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Waifu thread Claim your waifu No lewds No erp or rp

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151
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Waifu thread
Claim your waifu
No lewds
No erp or rp
>10 minutes before other thread would end
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Alice 28.jpg
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No lewds, I like this rule
>early bake
post lewds slut
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Also komine claimed
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still here
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Disgusted because someone baked a thread instead of you?
Fucking elitist
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filthy early bake
Previous: >>704292370

But you have great taste so it's ok
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Saya lewd-ish 001.png
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Claiming best girl
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Homura (79).jpg
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We have a 33.33, repeating of course, chance of thread deletion.
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Alice 31.jpg
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Saya, how could you do this
Now this is favoritism which is a gateway ism to elitism
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Our bakers are incompetent, complete and total losers.
why does saya lewds exists
Also she's not a girl
I'm glad i'm on my way to becoming part of the elite
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Nope, never heard of it. Should I check it out?
Thats not komine
I voted Hillary
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And some of them, I assume, are good people.
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Homura (103).png
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>I'm glad i'm on my way to becoming part of the elite
You've been here for long enough to be one.
Aren't you german
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Syndra [106].jpg
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No one asked you, elitist
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Saya did-I-do-wrong 001.jpg
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KyoukoSaya (6).jpg
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Post Kyouko saya 1
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KyoukoSaya (1).jpg
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Why do you call sachi by her family name desu ka?
Have I?
You thought saya was a girl
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HomuMad (1).jpg
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Alice 34.jpg
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It's okay, I believe you can resist the call of the lewd
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Not directly. I'm from Austria. Ya know, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Hitler and shit. I speak german but I'm not german until the next anschluss.

Surprisingly though our Radio music is full of English Songs. Only a few german ones.
For example:
OutKast - Rose
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. or Clinton Eastwood
Depeche Mode
etc etc
only a few german ones are in the radio. Never heard of the antwoord maybe if you could recommend me a song?
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Am I an elitist yet?

The purest form of love
>no lewds
Fucking casuals
Because your sachi and I'm komine
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Baby's On Fire
>Clinton eastwood
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>demoted to bronze 4

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Shiki 0867.png
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Best type moon claimed.
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>Realising the mistake I made
oh fuck me

Clint Eastwood

heh, made me giggle.
The music is better than the actual music video or lyrics. But all in all it's not what I like.
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weren't you at bronze 5 at one point?
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Whats Wombo?
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Nui claimed
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I climbed just two days ago, and now I'm dropping again ;-;
My dick is hot
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Saya 065.jpg
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LoL is bad for you, mmkay.
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well what champs are you playing?
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せんりつ の たつまき claimed
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Fair enough Komine-chan
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My little loving Tiger.jpg
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Still here
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You're just a bad player.
"It's not me, it's my teammates!!!!!!"
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Eru Claim!
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This happened, took like half an hour or so.

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Kyouko (39).png
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One day you're gonna leave to buy cigarettes and never come back, it can't work.
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Saya 066.jpg
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What is that?
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Alice 33.jpg
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>lovely princess Alice
I approve
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Togame would never do that.
A slut AND a shitty player?
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See? The Chinese love me!
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Lucian, Jhin, and Ezreal bot

Olaf, Irelia and Jax top

Graves and Jarvan jungle
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Ay lmao
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Oh hey it's Mystic eyes of depth perception. Doing good?
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Hi Fran ^^
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Brave Frontier, I was doing a rather difficult mission
>you should try it out

Flat chest and probably scene with short hair. I approve so hard.
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HomuMad (33).jpg
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You're an instigator, that's quite an important quality to become an elitist.
They don't call her "Long" for nothing.
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Don't be mean
>newfags conversing about what they think makes said newfags elitists
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Yuuki (0).png
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Reminder that being old doesn't make you an elitist.
Reminder that caring about your reputation on the internet is pretty cancerous.
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Evening Fran

>implying it's not just for shit and giggles
Hey eru!

Hey homou
Hi chen
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Why shouldn't I?
Thats my job
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Happy Eru.png
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Yuuki ^^
How goes it? I just finished pouring concrete for a flag pole.

I miss the old /waifu/, straight from the 4chan
I hate the new /waifu/, the "cute" mood /waifu/
The always hugbox /waifu/, spaz in the news /waifu/
I miss the rude /waifu/, chop up the trpcodes /waifu/
I gotta say, at that time I'd like to claim in /waifu/
And now I look and look around and there's so many /waifus/
I used to love /waifu/, I used to claim in /waifu/
I even had the high quality pic
I thought I was /waifu/
What if Chen made a song, about /waifu/ ?
Called "I Miss The Old /waifu/," man that would be so /waifu/
That's all it was /waifu/, we now hate /waifu/
And I hate /waifu/ like people hates Chen
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Saya 067.jpg
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If Swain mid and Nasus top work like they used to ~year ago, it shouldn't be too hard to carry whole team to at least silver 1.

