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chickengirl aka sierra brune found phone thread part 2 the r

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Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 57
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chickengirl aka sierra brune
found phone thread
part 2
the resurrection

and now we wait
first post
tinychat com slash 8f905v
original post is here
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while we wait
http://tinychat dot com slash 8f905v
is OP here?
> making a second thread after OP posted this


He's gone for nearly 3 hours, I really doubt this thread is gonna last that long.
I don't think so
Isn't tinychat a pedophile website, why would you link us to there?
No, he had to leave
we can make more of them as they die
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bump for interest.jpg
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holy mother of checked
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gotta get this trending on twitter bros?
did anyone try messaging her on FB?
let's fuckin do it
trips of 3 checked, almost as good as quads of 4
After OP give us the MEGA link, then lets make #SierraTheChickenGirl TT
on it from my nigger account, what do u want to send?
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She's pretty hot anyway desu
double dubs, nice

just start talking to her
no faggotry pls
Also send her "Youre gonna be famous son"
FBI got him
No dont, you scare OP
yeah please don't
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Yes pls dont
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nice try
What a lovely day to witness this
so send what, maybe a pictur from previus thread?
faggot check these
just say "hi" and see where it goes
absolutely don't fucking snitch
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Waiting for more dubs
can someone please explain everything to me??
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I have no idea what's going on right now.
just dont provoke. some whiteknight will snitch anyway
read the orig thread before it dies
Op found phone on ground.
Posted pictures of contacts and address.
Making mega and will upload in 2 hours.
We're waiting to see if op is fag or not
You never do.
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Son, the one cheking these are you
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the one who snitches is a massive faggot and will be kek's sacrificial lamb

jlaw 100%
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THE OLD THREAD 404!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Include me in the screencap. Maybe these trips will convince you.
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kitty 1.gif
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Wait reroll
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kitty 2.gif
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Another one
sure thing fam
Fuck. Include me anyways.
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Selena easily
you deserve a cookie
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>tfw you'll never get dubs
thanks :3
btw I'm also the OP of this thread

thanks bro
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OP here, found one :D
Anyone told her yet? I'm travelling to america soon and I reckon this is an easy lay tbh
timestamp or gtfo faggot
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But seriously timestamp you faggot
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should i tell her about this??
are u new?
also send screenshots of convo up to this point
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Don't be a fucking whiteknight
No in all seriousness this could be great could bring chan back to olde times why waste it bro
you really sound like a newfag
I've been here 3+ years
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also I was the one that found her FB (
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>3 years
>think hes not a newfag
Yeah just open the door for White Knight phaggots
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FBI here, stay where you are, dont magnet harddisks, you all fucked
I had goot intentions
bait is real
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Whiteknights are going to ruin the thread gg boys
sorry i mean in this thread, how even timestamp on a stranger photo?
Guys in all seriousness should I tell her she only has 66 friends come on
Love this pic
timestamp a photo of the phone with the image displayed
also I'm not new to this thread either
>Implying facebook friends count as friends

let's ruin this.
Does anybody knos what was OP uploading besides sierra brune?
go fuck yourself with a cactus
the original thread is here:
Fucking cuck kys
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As i got quints, i demand all of you to shut up and use the hashtag #SierraTheChickenGirl
I sent her a photo.
You better be joking nigger
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the absolute madman
pics or it didn't happen
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OK if op reads this cops ain't gonna get off there ass for a guy finding a chicks phone and uploading shit for a laugh they gonna get all the USA agencies together for you. Worst thing that will happen if pussys tell her on fb and she deletes fb etc and reports it stolen. Guess what? You have destroyed the phone no harm no foul. So do the right thing and improve my day and don't be a pussy.

You're a legend as well in thousands of peoples eyes of you do this bro remember that.
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Not quints but dubs, nice son
the OP that found the phone is not here
although the OP of this thread is
and it's me.
rip op you will be remembered for delivering
>Guys in all seriousness should I tell her she only has 66 friends come on
That's 65 more than I have.
I don't give a fuck about you, you're trying to fuck it up shut up and wait for op to get back. All the white knights think she can stop this op is in the clear wait for happening
I'm not trying to fuck it up you autistic nigger
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I have like 4 cuz I dont give a shit about fb
Shame you did then copyfag
pretty sure she just makes her account this year
>66 friends
>same age group
shit happens
OK do we need to keep this thread alive so the original op knows we at interested and shares. Seems like everyone's forgot.
The answer of a true scholar fucking unimaginative retard cant even come up with his own thread so you just steal someone else's,this is why b is fucking washing away in a sea of newcunts
the old thread 404'd you dumbass
Listen I see his point we need to bump this like fuck so original op comes back and shares the good stuff. You promised op 1.30 from.know and you share

wanna add each other's troll account? had to scrub my old one recently and haven't gotten around to filling the friends list yet.

