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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 200
Thread images: 151
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floof and stuff
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nice dubs :O
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Krystalmightbemywaifu Mosaic03.jpg
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Славься, отечество.
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send death please
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I see. I somehow recognize the character. But from where I'm not certain.
Avian ends with 4004 and you end with 444
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The one with the gold eyes... yeah

Yeah... it's still an uncomfortable thing for me and really one of the only things that still manages to get me feeling something. Even if it's anxiety.

Fuck I really need that beer right now but I'm out

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I'm sure death will find you when they're ready
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Sorry, man. I didn't mean to make you feel bad.
death sure likes to take their own sweet time in the shower, then
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post some
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It's fine man, you don't need to apologize.

You didn't do anything, it's just one of those things. If you had asked me, I would do the same.

I might go get a beer in a little bit, or something. I need to calm the nerves. Maybe I should go for a run or punch a wall
I'm trying to verify the eroticism of these pumpkins, but I keep getting a 500 error.
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I like the way death is depicted in some symbolist artwork
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Whatever makes you feel better, man.
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breathing exercises have afforded me some relief when I have an anxiety attack
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Thanks man

I'm working on that right now
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I wish I could give you hug. And I wish I knew you guys in person. I just want to make everyone feel better.
Including yourself?
says the guy who thinks that his silicon ass stick is more important than someone elses death
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No, myself excluded. I don't live to make myself happy, but others.
And what if others would be happy because you are happy?
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You've been saying you're going to kill yourself for two years now. It's a classic case of crying wolf. Why should I believe you? You obviously live for the attention otherwise you wouldn't be addressing it currently.

Then I would say I can't do that. I have before, and will continue to.
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Thank you, I would appreciate that. It's not often I feel stuff but this is one of those times.

Honestly I don't think there's a lot that can make it better, I doubt it will ever be. But thank you.
I usually only like the reaper when used to depict untimely death, such as during war. Death has always otherwise seemed a peaceful and comforting thing, to me at least
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Well I can damn sure try. And if you ever want to talk about something I'm always here for you. I would be grateful to listen and do my best to cheer you up.
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I actually never specified when until now.

For me it feels like something legislated.

Like taxes.

Death and taxes.
Love sucks, and losing it will fuck you up for the rest of your life.

Sure, you'll find it with others, but it will never be the same.
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And you expect me to believe you?
Please dont self kill.

Have you been told what service you are to enter into? or is it your choice?
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You believed me when I said I loved you.

No, and I don't want to know, and I don't want to care.

I am in a dark hallway and I am using my flashlight only to illuminate as much ground as I need to take the next tiptoe forward. I dare not see what lies at the end of the hall.
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When did you ever say that? And I can guarantee you I didn't because if I even did I completely forgot.
ooh, kemo is good. Keep it coming.
Will you please tell us when you find out?
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That just shows how little you care for me.
Keep pressing forward, there is rest at the end for all of us, and you may yet find some light before you get there
Same answer. I don't know, I don't want to know, and I don't want to care.
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And that's obviously what you want, right?
I don't know what I want.
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But you will know, and we, who care about you would like to know too.
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That much is obvious.
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Thanks man

Maybe this week sometime but I need to go work this out before I do something fucking stupid

If I'm back I'll be back in half an hour otherwise I'll see you tomorrow

Don't remind me. I already hate myself and everything enough.

Nothing has been the same since that day. The one in 2010 and the one last year. My life is empty and meaningless.
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I will tell you if and when I find out.

Just keep in mind that I don't want to find out.
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>My life is empty and meaningless.
Except for silicon pleasure toys apparently

fucking degenerate
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I'm sorry to have caused this, even if unintentional. If you're back or not, just know that you're a good person and a good friend and I wish the best for you. So try to keep your chin up for me, and yourself most of all.
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Alex, shut the fuck up. Normally I don't say seriously, but don't be an insensitive cunt.
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*say that
I need to sleep.
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For once I'm not joking. I love you guys, really, but acting like a dick when someone is hurting is really cruel. So stop trying to edgy, it isn't funny.
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Oh, so I'm edgy and insensitive.
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I don't think he's trying to be edgy, prob just feels a bit snubbed after that little suicide/sextoy/attentionwhore exchange
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Charles is obviously not happy, and I feel guilty because of it. If you're so autistic that you kick someone while they're down and not realize it then I'll make sure to not talk to you anymore. I may have a really dark and edgy sense of humor, but I still have a very kind and loving heart, and saying shit like that isn't cool.
Thank you.
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Regardless, it's a serious dick move to say shit like that. It bothers me because I care about all of you, even Alex. If I didn't then I wouldn't be saying it because I just want everyone to get along.

Christ I sound like such an SJW right now.
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1. well boo hoo kid
2. Why don't you tell yourself that?
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yes you do because you hate cis pseudo-chink male scum
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What do you mean?
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Maybe when you sober up and can think objectively you'll understand.