What is that Brave Frontier thing? Spoon feed me please.
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Yuuki (2).jpg
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What's up Eru!
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HomuMad (18).jpg
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My mom said I'm an elitist, I trust her.

Hey Fran.
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absolutely lewd.png
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very lewd
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Heya Eru!

Brave Frontier is a free mobile game on the typical gacha basis. You don't need to pay win but you can be sure you'll need to farm a bit.
Also you need RNGesus on your side cuz it's a Gacha type Game.
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Your kitties are so precious, I want to love them forever

I just got done with a DnD game

Might play more of my promos in league soon

How are you?

Should be getting all the foils for my Merieke deck soon
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adcs are fine. olaf and irelia need to go i dont see them doing too well in most games until really late. graves ehh my problem is he doesnt bring the utility a lot of teams need because no one wants to play those engage champs. but thats just my opinion.
Yeah alright, came home from the library and just slept/watched random movies rest of the day.
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Brave Frontier is a mobile (or computer if you have Windows) and is a strategical line RPG game. You, the summoner, are called to Grand Gaia where the God of the gate "Lucius" has called upon you. Your acquaintances, Karl, a male, and Seria, a tsundere, assist you in your journey with a goddess that basically dotes on you. Summon, defeat the god of the land, and move forward. Create your story and feel the salt. Because this game is all the fucking salt.
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Not just you. They're so cute. Lovely. Adorable.
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Thinkin about hopping on Warframe to farm for Frost Systems, I got my Trinity frame baking though ^^
How goes it?
Nice, league promos sound cool. DnD is also pretty cool, I wish I had more time to play, but most of my time is spent doing homework/dicking around so there isn't a lot of it left.
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Not to mention that our kids would probably get brain tumor anyway

I had the chance to get a Shiki figure this morning, but I didn't have enough cash money on me sadly

Weebcons can be fun
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HomuMad (22).jpg
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My mood keeps getting better and better.
I have all the mods I want in Skyrim, now comes the sad part where I have to remove them until there are no incompatibilities left.
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Diana Unf.jpg
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>Not wanting to be womyn and have your waifu's babies
Fucking casuals.
Also claim
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Cool hope you had fun! What movies did you see?

>Finally on the New York
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Your waifu looks like an sjw questioning her gender identity
Your waifu is literally the worst gun ever.
Oh yeah your mom told me about how much of a pussy you are.
Insubstantially pussy was what I was smashing. To be precise I was having a bout of intercourse with your mother
Your waifu is seasonal normieshit. Best Re:Zero is Ferris.
Well you know, If I attack you your little elitist buttbuddies will team up on me
Your waifu is an abomination of nature
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KyoukoChibi (3).jpg
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>High School level insults
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Yuuki (31).jpg
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I still need to try it, I got BF4 installed with the DLC too
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is this a waifu thread?
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~~almost as cute as you~~

I will soon have much less time

Poor dude

>Abomination of nature

I think you mean improvement
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I know right?
I want Tifa to make me have a huge tummy from the twins
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As you can see I'm able of ban evading.
I got a cat tree for my two kittens. Two meters in height. Now they're able to climb on my bunk bed. I'm looking forward to sleep cuddling with them.

>in case you didn't see them yet, have a pic of said kittens

The Point of Chara is that they can be depicted as whatever the player wants them to be. If they want Chara to be a genderqueer demon kin or whatever tumblr can come up with, Chara is that.

Also welcome to waifu

Yes it is, welcome back Esdeath

Nope, they're cuter
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Give me a rating
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Cirno claim

>No lewds
But, I want Cirno to grind herself all over my face, filling both my nose and mouth with her love.
I wouldn't even mind if she pissed on me when she came. I'm her baka, always

Fuck, I'm really just into this today.
There's no helping it.
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Shiki 0389.jpg
3 MB, 4923x4923
What kind of faggy con requires cash
>denbts counter
oh right.
You don't have to come up with excuses, there's just no denying how perfect Shiki is.
It was alright, I rewatched knk5, finally saw the new Star Wars and getting ready to watch a less known movie called Pontypool.
I can erp as cirno with you anon~
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>Finally saw the new star wars
You mean episode 4 :^)
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This community keeps getting worse every day
Oh hey es

