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Waifu thread Previous: >>704525970 The rules are very

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 151
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Waifu thread
Previous: >>704525970

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Naps are great
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>thunderstorm making my night more fun
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Its all uphill from here. That being said she is being punished well without striking and we hope she is learning from it.
Is... is that what I just heard?

Inb4 lolno

Might even be past that, who knows~

They weren't actually that bad. I had a few and they were a tad awkward compared to normal ones, but they were still perfectly usable.

Nah, San Diego area. Fuck living that far north! I've seen LA Heat first hand, and my unprotected wrists will never forget it!

Security, night shift, there's very little to do other than tell homeless people to shoo.

I see no T&C!

But I'm not tired yet!
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It kind of is, normally helps me sleep but it isn't this time
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Syndra [94].jpg
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You just missed it.
Now sign it, its a good deal.

You can atleast try.

3% battery
Might disapear after this.
I really dont expect it but Im hopeful.
ok so youll use the mad catz?

try az heat its nice mid summer that 114 degree weather

that doesnt sound so bad

well im going to sleep goodnight everyone

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Yep, and now rain out of nowhere. No mention of it on forecasts. Fuck I just got spooked by one near my window. My ears fuck.
Well shit. Sorry Kitten.

No dice! I've been taught well by the Jewiest of Elins!

Nah, I gotta be awake in a few hours anyways to open the building up.

RIP Syndra.

Just don't give them electronics!

Nuh uh.

>Mid summer
It's like that around mid summer here too. Thank god it's more towards fall now.


I see none. Although it would make for a shitty ride home considering my window situation...
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It's whatever I guess

Just gonna try to not fall asleep during classes today
Yep, lots of it now. No warnings
Maybe if you get more tired near class time, try and take a quick nap at least?

Still see nothing.
>Went up to double check on windows and such
>Driver window, up
>Passenger window.... worked, and went up a tad further than before
Hana Song
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Dumbest fucking thread ever.

Fuck everyone in this thread.
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You hear the thunder though right?
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If I fall asleep before school I'll more than likely sleep all day

And there's no time in between classes for me to rest my eyes
Hear it, and see the light against the street outside.
>Tfw the lightning is throwing ALL 8 elevators into error modes for various amounts of time if they strike close enough

Hmmm, that's no good at all then...
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Next time when it's not raining I'm just gonna lie down and look at the stars
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That's scary for the elevators, I didn't know they did that.
>smell the burnt air as one struck near my home
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Saya 081.jpg
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Claiming best girl
When you come down, we can do that while driving through the back roads!

Oh, they do! It's my first time seeing it happen though. It's pretty trippy!
>I guess you're smelling the

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That sounds pretty nice

Please for the love of god don't fucking murder me while we're out
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Bạn không thích họ?

I woooon't! No drifting with passengers unless it's Nonon or Maki!
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That's a good song to race down a highway with. Imagine being stuck on one of them because of the lightning.

Howdy ho!
I actually found this to be one of my recent favorites when it comes to highway driving!
I just used an elevator to go check my car windows and such... shit was spoopy.
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That still doesn't answer the question
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And you think you found the bag
You're getting weaker and your knees begin to sag
In the corner playing dominoes in drag
The one and only Madame Joy.
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I'd be fine with drifting and shit

I just don't want you to fucking kill me on purpose
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don't fall into the abyss.png
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Good morning.
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RoadHog best 2016
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I always look for more music to indulge in.
Loving the berserk OST.

What is there for me to not like? Sorry I didn't answer, doing three things and forgot.
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Alice 36.jpg
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Good morning
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When you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you.
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That's scarey, but i'm a little dubious of that.
Good morning, both of you.
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Thunderstorms, and what might you be doing?
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Alice 41.jpg
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Good morning Shizuru. Have you been to sleep yet?
Or embrace it
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actually zangoose.jpg
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Indeed. How're you?
Doing good?
Thats autistic as fuck and I hope you had a real cold shower after that
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Nope nope! How's your morning going?
Yeah, pretty good. How about you?
Why would I do that on purpose, Kitten?