And what's our chances op delivering looking like ?
I might get easy nudes of her on fb incase op doesn't deliver, no one seems yo give a fuck anymore anyway
not a lot tbh
I hope he doesn't forget about us
I do give a fuck
screensots of fb convo?
Why isn't a happening alrdy fucking going on!!! We have so much to work with alrdy wheres all the guys from the old thread
I care. I love the way she looks
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kek right
i mean, for me, odds are that OP will deliver, but they'll all be normie pics. OP seemed well intentioned, if kinda dumb. figure it'll be her normalcy that fucks us.
Or he's just a pussy
I was there from the very beginning
also started this thread
How do I present myself to her with out getting caught in this web. I'm a normal guy I don't really wanna message her saying I seen her on a anime site
He said he'd be back in 2 hours and 50 mins
You know her brother Tyler.
countdown here
tell her ur a robot
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the file name is sierra brune when its finally uploaded just search it holy shit
Wtf is this thread. Where is OP?
righttttt how the fuck would you do that wizard.
original op is away for unknown reasons
will come back in about 2 hours
I don't want autist advice away with you, oh hey I'm your brother tylers friend from Britain I was just wondering could I see you're tits?
>I don't want autist advice
>asking for advice on autist site
u wot m9
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epic troll lulz xdxdxdxd
Why say you're from Britain fuck nugget? Just ask her for tits and don't be such a bitch.
go fuck youself nigger
Gtfo white knight
OP has a life, thats probably why he found a phone, things happen when you get out of your cave
Now op can never return the phone
It's too late. The files are already extracted. Even if she could remote wipe her phone...
No he's not
Phone is on airplane mode so she cant.
dude I know
unknown reasons just means I don't know exactly why he left
I'm using my real account you dumb fuck

More chance of getting nudes cause I'm a knight in shining armour
yes he is you massive faggot
To late kissless faggot, thing has already done, now i hope your mother dies of lung cancer
I remember the day the original meme was posted.
YEAH but who says op is gonna post it now
She didnt have any nudes on her phone so far as op revealed so its slim you will get any
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You're a little faggot bitch I was gonna get nudes faaggot
you can still try
>66 friends
>All morons and kebabs
No because know she will associate me with all the fake kike accounts messaging her and block me
I mean dude what do you have to lose
just try it
and post screenshots
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underage /b/ in a nutshell
She has normal ones too its a legit account from last thread lots of her phone contacts where sandniggers. Lots of fun can be had if op comes back. White knights telling her made no difference
Honestly hope you get fucked in the ass by a fucking nigger
Hope you get AIDS while being fucked by a nigger in the ass
hey guys this is this thread's OP
I'm gonna go offline for some time
don't fuck this up
continue this thread please
blaim this guy for stealing/finding his phone.
Are you me?

Ayyyyy lmaooo
her* and dubs
Nope gone to deep I ainy getting involved might random add her cause I'm a chad and post her fb fallout from this but then I might somehow be involved she might tag me in a status and ruin my social life
Dude, i was the one who suggested the MEGA thing, i know all about this shit, but youre right, white knights are losing their times and also exposing themselves kek
Welp, since faggle Mcgee started messaging her we might as well just spam her till ahe deletes her FB and Twitter
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This, lets do it kek
Have messaged her with link to this thread plus screen shots. Fucking virgin basement dwelling neckbeards . Leave the poor girl alone.
Should we be starting more threads to start a small happening to entice the original op to come back.and post the MEGA
nice try last online 3 weeks ago on fb
give it back to the respectful owner
Who said I messaged her on Facebook. Some of us have real friends that we call or text.
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Fucking kys you stupid fucking whiteknighting nigger
And she's gonna say thank you and a wee smiley emoji and never talk to you again be cause you're an ugly loser fuck who's stopping us real men from getting nudes so losers like you can get off. Go fuck you're mum
And bullshit
Well done leaving your number behind
Lol real men don't leave in their mums basement, frothing at the mouth over nudes. Real men are out there in the outside world getting laid.
Is that a blackbelt for sucking cock?
dubs appear 44
She has a new phone dumb ass.
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How do you wanna text or call her nigger op got the phone top kek
Keke guess who cops go to straight away when this all blows up when original op returns and this shit goes viral.