>Cuddling with them as you sleep

You lucky bitch

Nah, you're qter
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mandatory cc claim

mumble mumble im the shit
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Fishing Master.jpg
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>Worst gun ever
Not true! She works sometimes. That and she's an amazing raifu, she's very kind and sweet, she tries really hard even though she's not super reliable, she tries to be there for her friends and in the end, she's actually pretty reliable despite her jamming and breaking.
Nice, Battlefield looks fun, never tried it though cause Origin.
>Ew, origin.
Its a shame when you run out of time for things you kinda wanna do.
Cute! I have a kitty who looks like that.
>Ban evasion
And yet you come back every fucking day you fucking faggot
Such is life on /b/, stay and suffer, or leave and be turned into a Meme.
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No I'm still waiting for that, this was just a lazy remake.
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People from /waifu/ who play this game:
Larua (me)
Chara (maybe)

Right here, right now, try and point out a flaw about my waifu.
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You wouldn't say that if they slept in your lap.

I now have three cats who look like that. All three black with yellow eyes. And all of them female.
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1 MB, 2400x2800
omg a cat give it kisses and hugs from esdeath

oh thank goodness

hi frantasic i saw your manga in a store today
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Kyouko (32).png
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Nice fish.

Can't do much about it.

Not him but I don't like her pants.

She's cute though.
What's Pontypool?
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Saya 068.jpg
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I try to avoid salt

Shouldn't play adc if you want to carry bronze-silver alone. Much easier with top/mid/jungle.

Lies, you can never have all the mods you want in Skyrim. You can always find something more.
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Yuuki (55).jpg
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Yeah, Origin sucks. The game itself is good though, and I got it for cheap with all the DLC so I'll overlook Origin
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I used to
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Yeah Shiki IS pretty much the spitting image of God herself.
Don't get me started with Tomoko. Please don't.
Frankenstein's Monster is an abomination of nature
>elitism level comebacks
Don't trigger me.
Jamming and breaking isn't reliable.
Chen is absolutely perfect. Don't fuck with her.
Here comes a swarm of heresy
Depth perception is a flaw about her
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My classes should be pretty interesting though!

Can't wait for them to pick up
~~what if you tested your head in my lap?~~

Did you buy it?

Because you should
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i know she is great
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eh, it is tempting...

But, TBH, IDK.

I appreciate the offer, though
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hey akame how are you?

no i got akame ga kill zero
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Cute. My black cat is needy as shit, but she's nice, and cuddly.
Eru is a fishing master!
I'd overlook origin if it wasn't worse than Uplay. I can stomach Uplay.
No, but she is helpful and during one episode, came through at the end to save her friend and win the tournament, even though M16 was being a dick to her, she still came through to prove that she was useful/reliable.
Despite the L85A1 not being reliable, Eru herself is very motivated to help her friends.
>Meanwhile my classes have devolved into writing small papers and fucking around.
Its great.
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>He said elitism again
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Well I wouldn't call it a con actually, it was too unorganised to do so, even though I just did 2 post ago, It was like a small little building that housed it at the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair, which I know sounds kind of fancy but it's not really, and there were very few people there, but they were selling weeb stuff and I was buying, so hey works well for me.

I still need that rating
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>accusing someone of heresy
>accusing someone of being an elitist
are you chill or are you not?
or are you just some salt which enjoys wasting its time?
I'm sorry, the way I'm writing right now is kind of subpar and obnoxious
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She is built much better than a human: incredibly smart, nearly unkillable, interchangeable body parts, and a total qt


Also nice
>right now
Yeah right. Also Yuuko is asking for you.
2008 canadian zombie movie, just randomly saw it in a /tv/ thread and decided to check it out.
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Yuuki (137).png
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I hate them both honestly. If I buy the game through Steam, why do I need a second program to play it??
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It's two kittens and will do.

Make me stop
I could do that.

Mine are too. I love them. So cuddly and lovey dovey with me.

Story Time right out of RimWorld:

>Anon is tasked to hunt a boar
>Shoots several times and misses
>Accidently hits a Warg
>It howls in Pain and charges at Anon
>Another Warg hears the cry and also comes to help attack Anon
>Luckily Colonists heard the howl too, are coming for backup
>Anon and Branwell shoot one Warg dead and incapicate the second one
>Emmo comes along, with a knife
>We need to kill the Warg, after all it would want revenge
>Plus we can use it's meat to make food
>Warg is not dead yet
>Emmo gets to work
>She doesn't stab it to death
>She cuts off all four of its legs and then stabs it to death
What a fucking Psychopath
>That image
Shiki looks like she's gonna kill someone
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Then this game probably isn't for you. Most of the salt comes from summoning or the game being flawed, not much else

And I only have one of them added
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>I don't like her pants.
That's not quite the response I expected.
>I reinstalled namesync onto the new computer, you don't need to worry about that.