Well you know me, I'm the master of

Oh, are you now?
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happy walk.jpg
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I just had a cold shower.
Trying to make it a good day, despite school.
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Alice 34.jpg
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Sleepy, I just woke up so I'm lounging around in bed still. I don't need to leave for school for over 2 hours yet
See above. I'm feeling like of queasy though
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Good Morning
Hi qt blonde tug boat.
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I don't know

I'm just paranoid about shit a lot
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I actually like thunder. Nothing much, reading berserk and listening to some music.

I'll leave the guessing to you, am i underestimating you, overestimating Mizore, or am i right to be skeptical?
I see. I hope you the best of luck
Ah that's a bummer. Think getting a snack, maybe some breakfast, might help?
Good morning Shino. How're you?
I'm a tug boat now?
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Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.
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Not for this kind of feeling. Super bloated I guess it's a better term? I'm not sure
You're probably a tug boat because you're a small bote I guess?
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Alice 39.jpg
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Oh cool, head guy is back
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I'm alright. I gotta be somewehere in 45 mins jus figure i'd say hi. yes you're a little tug bote.
Just gotta relaaaax Kitten! You know I wouldn't hurt you on purpose.

Here ya go, Nonon! Have 1 fr the Money, 2 for the Show!

Well, I made Mizore turn into putty in my hands. So you tell me~
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Head 4.jpg
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Should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee?
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where's my candy.jpg
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Ah. I just had a shower and going to school in twenty minutes.
Thank you. Nice image.
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Ah, I thought you meant "making my night better" sarcastically. And yes, thunder is a nice sound.
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Ahh i see. That's a bummer.
Ah, going anywhere interesting?
Well that doesn't seem so hard, i can't help but imagine Mizore gets all squishy the second you.... Maybe i'll cut the details
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Alice 31.jpg
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I don't really like coffee, but you probably shouldn't kill yourself. How many heads do you have now? Have you made more since lust time?
Maybe I should go take a shower. Do you live close to your school?
It usually passes fairly quickly, it happens in the mornings sometimes so I'm used to it
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I mean, it's kind of in walking distance. About two and a half miles, but I take the bus.
Make that three actually.
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The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame
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Head 5.jpg
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Why shouldn't I kill myself? Having a coffee makes as much sense as suicide. Both are inherently meaningless acts, you drink the coffee, you finish the coffee, you pull the trigger you die. Both are ultimately the same thing. I have 26 heads, I have many more blocks to carve, but am in a painting right now.
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Mmmm. I'll take two for the show!
This song makes me hype
>used it for some ds3 pvp after work yesterday

It's great, until one nearly tears your ear drums because it struck near your window.
Oh, I think squishy is the last thing that happens to Mizore~

Are we having our digits checked?

It has an interesting sound to it, for sure.
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Alice Hug.jpg
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That's super close,I wish I was that close to mine. It's about an hour and a half by bus for me
If you kill yourself, you're dead though. You will never be able to do anything else again. How is the world of a painting?
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no not really, i'll be back in a hour

nice trips fgt.

have a good day!
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I know, but you saying that won't stop me from being paranoid about it
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jar of cookies.jpg
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Sounds fine.
Thanks. Good day to you too.
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Well, hopefully you'll feel better sooner rather than later.
What're you up to today, Miho? Anything?
>Poor Mizore. I'm sorry...ish.
I imagine that it goes back and forth, really.
Ah, alright i suppose. Well have fun, if it's at all appropriate.
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Head 6.jpg
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What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Barren as the desert.