No good deed goes unpunished and he has given me my incentive

G8 B8 M8

Please remove yourself.

He says, posting to 4chan
Let's just rek this fag instead ?
BTW original op just fucking with this guy. Cops ain't getting involved this ain't ncis just post that mega and don't fuck around. BTW if he makes a new thread would someone link it here
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>Lol real men don't leave in their mums basement, frothing at the mouth over nudes. Real men are out there in the outside world getting laid
Go for it, you spotty nerd.
youre why 4chan is gay now
Op has her phone with his number
She has a new phone you brainless virgin.
His number I meant
4chan has always been gay.
Wow newfags are feeling brave today.
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her brother looks like a faggot
You're friends with her in real life fuck dude you're a loser I can imagine how much of a dork you are. She has very little contacts on if op delivers let's see what we find you fat dork
Haha try oldfag noob
her bro is a /b/ tard
OP is her bro, got her number trolling us KEKEKEEKEKEKEKKEEKEKE
4chan is a pedofile website u dumbfuck.
to be honest he looks like /b/tard
this is a disgusting violation of personal rights do the right thing
So wide of the mark
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oh shit
Yeah your attitude towards the site and its occupants, favoring a girl you dont know defiantly suggests that, oldfag newfag your still a cunt.
Is that you Bret you sister fucking serial killer
I have done, she is getting the police involved.

your welcome fgts

thanks homie
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I think this guy from her friends is the spoil sport in this thread Bros
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this is her if youre asking
That shit was posted already you moron
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Yeah sure bro
This pic wants to be a meme so bad
Oh Pepe my guide and saviour, how I worship thee
another facebook with her name and same location, got it from her brother

put https facebook infront of it
Yeah I don't click on you're poisoned links witch
then search it in her brothers fb
I guess you will have to wait and see. Besides I doubt anyone on here will have the balls to release nudes etc. As soon the cops get mentioned you all shit yourselves.
mom and dad
Virus klaxon
you guys are retarded
Is it really her brother doing it show proof so I can leave
fuck you nigger
Most of them will be too busy jerking off over the fact a picture of a girl had been posted to actually do anything.
Someone meme her jerking him off KNOW!
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"when yo girl jerks you off under the table"
Fuck man. Lots of fags on Facebook.
someone do it

The autistic rage from all the NEETS who love to destroy lives will be better than the rage youll get from one chick.
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I'm dying guys help
Nerd rage is hilarious.
SJW for animals. It's even worse than being a SJw for people. Like. Wow
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>tfw this is the closest 99% of this thread has gotten to a female in months.
keep being sour fag
and post it on her timeline.
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Why can't people realize you can be a normal guy yet still think this is gonna be hilarious cause there an asshole

Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

She has spoken do what you all.most

Keep fighting the good fight, virgin.
Substitute ever in for months and you would be spot on.
The fact you still use virgin as an insult shows you have never touched a woman you knob gobbling bitch
Funny how none of you have figured out who I am yet. I have not been rekt yet.
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Yeah I think her brothers trolling us guys

The fact you still think of virgin as an insult and not just a fact about yourself is pathetic.

You'd know that already, if you weren't such a virgin.
Also funny how all the neckbeards have gone quiet after the police were mentioned.

Hello Tyler
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>Posting white supremacist memes

smh fam
So very very wide of the mark. Try again nerd.
old op gave their home address it isnt her brother
>cus its hard to give a fake address..
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I love it when intelligence shines through brother

45 minutes


How fucking new are you?
>implying trips aren't something to get excited over
we have mild admiration, not stand up clapping and wooping like Americans.
Got 666 earlier in thread no one said shit faggot and I prophecied a happening with this
Who's starting it next thread is where the happening will happen
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home sweet home
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make a part 3 this thread will 404 in 30+ more replies, the OP who did this thread left an hour ago

also check these dubs
Make bread
I'm a new fag and can't link threads I don't deserve honour
>braging about trips
Newfags bring the happenings and the trips old timer, someone start the fucking thread
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so this is their house aparently
Bump for new thread
Someone pls tell me what's happening

original op here, I'm back
op delivers
Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 57

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