Only because of a nanomachine experiment gone wrong that was actually supposed to help her pilot an IS machine better.
>How can one not like these beautiful eyes?

>Past tense.
What made you quit?
>Also Chara used to, but I don't remember what they said on the matter and that's why I have them down as maybe.
Can see pantsu
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Oh shit no.
Must resist roasting this autismo.
Exactly what elitist do when someone makes a valid point.
They pull the ol' (You) meme.
But I'll stop attacking someone with a beautiful waifus suxhw as Kyouko
Of course she is
She's basically the Edgedeath of type moon
>nearly unkillable
>what is fire
>what is fuckshitup slugs
Utter shit
Ooh, the elitist is getting riled up.
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Kyouko (23).jpg
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>I reinstalled namesync onto the new computer, you don't need to worry about that.

Oh, goodie.

Exactly what retards do when someone makes a valid point.
They pull the ol' elitist meme.
But I'll stop attacking someone with a beautiful waifu such as Kyouko

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I just realized... 3 years ago I made a creepypasta with a main character named Fran. She was a zombie.

This was before I even got into anime and LONG before I knew about "Franken Fran"

Fucking weird.
For you, a copy of my shitty narration and MS Paint drawing Creepypasta
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Yeah ^^
>Also I have a lab class which is kinda fun
>But its Micro-biology, tedious as fuck
True, its just another way for Ubishit to force its way into your ass.
Yo though, I had some fucked up shit happen in Rim World.
>Colonists get raided
>Down the raider
>Capture him
>Colonist named York goes in to feed him/talk to him.
>Proceeds to beat him with a club until he passes out.
>Puts him in the bed
What the fuck.
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pretty dull thread to be honest
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>Yuuko is asking for you
That's unfortunate then.

You're phoning it in, put some effort into it
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haven't done sachi yet :o
How are you?
>The Edgedeath of type moon
Rip shitposter Kyouko
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nothing special how are you?
I had some pretty strong units and it took forever to evolve them. I got tired of being limited by daily energy and specific day dungeons.
Yo Shiki
Laura, whatsup?
What the hell is a Warg?
Fran the Man
Hey elitist :^)
Hey Closed Captionings

Well that way it wouldn't escape

In the manga, she has survived much worse, such as this

Hell, she cut her self in half a different time to fit through an air duct

Decapitation only slows her down

Oh shit

Only lab I have is basic chem

Oh, and Biomed engineering
So Fran is a mary sue
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Yuuki (6).png
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Assassin's Creed 4 was great though

Sachi youre so lame dude
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>Ooh, the elitist is getting riled up.
im starting to think your bipolar.
could you answer my question, and another question.

what should i get to drink?
i'll go get it what ever it is, im just thirsty and dont want water.

hey natural disaster,
what should i get to drink
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huh kyouko why you mad at me?


im fine just resting after that mall walk
mine actually existed :)
Fuck you retard
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giphy (1).gif
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Oh, I don't play anymore. Can't get my account back with just google play account and I don't plan on starting it again.


Kek, RimWorld is amazing. Sometimes they make such dumb shit and you just have to think up a story for it

>Had a fatso clean inbetween a crossfire
>Fucker had so much luck he didn't get hit by a stray bullet
He cleaned up every bloodstain

You ask me? It looks like a bigger wolf with a hunchback.

There are also creatures like Thrumbos. It's a sci fi world

>Decapitation only slows her down
If Fran wouldn't be a doctor she would be fucking horror material.
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Kyouko (29).jpg
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It's not me.
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ouch. why do you hate me?
u r waifu a slut
and so r u
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>Oh shit
Tell me what you think when you watched it.
Hi fake Tats.
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Neat ^^
I can't do chemistry, its really tedious and I get a headache thinking about it.
I've only played 1&2, I liked them though.
>Mfw all my colonists except one die, he's bleeding out though.
>Random wanderer shows up
>She takes my colonist in and takes care of him
>I'm now writing a love story based on the events.
Its great.
>Also he hunts with hand grenades.
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Yuuki (45).gif
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2 is my favorite, I love Ezio
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how far was it?
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How lovely!

I have a new mad animal now.
A mad tortoise. A fucking man hunting tortoise
Slowest Threat ever. A day has passed and it's not even close to my houses
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we talking about ac?
brotherhood is my fav,
ezio is amazing and there is so much for you to do
>Both threads were made at the same time.
What do?

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