Are you a pseudo intellectual? You seem like one.
Only stupid people use quotes.
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Or when it kills the retard who puts a aluminum pan on his head
>actually it's god saying he hates retards

Maximum overpanic?
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Alice 37.jpg
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It's seems to be subsiding now, maybe I'd I got up it would help
Invite some paint. I hear they can liven it up like an oasis in the desert
Jesus Christ stop using quotes from people you don't understand. Fucking faggots.
Seems it's a false alarm. Panic averted. Although I should probably open the building in afew minutes anyways.

I'll just have to prove to you that I won't then!

And why are you sorry?
Back and forth? Eh?
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Head 7.jpg
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I don't understand, I overstand.

And only base people make generalizations.
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peace, yo.png
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He was trying to shield himself from hail, give the idiot some slack.
>although in a dumb way
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Alice 40.jpg
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See you later

You're boring and dull.
You're unoriginal.
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I don't know why, but i imagine Mizore... goes off fairly easily. Thus hard, soft cool down, back to hard, ect. ect.
I suppose it'd be pushing the line a bit to go for any kind of confirmation on that suspicion, so probably don't tell me.
Going to work on my truck later. And maybe pull the sound system out of my car.
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Head 8.jpg
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Better to be an unoriginal fool than an original lout.
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...Suddenly i feel like i already asked you. uhg. I'm awful, sorry. I'm up about 4 hours later than i intended.
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Turning and turning in the widening gyre, the falcon cannot hear the falconer. Things fall apart, the center cannot hold, mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.
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I'll keep those words in my head, senpai

It sometimes takes me a while to trust someone, I've been stabbed in the back too many times by a lot of people
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False alarm. Gave me a spook though.
>Pic related.

Let's just say that enough is never enough. Not that it's a bad thing, if I'm in the mood for hours upon hours of it.
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In other news. Someone pick my night cap. First reply ending between 01 and 12 gets to choose that liquor. Will send pic of bottle.
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I mean, he could've used something that doesn't conduct electricity
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Hmm hmm.. That would probably have been my second guess. Lol
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Head 9.jpg
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As a bathtub lined with white porcelain,
When the hot water gives out or goes tepid,
So is the slow cooling of our chivalrous passion,
O my much praised but-not-altogether-satisfactory lady.

I invite nobody anywhere.
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To senpai

I'm gonna try to sleep right now
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Its ok.

Nothing of you is original. You are the combined effort of everyone you've ever known.

You're not unique. You're just some pretentious churl who learned to baheve in society.

You just learned, you never came woth anything original and all you do is using thing you've learned your whole life.
Just a copy of a copy of another copy.
Enjoy being boring.
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It's something he feels bad for though. Understandable, but I don't like Mizore feeling bad about it.

I wish you luck, Kitten!
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Ladies and gents, you are here assembled
To hear why earth and heaven trembled
Because of the black and sinister arts
Of an Irish writer in foreign parts
Bad luck
Worse luck
And if you get 7 its a reroll. 7 is an empty.
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Syndra [267].jpg
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And im back.

Pretty please?
Gotta get 01
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Oh, phew. That's great news, everything is fine now?

True, but what could he have used that was there?
>why did he have a pan?

Sorry, I was watching a historical battle video.
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Hmm. I imagine that's something that some people would -really- enjoy. Can't imagine why he'd be unhappy about it.
Also: >>704552338
How can you say no to a "pretty please"?
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Best waifu claimed, shitty waifus get out of the way
Rerolls are 100% allowed.
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Atra Mixta claimed
Ohohoh, don't make me laugh. That piece of trash? No way. Atra is obviously superior.
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Yep! Engineer walked out of the elevator when it finally got to this floor, said he'll talk to the manager about it so I didn't have to.

Nuh uh, I've been trained for this moment!

He feels it's all he ever thinks about and he feels bad for that.
And it's simple. You just say no.
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Oh hey look it's the cutest person in the universe!
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Syndra [197].png
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>3 off
No, u
Ugh. Well then.
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Maka could slice her soul in half
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Hey there.jpg
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Hey all

Tristana claimed
Oh wow. Can Maka cook or clean?
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Looking in mirrors again I see.

