show
>second best imo if you count Rem as loli
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Alice 44.jpg
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How come you're drinking? Just playing some Black Ops with a friend of mine
Two more times what?
I guess I'm doing okay. I really want to brush my teeth though
Lily is mine
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felt is pretty damn cute too. and rem is best not loli for sure.
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pattern thing.png
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I'm doing okay myself. Some music and finding new pictures of Shiro.
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I drink to wash away my feelings of course.

how's that going?
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Negative, see above
Thanks for the check, have the (You) for free
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seems impractical.jpg
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You look pretty little to me

If you want bragging rights, you need to top the leaderboards

I need to get a character from level 0 to 30 twice
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evil shiro (8).png
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>haven't listened to a single soad album yet
But I plan on listening to Toxicity soon.
Yeah, never really was a fan and I don't know a lot of people from there

/b/ circlejerks are a dime a dozen anyways, I'm more interested in making Kimmo threads on Tinychan tbh
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Soft drinks taste better in Ghana

>If trips get, every waifu of this thread must be given to me this very instant!
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Not even best song on that Album

Sure, sure. And be MR22 with edgelord colors and own all the Dark Sector rails.
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yeah, I've been in a few here and there over the years. met some interesting people for sure. I know a couple of your people so I've been popping in now and then since a couple days ago. seems pretty typical.
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Gets taste better with trips
Now you're getting it


only on weekends

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Admittedly, she is also cute with her flat little chest as well.
>Gotta love em
Also, Rem is 17, so I guess she counts
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Guys, its obvious who the best waifu here is.
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flat is justice. you have good taste, rem anon.
lolis with tits arent true lolis.
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