For now, put that aside. It's not something worth delving into right now.
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No, I hate friends that act like dicks to my other friends. I care about all of you even if I don't seem like it, so to say something like that bothers me.
Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive myself, but as someone with a lot of empathy and someone who has lived through a lot of shit, I don't like it when others do that. I stand up for people because it's who I am, especially if it's someone else I like. I expect more from them.
Sorry if I'm getting preachy.
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now kiss and make up
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1. saved
2. the only one here whos gay is him not me
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I'm not gay. And I'm not the one who has said he wants to kiss his best friend.
And I'm not the one who posted gfur today.
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1. I have no friends and
2. I have posted no gfur today
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Anyone here read much? I'd be interested to hear what sort of books y'guys like
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Bullshit. Don't act like you didn't say you wanted to kiss your friend. Even with my shitty memory I can remember that. And don't act like you didn't post gfur earlier either.
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I don't know where this shit about kissing friends came about

and I posted gfur yesterday, not today.

that doesnt mean im gay
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Nigger, I very specifically remember you saying you want to kiss your friend some months back "just to kiss someone" or whatever stupid shit.
dangit guys, I wasn't taking a crack at your sexuality, was just trying to inject some levity
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Tell that to Alex.
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perhaps it was my girl friend

i am actually a part time chick magnet at the local walmart

you started this

you must pay

the motherland demands you serve 27 consecutive death sentences and 1 million years gulag

do u accept
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You are a fucking liar. I remember you talking about some guy you've been friends with since like middle school or something. You said you really like him and got along well with him or whatever, and you said you want to kiss him.
Protip: you can't bullshit a bullshitter.
I actually haven't seen anyone from middle school in like 3 or 4 years.
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guess I'm off to Siberia and the mines then
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Whatever. My point is that I very clearly remember you saying you want to kiss some guy you're friends with, so you can't talk shit about me being gay when I'm not.
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Do you think a NEET KV whos not gay would take offense if I did take his first kiss against his will?
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y'all can shit talk me for being gay, I don't mind
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The coldfire trillogy is good.
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Just started the Eye of the Prophet.
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sounds interesting, I love sci-fi/fantasy novels
been way too long since I've read some good fiction really
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There's something about that pic that I just love every time I see it. The way she shakes her ass yet has that facial expression... it does something to me.
I've read a lot over many years and it has the best series ending of anything I've ever read.
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ooh, that's definitely going on my list, you have any thoughts or comments on it so far?
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Hey Draka.
tmi stupid bitch
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Shut the fuck up herm faggot.
It was given to my mother on Valentine's day in 1998.
yeah it's one of my favorites

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I need a fuck.
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who gave it to her?
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Don't ignore me you rancid swine.
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I'd settle for an ass on my face
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Does it have to be a grill's? We could take turns.
My dad gave it to her in her cunt, then I was 4chan
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What the fuck did you just say to me, little man?
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But then who was phone?
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Oh, hey, Dash.
you'd probably enjoy that more than I would, boys are gross
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>little man
its funny cause hes 5'2"
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Meh, boys are okay.

That's the joke you fucking retard. Get off my dick, homo.
there you ALL ARE!!
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John lennon
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Here I all am.
cant here you down their
speak up
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are you there???
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More Nazi
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What is the cause of psychosis?
I tried to have sex, but my mind doesn't work slots, so I was to high up.
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I will chop your legs off then scream your face off. Maybe then you could hear me.
But in all actuality, my voice is pretty deep and powerful for someone my size. A lot of people are surprised when I talk, they say my voice doesn't match my looks.

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The waiting game.jpg
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sharing because that resolution and quality killed my boner
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i likes em chunky
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You didn't do anything wrong, know that.

It's me. It's that pictures of that person just really make me anxious. They shouldn't because they're just pictures but I feel to strongly about them to think logically. And I think that's the way my life will always be. I just love them too much.

But I guess I should be careful what I say, otherwise I might just get it.

I try to keep my chin up, and try to get others to do the same but man, at this point it's just putting on a smile to put one on. It wears me thin. I do the day to day as best I can but I live with knowledge that I will never feel the same about anyone else or likely even have a normal stable relationship, even if it's entirely facetious. What kills me is that they're married and happy.

At least it motivates me to go on run to escape instead of alcohol poisoning. But I'll never be good enough.
I was wondering why it looked like balls
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where is the next pay?
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Chby yumm.jpg
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Very reminiscent of mid-budget late 80s furry films.
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you guys wanna jerk to Goddard the dog?
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i still dont like creepy goat eyes, that shit just aint natural....
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I'm sorry, man. I really don't know what love feels like so I can't give any advice, but personally I'd say to just try to look for others. It's not something that is ever going to change, so keep searching. I'm sure there's someone out there for you. For all you know they could be right in front of you. And thank you very much for sharing, I greatly appreciate it.
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want more of this kind person
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001 sgaw.gif
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And he strikes again
dem r sum lovely chunks anon, thx, i only had a few
damn, limit already?????

needs to be expanded to 1,000 image limit !
Thread replies: 200
Thread images: 151

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