No can do!

Ah, you woke up again? Wonderful!
Then we must be the same person if I'm looking in a mirror
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She can steal your soul
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Come on, whats wrong with it?
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Cool but that wasn't the question.
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>implying I have a soul
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Oh, that's good.
>engineer showed up
Guess the guy was on call?
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Silly Koume, we haven't become one just yet~

The fact I still haven't read the terms and conditions!
Yup. I'm wide awake; I've got classes at 11:00 so I woke up now to be ready.
Did I sleep on you?
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Syndra [142].png
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You did, 2 times in fact.
There was nothing wrong with them.
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best bae rip.jpg
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She probably can't cook luckily I'm a man and I know how to cook she can clean
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Nah, if I remember correctly, they start at 4 AM these days.

Sleep on me? Can't quite say that ya did.

Nooo, in fairly certain I've not yet seen them at all.

Is that a problem, cutie~?

>Rerolling for Drunken Rory
Claiming nobody because I'm undeserving.

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Syndra [166].jpg
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You saw everything!
Just sign it, i swear that there is nothing.
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poppy update someday-1.jpg
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Well aren't you cheeky this morning?
So, how are you doing?
still a better claim than most
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Hmm, i suppose that is rather simple.
Like i said, that strikes me as something that would be viewed as a huge positive to the right people.
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Cause i can.
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I saw nothing! Maybe you just need to show me more~

The cheekiest. And I'm kinda Grandpa is in the hospital, and the doctors don't think he's going to make it to the next night, and are surprised he made it through this night. Car needs a bunch of work done on it. And I'm hungry with nothing but a pack of mini donuts to eat. How bout you?

Oh, but I do believe you are!

I guess he just hasn't found those right people irl yet. And being from a rural place, it'll be tough to find those people to begin with.

Try 2008.
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Syndra [271].png
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Fine, just hurry up and sign it.
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Oh boy, that is so early. I could never do a 4am job like that.
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. It really reeks that went one thing goes south, a dominoe effect has to come.
Hospital said the same for my pops but he's still alive and a year past his "passing". He'll make it bro :)
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Sorry Goyim, I don't think that's quite enough. I'm still not sure what I'm signing.

Eh, it's not so bad. Can't be worse than a 11 PM job.

The car was pure dominoe effect. The key to the ignition to the cylinder to the doors to the light to the radio. On the bright side, all that failing somehow made my passenger side power window start working again.
My grandpa was just kinda sudden. I got a call and a text from my dad and aunt about 4 hours ago just a few hours into my shift.
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take the chanse already, you will love it
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Jeez what a way to receive bad news. Lol I can relate with the spontaneously given news since I received notice after finals week
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Fair enough, i could see that being rather hard.
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You've already answered that question. And I dunno, a sturdy umbrella?
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And if I decide to back out of the agreement early?

Ya. If I wasn't good at handling this kinda stuff, I'd probably be far worse off.

If I could meet him irl, I'm sure I could give him assurance that those kind of people are out there. But pixels on a screen won't be very convincing.
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So is it graveyard shift every workday for you?

Those attract lightning too, with the metal in them.

How do you feel that Re:Zero has ended?
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Remind me to look that up later.
I dont think there will be a reason to do that.
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True. I could see that being a little distressing for him i guess.
If you find it, please send me it too. Lol
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Good thing family didn't raise bo baby, eh necky?
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With the way it ended, pretty pissed.

But I'm happy there's a chance seasonal claimers will shoo
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I think they will. I might consider watching it as seeing how short it is.
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Oh? And why is that?

Yep! And techy?!
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Syndra [176].jpg
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I mean, sure, but there is nothing to dislike and nothing that would make you want to end it.
Now enough questions, sign it.
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I don't even care anymore I miss bern so much.
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